OOD Drawing: "New Year tree" (non-traditional), Middle group. Summary of a lesson on the non-traditional technique of drawing mirror-symmetrical images with “monotype” for children of senior preschool age “Christmas tree - a prickly needle”

Galina Puchkova
Drawing lesson in the middle group “Our decorated Christmas tree”

Program content: Teach children to convey the image of a New Year tree in a drawing; develop skills paint a Christmas tree with branches lengthening downwards, continue to teach children to use paints of different colors; evoke a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings.

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Materials: Landscape sheets, gouache of different colors, brushes, jars of water, napkins - for each child. Artificial Christmas tree, letter.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Guys, I was going to work today and noticed that the weather was very beautiful today. The snow is falling in large white flakes, and you want to swirl like snowflakes.

White fluffy snow swirls in the air,

And he quietly falls to the ground and lies down.

Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty air,

Lacy stars fall to the ground.

One fell on my palm.

Oh! Don't worry, snowman, wait a little.

Yes, this is a big snowflake!

And not just a snowflake, but a letter.

Who is it from?

Let's read it? (Reads the letter)

Dear guys, we want you to have a beautiful New Year elegant Christmas tree. And in the forest there are no beautiful toys, bright tinsel and colorful rain. Help us please.

Forest inhabitants.

Guys, let's help the forest inhabitants and draw for them elegant Christmas trees.

Tell me, guys, how will we decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year? (Toys, garlands, tinsel, rain).

Who lives in the forest? (Bear, hare, wolf, fox, squirrel, hedgehog).

Guys, what can you call in one word the animals that live in the forest? (Wild animals)

That's right, they are called wild so that they can have a beautiful New Year's Eve elegant Christmas tree. Now we will decorate the Christmas tree for them.

2) Examination of the sample elegant Christmas tree.

Guys, how decorated Christmas tree? What shape are the balls on the Christmas tree? What color, etc.

3) Show reception drawing an elegant Christmas tree.

Clarify the techniques for depicting a Christmas tree. The spruce branches are located on the right and left sides opposite to each other. The lower branches have been growing for a long time, they are long, and towards the top they decrease in length. They are growing recently.

Each branch has needles instead of leaves. (needles)

4. Independent work of children. Remind the rules of work when drawing: back straight, legs together. Children who have drawing elegant Christmas tree is difficult - repeat the techniques drawing on your sheet.

At the end classes The children look at the drawings, discuss them and put them in an envelope; the teacher says that he will definitely send them by mail to the forest inhabitants.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a drawing lesson with children of the early age group “New Year Tree”“New Year tree” Summary of a drawing lesson for young children. Educational: Continue to teach children how to apply the smear.

A comprehensive lesson on speech development and drawing in the middle group of kindergarten “Journey to a corner of the forest” Goal: To engage an effective motive for helping, to arouse interest. Strengthen ideas about animals living in the forest ( appearance, habitat,.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the middle group “New Year Tree” Lexical topic: “New Year tree.” Goal: developing the ability to compose a simple common sentence. Tasks: - activate.

Lesson summary on applicative activities in the middle group “Holiday Tree” (greeting card) Purpose: Generalization of knowledge about the winter season. Tasks: “Artistic creativity”: - to arouse interest in the design of the “postcard”. - bring up.

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State-owned state institution Children's home-boarding school for mentally retarded children "Yuzhnoye Butovo" of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow.

Summary of a correctional and developmental drawing lesson.



Bogdanova N. A.



Subject: Drawing

The topic of this lesson: “Our decorated Christmas tree"

The purpose of this lesson:teach children to convey the image of a New Year tree in a drawing


Educational:develop the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches lengthening downwards, learn to use paints of different colors, carefully apply one paint to another only after drying.

Correctional and developmental:continue to master color and shape as means of figurative expression, develop ways of visually examining objects.

Educational: lead to an emotional assessment of the work, evoke a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings.

Age orientation of the lesson:middle-aged children with moderate mental retardation.

Visual and didactic material:greeting cards with images of Christmas trees. Christmas tree artificial or live.

Equipment: a sheet of white paper, gouache of different colors, cotton swabs, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin for each child.

Preliminary work:Conversation about forests and conifers. Acquaintance with the structure and features of the appearance of the Christmas tree (trunk, branches, evergreen needles). Remember the New Year tree, talk about how it was decorated. Emphasize the variety of Christmas tree decorations.

Progress of the lesson:

Reading of M. Evensen’s poem “The Herringbone”:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Sticky needle!

Where did you grow up?

In the forest.

What did you see?


What's in the forest?


Bare birches,

Wolves and bears -

That's all the neighbors.

The teacher offers to admire the Christmas tree and draw its portrait.

Children, look what a beautiful Christmas tree came to visit us. Let's take a close look at her, and then draw her portrait. Look and tell me where the trunk of the Christmas tree is? Branches? Needles? Where are the branches directed? Why is the Christmas tree called evergreen? (Children's answers)

You know that for the New Year it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree with various toys, garlands and lanterns. Our Christmas tree will also be elegant if you help it with this! The teacher offers to draw a Christmas tree and decorate it. The techniques for depicting a Christmas tree are clarified by showing the sequence and individual working techniques.

We select paper for drawing and correctly position the sheet on the table in front of us. We draw the Christmas tree in order: first the trunk is brown, and then there are green branches on the sides of the trunk - we begin to draw the branches from top to bottom, the branch on the right - the branch on the left, the branch on the right - the grid on the left. The needles are applied with the tip of a brush in short strokes.

Children do the work with the help of the teacher. For those who have difficulties with drawing, the teacher helps using the “hand in hand” method.

Let's take a cotton swab and draw bright toys on the branches - first in one color, then in another. Please note that the toys hang along the entire length of the branches, and not at the tips.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that cotton swabs do not need to be washed in water like brushes. To change the color, just take another cotton swab.

Children do the work using the dipping method.

Children, please tell me what shape the lanterns turned out to be? (Round). What size are they? (Different. Large and small).

At the end of the work, the teacher reads V. Shipunova’s poem “The Herringbone”:

Fluffy Christmas tree

Christmas tree green,

Glows, sparkles,

As if enchanted.

The lights are sparkling
The balls are ringing.
It's like they're inviting

In a round dance of the guys.

All works are hung on a stand and the teacher invites the children to choose the most elegant Christmas trees. And everyone can rejoice together at the decorated Christmas trees painted by the children.


T. S. Komarova “Classes in visual arts in the middle group of kindergarten”

I. A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten. Junior group"

Summary of direct educational activities in drawing in the middle group

“We will dress the tree in festive attire.”

Compiled by the teacher

Pshenichnova Irina Aleksandrovna

MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 196"

Ivanovo city


Target: teach children to draw a Christmas tree.


To develop the ability to paint wood with paints;

Teach non-traditional drawing techniques: with fingers;

consolidate the ability to complement a drawing using drawing with cotton swabs;

develop artistic and creative abilities, interest in drawing, accuracy, cultivate a sense of beauty;

evoke joyful memories of the New Year holiday, a desire to help and bring joy to others.

Educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Material and equipment:a sheet of paper, watercolor paints, jars of water, a brush, cotton swabs, a musical physical education lesson “Yolka”, a physical exercise based on the poem “Yolka” (The author of the poem is M. Plyatskovsky), a musical work by V. I. Rebikov Waltz from the opera “Yolka”, illustration “New Year tree”.

Preliminary work:looking at the Christmas tree at the village site, reading V.G. Suteev “Yolka”, looking at illustrations depicting trees, Christmas trees, memorizing poems, songs, round dances about the Christmas tree, watching the cartoon “Snowman-Postman”, conversation “Take care of the forest”, looking at a Christmas tree branch, physical education on the poem “Yolka” (Author of the poem - M. Plyatskovsky).


Hold hands together.

And smile at each other.

We'll all go in circles.

And we’ll sing about the Christmas tree.

Performance of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Guys, what holiday is coming up?

Of course New Year. And the main guest of the holiday is the beautiful Christmas tree.

Reading the poem "Yolka" Yu. Shcherbakova.

On furry prickly paws

The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:

The smell of heated pine needles,

The smell of freshness and wind,

And the snowy forest,

And a faint smell of summer.

Guys, do you remember what kind of tree there is at the holiday? Children's answers.

Properly dressed, beautiful, covered in sparkling lights, shiny.

And toys hang on it - from the stand to the top of the head. Can there be a New Year without a decorated Christmas tree? Of course not.

A magpie flies in.


Hello! Are you guys “Fidgets”?

Get these letters!

The forest residents wrote letters to you.

And they asked me to deliver Soroka.

You, Soroka, sit down and rest a little.

Guys, what can animals write about? Children's answers.

What are we going to guess, it’s better to read the letters. Children read letters about how the New Year holiday is coming, there are many Christmas trees in the forest, but they are all covered with a white, fluffy blanket. But they don’t have toys to decorate the Christmas trees. And that the animals will be left without a Christmas tree sparkling with lights.

You can’t leave forest dwellers without a New Year tree. What to do? What should we do, guys?

Children express their suggestions.

Right. You can draw a Christmas tree, but more than one. But first, let's take a closer look at it.

Looking at a Christmas tree standing in a group.

What does the Christmas tree have?

Where are the branches pointing?

What are they covered with?

Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is in this picture. What color paint did the artist use to paint this forest guest?

Right. Brown paint for the trunk, green for the branches. And bright, cheerful colors for Christmas tree decorations.

Physical education lesson based on the poem “Spruce”

The spruce stands under the blue sky,
On which the stars sleep.
(We are in a standing position, arms outstretched below - we spread our arms and legs slightly to the sides, hold our palms parallel to the floor - we represent a spruce tree. We raise our heads up, stretch our neck - we try to see the stars “in the sky”)

It's all painted with frost
From head to toe.
(We raise our outstretched arms up above our heads and, making smooth movements with our palms from side to side, we slowly bend down and lower our hands in front of us to the floor - this is how we “painted” the entire Christmas tree with frost with “palm brushes”)

Sparkling with pure pearls
In a caustic, ringing silence,
(We depict pearls with the fingers of both hands - we connect the thumb and index fingers of each hand into small circles. We make jerky movements with our hands in different directions, bending and straightening our arms - we show how brightly our tree sparkles)

The spruce is so elegant -
Like a fairy tale in the moonlight.
(We return to the starting position, depicting a Christmas tree: legs slightly shoulder-width apart, outstretched arms slightly apart, open palms facing the floor. We do small squats and at the same time turn the body to the right and left, slightly raising and lowering the outstretched arms - this is such an elegant our Christmas tree!)

Touching the clouds with your shoulder,
(We stand in a “herringbone” pattern again. Raise our right and left shoulders up in turn)

She catches the snow thick.
(We jump as high as possible and at the same time clap our outstretched arms above our heads - “catching snow”)

Even the hare stood up on his paws
Before this beauty!
(We depict a bunny standing on its paws: we squat down, hold our hands at chest level. While in this position, we look up and tilt our heads alternately to one side and the other - we show how the bunny admires the beautiful Christmas tree)

Show what kind of trunk the Christmas tree has—straight and long. (Stretched to attention).

Can you show me where the branches are pointing? (Spread their arms to the sides)


Showing how to draw.

Take a seat at your desk and get to work.

Independent work to the music of V.I. Rebikova Waltz from the opera “Yolka”.

Guys, you made some wonderful Christmas trees. Well done.

I'm standing in the taiga on one leg,
pine cones on top, teddy bears below,
Green in winter and summer,
I’m called a Christmas tree, and my dress is….

Now look at how to draw prickly needles. Cotton swabs will help us with this.

I invite you to relax a little with the same green beauty.

Musical physical education “Christmas tree”.

The Christmas tree has come to the children,

She brought snow on the branches.

We need to warm up the Christmas tree,

Wear a new dress.

- Tell me how I can quickly and beautifully draw balls on the Christmas tree. We have already drawn round objects in this way.

That's right with your fingers. We have already painted with our fingers. You are familiar with this method.

A reminder of the finger painting method.

Independent work.

Well done, everyone did it. You were attentive and skillful, and the Christmas trees turned out very beautiful and elegant.

The stars shine brightly,

The lights are burning brightly,

Different beads hang -

Wonderful outfit!

I have a crown star prepared for everyone. Place these stars on the Christmas tree that you like best and tell us why. Children's answers.

Tell me, Soroka, did you like the guys’ work?


Well done guys, you did a great job! Forest dwellers will really like them.

How her outfit shines,

Like the lanterns are burning,

Our tree Happy New Year

Congratulates all the animals.

Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs.


Thank you guys!

Guys, what do you wish for the forest animals for the New Year? Children's wishes.

I remember everything, Soroka. Hit the road. Pass on the beautiful Christmas trees and the children’s wishes to the forest animals.


Thank you, friends,

It's time to fly to the forest quickly.

Give gifts to animals

And it's fun to celebrate the New Year!

Information sources

http://ped-kopilka.ru/stihi-dlja-detei/stihi-pro-elku-dlja-detei.html -waltz from the opera by V. I. Rebikov.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group. Topic: “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”

Target: Developing children's interest in visual arts through non-traditional drawing techniques.
Educational: cultivate empathy, desire to help
Educational: consolidate knowledge about primary colors, introduce the unconventional drawing technique “Crumpled paper imprint”
Developmental: develop children's creative thinking (through problem situations), curiosity, imagination.
Expand and activate the vocabulary: imprint, non-traditional technique, envelop.
Equipment: children's drawings with Christmas trees, white gouache, letter from a hare, paper napkins, wet wipes, palette.
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of a winter landscape, drawing Christmas trees.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part- 2 minutes.
Children's drawings of a Christmas tree are hung on the board, the teacher and the children admire the works and find a letter from the bunny:
“Dear guys, it’s frosty outside and the Christmas trees are very cold, please help!”
(there is a dialogue with the children)

So what can we do? How can we help Christmas trees? What keeps trees warm in winter? (children's answers)
I suggest you take your Christmas trees and go to your workplaces.
Main part- 15 minutes.
Guys, I suggest you wrap the Christmas tree in snow using an unconventional drawing technique - imprinting with crumpled paper. (children perform as shown by the teacher)
To do this, we take a napkin and wrinkle it. We dip the crumpled napkin lightly into paint, then apply a print to the Christmas tree. This way we cover the Christmas tree with snow. If you have excess paint on the crumpled paper, then you need to dip it on a napkin, and only then apply it to the Christmas tree.
I noticed that you put a fur coat on the Christmas tree, but what about the spine? (children's answers). Children draw snowdrifts.
Final part- 3 minutes
How beautifully you covered your Christmas trees with snow. Why do you think? (children's answers)
The teacher is interested in which work whom liked and why.
Who can remind me why we covered the Christmas trees with snow? Who asked us about this (children's answers)
Guys, you are great today! You did a great job! (calling the children by name, he praises them because someone remembered that in winter snow warms and protects the tree, and suggested covering the tree with snow).
Guys, what did we do today? (children's answers) How and with what did we draw? (children's answers) What is the name of the technique that we used in our work?
Now our Christmas trees will not freeze, the bunny can rejoice.
Thank you all for your work.
Lesson duration 20 minutes

Practical part of the lesson

Children crumple a napkin

Children dip crumpled paper into white gouache.

They begin to cover the Christmas tree with snow

Dip excess paint on a napkin.

They turned out to be such wonderful Christmas trees

“A Christmas tree grew in the forest on the mountain”

Educator: Sirotina G.A.

Integrated educational areas: “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic”


  • teach children to draw a simple landscape in accordance with the content of the poem, to depict a Christmas tree decorated with snow;
  • continue to develop the ability to correctly position a drawing on a sheet and draw with paints;
  • teach children to expressively read a poem by heart, conveying their admiration of winter nature through intonation, teach them to feel and reproduce the figurative language of the poem;
  • clarify and activate children's vocabulary.


  • develop creativity, attention, imagination, speech, aesthetic and figurative perception.


  • cultivate a love of nature; caring attitude towards her;
  • independence, observation, accuracy, initiative.

Material and equipment:

* Gouache paints (brown, green, white); water glasses

* brushes, napkins, oilcloths

* tinted sheets of paper (landscape sheet)

* artificial trees; painting “Winter Evening”

* soft toy (white bunny)

Progress of the lesson:

  1. I. Introductory part

(children sit in a semicircle on a chair)

Educator. - Guys, what time of year is it now? (Children’s answers)

Why did you decide that? (Children’s answers)

Guys, let's remember O. Vysotskaya's poem “The Christmas Tree” (children read in chorus).

Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!

Our garden became quiet.

And birches and aspens

The boring ones stand.

Only one Christmas tree

Cheerful and green.

Apparently she's not afraid of the cold,

Apparently she is brave!

Why do we say “our garden has become quiet”?

Why do “birch and aspen trees stand boring”?

Why “the Christmas tree is only cheerful...”?

Look how beautiful the snow-covered Christmas tree is! Santa Claus took care of her and decorated her with white and fluffy snow.

Guys, help me remember who lives in the forest in winter.

The panty changed the color,

And then he lost track. (Children's answers: - Bunny)

(A bunny appears)

Bunny. - Hello guys!

Tell me who hibernates in winter (Children's answers: - Bear)

My friend Mishka has never seen winter, snow...

Guys, why do you think? (Children's answers)

Let's draw him a winter forest, and when he wakes up in the spring, I will give him your work, and he will see winter and be happy.

  1. II. Main part

(children sit at tables)

Educator. A beautiful Christmas tree grew in the forest on the mountain. One day an artist saw a Christmas tree and drew it like this. (Showing the painting “Winter Evening”)

Then a writer (Elena Trutneva) saw this tree and wrote this poem. Let's remember him.

A Christmas tree grew in the forest on the mountain,

She has silver needles in winter,

The icicles are knocking on her cones,

A snow coat lies on the shoulders...

Let's remember what parts the Christmas tree consists of?

What color will we paint the trunk?

What color will we paint the branches?

(I explain the technique of drawing spruce)

Let us draw a Christmas tree on a high mountain with a snow coat on its shoulders, with cones, with ice.

What shape is the bump? (Children's answers: - Oval)

Shows how to paint cones at the bottom of a spruce branch with brown paint using the dipping technique (side stroke)

Next, I show two techniques for depicting snow on branches: paint a wide stripe at the top of one branch with white paint and apply horizontal strokes along the top of another branch. Let me explain that snow can be depicted in different ways.

Physical exercise (standing near the tables)

Oh, the bunnies are so cold, and everyone has a cold nose!

Oh, the bunnies are so cold, and they all have cold tails!

To keep the bunnies warm, we all need to jump,

To keep bunnies warm, you need to rub their paws.

Bunnies' paws keep them warm this way and that way!

Bunnies play with their paws this way and that, that way!

All the bunnies have sat down and are sitting quietly -

Children start drawing. During the work, I make sure that the children correctly convey the structure of the spruce, and paint the snow after the dark green paint has dried.

  1. III.Final part (result of the lesson)

(I hang the work on the board)


Christmas tree, you are a Christmas tree,

The Christmas tree is simply amazing.

See for yourself,

How beautiful she is!

Guys, look what a beautiful Christmas tree we have! Bunny, did you like our Christmas trees?

Bunny. - I really liked your fabulous Christmas trees. I will definitely pass on your work to my friend Mishka; when he wakes up in the spring, he will find out what a winter forest is like.

(the bunny leaves and takes away the work)

Educator. - Children, you did great today. They answered well, you know a lot of poems. I think Mishka will be pleased.

Self-analysis of a comprehensive drawing lesson in the middle group “Winter Forest”

The program content of the lesson corresponds to the age and level of development of children. When I set goals for myself, I tried to take into account the age of the children, as well as the fact that psychological processes are just beginning to form.

The program content formulates educational, educational, and developmental objectives. The lesson consisted of three parts:

Introduction – guessing a riddle, reading a poem to children;

The main part is to consolidate the technique of drawing a Christmas tree in a snowy decoration;

The final part (result of the lesson) is an analysis of children's works using artistic expression.

I tried to observe the principle of logical structure of the lesson: I united all three parts of the lesson, the physical education minute, with one plot. I was able to maintain the emphasis on the presence of the guest throughout the session.

It seems to me that the children mastered the material, because the speech was clear, understandable, expressive and logically structured.

She used various methods and techniques: a surprise moment - the appearance of a guest (bunny), verbal (conversation), visual. An excellent way to attract children's attention was visualization, which helped to better assimilate the material.

I used various types of work: individual reading of poems, independent work of children (practical part).

I achieved mental activity by relying on the children’s experience and knowledge.

She tried to skillfully organize the children’s work: she gave clear goals and interesting tasks. There was a differentiated approach to children (taking into account the knowledge, abilities and skills of each child).

During the lesson, the children were organized and active, moving enough. I tried to provide children with psychological comfort, encouraging each child to create a joyful mood.

This lesson was effective. The goals and objectives set by me have been completed.