What to read to children by age. What should a seven year old child read? Sergey Aksakov

Touching on the “green” topic, that is, the recycling of unnecessary things, I noticed a funny pattern - the most popular product (regardless of what was used as material - plastic bottles or wool threads) there was a Christmas and New Year wreath! And, of course, it became interesting to collect everything possible options such wreaths. But first, a couple of composition tips!

When creating your wreath, be careful how you use large quantity details - only one thing should be the main one, everything else should be secondary. For example, when working on a paper wreath with lots of clippings and photographs, focus on the main thing - the photo. This means that everything else should be neutral in color and shape. Do not weigh down the side parts of the wreath; place everything massive either on top or below. Before you start folding the wreath, put all the components side by side and see: does nothing “fall out” from the total mass in its color or shape? Believe me, it’s easier to throw away some detail now than later - a finished wreath!

1.Clothes pegs

Use an aluminum hanger for the frame and beads for decoration (choose the beads so that they easily “sit” on the wire). Unwind the hanger and start collecting, stringing clothespins and beads one by one. Pre-paint the clothespins with gouache or acrylic. You can also decorate them with decoupage, glue buttons, beads, fir branches. Attach a large bow to the finished wreath or soft toy(Snowman, Santa Claus, funny deer...).

2.Egg tray

Take a closer look at the empty tray and you will notice how its cells are similar in shape to half-opened buds. The photo shows an Easter wreath and that’s why it’s decorated eggshell, but our task is to make the same flowers. Carefully cut out the cells and give them the shape of a bud. The pulp included in the tray is easy to paint with any paint, so feel free to experiment with color, because fabulous Christmas flowers can even be green or purple! Attach the finished buds to the frame (branches, wire, foam) and decorate it with additional beaded branches, corrugated paper, Christmas tree balls, etc.


It's funny, but material such as socks can be a chic base for a Christmas wreath! They can be randomly strung on a cardboard base, or you can roll them into the shape of “roses” and decorate a wreath with them.


Cardboard, glue and a handful of buttons. And all this turns out to be a very elegant and stylish decorative element!

5.Wine corks

This version of the wreath is made according to the same principle as a wreath made from clothespins. For greater strength, use two circles of wire - a larger one and a smaller one. String the corks onto both circles in parallel, interspersing them with beads. Decorate the finished work with ribbon, bells, branches or toys.


Have you accumulated a lot of waste paper? Make a complete “newspaper” decor in your home - toys, angels, garlands, gift wrapping, candle decor... You can use newspapers or magazines everywhere. And let the real “highlight” be a wreath made of paper tubes.

7.Paper or napkins

This material makes very airy and “light” wreaths. Don't be afraid to try and experiment - use magazine clippings, colorful stamps, postcards, your family photos, unusual envelopes, paper snowflakes, etc. Don’t glue everything onto the base at once, apply it, arrange it, remove something, change something, and only then proceed to the final “assembly”.


Very interesting idea– a wreath with slots for gifts! It is not necessary to select small gifts for this, because here you can put something in addition to the main gift - an envelope with a postcard, candy, lottery ticket, a theater ticket, a note with wishes... The role of “cells” can be played by cardboard frames for toilet paper, toothpaste lids, etc.

9. Spruce branches and twigs

The first wreaths were made from branches. And only from branches. Such wreaths have a big plus - the breathtaking smell of pine needles, but also a small minus - it is short-lived. For lovers of traditional options - little master Class…

10. Pasta

Do you want to surprise everyone, including yourself? Make a New Year's wreath from pasta! The technique for making it is quite simple: glue the pasta to the cardboard frame with superglue and cover finished work spray paint. A wreath made of curly macaroni looks very original in itself, but you can complement it with fir branches, netting, bells, etc.

11. Fruits and berries

What exactly to use as a material is up to you. But to understand how to attach it all together is ours. common task. Dried citrus slices can easily be glued to cardboard or polystyrene foam, apples can be strung on a wire frame (you just need to use a strong enough wire so that it does not bend under the pressure of the apples), rowan branches and physalis can be stuck into plasticine or “foam”. Otherwise, you need to use plastic fruits, since real ones are too heavy.

12. Christmas balls

The technique is simple: string the balls onto a wire bent in a circle and attach them to each other with glue (so that the wreath looks beautiful shape). Such works look especially beautiful if they are made in the same color or in the same color scheme.

13. Sweets

There is one disadvantage of “sweet” wreaths - they tend to “melt”, especially if there are kids with a sweet tooth in the house. Candies can be attached to a pre-prepared frame with threads, glue, or wire. You can also use toothpicks, as in the case of marmalade. Only for this you need to get a soft frame - polystyrene foam or “foam”.

14. Balloons

Tie lots and lots of balloons around a wire frame and that's it! You don't even need to inflate them.

15. Ties

Another one extraordinary idea. But now the question - where to put old and disliked ties - has been resolved.

Preparing for the New Year is sometimes even more enjoyable than the celebration itself. The whole family, including the youngest residents, can take part in the interior decorating process. You can decorate your apartment or house for the New Year holidays in the most different ways, but in Lately New Year's wreaths, which are better known to us from the romantic Christmas films of Hollywood, are very popular. However, fashion trends have reached us.

We have collected for you more than 40 master classes on making New Year and Christmas wreaths from the most different materials. Well, are you ready? Then let's go!

A very simple New Year's wreath in terms of materials. You will need: New Year's tinsel, a base for a wreath (can be made of wicker, polystyrene foam, a wire hanger, etc.), dry twigs for antlers, a New Year's ball.

For such a cute New Year's wreath you will need: a foam ring for the base, glue, glitter, tape, toothpicks, White paper for clouds.

You will have to work hard to create such a New Year's wreath. You will need: foam base, corrugated paper, paper for creating three-dimensional balls, safety pins in huge quantities.

Find out what else you can make from paper with your own hands:

The most popular are Christmas wreaths made from pine cones. However, this is not surprising: New Year, Christmas tree pine cones - logical chain visible to the naked eye. For such a wreath you will need: a foam base, blue fabric, glue, pine cones, acorns and maple “helicopters”.

If you want to surprise your family and guests, then pay attention to the New Year's wreath made of ties. The ties will be hopelessly damaged, so you shouldn’t hope that after the holidays the wreath can be disassembled and the ties can be hung back in the closet. What you will need to create: a ring for the base, several ties, glue, scissors.

This wreath is suitable only for those who like to drink a glass of wine in the evening and then don’t throw away the wooden corks. You will need: corks, lots of corks, glue, paints.

Making such a wreath is worth doing together with your better half. You will need: a metal base for the wreath, burlap, wooden boards, glue, paints.

You will need: wreath base, foam balls different sizes, glue, salt or artificial snow, red ribbon for decoration.

See more:

Simple, original and tasteful. What you will need: wire base for the wreath, tennis balls, dried flowers, glue, thread, ribbon for decoration.

An incredibly original decoration will be a New Year's wreath made of soft marshmallows - a chalk march. You will need: foam wreath base, toothpicks, soft marshmallows, ribbon for decoration.

To add a little shine to the most fabulous night year, you can make your own Christmas wreath with sequins. You will need: a base for a wreath, sequins on a ribbon, safety needles, ribbon for decoration, a button.

A Christmas wreath as soft as a cloud can be made from cotton balls, diluting them with multi-colored pom-poms. You will need: foam wreath base, cotton balls, colored pompoms, glue.

A delicious and appetizing New Year's wreath on the door in front of which kind grandfather He certainly won’t resist and will definitely come see you for the holiday. You will need: foam wreath base, gummy candies, toothpicks, ribbon for decoration.

A Christmas wreath made of openwork paper napkins looks very delicate and truly wintery. To make it you will need: openwork paper napkins, wreath base, glue.

Master class on making a New Year's wreath for a door in a rustic style. You will need: wreath base, burlap, pine cones, glue, ribbon for decoration.

An ecological Christmas wreath can be made from the most ordinary natural materials: wreath base, moss, cotton balls.

To create you will need: a base for a wreath, threads, pompoms, beads, bells, Christmas trees from felt for decoration.

You will need: wreath base, red ribbon, lots of candy, glue.

You will need: wreath base, ribbons, scissors.

You will need: wreath base, lollipop sticks, glue, ribbon for decoration.

A very easy to make New Year's wreath. You will need: plastic snowflakes from the store, glue, ribbon for decoration.

See more paper crafts:

To create this miracle you will need: toilet paper base, scissors, glue, red beads for decoration

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You will need: base for the wreath, cotton wool, glue, thread, red lace for decoration.

Continuing the forest theme, note to you a New Year's wreath made of pine cones. What you will need: base for the wreath (a wire hanger will do), beads (the hole in the beads should match the size of the wire base), pine cones, glue, ribbon for decoration.

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To create such a masterpiece you will need: a base for a wreath, white ribbon, glue, foam balls (for the eyes and mouth), a foam cone (for the nose), paint, cardboard box(for the hat).

You won’t be able to create such a Christmas wreath quickly. Take this idea into consideration only if you have time to spare. You will have to work hard! You will need: wreath base, colored paper, scissors, glue and perseverance.

A very simple, quick to make and original New Year’s wreath made from cocktail tubes. You will need: wreath base, tubes, glue, ribbon for decoration.

A great idea for a New Year's wreath would be a craft made from photographs. best moments of the passing year. The wreath is very simple and easy to make. You will need: base for the wreath, ribbon for decorating the base, photo, scissors, glue, buttons, stickers, beads, buttons, rhinestones for decoration.

To create such a masterpiece you will need: paper base for the wreath, thick paper for the stars (you can use scrapbooking paper), scissors, glue, buttons and ribbon for decoration.

This version of the New Year's wreath is suitable for older children who know how to handle scissors. What do you need? Green and red paper, ruler, scissors, glue or stapler. We fold a sheet of green paper in half, retreat about 2 cm from the edge and draw it into strips about 1 cm wide. Next, cut it (note that you need to cut from the side of the fold of the paper). We open the sheet and roll it into a ring, gluing it along the edge (where we made a 2 cm indent). You can glue them with glue, double-sided tape or a stapler. Now we close our “pipe” into a ring and secure it. The wreath is almost ready, all that remains is to decorate it (you can use colored paper, or you can use rhinestones, stickers or sequins).

And this master class is perfect for New Year's crafts in kindergarten. IN modern rhythm Life is not easy for working mothers; the baby himself is not yet able to generate ideas, so mom, or dad, should take care of this issue. In order not to waste precious time reinventing the wheel, we suggest using a ready-made idea and having fun doing an enjoyable activity. So, for a New Year's wreath you will need: a disposable paper plate, green paper, a red ribbon, as well as beads, rhinestones, mini pompons and other decorative elements. Cut out the bottom of a paper plate to make a ring. Well, we trace the child’s hand on paper and cut out about 12 prints. Glue them onto the ring and decorate. New Year's craft ready for kindergarten!

#48 Christmas wreath made of paper for children: step-by-step master class with photos

Or here’s another craft option for New Year to a kindergarten. For such a wreath we will need: a cardboard ring, green paper, a red bow (you can tie it yourself from a ribbon), scissors, glue (you can use double-sided tape). We cut the paper into strips of approximately 2-2.5 cm. We fold it like an accordion and glue the outer ends to a cardboard ring. Add a bow and the craft is ready!

Preparing for the New For many people, the year begins long before the start of the holiday and includes several steps: the external design of the rooms and entrance, the purchase of food and sweets, and the preparation of dishes. IN last years When decorating the interior, they began to follow some Western traditions.

As a decoration for the holiday, New Year's wreaths were made mainly by parishioners of the Catholic Church.

For example, decorating a real or simulated fireplace with artificial snow, caramels and knitted socks for gifts. The tradition of decorating the front door with a New Year's wreath is also gaining popularity. This brings warmth and comfort to the house, giving a feeling of celebration to the residents of the house and their guests.

Nowadays, many people are trying to decorate their homes with a wide variety of decorations.

Making such a craft with your own hands is a good option, since you don’t have to buy everything in a store; you can find many useful things in a park, square or forest. Do not be afraid of experiments and creative impulses, then the result will exceed all expectations.

New Year's door wreaths made of branches with pine cones are quite common today and the number of such decorations is only increasing every year.

Required components for creation

To work you will need:

  • Glue gun;
  • High density cardboard;
  • Linen fabric;
  • Cones of different sizes and shapes;
  • Jute threads;
  • Sewing threads;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors;
  • Additional decorations in the form of dried citrus fruit slices;
  • Decorative snow.

The cones can be left in their original form.


  1. First, cut out the frame for the future wreath from cardboard and paste it over linen. For convenience, the fabric is cut into strips and wrapped around a paper frame. It is worth fastening only in a few main places, so as not to spoil the appearance.
  2. Now you should place the cones. Placement depends on their size. They can be attached in two rows, so the composition will seem more magnificent.
  3. Slices of dried oranges and lemons are attached to the top of the composition. Stars and a month can be cut out of fruit peels. Bows are made from jute thread and attached to fruits. It is necessary to leave space on the craft for a fabric bow.
  4. For the bow, you need to take a fabric 10 x 40 cm and a ribbon with a width of 2 cm. The fabric is folded to achieve the perfect look and glued, in the middle it is wrapped with a ribbon to make it look professional.
  5. The finished bow is attached on top of the composition. If necessary, the edges of the tape are trimmed. The product is sprinkled with artificial snow on top.

This makes it completely finished and elegant, after which the craft is hung in its proper place.

Christmas wreath made of pine cones on a wire base.

Christmas - snowman

A decoration in the form of a snowman will decorate the entrance in an original way on the eve of the holiday. To create it, you will need components that do not need to be purchased in the store; they can be found in the park.

Decorate the house in new year holidays You can use a Christmas wreath.

Necessary materials

To get started you will need:

  • Branches without leaves;
  • Small spruce paws;
  • Cones;
  • Glue gun;
  • Thick threads;
  • Black cardboard;
  • White, red beads;
  • Fatin;
  • Decoration: dried rowan tassels, garland;
  • White paint.

It can be made from decorative and improvised materials.

Making a Christmas wreath

  1. First you need to twist two circles from the branches, then paint them in White color. Both circles are wound together using a thick thread. Fir branches, cones and rowan berries are glued on top, this gives the decoration a more festive mood.
  2. Next comes the creation of elegant bows and flowers from tulle and beads. The fabric is cut into identical strips, which are folded and secured with glue.
  3. A shape similar to a bucket is cut out of black cardboard - a snowman's headdress. The finished bucket is glued and decorated with spruce, rowan or fabric.
  4. The highlight of such a wonderful decor will be a white garland. It wraps around each circle. Since there will be no way to turn it on through an outlet, you need to take care of this in advance and buy a battery-powered product.

Wreath idea with cute snowman and colored ribbons.

New Year's wreath in the form of a rainbow

This master class will help you make a cute decoration. Suitable for both the front door and a children's room, because such a decorative element looks fabulous.

Idea for a wreath made of Christmas balls.

Required components for creation

For the original product you will need:

  • Foam ring for base;
  • Packets of glitter in different colors;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • White thick paper for clouds;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Scissors.

An ordinary, traditional wreath is made from a round base, the material for which can be tightly woven wire.


  1. A round-shaped foam plastic frame is taken and cut to a semicircle. Afterwards, the base is covered with double-sided tape, and glitter is poured onto the sticky part. This helps create that expected rainbow.
  2. 4 clouds with different shapes are cut out of cardboard, small clouds are placed in large ones. Then they are attached to the rainbow using toothpicks that are stuck into the foam.
  3. Ready New Year's rainbow secured with a festive ribbon. You can also leave a special place on the base for further fastening. To do this, add additional double-sided tape, which allows you to place the decor in the desired place.

You can choose the diameter of the circle yourself based on the size of the door.

New Year's door craft made of felt

For skilled craftswomen and others, sew a decorative element from felt good opportunity Decorate your home with an original masterpiece and show off your handicraft skills.

A felt wreath will be an original decoration for your home not only during the holidays, but throughout the year.

Will come in handy:

  • Threads;
  • Textile;
  • Needle;
  • Oil;
  • Sintepon;
  • Satin ribbons;
  • Pencil or chalk.

For its base, you should choose a reliable material.

Making a Christmas Creation

  1. The base will be made of polystyrene foam and covered with a pre-knitted ribbon of fluffy threads.
  2. All kinds of figures are cut out of fabric, filled with padding polyester, and sewn together. Then they are sewn or glued to the frame.
  3. The finishing touch will be bows made of satin ribbons of different sizes.
  4. The craft can be sprinkled with decorative snow and attached to the door using hooks, glue or nails.

A variant of an unusual festive wreath made of felt.

An extraordinary idea for a wreath made of ties

New Year's wreath made from this material a good option get rid of annoying old accessories. This decoration will attract the attention of many guests and neighbors of the house.

For a fabric wreath you need to choose at least 4-5 colors.

Necessary materials

To decorate for the New Year holidays you will need the following:

  • Thick bendable wire or cardboard;
  • Ties of different colors;
  • Glue gun (if necessary).

It is desirable that the fabric be as rigid as possible, then it will hold the desired shape.

Making an Advent Wreath

  1. A circle-shaped wire frame is created. There is also another option - a base made of thick cardboard. In this case, the craft is made in two ways - using different materials.
  2. Ties are attached to the wire base by wrapping them around the frame. In this case, the wide angular part of the ties should be turned away from the center on the front side of the product. The ties are attached to the base with glue, gradually wrapping the frame.
  3. The finishing touch is a bow-shaped tie attached to the wreath. Adding a bow can be done using another method - gluing with glue - a gun. Both methods will allow you to make a durable, holistic and interesting element holiday decor.

An original idea for creating a festive wreath from balls of yarn.

Cardboard Christmas accessory

Creating products from cardboard and paper is a great way to show all the creative spirit that a person has. In any case, the components will be found at your home; it could be the base from toilet paper, shoe boxes, clothes, or other items. However, the disadvantage of such a wreath may be the mechanical damage that will appear if the product is hung on the front door of a private house.

An original and beautiful paper wreath for the New Year can be made from folded paper.

Required Components

Craft materials:

  • Cardboard;
  • Two-color paper;
  • Ribbons;
  • Glue gun;
  • Sequins;
  • Decorative snow;
  • Additional details.

Decorate ready product Christmas tree branches, balls and bows made of red ribbon.


  1. The base for the craft is made of colored cardboard. Selected objects are glued on top: stars, snowflakes, circles, Christmas trees, twigs and other elements.
  2. You can decorate the elements using ribbon bows. Also, the outline of each object is coated with glue and sprinkled with glitter to match the color of the object. The finishing touch It could be artificial snow powdered onto the wreath. It is attached to the door with double-sided tape or buttons (if possible).

Choose thick kraft paper or cardboard in green, brown, red, and gold colors.

Unusual ideas on what to make a wreath from

The product can be made from anything. Absolutely any materials are suitable for this: simple, traditional, original and extraordinary. Unusual materials are those that would not immediately come to mind to be used, expanding the boundaries of the use of various objects.

The decor should be associated with the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Wreaths are made from many items

Material Preparation method
Clothespins Mounted on a base made of paper, wire or wood.
If desired, they can be painted in different colors, most often red and green.
The top can be sprinkled with sparkles or decorative snow.
Wine corks They are fastened together to form a circle.
They can also be painted in bright shades.
Bows made from jute thread or regular ribbons are added.
Pompoms, tennis balls, foam balls These components will also make an original wreath.
The balls are glued to the base using a glue gun, pompoms can be sewn together, forming a composition on one side of the product, so that the remaining free space can be filled with other small parts.
A garland can be an addition
Accessories, trinkets A Christmas wreath can even be made from elements of accessories that people use in everyday life.
Any small items, stationery, toys are also suitable.
The parts are fastened together with glue, double-sided tape or threads, and complemented with artificial snow or glitter.
Garland The product will turn out with just light bulbs wrapped around it.
A prerequisite when using such material will be a garland with small, round or elongated light bulbs, powered by batteries, that do not heat up.
Can be supplemented with ribbon bows and several spruce branches.
Tree branches (spruce, pine) They create a feeling of New Year, thanks to the fragrant symbol - spruce and the smell of pine needles.
They are usually attached to a wire frame using jute thread in a circle.
Additional decoration will be pine cones sprinkled with white sparkles on top.
Fruits, berries Dried slices of oranges and lemons can be attached both to the frame itself and on top of spruce needles, paper elements, and bows.
As in previous ideas, the conclusion will be decorative snow, beads, sparkles.

Other items that will be useful when creating the product:

  • Spools of thread;
  • Kitchen oven mitts;
  • Tinsel;
  • Christmas tree decorations;
  • Miniature gift boxes;
  • Candies;
  • Wooden blocks, round cuts;
  • Branches various trees and bushes;
  • Threads, balls of thread;
  • Beads, beads;
  • Felt;
  • Photos;
  • Newspaper tubes.

New Year's wreath made of cones, fruits and berries.

Indeed, there are a lot of master classes on making New Year’s wreaths; they differ from each other in the following ways:

  • What materials to use;
  • How difficult will the work be?
  • What shapes, in addition to the usual round, can you get (snowman, Santa Claus, deer).

One of the options for making a wreath from spruce branches.

Such a variety of ideas proves that imagination is limitless. You can come up with and make a unique masterpiece from almost nothing and decorate it entrance doors from outside or inside. However, when hanging from the outside, you need to remember, especially for private houses, that the wreath will be affected by climatic conditions. This means that decorations made of paper, candy and other fragile materials will not work.

An original New Year's wreath made of balls and pine cones.

Decorating an apartment or house for the New Year holidays is one of important stages preparations. This puts you in a festive mood, so further preparations are relaxed and fun.

VIDEO: DIY New Year's wreaths.