We are having a party in Russian folk style! Party in Russian folk style. Historical basis of the current trend.

Many people believe that organizing a party in the Russian national style is much easier than in any other style. After all, no matter how, every person knows the history of their country and imagines what national costumes and treats look like. But this is far from true. To organize this party, you need to make every effort and knowledge so as not to fall flat on your face. If in organizing any other themed party, be it from a movie or a national, but different culture, you can miss something or not know, then in your own national style there is nothing to miss.

First of all, you need to think about where this celebration will take place. Almost anything is suitable for a party. premises: from sauna to office. But, a country house or a room at home is best suited. The most important thing here will be to create a festive atmosphere and decorate the room in the appropriate style. Basic paraphernalia maybe something like the following:

- decorating walls with straw and hay;
-various fragrant herbs in bags (lavender, lemon balm, mint). They can be hung somewhere in the corner of the room.
— embroidered towels;
-objects of Old Church Slavonic life (poker, large shovel for the stove, brooms made of birch branches);
- bundles of onions and garlic;
- pottery on the tables;
- samovar.


An important aspect of the party is the selection of costumes for the guests. To make the right choice, you should turn to the history of your country. After all, each country has its own national style, which in the modern era has become forgotten. And, as for Russian, here it is very rich and diverse. Already starting with clothes, you can notice the breadth of the Russian soul.

So, you need to start preparing the costumes. First, count the number of guests: how many women and how many men. There is no need to sew such clothes. It's worth taking rental. It’s good if you manage to come to an agreement with some theater, because it is there that the most correct costumes of the national style are collected. The basis for a women's suit will be a long-sleeved shirt, red or white. The shirt can be decorated with antique patterns in the form of trim or embroidery. A long or short sundress is worn on top of such a shirt. You can put a kokoshnik on your head or tie a ribbon. Hair can be braided. Also don't forget about shoes. Will fit well here bast shoes- These are low shoes, they were woven from wood or wicker. To keep the shoes in place, they tied them to the feet with laces, also made from lyca. You can use shoes or boots. For men, a shirt with wide and long sleeves and pants are also taken. Here the men's suit is less varied than the women's. To give it a more elegant look, you can wear a caftan. You need to put it on your head tafyu. This is a small round hat. There are also murmurs and three-headed caps.


When the costumes are finished, you need to write invitations. To do this, you should use parchment paper to give the invitations a more antique look. It's worth writing in ink. Try to make as many curls as possible in the letters. Invitations can be composed as follows:

“I (indicate your name and patronymic) decree that you (name and patronymic of each guest) will appear for the celebration (for what occasion) in my chambers (indicate the address and date of the party). Be so kind as to come and taste the treats from my place, take with you a good mood and the breadth of the Russian soul.”


The next stage will be a festive feast. It's worth taking a full stroll here. All holidays in Rus' were famous for their very rich treats. Russian kitchen absorbed elements of peasant, Old Slavonic cuisine, as well as dishes of different peoples who inhabited the Russian land. A themed celebration cannot be complete without dishes such as roasted pig or goose. Dishes made from wild animals or birds also fit well. Pancakes with various fillings are also considered a special dish. Don't forget about pies with fish and meat filling. Pies can also be served with sweet fillings: cottage cheese, berries and fruits. A special appetizer will be pickles: cucumbers, tomatoes, canned mushrooms, sauerkraut. Fried or baked potatoes are usually suitable as a side dish. But you can also serve porridge. The most popular is barley porridge. You should also not forget about mead, moonshine and kvass. For dessert, serve sweet gingerbreads, pastries made from yeast dough, pancakes with honey. Serve these desserts with tea. A good addition to the holiday table paraphernalia would be samovar. It’s good if it fulfills its main purpose, and not just complements a beautiful interior. Learning to use it is not at all difficult. Use wooden and clay dishes.

Party scenario in Russian folk style

It doesn’t matter in what order your party will take place, but another important stage of this evening should be entertainment. The Russian people love not only to eat delicious food, but also to have good fun. Stock up on good ones songs and ditties . They can be performed without leaving the table. And if you really want to, you can dance.

Could be a very good game quiz knowledge of folk songs. You, as the party organizer, take on the role of host and explain the song in words, talk about the main characters and their actions, and the guests guess. After that, they must perform a verse or two from the guessed song. The gift can be a disc with folk songs or ditties. You can also organize a competition for knowledge of characters from folk tales. Guests are divided into two teams. Each team takes turns calling out the characters' names. The last team to answer wins.

We all come from childhood and remember well the entertaining game " Brook" All participants in the game are divided into pairs, preferably opposite sexes. Having divided into two columns, you need to hold hands and lift them to the top, thus forming a tunnel. The number of players must not be even. The driver enters the corridor and chooses a mate, breaking the old one. The new couple stands on the opposite side of the tunnel, and the freed person becomes the driver and everything repeats again. There are no winners in this game. Simply, the faster the stream flows, the more fun it is. Play until you get bored.

Another fun activity will be a team competition " Victory over Zmey Gorynych " For this entertainment you will need a lot of fake chain mail, swords and toy wooden horses on sticks. Balloons should be painted to match the heads of the Serpent Gorynych. These heads should be placed on two chairs, approximately 10 meters away from the participants. Participants are divided into teams of five people. The first participant from one team and the first from the other team puts on fake chain mail, takes a sword and “mounts” the horse. They must race to the chairs and cut off the Serpent's head, then return and pass the baton to the second player. The team that finishes the fastest wins.

A similar entertainment could be a competition “ Bath" For this competition you need to take several basins, bath caps, brooms and sheets. Several participants go to the middle of the room to the music. At the same time, they must dance and slap themselves on the back with brooms. As soon as the music stops, the participants quickly put on a bath cap, wrap a sheet around them and stand in the basin. Whoever does it faster wins.

If the party is taking place in the winter, somewhere in a country house, then for a thrill it’s worth taking a ride on sleigh. This will be good outdoor fun. If you have two pairs of sleds, you can conduct these rides as competitions. Whoever slides down the hill the fastest is the winner. Below you can arrange a small table with drinks, such as mead or moonshine. Warm wine is good for girls. You can add cinnamon, cloves and vanilla sugar there. Everyone who comes down first is “rewarded” with some kind of drink. This will give you a fighting spirit and help you warm up.


The sound of Slavic music is easy to recognize among many folk styles

Music, along with other types of applied and artistic creativity, constitutes folk culture. It is folk rhythms and melodies that can evoke magical feelings in a person’s soul and some kind of inexplicable mysticism. A particularly valuable heritage of our ancestors is Slavic music. No people in the world have more valuable musical treasures than the Slavs. Folk ethno music still impresses today with its originality, special freshness and freedom, as well as original melodies. You can read about other areas of ethnic music

A little history

As you know, melody and song accompany a person throughout his life. It would seem that they have always existed, since the creation of the world. Folk Slavic music appeared in the days of pre-Christian Rus', when nomadic tribes lived on the lands. Each nationality had its own origin, customs and traditions, which also affected the music. It was somewhat ritualistic in nature. That is why today Slavic ethno music is so diverse and unusual in sound.

Ritual Slavic music

After the adoption of Christianity in Rus', music in folk style manifested itself more in choral singing with simple accompaniment or without it at all.

This period cannot be attributed to creative flourishing. As an echo of the Protestant movement, the church banned the use of any folk instruments. Buffoons and songwriters were severely punished, and their instruments were mercilessly destroyed. This page of ethno history is sad. It was during this period that many folk instruments were irretrievably lost and musical traditions were forgotten. Only after a while did Slavic music again take the path of revival. The greatest rise and interest in music in folk style was observed in the 18th-19th centuries. Then historians restored the stages of development, types and features of various genres, and found many instruments. Thanks to this, today we have a unique opportunity to touch the musical history of our ancestors.

Since ancient times, Slavic musicians have played for soldiers during numerous campaigns.

Features of music in the Slavic style

Today, many modern composers use folk-style motifs in their compositions to add a special emotional coloring and enhance the musical effect. New genres are born, such as ethno-rock, ethno-pop and many others.

Slavic ethno-rock

It is especially fashionable to use ethnic motifs today, because it is the folk notes that give the composition meaningfulness and originality in sound. The incredible flavor that Slavic music has is not accidental. The thing is that ethnic motifs contain a great variety of musical traditions of different nationalities.

Modern interpretation of Russian folk ditties

You can easily distinguish between national Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian and even East Slavic notes. A work in a distinctive ethno style can be recognized from the first chords:

  • Typically, Slavic music has a fascinating effect on the listener, plunging into an unusual spiritual state.
  • The musical sound in the folk style is expressed not by one, but by several folk instruments.
  • Songs definitely carry meaning.
  • Some works may carry a religious message, which is especially typical for ethno compositions.
  • To the rhythmic and playful melody in ethno style, the legs themselves are eager to dance.
  • Performed in one voice or in chorus it sounds melodic, drawn-out, melodious.

It's no secret that Slavic music will not leave anyone indifferent. It penetrates into the very heart of the listener, touching the farthest strings of the soul. To understand the phenomenon of folk music, it is important to consider the main folk music movements.

Russian folk art

Of course, Russian folk music is fundamental in ancient Slavic culture. Listening to such compositions today, it’s as if we are touching the main historical milestones, learning about the traditions and way of life of our ancestors.

Perky Russian folk music

Initially, Russian song accompanied by an instrument was used to accompany religious or pagan rituals, and later for family events or celebrations. But there were also those who talked about important events, about a popular campaign or military exploits. Such works are called epic or epic. The main directions in Russian folk art were:

  • Songs for children. These include lullabies or nursery rhymes that were sung to children by mothers and grandmothers and were necessarily passed down from generation to generation as family values.

Russian folk lullabies

  • Ritual ethno chants. They accompanied every calendar holiday of the Slavs (Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, Christmastide and many other holidays).

Ritual songs

  • Cry songs. This is a whole profession, the representatives of which were mourners. Songs of lamentation were performed when the dead were seen off on their last journey, as well as during wars.
  • Epic works. These are whole stories, full of events, set to music. With their help, military exploits on the battlefield were told, heroes were glorified, and morale was maintained.
  • Ditties. Simple songs of a cheerful genre are still popular today. Short ditties and rhymes are performed in a humorous manner, usually on topical topics.

Russian song accompanied people everywhere. Fairs, holidays, and weddings are still accompanied today by traditional Slavic music, and Russian song is one of the most important values ​​in world ethno culture.

Ukrainian musical culture

Undoubtedly, Ukrainian music is an integral part of Slavic culture. It is she who is responsible for the musicality of creativity in the folk Slavic style. Today, Ukrainian music is known not only within the borders of its country, but also far beyond its borders. Back in the 11th century, the frescoes of Sophia of Kyiv depicted musicians and dancing buffoons playing all kinds of musical instruments.

And in the 12th century there are references to the Ukrainian singers Boyan and Mitus, who performed ethnic works not only for the people, but also for representatives of the principalities. The first Ukrainian music, like Russian music, was increasingly of a ritual nature. It was music, according to Ukrainians, that protected from the evil eye, filth, troubles and failures. Later, the songs with melodic musical accompaniment changed somewhat, taking on an increasingly lyrical and meaningful character. So today Ukrainian music is known in the following genres:

  • Calendar ritual songs. They were performed, as a rule, during holidays or honoring pagan gods. This is how stoneflies, carols and schedrivki appeared.

Ukrainian calendar ritual songs

  • Songs of serfs. Usually in a minor genre, telling stories about the difficult life of a hireling in musical accompaniment.
  • Lyrics and ballads, recruit, streltsy, soldier songs.

Streletsky songs

  • Duma. Such works were filled with deep meaning. They glorified exploits, expressed national thoughts, and narrated important events in Kievan Rus.

Cossack Dumas

In those days, Ukrainian music united people. This is how entire song workshops appeared - a kind of creative brotherhood with their own charter and way of life.

Slavic instruments

In ancient times, Ukrainian music or Russian melodies had a sacred character. According to the people, this or that sound could scare away evil spirits, protect against misfortunes, and maintain health. It has long been believed that a folk instrument has its own soul, which, with the help of one sound or another, expresses emotions, shows character, gives a person fun or peace, calms and charges with strength. Slavic music has always been distinguished by its special melody and original emotional sound. Several musical instruments are known in culture today, which were responsible for the emotional color of folk songs:

Undoubtedly, over time, Slavic music has changed somewhat under the influence of historical events and the emergence of new traditions. Today, Ukrainian music stands somewhat apart, representing a separate genre in the folk style. Russian song also stands out as a separate art. But we must not forget about the common roots, common ancestors and common cultural heritage for the entire Slavic people. It is in the combination of such different musical cultures that the true magic that Slavic ethno music radiates is born.

Ethnic clothing style includes a rich list of national trends. In the multi-colored list, the Russian style stands out with its bright attractiveness and original execution. In clothing of the current trend, a characteristic feature is considered to be an organic combination of folk motifs with the latest trends in world fashion. Almost all modern couturiers, when creating their next collections, do not ignore the expressive and colorful style.

Historical basis of the current trend

Russian fashion began its victorious march around the world almost a hundred years ago. The impetus for this was the revolutionary events of 1917. As a result of great transformations, a mass of people were forced to leave their historical homeland and go into distant, unknown emigration. In addition to family jewelry, wealthy people also took out wardrobes filled with rich outfits in the traditional Russian style.

The variety of bright colors, unusual styles of dresses, amazing headdresses and other spectacular elements of folk costume attracted the attention of Europeans and aroused genuine admiration and delight. Russian style smoothly migrated to all areas of life. The use of original color in hotels, restaurants, and on stage was considered good form.

Straight clothes decorated with folklore patterns entered European fashion. Even the most famous people chose men's blouses, colorful shawls, and tall kokoshniks. Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo used precious stones, beads and embroidery in the spirit of Russian motifs in their outfits.

The final approval of the style in the 20s of the last century occurred thanks to the emergence of fashion houses among Russian designers in Europe. An exclusively national spirit was in the air here, supported by noble immigrants from Russia.

Russian style in women's clothing - beauty and practicality

The harsh climate required people to wear a lot of different things.

  • An undershirt is a mandatory element of a suit for women and men. Linen products were sewn freely, not restricting movement. The shirt was supposed to be tied with a belt.

  • Poneva is a gathered underskirt that fits tightly around the waist. Created additional volume and insulation.
  • A sundress or dress is the main outerwear for women. The loose cut line, expanding from the chest down, hid the outlines of the silhouette. Clothes were made from cotton, linen or wool.

On top they put on soul warmers, sweaters, and shawls over their shoulders. Multilayer clothing provided comfort and kept the body well warm.

In rainy weather, they chose epancha - a sleeveless cloth cloak. Fur coats worn by representatives of all segments of the population reliably protected from frost. Ordinary people sewed clothes from sheepskin or hare. The nobility wore sable, silver fox, and marten. The fur coats were long and heavy with a wide round collar. They were worn with the fur inside, covered with thick cloth, velvet or brocade on top.

Hands were covered from the cold with knitted or fur mittens. At home, women wore kokoshniks on their heads. When going outside, they tied scarves on top or put on round fur hats.

Modern clothes with elements of Russian style (Photo)

Typical symbols of the national trend are nesting dolls, Khokhloma painting, posad woolen shawls, and Orenburg down scarves. They provide the basis for the embodiment of design ideas in modern clothing.

Stylistic outfits include many traditional elements of Russian style:

  • Styles. The cut of Russian clothing is aimed at creating maximum convenience and comfort. It is characterized by straight or bell-shaped skirts, long sundresses with wide straps, and dresses with a high waistline. All fabrics are only of natural origin: cotton, linen, silk, wool.
  • Costume details. Collars are predominantly round and turn-down. The sleeves are narrow, straight or short, puffy in the form of lanterns. Basques, lace-up belts, and ribbons in the form of fasteners are often used.

  • Colors. The combination of white with red and all its shades looks most impressive. Green, black, yellow, and golden colors are also relevant.
  • Drawings. Folklore themes provide unlimited scope for design imagination. Clothes in the Russian national style, painted with floral patterns, ancient Slavic ornaments, fabulous animals and birds, invariably attract the attention of others and cause delight. Beautiful images embroidered with colored threads, beads, small stones, woven with thin ribbons and golden laces look especially impressive.

  • Lace, braid, hemstitch. Handmade finishes are preferred. An intricate and complex pattern significantly distinguishes the Russian style from other ethnic trends, making it unique and original.

  • Patchwork clothing(patchwork) – a typical example of Russian style. Thrifty Russian housewives never threw away pieces of fabric left after cutting. They were used to create pillowcases, colorful blankets, and rugs. Today, based on Pavloposad scarves, you can create unique models of things. The technical complexity of the execution is justified by the stunning result.

  • Accessories. Excellent style decorations include floral wreaths, colorful ribbons, beads, and bracelets made of leather and wood. Stylized earrings and a kokoshnik embroidered with beads and stones give a great effect to the look. You can’t do without using colorful shawls, scarves, and capes.

How to create a fashionable image?

Modern clothing in Russian folk style is a layering of motifs from traditional patterns and ornaments onto current items of clothing.

When creating a new look, it is not at all necessary to use only stylistic elements. It is enough to diversify your everyday look with one or two characteristic items. For example, decorate a long summer sundress with a patterned braid and wear shoes with a floral print. You can also complement the ensemble with several strands of pearl beads and choose a handbag to match the main color of the dress.

When building your next fashionable look, do not forget that the main principle of Russian style is femininity and chastity. Therefore, it is better to avoid trousers, open and tight-fitting clothes. The beauty of a woman should be presented with dignity and modesty.

And finally

Designer clothes in the Russian style are relevant all over the world to this day. Under the influence of national characteristics, many new clothing models are created, decorated with original details, patterns and ornaments. Many famous couturiers of our time never tire of drawing their inspiration from folk traditions gifted by the ageless Russian style.