Congratulations on Anna's Day. St. Anne's Day: history and signs of the holiday on December 22nd Anne

Illustrative photo (

Saint Anne is considered the patroness of pregnant women

On December 22, Orthodox Christians celebrate St. Anne's Day in memory of the miracle of the conception of the Virgin Mary. The meaning of the holiday, what you should not do on Anna’s Day, the main prohibitions and traditions, as well as folk signs - in the material Styler.

Saint Anne and her husband Joachim were the parents of the Mother of God. A childless married couple asked the Lord for offspring for many years, and when they were already in old age, a miracle happened - an angel appeared and announced that they would soon have a daughter, who would be destined to give birth to the Great Savior of mankind - Jesus Christ.

St. Anne's Day: what is forbidden to do

The feast of St. Anne has always been especially revered by pregnant women. According to beliefs, women on this day are not allowed to:

  • eat meat and dairy dishes. Strict fasting should be observed for 24 hours;
  • do hard work;
  • spread the fire;
  • sew, knit and embroider.

Photo: Saint Anne - patroness of pregnant women (

People believed that everything that the expectant mother did during these 24 hours would affect her child. If she starts to fan the fire in the stove, she will leave a red mark on the baby’s body, and if she starts sewing and her threads get tangled, the baby will be entwined in the umbilical cord.

Women on St. Anne's Day have long gathered for vespers, discussed preparations for the upcoming Christmas and made festive decorations from straw. On the holiday, young girls prayed for children.

Signs on Anna's Day December 22

Our ancestors noticed that the harshest winter began on Anna’s day. December 22 was also called Anna the Dark, because it is the day of the winter solstice with the longest night of the year.

The proverb “Anna moved the winter” means that severe frosts will soon begin and winter will fully come into its own, so “they got into the sleigh with Anna.”

The weather on Anna's Day determines what the last day of the year will be. If the bright sun shines on December 22, then on the 31st it will be frosty and clear. A gloomy day means you should expect a thaw on New Year's Eve.

Photo: Signs on St. Anne's Day are related to the weather (

Many signs on the feast of St. Anne are associated with the harvest and beekeeping. Snowfall on Annin's day means a poor wheat harvest, but if by December 22 there is little snow cover on the ground, the next summer will be very productive.

Beekeepers had a custom on Anna's Day to check their hives with a prayer that bees would swarm well next year.

What is known about the ancestors of Christ: the life story of Saints Anna and Joachim

Anna was the daughter of the priest Matthan, she came from the family of King David and was the aunt of Saint Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. Joachim became Anna's husband, and the couple lived in Nazareth. Even after 50 years of marriage, there were no children in the family. Every day the husband and wife asked God for heirs. One day, Joachim, in grief, went into the desert, where an angel appeared to him and announced that he would soon become a father; Anna had the same vision.

Photo: Saints Anne and Joachim with their daughter Mary (

The happy woman immediately hurried to Jerusalem to pray and thank God. There she met her husband, who also hurried to express gratitude to the Lord for the miracle he had sent. After 9 months, the elderly couple had a daughter, who was named Mary, as the angel indicated in the prophecy.

At the age of three, the girl was brought into the temple, Joachim died a few years after this event, and Anna spent another two years in the temple with her daughter and died at 79 years old. Three dates are dedicated to the memory of the Godfathers in the church calendar.

On December 22, Orthodoxy celebrates the Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos by righteous Anna. Saint Anna was the daughter of Matthan, a priest who came from the tribe of Levin. Her husband Joachim, one of the descendants of King David, was born in Gaul. For a long time, the couple could not have children, which made them immensely sad. Once even the priest refused to accept the gifts of the righteous Joachim to God, since childlessness was then considered a dishonor. This prompted Joachim, who was already quite old, to go into the desert and spend 40 days in fasting and prayer for the gift of offspring. She earnestly prayed for the child and his wife also fasted. Their prayers were answered. An angel brought the news to them that they would become the parents of a Daughter who would bless the entire human race.

Mary, the Most Holy Theotokos, according to the promise of God, was conceived in Jerusalem, where she was born 9 months later, and Joachim and Anna are revered by the church as Fathers of God, since they are the ancestors of Christ in the flesh.

Today is a difficult holiday,
Saint Annushka's day has come!
Let her keep your home
From all the quarrels and insults!

Let comfort reign in your heart,
And good luck awaits ahead,
Let faith burn like a candle,
It will protect you from misfortunes!

Happy Pious Anna's Day!
Let your wishes come true
Heaven gives hope
And the problems will all be fixed.

There will be happiness and health,
Kindness and peace with love,
Life without quarrels and without offense -
And the Lord always protects!

My dear Anyuta! May there always be happiness in your life, and may all the Saints protect you from troubles. May the love in your life always be mutual and enormous, may your friends be real and faithful, and may your success be well-deserved and stable. I wish that that bright star of goodness, sincerity, purity and true faith always burns in your soul. Happy St. Anne's Day!

Happy Angel Day to you, Anyuta,
May you succeed in everything
And let life be every minute
It brings only joy and goodness!

Always be good, blush,
Let happiness reign in your heart!
Let Saint Anna from heaven
Keeps you from tears and troubles!

Anna's birthday.
I tenderly congratulate you,
Let the saint protect
Let fate take care.

The name is pure, good
May he always give you strength,
Strengthens with a cheerful spirit,
Leads to a righteous goal.

Congratulations on Anna's holiday
I, Anyutochka, you.
And I wish you only happiness,
Get better day by day.

Patroness from the sky
Let him hide from worries,
She will support you in difficulties,
Let him give you strength and faith.

I wish you, dear Anyuta,
May all your dreams come true in life!
Let every minute give you joy,
May you always be happy!

May Saint Anna protect you,
I will send you health on this holiday!
Let luck follow you
And the mood is growing all the time!

Anna, Anya, Anyuta -
How much tenderness and comfort
In your warm name.
Congratulations on this day!

He is blessed today
The soul is light, pleasant,
So that it will always be like this,
Everything I want.

May the heavenly angel
Will save you
From the stupid, dishonest
Will protect people

No wonder your name
Brings grace
Be loved by God
And laugh again

Today I know
You can't be sad,
And I congratulate you
Anyuta, you!

Let him take care of you, Anyuta,
Every day Saint Anne!
I wish you earthly blessings, comfort,
Live happily ever after!

May luck follow you
Always to you in all matters!
I wish you eternal blooms,
Love and joy in the eyes!

Happy Anna's Day, I congratulate you,
Let the saint protect
Let the light of goodness and light
It will soon light up in the soul.

Ask sincerely and honestly
Your voice will be heard
Faith will paint with bright colors
A wonderful life landscape.

Good luck, love and hope to you,
May Anna protect from harm,
May the path to humility, healing
It will always be open for you.

Congratulations: 61 in verse, 9 in prose.

December 22 is an important day in the life of Orthodox people. On this day, according to legend, Anna conceived the Most Holy Theotokos. According to Orthodox beliefs, it is believed that Saint Anna is none other than the mother of the Virgin Mary and at the same time the grandmother of Jesus Christ. Anna was the wife of Joachim. And although the spouses had been married for a long time, more than 50 years, the married couple never produced offspring. When they were completely desperate, good news came to their home - the appearance of a daughter. Among the people, Saint Anna was most revered by women and girls in position. On December 22, pregnant women were not allowed to do any heavy work and were advised to limit food intake for this period of time. We celebrate the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary by righteous Anna - December 22.

Happy Anna the Most Holy Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you health in every home,
Love, kindness, peace and affection,
Let us meet different people.
Saint Anna save me from evil,
let your soul be calm, quiet.
After all, your daughter revealed Christ from heaven,
And she saved our people from grief.

The bells sound so joyfully in the churches,
And parishioners are invited to pray for health,
On a frosty December day, everyone rushes to churches,
St. Anne's Day is celebrated.
I congratulate you on your holy day,
I wish you spiritual warmth and happiness from the bottom of my heart,
Good health for many years to come,
May mercy and kindness never leave you.

Day of the Conception of the Most Holy Anna,
In December our people celebrate
And from the feast of the conception of Anna the Virgin Mary,
Winter is already beginning its way.
May this day bring you good luck,
May success always smile on you,
Let life flow calmly, without hassle,
Live happily and make everyone happy for a long time.

As the folk legend says,
Saint Anna waited for a child for 20 years,
And when the angel brought her the long-awaited news,
She named the Blessed Virgin Mary.
I congratulate you on Anna's holiday,
I wish you health and God's blessings,
May the bird of happiness fly to you,
And your prayer helps in everything.

In December we celebrate a glorious holiday,
We invite pregnant women to pray,
After all, in Russia, in everyday life they say,
That Anna's holiday is rich for pregnant women.
I congratulate you on your great holiday,
I wish you great happiness and health,
Let prayer help you in everything,
Guardian angel protects from troubles.

The wound of motherhood bleeds,
And there is no more hope in the heart,
May Saint Anna help you,
And he will give you his prayer advice.
Righteous Anna, mother of Mary,
Her day today is not easy,
Everyone who asked Anna for a child,
Those in the family experienced growth on time.

Frosty day - it's so beautiful
And the sun gives rays to the earth,
And it's December outside the window,
Today is a holiday, I’m flying to you:
Day of the Righteous Saint and Faithful Anna,
After all, the Mother of God appeared from her,
Pray, dear one, in the temple tirelessly,
So that maternal happiness comes.

Faith is eternal, faith is glorious,
Hail righteous Anna,
Holy day for all people
Holiday, joy for families.
The temple is quiet and calm,
Blows with kindness, love,
Pray for me too
Happy holiday my love.

Happy day of the righteous, most holy Anna,
I congratulate all the Orthodox in the world,
For each of you I pray to Christ,
So that the soul does not cave in under sin.
For your children, be healthy people,
Pray for the children at the mother's temple,
And may Saint Anna help you,
And sadness never disturbs the heart.

Congratulations on the day of St. Anna,
I wish you love and trials,
I trust in the Lord with all my heart,
And I protect you from sinful thoughts.
Pray flock, repent of sin,
Let there be understanding in the family,
And the children are healthy, like angels from heaven,
So that the demon does not touch your thoughts.

On my knees I ask, I beg,
So that Anna can help her family,
I expect a miracle with all my heart,
Only a miracle would save me.
Let it appear in my heart,
And it will help you not to suffer in love,
Saint Anne is ready to pray,
My faith in God cannot be taken away.

On December 22, when winter had already come into its own,
We celebrate this glorious holiday with joy,
Anna's Day, we magnify the Most Holy Theotokos,
I want to congratulate you on a big, beautiful holiday.
I wish you prosperity, goodness,
Comfort, happiness and family warmth,
May you have many wonderful days,
And there will never be dull days.

On Friday, December 22, 2017, all Orthodox Christians celebrate a great holiday - the Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos by Righteous Anna, or simply people say St. Anna's Day.

On Friday, December 22, 2017, all Orthodox Christians celebrate a great holiday - the Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos by righteous Anna, or simply as people say.

On this day, which also falls on the Nativity Fast, one should refrain from eating animal food, and women should be prohibited from hard and dirty work.

It is also customary to congratulate December 22 on the holiday, because on this day the immaculate conception of the righteous Anna’s daughter Mary took place, who in the future became the mother of Jesus Christ.

On this holiday we congratulate relatives, loved ones, friends, colleagues and just acquaintances. It is also customary to congratulate all Annas on Angel’s Day and name day.

In order to congratulate a dear person, you don’t have to rush to see him, especially if you live far from each other. You can call or send a short and sweet SMS greeting that will delight the person you are congratulating.

Today is a difficult holiday,
Saint Annushka's day has come!
Let her keep your home
From all the quarrels and insults!

Let comfort reign in your heart,
And good luck awaits ahead,
Let faith burn like a candle,
It will protect you from misfortunes!

Happy Angel Day to you, Anyuta,
May you succeed in everything
And let life be every minute
It brings only joy and goodness!

Always be good, blush,
Let happiness reign in your heart!
Let Saint Anna from heaven
Keeps you from tears and troubles!

Happy Anna's Day! May the bright name of the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary become your protection and life amulet. Let him protect you, give you hope, purity of thoughts, the power of sincere faith, peace and peace of mind.

On the Day of the Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos by Righteous Anna, I want to wish that life would give fertility and happiness, that heaven would protect from troubles and adversity, that the soul would be pure and free, and the heart loving and sensitive.

Happy Pious Anna's Day!
Let your wishes come true
Heaven gives hope
And the problems will all be fixed.

There will be happiness and health,
Kindness and peace with love,
Life without quarrels and without offense -
And the Lord always protects!

Anna's Day came to us from heaven.
There were so many miracles on this day:
The desired conception has come true,
The Most Holy Theotokos was born!

May this day bring you happiness,
Sadness, sadness, bad weather goes away.
Health, peace, long years,
Live without knowing grief or trouble!

Congratulations on Anna's holiday,
Let him bring what you want
To your bright home, dear,
And he will rush to the rescue!

If difficulty suddenly comes,
To show the way,
To hide from worries,
Let happiness wait at the gate!

In addition to the fact that on St. Anne's Day, December 22, they congratulate their loved ones and relatives, on this day all Annes accept congratulations on their name day and Angel's Day.

To congratulate your daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, as well as a close friend or just a colleague, you can send a beautiful SMS congratulations in poetry or prose. You can also send a short SMS congratulations.

Today is your birthday - your name day!
I want to congratulate you on this, Anna!
You are one with courage and love,
I will ask God for happiness for you!

And let the blizzard never touch you,
Let there be only light in the heart of warmth!
You are a faithful, reliable friend,
Always give the right advice!

Anna the Most Holy is your Patron.
She is the Mother of the Virgin Mary.
Let him help preserve your monastery,
Full of love, order and warmth.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, Anyuta,
You go with your flow
I wish you comfort in the house,
Kindness, good luck and luck!

Anna means grace -
About you “neither give nor take.”
You have enough hands for everything,
You are the most faithful friend in the world,
You'll never let me down
And you bake delicious pies.
I want to wish you
Don't fade for a hundred years,
Health, happiness, beauty
And let your dreams come true.

To the birthday girl - immeasurable happiness,
Birthday girl - a faithful friend,
To the birthday girl - the snowiest winter,
To the birthday girl - the most tender love,
To the birthday girl - the radiant sun,
To the birthday girl - clear skies!
I wish the birthday girl Anna good luck.
Let it be so - and not otherwise!

Kind, sweet and fair
Our Anya is so beautiful.
On her name day we want to wish her
Stay healthy, don’t lose optimism.
Our Anechka is always neat
Generous, bright, very pleasant.
Always be like this Anna
May the years not change you.

St. Anne's Day December 22, 2017: congratulate your daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, friend on the holiday

Sister Anna,
On your name day
I wish you zealously -
To spoil the groom!

So that the birds sing
In the area and in the soul!
And so that they fly into the distance
All the troubles are in negligee!

Sister, today is your name day!
And this is a Holiday, whatever one may say,
Angel Day, Anyuta, a good reason -
Therefore, accept my brother’s wishes:

I wish to merge with Tenderness,
And live with Lady Luck,
Never meet with Tosca,
To be friends with strong Love.

Let it be difficult - don't be sad!
Look into Madame Bede's face.
Be your own boss
And stand next to Happiness everywhere!

Happy Angel Day, Anechka, to you
Congratulations to our entire family!
We strongly wish that you
Everything in life has fulfilled my dreams.

And also to be happy,
So that your affairs go well,
May there be great love.
Happy name day, dear daughter!

Today is Anna the Beautiful Angel Day,
My beloved and sweet Anyutka.
I wish you that everything is great,
So that life becomes brighter every day.

May an angel protect you from harm,
Leads along the right road to success.
May happiness be your frequent guest,
And the morning always brings a joyful day.

Anna's birthday.
I tenderly congratulate you,
Let the saint protect
Let fate take care.

The name is pure, good
May he always give you strength,
Strengthens with a cheerful spirit,
Leads to a righteous goal.

On your name day I hurry with congratulations,
After all, your name, Anna, is grace.
I want, without hiding my admiration,
To repay you for warmth and participation.

May in your life, infinitely beautiful,
Happiness flows like a full-flowing river.
Let the radiant sun shine with a clear reflection
It will bloom forever in your pure soul!

Anna has no shortcomings, it seems:
Copes with things "with a bang"
He will patiently explain everything and help,
Warm-hearted and wise beyond her years!
And if he speaks, then we will spend hours
Ready to listen to the song of her speeches.
Therefore, we wish our Anya,
May she forever give us the light of our eyes!

Anya - the holiday has come,
A good angel visited
We congratulate you
May you always be lucky.

Be fashionable and happy
Both cheerful and beautiful.
May you always be lucky
And good luck in life awaits!

Anna, Annushka, Anyuta,
You are the cutest of all
I admire and am proud of you,
May success accompany you in everything.
On Angel's Day I wish you good luck,
Joy, smiles and fun,
Good health to you in addition,
And always in a spring mood.

Anna, you are the hero of the occasion today,
Happy Angel Day, we congratulate you,
Let love inspire you,
Let happiness know no boundaries.
May your life be bright
And let it always shine,
Guiding bright star,
Live and make us happy always.

Anya, the name day has arrived,
And the time has come to congratulate
Let your loved ones live together
I want to wish today.

And to you - good luck and health,
And great love forever,
Live every day with great love,
Don't be sad, baby, never!

Anna, congratulations on your name day,
We sincerely wish you to live in harmony with happiness,
So that plans and hopes come true day after day,
May your home be full.
Blessings to you in life, sincere love,
Always be under the wing of fate,
New achievements and victories,

On this day, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the saints:
Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos by Righteous Anna.

Holy prophetess Anna, mother of the prophet Samuel (1100 BC).
Sschmchch. Vasily (Yagodin) archpriest, and Alexander (Buravtsev) presbyter, Moscow (1937).
memory of the prophet Samuel
Sschmch. Vladimir presbyter (1919).
Sschmch. Vladimir (Dzhurinsky) presbyter and MC. Euphrosyne (Dzhurinskaya), Alma-Ata (1920).
Novomoch. Sergius Mechev, priest of Moscow (1941).
Saint Sophronius, Archbishop of Cyprus (VI). Venerable Stephen the New Enlightener (912).
Mch. Narses of Persia (Greek).
Mts. Valeria of Aquitaine (II).
Mch. Sosotheus of Persia (553).
Martyr of Isaac (Greek).

Icon of the Mother of God called "Unexpected Joy".

According to the calendar, the beginning of winter.
Winter is finally setting in.
Anna finally establishes winter.

Anna winter.
Anna Winter, aka Dark - winter solstice, the shortest day of the year.
The shortest day of the year is the day of the winter solstice, which in popular sayings incorrectly refers to December 12/25, Spyridon the Solstice.
On Anna is the winter solstice, the birth of the Sun.
The shortest day of the year and the longest night.
From the next day the day begins to increase, but astronomical winter comes into force.
Day of winter confrontation.
The winter solstice is the beginning of winter, we noticed:
“At the conception of Saint Anne, autumn ends and winter begins.”
Winter is gaining strength, and the sun is turning towards spring.
From this day on, the sun goes to summer, and winter goes to frost.

Based on this day, the weather is determined for half a year in advance: winter and summer.
If it snows today, then summer will be rainy, if it’s frosty, it means clear, sunny weather.
Whatever the day is today, so will it be on December 31st.
What the weather is like on this day is the same on December 31st.
If it is radiant and light on winter Anna - for a clear and frosty December 31st, gloomy and frost on the trees - for a cloudy and warm New Year.
Like Anna before noon, so is winter until December.
What Anna until the night, what winter until spring.

People noticed:
Large frost on the trees on this day predicts a good harvest for the next year.
"For Anna, there is a lot of frost on the trees - for the harvest."
For Anna, there is a lot of frost on the trees - for the harvest.
Frost on the trees on this day means the harvest.
Snow in the mounds - for the harvest.
"Flask on the trees - for the harvest."
Opoka (lace) on trees for the Conception of Anna for the harvest.

Have you noticed that
“On this day, wolves herd, and scatter after shots on Holy Epiphany,” wolves in packs were especially dangerous.
At the Conception of Anna, the wolves herd - they gather in packs - and scatter after shots at Epiphany
Wolves gather in packs and become especially dangerous.

Meteorological phenomena accompanying the solstice are given great importance; they are used to judge the upcoming weather, the spring sowing, and the future harvest.
From this time on, there is a gradual, although at the beginning very slow, increase in the day, by the end of the month no more than “a chicken step”.
In the following Days, as throughout December and even throughout the winter, frost is especially observed, which is widely considered a harbinger of the harvest.
If these days and nights are clear, the sky is starry, and the weather is cold, a blessed year, harvest, and prosperity for people and livestock are expected.

Then comes Christmas Eve, Christmas, and Christmastide.
Here again is the time of festive fun and revelry, but at the same time it is also the time of the most important observations throughout the winter, which form the basis of predictions.
Equally favorable at Christmas time are abundant snows, which provide manure for bread.
Christmastide is rich not only in various signs, but also in many different superstitions; in particular, among the numerous Christmastime fortune-telling, there are many that supposedly predict the future harvest and future weather. Important importance is attached to what phases of the moon and what days of the week Christmas comes.

Meeting at the Golden Gate Detail. Benozzo Gozzoli. 1491

Venerating the Most Holy Theotokos to the highest degree, the Church celebrates not only Her birth, but also Her conception.
The Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on December 22.
And since the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary was Saint Anna, people began to call the day of Conception Anna Winter.

Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos by Righteous Anna.
The mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, holy righteous Anna, was barren for a long time and already in adulthood conceived the future Mother of God from her husband, holy righteous Joachim.
The memory of Saint Righteous Anna is honored several times a year.

Holy prophetess Anna, mother of the prophet Samuel

(1100 BC).
Anna did not have children for a long time.
Then she made a vow to God: if she had a child, she would give him to the temple.
The Lord heard her prayers and sent her a son, who was named Samuel, which means “asked of God.”
Samuel became the last judge of Israel and a prophet.

The day of Saint Anne's conception was celebrated by pregnant women and beekeepers.
Anna in Rus' was considered the patroness of pregnant women, who were subject to many prohibitions on this day.
Pregnant women were forbidden to undertake any significant work for 24 hours.
The peasants believed that no matter what the expectant mother does on this day, everything will mystically reflect on the child.
· Pregnant women should not do heavy work on this day.
If she starts to fan the fire in the stove, she will leave a red mark on the baby’s body.
If she starts sewing and her threads get tangled, the child will be entwined with the umbilical cord.

On this day there was fasting for pregnant women -
"Fast for pregnant women for the conception of St. Anne."
On December 22, a pregnant woman had to fast and try not to sin.
Anna, who was pregnant, could not go out into the street, where “evil” darkness reigned.
It was impossible to meet with the poor and wretched, so that they would not pass on their misfortune to the child.
· To avoid giving birth to a freak, pregnant women should not look at ugly people.
It should be remembered that pregnant women cannot become godmothers, since the godson will not last long.

There was an ambivalent attitude towards pregnant women in Rus'.
On the one hand, such a woman was revered as the personification of fertility, and magical powers were attributed to her.
A pregnant woman could cure infertility, cause rain and put out a fire.
On the other hand, pregnancy was considered a dangerous and unclean condition, hence many prohibitions that were intended to protect the woman and the unborn child.
Since ancient times, they tried to fulfill all the whims of pregnant women.
It was forbidden to shout or swear in the presence of a pregnant woman, so as not to scare her and the unborn child.
A pregnant woman should not visit unclean places: sit on a threshold or on a boundary, stand at a crossroads, approach a house under construction or a mill, or go outside after sunset.
To ensure an easy pregnancy, one should not step over sharp objects or harnesses (so as not to “cause pain” or “not to short-circuit” the pregnancy).
The woman did not pick up the rope, fearing that the child might be born entangled in the umbilical cord.
She did not comb her hair, trying not to offend Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, who was supposed to help during childbirth.
To prevent twins from being born (poor children who share the same destiny), the pregnant woman tried not to eat twin (joined) fetuses.
They believed that danger emanated from a pregnant woman, since she carried two souls at once and stood on the threshold between the human world and the world of spirits (the afterlife).
This attitude towards pregnant women did not appear by chance, given the high mortality rate during pregnancy and childbirth in those days.

Signs and customs:

peasants considered this day the darkest and shortest of the year.
There was a belief that on December 22 there was a terrible battle between the forces of darkness (all kinds of evil spirits) and the forces of light (God's legions).
Light always defeats darkness, and the next day the first ray of sunshine is born - a symbol of new life and imminent renewal.

Fish baked in foil
fish fillet – 500 g,
dill or caraway seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon,
ground black pepper, vegetable oil and salt - to taste.
Grease the foil, add defrosted fish fillet, salt, sprinkle with herbs and seasonings.

Drizzle each piece generously with vegetable oil.

Wrap carefully, place on a baking sheet and place in a well-heated oven. Bake for about 1 hour, serve with boiled potatoes.

On this day, dishes breaking is not for luck.
It is also not advisable to cook poultry dishes today.
If a dog barks at you or tries to bite you on the street today, this can be considered a warning about the danger of losing your position due to the machinations of secret enemies.

Pregnant women should take care of themselves on this day.
Copy this amulet, read it three times and carry it with you at all times.
"Lord, bless me every hour, every minute.
The cross is the baptizer, the savior of my soul,
You save my soul, protect me from enemies.
Angel - Savior is with me, Angel - Guardian is in front of me.
The Mother of God is behind, the Lord is ahead.
Mind my body, mind my belly, mind my womb.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Try to sit out this day at home.

Children born on this day are in good health.
Such children make good obstetricians.

Name days are celebrated:
Anna from Hebrew means “the grace of God.”
Sofron (Safron), Stepan. Stefan, Photius.

Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Righteous Anna
Saint Anna (Hebrew: חַנָּה‎ - “mercy”, “grace”)
Greek Σύλληψις Ἁγίας Ἄννης

- in the Christian tradition, the mother of the Mother of God, the grandmother of Jesus Christ (mother of God), the wife of St. Joachim, who miraculously gave birth to a daughter after many years of childless marriage.
The Feast of the Conception of St. Anne is especially revered in Russia by women preparing for motherhood. Many icons are dedicated to this holiday.

Holy Righteous Anna, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Memorial Day
22.12 n. Art. (09.12 old style),
December 22 is the day of the winter equinox, in the south of Russia it is considered the beginning of winter.
On this morning, services in churches are held more solemnly than on ordinary days, for December 22 is the day “when the Most Holy Theotokos was conceived.”
07.08 New Art. (25.07 old style),
On August 7, a service is held in churches for Anna’s dormition and death.
22.09 N.S. (09.09 old style)

Conception of Saint Anne
End of the 16th century. Moscow.

Troparion to the Conception of Righteous Anna
Troparion, tone 4:
On this day of childlessness, the bonds are resolved, God having heard Joachim and Anna, more than hope, he promises to give birth to the Virgin Mary, from whom the Indescribable Man Himself was born, having become an angel, commanding her to cry out: Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with Thee.
Kontakion, tone 4:
Today the universe celebrates Annino’s conception, which was from God: for she gave birth to the Word more than the word.
We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your holy parents and glorify Your conception with all glory.

Ἀπολυτίκιον. Ἦχος δ’.
Σήμερον τῆς ἀτεκνίας δεσμὰ διαλύονται· τοῦ Ἰωακεὶμ γὰρ καὶ τῆς Ἄννης, εἰσακούων Θεός, παρ’ ἐλπίδα τεκεῖν αὐτούς, σαφῶς ὑπισχνεῖται Θεόπαιδα, ἐξ ἧς αὐτὸς ἐτέχθη ὁ ἀπερίγραπτος, βροτὸς γεγονώς, δι’ Ἀγγέλου κελεύσας βοῆσαι αὐτῇ· χαῖρε Κεχαριτωμένη, ὁ Κύριος μετὰ σοῦ.
Ἕτερον Ἀπολυτίκιον. Ἦχος α’. Τὸν τάφον σου Σωτήρ.
Βουλῇ τῇ θεϊκῇ, ἡ θεόκλητος Ἄννα, δεσμῶν στειρωτικῶν, λυτρωθεῖσα ἐν γήρᾳ, ἀξίως συνέλαβε, τὴν τὸν Λόγον κυήσασαν· ἣν θεώμενος, Ἰωακεὶμ ὁ θεόφρων, ἀνεβόησε· Τὶς ἀνυμνήσει Οἰκτιρμόν, βυθὸν τῆς προνοίας σου;
Κοντάκιον. Ἦχος δ’. Ἐπεφάνης σήμερον.
Ἑορτάζει σήμερον, ἡ οἰκουμένη, τὴν τῆς Ἄννης σύλληψιν, γεγενημένην ἐκ Θεοῦ· καὶ γὰρ αὐτὴ ἀπεκύησε, τὴν ὑπὲρ λόγον τὸν Λόγον κυήσασαν.
Ἕτερον Κοντάκιον. Ἦχος πλ. δ’. Τῇ ὑπερμάχῳ.
Τὴν θεοχάλκευτον λυχνίαν καὶ ἑπτάφωτον
Τῇ θεϊκῇ ἐπαγγελίᾳ ἐκομίσασθε
Ἰωακείμ τε καὶ Ἄννα μετ’ εὐφροσύνης.
Ἀλλ’ ὡς θεῖοι τοῦ Παντάνακτος Προπάτορες
Ἀπὸ πάσης ἡμᾶς ῥύσασθε κακώσεως
Τοὺς κραυγάζοντας, χαίροις ζεῦγος θεόλεκτον.
Σήμερον ἡ Ἄννα ἡ εὐκλεής, φύσεως τοῖς νόμοις, συλλαμβάνει θείᾳ βουλῇ, τὴν τὸν Θεὸν Λόγον, ὑπερφυῶς τεκοῦσαν· τὴν σύλληψιν οὖν ταύτης φαιδρῶς αἰνέσωμεν.

Icons of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”


The holy righteous Godfathers Joachim and Anna are remembered at the dismissal of every church service.
Traditionally, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary pray for the gift of children.

Holy Righteous Joachim and Anna
righteous Godfathers Joachim and Anna

First prayer
O holy righteous woman, Godfathers Joachim and Anno! Pray to the Merciful Lord, that He may turn away His anger from us, righteously moved against us by our deeds, and may, despising our countless sins, turn us, the servant of God (names), to the path of repentance, and may He establish us on the path of His commandments. Also, with your prayers in the world, save our life, and in all good things, ask for good haste, all that we need from God for life and piety, from all misfortunes and troubles and sudden death, through your intercession, delivering us and protecting us from all enemies, visible and invisible, and So in the world this temporary life has passed. Let us achieve eternal rest, where through your holy prayer may we be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be due all glory, honor and worship forever and ever.

Second prayer
Oh, the ever-glorious righteous women of Christ, the holy godfathers Joachim and Anno, standing before the Heavenly Throne of the Great King and having great boldness towards Him, as from your Most Blessed Daughter, the Most Pure Mother of God and the Ever-Virgin Mary, who deigned to be incarnate!
We, sinners and unworthy, resort to you, as a powerful intercessor and a zealous prayer book for us. Pray for His goodness, that He may turn away His anger from us, righteously moved against us by our deeds, and may, despising our countless sins, turn us to the path of repentance, and may He establish us on the path of His commandments. Also, with your prayers, preserve our life in the world, and ask for all good haste, all that we need from God for life and piety, granting us from all misfortunes and troubles and sudden deaths through your intercession, and protecting us from all enemies, visible and invisible, for let us live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, and having passed this temporary life in the world, we will achieve eternal peace, where, through your holy prayer, may we be made worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him, with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit, befits all glory, honor and worship forever and ever.

Prayer three
A pleasing root that grew the former fruitful and ever-blooming - the revered Mother of God, from Her came the Author of life and the Finisher of faith, Jesus Christ, a multi-flowing source, from nothing else, like a stream of sweetness and a river of peace Blessed in women, flowing an abyss of blessings and an ineffable sea of ​​goodness and infinity bliss. The predestined womb is incomparably brighter than the rays of the sun, even having received its sight and preached prophetic trumpets. Known from her Fruit, the Queen of Angels and the highest being of heaven, as the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit and the clearest receptacle of grace. The image of righteousness and blameless life and wisdom is a fragrant and sweetly fragrant meadow. Fulfilling the lawful commandments in rightness of heart and burning reverence and with all diligence with her blessed husband and God-bearer Joachim. By divine will, she conceived in old age and gave birth to the predestined Mother of God. Pramati of the all-merciful and all-generous God, ready intercession and intercession of those who come running to you with faith, consolation of the suffering and peace to the grieving, by the grace of your Grandson showing childless and barren wives to be gracious, accept the prayer of us sinners and turn the sadness of the childlessness of those praying to you into joy.
Give the fruit of the womb to those who call upon you, resolving the darkness of their infertility and, as the resolution of infertility, create blessed wives who please you and glorify the God-man - your Grandson and Creator and Lord.
To her, blessed and gracious Anna, to all, like the brightest moon, sending the peaceful and quiet light of the God-given talents in you, who appeared to Sarah the most honest, Anna to the mother of Samuel the brightest, Elizabeth the most glorious and all the righteous wives, whom the law glorifies, the most honest and as if from this there is much honor and worthy of grace, fill the hearts of those who come running to you with joy and gladness, and grant your grace to your servant, who receives your immediate help, opening her womb, so that through your intercession and intercession she may improve the conception of a child and glorify the all-holy Name of the God-man - Your Grandson and our Savior Jesus Christ. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with His beginningless Father and His all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Holy prophetess Anna, mother of the prophet. Samuel (1100 BC).
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἄννα ἡ Προφήτιδα Μητέρα τοῦ Προφήτη Σαμουήλ

Saint Anne the prophetess
Saint Anna the Prophetess
- My lord! I am the woman who stood here with you and prayed to the Lord for this child, and the Lord fulfilled my request, what I asked of Him, and I give him to the Lord for all the days of his life - to serve the Lord.
Eli blessed Anna and said:
- May the Lord give you children instead of Samuel.
Anna rejoiced and, bowing before the sanctuary, sang a prayer song in the abundance of her heart: My heart rejoiced in the Lord; my horn is exalted in my God; My mouth is opened wide against my enemies, for I rejoice in Your salvation. There is no one so holy as the Lord, for there is no one else besides You, and there is no stronghold like our God. Do not multiply arrogant speeches, do not let insolent words come out of your mouth; For the Lord is a God of knowledge, and with Him works are weighed. The bow of the mighty is broken, and the weak are girded with strength, the well-fed work from bread, and the hungry rest, even the barren woman gives birth seven times, but the woman with many children faints. The Lord kills and gives life, brings down to the underworld and raises up; The Lord makes the poor and enriches, humiliates and exalts. He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts up the needy from the dirt, making Him sit with the nobles, and He gives the throne of glory as an inheritance; For with the Lord is the foundation of the earth, and upon them has He established the world. He watches over the feet of His saints, and the wicked disappear in darkness, for man is not strong by strength. The Lord will wipe out those who argue with Him, He will thunder against them from heaven. The Lord is holy. Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, and let not the mighty boast in his strength, and let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who would boast boast in the fact that he understands and knows the Lord. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth and will give strength to His King and exalt the horn of His Anointed8.
After this, Elkanah and his pious wife returned to Armathem, but Samuel remained at the tabernacle to serve the Lord. Subsequently, Anna had three more sons and three daughters and, already in old age, moved to the eternal abodes
Saint Anna the prophetess
Byzantium. Athos.
light up the icons of the Holy One. Anna the prophetess