Rainbow colors in the New Year tree, plot composition. Colors of the rainbow in New Year's toys" (decorative composition)

Subject: "Christmas decorations"Target: developing the skill of combining different colors in a Christmas tree toy;Tasks : subject: - perceive, describe and emotionally evaluate the proposed samples;-create simple color combinations on a given topic;Metasubject: Regulatory:-understand and retain the learning task-carry out step-by-step and final control over the resultsCognitive:-use sign-symbolic means to solve problems,- carry out analysis of objects highlighting essential and non-essential features,- consciously construct a speech utterance in oral form,Communicative:-build statements that are understandable to classmates, taking into account what the partner knows and sees and what he doesn’t,-use the rules of politeness in communication.Equipment: sippy cups, paints, brushes, scissors.

During the classes:

Lesson steps

1)Test-And what is the first stage? (remember the past)-I distribute tests to each group, I give you 2 minutes to answer them.1.Which of the paintings is made in the landscape genre? (B)2.What is the name of an artist who depicts nature? (B)3.What is the name of an artist depicting the sea? (A)4.Indicate the name of the image inanimate objects, combined into a single composition? (A)2) Check.-If you answer correctly, then you hang 1 ball on your Christmas tree, if you answer incorrectly, then you don’t hang anything.

One person from the group will hang the Christmas tree on the board.

-What is the next stage? (formulation of the topic)1) Listening to an audio recording.-I suggest you listen to an excerpt from a song that you probably know. This song is related to our lesson topic2) Conversation.-What is this song about? (about New Year) -What brings joy to the New Year? (gifts)-And without what can NG not exist?-What kind of Christmas tree do we bring from the forest? Dressy?-How do you understand the word “elegant”?-What do they decorate a Christmas tree with?-Who guessed what we will do?

Yes, you and I will color Christmas decorations, which we will then hang on our Christmas tree.

1) Research. -I suggest you be researchers.-You have a text on your desk, read it carefully and answer the questions. Each group has its own question.Group 1 - What toys do people like in Germany? - Indeed, in Germany they love toys in the form of Nutcrackers.Group 2 - What are the most popular toys in Sweden? -You're right, in Sweden the most common are considered straw toys, for safety if there is a baby in the house, and it’s also very beautiful.Group 3 - What can you see on Christmas trees in Spain? -In Spain the most original idea Christmas tree decorations - sweets.Group 4 - What was most often worn on the tops of spruce or pine trees in the USA? -In the USA they decorate the top with angels and it looks no less beautiful than our stars.2) Teacher's story.-Decorating the Christmas tree was invented back in medieval Europe. Initially, you could see mostly apples and waffles on it. The first decoration symbolized the forbidden fruit picked by Eve. The second is the bread that is given during communion. Candles were hung on the branches as a symbol of angelic purity. Over time, people began to take a more varied approach to decorating a New Year or Christmas tree. It is believed that the first Christmas tree balls were invented in Europe, or more precisely in Germany. In Russia, the fashion for decorating the spruce was introduced by Peter the Great.-Glass Christmas tree decorations also come to Russia from Europe. At first, Christmas trees were decorated in such a way that there was literally no free space left on them, but then a fashion for minimalism appeared.-We work with you in groups, so each group will have its own toy, and you will understand which toy it is from the riddle.1 group: (mittens) So as not to freeze, Five guys Knitted in the oven They are sitting. 2nd group: (ball) The garland has a neighbor.
It sparkles in the pine greenery
And New Year's Eve light
The glass side reflects.

3rd group:(bell)

He grows like a flower in the field

It rings in the bell tower

It's the first bell at school

Our favorite...

Group 4: (gift)

In new bright packaging

The room is...

1) Safety rules -And now we are moving on to a new stage. Which one? (practical work)-But we have an unusual drawing lesson, we will also cut, so we need to remember the rules of working with scissors.1.Do not hold the scissors with the ends up2. do not leave scissors open3.When working, watch the fingers of your left hand4. Place the scissors on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table5. Pass the scissors to closed and rings towards a comrade. 6.Do not cut with scissors while walking and do not approach your friends while cutting.-Do you need caution and attentiveness when working with paints?-Let's remember the rules of working with paints.-But the most important thing in our today less work water, the less water, the richer color, and that’s what we need.2)Independent work children.-You have templates on your desks, you need to color them, use any paints, but don’t forget about the rule less lesson water.

Get to work.

1) Exhibition of works.-Group 1 goes out and hangs up their mittens, group 2, 3.-And group 4, put your gifts under the Christmas tree.-This is what we got beautiful Christmas tree like the real one. 2) Reflection. -Who gives us gifts for the New Year?-And let’s give Santa Claus gifts - our mood. We will collect a bag like this for him, and we will collect snowflakes for him.Blue snowflake - if you are satisfied with your work, which means you are in a good mood.Red snowflake - if you are not very happy with your job, and your mood is a little worse.

The lesson is over.

Lesson type: image lesson

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  1. Formation and development creativity students.
  2. Development of imagination and fantasy when creating this image.
  3. Formation of artistic and graphic skills: obtain pastel colors using whitewash, be able to highlight the main thing with color, placing it in the center of the sheet and as large as possible in size.
  4. Introduce children to in different forms images of a New Year's beauty using various techniques(the stroke should go from top to bottom; when making a fold, place the brush on the tip, and then apply it with increasing pressure.
  5. Develop an emotional perception of color as a means of conveying mood, festive atmosphere, and your attitude towards the depicted image.


  • Reproductions by L. Frolenkova New Year, I. Shishkina In the wild north…
  • children's work with the image of a Christmas tree
  • tables of warm and cold colors (Appendix 1, Appendix 2)
  • table color circle and color mixing (Appendix 3)
  • phased implementation works (Appendix 4, 5, 6, 7)
  • cassette with New Year's songs
  • gouache, watercolor
  • brushes, palettes, jars of water
  • types of images of a Christmas tree (Appendix 8)

Lesson plan.

  1. Organizing time.
  2. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.
  3. Testing your knowledge of color science.
  4. Presentation of new material.
  5. Independent work in stages.
  6. Exhibition of works. Summing up the lesson.

During the classes

This lesson takes place in a festive atmosphere: the class is decorated with garlands, branches entwined with cut napkins, creating a charm winter pattern. Snowflakes that are attached everywhere: on walls, glass, furniture. Reminiscent of snow, so fluffy and soft, with foil toys that sparkle and shimmer, rotating in the flow of warm air, and on the teacher’s desk there is a decorated Christmas tree. New Year's songs are played. All this creates festive mood, a special attitude towards conducting a lesson.

At the beginning of the lesson, we consolidate knowledge about color: What colors do you know? (Appendix 2, 3)
Name the main and additional colors(Appendix 4). In addition to tables for frontal surveys, I use cards for individual use. Special attention We pay attention to the green color and from the table we see that it can be both warm and cold. (Appendices 1, 2, 3)

I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights
Cheerful, elegant
I'm in charge for the New Year!

This is the theme of the image lesson and immediately a forest of hands. Of course guys Christmas tree! Where do we start working on a white sheet of paper? First, let’s decide on the location of the sheet (vertically) and remember the rule: “He who is diligent and smart writes the background first.” What it can be like to convey delight, joy, and festive mood. To do this, let's look at two paintings by artists and the guys unmistakably talk about choosing a warm color range. When making the background, students mix paints with white on the palette, getting soft, pastel shades(Appendix 5). And now the background is ready. And we move on to the main task of our lesson, how to draw a Christmas tree. And the question helps us with this: “What is the shape of a Christmas tree?” Children name the triangle, umbrellas, and, importantly, the female figure in long dress. Associating the Christmas tree with female figure, they often talk about a girl’s figure, thereby emphasizing her slimness. This association immediately creates an image of a tree that is correctly proportioned:

  • small head with headdress;
  • small shoulders;
  • skirt flaring towards the bottom.

“If the Christmas tree is a woman in a sundress, then how will the folds lie on it?” “From top to bottom,” the guys answer. This means that the stroke used to draw the Christmas tree should lie from top to bottom. Place the brush on the tip, and then move it down with increasing pressure - you get a fold. To make the Christmas tree voluminous between the folds, place the branches along a dark stroke, mixing green and blue paint. Then we draw the trunk, but not with a solid line, but as if it were peeking through the thorny branches. The tree has a trunk full of needles, so it is not just brown, but brownish-green. Mix on the palette and draw (Appendix 5).

While our Christmas tree is drying, the guys are coming up with different decorations for the hall (Appendix 6), where it stands New Year's beauty, gifts that Santa Claus prepared for children (Appendix 7). As soon as we see that the Christmas tree is ready, we dress it in a festive outfit. At the end of the lesson we see that the work was a success! (exhibition of student work on the blackboard - Appendix 8) The result is great! Christmas trees - slender beauties are looking forward to guests! And in the classroom there is a festive atmosphere - New Year!

Used Books.

“The Tale of Colors” coloring book

Drawing in primary school. - St. Petersburg: “ Publishing House“Neva”: “OLMA-PRESS”, 2003. - 192 p. (Series “GOLDEN Primary School Collection”).

An applicative table on color science based on the cover of T.Ya. Shpikalova’s textbook Fine Arts in 3rd grade. Moscow "Enlightenment" 1985.

Decorativecomposition(1 h)

Perception works by folk artist M. Dmitrieva from Mstera and a Russian artist of the first half of the 20th century. Z. Serebryakova on the theme of the New Year holiday. Basic meaningful lines. A variety of forms and the objective world and their transmission on a plane and in space. Still life genre. Elementary techniques of composition on a plane. Concepts closer - more, further - less, blocking. Methods of transferring volume to flat surfaces

speed. The rhythm of lines, spots, colors.

Dialogue about art. Rhythm in the arrangement of New Year's toys on the tree and on the table; the rhythm of various shapes of toys (round, elongated, oval...), the alternation of colored spots, the rhythm of sizes (large and small), the rhythm in the decor of Christmas tree decorations.

JobByartistic and didactic table"Closer - further."

Creativeexercise using known means of artistic expression

Consider lacquer miniatures (Mstera). Learn And call techniques (color, rhythm, symmetry) with which the folk artist conveys a festive mood. Tell about your impressions of his perception.

Compareb techniques for conveying the festive New Year’s mood in the work of a folk artist and a pictorial portrait, find similarities and differences.

Participate in the discussion of expressive means of conveying the mood of the holiday in decorative, applied and pictorial art, the role of composition, color and rhythm, symmetry.

Workb according to the artistic and didactic table. Define the place of toys in the composition, their location in the image on a plane (closer - farther), explain your answer.

Decide, which objects will be included in their own composition, how to arrange them in the composition (closer -



body (lines, colored spots) and techniques (separate strokes, brush strokes, poke marks, etc.).

Materials: brush, poke, gouache, white or colored paper.


further), how to alternate them by size, shape, color. Paint from memory, from imagination, a decorative composition of New Year's toys using means of artistic expression (lines, colored spots) and decorative techniques (separate strokes, brush writing, poke imprint, etc.). To express in creative work, their attitude to the New Year holiday using well-known artistic techniques and means of expressiveness.

Summing up results. Discuss creative works of classmates and yes, yes assessment of the results of one’s own and their creative and artistic activities.

PageForcurious. Preservation and development of folk traditions in the art and culture of the peoples of Russia. Izovictorina.

Tasks control character. Group works based on common features. Distribute them by class.

TaskscreativeAndsearch enginecharacter

15. Ourachievements.II can.Icouldat. Ourproject(1 h)

DemonstrationsI achieved results in the creative works of first-graders and discussing them by types of fine arts (painting, graphics, decorative and applied arts), genres (landscape,

Fulfill tasks of a creative and exploratory nature, applying knowledge in changed conditions

Characterize classmates' work created during the second quarter, and give assessment of them.

Accept participation in collective work to complete the project “Decorating a classroom for the New Year’s holiday.”

decorative composition), by type of people -

art (ornament, folk clay-

toy, lace), artistic means

expressiveness (lines, colored

spots) and techniques (separate smear, ki-

stem letter, poke imprint, etc.);

traditions of celebrating the New Year and Christmas

childhood in the family and at school.

Creativeeassignmentse- installation project “Classroom decoration for the New Year’s holiday” using works created in the second quarter, the results of the iso-relay race “New Year’s Fantasy Competition”.

JobVcreativegroups.Materials: brush, gouache, white paper,

colored, corrugated, parchment, wrapping, glossy, shiny, etc., student work completed during the second quarter

Choose working group in accordance with their



Work in groups: determine task of work, distribute types of work between group members, install deadlines for completing the work in parts and as a whole, evaluate intermediate and overall results of work in the selected working group:

create collective panel “I love you, Russia” using drawings by classmates, which reflect the winter nature of their native land, V groupne landscape artists;

fashion figurines of fairy tale characters and decorate them based on Kargopol patterns (improvisation) V group toy affairs masters;

will createb collective composition “New Year’s decorations of the festive tree” V group experts on the-still life;

execute decorations (cut-out snowflakes, New Year characters, fairy-tale trees) for windows V groupne artists and designers.

Accept participation in the iso-relay race “New Year’s Fantasy Competition”, supplement your part of the project with products from