Traditional national clothes. Bulgaria: widen your pants! Folk costumes from around the world

National costume is an important part of the country, telling about its history, culture, traditions and way of life local residents. We may know something superficial about this or that part of the world, but when it comes to unfamiliar countries, for example, about Japan, we immediately think of a kimono or a tartan kilt, if we're talking about about Scotland.

In some countries, some of the national clothing has become an anachronism: in Russia you can only see the costume in a museum or at a performance folklore ensemble. And in India this is part Everyday life: Women learn to wear saris from an early age.

The site shares with you photographs of the most beautiful brides from around the world taken on their wedding day. Bulgarian girl in a traditional wedding dress. Before the Turkish bride leaves parents' house and goes to the wedding ceremony, her brother or uncle ties a red ribbon around her waist. The color of the ribbon symbolizes happiness, luck and innocence.

In Sri Lanka, the bride's clothing combines oriental and Western traditions. In this country, it is customary to wear a luxurious silk saree and wear a veil of European fashion. Ornaments must include an odd number of rhinestones. They have their own wedding dresses on every inhabited Indonesian island. Girls often wear bright dresses with heavy embroidery.

In this article we will tell you about the most colorful and interesting national clothes.

National costumes of Japan

The kimono is sewn according to one pattern, not related to someone’s specific figure and its characteristics. Only the length varies. The silhouette only emphasizes the waist and shoulders. They are accompanied by zori slippers, similar to modern flip-flops on a small platform.

Pakistani girls for their own wedding ceremonies choose dark red, pink and purple colors. The bride and groom wear traditional garlands made of pearls and cotton yarn on their heads. Indian brides choose the traditional Ghagra Choli, often red, and accessorize it with 16 head-to-toe jewelry in accordance with the Solah Shringar tradition.

In Nubia, the bride places a colored scarf on her head, a transparent veil over her face and another white veil that covers her head. Wedding Dresses Eritreans have dark velvet crowns and purple dresses with gold embroidery. The bride's dress matches the groom's suit.

True, they are made of wood, which greatly deforms the foot in the future (they are still worn during vacation or in the summer when there is no rain).

In the thousands of street crowds in Tokyo, you can still find women dressed in kimonos. Although the Japanese Lately complain that the national costume is gradually disappearing into oblivion. But just because such clothes hinder movement, you won’t be able to rush in them.

The Tu national costume reflects the nomadic life of these people. The ceremonial dress does not restrict movement even when riding a horse, it is made of light colors and has luxurious decorations. On the eve of the wedding, the groom takes the bride his dress and jewelry. The costume may include a hat, silver coins for the braid, or an amulet containing a small metal Buddha statue.

For the formal ceremony, Palestinian brides wear bulky white dresses, but also have another dress embroidered by their mothers just for the wedding day. In Lima, brides traditionally dress in red and black, with bulky, embellished cotton skirts.

If you are lucky enough to travel to Japan, you will be amazed at how dedicated the people are to their country's clothing.

Even after World War II and the American occupation, there was an inexplicable revival of the national costume.

Western fashion has come to Jordan, where brides wear white dresses and gold or silver jewelry. In many cases, the heads of the newlyweds are covered with a silky green cloth. The color symbolizes growth, harmony and security. In Mali, the bride's dress is called a "kaftan" and matches the color of the dashiki, the groom's suit. Couples usually choose white, but sometimes they wear a lavender or purple outfit.

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National clothes in Scotland

This is the first country with which we associate the phrase “national costume”. Scottish check (tartan) is not just a check. The width of the intersecting stripes and their color will tell about a certain clan inhabiting a particular area. Following this tradition is important to the Scottish people.

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Men's kilts and women's skirts are sewn from tartan of a certain color, corresponding to their clan.

Nowadays in Scotland you rarely see anyone in national costume, it is often a matter of special occasions: national holidays, festivals, weddings, football matches, meetings of the Scottish diaspora in other countries and so on.

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In all good disguises, accessories play a very important role important role. All with the maximum quality and safety that only an online store can offer you reference information in this sector. The earliest records of human clothing date back to ice age about 170,000 years ago. Before this, everyone stumbled. As time passed, clothing evolved differently according to the cultural and climatic changes of each region.

National costumes of Bhutan

Bhutan is the only country in the world where the local population is required to wear national dress. National dress code (Driglam Namzha) Everyone wears it, they won’t let you into any of them without it. government agency or other decent place, this is a violation of public etiquette. This, of course, does not apply to tourists.

Some costumes have fallen by the wayside, while others have become traditional. Much due to globalization, jeans and sneakers have become part of the daily life of almost all earthlings. However, some clothes resist pressure modern world, and if they are not worn on a daily basis, they are worn for festive rites and holidays that relate to local traditions.

In appearance, not always usual for most people, these robes have become a kind of symbol of a particular country or territory. There are those who say that the kilt was invented in Ireland, but it was the Scots who earned the reputation for using them. But woe to anyone who calls a skirt a kilt in Scotland.

The national costume is a belted robe - gho. Additionally, a special scarf is worn with it. For commoners it is white, for the king it is yellow. Someone is filming top part a robe when it’s hot outside or pull up trousers, or sports tights when it’s cold. In general, local residents are happy with this.

Being useful against cold and damp, by the middle of the second millennium kilts became common in icy mountains. Since there were different clans at the time, it was beneficial for all members of a particular group to use kilts of the same tartan - a checkered print pattern consisting of lines different sizes and colors.

Decades later, kilts were released again and became more than a costume, national symbol. Today it can be found on the streets of Scotland and even in other countries. Its use has traditionally limited the use of briefs, but there are those who prefer to wear it even with trousers underneath.

After all, in Bhutan, instead of GDP, there is a happiness index.

Clothing in India

This is a multinational country. After all, 447 languages ​​and 2,000 thousand dialects are spoken here. Therefore, the national costume and its features vary from state to state. Even the influence of the European mass market, its cheapness and practicality could not reduce the popularity of saris, Patialas, dhoti and sherwanis.

Although they are not yet as historical as Scottish kilts, simply because they are so unusual, the history of boots has been long socks worth saying. Although he missed such a request, Calderon accepted the challenge and made the boot. After this, it was not long before the long scourge became a fever in the city. In small town Mexico, the shoes were so successful that many women in town refused to dance with men who did not wear them.

The only difficulty is dancing with one of them in your foot. It looks like a jumpsuit, but it's more like a pair of pants. Made from leather and easy to clean, traditional Bavarian clothing, which features a Messertache, was traditionally used for hunting and working in the fields.

Sari is wide stripe fabrics (usually 5-10 meters), which is draped around a woman’s body in a special way. As a rule, the fabric is wrapped several times around the waist, and the remaining “tail” is thrown over the shoulder, exposing the stomach.

Special items are sold for tourists detailed diagrams about how to “wind a sari” correctly. True, such a suit doesn’t really look like a foreigner; it’s only suitable for photo shoots.

Because of Muslim tradition to avoid impurities, it is extremely important to keep the part under the boubou above the ankles. This is because between suits and ties they wear the typical clothing of their region - kanduras. Kandooras can be made from cotton different colors. However, to withstand the intense heat of the Arabian summer, more light colors, reflecting sunlight, are favorites this time of year. Already in winter, darker colors are usually chosen.

Although there seems to be basically only one style of kandura in the entire Middle East, each country has a style of making this garment. For example, Arab kanduras do not have a collar and carry a cord around the neck, while those made in Saudi Arabia, in addition to being fairer, dispense with this cord and have two buttons on the collar.

The art of gracefully wearing this national pride Indian girls are educated from the age of 10-12.

Salwar kameez is another popular attire among Indian women. The fashion for it originated in Afghanistan and eventually migrated to India. This beautiful, practical outfit is still popular today, having simplified it a little. appearance. Salwar is silk trousers, kameez is a tunic reaching to the middle of the thigh.

Traditional costumes around the world

They reveal the cultural identity of people. During our travels we have the opportunity to meet many different cultures. There are 26 different ethnic groups. We find these people mainly in and around the city of Lijiang, the capital of Naxi. The Naxi woman wears a dress, usually blue, black or white embroidered on the collar and sleeves and covering the trousers. She adds an apron to the front. Her big distinction is the sheep's cloak she wears on her back, which is embroidered with 8 circular symbols representing stars.

Men from the working castes wear the dhoti, an elaborately draped loincloth. Richer gentlemen prefer a sherwani (a long, embroidered frock coat) combined with bloomers and a turban (this headdress is especially popular among those who profess Sikhism).

Men usually wear blue coat. Naxian women in the small village of Baisha. Male artisans in small streets near Dali. You can also find the ethnic Bai in Yunnan Province in China. This ethnic group is mainly found in Dali and its surrounding areas. They are easily recognizable in their coat, where White color. Camellia flowers, signifying beauty, are often embroidered on their clothing. Women are usually more colorful and wear a different color on their suit. They put a cloth on their head, embroidered at the base and white at the top with a shoot that falls over the shoulders.

What to wear in Peru

The poncho is the basis of the Peruvian national costume. It is comfortable and simple, keeps the body warm for a long time. Made from alpaca yarn. Such clothes turn out to be very light, warm and amazingly wearable. The pattern on a poncho is not just a decoration, but a special sign, which will tell you which village or community the Peruvian belongs to. The edges of the poncho are decorated with fringe. It was from Peru that the poncho migrated to American and European mass-market stores, although such a factory item has greatly lost its functionality.

An embroidered apron is also worn by single women. Bai woman met in the village of Xizhou near Dali. From the Tibeto-Burman family, the Khanis are a people known for cultivating their rice terraces. That's why they meet in large quantities in the Yuanyang region of Yunnan in China. Their dominant color traditional costume- black or very dark. Their clothing is made of durable materials suitable for agricultural work. There are also embroideries that differ greatly from one region or village to another.

Hanis Yuanyang basically has a head hanging back on his head. Hanis woman and girl in the rice fields of Yuanyang. The women wear a blue apron, an embroidered jacket and a classic fuchsia scarf. A woman of the Tibetan ethnic group near Songzanling Monastery in Shangri-La.

A woman's image is unthinkable without a funny hat with concave brims - liklya.

Bolivian national costumes

In this South American country, more than half of the population wears national clothes. The initiator of the revival of the traditional costume was the current President Evo Morales. He is of Aymara Indian origin.

Traditional clothing in Japan is the kimono. Even though he is running around special cases, it is not uncommon to see a woman covered in this elegant fabric. This is a straight garment that goes down to the feet with a very long sleeves. It is always worn on the left side to the right side with a wide belt attached to the back to tie it all together.

The lady met in Tokyo near the emperor's palace. On a daily basis, women wear a simple sweater or blouse with long skirt. But on special occasions they are decorated with beautiful sin. This is a plain tube silk skirt woven with motifs and embroidery. The sik consists of three different parts: hou-sin, phun-sinh and tdin-sin. The contrast between the traditional singh and the casual coat.

Required elements women's suit Aymara - layered skirt, a white blouse, a massive shawl and a bowler hat (similar to what was worn by English gentlemen at the beginning of the last century). Despite its apparent simplicity, the cost of one set can reach several thousand dollars.

The story of how a bowler hat became a must-have female image, deserves a whole book. But in short, in the early 20s of the last century, an enterprising merchant brought a large batch of men's bowlers. But the product was not in market demand. In order to somehow get rid of the party at least to zero, the businessman inspired the local women that hats bring fertility. Such advertising became effective, and since then the hat has become the basis of the costume. The look is complemented by gold and silver jewelry, massive beaded brooches and earrings.

2016-03-15 Maria Novikova

What is friendship of peoples? We live in huge world, in which there are many countries and peoples with their own customs and traditions. Each nation has its own unique history and its own roots. For many centuries and even millennia, people have strived for progress and sought to subjugate the whole world.

In pursuit of civilization, people began to forget their history - their great past. Advanced technologies helped conquer the world and improve life, but did not preserve age-old customs. The world is changing rapidly, including traditional clothing.

Tribute to tradition

You will no longer see how before man in embroidered national clothes, preference has long been given to comfortable and practical things. Modern Hi-tech allow us to quickly and efficiently produce a product of any complexity at a reasonable price. You no longer need to spend a lot of time on tailoring, hand-making fabrics and decorative finishing.

Of course, making a national costume is not an easy job, especially since each nation has its own unique style. And it’s not about the beauty and complexity of tailoring, but about the details of the costume, thought out to the smallest detail. National clothing has a special magical meaning, a special ritual. The common man cannot understand the interpretation of the basic elements of folk costume. Each of them strictly protects the peace of the owner, and also carefully preserves the memory of centuries and events.

Miss Commonwealth

In our city, every 2 years a wonderful competition is held: “Miss Commonwealth”, in which girls, representatives of national public organizations Udmurtia. IN Once again I had the opportunity to take part in this colorful show as a jury member and fashion history expert. 12 lovely participants, each representing their own nation, diligently prepared for the competition. For 1.5 months the girls learned songs, dances, sewed dresses, national costumes and came up with images.

Creative numbers of participants


Chuvash Republic:

Mari El Republic:

Republic of Udmurtia:


Republic of Tatarstan:

Gifts made by girls by hand for their mothers.

In fact, it was very difficult to evaluate the girls’ performances, since each one adequately represented the culture of their people and each one deserves the title “Miss Commonwealth”. There cannot and should not be competition between nations. How can you prioritize the culture of a particular country? We didn’t invent history, and we certainly can’t change or judge it.

We can only accept it favorably, admire it, respect it and share it. It doesn’t matter who is in the lead now, it is important to preserve peace between nations and equality. We must remember that each person (no matter what race he is) is unique and has his own gift, his own special meaning.

National costumes. Fashion show

What made me especially happy was that all the participants were incredibly dedicated to their culture and their origins. Their love for their nationality helped them take the stage and show others their commitment to values. Through such competitions, trust, respect and understanding between racial groups are strengthened. But most importantly, all this allows us not to forget our origins and the traditions of our ancestors.

National costume of a German girl.

Stylized Russian folk costume.

Stylized traditional Belarusian outfit.

Stylized national dress of a Mari girl.

Leather boots with decorative embroidery for the Tatar traditional costume.

Traditional costume of a Tatar girl.

National dress of an Armenian girl.

Folk stylized Jewish attire.

Stylized Ukrainian folk dress.

Stylized traditional dress of a Chuvash girl.

National Greek dress.

Udmurt national costume.

On globe There are 251 countries and about 2,000 nationalities, gradually nations disappear or merge with others. It is difficult to accurately calculate the number of ethnic groups due to the mixture of peoples. Just imagine how much information is contained in these groups and how quickly they are forgotten. Honoring and remembering the traditions of your relatives is a sacred thing, and carrying them through the centuries is a feat!

Many of us do not know our clan, tribe, native language. They don’t know who their ancestors were, what kind of people they were and what contributions they made to society. What can we say about the history of our country and our people? Start studying history right now, read books, watch films, look for your roots. When you study your history, continue to move on, study the history of the world, then you will easily begin to understand people.

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Always yours, Maria Novikova

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