Female images in the work Hero of Our Time. An essay on the topic of female images in the novel “A Hero of Our Time”

The basis of a writer’s creativity is inspiration sent from above. For the ancient Greeks, this inspiration has a feminine origin, because it is no coincidence that the muse is a woman. They lay swords at her feet, perform feats in the name of a woman, and commit crimes for her sake. She is the beauty that will save the world.

In Russian literature female images occupy a special place. Every writer, depicting his heroine, strives to convey through her his idea of ​​beauty. The writer’s attitude towards his hero is most often revealed precisely through the attitude of this hero towards a woman: he has been given Beauty, but how can the hero manage with what is given to him?

A woman is a source of joy, love and inspiration. And about his generation, Lermontov wrote: “We both hate and we love by chance, sacrificing nothing to either anger or love, and a kind of secret cold reigns in the soul, when fire boils in the blood.” These words perfectly reveal the character of the main character Pechorin and his attitude towards women. There are three of them in the novel: Bela, Princess Mary and Vera.

Bela is a young Circassian woman, whom we learn about from the story of Maxim Maksimych. Pechorin, seeing her at the wedding, was captivated by her beauty and some kind of unusualness. She seemed to him the embodiment of spontaneity, naturalness, that is, everything that Pechorin had not met in the society ladies he knew. He was very fascinated by the fight for Bela, but when all the obstacles were destroyed and the girl joyfully accepted her fate, Pechorin realized that he had been deceived: “... the love of a savage is something few better than love noble young lady, the ignorance and simplicity of one are as boring as the coquetry of the other.” We should not forget that this is not the opinion of the author, but of Pechorin, who, as you know, was quickly disappointed in everything. Bela is strong integral character, in which there is firmness, pride, and constancy, because she was brought up in the traditions of the Caucasus.

Princess Mary looks completely different. We learn about her from Pechorin’s diary, which describes in detail the “water society” of Pyatigorsk, where the hero stayed. Already in the first conversation with Grushnitsky about Princess Mary, an ironic, somewhat mocking tone of the narrative sounds.

Mary Litovskaya is very young, pretty, inexperienced, and flirtatious. She, naturally, does not understand people particularly well, does not see Grushnitsky’s farcical nature, and does not understand the calculated nature of Pechorin’s play. She wants to live as is customary in their noble circle, with some vanity and splendor. Mary becomes the subject of rivalry between Grushnitsky and Pechorin. This unworthy game ruins one, amuses another. Pechorin, however, also has his own goal: when he visits the Lithuanians, he has the opportunity to see Vera there.

I think that in such an environment it was very difficult for Princess Mary to become herself and, perhaps, to express her best qualities. Why is Pechorin so bored and lonely? To answer this question means to reveal the cause of his sorrows. Pechorin is an extraordinary person, therefore, in his own way, he looked for this in women, looking for one who could understand his soul. But there was no such thing. And, in my opinion, Lermontov set himself a broader task than showing young, inexperienced, unhappy girls crushed by Pechorin’s egoism.

Love in the novel is given in outline. Lermontov did not show the development of this feeling. Pechorin cried when he drove his horse, but did not catch Vera. However, this was just a temporary impulse of the soul, but nothing more. In the morning he became himself again. Faith is just Pechorin’s sick past. He was not happy with her because she was someone else’s wife, which, of course, was unbearable for Gregory’s pride. Maybe this is why, in order to compensate for the lost balance, he is so cold with young women who are in love with him.

Lermontov denies his involvement with Pechorin, stating that the portrait of the hero is made up of the vices of the entire society. However, I am sure that the relationship between Pechorin and Vera is a reflection of Lermontov’s tragic, unrequited love for Varenka Bakhmetyeva. The poet loved her with all his short life. He wrote about her: “At the feet of others I did not forget the gaze of your eyes, loving others, I only suffered from the love of former days.” How similar is Lermontov’s own loving handwriting to Pechorin’s. Lermontov was handsome, many women loved him, but he constantly returned to the image of his beloved.

Novikov’s wonderful book “On the Souls of the Living and the Dead” was written about the life of M. Yu. Lermontov; many critical articles and notes were written about him. If Pushkin is the creator of the first realistic novel about modernity in verse, then Lermontov is the author of the first realistic novel in prose. His book is distinguished by its depth psychological analysis, which allowed Chernyshevsky to see in Lermontov the immediate predecessor of Tolstoy.

M. Yu. Lermontov, in my opinion, did not “accidentally pay great attention to female images in his novel. Not a single serious problem, especially the problem of the hero and time, can be considered outside the beautiful and better half of humanity , outside her interests, experiences and feelings. One of the discoveries made by the writer: tell me who loves this person, and I will form an idea about him. It seems to me that the image female characters in the novel, it gave the main character and the novel itself uniqueness, freshness and accuracy of his perception, as well as the whole gamut of human experiences that penetrate deeply into the soul and remain there forever.


The female characters in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” were a great success for Lermontov. This is how he described this feature of the writer’s novel famous critic that time V.G. Belinsky.

Belinsky noted that the author created such monumental images of girls and women that they could compete only with the heroines of novels and stories by A.S. Pushkin. These women are smart, capable, beautiful in soul and body, they have strong will, strive to realize themselves in society. However, all the heroines of the novel are unhappy in their own way, although it should be recognized that their unhappiness is derived from the unhappiness of the main character, Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin.

It is the image of Pechorin that unites all the female images of the novel.

The work presents several central female characters. This is Vera - a secular married lady who is associated with Pechorin love story back in the days when the young hero lived in St. Petersburg. This is Princess Mary Ligovskaya, a relative of Vera, whom Pechorin meets in Kislovodsk and, out of boredom, falls in love with her. This is the daughter of the Circassian prince Bel, kidnapped by her brother and given to Pechorin as a concubine. And finally, this is the girl whom Pechorin himself called Ondine (“mermaid”) - the beloved of the smuggler Yanko, a casual acquaintance of the protagonist of the novel.

Let us briefly characterize the main female characters from this work.


The image of the proud Circassian woman Bela, whom Pechorin, with the help of her brother, kidnapped from her parents' house, aroused the ardent participation of the reading public even at the first publication of the novel.
Among the female images in “Hero of Our Time,” the image of Bela is one of the most touching. Bela was not to blame for what happened to her, and, nevertheless, she accepted all the blows of fate courageously. Betrayed her brother Having given her for the horse Kazbich, she was betrayed by the kidnapper Pechorin, whom she loved with all her heart, but did not find reciprocity in his soul. She ended up being killed by a man who was also secretly in love with her.

Only Maxim Maksimovich understood Bela’s subtle and sensitive soul, however, he did not know how to help her and secretly rejoiced at her death, realizing that nothing good was in store for this girl in life.
Bela's love could not awaken Pechorin's soul to life from selfish egoism. The main character of the novel soon lost interest in the young Circassian woman, and the heroine, without reproaching her lover for anything, meekly followed to the grave, regretting before her death only that she and Grigory Alexandrovich belonged to different faiths, so they would not be able to meet in heaven.

It should be admitted that Lermontov was completely successful in the image of Bela, later L.N. Tolstoy in his story " Prisoner of the Caucasus"will present to the reading public the image of a young Chechen girl Dina, and in this image there will be features of Bela - such as devotion and moral purity.

Princess Ligovskaya

The image of women in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” significantly complements the image of Princess Mary - a proud and beautiful Russian noblewoman who fell in love with Pechorin and confessed her feelings to him, which in those days was considered unacceptable behavior on the part of a girl from a noble family.

Pechorin felt that Mary was an unusual girl from those he knew. He saw in her intelligence, character and mental strength. And although Pechorin declared to Grushnitsky that Mary is a classic example of a Russian girl who, with all her pride and intelligence, will eventually marry an insignificant man, following the will of her mother, nevertheless, Grigory Alexandrovich himself decided to play with the feelings of this proud beauty.

It is difficult to say how sincerely Pechorin courted Mary, however, it should be noted that he humiliated her not out of anger, but rather, obeying some rough inner instinct.
Pechorin felt Mary’s spiritual strength and purity, so he tried to subjugate her to himself, although he did not find much meaning for himself in this subordination.

As a result, Mary also (like Bela later) deeply experienced the story with Pechorin and suffered from his actions and his spiritual coldness towards her.


The role of female characters in “A Hero of Our Time” is quite large. In fact, Pechorin's personality is revealed to us through the prism of his relationships with women who are presented in the novel.
Of great importance in this is the image of Vera, a secular married lady, with whom Pechorin was familiar back in St. Petersburg. In Kislovodsk, where the story “Princess Mary” takes place, Pechorin again met with Vera. Grigory Alexandrovich remembered his feelings for this woman, it seems that Vera did not forget her former lover.

Many readers of the novel have noticed that the image of Vera is one of the most controversial in the novel. On the one hand, the heroine strove for Pechorin and better than anyone understood his soul, full of contradictions, pride and selfishness, but on the other hand, it was Vera who became “ evil genius"Pechorin, in fact, pushing him into a duel with Grushnitsky. That night, when Grushnitsky, full of jealousy, was guarding Pechorin at Mary’s house, he saw Pechorin going on a date with Vera, but young hero decided that Grigory Alexandrovich was trying to seduce Mary Ligovskaya, with whom he himself was in love.

The fatal duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky led to Vera telling her husband the truth about her relationship with Pechorin, and her husband took her away from Kislovodsk forever. Pechorin rushed after him, but could not do anything.


The characterization of female characters in “A Hero of Our Time” would be incomplete if we did not mention the name of another heroine whom Pechorin met in Taman.

Pechorin himself called her “Ondine,” that is, a mermaid. The image of this girl is mysterious. She was the mistress of the smuggler Yanko, whom Pechorin actually took by surprise. Fearing that Pechorin might report Yanko to the authorities, Ondine lured Pechorin onto a boat, inviting him to ride with her, and then tried to drown her companion. She, however, failed to do the latter: Pechorin threw Ondine overboard.

The hero himself explained Ondine’s act as a feeling of love for the young smuggler, but such terrible love seemed unpleasant even to Pechorin himself, who was accustomed to bringing misfortune to those he loved.

All the women in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” are unique and bright personalities. In fact, in many ways they anticipate the famous female characters of Turgenev's novels. These women are beautiful, smart, strong-willed, strong-willed and sensitive. kind hearts. However, none of them could keep Pechorin from falling into the moral abyss, most likely because the hero himself, looking for female love, could not fully understand the hearts of those women whom he loved.

Given brief characteristics women and a description of their role in the novel will be useful for 9th grade students when collecting information for an essay on the topic “Female characters in the novel “A Hero of Our Time”.”

Work test

The novel “A Hero of Our Time,” written by Lermontov in 1839-1840, is the first realistic prose socio-psychological and philosophical work in Russian literature. The time when the novel was written fell on the period of reaction that set in the country after the defeat of the December uprising. Lermontov's main task was to draw a portrait of a man of that era, that is, a hero of his time, whose image was made up of the vices of the entire generation contemporary to the author.
Lermontov's innovation was the image central figure novel - Pechorin - from the inside. Special attention paid to the inner world of the hero, his soul, therefore the author writes in the preface that “the history of the human soul... is perhaps more curious and not more useful than history a whole people." All variety artistic means aimed at a deeper disclosure of the image of Pechorin. Lermontov pursued the same goal when creating female images. They play a big role in the novel: they allow us to more deeply reveal Pechorin’s character, his inner world, as well as his attitude towards love.
All female characters are representatives different worlds: Bela is one of the “children of nature” into whose world Pechorin finds himself in the story “Bela”; the undine represents in the novel the romantic world of lawless freedom that Pechorin strives for; Princess Mary and Vera are socially related to the main character.
The first to appear before the readers Caucasian girl Bela, from whom it blows spiritual purity, kindness and sincerity. But her character is not without such national traits, like pride, self-esteem, lack of development and the capacity for passion. Offended by Pechorin for going hunting, proudly raising her head, she said: “I am not a slave - I am a prince’s daughter!..” Lermontov does not allow detailed description appearance of a Circassian woman, but draws attention to her eyes, which, “like a mountain chamois, looked... into the soul.” She loves Pechorin so passionately and ardently that his love for her seems shallow and frivolous. Lermontov needed the image of Bela in order to show that such pure and tender love was not enough for Pechorin to have a reciprocal and sincere feeling. He gets bored with everything, and he concludes: “The love of a savage is little better than the love of a noble lady; the ignorance and simplicity of one are just as annoying as the coquetry of the other.”
The next heroine - undine - helps the author show Pechorin’s desire to know the romantic, mysterious world, to which she belongs. This is a world of lawlessly free life, and this attracts Pechorin, like everything new and unknown in life.
The heroine of the short story “Taman” is typically in a romantic way: white long hair, a flexible thin figure and eyes that have some kind of magnetic power. She is constantly in motion, gusty like the wind.
In “Taman” Lermontov used this artistic technique, like romantic irony: Pechorin rushes into the boat after the undine, but only after sailing 50 fathoms from the shore, he remembers that he does not know how to swim. This confirms his fascination with the mystery of the undine and the world.” honest smugglers" But even in this romantic world Pechorin turns out to be superfluous and does not find refuge for himself.
But in the world to which the hero belongs by birth, he also feels lonely and useless. Thus, in the story “Princess Mary” female images are presented that help to reveal the reasons for this state of the hero.
Princess Mary is smart, well-read, noble and morally pure. She is a romantic by nature, and a naive one, since she is still young and inexperienced. Pechorin is well versed in people, and especially in women, he immediately understood the essence of Mary: she is interested and likes what is mysterious, enigmatic and unattainable, she wants men to amuse her. So it was with Grushchnitsky, who at first interested her with his pompous phrases, and then got tired of her. All attention turned to Pechorin, who appeared as romantic hero, so different from others. Pechorin, without knowing why, tries to captivate the young girl, and she, due to her naivety and inexperience, falls in love with him.
Lermontov needed Princess Mary to show Pechorin’s passion to rule over people, to arouse feelings of love, bringing only suffering to others. We see that Mary’s “young, barely blossoming soul” is unable to awaken the real and sincere feelings. And he doesn’t need the love of naive Mary either.
Another heroine of the story “Princess Mary” - Vera - plays a big role in revealing Pechorin’s character. She is the only female character who is juxtaposed with the main character rather than opposed. Her image is drawn unclearly: Lermontov does not describe her life in detail, nor does she reveal her character in detail. But at the same time it indicates that Vera is the only person who fully understood the essence of Pechorin, loving him with all his advantages and disadvantages. Pechorin himself could not help but appreciate this insight and fidelity to feeling: “She is the only woman in the world whom I would not be able to deceive,” and only she alone evokes real and sincere feelings, albeit fleeting. Vera's feelings are so strong that she forgives all the suffering brought to her by Pechorin, continuing to love him, knowing that they will never be together. In the image of Vera we see humility, sacrifice, she does not have a pronounced sense of self-esteem, she again confesses her love to Pechorin after he has already left her once. The author needed all this in order to further show the hero’s selfishness, his attitude towards others, the fear of losing freedom - the main thing, in his opinion, in life.
So, all the female characters in the novel play important role: with their help, Lermontov shows that Pechorin is lonely in any environment, he cannot find peace even ъ such a deeply intimate feeling as love. The love of a woman, no matter what circle she belongs to, can captivate him only for a moment, but he cannot completely surrender to this feeling, and this is his tragedy.

Tasks and tests on the topic “Female characters in M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time””

  • Changing past tense verbs by gender and number - Verb as part of speech grade 4

    Lessons: 1 Assignments: 9 Tests: 1

Pechorin's extraordinary personality is revealed through the prism of his relationships with other characters in the novel. The female characters in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” are united by the main culprit of the events described, Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin, who became the cause of troubles and misfortunes in their lives.

Three heroines. Vera is a married lady from secular society with status and position. Mary is Vera's relative. Young, pretty. Pechorin makes a girl fall in love with him for the sake of entertainment. Bela is the daughter of a prince. She was kidnapped by Pechorin, becoming his concubine.

Princess Mary

Mary Ligovskaya girl from high society. Young. Beautiful. Her family is considered one of the best in the capital. Well educated. Educated. Rich. Independent and proud. Brave. Otherwise, how can we call her action when she decided to be the first to confess her love to Pechorin? In those days this was unacceptable.

Grigory saw features in the girl that impressed him. She could have become childishly offended, pouting her lips. I knew how to be grateful. This was noticeable when Pechorin saved her from the company of an annoying gentleman who drank and pestered her. He became the savior, the prince she had been waiting for. For his sake I was ready to give up everything, rush to the ends of the world, if he called.

Pechorin doesn't need Mary. Yes, she was nice, he liked her, but marriage was not for him. When Gregory admits that he does not need love, it was a blow for Mary, but she withstood it proudly and with dignity. After the separation, the princess will long remember the failed romance, hating herself for being led by her feelings.


Proud Circassian. Child of the mountains Touching, vulnerable. Brought up in strictness. She loved freedom and independence, but lost everything when her brother Azamat stole the girl from her parents’ nest, handing her over to Pechorin in exchange for a horse. For a long time the girl could not get used to the new situation. She didn’t accept gifts from the kidnapper and didn’t let him get close to her. The heart gradually thawed, opening towards love. But what to expect from a narcissistic egoist. Gregory quickly lost interest in Bela. I played enough and quit.

Only Maxim Maksimych understood the girl and worried about her as if she were his own daughter. He saw Bela suffering. When Bela was dying from a knife wound, the staff captain understood that this was the best way out. She couldn't live without love. For Pechorin, her death meant nothing. During the funeral, not a single muscle moved on his face. He understood his involvement in Bela’s death. If you didn’t take her from her parents’ house, the Circassian woman’s life could have turned out differently. Bela passed away with regret that in the next world she would not be able to be with her beloved. Different faiths prevented souls from uniting in heaven. Ruined by Pechorin young soul, unable to resist his charms.

Vera Ligovskaya

Society lady. Married. Pechorin knows her from St. Petersburg. Years later, they met again, already in Kislovodsk, where the princess came to improve her failing health. Feelings flared up again. It seemed as if there had not been so many years of separation. They are young again, carefree and happy. Emotional. She loved and understood Pechorin better than himself. Having married the old prince, the woman did not feel happy. Having given birth common child the spouses did not become closer. When Vera learns about the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky, she, in fear for the life of her beloved, confesses to her husband that she has betrayed him.

Vera knew that they could not be together. She is mortally ill, but seeing Pechorin every day is beyond her strength. Together with her husband, she hastily leaves Kislovodsk. Grigory rushes after him, but does not have time. Having driven the horse, he falls from his own powerlessness on the grass, sobbing like Small child. Having lost Vera forever, Gregory understands how important and dear she is to him.

All three female characters had one thing in common. They are sincere in their feelings. Unique, bright personalities. Beautiful, smart, with kind hearts, with an open soul. But not one could keep Pechorin close, for whom freedom is most important, and feelings, in his opinion, are empty.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than a woman...

F. I. Tyutchev

The basis of a writer’s creativity is inspiration sent from above. And this inspiration is feminine. It is no coincidence that the muse is a woman, swords are laid at women’s feet, feats are performed in the name of a woman, and crimes are committed for her sake. She is the beauty that will save the world. In Russian literature, women are glorified especially impressively.

Every writer, depicting his heroine, strives to convey through her his idea of ​​beauty. The writer’s attitude towards his hero is most often revealed precisely through the attitude of this hero towards a woman: he has been given beauty, but how can the hero manage with what is given to him? Writers, portraying their best heroines in their works, expressed their life philosophy. A woman is a source of joy, strength and inspiration. And about his generation, Lermontov wrote: “We both hate and we love by chance, sacrificing nothing to either anger or love, and a kind of secret cold reigns in the soul, when fire boils in the blood.” These words perfectly reveal the character of the main character Pechorin and his attitude towards women. There are three of them in the novel: Bela, Princess Mary and Vera.

Bela is a young Circassian woman, whom we learn about from the story of Maxim Maksimych. Pechorin, seeing a girl at her older sister’s wedding, was captivated by her appearance and some kind of unusualness. She seemed to him the embodiment of spontaneity, naturalness, that is, everything that Pechorin had not met in the society ladies he knew. He was very fascinated by the fight for Bela, but when all the barriers were destroyed and Bela joyfully accepted her fate, Pechorin realized that he had been deceived: “... the love of a savage is little better than the love of a noble young lady, ignorance and innocence alone are just as annoying as coquetry another". We should not forget that this is the opinion not of the author, but of Pechorin, who, as is known from the content of the novel, quickly became disillusioned with everything. Bela has a strong, integral character, in which there is firmness, pride, and constancy, because she was brought up in the traditions of the Caucasus.

Princess Mary looks completely different. We learn about her from Pechorin’s diary, which describes in detail “ water society“Pyatigorsk, where the hero stayed. Already in the first conversation with Grushnitsky about Princess Mary, the narrator’s ironic, somewhat mocking tone is heard.

Mary Ligovskaya is very young, pretty, inexperienced, and flirtatious. She, naturally, is not particularly good at understanding people, does not see Grushnitsky’s farcical nature, and misunderstands Pechorin’s calculated play. She wants to live as is customary in their noble circle, with some vanity and splendor. Mary becomes the subject of rivalry between Grushnitsky and Pechorin. This unworthy game ruins one and amuses another. Pechorin, however, also has his own goal: when he visits the Ligovskys, he has the opportunity to see Vera there.

I think that in such an environment it was very difficult for Princess Mary to become herself and, perhaps, to show her best qualities. Why is Pechorin so bored and lonely? To answer this question means to reveal the cause of his sorrows. Pechorin is an extraordinary person, therefore, in his own way he was looking for a mate among women, looking for one that could completely capture his soul. But there was none. And, in my opinion, Lermontov set himself a broader task than showing young, inexperienced, unhappy girls crushed by Pechorin’s egoism.

Pechorin's love is given in sketches. Lermontov did not fully show this feeling. Pechorin cried when he drove his horse, but did not catch up with Vera. However, this was just a temporary impulse of the soul, nothing more. In the morning he became himself again. Faith is just Pechorin’s sick past. He was not happy with her because she was someone else’s wife, which, of course, was unbearable for Gregory’s pride. No! This is not for Pechorin! Maybe that’s why, to compensate for the lost balance, he is so cold with young women who are in love with him.

Lermontov denies his involvement with Pechorin, stating that the portrait of the hero is made up of the vices of the entire society. However, I am sure that the relationship between Pechorin and Vera is a reflection of the tragic unrequited love Lermontov to Varenka Lopukhina (Bakhmeteva). Lermontov loved Varenka all his short life. He wrote about her: “At the feet of others I did not forget the gaze of your eyes, loving others, I only suffered from the love of former days.” How similar is Lermontov’s own loving handwriting to Pechorin’s! Lermontov was handsome, many women loved him, but he constantly returned to the image of his beloved.

Novikov’s wonderful book “On the Souls of the Living and the Dead” was written about the life of M. Yu. Lermontov, and many critical articles and notes were written about him. If Pushkin is the creator of the first realistic novel in verse about modernity, then Lermontov is the author of the first realistic novel in prose. His novel is distinguished by the depth of psychological analysis that allowed Chernyshevsky to see in Lermontov the immediate predecessor of Leo Tolstoy.

M. Yu. Lermontov, in my opinion, did not by chance pay great attention to female images in his novel. None serious problem, especially the problem of the hero and time, cannot be considered outside of the beautiful and better half of humanity, outside of its interests, experiences and feelings. One of the discoveries made by the writer was the use of the principle: tell me who loves this person, and I will form an idea about him. It seems to me that the depiction of female characters in the novel gave the main character (and the novel itself) uniqueness, freshness and clarity of perception, as well as that complex of experiences that penetrates deeply into the soul and remains there forever.

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  18. Russian literature of the 1st half of the 19th century Why does the author call Pechorin a “hero of the time”? (Based on the novel “Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov) M. Yu. Lermontov wrote the novel “Hero of Our Time” from 1837...
  19. “Hero of our time,” my dear sirs, is like a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development. Zh. Yu. Lermontov Lermontov acted as...
  20. Every literary hero(If we're talking about O great literature) is always the favorite creation of its author. Any writer puts a piece of his soul, his views, beliefs, and ideals into his hero. And everyone...
  21. Lermontov's novel “Hero of Our Time” became the first socio-psychological and realistic novel in Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century. The author defined the purpose of his work as “the study of the human soul.” The structure of the novel is peculiar....
  22. Why is Maxim Maksimych the narrator only in the first chapter of M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time”? Lermontov’s novel “Hero of Our Time” reflects the conflict of a person of a new moral level with representatives...
  23. For me, “A Hero of Our Time” is a novel that does not belong to instructive and edifying literature. He interested me precisely in what the author asks philosophical questions, but doesn't answer them...
  24. I look sadly at our generation! Its future is either empty or dark, Meanwhile, under the burden of knowledge and doubt, It will grow old in inaction. M. Yu. Lermontov The epigraph includes...
  25. Russian literature of the 1st half of the 19th century “Man is... a living mystery” (S. N. Bulgakov). (Based on the novel “Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov) The focus of Russian writers has always been on man...
  26. The heroine of the story “Princess Mary”. Vera is a society lady, Pechorin’s longtime lover. A description of her appearance is given from the mouth of Doctor Werner: “some lady from the newcomers, a relative of the princess by marriage, very pretty, but...
  27. “Hero of Our Time” is a work born in the post-Decembrist era. The heroic attempt of the advanced nobles to change social order in Russia turned into a tragedy for them. The years that followed this event were a difficult period of Russian...
  28. Life is somehow short for me. And I’m still afraid that I won’t have time to accomplish something. M. Yu. Lermontov Opens in the name of M. Yu. Lermontov new page Russian literature. To properly understand creativity...