Congratulations on the chocolate medal. Congratulations on Chocolate Day

If a holiday is approaching and you still don’t have any ideas for a present, then you can buy handmade chocolate greetings. Our catalog has a large selection of original gifts suitable for Birthdays, New Years, March 8, February 23, Valentine's Day and many other occasions.

iChoco knows well that truly delicious chocolate is loved by children, girls, and representatives of the stronger half of humanity. But this is not its only advantage. Namely:

  • · the price for chocolate letters in a box is very affordable, so such a purchase will come in handy for a colleague or friend;
  • · our craftsmen make each figurine and product by hand, so these are truly sweets with a unique and inimitable design;
  • · We use original and traditional recipes to please every client.

In addition, chocolate birthday or other holiday greetings from our online store are sent in an original box. It looks presentable and protects delicate delicacies from damage even when shipped over long distances.

Create unique greetings from edible letters

From us you can buy chocolate congratulations in two varieties. Firstly, these are compositions of letters that can be supplemented with figures from other sections of the catalog. You can “write” a name, an occasion or a full-fledged wish. Secondly, we offer edible cards. Using food coloring on a sugar card, we create real pictures that you can eat.

Don't limit your imagination to boring souvenirs that have nowhere to be stored. After all, ordering congratulations from chocolate letters is easy and the price is quite affordable. At the same time, the recipient will be able to appreciate an unusual gift made especially for him. And the opportunity to try it right there with you over a cup of fragrant tea is just an additional plus. Especially for those who, with the help of sweets, decided to confess their sympathies.

Unique chocolate offers for companies

The price for chocolate letters in a box is low, and discounts are possible for bulk orders. We are ready to discuss with you the creation of a special edible card that will mention your brand, corporate symbols, etc.

Buying chocolate congratulations on your birthday, professional or other holiday will be an excellent solution for entrepreneurs. We offer sweets as gifts to both employees and partners. Against the background of boring cups, cheap pens and other usual stationery, your gift does not go unnoticed.

Statuses about chocolate, poetry,
SMS congratulations on Chocolate Day

All chocolate fans
We are happy to congratulate you on a delicious Day! ©

World Chocolate Day!
Earn a tournament prize -
Maybe they will give it there
There are twenty-five tiles each! ©

Looks like there is chocolate
We can't get bored! ©

On Chocolate Day - we don’t feel sorry -
Let young and old come!
But definitely with a gift!
What? Well, of course, chocolate! ©

They thought there would be enough chocolate for a week,
But for some reason they ate it all during this holiday! ©

Let's be friends with chocolate
Eat as much as we want -
Everyone needs a treat!
Come and let's treat you! ©


We celebrate Chocolate Day even at night
And we don’t notice the extra three kilos! ©

Will overcome everything with success
The one who is in love with chocolate -
Even with raisins or nuts,
At least it will be airy! ©

We don’t think what will happen to us tomorrow,
Since the chocolate is now on the plate! ©

You call me chocolate
Not only on this holiday of ours!
But I eat chocolate on the sly
You forbid, faithful guardian! ©

Happy chocolate Day! For those with a sweet tooth
I give it with raisins and nuts! ©

With chocolate in the mood
Flies to the skies -
Only he on his birthday -
It all disappeared unnoticed! ©

I can chew dark chocolate for hours!
What will happen as a result - guess for yourself! ©

It won't be a blow to you
My unbridled passion?
I'm waiting for ten tiles, not a couple -
And we’ll immediately eat to our heart’s content! ©

I want to be covered in chocolate from ear to ear,
And drive away doubts and worries! ©

There are black stripes in life
I eat chocolate -
Tears dry up immediately
Even if it flows like a waterfall! ©

Buy me chocolate more often
Then life will seem sweeter to us. ©

Let's celebrate with chocolate
July sunny day,
Once to be with you, my love, close
Sweet chocolate helped us. ©

I don’t need enough to be happy -
A couple of chocolate bars! ©

Don't give chocolate
Whole boxes
And I’m glad for one tile -
If only the boys were brave! ©

Everyone came to the smell of chocolate -
It's like you've never eaten it before! ©

Present for a sweet girl
I'll buy chocolate.
Without spending a lot of money,
I'll send her a gift. ©

May this chocolate not melt on holiday
And the flower petals don’t fly around! ©

Don't be sad on Chocolate Day,
Be a queen -
They told me to bring some tiles
First for you all! ©

He saves you from uncontrollable melancholy,
It charges with energy for a long time,
He gives himself pleasure
And makes you enjoy life!
Happy Chocolate Day, I congratulate you today
And I give it to you as a gift,
Let him transform today's day
And your mood lifts like the sun!

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Congratulations #6456

Chocolate has one special feature -
He will always come to our aid:
It will be a gift for your loved ones,
It will be the taming of the unapproachable and obstinate.
He saves the madman from hunger
And like the sun he lights up smiles
And on chocolate day I sincerely wish you
Love him as much as I love and adore him!

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Congratulations #2523

Have fun until you drop
As much as you can.
World Chocolate Day
It's finally here!

Plunge into the pool of happiness
You are fearless with your head.
Return to your childhood on this day,
Take some chocolate with you!

May success not forget you,
Be happy always.
Let everything be in chocolate,
The rest is nonsense!

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Congratulations #2521

On Chocolate Day I wish to gather
To all of you at the round table.
Sing, have fun, joke and laugh,
Filling the whole house with a sweet holiday!

For you a choice nut covered in chocolate
I won't be able to watch it for long.
Eat it, you're not at the parade,
To sneak a modest look!

Think about chocolate spread.
Will anyone be able to resist her?
And don't resist the power bars,
You can even take it with you.

Chew the candy, and with a large spoon
Enjoy some chocolate cake,
And chocolates - one after another!
Well, what about diets? Diets later!

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Congratulations #2520

Fragrant chocolate
Attracts everyone.
Where he is there is joy,
Jokes, laughter and entertainment.

That's why we are very happy
It's Chocolate Day!
We congratulate each other on this,
We treat our loved ones.

May it be on such an unusual day
Everything will be fine for everyone,
Chocolate as a talisman
Everyone will help us!

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Congratulations #2462

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Congratulations #2458

Chocolate is a reason to meet a friend,
And pay a visit to your best friend,
Get together with your family for tea,
Wait for Santa Claus with big bags.

At night, waiting for everyone to fall asleep,
Sneak into the kitchen - sweets are waiting there.
Or sometimes drop into a cafe,
And drink hot chocolate there.

Let everything be as it should be for you:
Pleasant meetings, tea with chocolate,
And the aroma that I have known since childhood,
Your entire home will always be filled!

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Congratulations #2457

Chocolate day is the best ever!
Adults celebrate, children celebrate!
Faces shine, songs sound,
The laughter doesn't stop. I love chocolate!

Celebrate, sing and be merry.
If you are in a quarrel with someone, then make peace.
Strengthen your friendship by eating it in half,
You're a kilogram of chocolates!

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Congratulations #2456

I dreamed about it one night
Chocolate country.
Everyone lived there in chocolate,
From big to small.

I woke up reluctantly
Leaving the wonderful world.
I parted with chocolate
With the last of my strength.

It turned out that the dream was prophetic:
Chocolate Day has arrived!
Amazing things:
The dream predicted a holiday for me.

Let this be a holiday
Sweeter than the sweetest dreams
Chocolate bouquets,
And many pleasant words!

Wonderful fashion
The whole country has chocolate.
Let it not be just a day of the year,
Let your whole life be like this!

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Congratulations #2455

If melancholy overcomes,
Chocolate helps.
Even if I was sad,
I ate it and forgot everything.

Resentment crept into my soul,
Don't show it.
There is a folk sign:
I ate some sweets - no offense!

Sad thoughts disturb -
Chocolate cake will do the trick.
Darling betrayed? There's no need for tears
Have a mug of chocolate.

If you feel tired,
Have a little chocolate.
If your head hurts,
Chocolate cream will do.

Here it is, chocolate,
Helps everyone
Lifts the mood
And it saves you from various troubles!

Eat it day and night.
And it will help you - for sure!
Smile, no tears needed.
Be happy! Happy chocolate Day!

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Tired of standard greeting cards? Do you want to make an original and inexpensive present? Or maybe you want to add something special to your main gift? Then try making a poster with chocolates and inscriptions with your own hands. This is a very fun and exciting activity. The most important thing is that such a poster will be unique for the recipient.

Types of sweet posters

  • Poster. Usually made from whatman paper. Good because
  • Poster-book. Whatman paper is bent in half in You can decorate not only the “insides” of the poster with sweets, but also the cover itself.
  • Organizer. Looks like a poster book. A thick folder is used as a basis. Decorated according to your taste with cardboard, paper, fabric. This organizer can be beautifully placed on the table.
  • Geometric. or a book made in the shape of something. For example, in the shape of a heart. Such posters with chocolates and inscriptions for your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, that is, your other half, are perfect as a gift.

What should a poster with sweets look like in design?

The poster should be bright and colorful, regardless of the age of the recipient. After all, such a gift is a wonderful opportunity to remember the delights of a carefree childhood. Use all available materials. You don't have to be an artist to draw such a poster. Take photographs, clippings from magazines and newspapers, stickers, glitter, print text and pictures on a printer. A hand-made poster with chocolates and inscriptions must contain the name of the recipient. Large inscriptions such as “Congratulations” or “Happy Birthday” can be laid out with small candies.

Sweets can be accompanied by wishes or jokes. Here it is important to focus on the recipient himself. You need to be especially careful with humorous inscriptions so as not to offend a person. Below you will find lists with the name of the gifts and a phrase that can be used to play with them.

Ideas for inscriptions for sweet gifts

  • “Twix” - “sweet couple” or a wish to find your other half.
  • “Snickers” - don’t slow down in life.
  • “Mars” - “everything will be in chocolate” or a wish to visit this planet.
  • “Bounty” - so that life is a heavenly pleasure. If the poster is made for the other half, then you can write it differently: “Next to you I experience heavenly pleasure.”
  • Kinder egg - let life be filled with pleasant surprises. This inscription will fit perfectly into posters with chocolates and inscriptions to a friend or friend. If the recipient is your other half, then with the help of Kinder you can hint at the imminent appearance of children.
  • Sweets with cognac - “let happiness intoxicate.”
  • Chocolates in the form of money - “let life be prosperous.”
  • "Skittles" - pills for happiness (antidepressants).

How to beat other gifts

  • Chewing gum - “let your head be full of fresh solutions.”
  • Pharmaceutical herb succession - from allergies to happiness.
  • Pharmaceutical herb chamomile - to increase stress resistance.
  • Instant pasta - “hunger is not a problem”!
  • Anti-hangover pill - “there is never a good morning.”
  • A bag of weak coffee - “the alarm should be soft, but invigorating.”
  • Juice “My Family” - even words are unnecessary here. Such gifts can simply be glued onto posters with chocolates and inscriptions for mom or dad.

What materials are needed to create a poster?

  • Chocolates, sweets and other goods (waffles in packaging, coffee in bags, dragees in packaging, etc.).
  • Whatman paper (cardboard, thick paper or folder).
  • PVA glue (“Moment”, hot gun or double-sided tape).
  • A simple pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • Colored markers (markers, paints). Or the text can be printed on a printer.
  • Scissors.
  • Other decorative elements as desired (magazine clippings, rhinestones, satin ribbons, etc.)
  • Fantasy and desire to please.

Where to start creating a poster with chocolates and inscriptions with your own hands

You can go in two ways: write a list of goods in advance, come up with interesting phrases for them and only then go to the store, or first buy various goodies, and then dream up and write text while working. Ideas will come to your mind on their own. For inspiration, you can look at the finished works of other craftswomen or the examples shown in the photographs in this article.

Having assessed the scale of the work, you can go to the store for whatman paper of a suitable format. It's better to buy a large poster and cut it if necessary than a small one that won't fit much.

Instructions: how to make a poster with chocolates and inscriptions

  • Once all the goodies, other poster supplies and materials are collected, you can begin the creative process. For convenience, it is better to lay everything out on the floor or a large table. Now it's time to evaluate your purchases.
  • Place whatman paper in front of you and place goodies and other interesting things on it. Move items as necessary until you are happy with the result. If ideas for writing accompanying phrases come to your mind, be sure to write them down. Don't rely on your memory, as you will forget them later.
  • On another sheet of paper, write down how everything is laid out for you, or just take a photo.
  • Think about the design: what the background will be like, how you can fill in the empty spaces.
  • Assess how much space there is for phrases. The text should not be small, especially if you are making a large poster with chocolates and inscriptions with your own hands, and not a small organizer folder.

  • Color the background if necessary. Let it dry.
  • We glue presents and printed wishes. If you want to write the text by hand, then do it carefully. Otherwise, the recipient, instead of rejoicing, will parse what is written. Observe the height and slope of the letters; a ruler will help with this. If you are not confident in your abilities, first draw with a simple pencil, and only then paint. For expressiveness, large phrases can be outlined with a black marker.
  • Fill the voids with paints or beautiful pictures.

The congratulatory poster is ready!

How to give a “delicious” poster

  • Arrange a surprise. Just leave the poster you made with chocolates and do-it-yourself inscriptions for your loved one in a visible place. The recipient will find the gift himself.
  • If you plan to give a gift during the feast, then present the poster when everyone is assembled. Let the hero of the occasion read out the wishes himself. Such a gift can be made in advance together with all guests.
  • Surprise in delivery. Ask a friend to play the messenger and deliver the gift. Or you can order delivery. This is especially true if the recipient does not live nearby, and you do not have the opportunity to congratulate him personally. Usually packages intrigue people when they are not expecting them.

Before you go for another postcard with a standard and impersonal wish, think that a person will be more pleased not with a quick purchase, but with a gift made with love especially for him.

July 11 is Chocolate Day. Congratulations on this day, also known as World Chocolate Day, will be sent to millions of people around the world. World Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 11th since 1995. The history of the Chocolate Day holiday reminds us that the Aztecs were among the first to learn how to “extract” chocolate, calling it “the food of the gods.” Then the Spanish conquistadors brought it to Europe, dubbing it “black gold.”

Chocolate (mainly hot chocolate) was consumed to cheer up and strengthen strength and morale. A little later, chocolate consumption in Europe was limited only to aristocratic circles. Due to its properties, chocolate is called an excellent aphrodisiac. It also contains elements that promote relaxation and psychological recovery, and the production of the happiness hormone. Moreover, it has an anti-cancer effect and slows down the aging process. Chocolate has many more advantages, so it is not surprising that the whole world decided to celebrate Chocolate Day.

Today my companion is selected chocolate,
And tomorrow morning I will wake up a happy lady...
And the dawn itself will be glad to see my smile...
I will charge my neighbors with optimism...

Sadness passes and today I may be in tears,
But I know a strong medicine against stress...
After all, the whole problem is not in the centimeters on the sides,
It’s much scarier to just be a princess on the outside...

The most delicious and desirable
The sweetest, long-awaited,
White, bitter and milky,
Chocolate - that's for sure.
I wish that everyone
There was joy and success
And not just cool, smooth,
And magical, chocolatey.

Happy Chocolate Day! Yes, the reason for the celebration is very unusual... But chocolate deserves it! Not only is it incredibly delicious, but it also lifts your spirits!

Today is a holiday for those with a sweet tooth, namely World Chocolate Day! I wish you, as a big gourmet, a wonderful life in which only exquisite varieties of chocolate are available from bitters! Smile every day from early morning until bedtime and may all your dreams come true!

The most delicious and desirable
The sweetest, long-awaited,
White, bitter and milky,
Chocolate - that's for sure.
I wish that everyone
There was joy and success
And not just cool, smooth,
And magical, chocolatey.
World Chocolate Festival
We need to celebrate with you!
When will we still love
Pamper yourself?
But there’s no glass of wine on holiday,
And drink the chocolate to the bottom!
Have a sweet snack too
And fragrant chocolate!
And catch the wish:
How do you live in chocolate?

Today is the sweetest day in the world,
There are no barriers and no boundaries for him,
The planet celebrates Chocolate Day,
There are no sad faces anywhere.
Milky, black, bitter, white -
Generously distributes hormones of happiness,
May your chocolate day be fun
Bring love and joy to the world.

He will be able to please, cheer up,
Give a taste of holiday and childhood!
Give a burst of energy, charge
Such almighty chocolate!

Today is a particularly sweet day,
After all, the chocolate festival is in the yard,
Accept your wishes as a gift,
Smiles, lightness to you.

Now let's buy various chocolates,
Let's add flowers, cognac and sweets...
I wish you all on this day in your personal life
Huge success and sweet victories!

Today is the most delicious holiday in the world - chocolate day!
Congratulations on this wonderful day!
We wish your life to be as sweet
like real chocolate
let only good things happen in it,
good deeds and let it be filled with harmony,
happiness and good mood!