Artist of bulls paintings. Beautiful landscapes from the artist Viktor Bykov

Viktor Aleksandrovich Bykov is a famous Russian landscape painter, the author of many works dedicated to the beauty and lyricism of Russian nature. He was born in 1958 and began painting quite early. After school he entered the Chelyabinsk Art School, which he graduated in 1980. After 8 years, the young artist moves to Moscow to continue his education. From 1988 to 1993, Bykov studied at the famous Stroganovka, now the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry. S. G. Stroganova.

But much more than the dry facts of his biography, his works tell about the personality and talent of the master. As an artist, Viktor Bykov is known primarily for his stunning paintings, which, according to viewers, combine incredible realism and fabulous airiness. The artistic creations of Viktor Bykov attract attention with their rich harmony of colors, freshness and lightness of images, amazing talent and skill in displaying the most diverse moods of nature.

The winter landscapes painted by Viktor Aleksandrovich Bykov are of great interest to the public. Subtly selecting shades, he manages to magically convey the inner emotions of many natural states: the crystal freshness of a snowy morning, the sluggish resistance of the pre-spring frost or the mysterious surprise of a winter evening. The snow in Bykov’s paintings not only smells of cold dampness - the viewer feels its dense texture, the sharp grain of slender crystals... And having melted a little in the sun, the snow mass seems to flow around the tree branches with its elastic weight and merges into white sugar molasses.

With a variety of rich tones, the artist manages to achieve the effect of living paintings: textured thick layers of paint uniquely fall on the canvas, either as a solid mass or as barely connected lines. This contrast in the overall image makes the picture both bright and rich in detail. This technique evokes in the public an enthusiastic feeling of the fabulousness and fantastic nature of the paintings: the abundance of shades is either concentrated in small strokes, or generously spreads out and creates the feeling of a cloud of light. As a result, V. Bykov’s works from a distance have the photographic accuracy of a real landscape, and in their details they seem to be composed of small color fragments.

Paintings by Viktor Bykov are very popular among private collectors from Russia and abroad (some have joined private collections in France and Germany). The works of a talented and original master are in demand in decorative design, creative compositions, and even in the creation of embroidery patterns.

Caucasus Mountains, 2012, oil on canvas. One of the recent paintings painted by the author becomes a wonderful example of how a complex textured picture is created with a soft gradient of simple colors. Thus, the sky imperceptibly moves from carefree absent-mindedness to thick blue, rich concentration of color and clear contrast with snow-capped ridges. With the force of a mountain, a flattened tree also conveys a soft transition of light: the rays, illuminating the trunk, are lost in the dense foliage and from the other edge they already turn into a dark shadow. A painting with a simple plot ultimately creates a rich artistic image that expresses many associations and unique sensory experiences not only of the author, but also of the viewer.

Alley, 2012, oil on canvas. A painting that is small in actual size, as is often the case in the works of Viktor Bykov, creates a mystically rich perspective, visually expanding the space to a fabulous feeling of infinity. Clearly drawn details fade into a diffuse cloud, but the complex composition of shades returns the effect of realism even to distant elements. The painting is reminiscent of the morning coolness with its sun coming into its own. It seems that it is about to awaken the sleepy corners of the alley to the tired autumn rays: they are no longer enveloping hot, but still tenderly warming and dense.

Viktor Aleksandrovich Bykov is a famous Russian landscape painter, the author of many works dedicated to the beauty and lyricism of Russian nature. He was born in 1958 and began painting quite early. After school he entered the Chelyabinsk Art School, which he graduated in 1980. After 8 years, the young artist moves to Moscow to continue his education. From 1988 to 1993, Bykov studied at the famous Stroganovka, now the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry. S. G. Stroganova.

But much more than the dry facts of his biography, his works tell about the personality and talent of the master. As an artist, Viktor Bykov is known primarily for his stunning paintings, which, according to viewers, combine incredible realism and fabulous airiness. The artistic creations of Viktor Bykov attract attention with their rich harmony of colors, freshness and lightness of images, amazing talent and skill in displaying the most diverse moods of nature.

The winter landscapes painted by Viktor Aleksandrovich Bykov are of great interest to the public. Subtly selecting shades, he manages to magically convey the inner emotions of many natural states: the crystal freshness of a snowy morning, the sluggish resistance of the pre-spring frost or the mysterious surprise of a winter evening. The snow in Bykov’s paintings not only smells of cold dampness - the viewer feels its dense texture, the sharp grain of slender crystals... And having melted a little in the sun, the snow mass seems to flow around the tree branches with its elastic weight and merges into white sugar molasses.

With a variety of rich tones, the artist manages to achieve the effect of living paintings: textured thick layers of paint uniquely fall on the canvas, either as a solid mass or as barely connected lines. This contrast in the overall image makes the picture both bright and rich in detail. This technique evokes in the public an enthusiastic feeling of the fabulousness and fantastic nature of the paintings: the abundance of shades is either concentrated in small strokes, or generously spreads out and creates the feeling of a cloud of light. As a result, V. Bykov’s works from a distance have the photographic accuracy of a real landscape, and in their details they seem to be composed of small color fragments.

Paintings by Viktor Bykov are very popular among private collectors from Russia and abroad (some have joined private collections in France and Germany). The works of a talented and original master are in demand in decorative design, creative compositions, and even in the creation of embroidery patterns.

There is not much information about the wonderful Russian landscape artist Viktor Bykov, his biographical information is very scarce, and his personal life is completely hidden. However, lovers of fine art can judge the author’s inner world by his works, because only a person who loves his native land and its nature can create such beautiful paintings.

In the article we will introduce the reader to the well-known facts of the life of Viktor Bykov and present several wonderful canvases painted by the master’s hand. You will have an idea of ​​the drawing technique, the vividness of the image and will feel the author’s spiritual mood, which is clearly visible in each landscape.

Brief information

The artist Victor of a huge number of paintings depicting the Russian forest was born in 1958. From an early age he loved to draw and began to become seriously interested in painting at school. After finishing it, he realized that creating paintings is the only activity that really interests him, that he wants to paint all his free time. The parents also agreed with their son’s choice, so Viktor Alexandrovich entered the Chelyabinsk Art School.

After graduating in 1980, he did not immediately enter a higher educational institution, but only after 8 years of deliberation. For further studies, he chooses the prestigious Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. S. G. Stroganov, for whose sake he moves to the capital.

From 1988 to 1993, Viktor Bykov attended classes and studied with the best teachers in the country, who immediately realized that their student had undoubted abilities. Therefore, already in 1993, for the first time he took part in the exhibition “Young Artists”, which was organized in the capital of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk.

Now the author of the landscapes lives in the area of ​​the Golden Ring of Moscow, in the outback, on the outskirts of a wonderful forest, which is the main inspiration for the artist’s unusually lyrical paintings. Nowadays you can admire his creations at personal exhibitions. Private collectors are interested in his works. The paintings are kept in the Chelyabinsk Museum of Art and Ethnography, in the Stavropol Gallery. Many works were exported abroad, and now they are kept in private collections in Germany, France and America.

Winter forest

Viewers who see the paintings of artist Viktor Bykov for the first time plunge headlong into the magical world of the Russian forest. His landscapes surprisingly combine realism with a kind of fabulousness.

It seems that this is a frame from old Soviet cartoons, and Grandfather Frost and his Snow Maiden are about to ride out on a sleigh, talking animals and a Snowman will appear. This evokes tenderness from childhood memories and literally brings a feeling of lightness and airiness of the image.

With all their hearts, the audience feels the author’s extraordinary love for the beauty of the Russian forest and caring attitude towards the majestic nature. His paintings are filled with light, the freshness of frosty air, and the harmony of winter nature.

White birches

Although most of the artist’s canvases depict pine trees, spruce trees and plane trees, there was also room for the symbol of Russia - the white birch. Oil paintings by Viktor Bykov come to life in front of the viewer. You want to admire the landscapes for as long as possible; it is not at all surprising that collectors are buying up the master’s creations for their private collections.

Images of light trunks are created in the soul, it seems that just recently we were there, walking in the tall grass under the green crowns of forest beauties. The bright grass, as if glowing in the rays of the sun, attracts the eye. A distant perspective of an empty field is visible. It becomes clear that early autumn is depicted, when the foliage is still green, but the harvest has already been harvested and in some places the grass has turned yellow.

The serenity of the paintings

This next picture makes you wonder what time of year it depicts. Under the bright rays of the sun, the entire image glows so much that it seems as if there is snow on the ground.

However, looking higher, you realize that there is still a lot of greenery on the trees. This is the amazing quality of Viktor Bykov - making the picture literally glow, creating a feeling of extraordinary peace in the viewer’s soul.

Play of light and shadow

Part of the picture is still dozing in the twilight, while the other half of the forest is already enjoying the first rays of the sun. The image comes to life right before the eyes of the amazed viewer, who is already waiting for the appearance of the red deer, wanting to bask in the rays of the morning sun.

Even the landscapes depicting a winter forest amaze with their warmth, revealing the author’s positive attitude, his bright feelings and love for the nature of his native land.

The popularity of Bykov’s paintings after a close acquaintance with them is quite understandable, because these are pieces of beautiful nature and a wonderful mood, conveyed by the author with the help of a brush and oil. I want to admire the artist’s creations again and again.

09/19/1950, Saratov

Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1973, Dolgoprudny). Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1998). Doctor of Technical Sciences (2001). Professor of the Department of Microelectronics at MIPT (currently).

From 1973 to 2003 worked at the Research Institute of Physical Problems named after. F.V. Lukina (now State Scientific Center "NIIFP", Zelenograd): engineer, junior. Researcher, Art. engineer, leading engineer, acting head of laboratory, head of department.

Founder and General Director of JSC Nanotechnology MDT (since 1989, Zelenograd).

He led research in the field of molecularly ordered structures. As a result, a method for orienting liquid crystals was developed, used in the production of LCD indicators, a new class of materials was created, and prototypes of screens were created (1985-90).

Led the development of STM-4 (1990), SOLVER (1995), INTEGRA (2004), NANOFAB (2006).

In the process of creating STM-4, new production was mastered. As a result, developed under the leadership of V.A. Bykov analytical and technological complexes include more than 40 probe methods of nanomeasurements and nanotechnological influences.

Author and co-author of more than 160 scientific papers, including 60 applications for inventions and patents. One of the co-authors and leaders of the State Program “Molecular Electronics”. Head of the project “Molecular Nanotechnology” (currently).

Laureate of the Government Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology 2004

Chairman of the Russian Society of Scanning Probe Microscopy, Chairman of the Guild of High Technology and Innovation Enterprises of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Member of the editorial board of the journals “Nanoindustry”, “Nano- and microsystem technology”.

Viktor Aleksandrovich Bykov is a famous Russian landscape painter, the author of many works dedicated to the beauty and lyricism of Russian nature. He was born in 1958 and began painting quite early. After school he entered the Chelyabinsk Art School, which he graduated in 1980. After 8 years, the young artist moves to Moscow to continue his education. From 1988 to 1993, Bykov studied at the famous Stroganovka, now the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry. S. G. Stroganova.

But much more than the dry facts of his biography, his works tell about the personality and talent of the master. As an artist, Viktor Bykov is known primarily for his stunning paintings, which, according to viewers, combine incredible realism and fabulous airiness. The artistic creations of Viktor Bykov attract attention with their rich harmony of colors, freshness and lightness of images, amazing talent and skill in displaying the most diverse moods of nature.

The winter landscapes painted by Viktor Aleksandrovich Bykov are of great interest to the public. Subtly selecting shades, he manages to magically convey the inner emotions of many natural states: the crystal freshness of a snowy morning, the sluggish resistance of the pre-spring frost or the mysterious surprise of a winter evening. The snow in Bykov’s paintings not only smells of cold dampness - the viewer feels its dense texture, the sharp grain of slender crystals... And having melted a little in the sun, the snow mass seems to flow around the tree branches with its elastic weight and merges into white sugar molasses.

With a variety of rich tones, the artist manages to achieve the effect of living paintings: textured thick layers of paint uniquely fall on the canvas, either as a solid mass or as barely connected lines. This contrast in the overall image makes the picture both bright and rich in detail. This technique evokes in the public an enthusiastic feeling of the fabulousness and fantastic nature of the paintings: the abundance of shades is either concentrated in small strokes, or generously spreads out and creates the feeling of a cloud of light. As a result, V. Bykov’s works from a distance have the photographic accuracy of a real landscape, and in their details they seem to be composed of small color fragments.

Paintings by Viktor Bykov are very popular among private collectors from Russia and abroad (some have joined private collections in France and Germany). The works of a talented and original master are in demand in decorative design, creative compositions, and even in the creation of embroidery patterns.