Marya Dmitrievna war and peace. Marya Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya - daughter of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky

Akhrosimova Marya Dmitrievna- Moscow lady, famous
throughout the city “not with wealth, not with honors, but with straightforwardness of mind and
frank simplicity of handling." They talked about her
anecdotal cases, quietly chuckled at her rudeness, but
feared and sincerely respected. A. knew both capitals and even the royal one
family. The prototype of the heroine is A. D. Ofrosimova, famous in Moscow,
described by S.P. Zhikharev in “The Student’s Diary”.
The heroine’s usual lifestyle consists of doing homework
housekeeping, trips to mass, visiting forts, receiving petitioners
and trips to the city on business. Her four sons serve in the army, which makes her very
was proud; He knows how to hide his concern for them from strangers.
A. always speaks Russian, loudly, she has a “thick voice”, she is obese
body, she holds high “her fifty-year-old with gray curls
head." A. is close to the Rostov family, loving Natasha most of all. On
on the name day of Natasha and the old countess it is she who dances with the count
Rostov, delighting the entire assembled society. She's brave
reprimands Pierre for the incident due to which he was expelled in 1805
from St. Petersburg; she reprimands old Prince Bolkonsky for
discourtesy made to Natasha during the visit; she's frustrating
Natasha's plan to run away with Anatol.

Bagration- one of the most famous Russian military leaders, hero
Patriotic War of 1812, Prince. In the novel it appears as real
historical figure and participant in the plot action. B. “short, with
oriental type of hard and motionless face, dry, not yet old
Human". In the novel he participates mainly as a commander
Battle of Shengraben. Before the operation, Kutuzov blessed him
“for the great feat” of saving the army. The mere presence of the prince on the field
the battle changes a lot in its course, although it does not give any visible
orders, but at the decisive moment he dismounts and goes on the attack himself
there is a soldier ahead. He is loved and respected by everyone, it is known about him that
Suvorov himself gave courage back in Italy. him a sword. During
Battle of Austerlitz alone B. The whole day he fought twice
the strongest enemy and, during the retreat, withdrew his
the column undisturbed. That is why Moscow chose him as its
hero, in honor of B. a dinner was given at the English club, in his person “it was given
due honor to the fighting, simple, without connections and intrigues, Russian

Bezukhov Pierre- one of the main characters of the novel; first a hero
a story about the Decembrist, from whose conception the work arose.
P. is the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov, a famous Catherine
nobles, who became the heir to the title and a huge fortune,
“a massive, fat young man with a cropped head and glasses,”
he is distinguished by an intelligent, timid, “observant and natural” look.
P. was brought up abroad and appeared in Russia shortly before his death
father and the beginning of the campaign of 1805. He is intelligent, inclined to philosophical
reasoning, gentle and kind-hearted, compassionate towards others, kind,
impractical and subject to passions. His closest friend is Andrey
Bolkonsky characterizes P. as the only “living person”
among all the world.
At the beginning of the novel, P. considers Napoleon greatest man V
world, but gradually becomes disillusioned, reaching the point of hating him and
desire to kill. Becoming a rich heir and falling under the influence of the prince
Vasily and Helen, P. marries the latter. Very soon having figured out
character of his wife and realizing her depravity, he breaks up with her. IN
in search of the content and meaning of his life, P. is interested in Freemasonry,
trying to find in this teaching answers to the questions that torment him and
get rid of the passions that torment him. Having realized the falsity of the Freemasons, the hero
breaks with them, tries to reorganize the life of his peasants, but suffers
fails because of his impracticality and gullibility.
The greatest trials fall on P. the day before and during
during the war, it is not without reason that “through his eyes” readers see the famous
comet of 1812, which, according to general belief, foreshadowed terrible
misfortune. This sign follows P.’s declaration of love to Natasha
Rostova. During the war, the hero decided to watch the battle and while
not yet very clearly realizing the strength of national unity and the significance
of the ongoing event, ends up on the Borodino field. On this day
the last conversation with Prince Andrei, who understood, gives him a lot.
that the truth is where “they” are, that is, ordinary soldiers. Staying in
burning and deserted Moscow in order to kill Napoleon, P. tries to
can fight the misfortune that befalls people, but ends up in
captivity and experiences terrible moments during the execution of prisoners.
A meeting with Platon Karataev reveals to P. the truth that
you have to love life, even when suffering innocently, seeing the meaning and purpose
every person is to be a part and reflection of the whole world.
After meeting with Karataev, P. learned to see the “eternal and infinite
in everything." At the end of the war, after the death of Andrei Bolkonsky and
Natasha's revival to life, P. marries her. In the epilogue he
happy husband and father, man voicing in argument with Nikolai
Rostov’s convictions, allowing him to be seen as a future Decembrist.
Berg is a German, “a fresh, pink guards officer, impeccably
washed, buttoned and combed.” At the beginning of the novel, the lieutenant
at the end - a colonel who has made a good career and has awards.
B. is precise, calm, courteous, selfish and stingy. Surroundings
laugh at him. B. could only talk about himself and his
interests, the main one of which was success. About this subject he could
talk for hours, with visible pleasure for oneself and at the same time
teaching others. During the campaign of 1805, B. was a company commander,
proud of being efficient, neat, and trustworthy
bosses and arranged his financial affairs profitably. When meeting in
Nikolai Rostov's army treats him with slight contempt.
B. first the intended and desired groom of Vera Rostova, and
then her husband. The hero proposes to his future wife while
when refusal to him is excluded, B. correctly takes into account material
difficulties of the Rostovs, which does not prevent him from demanding from the old count
part of the promised dowry. Having achieved a famous position, income,
Having married Vera, who meets his requirements, Colonel
B. feels satisfied and happy, even when left
Moscow residents worry about purchasing furniture.

Volkonskaya Lisa- the wife of Prince Andrei, behind whom in the world
the name of the “little princess” stuck. "She's pretty, with a little
blackened antennae, the upper lip was short in teeth, but
the sweeter she opened and the sweeter she sometimes stretched out and
sank to the bottom. As is always the case with quite
attractive women, her disadvantage is short lips and
half-open mouth - seemed special to her, actually her beauty.
Everyone had fun looking at this full of health and liveliness,
pretty expectant mother, who bore her pain so easily
The image of L. was formed by Tolstoy in the first edition and remained without
changes. His wife served as the prototype for the little princess
second cousin of the writer Princess L. I. Volkonskaya, née
Truzson, some of whose features were used by Tolstoy.
The "Little Princess" was universally loved because of her
always lively and courteous secular woman, which
I couldn’t imagine my life outside of the world. In her relationship with her husband
characterized by a complete misunderstanding of his aspirations and character. During
disputes with her husband, her face took on a “brutal,
squirrel expression”, however Prince Andrey repenting of marrying
L., in a conversation with Pierre and his father, notes that this is one of the rare
women with whom “you can rest assured for your honor.”
After Bolkonsky left for the war, L. lives in Bald Mountains,
experiencing constant fear and antipathy towards his father-in-law and becoming friendly
not with her sister-in-law, but with the princess’s empty and frivolous companion
Mary, Mademoiselle Bourrienne. L. dies, as she had a presentiment, in
the time of childbirth, on the day of the return of Prince Andrei, who was considered killed.
The expression on her face before and after her death seems to speak of
that she loves everyone, does no harm to anyone and cannot understand why
suffers. Her death leaves the prince with a feeling of irreparable guilt
Andrey and the old prince's sincere pity.

Volkonskaya Marya- Princess, daughter of the old Prince Bolkonsky,
Prince Andrei's sister, later wife Nikolai Rostov. MIND.
"ugly weak body and thin face... the princess's eyes are big,
deep and radiant (as if rays warm light sometimes in sheaves
came out of them) were so good that very often, despite
the ugliness of the whole face, these eyes became more attractive than beauty.”
M. is very religious, receives pilgrims and wanderers, tolerating
ridicule of father and brother. She has no friends with whom she could
share your thoughts. Her life is centered on her love for her father,
often unfair to her, to her brother and his son
Nikolenka (after the death of the “little princess”), to whom she, like
Maybe he's replacing his mother.
M. is an intelligent, meek, educated woman who does not hope for
personal happiness. Due to the unfair reproaches of his father and the impossibility
She even wanted to be more patient and go on a journey. Her life
changes after meeting with Nikolai Rostov, who managed to guess
the wealth of her soul. Having gotten married, the heroine is happy, completely
sharing all her husband’s views “on duty and oath.”

Bolkonsky Andrey- one of the main characters of the novel, prince, son of N.
A. Bolkonsky, brother of Princess Marya. “...Small in stature, very
a handsome young man with defined and dry features.” This
smart, proud, seeking great intellectual and spiritual
content in a person's life. His sister notes some kind of “pride” in him
thoughts,” he is reserved, educated, practical and has a strong will.
By origin, B. occupies one of the most enviable places in
society, but unhappy in family life and not satisfied with emptiness
Sveta. At the beginning of the novel, his hero is Napoleon. Wanting to imitate
Napoleon, dreaming of “his Toulon,” he leaves for the active
army, where he shows courage, composure, heightened senses
honor, duty, justice. Participates in the Battle of Shengraben.
Seriously wounded in the Battle of Austerlitz, B. understands the futility
your dreams and the insignificance of your idol. The hero returns
home, where he was considered dead, on the day of his son’s birth and death
wives. These events shock him even more, leaving him feeling guilty
before deceased wife. Having decided not to serve again after Austerlitz, B.
lives in Bogucharovo, doing housework, raising a son and a lot of
reading. During Pierre's arrival, he admits that he lives for
only himself, but something momentarily awakens in his soul when he sees
for the first time since being wounded, the sky was above me. From this time on
preservation of previous circumstances began “in his inner world
new life".
Over the two years of living in the village, B. has been doing a lot of analysis
recent military campaigns, which prompts him under the influence
trips to Otradnoye and awakened vitality to go to St. Petersburg,
where he works under the supervision of Speransky, who supervises the preparation
legislative changes.
In St. Petersburg, B.’s second meeting with Natasha takes place, in the hero’s soul
a deep feeling and hope for happiness arises. Postponing the wedding
for a year under the influence of the father, who did not agree with his son’s decision, B.
goes abroad. After the betrayal of the bride, to forget about it,
to calm the feelings that rushed over him, he returns to
army under the command of Kutuzov. By participating in Patriotic War, B. wishes
to be at the front, and not at headquarters, gets closer to the soldiers and comprehends
the imperious power of the “spirit of the army” fighting for the liberation of its
homeland. Before participating in the last battle of Borodino in his life,
The hero meets and talks with Pierre. Having received a fatal
wounded, B., by coincidence, leaves Moscow for
Rostov's wagon train, on the way reconciling with Natasha, forgiving her and understanding
before death the true meaning the power of love connecting people.

Bolkonsky Nikolai Andreevich- prince, general-in-chief,
dismissed from service under Paul I and exiled to the village. Father
Princess Marya and Prince Andrei. In the image of the old Prince Tolstoy
restored many of the features of his maternal grandfather, Prince N.S.
Volkonsky, “an intelligent, proud and gifted man.”
N.A. lives in the village, meticulously distributing his time, more
I can't stand idleness, stupidity, superstition and violation of times
established order; demanding and harsh with everyone, often harassing
nagging his daughter, while deep down loving her. Revered by all
the prince “walked in the old-fashioned way, in a caftan and powder,” was short, “in
powdered wig... with small dry hands and gray
drooping eyebrows, sometimes, as he frowned, obscuring the shine
smart and definitely young, brilliant eyes.” He is very proud, smart, reserved
in the manifestation of feelings; perhaps his main concern is
preservation of family honor and dignity. Before last days life
the old prince retains an interest in political and military events,
only just before death, losing real ideas about the scale
misfortune that happened to Russia. They are the ones who brought up feelings
pride, duty, patriotism and scrupulous honesty in his son Andrei.
Bolkonsky Nikolenka - the son of Prince Andrei and “little
princess”, born on the day of his mother’s death and his father’s return,
considered dead. He was brought up first in his grandfather's house, then
Princess Marya. Outwardly he looks very much like his late mother: he has
the same upturned sponge and curly dark hair. N. is growing
a smart, impressionable and nervous boy. In the epilogue of the novel he
15 years old, he witnesses an argument between Nikolai Rostov and Pierre
Bezukhov. Under this impression, N. sees a dream in which Tolstoy
completes the events of the novel and in which the hero sees glory, himself,
the late father and uncle Pierre at the head of a large “right” army.

Denisov Vasily Dmitrievich- combat hussar officer, player,
a passionate, noisy "little man with a red face, shiny
black eyes, black tousled mustache and hair.”
D. - commander and friend of Nikolai Rostov, a man for whom
Above all else in life is the honor of the regiment in which he serves. He's brave
capable of daring and rash actions, as in the case of capture
food transport, participates in all campaigns, commanding
in 1812 by a partisan detachment that freed prisoners, including
D.'s prototype was largely the hero of the war of 1812 D.V.
Davydov, mentioned in the novel and as a historical figure.

Dolokhov Fedor- “Semyonovsky officer, famous player and
Breter." “Dolokhov was a man of average height, with curly hair and fair hair.
blue eyes. He was about twenty-five years old. He didn't wear a mustache, just like
all the infantry officers, and his mouth, the most striking feature of his face,
was all visible. The lines of this mouth were remarkably finely curved. IN
in the middle, the upper lip energetically dropped onto the strong lower lip
with a sharp wedge, and in the corners something like two
smiles, one on each side; and all together, and especially in
combined with a firm, insolent, intelligent look, constituted
the impression was such that it was impossible not to notice this face.” Prototypes
image of Dolokhov - R.I. Dorokhov, reveler and brave man, whom Tolstoy
knew in the Caucasus; relative of the writer, famous in early XIX V. graph
F. I. Tolstoy is an American, who also served as the prototype of A.’s heroes.
S. Pushkin, A. S. Griboyedov; partisans of the Patriotic War
1812 A. S. Figner.
D. is not rich, but knows how to position himself in society in such a way that everyone
they respect and even fear him. He gets bored in the conditions ordinary life And
gets rid of boredom in a strange, even cruel way, by doing
incredible deeds. In 1805, he was expelled for mischief with a police officer.
from St. Petersburg, demoted to private, but during the war
campaign regains his officer rank.
D. is smart, brave, cold-blooded, indifferent to death. He carefully
hides his tender affection for his mother from strangers,
confessing to Rostov that everyone considers him an evil person, and on
in fact, he doesn’t want to know anyone except those he loves.
Dividing all people into useful and harmful, he sees around him in
mostly harmful, unloved, who are ready
“to run over if they stand on the road.” D. is impudent, cruel and treacherous.
Being Helen's lover, he provokes Pierre to a duel;
cold-bloodedly and dishonestly beats Nikolai Rostov, avenging his refusal
Sony responds to his proposal; helps Anatoly Kuragin prepare his escape
with Natasha.

Drubetskoy Boris- son of Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya; With
childhood, he was brought up and lived for a long time in the Rostov family, who, through
mother is a relative, was in love with Natasha. "High
a blond young man with regular, delicate features of a calm and
beautiful face." The prototypes of the hero are A. M. Kuzminsky and M. D.
D. has dreamed of a career since his youth, is very proud, but accepts the hassle
mother and condones her humiliation if it benefits him.
A. M. Drubetskaya, through Prince Vasily, gets her son a place in the guard.
Once in military service, D. dreams of doing exactly this in this area
a brilliant career.
Taking part in the campaign of 1805, he acquired many useful contacts
and understands the “unwritten chain of command”, wanting to continue to serve
only in accordance with it. In 1806 A.P. Scherer “treats” them,
who arrived from the Prussian army as a courier, their guests. In the light of D.
strives to make useful contacts and uses the latest
money to appear rich and successful
person. He becomes a close person in the house of Helen and her
lover. During the meeting of the emperors in Tilsit, D. is
there, and from that time on his position was especially strengthened
durable. In 1809, D., seeing Natasha again, becomes interested in her and some
time does not know what to choose, since marriage with Natasha would mean
end of career. D. is looking for a rich bride, choosing one time
between Princess Marya and Julie Karagina, who eventually became
his wife.

Karataev Platon- a soldier of the Absheron regiment who met
Pierre Bezukhov in captivity. Nicknamed Falcon in the service. In the first
there was no edition of this character's novel. Its appearance is due to
apparently, the development and finalization of the image of Pierre and
philosophical concept of the novel.
At the first meeting with this small, affectionate and good-natured
as a person, Pierre is struck by the feeling of something round and calm,
that comes from K. He attracts everyone to himself with his calmness,
confidence, kindness and smile of his round face.
One day K. tells the story of an innocently convicted merchant,
humbled and suffering “for his own and for other people’s sins.” This
the story makes an impression among the prisoners as something very
important. Weakened by fever, K. begins to lag behind on crossings; his
French guards shoot.
After K.’s death, thanks to his wisdom and unconsciously
Pierre's folk philosophy of life, which was evident in his entire behavior,
comes to understand the meaning of life.

Kuragin Anatol- son of Prince Vasily, brother of Helen and Hippolyte,
Officer. In contrast to the “calm fool” Ippolit, Prince Vasily
looks at A. as a “restless fool” who always needs
get out of trouble. A. is a tall, handsome man with a good-natured and
“victorious appearance”, “beautiful big” eyes and fair-haired
hair. He is dapper, arrogant, stupid, not resourceful, not eloquent in
conversations, depraved, but “at least he also had a precious thing for the world
the capacity for calm and unalterable confidence.” Being
Dolokhov's friend and participant in his revelry, A. looks at his life
as a constant pleasure and amusement that should
being someone is arranged for him, he doesn't care about his own
relationships with other people. A. refers to women
contemptuously and with a consciousness of his superiority, having become accustomed
to please and without having serious feelings for anyone.
After being infatuated with Natasha Rostova and trying to take her away, A.
forced to hide from Moscow, and then from Prince Andrei,
intending to challenge the offender to a duel. Their last meeting
will take place in the infirmary after the Battle of Borodino: A. is wounded, he
leg amputated.

Kuragin Vasily- Prince, father of Helen, Anatole and Hippolyte; famous
and an influential person in St. Petersburg society, occupying important positions
court posts.
Prince V. treats everyone around him condescendingly
patronizingly, speaks quietly, always bending his hand
interlocutor. He appears “in a courtier’s embroidered uniform, in stockings,
shoes, under the stars, with a bright expression on a flat face,” with
“perfumed and shining bald head.” When he smiles, there are wrinkles
his mouth forms “something unexpectedly rude and unpleasant.” Prince
V. does not wish harm to anyone, does not think through his plans in advance, but, as
a secular person, uses circumstances and connections to
carry out the plans that arise naturally in his
consciousness. He always strives to get closer to people who are richer
and above him in position.
The hero considers himself an exemplary father who did everything possible
to raise children and continue to care about their future.
Having learned about Princess Marya, Prince V. takes Anatoly to Bald Mountains, wanting
marry him to a rich heiress. A relative of the old Count Bezukhov,
he goes to Moscow and gets involved with Princess Katisha before his death
Count intrigue to prevent Pierre Bezukhov from becoming heir. Not
having succeeded in this matter, he starts a new intrigue and marries Pierre and Helene.

Kuragina Elen- daughter of Prince Vasily, and then the wife of Pierre Bezukhov.
A brilliant St. Petersburg beauty with an “unchanging smile”,
white full shoulders, glossy hair and beautiful
camp. There was no noticeable coquetry in her, as if she was ashamed
“for its undoubtedly and too powerfully and victoriously acting
beauty." E. is unperturbed, giving everyone the right to admire herself,
which is why she feels like she has a gloss from so many other people’s glances.
She knows how to be silently worthy in the world, making an impression
tactful and smart woman, which, in combination with beauty, provides
gives her constant success.
Having married Pierre Bezukhov, the heroine discovers
with her husband, not only limited intellect, coarseness of thought and
vulgarity, but also cynical depravity. After breaking up with Pierre
and receiving from him by proxy a large part of the fortune, she
lives sometimes in St. Petersburg, sometimes abroad, sometimes returns to her husband.
Despite the family breakup, the constant change of lovers, including
which Dolokhov and Drubetskoy, E. continues to be one of
the most famous and favored ladies of St. Petersburg society. In the light she
is making great progress; living alone, she becomes a housewife
diplomatic and political salon, gains a reputation
smart woman. Having decided to convert to Catholicism and considering
the possibility of divorce and a new marriage, confused between two very
influential high-ranking lovers and patrons,
E. dies in 1812.

Kutuzov- Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army. Participant
real historical events, described by Tolstoy, and at the same time
the plot of the work. He has a “plump, wound-disfigured face” with
aquiline nose; he is gray-haired, plump, heavily mortared
et. On the pages of the novel, K. first appears in an episode of viewing under
Braunau, impressing everyone with his knowledge of the matter and attention,
hidden behind apparent absent-mindedness. K. knows how to be diplomatic;
he is quite cunning and speaks “with elegance of expressions and intonations”,
"with an affectation of respect" of a subordinate and
an unreasoning person when safety is not involved
homeland, as before the Battle of Austerlitz. Before Shengrabensky
During the battle, K., crying, blesses Bagration.
In 1812, K., contrary to the opinion of secular circles, received a princely title
dignity and is appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian army. He
favorite of soldiers and military officers. Since the beginning of its activities in
as commander in chief, K. believes that to win the campaign
“it takes patience and time”, that the whole matter can be solved not by knowledge, not
plans, not the mind, but “something else, independent of the mind and knowledge.” According to
Tolstoy's historical and philosophical concept, personality is not
able to truly influence the course of historical events. TO.
has the ability to “calmly contemplate the course of events,” however
knows how to see everything, listen, remember, does not interfere with anything useful
walk around and not allow anything harmful. On the eve and during Bo-
homeland battle commander oversees preparations for battle,
together with all the soldiers and militiamen prays in front of the icon
Smolensk Mother of God, and during the battle controls the “elusive
force" called the "spirit of the army." Experiences painful feelings
K., making the decision to leave Moscow, but “to all Russians
with his being" knows that the French will be defeated. Having channeled everything
his strength for the liberation of his homeland, K. dies when his role
fulfilled, and the enemy was driven beyond the borders of Russia. "Simple, modest and
therefore it is true majestic figure this one couldn't lie down in that one
lying form European hero, supposedly managing people,
which history has invented."

Napoleon - french emperor; real historical figure,
depicted in the novel, the hero whose image is associated
historical and philosophical concept of L. N. Tolstoy.
At the beginning of the work, N. is the idol of Andrei Bolkonsky, a man
before whose greatness Pierre Bezukhov, a politician whose
actions and personality are discussed in the high society salon of A.P.
Scherer. How actor the novel appears in Austerlitz
battle, after which the wounded Prince Andrei sees “the radiance
complacency and happiness” on N.’s face, admiring the view of the battlefield.
N.’s figure is “fat, short... with wide, thick
shoulders and involuntarily thrust forward belly and chest, had that
the representative, dignified appearance that those living in the hallway have
forty-year-old people"; his face is youthful, full, with a prominent
chin, short hair, and “his white plump neck sharply
spoke out from behind the black collar of her uniform.” Complacency and
N.'s self-confidence is expressed in the belief that his presence
plunges people into delight and self-forgetfulness that everything in the world depends
only by his will. Sometimes he is prone to outbursts of anger.
Even before the order to cross the borders of Russia, the hero’s imagination did not
Moscow gives him peace, and during the war he does not foresee its general course.
Giving battle of Borodino, N. acts “involuntarily and
pointless,” without being able to somehow influence its course,
although it does not do anything harmful to the cause. For the first time during
Battle of Borodino, he experiences bewilderment and hesitation, and
after him, the sight of the dead and wounded “defeated that spiritual strength in
to which he attributed his merit and greatness." According to the author, N. was
an inhuman role was prepared for him, his mind and conscience were darkened, and
actions were “too contrary to goodness and truth, too
far from everything human."

Rostov Ilya Andreevich- Count, father of Natasha, Nikolai, Vera and
Petya Rostov, famous Moscow gentleman, rich man, hospitable man. R. knows how
and loves to live, is good-natured, generous and spendthrift. Many character traits
and some episodes from the life of his paternal grandfather, Count I.
A. Tolstoy, the writer used to create the image of the old count
Rostov, noting in his appearance those features that are known from
grandfather's portrait: full body, "sparse gray hair on a bald head."
R. is known in Moscow not only as a hospitable host and
a wonderful family man, but also as a person who knows better than others
arrange a ball, reception, dinner, and if necessary, then contribute your own
money. He has been a member and foreman of the English club since its foundation.
It is he who is entrusted with the task of arranging a dinner in honor of
Count R.'s life is burdened only by the constant consciousness of his
gradual ruin, which he is unable to stop, allowing
managers rob themselves, not knowing how to refuse applicants, not being in
the power to change the established order of life. Most of all he suffers
from the consciousness that he is ruining the children, however, he becomes more and more confused in his affairs.
To improve their property affairs, the Rostovs live for two years in
village, the count leaves the leaders, is looking for a place in St. Petersburg,
transporting your family there with your own habits and social circle
giving the impression of a provincial there.
R. is distinguished by tender deep love and kindness in his heart.
towards his wife and children. When leaving Moscow after Borodino
battles, it is the old count who begins to slowly give back the carts
under the wounded, thereby delivering one of the last blows to his
condition. Events of 1812-1813 and the loss of Petya is final
broke the hero's mental and physical strength. Last event
which he, out of old habit, manages, producing the same
active impression - the wedding of Natasha and Pierre; that same year Count
dies “precisely at a time when things... are so confused that it is impossible
could not imagine how it would all end,” and leaves
good memory.

Rostov Nikolay- son of Count Rostov, brother of Vera, Natasha and Petya,
officer, hussar; at the end of the novel, the husband of Princess Marya Bol-konskaya.
“A short, curly-haired young man with an open expression on his face,”
in which one saw “swiftness and enthusiasm.” N. writer
given some features of his father, N. I. Tolstoy, a participant in the war of 1812
d. The hero is distinguished by many of the same traits of openness, cheerfulness,
goodwill, self-sacrifice, musicality and
emotionality, like all Rostovs. Confident that he is not
an official and not a diplomat, N. at the beginning of the novel leaves the university and
enters the Pavlograd Hussar Regiment, in which for a long time
his whole life is concentrated. He takes part in military campaigns and
Patriotic War of 1812. N. receives his first baptism of fire during
crossing the Enns, not being able to combine the “fear
death and stretchers and love for the sun and life." In Shengrabensky
In the battle, he goes on the attack too bravely, but, being wounded in the arm,
gets lost and leaves the battlefield with the thought of the absurdity of the death of the one “whom
everyone loves it that way.” Having passed these tests, N. becomes brave
an officer, a real hussar; he retains a feeling of adoration
sovereign and fidelity to duty. Feeling like I'm in my own regiment
at home, as if in some special world, where everything is simple and clear, N. finds himself and
there not free from solving complex moral problems, like,
for example, in the case of officer Telyanin. In the regiment N. becomes
“quite hardened” kind fellow, but remains sensitive and open
for a subtle feeling. IN peaceful life he acts like he's real
His long-lasting romance with Sonya ends with a noble
N.’s decision to marry a dowry-free woman even against the will of his mother,
however, he receives a letter from Sonya returning his freedom. IN
1812, during one of his trips, N. met Princess Marya and
helps her leave Bogucharovo. Princess Marya amazes him with her
meekness and spirituality. After the death of his father, N. goes to
resignation, accepting all obligations and debts of the deceased,
taking care of his mother and Sonya. When meeting with Princess Volkonskaya, he
noble motives tries to avoid her, one of the richest
brides, but their mutual feeling does not weaken and is crowned with happiness
a smoldering marriage.

Rostov Petya- younger son Counts Rostov, brother of Vera, Nikolai,
Natasha. At the beginning of the novel, P. is still a little boy, enthusiastically
lending itself to the general atmosphere of life in a Rostov house. He
musical, like all Rostovs, kind and cheerful. After Nicholas's accession to
P.’s army wants to imitate his brother, and in 1812, enthusiastic
patriotic impulse and enthusiastic attitude towards the sovereign,
asks to join the army. “Snub-nosed Petya, with his cheerful black
eyes, a fresh blush and a little fluff on the cheeks"
becomes after departure the main concern of the mother, who is aware only of
this time the full depth of your love for youngest child. During
war, P. accidentally ends up with an assignment in Denisov’s detachment, where he remains
wants to take part in this case. He dies by accident
showing the best in relations with comrades on the eve of death
traits of the “Rostov breed”, inherited by him in his native home.

Rostov- Countess, “a woman with an oriental type of thin face, years
forty-five, apparently exhausted by children... The slowness of her movements
and the talk, which stemmed from the weakness of her strength, gave her significant
a look that inspires respect." When creating the image of the Countess R. Tolstoy
character traits and some life circumstances were used
his paternal grandmother P.N. Tolstoy and mother-in-law L.A. Bers.
R. is used to living in luxury, in an atmosphere of love and kindness. She
is proud of the friendship and trust of his children, spoils them, worries about them
fate. Despite the apparent weakness and even lack of will, Countess
makes balanced and reasonable decisions regarding the fate of children.
Her love for children is also dictated by her desire to do whatever it takes
marry Nikolai to a rich bride, nagging Sonya. News about
Petya's death almost leads her to insanity. The only one
the subject of the countess's displeasure is the old count's inability to govern
affairs and small quarrels with him over the waste of the children's fortune. At
In this case, the heroine cannot understand either the position of her husband or the position of her son,
with whom he remains after the death of the count, demanding the usual luxury and
fulfillment of all your whims and desires.

Rostova Natasha- one of the main heroines of the novel, daughter of a count
Rostova, sister of Nikolai, Vera and Petya; at the end of the novel Pierre's wife
Bezukhova. N. - “black-eyed, with big mouth, ugly, but alive...”
Tolstoy used his wife and her sister T.A. as its prototype.
Bers, married Kuzminskaya. According to the writer, he “took Tanya,
interchanged with Sonya, and it turned out to be Natasha.” The image of the heroine took shape
gradually from the very inception of the idea, when the writer next to his
His wife also appears as a hero, a former Decembrist.
N. is very emotional and sensitive, she intuitively guesses people,
“not deigning” to be smart, sometimes in the manifestations of one’s feelings
selfish, but more often capable of self-forgetfulness and self-sacrifice,
as in the case of transporting the wounded from Moscow or nursing a mother
after Petya's death.
One of the defining qualities and advantages of N. is her music.
caliber and a voice of rare beauty. With her singing she is capable
influence the best in a person: it is N.’s singing that saves from
despair after losing 43 thousand to Nikolai. Old Count Rostov
says about N. that she is all about him, “gunpowder,” but Akhrosimova calls her
"Cossack" and "potion girl".
Constantly carried away, N. lives in an atmosphere of love and
happiness. A change in her fate occurs after meeting the prince
Andrey, who became her fiancé. Impatient feeling overwhelming
N., the insult inflicted by the old Prince Bolkonsky is being pushed
her to her passion for Anatoly Kuragin, to her refusal to Prince Andrei. Only
Having experienced and felt a lot, she realizes her guilt before
Bolkonsky, reconciling with him and remaining near the dying prince
Andrew until his death. N. experiences true love
only to Pierre Bezukhov, with whom he finds complete understanding and
whose wife she becomes, plunging into the world of family and maternal

Sonya- niece and pupil of the old Count Rostov,
grew up in his family. S.'s storyline is based on T.'s fate.
A. Ergolskaya, relative, close friend and teacher
writer who lived until the end of her days in Yasnaya Polyana and in many ways
prompted Tolstoy to study literary work. However
Ergolskaya’s spiritual appearance is quite far from the character and
the heroine's inner world.
At the beginning of the novel, S. is 15 years old, she is “thin, petite
brunette with a soft, thick look shaded by long eyelashes
a black braid that wrapped around her head twice, and a yellowish tint
skin on the face and especially on naked skinny, but
graceful hands and neck. Smooth movements, softness and
flexibility of small members and somewhat cunning and restrained
in manner she resembles a beautiful, but not yet formed
a kitten who will be a lovely little cat.”
S. fits perfectly into the Rostov family, is unusually close
and is friendly with Natasha, has been in love with Nikolai since childhood. She's reserved
silent, reasonable, cautious, in her highest degree developed
ability to self-sacrifice. S. attracts attention
beauty and moral purity, but it doesn’t have that one
spontaneity and inexplicably irresistible charm that is
in Natasha. S.’s feeling for Nikolai is so constant and deep that
she wants to “love always, and let him be free.” This feeling
forces her to refuse the enviable groom in her dependent position -
The content of the heroine’s life depends entirely on her love:
she is happy, being connected by word with Nikolai Rostov,
especially after Christmastide and his refusal of his mother’s request to go to Moscow,
to marry the rich Julie Karagina. Your destiny S.
finally decides under the influence of biased reproaches and reproaches
old countess, not wanting to pay with ingratitude for everything that was
done for her in the Rostov family, and most importantly, wishing Nikolai happiness.
She writes him a letter in which she releases him from his word,
however, he secretly hopes that his marriage with Princess Marya will be
impossible after Prince Andrei’s recovery. After the death of the old
the count remains with the countess to live in the care of the one who has left
resignation of Nikolai Rostov.

Tushin- staff captain, hero of the Battle of Shengraben,
"a small, dirty, thin artillery officer with big,
smart and kind eyes. There was something “non-military” about this man,
somewhat comical, but extremely attractive." T. becomes shy when
meetings with superiors, and there is always some kind of fault. The day before
battles, he talks about the fear of death and the unknown
what awaits after it.
In battle, T. completely changes, imagining himself as a hero
fantastic picture, a hero throwing at the enemy
cannonballs, and the enemy's guns seem to him the same
puffing on smoking pipes like his own.
Battery T. was forgotten during the battle and left without cover. During the battle
T. there is no feeling of fear and thoughts about death and injury. He becomes everything
more and more fun, the soldiers listen to him like children, he does everything that
maybe, thanks to his ingenuity, he sets fire to the village of Shengraben. From
another trouble (cannons left on the battlefield) of the hero
Andrei Bolkonsky comes to the rescue, announcing to Bagration that
It was to this man that the detachment owed much of its success.

Sherer Anna Pavlovna- maid of honor and close associate of the empress
Maria Feodorovna, owner of the fashionable high society in St. Petersburg
"political" salon, with a description of the evening in which Tolstoy begins
your novel. A.P. is 40 years old, she has “outdated facial features”, every time she
the mention of the empress expressing a combination of sadness,
devotion and respect. The heroine is dexterous, tactful, and influential in
courtyard, prone to intrigue. Her attitude towards any person or
the event is always dictated by the latest political,
courtly or secular considerations, she is close to the family
Kuragin and is friendly with Prince Vasily.
A.P. is constantly “full of animation and impulse”, “to be
her social position made her an enthusiast,” and in her
salon, in addition to discussing the latest courtiers and political
news, she always treats guests to some new product or
celebrity, and in 1812 her circle demonstrated in St. Petersburg
world of salon patriotism.

Shcherbaty Tikhon- a man from Pokrovsky near Gzhat,
pestered partisan detachment Denisova. Got my nickname
due to the lack of one tooth. He is dexterous, walks on “flat, inverted
feet." In the squad T. is the most necessary person, no one is more dexterous than him
can lead to "tongue" and perform any inconvenient and dirty
work. T. goes to the French with pleasure, bringing trophies and
bringing prisoners, but after his injury he begins to needlessly
kill the French, laughingly referring to the fact that they were
"bad". This is why he is not liked in the squad.

And the world - "L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - Maria Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya."

"L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - Maria Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya."

L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - Maria Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya.

Marya Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya is the daughter of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky. Her whole life was filled with continuous studies, because her father wanted to develop two main virtues in his daughter - activity and intelligence. The prince gave her lessons in algebra and geometry. But “the princess was as disorderly as her father was decent.”

Marya Nikolaevna had an ugly, weak body and a thin face. Her eyes, large, deep and radiant, always remained sad, but were so beautiful, “that very often, despite the ugliness of the whole face, these eyes became more attractive than beauty.”

Marya Nikolaevna loved her family, parents' house. She respected and loved her father, even though he had a bad character. Everything he did “aroused in her a reverence that was not subject to discussion.”

The princess loved her brother, Prince Andrei, and looked at him with love and sadness in her eyes upon his arrival from St. Petersburg to the Lesnye Gory.

Marya Nikolaevna was a lively person, reacting to any change in the mood of those around her. She was upset if the prince was out of sorts, rejoiced at the arrival of her fiancé Anatole, worried and flared up, became ugly and prettier literally before our eyes.

"When thinking about marriage, Princess Marya dreamed of family happiness and children, but the main, strongest dream was earthly love." The princess was worried and was in constant doubt about this.

The main impulse of her heart were the words: “Don’t desire anything for yourself, don’t search, don’t worry, don’t envy.” Masha believed in the unknown of human destiny and in the will of God for everything, “without whose will not a single hair will fall from a human head.”

Marya Nikolaevna naively saw love, kindness and openness of soul in all people. So Anatole, who was driven only by passion and greed, appeared to her as kind, brave, decisive, courageous and generous.

The princess always sacrificed herself and was glad for the happiness of other people.

“My calling is to be happy with another kind of happiness, the happiness of love and self-sacrifice... I will be so happy when she is his wife...” - this is what she thought when she saw Anatole with another woman in the garden.

This is Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya - naive, kind, open-hearted, dreamy, smart and happy with the happiness of others.

Count Ilya Andreich arrived in Moscow at the end of January with Natasha and Sonya. The Countess was still unwell and could not travel, but it was impossible to wait for her recovery: Prince Andrei was expected in Moscow every day; in addition, it was necessary to purchase a dowry, it was necessary to sell the property near Moscow, and it was necessary to take advantage of the presence of the old prince in Moscow to introduce him to his future daughter-in-law. The Rostovs' house in Moscow was unheated; in addition, they arrived for a short time, the countess was not with them, and therefore Ilya Andreich decided to stay in Moscow with Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova, who had long offered her hospitality to the count. Late in the evening, four of the Rostovs' carts drove into Marya Dmitrievna's yard in Staraya Konyushennaya. Marya Dmitrievna lived alone. She has already married off her daughter. Her sons were all in the service. She still held herself straight, spoke just as directly, loudly and decisively to everyone her opinion and with her whole being, as if she was reproaching other people for all sorts of weaknesses, passions and hobbies, which she did not recognize as possible. From early morning, in a short coat, she did housework, then went on holidays to mass and from mass to prisons and prisons, where she had business that she did not tell anyone about, and on weekdays, after getting dressed, she received petitioners of different classes at home who came to her every day, and then had lunch; at dinner, which was hearty and tasty, there were always three or four guests; after lunch I made a game of Boston; At night she forced herself to read newspapers and new books, and she knitted. She rarely made exceptions for trips, and if she did, she went only to the most important persons in the city. She had not yet gone to bed when the Rostovs arrived and the door on the block in the hall squealed, letting in the Rostovs and their servants who were coming in from the cold. Marya Dmitrievna, with glasses down on her nose, throwing her head back, stood in the doorway of the hall and looked at those entering with a stern, angry look. One would have thought that she was embittered against the visitors and would now throw them out, if at this time she had not given careful orders to people on how to accommodate the guests and their things. - Counts? Bring it here,” she said, pointing to the suitcases and not greeting anyone. - Young ladies, here, to the left. Well, why are you fawning! - she shouted at the girls. - Samovar to warm you up! She’s gained weight, she’s gotten prettier,” she said, pulling Natasha, flushed from the cold, by her hood. - Ugh, cold! “Undress quickly,” she shouted at the count, who wanted to approach her hand. - Probably frozen. Serve some rum for tea! Sonyushka, bonjour,” she said to Sonya, highlighting her slightly contemptuous and affectionate attitude towards Sonya with this French greeting. When everyone, having undressed and recovered from the road, came to tea, Marya Dmitrievna kissed everyone in order. “I’m glad with my soul that they came and that they stopped with me,” she said. “It’s high time,” she said, looking significantly at Natasha... “The old man is here, and they are expecting their son any day now.” We must, we must meet him. Well, we’ll talk about this later,” she added, looking at Sonya with a look that showed that she did not want to talk about it in front of her. “Now listen,” she turned to the count, “what do you need tomorrow?” Who will you send for? Shinshina? - she bent one finger, - crybaby Anna Mikhailovna - two. She's here with her son. My son is getting married! Then Bezukhova, or what? And he's here with his wife. He ran away from her, and she ran after him. He dined with me on Wednesday. Well, as for them,” she pointed to the young ladies, “tomorrow I’ll take them to Iverskaya, and then we’ll go to Ober-Shelme.” After all, you will probably do everything new? Don't take it from me, these days sleeves are what they are! The other day, the young Princess Irina Vasilievna came to see me: I was afraid to look, as if she had put two barrels on her hands. After all, today is the day - new fashion. So what are you doing? - She turned sternly to the count. “Everything suddenly came together,” answered the count. — To buy rags, and then there is a buyer for the Moscow region and for the house. If you're so kind, I'll find some time, go to Maryinskoye for a day, and show you my girls. - Okay, okay, I’ll be intact. It’s like in the Board of Trustees. “I’ll take them where they need to go, and scold them, and caress them,” said Marya Dmitrievna, touching big hand to the cheek of his favorite and goddaughter Natasha. The next morning, Marya Dmitrievna took the young ladies to Iverskaya and m-me Ober-Shalma, who was so afraid of Marya Dmitrievna that she always gave her outfits at a loss, just to get her out of her hands as quickly as possible. Marya Dmitrievna ordered almost the entire dowry. When she returned, she kicked everyone except Natasha out of the room and called her favorite to her chair. - Well, now let's talk. Congratulations on your fiance. Got the guy! I'm happy for you; and I’ve known him since those years (she pointed to an arshin from the ground). - Natasha blushed joyfully. - I love him and his whole family. Now listen. You know, old Prince Nikolai really did not want his son to get married. Good old man! It is, of course, Prince Andrei is not a child and will manage without him, but it is not good to enter the family against his will. It must be peaceful, loving. You are smart, you will be able to get by as needed. Treat yourself kindly and wisely. Everything will be fine. Natasha was silent, as Marya Dmitrievna thought, out of shyness, but, in essence, Natasha was unpleasant that Prince Andrei’s love affair was being interfered with in her affair, which seemed to her so special from all human affairs that no one, according to her concepts, could understand him . She loved and knew one Prince Andrei, he loved her and was supposed to come one of these days and take her. She didn't need anything else. “You see, I’ve known him for a long time, and I love Mashenka, your sister-in-law.” Sisters-in-law are beaters, but this one won’t hurt a fly. She asked me to set her up with you. Tomorrow you and your father will go to her, and give her a good hug: you are younger than her. Once yours arrives, you already know your sister and father and they love you. Yes or no? Surely it will be better? “Better,” Natasha answered reluctantly.

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In the novel L.N. There's a lot of Tolstoy female images, deprived of a pleasant appearance. This state of affairs has a negative impact on the owners of such a deficiency - they are ignored in society, they have every chance of remaining alone and not experiencing family happiness.
One of these characters is Marie Bolkonskaya.

Origin of Marie Bolkonskaya

Marya Bolkonskaya noble origin. Their family has ancient roots. Prince Rurik is their ancestor.

Their family is very rich.

Family of Marya Bolkonskaya

The Bolkonsky family is not as numerous as other families. At the head of the family is Prince Nikolai, a former military man complex nature and a cool disposition.

Mother Maria is no longer alive.

In addition to the girl, the family also has one child - her older brother Andrei. He was successfully married to Princess Lisa Meinen, but this brother’s marriage ended in tragedy - his young wife did not survive after childbirth and died. The child was saved - Marya takes over the functions of the mother in raising the child. This action is not forced - the young girl enjoys taking care of her nephew.

Among the family members one can also count Mademoiselle Bourien, a lifelong companion.

Appearance of Princess Marie

Nature was extremely unfair with the young girl - her appearance wants to be much better. The characters speak about her like this: “she doesn’t need to spoil anything - they’re already ugly.”

Marie is short, she has an overly thin face, her body was devoid of grace and beautiful shapes. She was physically weak and extremely unattractive.

The only thing that was beautiful in her appearance was her eyes: deep, radiant and sincere. Her eyes “were so good that very often, despite the ugliness of the whole face, these eyes became more attractive than beauty.”

Marie's gait was also not like the light tread of women - her steps were heavy.
Those around her understood that Marie had no chance of marrying for love: “And who will take her out of love? Dull, awkward. They’ll take you for your connections, for your wealth.”

The princess is not stupid, she understands the true state of things and is aware of her physical flaws, but, like everyone else, she wants to be loved and happy.

The moral character of the princess

The inner world of Princess Marya Bolkonskaya is significantly different from her appearance.

Marie was educated at home. Her father taught her exact sciences, in particular mathematics and geometry. The girl also knows how to play the clavichord. She often indulges music lessons and can play for a long time: “one could hear the difficult passages of Dussek’s sonata repeated twenty times.”

The girl has a pure soul, she is full of noble aspirations. Those who communicate with her for some time note this fact. They are touched by the girl’s sincerity and kindness. Marie does not know how to deceive people and be disingenuous; prudence and coquetry are alien to her.

She has a calm disposition and has the ability to analyze the actions and words of others. This allows her to be in non-conflict relationships even with the most hot-tempered people. The princess first of all draws attention to inner world of a person, what is important to her is not the inner shell of a person, but his thoughts and moral character.

Marie is a deeply religious girl. Religion becomes her passion, in which she finds answers to many questions that interest her inquisitive mind:

“religion, and only religion, can, let alone console us, but save us from despair; Religion alone can explain to us what man cannot understand without its help.”

Marie often helps homeless people, she does this secretly from her father: “This comforting dream and hope were given to her by God’s people - holy fools and wanderers, who visited her secretly from the prince.”

Her nephew Nikolenka becomes her second passion - the girl gets sincere pleasure from playing and teaching the child. Communication with the child was her consolation and, in fact, the only joy in life.

Marie's attitude towards family members

Relations in the Bolkonsky family are strained and tense. First of all, this is due to the character and disposition of the old count. He is a quick-tempered and harsh person. He does not know how to control himself and often addresses his family in the rudest form. Marie continually endures mockery and unjustified remarks. "All the outbursts of his causeless anger for the most part attacked Princess Marya. It was as if he was diligently looking for all her most painful places in order to morally torture her as cruelly as possible.”

She steadfastly endures all his insults. Marie does not think that her father hates her, she understands that he does not know how to express his love and care in any other way.

Marie's attitude towards high society

According to her status, Marie has all the rights to lead active work in aristocratic circles, but she does not do this. The girl has spent her whole life in the village, and she has no desire to change anything in this regard. It is likely that this attitude was influenced by the encouragement of other norms of behavior - coquetry, which often turns into love affair, deception, lies, hypocrisy - all this is alien to Marie. Another reason for not attending public places it could quite possibly have something to do with the princess’s appearance. Naturally, the girl was not alien to love and affection; she wanted to create her own personal family, and in society she would have to notice the predominance of a person’s external qualities over his moral character. Marie would become lonely in such a world.

Willingness to be friendly

Marie does not shy away from communicating with people. She is willing to maintain friendly relations with them. For example, she actively communicates with Princess Julie Karagina. In fact, this is her only friend. Julie, like Marie, is also not blessed with a pretty face, so both girls are familiar with unpleasant feelings about the perception of appearance. The friends are sincere in their friendly impulses and are ready to support each other in any situation.

The second person with whom Marie shares feelings of friendship is Mademoiselle Bourien. The girl lives in the Bolkonskys' house and is a companion. Their communication is radically different from their friendship with Julie. First of all, this concerns the attitude of Mademoiselle Bourrienne towards Marie. In her case, it's pseudo friendship. The girl is ready to deceive Marie for selfish purposes.

Marie Bolkonskaya and Anatol Kuragin

Naturally, marriage was the only way for Princess Marie to escape from home and end her miserable life of abuse. Therefore, when Anatol Kuragin comes with his father to woo the girl, she experiences anxiety.

“When thinking about marriage, Princess Marya dreamed of family happiness and children, but her main, strongest and hidden dream was earthly love.”

Anatole impresses her with his appearance - he is very handsome. To the girl he seems a good man, but her father doesn’t think so - Nikolai Bolkonsky is not such a naive and gullible person as his daughter. It was not hidden from his gaze that Anatole did not experience not only love, nor even a feeling of sympathy for his daughter, nor the young man’s interest in the Bolkonskys’ maid.

He tells his daughter about this and makes her think that Anatole is not a match for her - he is only interested in money, but leaves the final choice to his daughter. Marie witnesses Anatole's tenderness with Mademoiselle Bourien and refuses young man.

Marriage to Nikolai Rostov

New Hope for personal happiness, it lit up in Marie’s soul with the appearance of Nikolai Rostov in her life. Marriage to this man allowed the princess to develop morally and spiritually. She realized herself as a mother. The role of a teacher is close to Marie; she enjoys taking care of her children and even keeps a diary where she writes down all kinds of information related to the stages of development and the characteristics of raising her children.

4.6 (91.11%) 9 votes

In the section on the question Who read War and Peace??? Help me please!!! given by the author Squander the best answer is Most likely we're talking about really about name days, so I’ll add to the previous answers:
2. They were waiting for Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova.
3. I quote “She took out pear-shaped yakhon earrings from her huge reticule and, giving them to Natasha, who was beaming and flushed with her birthday...”
4. At the table they talked about the war with Bonaparte, the children argued about what kind of ice cream there would be. Quote “Mom! What kind of cake will it be?” - even more decisively, without breaking down,
Natasha's voice sounded.
The Countess wanted to frown, but could not. Marya Dmitrievna threatened
thick finger.
“Cossack,” she said threateningly.
Most of the guests looked at their elders, not knowing how to receive
this trick.
- Here I am! - said the countess.
-- Mother! what kind of cake will there be? - Natasha shouted boldly and
capriciously and cheerfully, confident in advance that her prank will be well received.
Sonya and fat Petya were hiding from laughter.
“So I asked,” Natasha whispered to her little brother and Pierre, on
which she looked at again.
“Ice cream, but they won’t give it to you,” said Marya Dmitrievna.
Natasha saw that there was nothing to be afraid of, and therefore she was not afraid of Marya either.
- Marya Dmitrievna? what ice cream! I don't like cream.
- Carrot.
- No, which one? Marya Dmitrievna, which one? - she almost screamed. --I want
Marya Dmitrievna and the Countess laughed, and all the guests followed them. All
they laughed not at Marya Dmitrievna’s answer, but at her incomprehensible courage and dexterity
this girl who knew how and dared to treat Marya Dmitrievna like that.
Good luck!