Raspberry coulis recipe. Cake "New Year in the tropics"

Coolie for cake recipe. And other cake fillings...
Hello, my dear readers!

Let's get straight to the topic: what cake fillings are the most convenient and tastiest to use at home and in confectionery production?

1. Cake sauce - coolie. An ideal option both as a filling for a sponge cake and as a filling for a mousse cake are various sauces based on fruit and berry purees.
You can make your own puree from fresh berries and fruits (just don’t forget to get rid of the seeds and peels). I use frozen natural fruit and berry purees.
Where to buy fruit puree for cake?
I buy them at the Dorogomilovsky market in Moscow - they have the cheapest prices for cream (currently 200-220 rubles per liter of cream with 33% fat content), butter (450 grams of Ekomilk butter can be bought for 190 rubles), chocolate (1800 rubles for 2.5 kg) and other confectionery ingredients. Fruit and berry purees cost around 450-800 rubles. per kg. depending on what berry (or fruit) is inside. Just don’t think that after defrosting your purees will be thick like purees for baby food. Not at all! We will thicken the puree ourselves while preparing the sauces.

Coolie cake recipe layering in a cake or filling cupcakes (and other desserts).

Raspberry puree (strawberries, etc. without seeds) 120 gr.
Sugar 60 gr.
Gelatin 4 gr.
Heat raspberry puree with sugar until boiling.
Add prepared gelatin.
If for a cake: put cling film on the bottom of the mold (plate), pour a thin layer (up to 5 mm) of warm coolie and put it in the freezer. Once it freezes, you can put it in the cake.
For cupcakes, cool and add to cut out centers to taste.

How to prepare gelatin:
T.N. gelatin mass.
1 part gelatin (I prefer Dr. Oetker gelatin) + 6 parts water
Pour gelatin with water, let it swell, dissolve in the microwave and cool in the refrigerator.

2. Frozen berries. Another of my favorite options for cake filling is frozen berries. I mostly use cherries inside the cake (especially with chocolate sponge cake - the perfect combination).
I defrost the cherries and drain the juice. In a saucepan, bring 1 part sugar to 1 part water to a boil, turn off the heat and add cherry berries to the resulting sugar syrup. I leave it there until it cools completely.

3. Canned berries and fruits as a cake filling.
A very convenient, tasty and affordable option is pineapples or peaches in jars.

4. Fresh berries inside the cake. How to blanch berries.

Before using fresh berries as a cake filling, they must be processed to prevent pests and excessive accumulation of microorganisms.
Place the prepared berries, cleared of twigs, in a colander and immerse them in boiling water, the volume of which should exceed three times the volume of the fruits (or berries) being immersed, since the water should not cool quickly.
The duration of blanching the berries is no more than 3-5 minutes (otherwise you will get jam). Then take them out and immediately pour cold water over them. We wait until the water drains and use it as a filling for the cake.

All the best to you and good luck!
At our pastry courses for beginners and professionals in Moscow, you can practice working with various confectionery ingredients under the strict guidance of experienced pastry chefs.

If you want to understand the intricacies of making European cakes and learn the confectionery business, I recommend our two-day

We also have a great basic one day pastry shop

You can get acquainted with the schedule of other confectionery course programs in Moscow on our website in the section

Sincerely, Anna Galich
director and teacher of confectionery courses in Moscow.

Raspberry coulis is a raspberry sauce that is served with ice cream, cheesecake or pancakes, soaked in pies, and decorated with cakes and pastries. This sauce is incredibly flavorful! The taste is amazing! You can store it in the refrigerator for up to 5 days in an airtight container. From this amount of ingredients you get 300 ml of raspberry sauce.


To prepare raspberry coulis you will need:

raspberries - 500 g;

sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;

citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking steps

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Add sugar and citric acid to the raspberries.

Grind the mixture with a blender until pureed.

Then carefully and carefully, so that not a single seed gets into the sauce, rub the raspberry puree through a fine sieve. Throw away the seeds.

Fragrant, delicious raspberry coulis is ready to use. And if you were preparing for future use, then put it in clean, dry jars, close the lid tightly and put it in the refrigerator.

I strongly recommend trying the excellent raspberry sauce. It will be an excellent addition to many dishes.


— Chocolate brownie sponge cake,

— Mousse with milk chocolate,

— Cremeux with raspberries and caramel,

— Chocolate sponge cake succ?s.

The recipe is for 4 cakes 18 cm in diameter.

Chocolate sponge cake “Succ?s”
250 g egg whites
200 g almond flour
175 g powdered sugar
40 g cocoa powder
75 g sugar

Whisk the egg whites and sugar into the meringue. Gently stir in the spatula mixture of almond flour, cocoa powder and powdered sugar. Place a 1 cm thick layer of sponge cake on a baking sheet. Bake at 180C for about 10 minutes.

Soft raspberry caramel:
180 g sugar
90 g glucose
30 g water
30 g cream 33%-35%
60 g raspberry puree
18 g butter

In a deep saucepan, mix sugar, glucose and water and bring to a caramel state.

In another centurion, heat the raspberry puree and cream. Once the sugar mixture has caramelized, add the cream and raspberries. Stir and cool to 40C and add butter. Put it in the refrigerator. The caramel should become viscous, with a consistency like thick honey.

Caramel-raspberry cream:
150 g egg yolks
90 g sugar
250 g cream 33%-35%
6 g gelatin
150 g Cream 33%-35%, whip
400 g frozen raspberries

By the way... since there are a lot of questions, I’ll write about “dry caramel”. There is nothing special about this, it is called so because the sugar caramelizes without adding water or glucose. The sugar is simply heated to a caramel color, after which you can add hot cream.

Heat 250 g of cream and set aside. Make “dry” caramel from sugar by adding hot cream. Add the yolks, mix well and cook over medium heat until 85C. Remove from heat, add gelatin. Set aside until the cream has cooled. Then gently fold in the whipped cream.
Divide into 4 rings 16 cm in diameter, place some raspberries on top of the cream and freeze.

Chocolate brownie cake:
110 g eggs
200 g sugar
130 g dark chocolate
175 g butter
80 g flour

Mix eggs, sugar and salt together. Melt chocolate and butter together. Mix both masses and add flour. Distribute among 4 rings 16 cm in diameter and bake for 12 minutes at 170C. Let cool, then remove from rings.

Mousse “Colombia 45%” with milk chocolate:
430 g Milk chocolate Luke Conlombia 45%
170 g Egg yolks
170 g Sugar
40 g Water
600 g Cream 33%-35%, whipped

A small digression, very important!

Pay attention to your milk chocolate, it should be exactly 45% cocoa content. Then and only then will your mousse “cope” without gelatin and keep its shape. We were in such a hurry at the master class, but we didn’t look at what kind of chocolate they gave us. Subsequently, it turned out that the milk content was 33% and the cake flowed a little; it could not be cut beautifully. In this case, if you have the same chocolate, you need to add gelatin, 15 grams.

Do "p?te ? bombe": Beat the egg yolks until light and fluffy. Heat sugar and water in a saucepan to 118C. Gently pour the syrup into the whisking egg yolks. Continue beating until the mixture has cooled.

Mix the cream with 1/3 of the melted chocolate, then everything with the p?te? bombe" and the remaining cream, stirring gently with a spatula.


Place a brownie cake on the bottom of a ring 18 cm in diameter. Fill the space between it and the walls of the mold with mousse. Pipe soft caramel onto the biscuit in a spiral from the center. It can also be frozen in advance in a mold 16 cm in diameter. Cover with a little mousse and place the “succ?s” sponge cake, and on it a frozen disc of raspberry cream, berry side up. Cover the remaining space to the very top with mousse. Place the cake in the freezer overnight.

Since morning:

You can cover the cake with velor or glaze.

Velor composition: melted cocoa butter and fat-soluble food coloring. To apply it you need a “gun”.

You can use the frosting with white chocolate, adding white and black food coloring to create a gray tint.

Chocolate decor:

On a special thick “guitar” film, apply melted cocoa butter mixed with fat-soluble food coloring using a brush, creating stripes and strokes. Then use a brush to “sprinkle” the drops with the same colored cocoa butter red.

Let the cocoa butter set (the layer should be very thin, as if you had painted it), then spread a thin, even layer of tempered white chocolate over it. Let it harden and cut out the following shapes: a circle, which you then divide into two hemispheres; then for each cake a square and a rectangle.

The square will serve as the back wall of the dessert, so we attach it to a drop of caramel, glucose or glaze (if you covered the cake with glaze, then everything will hold up just fine). And the rectangle in front.

Raspberry coulis for decoration:

120 g raspberry puree
16 g fine sugar
16 g invert sugar
3 g Pectin NH

If you use frozen raspberries, you must first defrost them and, ideally, rub them through a sieve to get rid of the seeds.

Place berry puree and invert sugar in a saucepan and heat, stirring, to 80C. Mix the pectin thoroughly with sugar and pour it into the hot puree in a thin stream, continuously stirring the mixture with a whisk. Bring to a boil, simmer for 1 minute and remove from heat. Let cool to room temperature.

Fold the coolies into a cornet.

Apply a line of berry puree to the surface of the cake, followed by a few fresh raspberries.

Keep the cake in the refrigerator until serving. If you plan to transport it to guests, then it is better, even with 45% milk chocolate, to fix the mousse with gelatin, about 8-10 g, in this case.

Enjoy your tea!

Raspberry coulis is a sweet sauce made from pureed fresh raspberries, which can be served with pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, cottage cheese and other desserts. You can also decorate the plate on which the dessert will be served with sauce. You can simply pour this sauce over any pie, which will become even tastier. It is better to sweeten the coulis with powdered sugar, which combines with the berry puree faster than sugar. You can also add a teaspoon of liqueur for additional flavoring, if the coolie is, of course, intended for adults.

To prepare raspberry coulis, prepare the necessary products from the list.

Wipe the raspberries with napkins; it is better to refrain from washing, but if necessary, dry them thoroughly. Place the raspberries in the bowl of a food processor.

Grind the raspberries into a puree using the metal knife attachment.

Place the raspberries in a sieve and remove the seeds.

Sift powdered sugar into the mashed puree to obtain a homogeneous structure.

Then add liqueur if desired. During my first raspberry harvest, I managed to make 3.5 liters of raspberry liqueur, so now I add it to desserts and baked goods.

Stir the coolies well and pour into the sauce boat.

Use raspberry coulis at your discretion for various desserts.

Bon appetit!

There’s a ton of work, so I’m writing everything I wanted to write late. Still, I found myself another job, I plan to stay there until the summer, and then I’ll give myself a real vacation, since I haven’t really seen the summer sun for two years due to endless work.
In general, there are a lot of plans - at least write them down on a roll of toilet paper))) But somehow I deviated from the topic of the post...

Sponge cake with raspberry coulis, yoghurt-cream mousse and peaches
Very light and tasty. The birthday girl was pleased:) She generally loves such cakes.
And here she is! I saw the cake and was delighted! The combination of raspberries, peach and yoghurt mousse is wonderful and there is very little sugar in the cake. The sweetest was the biscuit.

At first I planned to cover it with ganache and decorate with mastic, but for some reasons I abandoned my plan and, it turned out, not in vain! It was in this form that absolutely everyone ate it with pleasure.
Well, a bottle of Spumante was found in the stash)))

Biscuit this time there was vanilla in boiling water
shape 24 cm

4 eggs
190 g sugar
140 g flour
1 tsp baking powder
vanillin on the tip of a knife
3 tbsp. boiling water
3 tbsp. rast. oils

Beat the eggs with sugar for about 10 minutes. While whipping, mix the flour with baking powder and sift, add the flour into the eggs at low speed. Add boiling water, then sour cream. butter and vanillin.
Cover the bottom of the mold with parchment, pour in the dough and bake at 175 C for about half an hour.
After baking, turn the pan upside down onto a wire rack and leave the biscuit in this position to cool. After which we remove the mold, pack the biscuit in film and leave it to stand for 10-12 hours. If you baked it back to back and have no time to stand, then there is a way out. You can put the biscuit in the freezer for 30-40 minutes. Cut the cake into two parts.

Raspberry coulis
500 g raspberries
70 g sugar
1 tsp gelatin

Soak gelatin in 3 tbsp. water.
We rub the raspberries through a sieve to get rid of the seeds, add sugar and heat until it dissolves.
Heat the gelatin until dissolved and add it to our coolie.

Yoghurt creamy mousse
I stole the mousse a long time ago from mila_kanari . I’ve added it to cakes more than once and I’ll be honest - it’s incomparable!
This time the proportion was like this
3 packs of Activia classic (not drinking!)
300 ml heavy cream
3 tsp gelatin
powdered sugar to taste

Whip the cream with powdered sugar, add Activia and gelatin at low speed. Turn off the mixer immediately, otherwise the gelatin will immediately turn into toffee.

Assembling the cake
Place one part of the sponge cake on the bottom of the mold, soak it in syrup from canned peaches, to which I added 1 tsp. cognac Place the coulis on top and place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. We take it out and spread the mousse (while the coulis was freezing, I was just making it so that it would not harden outside the cake). Place peaches on top of the mousse and put them in the refrigerator again for about 10 minutes. Soak the second part of the sponge cake in syrup and place it on top of the peaches, pressing lightly.

OK it's all over Now. Place the cake in the refrigerator until eaten)))

There will be no cut this time, because they swept everything away at once. I just didn’t have time to select a piece for the photo.