What does a horseshoe mean in the house? How to hang a horseshoe correctly: hang it over the front door, how it should hang, where to nail it in the house, what it means as a talisman

The horse shoe has long been considered a symbol of good luck, health and prosperity. Finding a horseshoe foreshadowed great luck in business. For a horseshoe to bring happiness, you need to know how to hang it. And not every horseshoe can be useful. A purchased accessory made of plastic or paper will serve you no more than a simple decoration of your home. Therefore, it is very important what kind of horseshoe, how it came to you, the material from which it is made and even the method of fastening it. But why is a horseshoe considered a symbol of prosperity?

Why does a horseshoe bring good luck?

In ancient times, the horse was considered a nurse, a worker and an indispensable means of transport. Owning a horse was considered great luck and a clear indicator of wealth. The same applied to the metal that protected the horse's hooves. It cost a lot of money, so finding a horseshoe was considered a great success. This was especially true during the times of Ancient Egypt. After all, as you know, gold began to be mined much earlier than other metals, so the horseshoes were gold. So imagine the joy of a person who finds a golden horseshoe.

A horseshoe is considered a sign of prosperity in many nations. The Slavs had great respect for blacksmiths and their profession. Typically, skill was passed down through generations. People considered the blacksmith almost a god, capable of subjugating metal with the help of fire. Therefore, objects made by fire and flame were sacred.

In ancient times, people believed that a horse gave all its strength, power, hard work and energy to the horseshoe. They believed that the horse filled the horseshoe with positive energy, and when the shoe became full, the animal simply threw it away. And the person who is the first to find this horseshoe and bring it to his house will be lucky.

How to hang a horseshoe correctly - with the arms up or down

Different cultures have ambivalent opinions about how to hang a horseshoe - with the horns down or up. Eastern sages say that a horseshoe should hang from the outside of the door with its horns down, and the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui states that a horseshoe should have its horns up and certainly hang on the inside of the door. This does not mean that your horseshoe is not hanging correctly, no matter how you hang it. Both options have a beneficial effect on the house and its inhabitants.

The ancients believed that if you hang a horseshoe with its horns facing up, it will protect all family members from quarrels and failures. In this position, the horseshoe resembles a cup that is filled with goodness, light and love. In such a house it will always be safe, cozy, warm and tasty. If you want to hang a horseshoe with its horns facing up, you need to hang it above the door on the inside of the apartment. This way you will protect all the good things you have at home.

If you hang a horseshoe with its horns down, you will protect your home from the evil eye, thieves and other misfortunes. People said that a horseshoe with its horns down looks like a dome that protects people from troubles and diseases. If you have angry and envious neighbors, you need to hang a horseshoe with the arms down above the front door from the outside. And then you will be able to protect yourself and your family from bad thoughts and negative energy of envy. There is still a belief that says that all objects located near a horseshoe are protected by higher powers. A small horseshoe figurine can be placed next to a safe where money or jewelry is stored. This will protect the owner from thieves and ruin.

A horseshoe found by chance has the greatest magical power. Especially if it is real, from a live horse, and not a souvenir. This horseshoe should be brought home and washed thoroughly. You shouldn’t hang a horseshoe for a while; it should stay in the house and be saturated with its energy.

A horseshoe given as a gift also has some protective power. It is best to give a horseshoe made of metal, wood and ceramics. These materials are capable of accumulating positive energy and influencing a person and his home. Paper, plastic and glass horseshoes have no power.

When the found horseshoe has been lying in the house for some time (usually a few days is enough), you need to perform some rituals that charge this item for the successful service of the new home. First you need to give a horseshoe into the hands of every person living under this roof. Each family member should ask the horseshoe for well-being, prosperity, peace and prosperity. Then the oldest person in the house must take the horseshoe in his hands and walk around the house with it three times. At the same time, he should have good, kind thoughts and wishes for the residents of this house. After this, the horseshoe should be left in the sun for several hours. This way it is charged with solar energy for a long and efficient service.

Then the eldest woman in the family should place a few drops of melted candle on the horseshoe and ask the higher powers for protection for the home. It has long been known that wax has protective properties against evil spirits and the devil. After all these rituals, the horseshoe can be hung above the front door. And to do it outside or inside, with the horns up or down - you decide for yourself. This is done depending on what you currently lack - prosperity or protection.

It is also very important how to attach the amulet. Some beliefs say that a horseshoe should not be pierced with a sharp object, because the integrity of its energy protection is compromised. For fastening, a small rope was used, on which a horseshoe was hung. The rope itself was attached to a hook. According to another belief, a horseshoe, on the contrary, must be nailed tightly onto all the nails. This is explained by the fact that in this way the owner of the house binds all the angels to his house, and they will constantly protect people.

Among the Slavs it was believed that a horseshoe could be hung not only above the front door. Depending on its location, a horseshoe could be a talisman in various situations.

  1. If a young girl could not get married for a long time, she had to hang two horseshoes at the head of her bed. This was the key to a successful marriage in the near future.
  2. If the horseshoe darkened, it means that a strong magic spell was cast on the house and its owners. Having a horseshoe in the house saved family members in such cases. If the horseshoe cracked, it means that a death spell was cast on one of the residents.
  3. When young spouses could not become parents for a long time, the elders of the family advised hanging a small wooden horseshoe over the bed. This amulet helped a couple to conceive a child.
  4. If the amulet falls, it should not be hung back in place. In this case, they say that the horseshoe has spent its useful properties and should be gratefully buried in the ground.
  5. This was the custom in Slavic villages. If a man drank a lot and suffered from alcoholism, he could be cured with the help of a horseshoe. To do this, each glass of alcohol or the entire bottle must first be carried through a horseshoe. And then the man stopped feeling the taste of vodka and over time began to feel disgusted with it.

A horseshoe brings good luck - even ossified skeptics know this. Let the horseshoe you find protect your home from evil spirits and give you prosperity and love.

Video: how to hang a horseshoe for luck

A horseshoe is considered the strongest home talisman. Since ancient times, it was hung at the entrance to the house in order to attract good luck and prosperity. But few people know how to hang a horseshoe correctly so that it really attracts happiness into the house. There are several rules, following which, your horseshoe can become an excellent amulet against evil and trouble.

How to hang a horseshoe correctly

  1. The horseshoe should be hung above the front door inside the house. In this case, she will attract all the benefits to the house. If you hang this talisman on the outside of the door, then the horseshoe will have a completely different function. In this case, it will simply protect your home from uninvited guests, the evil eye and damage.
  2. It matters which side you hang the horseshoe. If you hang it with its horns up, it will attract wealth into the house. In this case, it will look like a bowl. And the cup, as you know, is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
  3. If you hang a horseshoe with its horns facing down, it will look like an inverted bowl. This is a symbol of protection. That is, it turns out that all household members will be under the magical dome of this bowl. In this case, your home will be free from troubles, illnesses, misfortunes and quarrels.
  4. The oldest member of the family or its head needs to nail down the horseshoe. A man must do this. This amulet must be attached to one nail. Previously, nailing a horseshoe to the door was a whole ritual in which an important meaning can be traced. In order for a horseshoe to bring good luck, the nail on which it will be attached must be held in the hands of all family members living in the house. After this, the horseshoe will become a strong home talisman.

If you want to get this talisman, then it is also important to know which particular horseshoe can bring good luck to you. The following are considered lucky horseshoes:

  • Inherited from relatives
  • Found in a field or near a stable
  • Accepted as a gift from kind people

Believe in your home talisman, and it will definitely help you! The main thing is not to forget that good attracts good, and evil attracts evil! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.10.2014 09:11

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The amulets are designed to protect their owners from negative influences, as well as attract good luck and fulfill cherished...

Since ancient times, the horseshoe has been considered a symbol of good luck and happiness; it is said that it brings prosperity and prosperity to the house. This talisman can also protect the home from evil spirits and the negative energy of bad people.

Many of us believe in omens and superstitions, want to maintain harmony and peace in our home, family happiness and well-being, so we buy various amulets and talismans for our homes. In order for any of the talismans to truly bring happiness, you need to know how to use it. The same can be said about a horseshoe; it must hang in the correct position, and only then the talisman will bring good luck to its owners.

A little history

Even in ancient Egypt, when the pharaohs ruled there, the horses of noble people were fitted with gold-tipped horseshoes. Sometimes horses lost a precious horseshoe and the poor person who found such an item immediately became wealthy, he was finally lucky, happiness smiled on him.

Among the Slavs, the horse has always been endowed with special powers, it was considered a symbol of the Sun and fertility, this animal has always been revered, they even said that a horse can move from the world of living to the world of dead people. Almost all Russian folk tales are related to the horse, in which it played an important role. For a long time, people have made toys in the shape of horses, embroidered on clothes and painted images of horses on dishes.

The horseshoe was able to combine horse power and iron, it has a certain shape, which remains specific and unchanged for thousands of years. This shape of the item gives people a hint on how to hang it.

How to hang a horseshoe correctly

To protect your home from failures and troubles, feng shui specialists offer their useful tips and recommendations.

Signs say that a horseshoe always brings happiness, wealth and luck, love and health, for this to happen, you need properly install it in your home.

Now it’s clear how you need to hang a horseshoe on the door of your house so that it brings happiness and wealth or protects it from troubles and misfortunes. All that remains is to make the right choice and decide for yourself what is more important for each family.

There is also a custom where all family members must hold a horseshoe in your hands and only then hang it on the door, then it will bring good luck to every member of the household. In order for the horseshoe to have even greater energy and strength, you can add another talisman to it - the cornucopia. It is best if such a symbol is made with your own hands, then both talismans will double the positive effect.

Good luck amulet

Since ancient times, people believed that an object such as a horseshoe always brings good luck and luck in business. Those who found it by chance and brought it into their home soon had good luck, their lives changed for the better.

If we talk about ordinary souvenirs that can be bought in numerous stores, they are unlikely to bring long-awaited luck and prosperity. For this it is necessary have a real horseshoe, which served the horse, such an ancient amulet will always bring good luck and happiness to its owner.

In most countries, a horseshoe is usually nailed, and there should be as many nails as there are holes in the horseshoe. The man should nail the amulet, and the woman should help him, hold the horseshoe in her hand and then hand it over to the owner of the house. Before leaving the house, you need to touch the amulet and throughout the day you will experience good luck and success in business. There is also another rule, according to which the horseshoe is not nailed to the door, but hung on a string.

If you make a horseshoe with your own hands and hang it in your home, it will also bring luck, wealth and happiness to your home.


It is unlikely that you will be able to buy a real horseshoe in a souvenir shop; it is best to ask give it away or sell it in the stable, where horses live. Such a gift will definitely bring good luck; all you have to do is decide for yourself which side of the door to hang this priceless item.

If it is not possible to purchase an item from the stables, then you can buy it in a souvenir shop, but only if the talisman is made of metal. In addition to the talisman, there must also be faith in luck, you can’t live without it, and soon she will definitely smile.

The horseshoe is a very ancient talisman that, according to legend, brings happiness and good fortune if placed in the home. A metal talisman has been used for many centuries as a talisman not only in Russia, but also in Western countries and India.

This item has been considered a symbol of luck since ancient times. People who found this item on the road were sure to have good luck in the near future. But most often, to attract good luck into the house, “horse shoes” were hung on the door.

The main rule for a truly effective amulet is its magical charge. What you see on store shelves is just a souvenir. A horseshoe for good luck should look completely different. Of course, it will be “shabby”, since it must be worn by a horse. Such a rusty, old amulet is a real Old Slavic amulet.

According to the Old Slavic tradition, it is believed that the amulet cannot be nailed down; it must be suspended by a string. It is believed that she was already nailed to the horse's hoof, and if she fell, she wanted to free herself.

Now we have figured out how the horseshoe works for good luck. How to hang it is up to you. Many people use this amulet not only on the door, but also on the body, as a pendant. In any case, remember that the true talisman is only the horseshoe that was already on the horse, and purchased “talismans” are just a souvenir.

Where did the tradition of hanging a horseshoe over the door come from? Several opinions.

Many of those who publicly deny their belief in omens still do not risk crossing the path of a black cat, and during significant events they will still not consider using a talisman or ritual that promises good luck.

Customs or objects revered by many peoples are especially respected. So our tourists visiting Turkey, India, Egypt were surprised to find in souvenir shops what seemed to be an original Russian amulet - a horseshoe - and began to believe in its exceptional properties.

The horseshoe itself represents good luck, prosperity, luck.

Why do they even hang a horseshoe?

The horseshoe itself represents good luck, prosperity, luck. In Egypt, horse shoes earned a reverent attitude due to the fact that they were made of gold and the lucky person who found this attribute received a weighty piece of noble metal in its face.

In addition, the shape of the horseshoe resembles a month - a symbol of the goddess of fertility Isis. Then the belief in finding happiness with such a find remained, but the need for its implementation disappeared, because gold was no longer used in making horseshoes.

How and in what places should you hang a horseshoe?

Among the Slavic peoples there is a legend about the power of iron shoes for horses. At one time, Saint Dunstan, who was a blacksmith, taught a lesson to the devil, who appeared to him in the form of an unshod horse and inclined the righteous man to indecent acts.

To this day, the unclean is afraid to enter those gates that are guarded by a horseshoe. That’s why they hang this iron attribute over the entrance, the front door, with its horns down, like a rainbow, to protect their home from misfortunes and adversity.

The horseshoe was nailed in the middle on one new nail, the purchase of which could not be negotiated. Next, it was fried in an oven in a frying pan in Thursday salt and only then used to attach the amulet.

They hang this iron attribute above the entrance, with its horns down, like a rainbow, to protect their home from misfortunes and adversity.

Feng Shui fans have slightly different principles for attracting good luck through a horseshoe. Firstly, it should not be nailed, but firmly placed on a stand or at least two nails driven into the wall.

With this installation method, it personifies balance and cannot be perceived as a static structure that symbolizes stagnation of Qi energy. The horns of the horseshoe should be directed upward, so it looks like a full bowl.

And the last secret: under the two supports on which the horseshoe rests, place a yellow coin. This entire structure must be located inside the home.

If the cow was the nurse, then the horse was considered a helper and friend. He will plow the field, and carry heavy loads, and help out in battle. Therefore, according to another version, a horseshoe from the back hoof of a fallen horse still continues to protect and help the family of its owner.

The Mexicans nail it under the very roof on the facade of the house, protecting this family amulet from contact with strangers. More hospitable Italians, on the contrary, as a sign of respect for the owners, touch the horseshoe nailed at the entrance just below the door handle with a bow and good wishes.

Moreover, this amulet protects on the road and protects against losses when conducting business. It was nailed both to the bow of the ship and to the masts. A horseshoe buried under the threshold attracts profit with an arc towards the entrance. Moreover, with every successful transaction, the place where it rests needs to be spilled with clean water (and this is another reason to keep the threshold clean).

What material should a horseshoe be made of?

If you add up the strength of the horse shoe itself and the material from which it is made, the effect of its impact doubles.

Therefore, you can use not only a real iron horseshoe intended for wearing by noble animals, but also its variants in the form gold souvenirs, silver, copper and tin.

Stylized handmade products, in which your soul and aspirations are invested, will also work well to attract good luck.

How long does it take to hang a horseshoe?

You cannot compare a horseshoe to a toggle switch that turns on the light, because with energy flows everything is not as simple as in elementary physics. The longer the amulet hangs, the stronger it becomes, accumulating energy, “getting used” to its owners.

If you still experience some discomfort from the increased attention of others to the horseshoe, then you can always refer to your love for eclecticism, without focusing on its miraculous capabilities. For the amulet to work, you need to believe in it and treat it with respect.

How often should you change the places where the horseshoe hangs?

If there are no positive changes in fate, then change places, in which the horseshoe can work at full strength. However, in this case, it is worth starting to “test” the talisman from the most remote place.

For example, the gate of a house or the outside of the entrance, to the epicenter of the maximum stay of family members. Don't offend him by throwing him out the door. Or it’s better to add a similar amulet to different places for greater effect.

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