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Volgograd boarding home for the elderly and disabled lives an active life

Boarding homes for the disabled and nursing homes continue to remain a closed topic for most Russian media. It is generally accepted that the atmosphere there is so dreary and hopeless that their inhabitants have no choice but to while away the time alone. In the Volgograd boarding home for the elderly and disabled, everything is completely different, as Gorodskie Vesti correspondents were convinced of.

Comfort as a state of mind

The territory of the Volgograd boarding home for the elderly and disabled is large - as it turned out, it occupies almost 12 hectares. The alleys are well-groomed, there are flower beds all around, everything is clean and tidy. It’s amazing how its inhabitants cope with such a large economy. Together with the Deputy Director for Medical Work, Konstantin Vladimirovich Chaikin, we enter the office of Director Inna Tikhonovna Plieva. Joining our conversation is the head of the psychoneurological department, Maxim Alekseevich Ivanov, winner of the regional competition in the category “Best Doctor of a Social Service Institution.”

From a conversation with the management, we learn that 575 people permanently live in the Volgograd boarding house for the disabled. There are 300 elderly people, 275 psychoneurological patients, of which 180 are incompetent. The staff includes 4 psychotherapists, dentists, therapists, and medical specialists. A room for exercise therapy, treatment rooms, rooms for psychological relief, laboratories - the boarding house has everything that should be in the arsenal of a modern rehabilitation center. The living conditions are comfortable: in rooms for 2-3 people. TVs, good furniture, some have computers, meals 4 times a day. By the way, the food in the Volgograd home for the elderly and disabled is excellent! At lunchtime, together with the guests, we enjoyed soup with meatballs, cutlets with buckwheat, cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar, fresh vegetables, and dried fruit compote. The freshest food is delivered to the boarding house every day at 8 am from the Kamyshinsky district. But, as the director of the boarding house rightly notes, comfort is not only cozy rooms, fresh sheets and tasty food, this is the ability to create a friendly atmosphere for those who need it most.

And life, and tears, and love!

Everything is the same here ordinary life- joy coexists with sadness. Recently it became known that a teacher in a boarding home was bedridden with a severe stroke

VolSU, famous Volgograd ethnographer and culturologist, member of the Writers' Union Vladimir Viktorovich Kogitin and no one except a few former students, it turned out to be unnecessary. It’s bitter and offensive, considering the enormous contribution Vladimir Viktorovich made to Russian science and life

VolSU. “Unfortunately, there are many such lonely people in our institution, including honored ones,” says chief medical officer Konstantin Vladimirovich Chaikin. - Our guests need not only care, but also moral support. It is important for relatives and friends to remember that the care of staff does not replace the attention and support of loved ones. You can always find time to give them a piece of love and warmth!”

But there are also happy, amazing moments in the life of a boarding house. Last year, on the eve of the anniversary of the victory at Stalingrad, 94-year-old front-line soldier Vasily Fomich Ligarov and 71-year-old Valentina Alekseevna Petrova went to the registry office. “The body ages, but the soul does not,” says the director of the boarding school, Inna Plieva. For many residents of the house, Inna Tikhonovna became the closest person. Old and young people come to her with their troubles and trust her with their deepest secrets. So the front-line soldier in love came for advice: is it convenient to go to the registry office with his young wife? “At first I thought I’d dissuade him,” admits Inna Tikhonovna, “why put a stamp at such a respectable age? And then I see that Vasily Fomich decided everything for himself. And he doesn’t need advice, but my support. That’s how the wedding took place.”

Couples also form among disabled people. “We put them in separate rooms, help them set up a home, because the children may not have a real home,” continues Inna Tikhonovna. - Some are completely ready for independent life. But with apartments for orphans in Volgograd a big problem».

Sailing - towards your dream!

The young doctor, head of the psychoneurological department, Maxim Ivanov, has already 11 years of work in the Volgograd boarding home for the elderly and disabled, many awards and diplomas. This year, having become the winner of the regional competition in the category “Best Head of Department of a Social Service Institution,” Maxim intends to participate in the All-Russian competition. Colleagues and wards believe in his victory.

Psychological relief is necessary for both him and his patients, Maxim believes, and every year he takes his charges to the sea. He organized a kitesurfing school in Volgograd, is fond of extreme sports, organizes competitions, goes abroad to train surfers during his holidays, and also manages to run leadership programs in a training company in Volgograd. Of course, it’s great to go to the sea with such a lively, cheerful doctor.

Maxim infected his students with surfing. “The eyes are sparkling, there are happy smiles on the faces, there is always laughter and jokes in our company. And most importantly, the children have a desire to overcome themselves, overcome their fears and doubts. Disabled people return to Volgograd in a great mood, make plans for the future, dream of new trips full of adventures and new impressions, says Maxim. “This therapy is very beneficial.”

It’s not Maslenitsa without pancakes!

“We celebrate all the holidays together,” says Inna Tikhonovna. - In the assembly hall, front-line soldiers and children's groups perform concerts, and famous artists often come. On one of the days of the Tsaritsyn Spring film festival, TV presenter Tatyana Sudets was our guest. Meetings with such people remain in the memory for a long time.”

For Maslenitsa, Deputy of the Volgograd City Duma Sergei Shchelkunov brought two bags of flour, so Maslenitsa was a real one - with delicious pancakes, noisy, fun games. “It’s a pity there was no snow and we couldn’t go sledding,” the director complains. Residents of the boarding house remember how last year a huge sleigh was attached to a tractor and everyone rode together through the deep snow sparkling in the sun.

Young disabled people expect sports competitions between boarding schools to resume this fall. And then they will definitely take top places. “Older people had families, they had love behind them whole life. And the disabled children have nothing but this boarding school, and it is unknown what awaits them ahead, adds Inna Tikhonovna. “They value every moment, so we try to make sure there are more joyful moments in their lives.”

These hands are not for boredom

Spring and summer are the time for agricultural work. Through the efforts of the staff and wards, the territory of the boarding house turned into blooming garden. Its inhabitants spend a lot of time in vegetable gardens and flower beds. In the summer, there are fresh vegetables on the table, raspberries, strawberries, even watermelons from our own garden.

Residents of the boarding house spend a lot of time in the leisure and recreation room. There is an atmosphere of creativity here, everything is filled with intricate crafts and paintings. Lena Perevalova and Ira Kosolobova beat our correspondent at checkers in no time. Olya Nalyutina watched this battle with a smile, without being distracted from her embroidery. Rimma Alieva - talented artist, who also learned to dance in a wheelchair. Oksana Vasina spends a lot of time sewing. The boarding house residents sincerely, like children, rejoice at their guests. Such a good attitude towards strangers rarely seen anywhere. Only guests in this hospitable house, unfortunately, are rare.

Safety School

Until recently, the statistics on fires in residential care homes were terrifying. Suffice it to remember that in the period from 1997 to

2011 In 20 fires in boarding homes, nursing homes and specialized hospitals, more than 250 people died. The situation has improved noticeably in recent years, when they began to approach this issue responsibly and take tough measures against violators.

“A fire is the worst thing that can happen to us,” says director Inna Plieva. “We have trained not only the staff to use fire-fighting equipment, but also all the wards who are capable of acting in extreme situations. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, evacuation training is being carried out; the sequence of personnel actions in the event of a fire has been worked out to the point of automaticity.”

But fire is not the only thing that can threaten people with disabilities. Electricity, food, hypothermia, dishonest citizens - everything poses a potential danger for people with disabilities. The boarding house has developed a program called the “School of Safety for Residents of Impaired Citizens,” which includes fire safety, food safety, psychological safety, legal safety, electrical safety, and protection from terrorism. Each direction is headed by an employee who works with a group of 15 people. Then another group comes, etc. Over the course of a year, the residents of the boarding house receive comprehensive information in all areas. Training booklets have been published, which popularly describe what to do in extreme situations. There are reminders in every room.

Paid services

The Volgograd boarding house for pensioners and disabled people also provides paid services. Don’t despair or panic if you have no one to leave your sick, mobility-impaired relative with during your vacation or business trip. The boarding house staff will solve this problem. The price of accommodation including food and care is from 24 to 36 thousand rubles. (depending on the state of health of the person and the amount of assistance he needs) and corresponds to the costs of the boarding house per resident.

All residents of the boarding house use hairdressing services free of charge (women twice a month, men once), if more often, then for an additional fee. “Not only young people, but also grandmothers love to have perms and model hairstyles, especially on special occasions,” Inna Tikhonovna notes with a smile, “and we also use the services of our wonderful hairdressers.”

Nurses are ready to provide assistance at home - give injections, put on an IV. The staff will take care of all the hassle of registering an incapacitated or bedridden patient in a boarding home. “We can take a person to our place, take him to all the doctors, register Required documents, - continues Inna Tikhonovna. “After the regional Ministry of Social Protection issues a voucher to our boarding house, this citizen comes under our care and uses the same services as others.”

Oh, the road!

The Volgograd boarding house for the elderly and disabled is located in the Sovetsky district behind the Agricultural Institute at the address: st. Krivorozhskaya 2a, in the area of ​​the military registration and enlistment office. Public transport does not go there, nor do minibuses, which complicates the delivery of personnel. It is also difficult for visitors to get there without personal transport. For many years, the management of the boarding home has been persuading officials to resolve the issue with the minibus, so that minibuses can at least reach the gates of the social institution upon request. Unfortunately, this issue has not yet been resolved.

Residents of a boarding house do not live in a confined space. Everyone who can go into the city for health reasons has this opportunity and receives permission to leave. The staff controls all movements of the wards by telephone so that, God forbid, nothing happens. Every week, boarding house residents are taken to the market by bus, accompanied by staff. “In our society, unfortunately, there is an opinion that placing a relative in a nursing home is not a manifestation of care. This is not so, says the director. - Old age itself is tragic. Look into people's sad eyes wheelchairs- the spectacle is not for the faint of heart. It's hard to see people's pain and suffering. But a person must go through this period of life. If a person is left alone in old age, isn’t it better to spend the winter season of his life in a house where you are cared for 24 hours a day, provided with medical care and hygienic care, tasty food, organized holidays, where all the conditions for a normal life are created? Come to us and see for yourself.”

It's been snowing since morning. The path in front of the library has already been cleared. An intelligent-looking janitor sweeps away snow from the low porch, swings open the heavy door and enters, letting me pass first. A few minutes later I see him selecting books from the subscription.

– Do you work here? – I’m interested.

- No, I'm just helping. There are only ladies here, how can you not help,” Nikolai Ivanovich answers. “I feel at home here, so I want to do something useful.”

“Recently, Nikolai Dantsevich had a benefit performance,” says Lyudmila Tarakanova, head of the city library named after Alexandra Potanina. “He is not only an erudite person and a sophisticated reader, but also the author of collections of poetry. I performed with them. For the anniversary libraries he also wrote a poem - it is in this album. Our other readers were also beneficiaries. They are wonderful for us.

Good readers can be found in good libraries - I know this from myself, because I have also been borrowing books from this library for many years.

Some people have their own hairdresser, their own stylist, and I have my own librarian - this is Galina Petrovna Vandyuk. Exactly friendly to everyone who comes to the subscription, she especially singles out those for whom reading is not entertainment, but a way of life:

And if you take into account the location
Russia's ruling planets,
So this is the best investment
Intelligence, talents and coins.
And I'm going to the library
And I’ve been reading there since ten.
To a decent person
There are places to go in Russia.

In solidarity with the poet and prose writer Dmitry Bykov, Galina Petrovna will take out new books from the storeroom for the treasured reader: “I don’t know if you’ll like it, but I couldn’t tear myself away. This one is unlikely to please you, but try it. “Russian Booker,” of course, but somehow it didn’t sit well with me.” And then we discuss a recent novel that is not yet in the library: “Unfortunately, the collection is not updated as quickly as we would like.” Two people reading will almost always understand each other.

Super readers

But what kind of readers there are! You can't keep up with them! Galina Petrovna shows photos on stands. At the end of last year the results of the competition were summed up "Best Reader - 2011". Of course, none of the library visitors specially prepared for it. We just read – for the love of this activity. And then the librarians picked up the forms of the most active readers and counted the entries made in them. Svetlana Cherepanova showed a phenomenal result. The girl read 420 books! And these, as librarians say, are not some little books, not small-format romance novels - real books. I really wanted to ask the winner how she managed it, but Sveta’s phone was constantly unreachable, so I decided: the girl intends to break her record and simply does not want to be distracted by conversations. By the way, Svetlana became the winner for the fourth time!

The Grachev-Sidorov family was named the most reading family. Everyone reads here: dad, Oleg Alexandrovich, mom, Tatyana Pavlovna, children - Sasha and Masha. But the main reader and distributor of this passion is grandmother, Vera Grigorievna. My grandmother taught history all her life, and her sister taught literature. Daughter Tatyana was also influenced by the example of her father, who loved to read her bedtime stories. The shelves in the house were filled with books, and many different magazines were subscribed to. Sasha and Masha usually spend weekends with their grandmother. And grandma likes to walk with them in the direction of the library, so they bring stacks of books from the walk. Therefore, the children in this family, although they know how to work on a computer, do not have a fanatical attachment to it. And they hardly watch TV at all. They love books about travel, especially to the Arctic. Tatyana Pavlovna first reads what the children choose to read herself: they should not get acquainted with just anything, they should read smart and talented books.

Tatyana Pavlovna believes that paper publications will never die out. She also appreciates the atmosphere of the Potanina Library. Therefore, the anniversary of the library was equated to family holiday, for whom poems and gifts are prepared.

Respect for the reader is also evident in the fact that there is a golden fund of the library here - readers of advanced years with a very solid experience. This is Margarita Georgievna Porotova, Larisa Genrikhovna Saraveli, Vil Evgrafovich Baldaev. Their photos are in the subscription hall. Nearby are photographs of the winners of the reading competition in various categories. Tamara Khilazheva became Miss Fantasy, Alexander Kuleshov became Mr. Historian, and Nastya Panyushkina became Miss Glamor. But the library is confident that the young ladies will soon move on to more serious reading. Mr. “Literary Magazine” - Sergei Ivanovich Sorokov. He has been reading thick literary magazines all his life and is still faithful to them. Previously, many families subscribed to such magazines, but now they can only be found in libraries.

People and events

The average reader does not know everything about the complex and multifaceted life of a library. But this is the center of educational and cultural life cities. For example, in the department of local history literature and bibliography you can get information on the history of Irkutsk. Researchers, journalists and ordinary citizens often come here. The head of the department, Rimma Grigorievna Mikheeva, says that recently an initiative group of residents of the Baikalsky microdistrict asked to clarify the date of its foundation: they were going to celebrate its 40th anniversary. And later they called from the Irkutsk Duma with a similar request: “The celebration of the anniversary of the Sinyushina Gora microdistrict is being prepared, help with material about its history.” By order of the city administration, department employees monitor all important events in the life of the regional center. At the end of the year, the holiday “Time, Events, People” takes place, and another page of the centuries-old chronicle of our city is compiled into a booklet. The pride of the library is the calendar of memorable and significant dates"Irkutsk Chronograph". Last year, the Potanina Library published 30 booklets and brochures. One of them is called “The City Sung in Poems.” It contains poems about Irkutsk. This is what the poet writes, addressing his hometown: Sergei Korbut.

Someone calls you the Siberian capital,
The middle of the earth and a tourist mecca...
And I’m not proud, I’d like to lean against you,
My city is like one person to another.
Warm color predominates in your image,
Even when there is a snowstorm and frost,
You say “Irkutsk”, and a piece of ice melts on your heart,
Sometimes to the point of tears.

This piece of ice melts if a person hometown there is somewhere to go.

Library– This is also a place for good communication. Book presentations, meetings with interesting people, and competitions take place here. Recently, library staff introduced readers to the second part of the chronicle of Irkutsk by Yuri Kolmakov. It covers the period of Irkutsk history from 1941 to 1991.

New time

But life changes, new information carriers appear, and library life follows the needs of readers. Since 2006, they have been working on compiling an electronic catalogue. It already contains more than 41,000 entries – these are new arrivals. And in the local history catalog there are 6000 entries. Soon any reader, Internet user, will be able to find out about the book he needs without leaving home.

By the way, the library has free Internet access, which students and schoolchildren living in the neighborhood enjoy using. As Larisa Konstantinova, head of the information and bibliographic department, said, a rare fund base is now in operation, which has recently been replenished with books purchased from local history museum. The library website is also very popular, which has already registered more than 600,000 visits. Five city libraries united in the project “Article. Information service". Libraries receive about 140 journals, the most interesting materials are included in the corporate database. It is planned to put it on the website soon. By the way, the department is preparing a booklet about the information capabilities of the website of the Central Library System of Irkutsk. Schoolchildren are also introduced to the site’s resources; for this purpose, library staff come to city schools.

Book turn

But still older generation, brought up on paper books, still strives to feel that sweet moment when a person opens a volume and plunges into a still unknown but promising world. So our friend Nikolai Ivanovich Dantsevich, having stocked up on literature, is in no hurry to go home. He stopped at a table where visitors can leave books from their personal libraries and find something useful for themselves. This action is called “Book Turn”. Each of us looks through our books from time to time and sees that some of them are unlikely to be re-read again and again. But they may be useful to other people. “You come across some interesting publications here,” says Dantsevich. And he recalls that while working at the Selenga pulp mill, he watched with bitterness as unsold literature, whole bundles of books, were brought in for processing. Bookworms selected from this pile what was interesting to them. “I like historical literature,” says Nikolai Ivanovich. – I read books on the history of Russia. I want to get to the bottom of this: why do we live this way? I recently read Viktor Suvorov. I don’t agree with him on everything, but there are a lot of interesting facts that I didn’t know about before and that I want to comprehend.”

From pure heart

There are not many people in the reading room today. “Students will return soon, there will be people,” says library head Lyudmila Tarakanova. “The out-of-town kids not only study here, they also work on computers. Others will have a snack and take a nap - the hostel is noisy and crowded, but ours is cozy. Students use email – it’s free.”

On the walls reading room engravings with portraits of Russian writers and poets. It turns out that this was a gift from a reader, Irkutsk resident Vladimir Bezrodnykh. The hall is also decorated with photographs of Irkutsk, masterfully performed by Alexander Specht. This is also a gift. Children's drawings and New Year's toys They brought it from children from correctional school No. 5, with which the library has a long-standing friendship.

In September 2011, the city library named after Alexandra Potanina celebrated its anniversary - 115 years since its foundation. Gifts are given to loved ones and from the heart. The library staff managed to make every reader feel needed and important person. And for this we sincerely thank them.

Whatever the era
Under this pale moon
Russia since Gorokh
It was a reading country.

And I want to believe that she will remain that way.

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"Home" where hearts are warmed

Just a couple of decades ago, these two words-concepts “theater” and “therapy” gave rise, first of all, to the following thoughts: contact with beauty; always a very positive message, which, depending on the genre of the production, makes you bare your feelings, cry, laugh, realize, reflect, identify, empathize; how important is the work of those who are on the other side of the auditorium - actors, artists who encourage us to experience such different emotions. But this is all so...for ordinary people in ordinary life. For those who have access to the usual earthly joys of love and friendship, motherhood and fatherhood, etc. And it was hardly thought that these two concepts would become the basis of one of the areas of treatment for psychopathic and chronic schizophrenic disorders, especially with defensive manifestations. For other people. By nature, they are more vulnerable and shy, mentally and spiritually lonely, with special sophisticated mental mechanisms. This is a category of people who, due to mental disorder, do not have access to everything that helps a person to feel like a human being, to realize their life goals, its purpose. They realize something else: their deprivation, their inadequacy. These are psychopathic and endogenous-process anxiety-depressive patients with a more or less complex experience of their inferiority. But along with spiritual complexity, they are characterized by a love for creative activity. It is to work with such people that Mark Evgenievich Burno, our outstanding contemporary, psychiatrist-psychotherapist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychotherapy and Sexology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, devotes his entire life Federal agency for Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation,” Vice-President of PPL. It was he who managed to comprehend the psychological and mental characteristics of these unusual people, discern in them the possibilities of creative understanding of themselves and the reality around them and create their own clinical and psychotherapeutic method working in the field of therapy with spiritual culture - Creative Self-Expression Therapy. It was he who, with the utmost care, insight, and compassion, showed mentally vulnerable patients the way to finding themselves, their inspiration, their nature. The road is not scientific-academic, not theoretical, but such a variable, rich, creative one, on which you can get to know yourself, your character, experiences, of course, under sensitive leadership psychotherapist. It was Mark Evgenievich who showed fellow psychotherapists how it is possible and necessary to help endogenous-process patients with chronic depressive disorders and severe psychopaths with defensiveness, first of all: only with warmth, only sincerity, only understanding and care, the road of creative inspiration as the highest state of mind, in which everything is more sensitive, aware and understood. It was Professor Burno who discovered another meaning of the concept of “theater” in modern life. And he did this for those for whom it was vitally necessary and became the most important incentive to get to know themselves, live on, communicate with like-minded people, it was the meaning of no longer existence, but a more meaningful life process with, albeit tiny, periodic, but very encouraging glimpses of your goals, joys, your need for others. He gave an amazing medicine - a kaleidoscope of creative techniques (one of which later became the clinical Theater-Community), and with them - real hope. I am writing these lines with the greatest admiration for this professional, a Man, the meaning of whose whole life, in my opinion, is reflected by the phrase: “If a person cannot be cured, this does not mean that he cannot be helped”...

Of course, on the path to the creation and formation of TTS and the clinical Theater-community as a method in the TTS system, M.E. Burno had many assistants, like-minded people, followers - psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists - to whom the professor tirelessly and certainly pays attention and words of gratitude in every his work, every published book.

Today artistic director and the soul of the psychotherapeutic realistic Theater-community is Kalmykova Inga Yuryevna - psychiatrist-psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, assistant at the department of psychotherapy and sexology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, executive director of the PPL. But for her, the most important thing is not these positions and regalia, but the fact that she is a student of Mark Evgenievich, whose professionally competent and caring female hands Three and a half years ago, he confidently and calmly handed over the artistic direction of the theater, where hearts thaw and warm.

This is what Inga Yuryevna says about her students and the Theater: “It’s so interesting to work with people who have such a unique vision of themselves and reality through creative process. My task is to help defensive patients adapt to life among healthy people, and at the same time, to separate themselves from the usual misunderstanding of them by healthy people. Firstly, it is important to give patients with a painful experience of their inferiority the opportunity to comprehend themselves in theatrical play, both mentally and physically. Stage action we can have a performance-play, a production based on a story, and a concert reading of works own composition, and performing a song, dance, and demonstrating a thematic selection of slides, personal photos, etc. Secondly, our clinical and psychotherapeutic directing combines domestic psychiatric and psychotherapeutic clinical practice and original Russian realistic theater. Thus, most of the Theater’s productions are based on the psychotherapeutic works of M.E. Stormy, in which patients play themselves: their awkwardness, anxieties, doubts, fears, depersonalization, hypochondria, etc. As a result, they become clearer to themselves. But on the one hand, it turns out to be life, and on the other, it’s still a game. The theater gives patients the opportunity to try, practice, learn under the guise of a game, to feel healthy among the healthy. Thirdly, the Theater becomes for them a kind of haven-outlet-community.”

Inga Yuryevna talks about the Theater with pleasure, easily and naturally. Only once having seen the results of her work, one can understand what a titanic work this is, how honest, truthful and virtuosic a psychiatrist-psychotherapist must constantly be when working with such actors, because people with such a particularly heightened sense of perception, like exposed wires, clearly and instantly read the attitude towards oneself, and therefore formality, even momentary detachment, alienation, coolness, indifference, indifference are unacceptable in it; a professional must be as if disinfected from everything unnatural and feigned. It is necessary to tirelessly be here and now with those who came to you in search of a haven for the soul. Be sincere, loyal, responsive, open, insightful and insightful.

I was lucky enough to attend New Year's concert psychotherapeutic realistic theater-community “The soul sings with free will”. The evening’s program was so varied: a staging of Mark Evgenievich’s play, a slide show “Winter Sketches” from photographs of patients, reading poems of his own composition, performances of songs to the accompaniment of a guitar, and solo dance. The patients tried, they were worried, but it looked so touching, sincere, defenseless. And every time they met the eyes of their artistic director, it seemed to give them new breath for such unusual openness and publicity. Incapable in ordinary life of spiritually tender relationships, even of superficial intimacy, they delicately and mysteriously played out these states on stage, albeit a little clumsily, constrained, but not mechanically, but consciously and as close as possible to real life healthy people. At that time, the retreat, albeit for some time, of schizotypal-depersonalization and depressive disorders was quite clearly visible. During the concert, the patients became more active, livelier, joyful, mobile, flexible both mentally and physically. It is clear that behind this two-hour performance there are hundreds of hours of preliminary psychotherapeutic work, that the rehearsals themselves carry a much greater healing load than this final public speaking, and this, in part, is the very essence of the therapeutic method - a combination of regular meetings, rehearsals with classes in a creative expression group, psychotherapeutic conversations and lectures, with homework, with a discussion of everything related to theater and art in general. And all this in a warm atmosphere of spiritual comfort, with tea and sweets...always, weekly, one evening a week (3 hours).

Inga Yuryevna speaks only about the positive aspects of her “theatrical” work as an artistic director, probably this highest manifestation professionalism, when a successful result erases from memory all the difficulties of the process that preceded it. And, of course, there are a lot of them. Today, in accordance with modern transformations in budgetary psychiatric psychotherapy, the composition of patients in the psychotherapeutic psychiatric outpatient clinic (including the dispensary-cathedral outpatient clinic, the Department of Psychotherapy of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education + branch No. 6 of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Addiction Medicine, Department of Health) has changed significantly. There are more and more endogenous-processual, mentally sweet, deeply disturbed patients with a defect, without a distinct defensiveness. These patients constitute a risk group in relation to psychoactive substances and at the same time receive drug treatment in the PND at the place of residence. All this seriously violated the picture, the spirit of the former psychotherapeutic theater. It remains to encourage these patients through performing creativity to feel more like themselves and, thanks to this, become more alive and spiritual. In a word, to encourage patients to discover spiritual and spiritual wealth within themselves.

“Working with these patients turned out to be more difficult in its own way than with the patients who were helped by the techniques of the psychotherapeutic Theater within the framework of TTSB, Professor M.E. Stormy. Our patients, as one might expect, turned out to be less controllable during rehearsals and even less able to remember the texts of performances. However, their attraction to theater treatment (albeit disordered, with a defect) is quite pronounced, thanks to their “fur-like” fullness of affective life, a kind of defensiveness and, at another or the same time, dissatisfaction with their depressive lethargy, apathy.

In the process of our work, the following working methods, corresponding to the special clinic of our patients, develop: 1) an even warmer, friendly, cordial attitude of the psychotherapist towards the patient-actors than in “easier” cases, collecting and organizing their disordered affect; 2) a stronger sound of warmth, cordiality, earthly love in the texts of special therapeutic psychotherapeutic works for rehearsals and performances. Let me explain that special therapeutic psychotherapeutic works with their artistic images are sent from clinical picture suffering, from characterological soil, from medical thinking, in order to help a person. This is the same psychotherapeutic method of help as a psychotherapeutic conversation, psychotherapeutic classes with suggestion, self-hypnosis, work with a group of patients, a music therapy session, etc. It is love (creative inspiration, in which a person especially clearly and joyfully feels himself for another person) psychotherapeutically highlights and strengthens the boundaries of one’s “I”, one’s personality, which is the most important in improving rehabilitation and enlightening the mental quality of life of a psychiatric patient. At the same time, in the relationship between the psychotherapist and the patient, of course, the professional distance we know remains (professional love, I love a suffering person as a doctor, in order to help him, to revive his individuality with my own); 3) given the poor ability of many patients to memorize texts, it makes sense to play some kind of, for example, a psychotherapeutic story, reading the text, but at times breaking away from it, for small scenes with as lively an action as possible. Patients are drawn to such therapy, come to life, become bolder, and open up mentally. They note that thanks to the theater rehearsals and performances in front of the audience, a bright uplift arises in their souls, that words, experiences of the role at rehearsals and performances often spontaneously emerge in the soul and help to understand themselves and other people, their actions, suggest, how to live, act in different situations. Playing out their mental difficulties, frustrations, watching others do this, patients begin to laugh a little at their painful, life-making experiences. Many patients note that thanks to our Theater, which, as they themselves say, has become for them a real community-haven, a sincere, spiritual home, they feel more mentally alive, life has become more interesting. The theater encourages patients to create their own creative psychotherapeutic works. Patients love, and this helps them a lot, when they play in our Theater, as they themselves say, “our mentally difficult life, our experiences,” play people with whom they often deal, meet (these are people with similar difficulties and disorders, psychiatrists, etc.). But at the same time, during the lesson they are asked to play and rehearse something light, funny, ordinary life joys common to everyone, sensual bright pleasures, bold modern intoxicated love without any reflective experiences, doing business, etc. This, rather, can also be attributed to one of the features of today's psychotherapeutic Theater-community.

A real healing holiday for patients is their performance, concert or play. The atmosphere of inspiration with sensual self-identity, which arises at such events not only among patient-actors, but also among patient-spectators, seems to “cover” the defect, improving the personality. After all, creative inspiration is always great!”, I.Yu. shares the secrets of his work. Kalmykova.

Here's what patient-actors say about the Theater.

“Another Wednesday has passed - the day of our Theater, the day of our rehearsals. In my opinion, everything is working out very well for us, everyone is trying hard. Walking home, I caught myself jumping up the steps of the bridge. “Lord,” I thought, “what am I doing, God forbid I stumble, age.” But on the other hand, due to my role, I have a date with a new laboratory assistant, which means I’m not getting old yet. By the way, about age. It’s good that we are all of different ages.” Elena.

“The plays written by M.E. Burno for our theater help me. By passing the character's text through myself, I very clearly begin to hear myself, my painful characterological problems, live them, pulling out hidden feelings (it turns out that it is possible! In the text, it is possible). Theater - living, colorful, sensual life, in the pure sense of the word - is beginning to come back to me.” Faith.

“The theater is valuable and important for me, first of all, because there is the possibility of transformation, even into its opposite. Here you can dance, sing, and express yourself creatively. A distinctive feature of our Theater is its convention, i.e. you can confess your love to the one you love, and then say that this is the role.” Olga.

“The theater is, first of all, a stage, the attention of the audience, spotlights, applause, a charge of positive energy. You can also understand what it’s like for a psychotherapist interacting with “alcoholic” artists. And also with people who have certain mental disorders. For me, this experience is unique, as there was a feeling of anger at the psychotherapists. Having been in their “shoes”, I realized how difficult it is for them at times.” Eugene.

“In the Theater you get to know your own character and the character of other people better, thanks to which you develop and interact with the world around you more easily and harmoniously. Psychotherapeutic Theater is a good cure for fears associated with internal complexes.” Galina.

“The theater gives you a feeling of complete relaxation, stiffness disappears, the feeling of complexes, the feeling of shyness disappears, and a feeling of joy appears. Theater also saves the soul from boredom and hopelessness; it fills the soul with joy, a sense of optimism, and does not allow one to become lost in various life situations. Creative engagement of the soul appears.” Alexei.

"I'm an actress. But it’s almost impossible to work in my profession now due to illness. But while studying at TTS, I found a moment of self-expression as an actress. I am very glad that I came to the Theater, where I warm my soul. The therapeutic effect is also obvious, I began to feel better, and I have not been in the hospital for three years.” Natalia.

“Inga Yuryevna lights the light bulbs when twilight frightens the souls of people and lonely cats.” Sergey.

“This is a complex, but also festively bright, theatrical psychotherapeutic method within the TTS method-system,” these are the words of M.E. Burno, the creator of this method and the author of the book “Theatre-community in psychiatry (experience of clinical-psychotherapeutic rehabilitation work)”, which summarizes fourteen years of experience with the Theater-community and opens the door to its “kitchen”.

I think it's special method For special people and extraordinary psychotherapists, who require endless warmth from the latter. This is what I want to wish to the selfless Teacher and his Student, Mark Evgenievich and Inga Yuryevna, and also professional creative longevity, since they are needed by a much larger number of defenseless and fragile people than each of us.

Disabled people not only survive themselves, but also help surrounding villages

The village of Svetlana, in the Volkhov district of the Leningrad region, is very unusual. Most of its residents are disabled people with mental illness. Nevertheless, they work independently on the farm, in the garden and bakery and live in an almost subsistence economy. And those who help them - teachers with many years of experience, psychologists, volunteers, farmers - are also extraordinary individuals. They do not receive a salary, although many have lived in this village for more than one year. And they consider their wards not as patients, but rather as their loved ones.

Four houses in the village

As soon as I stepped onto the territory of the village, I was surrounded by a dense ring. “Where do you live?”, “Where did you come from?”, “Let’s be friends!”, “Have lunch with us.” Everyone smiled kindly and extended their hands in greeting. It is not immediately clear that these people are “special”. They work superbly on all “fronts” of the economy, and have regular conversations over dinner. They fall in love and become friends, like the rest of us.

There are four houses in the village, each of which bears its own name - the house of Fridtjof Nansen, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Seraphim of Sarov and Larsch Henrik (this is the Norwegian builder who designed it). There is also a farm with cows, a chicken coop, a vegetable garden, greenhouses, a bathhouse, and a bakery. All this is not only to provide the village with what it needs, but also part of the therapy, thanks to which people change before our eyes.

According to Sarah Hognauer, a volunteer teacher, many of the wards come here completely helpless, but literally six months later their relatives do not recognize them. Those who previously had difficulty coping with basic household operations are beginning to act independently in the village. They work around the house, work in the garden, take care of animals, and also take part in amateur performances, sing, dance, and draw.

This happens because these people are not trusted at home. Even opening the door is sometimes a big problem for them. And they are generally afraid to go outside. Not to mention the fact that disabled people with such diagnoses are not hired and, by and large, our society does not need them. And in the village everyone finds a use for themselves. He is in business, and that makes him happy.

Twenty years of happiness

The village turned 20 this year. It is unique for Russia. There are such projects in the West, but here they are still an exception to the rule; they don’t want to bother with mentally ill and disabled people. When it all started, local authorities allocated land, philanthropists from Norway purchased building materials with donations, farmers and volunteers helped build construction and improve everyday life. And then, 10 kilometers from Lake Ladoga, on the banks of the Syas River, four solid houses and the accompanying subsistence farming arose. They buy only cereals, salt, sugar and bath accessories. And, of course, clothes. Rubber boots wear out especially quickly here.

This is not a boarding school for the mentally ill, but a farm where environmentally friendly products are grown. All the wards who live here together with teachers and volunteers have diagnoses of varying severity: schizophrenia, dementia, Down syndrome, and autism. But this does not affect the work of subsistence farming in any way.

The wards come here with the “blessing” of their relatives, who subsequently contribute a small rent to the maintenance of the village. But basically the village lives on charitable private donations from other people - those who can afford it. People come to Svetlana from different cities of Russia and even from CIS countries.

The old-timer Minya is already in retirement age. On " Mainland“He only has an old mother. Once upon a time, a man toiled at home from idleness, hardly went for walks, only knew the way from his apartment to the doctor’s office, but now it’s a completely different matter! Minya doesn’t want to return under his mother’s wing; he feels needed in the village. Although it is already difficult for a pensioner to cope with hard work, he takes an active part in the lives of others - he helps his friends gain the necessary skills. Minya knows and can do everything: she washed dishes, baked bread, weeded the garden, and made compost.

Our Minya is skilled and talented,” Sarah compliments her ward.

He happily nods his head in agreement and breaks into a wide smile. In the photo that we look at together in the album, an old resident of the village in different costumes- He is the one who takes part in amateur performances.

All your own, no pesticides!

I go around the houses. I stay in one of them for lunch: everything is on the table: cherry compote, mushrooms, cutlets, cabbage with carrots, and bread. Before lunch, 29-year-old Sasha comes up to me and, without preamble, begins to talk about himself.

I-live-here-don’t-remember-how long. I have a mother in St. Petersburg, and two friends here. Have you-seen-my-drawings? Let's go and show you!

Sasha shows me his room, where on the table, bed and walls there are unfinished work. On some - horses, on others - fairy-tale heroes, on the third - outlandish cities and flowers.

It’s difficult for him to draw alone, he doesn’t finish the job,” explains teacher Irina Andreeva, “but when I help Sasha, everything works out.” We also draw nature described in the poems of poets Silver Age.

Sasha says that he feels good in the village. Once a year the guy goes home “on vacation.” In the evenings he plays the guitar and sings. And he dreams of meeting the bard Alexander Gorodnitsky, his idol. But most of all, Sasha loves working on the farm, where she speaks a special language with the animals.

There’s only one thing that’s bad: I sometimes cry, I don’t know why,” Sasha admits to me in a whisper, “but there’s no need to cry.”

After lunch, the villagers scatter around the area and work until 5–6 p.m. They take care of animals on the farm, pick bright autumn berries from bushes for harvesting, feed chickens or help teachers around the house. The activities that are chosen for the “villages” depend on the degree of their understanding. Someone is capable of one simple operation, and some - for multi-step and meaningful actions.

And while I’m standing at the porch and admiring the crimson-yellow bushes, Sveta comes up to me, straightens her hair and quietly asks:

Take a photo of me with my Roman!

Roman doesn’t really agree that he’s “hers,” but he tolerates it. And the handsome Amir stays nearby and catches the languid glances of the other ladies: he is the favorite of most of the young ladies of the village.

Sometimes real passions boil here. The same Sveta recently left one gentleman for another. Now no one from the “triangle” knows peace or sleep. But falling in love is one thing, and permanent couples practically do not form here. “Special” people are not very suitable for family life. Nevertheless, they know how to be friends, both with each other and with teachers.

Englishwoman from a Russian village

On the threshold of the house where Sarah Hagnauer lives, a surprise awaited me. Although the village of Svetlana is for adult disabled people, a girl of about seven ran out towards me, took me by the hand and led me inside. While Sarah was talking to someone on the phone, the girl and I managed to play the piano, look at a book and admire a flower in a beautiful pot.

Little Vika, like all the inhabitants of the village, has a difficult diagnosis. She used to live in a boarding school, and now she is the daughter of an Englishwoman, Sarah, and her Russian husband, Boris. Vika never saw her own family: she was abandoned on the very first day of her life.

“Kys,” she tells me, points to the cat and laughs happily. Then he points to the chocolate bar and says: “Yes!”

Sarah and Boris decided to take their child after they learned that Vika was being transferred from one institution to another. A volunteer friend told them about this, who was worried that the girl would not adapt well to the new place and would deteriorate. “Is it possible to find a corner for a girl at your place?” - she asked. Sarah and Boris, who went through foster parenting school, took custody of their “daughter.”

Despite the fact that Vika still speaks only a few words - “mom”, “dad”, “yes” and “no” - and expresses everything else with gestures or a short “uh”, Sarah is determined to develop her. “You’ll see, the girl will speak beautifully,” the new mother has no doubt, “the main thing is patience, attention and regular classes.” Looking at how deftly a child sets the table for dinner, it’s hard to disagree with this.

Sarah also has a special story, just like her charges. She is a British citizen, a teacher, and first came to Svetlana in 1994. At first I was here from time to time, but then I stayed forever. Before I met Russia, I taught in prosperous and clean Switzerland. Sarah’s parents are also dedicated teachers; they have been working with people with disabilities all their lives, so the question of where to work did not arise for young Sarah.

The woman explained her decision to leave “civilization” and stay in the village, where it’s difficult even in summer without rubber boots: “In Switzerland there are few interesting events and people. I taught children, and among the whole class there were usually 3-4 non-standard individuals. And everyone is here for me new person- a discovery, such characters, destinies!

In addition, 15 years ago Sarah found her personal happiness here. Boris (also a teacher) worked in a neighboring village. But gradually he became sympathetic to the villagers, began to visit them and help. As a result, he moved to the village for good and married Sarah. This couple has a rare mutual understanding: the spouses made the decision about Vika unanimously.

Vika, in some incomprehensible way, from their first meeting realized that she would soon go home. And that she will now have a mom and dad. And also a grandfather. Svetlana's employee Hamlet, who plays the role of driver, teacher, and caretaker at the same time, already calls the girl his granddaughter and loves to tinker with her.

Incredible love employees and wards here extend not only to each other, pets are treated kindly and fed in Svetlana. Almost every resident has a kitten, and there are dogs, although not guard dogs, but incredibly kind ones.

Do they help you? local residents? - I asked a question towards the end.

We'll give it to them as soon as possible. There are a lot of lonely grandmothers here, one day one of them came and fell down, we called an ambulance for her. It happens that people turn to us to help with the housework, fix the fence, sort out the electricity. We help. And the old women bring us apples and potatoes.

It’s not easy to be disabled... Often this harsh word sounds like a sentence, especially if you are young and have a whole life ahead of you, full of unknowns. I remember how a few years ago, shy and timid, I first crossed the threshold of the Omutninsky Society of the Blind and since then I have found a new meaning in life, believed in myself, found many wonderful friends, and most importantly, people began to need me. I needed the first step towards communication - and this step for me was the day of joining a public organization.
My life has changed, it has become full of events and joys. I joined a friendly and close-knit team of like-minded people who are capable of solving a variety of problems, and each member of society makes their own contribution to its work. Together - we are force.
For the visually impaired, our primary center is a corner of goodness, where you can come with joy and problems, where you will always find understanding and sympathy, forget about everyday worries, and communicate with smart and cheerful people. There is always an atmosphere of mutual respect, sincere friendship and a desire to help each other; various events are held that will be remembered for a long time. And the life of the local organization is made brighter and more meaningful by two extraordinary individuals - its chairman Elena Ivanovna Shumailova and secretary Tatyana Nikolaevna Luppova, although fate did not spoil the women themselves too much.
Elena Ivanovna Shumailova was born in 1952 in the village of Afanasyevo, the first of six children. She began having vision problems at the age of six, when she began to have difficulty distinguishing objects. But the girl’s parents still sent her to a regular school. In the seventh grade, regional doctors came to school for a medical examination. Among the children who were diagnosed with myopia was Lena. She was upset that she would be transferred to study at the Belokholunitsky school for blind and visually impaired children and would have to part with her friends for a long time.
And so it happened, although Elena Ivanovna had the warmest memories of school for the rest of her life. They were taught and educated by wonderful teachers in an atmosphere of mutual trust, friendship and kindness. Visually impaired children always helped the blind, protected them, led them everywhere by the hand, and while watching evening television programs they commented and explained to them what was happening on the screen.
Lena's studies were easy. She especially liked biology: she loved to tinker with animals and plants. For her success, she was sent to a regional rally of young people, where she made a report.
At school she was among the activists. She liked to carry out various assignments: she was elected chairman of the council of the squad of the pioneer organization, and then secretary of the Komsomol committee. IN free time she was fond of skating and skiing.
We flew by unnoticed school years, and the young girl was faced with the question of choosing a profession. She really wanted to become a biologist, but she understood that with poor eyesight will not be able to cope with his studies. She chose the medical profession, enrolling in the paramedic department of the Omutninsky Medical School. While a student, she got married. My husband and I often wondered where they would “build their nest” after graduating from college.
Having heard from friends that living conditions in the Smolensk region are better than in the Kirov region, that even pears grow there, the young woman, having a romantic nature and also decisive, went to Smolensk. At the regional health department, a Vyatka girl said that she wanted to work as a paramedic near Smolensk. She was lucky: there was such a place for a persistent specialist. The young family was even provided with a three-room apartment. My husband got a job also in his specialty. The first-born son Igor appeared in the Shumailov family. I wish I could live and be happy, but a few years later the medical center was closed, and Elena Ivanovna was transferred to a regional hospital as a midwife.
In 1975, the couple came home on vacation. Elena Ivanovna was happy to meet her family and friends, but trouble happened: she had a retinal detachment and had to undergo a complicated operation. The Shumailovs decided not to return to Smolensk. After the operation, Elena Ivanovna, who was only 23 years old, was offered a second disability group. This shocked her: the young woman didn’t want to hear that she would be disabled, and she refused the group.
Elena Ivanovna did not risk working as a doctor, since with poor eyesight in this profession one can make irreparable mistakes. She got a job as a kindergarten teacher, where she worked for 25 years. She was appreciated at work. Parents tried to assign their children to her group, since she spent time with the children Interesting games and activities, constantly keeping them occupied with something, the children were always under supervision. No one would have guessed that this wonderful teacher had poor vision. For her work, she repeatedly received awards and certificates of honor.
In 1995, due to a decline in the birth rate, the kindergarten was closed, and Elena Ivanovna was forced to enter the disability group. This time she didn’t get upset, since her disability was no longer a surprise to her, but she couldn’t sit idly by - she took up personal farming: a vegetable garden, piglets, chickens, goats.
In 1999, at MSEC in regional center she was given the first group. She asked to be given the second one, but the doctors were adamant. Elena Ivanovna cried all the way to Omutninsk, because now she is a disabled person of the first group, and there is nowhere to retreat further. I remember how she called me and broke the news with tears. She consoled her as best she could, convinced her that no one’s attitude towards her would change because of this, that she would still live and, if possible, continue to lead her usual lifestyle.
And so it happened. But six months later, a new blow of fate awaited her - her husband died. Having lost her support, she had to rebuild her life and take full responsibility for her family. Her youngest son stayed with her and also needed help. Zhenya has been disabled since childhood, he has cerebral palsy, mainly his hands are affected, but thanks to his mother, her professional skills, intuition and care, he has grown up to be friendly, smart and kind. He now works at a chemical plant, where he is valued as an executive employee. His hobby is playing chess. He participates in all chess tournaments, taking prizes.
It was at this time, in the spring of 2000, that a reporting and election meeting was held in our primary party. Having known Elena Ivanovna for several years, I proposed her candidacy for the position of chairman. Having voted for her, the members of the organization were not mistaken in their choice.
Taking on difficult leadership responsibilities public organization the most severe category of disabled people, Elena Ivanovna completely immersed herself in work. At work, she coped with the loss more easily and felt needed by other people who reached out to her, trusting her with their most intimate things.
It would seem that little time has passed since she has been working as chairman, but the impression is that she has always been here. She is extraordinary for us: she unselfishly helps everyone who turns to her, always keeps us in the know, and always tells us who should be taken special care of. How much kindness, care, and time she gives to blind people, how she cares for everyone! And no one here feels abandoned; they know that they will be taken care of. Members of society had a unanimous opinion that this person was in the right place.
During the five years of her chairmanship in the society, a lot has changed: relationships have been established with sponsors, thanks to which the premises have been renovated, beautiful curtains, a telephone, and new furniture have appeared: tables, chairs, cabinets, a mirror, a coat rack.
Elena Ivanovna managed to find a “valuable” sponsor, who took patronage of the primary organization in the person of Eldar Sadykovich Ismailov, general director Omutninsky bakery. This man knows firsthand about the problems of the blind, as he has a blind relative in his family. A year ago, for the Day of the Disabled, the bakery gave gifts to every member of society, and on March 8th they gave a large cake. Eldar Sadykovich never refuses help and asks us not to hesitate to contact him.
Members of the primary party also do not sit idly by, but actively replenish the meager budget. Elena Ivanovna has been negotiating with the Kotelnichsky UPP VOS for several years in a row to supply lids to the society, and we, members of the society, sell them. Activists know that this money will be used to provide small financial assistance, New Year's gifts for children of VOS members, holding favorite events: Elderly Person's Day, White Cane Day, New Year, etc.
Elena Ivanovna’s personal life has now also improved: she married good man- Sergei Moshkin. It should be noted that she always takes care of herself and tries to live up to her status. And once she admitted that she did not want to “let go of the bar,” i.e. if she can do something, then she will do it. This applies not only appearance, but also everything else.
It so happened that both the chairman and the secretary of our primary party are fellow countrymen, both come from the same regional center - Afanasyevo. Tatyana Nikolaevna Luppova was born in 1970. Life turned out in such a way that she and her brother were raised by one mother, and from childhood the girl was her mother’s assistant in everything, responsible and dutiful. Having completed her household chores, Tanya had time to do her homework and hang out with her peers. The village children played various outdoor games, ran for bird cherry trees, picked mushrooms and berries, and swam on the Kama. Raising her children in strictness, my mother never punished them, because they did not cause trouble.
Tanya studied easily, but her passion was sports. She especially excelled in skiing, participated in all regional competitions, and never let the team down, taking prizes in regional ski races.
After turning ten, Tanya decided to become a teacher, because she liked to play with children, and she didn’t really want to grow up. Having passed the competition, she entered the Omutninsky Pedagogical College and after graduating she was assigned to a local kindergarten. She started working as an assistant teacher, and then worked as a teacher for 12 years. She got married and gave birth to a son. And all these years, her mother remained her main adviser: they were like friends, they trusted each other’s most intimate things.
At work, Tatyana Nikolaevna gave her whole soul to the children, and they paid her mutual love and affection. One day a girl from a dysfunctional family asked her a question: “Tatyana Nikolaevna, why aren’t you my mother?” She believes that this is the highest assessment of her work. Even after leaving kindergarten, the children often visited their favorite teacher, and she still, when meeting their parents on the street, is interested in future fate their pupils.
While working in kindergarten, Tatyana Nikolaevna began to feel some kind of “framework”, not feeling free. She wanted independence and creativity. But she didn’t dare to switch to another job, and her personal life began to crack: her husband drank constantly, didn’t bring money to the family, and they separated.
In 2002, the secretary of the society of the blind, Geya Konstantinovna Shitova, decided to retire, but she could not leave her life’s work, and she had worked in the society for about 30 years, to an unknown person. Knowing Tatyana Nikolaevna, she invited her to take her place. The choice was successful. Everyone liked the young woman, she found contact with people, learned to type, and sorted out documentation. Whatever she undertakes, she succeeds. Everyone especially likes her soft, gentle voice and clear diction, like that of an announcer. Listening to her read is a pleasure.
Tatyana Nikolaevna has been with blind people for almost three years. Until now, she has been asked to return to work in the kindergarten, but she refuses, citing that she also has children here, although they are adults. She feels that everyone in society needs her. Her actions speak of her dependability and boundless kindness. Having learned that ex-husband seriously ill, she came to his aid, since he had no other relatives: she washed clothes, brought herbs and vegetables from her garden, and cooked in order to somehow maintain his strength. And when he died, Tatyana Nikolaevna had to bury him.
People value their secretary and consult with her. She never takes time into account if someone asks for help: she runs to the pharmacy for medicine, fills out documents for someone, takes some blind people shopping, helps them choose fashionable things, convincing them that a person should look beautiful, even if he doesn't see it himself. And some are even forced to use cosmetics.
She herself is an example of neatness and neatness, has sparkling humor, and infects those around her with her youth and enthusiasm. And you believe her when she says that she found herself in this work.
Such are they, these two wonderful women - Elena Ivanovna and Tatyana Nikolaevna. They work harmoniously and amicably, and this makes the life of visually impaired people better and more meaningful not only in Omutninsky, but in Verkhnekamsky and Afanasyevsky districts. Every Thursday at 11 o'clock the blind people rush into the society, knowing that the chairman and secretary have prepared the next event for them and set the tables for tea. For tea, participants bring their own treats, whatever they can. No one is in a hurry to go home: after all, communication lasts until the end of the working day.
I’m proud to say that we, members of the VOS, are envied by people with disabilities of other categories: in the city we are considered an organization of like-minded people. May the warmth of the hearts of our leaders, which they give to blind people, never cool down.