“The earth blooms with the smiles of flowers.” Productive activities (applique, modeling, drawing)

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong?
I answer, baby: never ask for forgiveness...
Do not say anything. Send flowers. No letters... Only flowers...
They cover everything...
Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers
when the light kisses them...

Erich Maria Remarque

I so want flowers in the middle of winter... And I want their warmth, and colors... I like it when flowers grow, but when picked, they lose their charm for me... I see how they are doomed to destruction, and I feel sad because this resemblance to life... I never give flowers to those I love, and I do not want to accept them from someone who is dear to me.

Let the wonderful splendor of these delicate flowers fill the daily palette of your winter everyday life with freshness...

“You should never listen to what flowers say... You just need to look at them and breathe in their scent. »
Antoine de Saint-Exupery. A little prince

I will start a beautiful box... And I will keep our Friendship in it. I will collect all the meetings in seconds, like beads on a silk thread... I will put there a piece of the sun, an armful of stars and a tiny bit of the moon... And, looking at them, I will believe that at the same moment you will look at them too.. I will treasure my box, it is the most valuable thing on Earth!
It contains the greatest jewel -
Simple Friendship that you give me!

I mean nothing without friends. When I laugh, when I'm sad and cry. I live for them and, apparently, because without friends I mean nothing... I spin, spin in my own affairs, meeting success with failure... I am not mistaken in the friends I choose, because without friends I mean nothing... Fire is not scary either, as long as I have someone who understands me. I love you! It brings me joy to think about you! I know this phrase is not new.
Over time, even the most beautiful words lose their holiness...


People give flowers because flowers contain the real meaning of Love. Anyone who tries to take possession of a flower will see its beauty fade...

How to make an Earth Day craft. In the spring, according to established tradition, a variety of events are held, which are united by one goal: to attract as much attention as possible to the numerous problems of our common home - the Earth, and to learn to be as attentive as possible to the fragile and defenseless human environment.

For children, the most understandable and interesting way to express their attitude towards nature and our planet as a whole will be a thematic craft; On Earth Day, it will acquire special significance if it helps to draw the attention of adults to the environmental situation in the world.

For example, an interesting one can be made using stained glass technique for a window. To make it, you need to cut out a circle with a fairly wide (about one and a half to two centimeters) outline from thick double-sided black paper. Then you need to fix it on the window glass with pieces of transparent self-adhesive stained glass film in blue, green and yellow - like our planet. Any person passing by, looking out the window and seeing such a stained glass window there, will become interested in its meaning.

Earth - window decoration

Model “Earth” made from a foam ball

A very convenient model of the earth for lessons can be made from foam balls. They can be purchased at craft stores.

We paint the ball with blue and green paint.

A small model of the earth is ready!

You can draw a very impressive picture for Earth Day.

Draw a circle using a saucer. Using a ruler, draw rays around the circle.

We outline the circle with the rays with black chalk. Using white wax crayon we draw various positive symbols between the rays: arrows, hearts, suns and waves. On a white sheet of paper they are almost invisible, but when we cover a sheet of paper with watercolors they will appear.

Take watercolor paint. Coloring our Earth. The continents become soft green and the oceans blue.

We begin to paint the space between the rays. Symbols drawn with wax crayon begin to appear.

We color the entire space of the sheet. Our wonderful bright drawing for Earth Day is ready!

Drawing with the Earth in the shape of a heart

You can draw a picture using classical techniques, watercolors or any other paints.

To better show our attitude towards our native planet, we draw its contours in the shape of a heart on thick cardboard and cut it out. The result is a template.

Trace the template onto a piece of sketch paper or whatman paper.

Then we draw the contours of improvised continents on the heart, and radially diverging straight lines on the sheet around the heart. Draw continents inside the heart. Draw rays from the heart.

We outline the Earth and continents

Our sketch is ready.

Color the “continents” green.

It is not necessary to make continents natural. We paint the remaining part of the heart blue - like the ocean.

We paint the sections of paper delimited by oblique radial lines in different bright colors.

The result is an expressive, attention-grabbing picture.

A very touching model of the earth can be sculpted from plasticine. First, take green plasticine and make a thin cake out of it.

Using a stack, we cut out islands and continents.

Take a plastic ball and blue plasticine.

We make a thin cake from blue plasticine. Cover the entire ball with this cake.

Glue continents and islands onto the ball. Plasticine soil is ready!

Watch the video presentation dedicated to Earth Day and environmental issues:

From crafts and pictures you can make an exhibition dedicated to our planet and preserving its well-being.

Scenario for the holiday “The Earth Laughs with Flowers”

Valeria's video "Flowers"

Slide “Flowers are the remains of heaven on earth.” (John of Krondstadt) - bouquet (beautiful music1)

IN 1. You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The Little Prince)

Flowers are a magical gift of nature.
Flowers are companions of warmth and joy.
Flowers are a symbol of beauty.
Flowers are the smile of nature.

The first month of spring begins with an amazing holiday dedicated to all women, girls, girls. And on this day they are given the first spring flowers.

AT 2Spring! The beginning of a new life in nature.
And I want to give flowers to everyone.

Flowers are a luxurious gift of nature,The soul would wither without them.We are delighted by the haughty purple of the rose,We are pleased with the dim color of others,Others who do not call imperiously,Without stunning external beauty,Full of charm and joyWe are captivated by simplicity

We often associate a flower with a woman. Why? After all, a flower has long been a symbol of beauty, and a woman personifies beauty. Who, like a woman, creates an aura of inexplicable but visible beauty around herself.

IN 1. Therefore, flowers should be present in a woman’s life. A woman must be nourished, she is a flower. And if this is not done at least periodically, then it may simply wither. Therefore, flowers and women are inseparable.


How a woman rejoices at flowers,Just take a closer look, take a closer look.And you... And you will give her a bouquetHow a woman rejoices at flowers,I wish I could paint portraits from her at this moment,Delight, excitement, sensuality and charm,All the magic in love is sung.I read admiration in the eyes,And I advise you - repeat that moment,How a woman rejoices at flowers,Give her flowers, give her lovingly!

Q2. We can talk about flowers for quite a long time. Flowers are everywhere in our lives.How many of them are in the fields! But everyone blooms in their own way - this is the highest feat of a flower!

YN. .(music)

1Flowers blooming - art
Flowers can talk

And convey all thoughts, feelings,
And hate and love.
When they present you with roses -
Wealth in them, goodness, love.
You are exalted, extolled.
May happiness happen again.
Look - lilies in a bouquet.
When they are white as snow
It’s clear to everyone: It’s just that
Souls of a crystal man.
Splendor and glory,
Peony will bring wealth.
He is right next to the roses.
He will drive out all evil spirits.
They will break things in gardens and parks
And they gladly give lilacs.
The language of flowers is understandable to everyone.
We inhale the scent of flowers,
He is sweet and pleasant to the heart.
The bouquet - it pleases our eyes!

IN 1.At all times, the beauty of a woman has been compared to a flower...It contains the luxury of a rose, and the purity of a lily, and the sophistication of an orchid, and the tenderness of an apple tree, and the modesty of a chamomile, and the royalty of a dahlia... And lush roses, and royal lilies, and exquisite orchids - they are all a reflection of inner beauty. The word “flower” itself also contains magical power.

Q2. Today I want to read the wordsThe Little Prince from Exupery's fairy tale:

If you love a flower - the only one that is not on any other of the many millions of stars, that's enough: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: “My flower lives there somewhere...”.

IN 1. Indeed, everyone has their own flower, even the name... Let's see what flowers belong to the names of our teachers.

presentation “Flowers for a name” - (before each slide there is a song in which the name is mentioned)

yun1.The flower named after Alexander is rightfully considered to be a rose. This delightful flower can be called whatever it is: the queen of gardens, the goddess of dawn, the princess of flowers, a symbol of beauty... There are many legends, songs, poems about the rose, it is deified, its image is displayed on coats of arms and flags.

Yun.2 A dazzling fragment of the heavenly rainbow went to the name Vlad - this is an iris. Iris symbolizes constancy, hope, and its scent is more refined than the scent of a rose.

YN1. Surprisingly tender and tremulous flower got it name Valentina - forget-me-not. Her flowers are very small, but you can walk past them impossible.

Yun.2. The insidious flower went to the name Elena - buttercup.

Insidious with its innocent charm and poisonous aroma. Buttercup is cheerful, it blooms all summer, lighting up its petal lights everywhere - orangeish, like silk, with red edges, as if someone had brushed it with a brush.

Yun1The rainbow flower, overflowing with the most delightful aroma, belongs to the wonderful name Elizabeth - hyacinth. Its countless colors, delicate appearance and, most importantly, exquisite aroma surprise and delight.

Yun2.Natalia’s flowers can be compared with multi-colored stars that fell into the gardens - these are asters. This is a proud flower

Yun1.The name Nina belongs to a modest, shy flower with the most delicate aroma - the violet. Very touching, velvety, decorated with a wide variety of colors and shades, the violet is a flower of warmth and light.

Yun2.The name Nadezhda belongs to the orange-gold scattering of sun spray with a tart aroma - calendula flowers. Calendula blooms for a long time, and its flowers can provide relief from many ailments. Well, how can such a flower and such a name - Nadezhda - not go together?

Yun.1It is impossible not to notice the first snowdrop among the snow and admire it. This delicate, seemingly fragile flower of Olga - the snowdrop - has an amazingly brave character. The snow has not yet melted, but it is already stretching out its thin blue-white petals towards the weak sun.

Yun2.It’s as if sunny stars are lighting up in the middle of summer, the stars are blood-red, emitting a tart spicy aroma - carnations are blooming - Svetlana’s flowers. Carnation is incredibly resilient, strong, and has no equal in the brightness of its petals. No wonder this is Svetlana’s flower.

Yun1. The name Tatyana is associated with a simple, modest flower - clover. You look into the field - it’s as if a magical velvety soft pink carpet has spread out. Clover flowers are soft and fragrant: you will breathe in as if you are plunging into a honey cloud.

YN3 (music)

The language of flowers was born in the East...
It was created by women out of love.
They wanted bright delights
Give to your loved ones, sparing no colors...
If you are sad today,
Primrose will quench sadness.
Phlox will fill you with secret power,
And the sunflower will illuminate with the sun!
If the hour of meeting comes,
The bell will tell you the time.
Forget-me-not refreshes the memory,
And the immortelle preserves kindness.

IN 1The inhabitants of a planet where there are no flowers would think that on Earth, where there are flowers at every turn, we are probably going crazy with joy. How can you ignore the light aroma of lilac and the tart scent of jasmine?Poets of all times and peoples were partial to flowers.

Video – “The Earth Laughs with Flowers”

1.The daisy hugged the white daisy

And they stand in an embrace with their hearts wide open

Summer girlfriends, white daisies

The forest fairies wove shirts for you

They are not afraid of a storm, a dusty blizzard,

They do not need washing, ironing or ironing.

The wind rushed in, the dust sighed heavily,

But the white chamomile shirt remained

Then the rain poured down, the bird became wet,

But the chamomile shirt remained dry

And again the chamomile hugged the chamomile

And they stand in an embrace with their hearts wide open!

It's delicious to drink from a mug, it's delicious to drink from a cup,

On which daisies gently embraced!
2. Dark night of white lilies

The dream is unclear and quiet.

The cool night breeze

Fans them.

The night has closed their cups,

Night keeps flowers

In innocent clothes

Pure beauty.

3. O first lily of the valley! From under the snow
You ask for the sun's rays;
What virginal bliss
In your fragrant purity!

How bright is the first ray of spring!
What dreams descend in it!
How captivating you are, gift
Happy spring!

This is how a girl sighs for the first time
About what - it is unclear to her -
And a timid sigh smells fragrant
The abundance of young life.

4. I’m ready to argue with the whole world,

I'm ready to swear on my head

The fact that all colors have eyes,

And they look at you and me.

In the hour of our thoughts and worries,

In the proud hour of trouble and failure

I saw: flowers, like people, cry

And the dew is dropped on the sand.

5. I love flowers from small to large,
With whimsical forms and simplicity.
From meadow beauties to flowerbed beauties,
Given to us by the generous land.

I admire the royal rose,
I treasure the solemnity of lilies,
Lilacs bring me dreams,
I wander through the fields in a wreath of daisies.

I stand still and admire the cascade of fuchsias.
The aroma of jasmine excites the chest,
And the scarlet tulip whispers to me, showing off,
– I’m your favorite too, don’t forget!

I greet autumn with chrysanthemums,
We will while away the winter with violets...
Why do I love them? I answer honestly
- Flowers cannot offend people.

Q.1 They say that every woman has a favorite flower that matches her character, aroma, appearance and is even associated with the color of her dreams. A favorite flower is like an access code to the zone of feelings and emotions that a woman lives with. Let's, together with Nikolai Baskov, give our teachers our favorite flowers, because most of them are women

(presentation - teachers’ favorite flowers) - N. Baskov’s song “All Flowers”

B2. The poets identified women with flowers, comparing their hearts with a blooming rose, their lips with scarlet poppies, their fragrance with a bouquet of Eden. It is possible that God, when creating woman, commanded exactly this...

Video – “Flower Dance” with music in the background

Young man.

A woman is an invention, a mystery, an enigma,Woman is the haven of flying spring,Somewhere he is sad and secretly dreams,Reading resurrected dreams with my heart.Woman is a miracle by the covenant of the constellations,A subtle hint of violets and roses,Just a smile of happy retribution,Just the breath of flashing stars.A woman is a flame among the fading glare,A woman is tenderness in the clothes of the winds,Woman is a ray and crossed peaksThrown again into the boudoirs of centuries.A woman is the morning in someone’s complicated fate,Woman is a pure, transparent dawn,In some ways captivating, in some ways disturbing...Everything in a woman is a question and an answer.

IN 1

Spring is a time of warmth and light,

It's time for excitement in the blood.

And let these words of hello

They sound like a declaration of love.

B2. A world full of fabulous flowers,

A world with a wondrous rustle of winds

Embrace this spring day!

To Irina Alegrova’s song “Give flowers for no reason to a woman” - giving flowers to teachers

Svetlana Mironova

First spring flowers

More beautiful than snowy whiteness.

Reflect sky color,

Mother-of-pearl, wonderful.

In that color - clouds,

Turquoise River,

Pinkish, gentle light.

A bouquet of snowdrops.

The long-awaited spring has flown by. She awakened nature, pleased her with herbs, fragrant colorful, and is about to disappear, dissolve in the beauty and bright colors of the coming summer, which will also delight us with its pictures of amazing and fantastic colors. Looking at them, we smile and, agree, we become a little happier and kinder. Our northern nature is not so generous. First flowers, which the children and I can admire, this is a mother-and-stepmother. Therefore, when we encounter such a miracle, we admire and together come to the conclusion that we won't have flowers! Let them grow, enjoy the sun, spring rain and delight not only us, but also all people with their beauty. We won't tear flowers! May our planet smiling,A flowers will be her smiles! We won't tear flowers!Why, if we can have them draw, mold or cut out of paper!

Today I want to offer you samples of spring colors that can be done with children.

These are snowdrops - the bravest, the first messengers of spring. They are listed in the Red Book!

These are fragrant lilies of the valley!

This is coltsfoot.

These are cute and delicate violets.

These are little suns in the grass - fluffy dandelions.

And we gave these tulips and mimosas to our beloved mothers.

Well, this is a May lilac, but we have it will bloom only in mid-July.

This is how we have had a spring rich in crafts. Thank you all for your attention! Thank you!

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