Zebra cake in a slow cooker. Zebra in a slow cooker How to bake zebra in a slow cooker


  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp. (ordinary)
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp (regular)
  • Butter - 150 gr.
  • Sour cream - 200 gr.
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp.
  • Baking powder - 10 gr.

The baked goods always turn out great. I baked sponge cakes in it... everything turned out very well. This time I tried to prepare a zebra pie in a slow cooker for a family tea party. The zebra also turned out good, everyone ate it with pleasure, and barely had time to take the final photo.

Zebra pie in multicooker Polaris 0517 - recipe with photo:

1. Prepare food: 4 eggs, 150 gr. butter, 200 gr. sour cream, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1.5 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. cocoa, a packet of baking powder.

2. Break eggs into a large bowl and add sugar.

3. Beat until foamy. Just beat well, you don't need thick peaks here.

4. Add soft butter and sour cream. Beat again.

5. Add flour to the dough, sifting it first.

6. Knead the dough. The dough should be moderately liquid so that later it does not spread too much during baking and the zebra pattern is not lost.

7. Divide the dough into two equal parts. Add cocoa powder to one of the parts.

8. Mix part of the dough with cocoa. You will get two such contrasting liquid tests.

9. Grease the multi-pan with butter on all sides.

10. Add 2 - 3 tbsp one at a time. dough of different colors. First, pour three spoons of light dough into the center, then carefully add a couple of spoons of brown dough into the center, then pour a couple of spoons of white dough into the center again, etc.

11. You will get something like this.

12. To make this drawing more fun, draw lines with a toothpick (or wooden skewer) from the edge of the pan to the center. Such lines can be made throughout the entire depth of the pie. But you can also just use the top layer.

13. Bake the zebra pie in the Polaris 0517 multicooker, using the “baking” mode. Cooking time 1 hour.

14. In an hour, the zebra in the slow cooker will be ready. Remove the cake carefully using the steam rack.

15. Turn the cake over. Delicious “zebra” can be eaten as is, or you can decorate the top with melted chocolate, honey or powdered sugar.

16. Enjoy your family tea party!

I suggest you try the classic recipe for zebra pie with sour cream, which tastes like something from your childhood. There was probably no housewife who didn’t bake it. Cute, with bright, contrasting stripes, inexpensive for products that are almost always found in every home. It is also very tasty, with a tender and slightly moist texture.

The zebra recipe with sour cream remains one of my favorite homemade pies. If you cut it into a couple of cake layers and layer it with your favorite cream, you will get the already well-known cake. The most interesting thing is that to prepare it you do not need a mixer or blender, but simply mix the ingredients until smooth. Thanks to this, the whole process will take you about 5 minutes, not counting the baking time in the slow cooker.

In my opinion, this is the recipe for the simplest zebra pie, and every housewife should know how to cook it. If you are waiting for guests to arrive, then they will definitely like this treat with a cup of tea or coffee.

Below I will show in detail how to whip up a sweet zebra pie with sour cream, so that absolutely anyone can handle it, even a beginner in the kitchen. I recommend baking it and maybe you will like it as much as our family does. I also advise you to look at the step-by-step one, which is also simple and easy to do, but is baked in the oven.


  • Chicken egg – 3 pcs.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Sour cream 15% – 200 g
  • Wheat flour – 260 g
  • Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp
  • Soda – 1 tsp

How to make zebra pie with sour cream

First, I’ll tell you the recipe for sour cream pie dough. I beat the eggs into a deep bowl and add sugar to them. But add sugar to taste, if you don’t like very sweet baked goods, then one glass is enough for you, and if you like it sweeter, then add 1.5 glasses.

I add sour cream to the bowl with a fat content of 10-15% and no more, since the pie is quite fatty, so we won’t overdo it.

Then I pour a level teaspoon of soda directly onto the sour cream. There is an acid in sour cream that will extinguish the soda, but if you have any doubts, you can additionally extinguish it with a small amount of grape or apple cider vinegar. Next, I add soft butter, and if you have it straight from the refrigerator, you can lightly melt it in the microwave. Twenty seconds is enough and it will become soft, after which I add it to the rest of the products.

I add the flour last and mix everything so that there are no lumps. As a result, you get a smooth, homogeneous dough, similar in consistency to thick sour cream or dough for thick pancakes.

I divide the prepared dough into two parts. Add sifted cocoa powder to one of them and mix until smooth.

As you can see, the step-by-step recipe for zebra with sour cream is very simple. After this, I grease the multicooker bowl with oil or place parchment on the bottom. Using a tablespoon, alternately place light and dark dough at one point so that the colors alternate. Do this with the entire dough.

Next, I insert the bowl into the multicooker. I turn on the “Baking” mode. Cooking time 60 minutes.

Place the finished pie on the multicooker tray to cool completely.

Here is a classic zebra pie recipe, simple and easy to prepare. All that remains is to cut it into portions and serve. She showed you a step-by-step recipe for zebra pie in a slow cooker with detailed photos, although everything here is so simple that you can cook it without looking at them. Bon appetit and happy experimenting in the kitchen!

Zebra pie video:

Today we will have a beautiful, elegant and delicious Zebra pie in a slow cooker for tea. On the surface and inside of this cake you can see various intricate patterns - for example, something like a flower. The patterns are different each time you bake. Its appearance will not leave anyone indifferent, it will decorate the everyday table, and if such a cake is soaked and coated with your loved ones, then you can present it to your loved ones and guests on the holiday table. When you cut your cake, you will immediately understand why it was called “Zebra”, it will speak for itself. In terms of beauty, I think this pie is not inferior to store-bought cakes and pastries. It tastes very delicate, tasty, homemade, native - it cannot be replaced with store-bought baked goods. Try to cook this pie in a slow cooker and your family will constantly ask you to bake this wonderful and unusual cake.


  • sugar - 2 multi glasses (or 270 g)
  • flour - 2.5 multi cups (or 250 g)
  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • sour cream - 200 g
  • butter (or margarine) - 100 g
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon, slaked with vinegar (or baking powder 10 g)
  • vanillin - 1 g

Grind soft butter with sugar and vanilla (I grind with a mixer at low speed). Then add the eggs one at a time, continuing to beat. Add the next egg only after the previous one has completely dispersed. You should get a homogeneous fluffy mass.

Then add sour cream and mix. Add flour, soda, slaked with vinegar (or baking powder). Knead the dough. Divide the resulting dough into two equal parts and add to one.

Grease the multicooker bowl with any oil, place two spoons of white dough in the center of the bowl, then carefully place two spoons of dark dough in the middle of the white dough (or vice versa), alternating layers until all the dough is gone.

The Zebra pie is baked in a Panasonic multicooker in the “baking” mode for 65 minutes.

After the signal, remove the pie from the multicooker and cool. The cooled Zebra can be poured with chocolate glaze, for this:

Mix 4 tablespoons of milk with 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of cocoa. Boil the glaze over low heat until thick, add 50 grams of softened butter and mix well.

Zebra pie or cake in a slow cooker is ready. Bon appetit!!!


  • chicken egg – 4 pcs.
  • sugar – 150 gr
  • margarine – 150 gr
  • sour cream – 2-3 tbsp.
  • flour – 250 gr
  • baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp.
  • butter or a piece of margarine - for greasing the pan

Zebra pie is one of my family's favorite treats. I bake this pie very often and always receive a lot of compliments on me as a good housewife. I used to use the oven, but recently I’ve been baking Zebra pie in a slow cooker and it turns out incredibly tasty. The main feature of this treat is the unusual alternation of dark and light dough. If we consider the method of preparing the pie, then it is a classic sour cream, but with the addition of cocoa.

Many inexperienced cooks do not risk making this pie. And in vain, because preparing it is very simple and quick. Even if unexpected guests are already on the doorstep, the hostess can quickly prepare the dough, and while the cake is baking, pay attention to her friends. In addition, a set of necessary ingredients for zebra pie can be found in every housewife’s refrigerator.

So, we will bake a two-color Zebra pie in a slow cooker, it makes this process much easier. There will be no need to turn on the oven, periodically monitor the baking process and adjust the baking temperature. With a multicooker everything is much simpler. Prepare dark and light dough, place it in layers in a bowl and select the desired mode. Next, the multicooker will get to work - bake a pie and do it perfectly. I bake in my pet Panasonic-18 and my assistant has never let me down. The Zebra pie in it turns out to be very airy, rises and bakes well... But the cooking time for the pie may vary depending on the power of the multicooker. Well, let's get started.

Cooking method

  1. To prepare the pie dough, you need to combine the eggs with sugar in a bowl.

  2. Beat with a whisk until foam appears. It is worth remembering that you need to beat sugar and eggs in a dry container, otherwise this process will be lengthy and the foam will be weak.

  3. After white foam appears, add pre-softened margarine to the dough.

  4. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream there. Of course, it is best to use a homemade product, but if you only have store-bought sour cream, don’t worry, it is also suitable for making a pie. The only thing is that it is recommended to use sour cream with high fat content. I try to use sour cream with a fat content of at least 25%.

  5. After this, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed and flour and baking powder gradually added to it. Before pouring flour into the dough, it must be sifted using a fine strainer. Thanks to this, lumps will not form in the dough. The dough should be homogeneous and have a consistency similar to thick honey.

  6. At the next stage of preparation, you need to divide the dough into two equal parts. Add a couple of spoons of cocoa to one of them and mix thoroughly. The main thing is not to overdo it with cocoa, otherwise the dough may start to taste bitter.

  7. Now you can start shaping the pie. As you probably already understood, the cut of the pie should resemble the color of a zebra. To do this, you need to lay out the dough in layers in the multicooker bowl. So, first you need to grease the bowl well with butter or margarine, otherwise the cake may burn around the edges. Next, take one tablespoon of light dough and place it in a bowl.

  8. Next, add a spoonful of cocoa dough.

  9. And so, alternating, you need to lay out layers until the dough runs out.

  10. When the last layer of dough is placed in the bowl, you can make a pattern on it using an ordinary match. For example, write or draw something. The main thing is to show your imagination. I just draw stripes from the center to make a web.

  11. After this, you need to put the bowl in the multicooker and bake the pie for about 65 minutes in baking mode. As soon as the specified time has passed, the multicooker will beep. Open and check the pie for doneness. Use methods that are convenient for you: personally, I always check the readiness of the pie using a regular toothpick. I just put it in the baked goods and take it out right away. If there are no traces of dough left on the end of the toothpick, the cake is ready.

  12. Take out the pie, but don't rush to cut it. It's better to let him rest for at least 10 minutes. This way, it will be easier to cut into pieces, and the dough inside will be perfectly baked.

  13. Our Zebra pie in a slow cooker is ready. Cut it into portions and serve. Enjoy your tea!

Children will also like this pie - they will be delighted with the pattern that will appear in the cut.

Zebra is a simple, delicious pie. It got its name due to the alternation of striped layers. The pie is no less famous than the simple “charlotte”. Read below how to cook Zebra pie in a slow cooker in different ways.


  • 6 eggs;
  • 1 cup granulated sugar;
  • 1 ½ cups flour;
  • ½ cup cocoa powder;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • 6 table. lie refined vegetable oil.

Beat eggs into a bowl and add sugar. Whisk everything together. It is important that the mass increases in size by 2-3 times. For this, the process must be quite long. At the end there will be a slight lightening of the mass.

Add oil and beat again for a few minutes. Add two-thirds of the flour and baking powder. Mix everything with a spoon, lifting the mass from bottom to top.

Divide the workpiece into two equal parts. Add the remaining half a glass of flour to one, and the same amount of cocoa to the second. Gently mix the mixture again.

Grease the bottom and sides of the multicooker container with warm butter.

The next part probably takes the most time. This is laying out the test. It should be placed in the center of the bottom, 2 or 3 tablespoons at a time. First, a couple of spoons of chocolate dough, then a light chocolate dough into the middle of the circle. Then put chocolate in the center of the light one, and light again in the center of the chocolate. Continue adding dough until it's finished.

Close the lid, select the “Multi-cook” or “Baking” mode and turn it on for an hour.

On a note. The finished sponge cake can be cut lengthwise into two layers, coated with cream, and topped with glaze. This is done at will, the pie is enough to cool slightly and can be served.

Kefir recipe

Zebra pie made with kefir works very well; it turns out incredibly porous and airy.

  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 stack. sugar and the same amount of kefir;
  • half tea spoons of soda;
  • 150 g flour and additional 1 table. spoon;
  • cocoa;
  • 50 g butter.

Beat the eggs with salt, gradually adding granulated sugar in small quantities. The mass turns white in the process and increases in volume. Add kefir and slaked soda, lemon juice or vinegar, mix. You can use a mixer at low speed, add flour and warm melted butter. Divide the dough into two equal parts, add a couple of spoons of cocoa to one, and flour to the second. Gently mix each part in its own bowl until the consistency is smooth.

On a note. After all the dough has been placed in the slow cooker, you can make light streaks on top with a toothpick or sushi stick - this way the pie on top will not just be striped, but with a simple, interesting pattern.

Zebra cake with sour cream

Zebra cake with sour cream - a simple recipe with a minimum of ingredients:

  • 3 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 200 g sour cream and the same amount of butter;
  • 2 stacks flour;
  • tsp soda;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa.

Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer. The next step is to add sour cream and melted butter.

Separately add a couple of tablespoons of flour. Add the remaining flour to the dough and stir thoroughly.

Divide the dough into two equal parts. Make one chocolate by adding cocoa. Add the remaining flour to the second. This is necessary to create the same consistency.

Next, grease the multicooker bowl with oil and place two types of dough alternately. Cook in the “Baking” mode for an hour, open the lid, check for doneness with a dry toothpick. If it remains dry, the pie is ready. Remove it and place it on a serving plate.

On a note. For a richer taste, you can replace cocoa with melted chocolate.

With the addition of poppy seeds in a slow cooker

The original pie is made with poppy seeds and cottage cheese. Such an unusual “zebra” will definitely pleasantly surprise your family and friends.

  • 200 g poppy seeds;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a pack of cottage cheese;
  • 3 boxes starch;
  • 3 boxes Sahara;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • 1.5 stack. flour;
  • pack of baking powder 10 g.

Steam the poppy seeds with boiling water for a third of an hour. Meanwhile, grind the cottage cheese thoroughly with an immersion blender or fork until the grain turns into a soft, homogeneous consistency. Add starch, two eggs, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and vanillin, beat well.

Place the poppy seed in a sieve and let the liquid drain.

Divide the mixture into two portions. Pour poppy seeds into one and mix. In a separate container, beat the egg and a spoonful of sugar, immediately turn on the melted slightly warm butter.

In a separate container, mix flour, baking powder, and pour in the sweet egg mixture. Knead the dough. The dough that comes out is quite cool and has a pleasant melted hue. Knead by hand, roll into a ball, then roll out into a circle. Place a circle on the bottom of the multicooker. As in previous recipes, pour the white and poppy seed dough one by one onto the base. Close the lid and bake for an hour on the “Bake” program.

Cooking with milk

  • 4 eggs;
  • 310 g flour;
  • 85 ml milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 2 tsp. baking powder;
  • 215 g butter;
  • 230 g sugar.

Melt the butter in the microwave and combine with sugar using a mixer or blender so that the sweet component dissolves as much as possible. Add and beat the eggs one at a time. Sift flour and baking powder in small portions, beat again. Heat the milk a little and pour it into the mixture, stir.

Pour the dough into equal portions into two bowls. Pour cocoa into one and mix well. Place in a bowl, similar to the previous options, and bake for 40 minutes on the “Baking” program.

Nuances of cooking in a slow cooker: Polaris, Redmond

In terms of heating technology, cooking volume and time, there is no difference between the Polaris and Redmond multicookers. For a pie, the “Baking” mode is suitable, which is available in both ovens. It is recommended to start baking the cake for 40 minutes; if it turns out that this time is not enough, increase the duration by another 10 minutes. Check the readiness with a toothpick: if it remains dry and the dough does not stick to it, then the baked goods can be taken out.