Venus retrograde this year for Libra. When Mercury goes into a state of reverse motion, it seems to calm down

One of the retrograde planets in 2017 is Jupiter, which will force many to philosophize, think about the most important thing in life and pay attention to traditions. Foreign trips must be canceled as they will not produce results. Studying in institutions will become stressful, and gaining authority in society can only be done with great effort. You can correct the mistakes of the past and change your views on important aspects of life.

Saturn retrograde in 2017: April 7-August 24

During Jupiter retrograde, you should do your main work and analyze what has already been done over the past period. If you decide to master a new profession or scientific field, then this is the right time for this. You shouldn’t take on large-scale projects, but rather finish old things.

Uranus retrograde in 2017: August 5-December 31

Among the retrograde planets in 2017 is Uranus. It will limit freedom of speech and action, and will also make you dependent on negative individuals. A good period for meeting old friends, studying astrology and esotericism.

Neptune retrograde in 2017: June 20-November 19

Neptune retrograde will lead to a search for new discoveries in the spiritual realm. Faith in the best will intensify, and the experience accumulated in the past will help you look more optimistically into the future. An exacerbation of drug and alcohol addiction in weak-willed individuals is possible.

Pluto retrograde in 2017: April 24-September 25

Among the retrograde planets in 2017 is Pluto, so public events and demonstrations should be cancelled. It is recommended to isolate yourself from places where there are a lot of people. In difficult situations, you can turn to psychics for help. It is necessary to use spiritual practices.

Mercury retrograde in 2017

The planet Mercury is also in retrograde in 2017. It helps you focus on communication, studying and working with documents. You can plan trips and innovate. Mercury will be in retrograde phase three times in 2017:

At this time, it is necessary to avoid signing documents, signing contracts, making profitable deals and traveling any distance. You need to be as careful as possible on the road! It is not recommended to start training, as new information will be poorly absorbed. But especially stubborn and persistent individuals can achieve results in this area.

During the period of Mercury retrograde, it is necessary to exclude any quarrels and conflicts. Otherwise, they will drag on for a long time. It is advisable to carefully select words in communication so as not to offend a person. It will be especially difficult to survive this moment for those born in numbers that fall on retrograde Mercury. This planet will help mitigate the situation in all areas for people who had Mercury in the same state in their birth (natal) chart. They just need to become more patient in order to calmly survive this turbulent period.

The retrograde planet in 2017, Mercury, is not as “harsh” as many people think. At this time, you can safely make deals, engage in promising work and buy a new car. But only the car must be an “old” brand. It is good to finish a started book, scientific work and other literature.

Venus retrograde in 2017

Venus is retrograde quite rarely (once every year and a half), which is considered the planet of Beauty and Love. In 2017, its backward movement is observed:
- from March 4 to April 15.

During this period, feelings and relationships will “slow down,” and temporary alienation and misunderstanding will also appear.

It is not advisable to plan weddings during Venus retrograde. The wedding will be very expensive in a financial sense, and the marriage itself will not last long. Romantic connections during this period will be short-lived and will bring a lot of disappointments.

If Venus is on the list of retrograde planets in 2017, then you should not radically change your external image. Avoid cosmetic surgery, hair cutting and coloring. All these procedures will bring grief and negative emotions. This is also an unfavorable time for major shopping. During the retrograde of Venus, many purchases will turn out to be of poor quality and “faceless”, but returning them to the store is unlikely to be possible.

The beautiful Venus also has its positive sides during retrograde. It is possible that past relationships with lovers (wives, husbands) will resume and become even more beautiful. Although, decide for yourself whether the “game is worth the candle”? If you wait for the moment when Venus takes a straight path, then the reunion with your lovers will be successful.

During the period of Venus retrograde, you can successfully complete handicrafts (knitting, sewing, embroidery), update the interior of the room and look for gifts for loved ones in the future.

"Retrograde" means moving backward, however, this is the path of the planet as seen from Earth. In fact, neither Mercury, nor Venus, nor Saturn are moving backwards.

During the period of planetary retrograde, things are going well under the motto “I’m returning…” to a task (person, place, paper, contact, thought) that I had already started earlier.

If we are talking about retrograde Mercury, then it is worth returning contacts and friends that have disappeared from sight, re-evaluating thoughts about purchases, concepts that were formed earlier, rewriting manuscripts. There is no need to start new contacts. There is also no need to rush to sign agreements for the first time. It is not recommended to make purchases, especially means of communication and transportation, unless with reservations; in this case, only an astrologer can provide guidance during a personal consultation.

What should you devote the period to - retrospection of some important thoughts, contacts, finalization of projects.

Mercury retrograde in 2017:

For those born at the junction of Sagittarius and Capricorn, Aries and Taurus, Leo and Virgo, Sagittarius of the second half of the sign, important thoughts, contacts, news can come on the first passage of Mercury along its retrograde path, that is, before the beginning of the specified period.

Venus retrograde in 2017.

Venus is responsible for ratings and likes. We like a person, we are attracted to him, and we perceive him as valuable in our life - we love him. The key word here is “pleasant.” The retrograde period sends us back to find something valuable in past experiences and draw conclusions about what valuable things are close to us now.

We re-evaluate our affections, loved ones, and image during the period of Venus retrograde.

Venus retrograde in 2017:

from March 4 to April 15 (14 grams of Aries - 27 grams of Pisces). The retrograde loop is wider, so early Aries and late Pisces may feel the influence of Venus retrograde a little earlier than the allocated period.

Retrograde Jupiter in 2017.

Jupiter is the planet of social success, opportunities for advancement, education, international cooperation, and earnings.

Retrograde Jupiter:

Libra should be ready to re-evaluate and clarify some of their guidelines even before the period begins. When Jupiter is retrograde, it is not advisable to start business aimed at obtaining material gain. It is good to examine the liver, find out and clarify the terms of the loan, reissue a visa (but do not request a visa for the first time), retake the “tails” in educational institutions.

Retrograde Saturn in 2017:

Saturn is the foundation of any enterprise. Therefore, its movement back is associated with a revaluation of what we rely on: work, real estate, parents, musculoskeletal system. Saturn in Sagittarius rechecks our readiness to move forward. Sagittarius must be very responsible even before the period begins, preparing for the return of some problems that temper them psychologically.

In astrology there is such a thing as the retrograde movement of planets. He is given special attention. Why? For hundreds of years, scientists have observed the influence of celestial bodies on all living things and came to the conclusion that several times a year certain planets begin to move backward. During these periods, a person experiences inconvenience, unexpected troubles appear, mood changes and, as a result, conflicts brew. Annoying and annoying failures are more likely to appear during the period of retrograde motion of the planets. That’s why it’s so important to look at the table of the movements of the heavenly bodies more often. Before planning the coming year according to astrological phenomena, let's look at the concept of a “retrograde planet”.

What does a retrograde planet mean?

This concept is usually attributed to astrology, although it is also directly related to astronomy. In many sources you can find this explanation - retrograde motion means the planet is going back. Most of us take this definition literally. However, in reality this is not exactly what happens. To better understand the movement of the planets, let’s take, for example, three reference points - the Sun, Earth and Venus. If an observer tracks the movement of Venus relative to the Earth, which revolves around the Sun, he will see that the speed of Venus is much less than that of the Earth. It also has to travel a greater distance than the Earth relative to the Sun. That is, when observed from our planet, an effect occurs in which it begins to seem that the planet at a certain moment is moving in the opposite direction. But in fact, it only “lags behind” the course of the Earth. If you draw the trajectory of Venus, you will get a loop - it is usually called “retrograde movement”. When a celestial body passes through a loop, people should be more careful. According to astrology, during these periods a person experiences inconvenience and troubles appear. Many people believe that the forecast of retrograde planets is an invention of astrologers. But no. These are observations by astronomers from different eras, based on which forecasts are made.

Having figured out what a retrograde planet means, you can start planning your affairs. However, astrologers do not put the issue of retrograde in the red corner. The movement of the planets, of course, is worth paying attention to, but it should not be interpreted as something of utmost importance. With the help of the forecast “Retrograde planets in 2017”, you can make adjustments to business endeavors and personal plans so that there is no unexpected fiasco in business or failures in relationships. Let's look at the forecast for planetary retrograde this year.

Planetary movements in 2017 – what to pay attention to

Retrograde motion can be observed in the movement of such planets as Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune. However, astrologers recommend adjusting plans according to the movement of only the two most influential planets - Mercury and Venus. Mars also belongs to this class, but in 2017 it does not enter the retrograde phase. Therefore, first we will consider the periods of “retrogression” of Mercury and Venus.

Mercury retrograde 2017

The retrograde of this planet is characterized by minor and annoying shortcomings, errors in financial and reporting documents, failures in any endeavors and fiasco in business. Mercury also became associated with problems regarding computing and household appliances. This is true. If a person deliberately observes the operation of, for example, a computer during these periods, he will, not without surprise, come to the same conclusion.

Mercury retrograde periods in 2017:

  • from December 19, 2016 to January 8, 2017 - first period;
  • from April 10 to May 3, 2017 – second period;
  • from August 13 to September 5, 2017 – third period;
  • from December 3 to December 23, 2017 – the fourth period.

The retrograde motion of Mercury is not favorable for any surgical interventions. Of course, the operation should be postponed if possible. Based on the characteristics of the planet, you should refrain from new business endeavors; you should be extremely careful in preparing documents, especially financial ones. Refrain from purchasing household and other appliances during these periods. It is also not recommended to plan long trips. You should not look for a job or think about a new project, and also do not sign agreements or new contracts. You should not spend large sums of money or invest in business.

What can you do during Mercury retrograde? This is the time to analyze the work done. If something is not completed, it’s time to “pull up your tails” and finish what is left unfinished. During these periods it is better to relax and unwind.

Venus retrograde 2017

During the retrograde of the planet Venus, you should not plan weddings or the start of a serious relationship.

Venus retrograde period in 2017:

  • from March 4 to April 15, 2017

Venus is characterized by everything related to art and beauty. Therefore, its reverse movement has a bad effect on holding various exhibitions, beauty contests or purchasing expensive jewelry. Also, you should not invest in large purchases, for example, real estate or a car. As for aesthetic beauty, it is better to postpone any cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries. During this period, young people should not propose marriage to their loved ones; postpone this exciting moment for another period of time. In this case, everything will go well and smoothly.

What can you do during Venus retrograde? If you have a quarrel with someone, then during this period it is good to establish lost connections. Naturally, intentions must be pure and sincere. Ask for forgiveness and have a heart-to-heart talk. Things will also go well with the sale of things and objects that have been lying around for a long time. If you haven’t been able to sell an apartment for a long time, for example, Venus retrograde will help you with this. Knowledgeable people buy antiques at a good price.

It is worth paying close attention to the movement of Venus and Mercury. But there are other planets that can also upset plans, albeit not radically. Let's look at their movement and find out which things it is advisable to postpone.

Retrograde Jupiter 2017

The direct movement of this planet means success in financial terms. Retrograde is characterized exactly the opposite.

Jupiter retrograde period in 2017:

  • from February 6 to June 9, 2017

You should not start a large business during this period of time. Most likely, you won't be able to make big money. However, small businesses will stay afloat. Those people whose activities are related to financing should pay attention to the reverse movement of Jupiter. Be careful, there is a risk of losing a large amount of money.

What can you do during Jupiter retrograde? Self-education and self-development will be very useful and beneficial. Remember with kind words and honor your “life” teachers. Spend more time with your family, spend time with your children, play, walk, relax together. It is useful to do morning exercises and Qigong exercises, yoga.

Retrograde Saturn 2017

Planet Saturn is a karmic planet. In a retro position, everything goes by itself. Therefore, astrologers recommend not to waste your strength and energy.

Saturn retrograde period in 2017:

  • from April 6 to August 25, 2017

Anyone involved in advocacy or holding a position in the legal system needs to be on alert. You should also not rely on academic success, engage in philosophical discussions or speak on topics of education, politics and religion. You shouldn’t “stick your head out” or take initiative. Saturn will be in the sign of Sagittarius during this period. Therefore, there is no need to defend or debate anything. Relax and take a break from controversial situations. Let this period of time pass and then you can indulge in any controversy.

What can you do during Saturn retrograde? Take an analysis of your life position, actions and values ​​in life. Donate to charity, feed animals and birds (especially crows). Accumulate wisdom. Let everything take its course and monitor the situation.

Uranus Retrograde 2017

The planet is famous for the destruction of traditions, storms and extraordinary actions.

Uranus retrograde period in 2017:

  • from August 3, 2017 to January 2, 2018

This period will be a real help for those who create something new, create. Innovators will come up with the most unexpected ideas that can be easily implemented. Many managers will also have to be creative and solve problems from a completely different perspective. During this period of time, they will succeed with such ease and agility that even promotion up the career ladder is possible.

What can you do during Uranus retrograde? Creative individuals are encouraged to create and invent during the period of Uranus retrograde.

Neptune retrograde 2017

  • from June 16 to November 22, 2017, Neptune will take over

The retrograde movement of the planet Neptune brings some confusion to beliefs, customs and traditions. This time is intended for those who have not found themselves in the spiritual aspect. A completely unexpected worldview will open up for a person; he will discover a lot of new things in terms of beliefs and religion. If you want what is called “Cognosce te ipsum” (“Know yourself”, Latin), now is the time to do it. The period of Neptune retrograde is a time for spiritual development.

Pluto retrograde 2017

  • April 20 to September 28, 2017

This is the most worrying period. Why? It concerns the political system and changes in it. For people, this means changes on a national scale, which, as history teaches, do not always end well. Nothing can be done about this, we can only hope that there won’t be a coup d’etat or anything like that.

Retrograde planets in 2017 do not bring danger or bloodshed, as was the case in 2016, when we saw firsthand the validity of the forecast for the movement of retrograde planets last year. However, you should not ignore the recommendations of astrologers regarding Venus and Mercury. Plan your affairs so that later you don’t have to lose heart over unfulfilled dreams or hopes. Good luck to you and happy 2017!

4 Feb

In the loop of Venus (February-May 2017). Crisis of values ​​and time for choice

“Values ​​in life determine our every decision and, therefore, our destiny. He who knows his values ​​and lives in accordance with them becomes a leader of society."

Anthony Robbins

« For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be»

Bible. New Testament

Already from January 29, Venus, the planet of relationships, finance, resources, beauty and harmony, entered a loop, within which it will remain until May 17, and within which the Zodiac section from 27 degrees of the sign of Pisces to 14 degrees of the sign of Aries will pass three times. At the same time, the period of Venus’s retrograde movement within this loop will last from March 4 to April 15.

Most often, astrologers pay attention to the period of the retrograde movement of Venus and describe it as a rather unstable time for existing relationships and alliances, as an unfavorable period for any financial affairs, major acquisitions, investments, for serious cosmetic and cosmetic procedures and operations.

But perhaps you, like me, noticed from your own life and the lives of your clients, acquaintances, friends that changes in relationships and financial matters begin to occur 1-1.5 months before the start of Venus’s retrograde movement, and last the same amount after the completion of its retrograde, that changes in life at this time are not limited only to the topics of relationships and finances, that it is at this time that many make successful acquisitions, receive profits and benefits from existing business projects, or, for example, simply want to improve their appearance en masse ( and in many cases they do it successfully). And sometimes it turns out that something happens in your life that is not quite what the forecasts promised, and sometimes even the exact opposite.

Indeed, traditional and widespread descriptions of the features of the Venus retrograde period only partially correspond to reality. And this happens, firstly, because the fact of retrograde is considered in isolation from the phenomenon that generated it (that is, from the phases of the Solar-Venus cycle), and secondly because they do not take into account the main principles of Venus, but only the most common manifestations of these principles.

First of all, Venus is associated with two things - relationships and finances, as well as beauty, art, pleasure, balance, attraction, prosperity and resources. And yes, indeed, periods of the loop and retrograde movement of Venus bring changes in all of the above.

But also, these meanings attributed to Venus are not so much the essence of its main principle, but rather the consequences and most common variants of its specific manifestations.

On a deeper level, Venus is one of those planets that is associated with our system of values ​​and priorities. To be more precise, Venus is responsible for our instrumental values ​​or means-values, that is, for what specific subjects, circumstances, objects, methods and means we associate our main life values ​​with.

We also assign subjective value to what we want to possess, the possession of which we think will bring us happiness, pleasure and satisfaction. Values ​​are what we value in life above all else, what we try to achieve and, in fact, why we do what we do. Therefore, it is completely logical that Venus is associated with the themes of possession and property, with everything that is pleasant, desirable, and a source of pleasure for us. And this is probably why Venus is associated primarily with relationships and money, as the most common categories among such things.

When we live in harmony and in accordance with our values, our lives become truly harmonious. Therefore, it is natural that harmony and well-being are also associated with Venus.

Values ​​are the unconditional guideline in situations of choice, and it is Venus who is responsible for choice, both in everyday and in vital situations.

In the end, values ​​either unite or divide us from other people. We like those who support and share our values, but it is precisely because of the differences, opposition and conflict of values ​​that all the most serious conflicts and even wars began. That is why Venus correlates not only with alliances and relationships, but also with conflicts and litigation.

The periods of the Venus loop are a time when changes occur in the structure of our instrumental values, and changes in relationships, in financial matters, in our desires, situations of important life choices, the desire to dramatically change something in our life - all these are external manifestations and private cases of deeper internal changes.

Of course, our values ​​do not change with every Venus loop. In many cases, the main values ​​in life remain unchanged throughout our lives, and for many people, the loops of Venus become, at best, a reason to change something in their stereotypes, in the interior, appearance and decorations, and not at all a reason to think about their values.

But, let's be honest, how many people still live a happy, meaningful life? Very often we do not understand what motivates us, what our values ​​are, which of them are truly ours, and which are false and imposed from the outside. All this becomes the reason for the loss of meaning not only of any purposeful activity, but also of life in general, the cause of lack of motivation, the inability to make the right choice, the cause of chaos in life and a feeling of meaninglessness.

Therefore, periods of the Venus loop are an opportunity and an offer to establish contact with your system of values, to restore order in the meanings and priorities of your life. If Venus in her loop forms strong aspects to important points in your birth chart, then this suggestion may feel like forcing you to face situations in which you will have to question meanings and redefine priorities.

But in general terms and for all of us, this is the time to redefine the important meanings of our lives, the criteria and meanings on the basis of which in the coming years we will build our lives, relationships, our well-being, on the basis of which we will very soon set and determine for yourself new goals.

And so, the loop of Venus in the period from January 29 to May 17 will bring us changes in life priorities, in everything with which we associate our values, changes in relationships, in financial plans and issues, in strategies for building our own well-being. During this period, we will find ourselves in situations of important life choices and will be forced to make pivotal decisions regarding what our life stories will be connected with in the future.

Perhaps this is the time when we consciously carry out a certain revision in the structure of our priorities, re-evaluate some aspects, objects and circumstances of our lives and make appropriate changes to our lives. According to the results of this audit, something leaves our life altogether or is shifted to the background, while other objects and situations appear in the foreground, with which we associate our updated priorities and desires

Or, perhaps, this is the time when life itself sets priorities for us, forcibly removing from our lives that which has ceased to be valuable to us and which we continued to hold on to out of habit (or excessive attachment to which violated the principles of harmony and balance), making room for new meanings.

Venus in its loop connects the signs of Pisces and Aries (it will cover the last 3 degrees of the sign of Pisces and almost half of the sign of Aries).

The symbolism of the transition from the last sign of the Zodiac to the first indicates to us powerful processes of renewal, the manifestation of what was hitherto hidden, the likelihood of a sharp exacerbation of some chronic, protracted or hidden problems. But also for updates, new beginnings after a period of preparation, for the possibility of embodying hidden meanings and contents in dynamically developing plots and events. In any case, the priorities in our lives and our affairs at this time will change sharply, dramatically, suddenly; we will often be pushed to this by aggravated problems, conflicts, situations of necessity.

It is also likely that at this time, in situations of choice, we will be forced to sacrifice something for the sake of new prospects and new beginnings. Perhaps, as a result of the changes that this loop will bring to us, some completely new circumstances and plots may come into our lives, at which time we can decide on something completely new.

The important choices we will make at this time, changes in the structure of our values ​​and priorities - all this may relate to actively expressing ourselves in the outside world, work, where and how we direct most of our energy, the ability to act independently and independently, some fundamentally new beginnings, projects and enterprises.

All issues that come to the fore at this time, including issues of alliances, relationships, finances, material values ​​and resources, will be in one way or another connected with conflict, acute and tense situations, with motives of independence, autonomy, competition, or with themes novelty, new beginnings, new projects and enterprises.

Despite the fact that in most forecasts a general meaning is attributed to the entire period of the Venus loop, this is completely unfair, since both the loop and the period of retrograde movement have different stages in their structure, the meaning of which is fundamentally different.

The entire period of the loop is divided into two stages that are fundamentally different in meaning - waning Venus in its last phase from the beginning of the loop to the conjunction with the Sun, and waxing Venus from the conjunction with the Sun to exiting the loop. In the middle of each of these intervals, Venus changes the direction of movement, and part of the time in each of them moves direct, part of the time - retrograde. But regardless of the direction of Venus’s movement, the fundamental difference between these two stages is that if at the first stage the space is cleared, at this time we take stock and receive the results of the last cycle, then at the second we begin a new cycle based on already redefined values ​​and meanings.

January 29 - March 20. Waning Venus in a loop, reversal to retrograde movement

At this time, Venus approaches the Earth, and we can enjoy its beautiful view as an evening star immediately after sunset. As Venus approaches the Earth, the topics under its control become increasingly relevant in our earthly affairs and come to the fore in our lives.

However, the first part of the Venus loop - from the beginning of the loop to the conjunction with the Sun - is the most difficult time. This is the last phase of the completing past Solar-Venus cycle, at this time something in our life is coming to an end, something, according to the results of the acquired experience, requires reassessment and changes, some fragments of the past - people, things, plots and circumstances — leave our lives or our relationship with them changes irreversibly.

If earlier we automatically made our choices in various life circumstances, guided by the usual criteria, we understood what to expect from ourselves and others, but now the assessment system ceases to work automatically and the answers to the questions “Why?” and “For what?” no longer seem so definite. Therefore, the recommendations of astrologers not to undertake anything important related to changes in external reality, with cooperation and partnership, with finances and investments during such periods are completely justified - the criteria for making a choice during such periods may be unclear and questionable, since the past ones no longer apply, and new ones have not yet formed.

But these warnings are only valid for new beginnings. And vice versa, any enterprises or decisions that are related to the continuation and completion of past stories will be relevant and timely.

At this time, problems that require solutions intensify, we are no longer satisfied with certain situations, circumstances and plots, we may feel that we are losing desire, motivation in relation to certain actions and goals, we stop seeing meanings where we saw them before . Some aspects of our life that seemed significant until now suddenly suddenly lose their attractiveness.

All this happens because the dissonance between internal priorities and desires, on the one hand, and external circumstances, on the other, is felt more and more strongly. Colliding with external problems at this time indicates a mismatch between our values ​​and external reality, or is a manifestation of the fact that the values ​​that have guided us in our lives until now interfere with the realization of others that are no less significant. At this time, the intention to change something begins to form.

This is also the time when we are faced with situations of vital and pivotal choices, which, again, refer us to our values. Because it is possible to consciously make the right choice only when we have determined for ourselves the structure of our life priorities.

And this is truly a great time to begin to understand your values ​​and priorities, to determine for yourself those on the basis of which you want to build your life. This is also the right time to complete those plots whose meanings have been exhausted, to eliminate from your life everything destructive, outdated, and unnecessary.

We have time until the end of March to do all this work. Everything with which we approach the beginning of the new Venus cycle, the period from March 20 to March 30, will become the basis for future new goals, new strategies for building our own well-being, plots of relationships with other people and life plots in general for the next two years

Relationships and alliances

Themes of relationships come to the fore as Venus approaches the Earth, but the waning phase of Venus in some cases brings real challenges in everything related to interaction with other people, partnerships and alliances.

Hitherto hidden problems, conflicts and contradictions that existed in a chronic form, may intensify and come to the surface. Those unions whose raison d'être has been completely exhausted and which have ceased to be of value to partners may indeed be threatened by serious problems, including separation.

In all other cases, reassessment of needs, values ​​and priorities can cause some disruptions in mutual understanding, failures and disruptions in the usual patterns of interaction. But in cases where values ​​that unite you can be found, all this will become an incentive to update, redefine scenarios before starting a new stage in the development of your relationship.

But since at this time we receive results and fruits from the development of past plots in relationships, they may not necessarily be negative. In constructive versions, our relationships with other people at this time bring the positive results that we strived for. In some cases, the logical conclusion and positive result of relationships that began earlier at this time may be decisions on engagements, registration and formalization of unions.

Changing values ​​and priorities at this time, or external circumstances beyond our control, indeed, in many cases separate us from other people, and at this time we may be forced to say goodbye to someone from our environment.

But at the same time, people from the past may appear in our lives as a reminder of unfinished plots, unrealized meanings and values.

Since this period is more suitable for clearing and freeing up the space of our life than for filling it with something new, new people and acquaintances who appear in our lives at this time are unlikely to stay with us for a long time and the prospects for new relationships at this time will be very doubtful.

And of course, this time is the best suited for resolving existing conflicts, for eliminating existing contradictions, for ending unpromising relationships and connections.

Financial issues, purchases

When Venus approaches Earth in the first part of its loop, financial issues also come to the forefront for many. At this time, we sum up the results of previous cycles related to our financial plans, income, and building our own material well-being.

On the one hand, at this time we can receive fruits and results from the previous stages of implementing significant values ​​and priorities in our lives, including in material terms. At this time, we can be repaid debts, express gratitude for past deeds, we can receive profit from previous projects, material rewards for what was done previously.

On the other hand, at the same time we pay all bills, regardless of whether we suspect they exist or not. Therefore, unforeseen expenses, financial and material losses, various situations in which we may suffer material damage are also quite likely.

In some cases, at this time we feel increasingly dissatisfied with the current state of affairs in everything that concerns our own income, material well-being and begin to think about how we can change the current situation.

And the waning phase of the Venus loop is a great time to look for ways to solve financial problems, but at this time it is best to work on eliminating internal and external obstacles to your well-being, in order to make the most of the experience already accumulated, from the fact that what has already been done and started before. Some new opportunities, undertakings and enterprises can be planned, the ground can be prepared for their implementation, but it is better to postpone specific actions for their implementation until April-May.

Often at this time, people change not only their priorities, tastes, evaluation and choice systems, but also their financial plans and capabilities. Therefore, pending transactions may be delayed, financial terms may be revised, the solvency of clients and customers may change, and expected payments and receipts may be delayed.

At this time, it is not recommended to take loans and lend money, make investments and investments, or make serious financial decisions. The likelihood that you or another person will be able to objectively assess your (or someone else’s) financial prospects at this time is extremely low.
For the same reasons, it is not recommended to make large acquisitions during the waning phase of the Venus cycle. It is believed that the cost of the purchased item or its value to you personally may change subsequently; you may not be able to objectively judge at this time how much the stated price corresponds to the actual value, or how much a specific item will be needed by you in the future.

However, these rules are not categorical. In my practice, there are many examples of very successful large acquisitions in the final phases of the Venus cycle and, especially, during periods of its retrograde. In all cases, these were situations where such a purchase was planned in advance, or a person spent a long time looking for the right thing at the right price. Sometimes it is during Venus retrograde that you can unexpectedly find the thing you have been looking for for a long time, allow yourself to buy something you have wanted for a very long time. Therefore, if you have long been planning to make some kind of major acquisition and have been saving money for this, then there is a high probability that during the waning phase of Venus you will find what you need and at a very good price.

Beauty, aesthetics

When Venus enters the loop, our past sources of inspiration stop working, our aesthetic tastes and preferences begin to change in strange ways, and this may be reflected in a change in image, style, experiments with appearance, in the desire to change the interior, the space around us, our own image , etc.
Therefore, if during this period of time you decide to use the services of a stylist, cosmetologist, or aesthetic surgery specialist, the likelihood that they will also be inclined to experiment is quite high. Sometimes this turns out well, but sometimes it gives results that are far from expected. Therefore, when deciding to make any important changes in appearance, interior design, wardrobe, personal image, etc., be extremely careful, try to think about everything most carefully, foresee possible problems in those cases if you later want to change own choice.

Contrary to traditional interpretations of the Venus retrograde period, I believe that the waning phase of her cycle is very suitable for taking care of your appearance, for certain cosmetic procedures and even for certain types of plastic surgery. During such periods, women very often want to change something in their appearance and it is during these periods that they decide to take some radical measures in caring for themselves. And this is logical - after all, Venus begins to approach the Earth and all the themes subject to it, including beauty, attractiveness in one’s female identity, come to the fore.

Yes, indeed, for the same reasons, the consequences of changes in appearance at this time will be most noticeable. But in a negative or positive way - it depends on the aspects of Venus and other planets. In my practice, there are also a number of examples of successful plastic surgeries performed on retrograde Venus. But the waning phase of Venus is suitable exclusively for those procedures and operations that are associated with cutting, removing, reducing something or nourishing the deep layers of the skin. And, of course, the time for such procedures and operations should be selected especially carefully, since the results of any changes in appearance (both positive and negative) at this time may be exaggerated.

All the trends described above become relevant from the end of January to the beginning of February, when Venus enters the loop, but they manifest themselves especially concentrated from the moment Venus stops and begins its retrograde movement. From March 1 to March 7, Venus becomes stationary, on March 4 it turns to retrograde motion and all Venusian themes in our lives become maximally manifested.

It is possible that the reasons why at the end of February and beginning of March we face an important choice, are faced with the need for change, a crisis in matters relating, among other things, to relationships and financial issues, will be associated with tense events, conflicts and changes of the period 19 -28th of February. At this time, the dispositor of the already very slow Venus, Mars, accentuates the Uranus-Jupiter-Pluto tauquadrate and can bring sudden and unexpected disruptions in our affairs and in various areas of our lives. It is at this time that our affairs may reveal the problems and challenges that we will be forced to solve in the coming months and the changes that we will have to deal with.

Therefore, starting from February 19, we need maximum caution in our affairs. Pay attention to the problems that appear at this time, the tasks that appear at this time. This is exactly what you have to deal with during the waning phase of Venus, until March 21st. It is very likely that at this time we will find ourselves faced with a choice and a strong temptation to make decisions immediately, thoughtlessly and impulsively, to get involved in some kind of struggle and conflicts. However, you need to understand that conflicts at this time can have devastating consequences, and decisions made at this time can subsequently be revised several times or entail quite complex processes.

We will need to deal with the contradictions, problems and tasks that will appear in the period from February 19 to March 7 before the start of the new Venus cycle, before March 21-26, before the same time we will need to make a choice in the indicated situations.

But this period of the Venus loop also has a little secret. The ending cycle can really help you eliminate those problems that are long overdue. If there are situations in your life that you do not know how to resolve, and if you put effort into resolving them or concentrate on finding opportunities to solve them within this part of the Venus loop, the appropriate opportunities, the appropriate help, the right options will definitely come to you .

March 20-30. Venus conjunct the Sun, the beginning of a new cycle

This period, lasting about 8-10 days (4-5 days before and the same amount after the conjunction of retrograde Venus and the Sun) is the time when the meanings, plots and contents of the new cycle of Venus relative to the Sun are laid down on the internal plane.

Everything with which we approach this period, our desires, priorities, preferences, all those categories that we have defined for ourselves as priority instrumental values, this forms the basis of a new cycle for the next almost 20 months.

This is a very important time when we finally determine for ourselves those meanings, those “why” and “for what”, which we will soon begin to embody in our reality. But all this happens on a deeply internal level and is expressed in the internal choices that we make for ourselves, in the internal decisions that we make for ourselves.

For any kind of interaction with external reality and any actions to change external circumstances, this time is extremely unfavorable.

Just as Venus is hiding in the rays of the Sun at this time, our systems of assessment, choice, systems of criteria, strategies for interacting with other people and the material world are completely unbalanced. At this time, people are maximally immersed in themselves, are unable to adequately respond to external reality, it is difficult for them to make informed decisions, engage in practical matters, and interact with each other.

These days, the likelihood of conflict situations, material damage, various misunderstandings, irrational decisions, uncontrollable emotional outbursts and inadequate expression of feelings and emotions is quite high.

Therefore, for this period, and especially until March 28, it is best not to plan important practical matters, clarifying important issues in relationships, major purchases, any transactions and important events.

The emotional and psychological state these days can be quite difficult, especially in cases where your life is built according to patterns that are far from what is truly important, valuable and meaningful to you.

But in such cases, this period of the “dark night of the Soul” is another opportunity to determine your most important meanings and values, think about how they are realized in your life, how they could be realized, what prevents this, draw appropriate conclusions and accept for yourself those priorities on the basis of which you will build your life.

When we know our main values, their structure and hierarchy, then we consider any goals, situations, circumstances, first of all, from the point of view of how much all this helps bring our main meanings to life. In such cases, we live, act, choose and make decisions meaningfully and in accordance with what is truly important to us, it is easy for us to make choices, we live in harmony with ourselves. Goals based on true values ​​are achieved easily, with pleasure and inspiration, since they are not based on “shoulds”, “like everyone else” and “shoulds”, but on what has deep meaning and value specifically for you.

If everything in your life is like this, then these ten days are simply an opportunity to check the course, remember your priorities, and check if anything has changed in their structure.

If everything in your life is completely different, then during these ten days you are given the last opportunity for the next 20 months to sort out your priorities, clarify the criteria and choose those that will become the basis of the upcoming cycle.

And, of course, it is worth remembering that these days, on the internal plane, plots and scenarios for the development of your close relationships, interactions with other people in general and the world as a whole are laid, these days plans and trends are laid regarding your well-being, the exchange of resources with the outside world, financial situation.

Particularly important in this sense will be the new moon on the night of March 27-28, when the beginning of the Lunar cycle almost coincides with the beginning of a new cycle of Venus. If you connect the plans and intentions of these days with your values ​​and meanings that are important to you, then they will have a serious chance of not only becoming reality in the near future, but also changing your life for the better.

Also these days, “burnt” Venus may require attention to those organs and functions of the body that it controls - the throat, thyroid gland, kidneys, urinary tract, reproductive organs (usually female, but also the reproductive function of the body as a whole) , liver glycogen function and blood sugar regulation processes, fat metabolism, skin and hair condition. At this time, it is advisable not to overindulge in sweets and fatty foods, not to carry out any procedures related to the impact on the skin and hair, not to overload the relevant organs and pay attention to the prevention of related health problems.

March 30 - May 17. Growing Venus in a loop, reversal to direct movement

At the last stage of the Venus loop, updates occur in our lives in accordance with new meanings, plans, strategies and new values, but at the same time their viability is tested, it is determined whether they will be embodied in our reality or whether we will abandon them and return already back on track.

After March 30, Venus begins to appear in the sky before sunrise as the morning star. Venus rising to the Sun is called Lucifer and has a more daring, warlike, impulsive character.

And this is logical - in contrast to Venus of the evening, which follows traditional, generally accepted, socially approved values, Venus-Lucifer claims to determine its own priorities, even if they contradict those imposed by society and the environment. Venus-Lucifer has the courage to affirm new values ​​and change reality in accordance with them, contrary to the usual, traditional and generally accepted.

In the same way, during the growing phase of the Venus loop, new meanings and values ​​gradually begin to appear in our lives, which may contradict existing circumstances or poorly align with already familiar plots. The main guidelines and values ​​have already been formed, and as Venus moves away from the Sun, we, not always confidently and automatically, are already trying to live in accordance with them. At this time, we are trying to integrate new values ​​into our reality, but for now we may experience resistance to this from the environment, external circumstances and our own habitual patterns of behavior.

Until mid-April, while Venus is still moving retrograde, we seem to be trying to live in new conditions and according to new rules, in most cases still just trying to understand them. Therefore, the period from March 30 to April 15 is a time of trial, error and experimentation. At this time, new people, new circumstances, opportunities, offers are already coming into our lives, new plans and prospects are being outlined. But since our assessment systems and selection criteria are not yet so stable as to act automatically, we can make mistakes in our choices and decisions, act impulsively, ahead of events in our desires, and be disappointed and encounter obstacles. This is all the more likely in cases where the internal changes that have occurred have remained unconscious and when we have not understood what values ​​have become a priority for us.

Therefore, before Venus turns to direct movement, that is, until April 15, the likelihood that we will return to familiar plots and will not find enough strength and resources to follow new meanings is quite high.

If at this time you do not have a clear understanding of what you want, what meanings you rely on, what is your priority, what are the strategies for your relationships with other people, material reality, what are your ideas about well-being based on, then this time is also unfavorable for important decisions, especially in the areas of finance, property, partnerships and cooperation.

But the more in touch we are with our values, the more clearly we understand what we want and what we are going to embody in our lives, the greater the likelihood that at this time successful decisions will be made and the necessary conditions, circumstances and necessary People.

And often the growing phase of the Venus loop and even the time of its retrograde movement at this phase becomes a time of successful and bold experiments, updates in business and in life.

For example, financial decisions at this time may turn out to be quite successful as a result of the ability to quickly and be among the first to navigate changing market conditions; purchases and acquisitions may be fully consistent with new trends, changed tastes and the desire for updates in life. At this time, important and promising decisions can be made in relationships and alliances in accordance with the meanings and priorities laid down at the beginning of the new Venus cycle. Experiments with appearance, image, and wardrobe can also be quite relevant in the context of the beginning of a new life stage. True, this time, the intense aspect of Saturn from April 5 to April 23 will significantly complicate, if not eliminate, the implementation of all these favorable opportunities. During the period from April 5 to April 23, any experiments in Venusian themes may cost us too much and are categorically not recommended.

The period from April 5 to April 23, when the slow and almost stationary Venus will be in a square with the harsh, limiting, reality-bringing Saturn, will become for us a real test of the truth of our chosen priorities and values, and in some cases, a certain test.

This is a time of very difficult coordination of new priorities and values ​​with old, inert and very stable structures of one’s own life, with social norms and requirements, with long-term life plans in situations of their incompatibility and even contradiction.

It is possible that at this time, in order to realize important meanings and values, we will have to overcome serious restrictions - both in the form of external circumstances and in the form of internal limiting beliefs (although, as usual, the first is a consequence and expression of the second).

On the external plane, all this will look as if the world is putting a spoke in our wheels, all the problems are falling on us at once, the people around us not only do not understand and do not support us in our choice, but also in every possible way interfere with its implementation.

At this time, we are faced with difficult and possibly limiting circumstances in our desires, in the implementation of our choices, in our interactions with society, other people, partners, in our financial and practical plans. Problems and very difficult situations in all of the above become another opportunity for us to feel and realize what is really important and valuable to us. If at the previous stages of the loop you did not do the appropriate internal work, then in the period from April 5 to April 23, as a result of the influence of fairly strict and limiting external circumstances, you may be forced to do this. Usually, we realize the value of something in our lives during periods of loss, vital choice, especially forced, inevitable, limited by rigid boundaries. And in the most negative cases, such situations are indeed possible.

In more positive versions, at this time, from April 5 to April 23, we are simply doing the difficult job of reconciling new priorities with our long-term life plans, with our social, professional and simply important life goals. Even in the most positive cases, at this time we are dealing with difficulties, obstacles and problems, but they become a test of the truth of our values, a reason for their clarification, “grounding” and coordination with practical reality.

At this time, in any case, we will need caution in everything related to financial, property issues, relationships with other people, in everything related to appearance, beauty, aesthetics.

As part of this difficult period, on April 15, Venus turns to direct movement. And several days of Venus’s stationary position near its turn to direct motion, April 12-17, are extremely important. At this time, the results of internal changes are, as it were, “imprinted” into earthly reality and are expressed in specific decisions, elections and events. All projects, alliances, agreements, elections and decisions of these days of stationarity will have serious consequences and will significantly affect our lives.

The fact that this important moment, recording the changes that have taken place, occurs during such a difficult “test” is very symbolic. According to its results, someone will be disappointed, faced with problems, will return to the old coordinate system, to life according to familiar, albeit alien, values ​​imposed from outside, and someone will overcome their internal and external barriers and begin a new stage of their life.

The period from the second station of Venus to the exit from the loop, that is, the time from April 15 to May 17, is a time of active affirmation of the found meanings in the realities of everyday life and renewal of one’s life in accordance with the newly acquired values.

In mid-May, Venus leaves the loop and this completes the entire process of changing values, their integration into personality structures and adaptation to external reality. By this time, new priorities have already been built into our programs so much that we begin to live, act, choose, make decisions and set goals based on the updated value system automatically. From this moment, doubts regarding the criteria of choice and meanings completely leave us, and our life is again almost automatically built in accordance with the new values ​​and in accordance with the choice made. From this moment on, our relationships with society, other people, the world and partners are built according to plots redefined on the Venus loop. From this time on, in interaction with material reality, in everything related to building one’s own well-being, the meanings, scenarios and trends laid down at that time begin to be embodied.

We will be able to see how all this will be embodied and manifested in external reality already in the period from November 2017 to February 2018, but we will sum up and receive the results of the cycle that began on this loop of Venus in the fall of 2018.

Retrograde planets are part of the normal course of life. These periods are not always positive, so you should know about them in advance. Mercury will begin its retrograde motion in August.

You can plan things not only in accordance with the lunar calendar and horoscopes, but also in accordance with information about the movement of the planets. Analytics regarding the movement of a particular planet allows you to look into the future for a fairly long period of time.

Mercury is the planet of action. This is the planet that governs desires, fortitude, and physical form. All this is interconnected, so working on yourself during the retrograde period should be comprehensive.

Mercury will begin its retrograde movement on August 13 and end on September 5, so this state will last until the end of summer. There are three or four Mercury retrograde periods in a year. In this case it will be the third period. You should treat it with caution, but its negativity will be less noticeable than in other periods.

Positive aspects of Mercury retrograde

Retrograde has its positive sides, because absolutely everything turns inside out. Good becomes bad and bad becomes good. This suggests that on August 13, Mercury will positively perceive laziness, lack of desires, and slight apathy. This will be a wonderful period to simply take a break from problems related to work, affairs, and money. Try to simply plunge into your activities or hobbies.

When Mercury goes into a state of reverse motion, it seems to calm down. This can be good for people who have a quick temper or are constantly under stress.

What can a person do if he does not fulfill his duties and solve some important matters? That's right, plan things for the future. Try to analyze your past shortcomings and work on your mistakes. From August 13th, you should not only look for flaws in yourself, but also find the motivation to eradicate them. Moreover, you will have all the conditions for this.

Take care of your home. Mercury will help you with routine work. Rearranging furniture, starting renovations, or simply putting your home in proper shape will give you good luck.

Negative aspects of Mercury retrograde

The retrograde motion of the first planet has a very negative effect on any surgical interventions. Be careful in everything because wound healing will be worse than usual. This is especially true for athletes and extreme sports enthusiasts. Most accidents occur during such periods. This does not mean that training should be postponed, no. The point is that you will need to pay more attention to security.

Single people will need a cautious approach in love, since in the standard state Mercury helps to increase the charisma of courageous people. In the retrograde state of this planet, you will have less chances to make new acquaintances.

At work, mistakes are possible in the most important matters. The harder you try to focus on work, the harder it will be for you to do so. Try not to behave selfishly, because Mercury moving in the opposite direction wants to see in people a desire to help others.

The retrograde of this planet has a bad effect on attention and intelligence, so learning becomes difficult and the first days at a new job are more difficult. If you are going on vacation from August 13 to September 5, then it is better to approach acclimatization issues as carefully as possible. It can be very difficult.

As for physical activity, it is better to follow the golden mean and not overwork your body. Water procedures and walks should replace the gym for you for a while. It is better to follow a daily routine and do not eat too fatty foods or fast food. Alcohol will also be unnecessary.

One way or another, Mercury at the end of this summer will not be as negative as could have been expected earlier. Astrologers are confident that the right approach will help you not only get through the end of August without problems, but also get rid of negative programs and thoughts that block your energy. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.07.2017 03:22

Mercury rules the environment. This planet has a number of features that anyone interested in...