The morality of Russian women is discussed. Morality and ethics of modern girls

Debauchery and other vices, I hope you already understand what’s what. Here I would like to touch upon the topic of what to do next and what values ​​should be inherent in a free person?

Today, unfortunately, most of people don’t understand what a family is and how to create one. First of all, I would like to turn to our goddesses (beregins), guardians of Slavic, Russian beauty. Every girl in the family is the basis future family, and with upbringing, high spiritual qualities are implanted in her, which should manifest themselves in purity of thoughts. By the time a girl is ready to get married and have children, she must reach a certain level and absorb everything necessary knowledge to fulfill their responsibilities in the family. Such a girl reveals herself like The Scarlet Flower, and such beauty gives rise to high poetry in the minds of real men. Looking at such a girl, you can understand and repeat the poems of A.S. Pushkin:

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

The colorful covers of magazines and the depraved black stuff from the screens impose on us, from childhood, a perverted understanding of what beauty really is. What is beauty? Of course, looks come into play here. important role... but is not decisive. And in order to understand this, you don’t have to go far, let’s just look around us.

We often see how our girls, in order to attract the attention of men, expose the intimate parts of their bodies, thereby awakening the low, animal instincts. If a girl evokes sexual fantasies in a man, then with this behavior the woman is able to keep the man for one night. For real beautiful woman in a man it evokes associations with loving wife, with his friend, with the mother of his children. By her behavior, a woman should evoke a desire to devote her entire life to her alone, to protect her.

Can a union between two people be based on physical attraction to each other?

IN wildlife a male, having mated with one female, looks for another, they are not connected by anything more. A person at the development level does the same. When a man doesn’t have his woman next to him, he looks for another one. And often after such a relationship, the woman is left alone with the children, because within the family it is impossible to enjoy each other’s body forever, it gets boring.

A family is never created on animal instincts, because in order to create a real, human family, people must love each other, there must be a kinship of souls, a union of two hearts.

So, in order to be beautiful, it is very important to develop spiritual and moral beauty in yourself. Such beauty cannot be put on display, and a person with high morality cannot be determined by appearance. It’s high time for you and me to get rid of imposed, false and stereotypical thinking and stop making conclusions about people based on their appearance. Every person is recognized by his deeds - said our wise ancestors

Our ancestors, the Slavic-Aryans, instilled respect for girls in the process. A man was, first of all, a protector and a reliable support for a woman. There was no talk of assault; it was considered a humiliating and grave sin. Men were raised to be warriors from childhood, and if necessary, he could go off to fight enemies. In such cases, the wives remained at home waiting for their loved one. Here I would like to quote an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, after Lyudmila was kidnapped by Chernomor, she wakes up in his castle and...

Three maidens of wonderful beauty,
In light and pretty clothes
They appeared to the princess and approached
And they bowed to the ground.
Then with silent steps
One came closer;
To the princess with airy fingers
Braided a golden braid
With art, which is not new these days,
And she wrapped herself in a crown of pearls
The circumference of the pale forehead.
Behind her, modestly bowing his gaze,
Then another one approached;
Azure, lush sundress
Dressed Lyudmila's slender figure;
Golden curls covered themselves,
Both chest and shoulders are young
A veil as transparent as fog.
The envious veil kisses
Beauty worthy of heaven
And the shoes lightly compress
Two legs, miracle of miracles.
The princess is the last maiden
Pearl Belt delivers.
Meanwhile, the invisible singer
He sings happy songs to her.
Alas, neither the stones of the necklace,
Not a sundress, not a row of pearls,
Not a song of flattery or fun
Her souls are not glad;
In vain the mirror draws
Her beauty, her outfit:
Downcast, motionless gaze,
She is silent, she is sad.

From this passage, a very important feature in Lyudmila is clearly visible, which personifies Russian beauty. She would never trade her lover for anything. material values. And no matter how Chernomor seduces her, nothing takes away Lyudmila’s longing for her betrothed.

How to choose a life partner to start a family?

A true family is created once and for all, therefore it is very important to meet in life worthy person. No one and nothing can ever destroy a strong family union, not even separation, since such people are bound together by pure Love. Such high feelings when conceiving a child enhance the energy surge, and the channel through which the essence enters the fertilized egg reaches more high levels planets. And from the book of academician Nikolai Levashov, we know that the higher the level of development of an entity, the higher the planetary level at which it (the entity) is located during the time between periodic incarnations into physical bodies.

The consequences of moral corruption of parents have a very serious impact on the health and development of the child. Therefore, a family union, first of all, should be based on love, and a correct understanding of this feeling must be instilled in a person from childhood. Our ancestors, for example, conveyed high morality in fairy tales, which are still preserved today, but if this continues, then soon there will be no one to read them...

Are the fidelity and moral purity of a Russian woman just a myth?

And you know, I wouldn’t blame either perestroika or the revolution... Here, in my opinion, the situation is closer to “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” That is, the problem of permanent choice, constant “comfortable insufficiency.” Let's calmly reason, taking on the basis of the example of the most “classical” Russian heroines, our symbols, so to speak.

The mentioned Anna Karenina had and social status, and husband, and family. And she, like the old woman from a fairy tale, wanted more. That is, having abandoned the tit, she rushed after the coveted crane - Vronsky. But this “computer disease” struck her: having received Vronsky in her hands, she continued the game, deciding from a noblewoman to turn into a mistress of the sea. The ending is known.

Now - Katerina from “The Thunderstorm”... What was missing from this pious girl, asking - why isn’t she a bird?

Let's think sensibly: she had a husband, a free allowance (on the neck of the toiler Kabanikha, hated by Belinsky). The husband (Tikhon) may not be the best, but others don’t have that. Roughly speaking, she, this “ray of light” was simply furious, and she herself, as a wife, was far from the best quality. On the very first night I snuck off to see Boris... Here's the bird, here's the candles with angels.

Men, answer honestly: would you like such a wife? So that she sits on your mother’s neck and throws mud at her?

Girls, would you like your beloved brother to have such a wife? So that he brings her into the house, and then the whole village points its finger at you. That is, you would become guilty without guilt - like the official Karandyshev, who honestly wanted to marry another “classical” heroine - the dowry Ogudalova - and only for this was made a laughingstock, especially in the paraphrase film “Cruel Romance”.

After all, honestly, the shipowner Paratov had no intention of marrying her at all! He just made both her and the groom look like fools. There are no words, a prominent macho, but things must be called by their proper names. The real, albeit discreet, groom was Karandyshev. And it was he who wanted to take her down the aisle (honestly, as it should be).

And one last thing. Modern examples There are many such moral inversions - morality in favor of sympathy - that can be cited. But I'll focus on one thing. Tell me honestly - what’s bad about Hippolyte in “The Irony of Fate”? Decently dressed, earns money, has a car, gives gifts, takes good care of him. Bride on New Year I didn’t leave you, I didn’t get into bed with someone else’s woman...

Women write about such people in marriage advertisements: “I’m looking for someone who is thorough, reliable, faithful...” So there you have it - thorough, reliable, faithful... It’s just that, by the will of the filmmakers, they made him a fool, but he, frankly speaking, did not betray anyone ... Some consider him jealous... Well, firstly, he is not so jealous, secondly, as the plot of the film shows, he had grounds for jealousy, and, finally, if you (the Man) or your brother (if you are a Woman) - if he finds a drunk man in shorts with his passion, - won’t you be jealous? Will you start giggling? Well, I envy you...

It turns out that we ourselves distort fundamental morality, including loyalty - none of the heroines even comes close to this category, reliability, adherence to generally accepted moral standards.

And then we are surprised: “Ah, the revolution destroyed the institution of the family!”, “Ah, perestroika is to blame!”

Perhaps it would be more correct to express it in a more rude but pragmatic phrase: “What we fought for, that’s what we ran into.” The old woman from “The Tale of the Goldfish” will confirm this to you.

And the last question: who are you currently following in admiration - Jane Eyre or the adventures of the Beautiful Nanny?

Some men have an incredibly serious and even over-exaggerated attitude towards the virginity of their chosen one.
Well, for such men there is the following therapeutic metaphor: “It doesn’t matter how many came before you. What matters is whether you can make sure that there is no one after you.”
However, let's listen to what everyone thinks:

The question is not for virgins, are you embarrassed to look into a guy’s eyes, knowing that you had other people’s dicks in you before?

This is how the opinions of the girls participating in the survey were divided:
Open voting.
Yes, but nothing can be done – 21.2% (96 people)
No, I’m slutty – 55.8% (253 people)
When - 23% (104 people)

Netizens commented on this survey as follows:

My husband even knows my ex-man.

Any woman would like to regain her virginity, but, alas, it’s not fate.

I think if you treat virginity so reverently, it’s a pathology. It happened to me too. A sexologist resolved this issue. Now I am a happy wife and mother of two children.

Does your husband consider himself a man? Or is he pleased that his wife took other members before him?

So as not to be a whore, obviously. Doesn't apply to those girls who are still with the one who broke their virginity.

Well, that’s how my ex-husband is the father of my daughter, they are obliged to know and respect each other.

Everything is correct, I think. Ex-husband must know who his daughter lives with! These are normal relationships between people.

A normal man marries a virgin or someone who was a virgin before him, and then he took a used one, and even with a trailer, is this a man in your opinion? A real man he doesn’t take used trash as his wife, and even with backbreakers, it’s beneath his dignity. Only virgins deserve a real man.

Virginity is a trump card at all times!

She may still remain celibate for the rest of her life. Thank heavens that I’m not with my first man, it’s better to lose my virginity than to live my whole life with a person who is mediocre in sex and not know the differences.

You should only lose your virginity to the person you will be with for the rest of your life, otherwise you will become a whore. These are obvious things that need to be drilled into the heads of all women from childhood. Lost your virginity - you are already a pariah, the last class.

But my man and I don’t have to remember our exes. And the guy, apparently, is so creepy that his girls can only yearn for the dicks of their ex-boyfriends.

Maybe you like the taste of cum on his young lips. But I'm ashamed to admit it. So he asks. Looking for someone who is not ashamed.

You envy virgins, obviously. The loss of virginity for a woman is the loss of her only value.

Isn’t he ashamed to look into my honest eyes, knowing that his penis has been in someone’s pussies (and more than one), or even asses? Oh, I forgot about the mouth. Now they stick the penis wherever possible.

Don’t be jealous, I calmly hang out with schoolgirls and don’t know grief, while the weaklings are content with the shabby carcasses of non-virgins.

Well, according to the internet, these days “virgins” aren’t such virgins! They do random things and hide behind a film! Russian virgins are virgins only in one place. Does not it confuse you?

Only a boy who is insecure about himself can be adamant in his choice (they say, his wife should be virgin), he can fall in love with a whore, and an adequate man will not deny this. If he is categorical in his choice, this only speaks of his complexes (either a micro-member, some kind of defects, or chicks abandoned). Many things come to mind.

So a man who has had many women is a handsome man! And if many have had a woman, then she is a shabby sperm receptacle.

Sub-men only succumb to emotions that include love, a normal man controls himself and naturally marries a virgin.

I wouldn't want my virginity back. What for is she needed and I don’t treat her in any special way. This is rather the trump card of dumb chickens. Or guys who are idiots. My opinion - you can call me a whore, but I don’t care and everything is fine in my life!

How it hits you to realize that you are no match for 16-year-old virgin girls! Sex with a virgin is the best thing that can happen.

It bombs women like hell. The main thing is that they actually understand that women’s main trump cards are virginity and youth. Well, they are no match for the young cuties, so they get mad. Girls themselves love those who are in demand, no one loves virgins, but men love virgins, this has always been and will be so.

It’s clear that time can’t be turned back and that they can only be of interest to second-rate peasants who don’t need much. And a virgin girl can lay claim to an alpha male and will receive the honor of loving and respecting him.

Second-rate men sticking their genitals into innocent 16-year-old girls is just some kind of horror.

Offended, of course, your youth is long gone, your virginity has been wasted in vain, all that remains is to envy the young cuties and grow old.

A man should be like expensive cognac, with a lot of aging, and he should be with one, and if he is with many, then it’s no longer cognac, but draft beer - have you heard that? I don’t know how it is for anyone, but I hate to hear when my man had a lot of women, and how he had them and in what holes. Rude, but true.

If men love virgins, then with whom do they lose their virginity? Don't tell me, I don't think I want to know anymore.

Even the women themselves write about men, they say, ugh, a virgin. Have you ever seen men write about girls: “ugh, virgin”? On the contrary, virgins can claim everything!

Why ugh? I got my husband intact. Such cuteness. There was such absurdity and innocence. It is necessary that all men marry intact. So cute!

My youth didn’t get me anywhere, I’m smarter, more beautiful, more experienced now. Regarding virginity - yes, the first man loves me very much all my life, but I met my fate much later. I don't regret anything, by the way.

I would be ashamed to start a relationship with a man who had many women. Not only is he a completely unreliable person, you obviously can’t start a family with him, but he’s probably also rotten from venereal diseases.

The guy didn’t get a virgin and he’s tearing up and throwing around? Relax dude, everything in this world comes to balance. So soon there won’t be any pure and immaculate people left, because there’s no point in spoiling them. Every innocent girl is spoiled by some freak like you.

No, because my husband is the first and last man in all senses. I don’t regret anything that I kept it for him.

You know, kitten, when I slept with my “first”, I thought that he was “the one” and “for life.” After a while, he turned out to be an ordinary goat. I was “little green”, stupid, and could not face the truth with my “rosy glasses”. No one is immune from this “goatery”. So girls do not always lose their “preciousness” just because of their natural lust. There is no need to go to such extremes. Not everyone is lucky enough to “give” it to their “one”. You guys, don't put your finger in your mouth either. For most of you it's like a "trophy". Make fools of yourself and then show off to your friends. And then after a while, when you grow up, you shout that there are whores everywhere. You can count the good guys on your fingers. Just like those girls who were lucky enough to give themselves to “the one.” Typically, a girl's virginity is taken by some freak like you.

More beautiful for whom? Well, think for yourself, how not to try to put on makeup, anyway, a young 16-17 year old female will be preferable for any man, since main value women are chastity and youth, let's face it.

I won’t even look at non-virgins, I respect myself. Only a young virgin can count on my favor.

How do you know if she's a natural virgin? The hymen can now be easily restored. Pretend to be a sheep for a while. That's all. The guy will fall for the virgin. A friend of mine married a rich man. She returned the virginity and pretended to be.

The best age is not youth, not 17 years old with hormones and stupid thoughts, best age- this is when a woman is smart and experienced, and with elastic skin without wrinkles, blossoming, so to speak. Time is inexorable, everyone gets old, the main thing is not that at all.

Is it okay that the female body develops until the age of 25-27? 30 years - the heyday female beauty.

Is it easy for you to look virgins in the eyes, knowing that different holes have been riding on you before? Does an innocent maiden feel normal taking a dirty dick inside her?

This is how a woman is required to have a young body and intactness; a girl is made by nature to give birth. Men are always attracted to young girls, at any age, as is nature. Women age early, a few more or less look at 30, the woman’s age is very short, even with 99% of those who look normal at 30 - wash off the makeup, and there will be horror.

All questions about biology and human physiology, but the luminaries of these sciences voice precisely such figures. Factors that influence negatively cannot be excluded, but old age in a woman begins only with the onset of menopause.

If it believes that girls grow old at 30, then it probably communicates with some heroin addicts who at 30 look 60. Personally, I don’t even have to wear much makeup. Well, the hymen as the main value - no comment at all!

I haven't read everything. But excuse me, I have never seen even a shadow of embarrassment in the eyes of men whose members were in other people’s vaginas before me. I think I shouldn’t be embarrassed either.

Why can’t you come to terms with the fact that any self-respecting man will choose a young virgin of about 16 years old, and not a woman of about 25 years old, battered by life? Are innocent girls better than you? By the time you turn 18, you lose all value.

It’s a shame for them, everyone wants to be in demand, to consider themselves queens. But in reality, no one needs pieces of an aging body anymore. Prostitutes, not worth a penny.

Why put up with the fact that some men are not confident in themselves? So I don’t care at all.

When will all the sexists get together and go to Mars, have each other in different places? Oh, it probably bothers them because a living person with the most high IQ- woman.

What does confidence have to do with it anyway? It’s just inherent in nature that real men always like young females, and not those who are over 25 years old. Who else has retained morality and ethics along with a young body.

It seems that everything is not working there, or there is a problem with the size, so he wants to get involved with someone who has something to compare with. Thank God that when I was 16 years old, I didn’t come across something like that that would consider me a “fresh carcass” and would not deprive me of my virginity. My father would have broken his neck. And I studied calmly and walked with my friends.

Primitive males like young females. Moreover, the younger the female, the more primitive the male. The instinct of reproduction is inherent in nature, that is, all sorts of fiction about virginity have nothing to do with nature. And the topic of morality arises not from your own highly moral concepts, but because of an inferiority complex.

When I am 40 years old, I will also continue to love young 17-year-old boys. It's nature, yeah. Men love young people over the years. Grannies too. And I will rip their whole hair, it’s so cute.

Only second-rate men can be content with females that they have already used before; real males choose the best. All men love young virgins, is it so difficult to accept it? This is nature. Old age for a man and a woman are different things. If 40 summer man can easily start a relationship at 16 summer girl, then hardly anyone will look at a 40-year-old woman.

What kind of nonsense are you talking about, I’m 17 years old now, I don’t feel much happiness from this, all living things someday grow old and die, alas, no one will need you in a few years either, except your loved ones. You say this as if this is a sentence, God created us this way, in general - rejoice that you were born healthy and are still living today. These are the foundations of morality with which you are so fussed.

What do males and females have to do with it then? You were just talking about nature. Just in nature, males love experienced females who are strong and have already given birth to healthy offspring. This is the key to procreation. From the point of view of nature and the male, a strong, healthy female who has given birth is the ideal, and the best. And a young female, there is a high probability that she will not be able to bear and give birth, or even die in childbirth. That's why she's at the lowest level. So how can you explain your attraction to virgins? They were talking about nature. Now which option will you choose?

What it is pure creatures and no one had “tried” them before me. Everyone else can be safely compared to whores, as I already wrote.

That is, you think that since you have a virgin, it means that you didn’t give it to the ass or mouth, and didn’t engage in petting? Or is only vaginal penetration important, and everything else doesn’t count and the girl is an innocent soul? In societies where the importance of virginity is high, girls have fun this way until their husband, who solemnly shows off the sheet after the first wedding night. IN Muslim countries, For example.

These are the same whores, we are talking about self-respecting girls who lose their virginity only with a person with whom they will be with until the grave. Another woman is slutty.

Question for non-virgins - “Aren’t you ashamed to look into the eyes of a girl whose penis has been in other vaginas?”

Everyone knows very well that nature actively ages women after the end of their prime fertile age. Female body, like the psyche, are tailored to the incubator, to the main function of the female sex. Of course, women themselves love popular guys, but guys love exclusively virgins.
I think the guy serious problems with the psyche. This clearly requires consultation with a psychologist.

This is already known, any man is attracted to young people, this is nature, a young female is more suitable for reproduction, it’s just that not everyone gets young ones, that’s all.

Clever man will choose a mature, wise and experienced woman, in every sense. An intelligent man knows that a person's morality is not located in the area of ​​his genitals.

You are trying to impose this pity by saying that only youth has value. To rise on par with the young is to fall several steps in development.

So you indulge in self-consolation, inventing some stages of development for yourself. A woman at 16 and at 30 years old is no different in intelligence, only accumulated experience and negativity, that’s all, well, except for wrinkles, the end of fertile age, shabby body, worn-out eyes, and so on.

In your fictional world, women are all the same, only some have a virgin, others are whores. I haven’t fallen out of reality yet. I don’t need to invent anything for myself. Morality is not a virgin between the legs and 16 years. Is not nothing. Well, you won't understand this.

Women do not become smarter with age, this is the privilege of men, and not all men become smarter, and women certainly do not. Simply a dissolute woman learns to hide her debauchery through primitive trials. That's all.

No self-respecting woman would take a dick that was everywhere. When you meet at least one of these, you will understand. I feel sorry for you, it seems you are surrounded only by women of questionable behavior and scum men who have these women.

Why should I not feel sorry for those women whose youth is long behind them? I sincerely feel sorry for you that I am not a person, or something, emotions are not alien to me. You have not been a virgin for a long time, and you envy the untouched. That's why I feel sorry for you.

I would be ashamed to look a man in the eyes if I am 30 years old and a virgin. But until the age of 18, it is better not to do this, but to study and study. And don’t think about stupid young walking members who don’t care about you.
- What’s shameful about this, we don’t live in the 16th century? And why should we be ashamed, but the men are not ashamed that before us they had 200 whores of not very good quality?

Why does the truth bother you so much? No matter how much you yell, a man who has many women will remain a handsome man in society, a Casanova, and a woman who gives to more than one man will be a whore, it always has been and will be so. More than one man - you are cheap prostitutes. Deal with it. Men are getting wiser, Soviet matriarchy is subsiding, we are returning to normality, we are slowly putting women in their place, everything will be fine!

How I remember my first time! Ugh! I loved my first one, but after this nightmare my libido for him disappeared! I found someone else, so I remember with relief that I don’t have to go through this again and am happy about the upcoming sex.

The scoop was also built by men. How so? Why suddenly matriarchy?

In any case, complexes. A virgin a priori gives confidence that he will not be compared with anyone, that he is at least the best for her in sex, even if in reality he is no good and is not able to satisfy a woman. And a woman who knows what an orgasm is will have nothing in common with such “men.” Hence his obsession with deflowering.

Men are insignificant now, they used to be the main ones, now a woman can dress herself, put on shoes, feed herself and support her child. What's the point of a guy, especially if he works for pennies? Why the hell does someone like that need to wash his socks, so you’ve been a nobody for a long time and no one can call you. And all that remains for you is to bow before any pussy, either only your dignity was there, or the whole city was there.

Thus, they assert themselves at the expense of the weak and inexperienced. This is also when older guys teach those who are younger, because they don’t play with their peers. By the way, two Muslim women studied with me at the university. She worked as exotic strippers in a private club. They didn't have sex, but they sucked normally like that. And in general, there are enough girls who have tried blowjobs before sex. What I mean is that perhaps you not only had a lot of virgins, but also sucked more than one dick..

It’s easy to dominate any woman, that’s the nature of women, you want someone who will tell you what to do. Therefore, the spiritual chastity of the female is important so that it does not arise and does not interfere with the man being a king. A real man is a selfish, lazy ruler.

Question for virgins, are you embarrassed to look into a girl’s eyes, knowing that you haven’t had sex before and you don’t know what it’s like to cum inside your fist?

Even flirting with more than one man is considered naughty and slutty, once you get into the details.

Men have wanted to tie women to themselves all their lives and to please themselves! And chastity belts and the harsh laws of Shiriah and so on. But women's nature cannot be changed! You can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear!

Hello, judging by the survey, you are a representative of a company that provides certain conditions gigolo prostitutes for a long time? I'm a wealthy virgin, where can I see all your boys and what is their face value?

There has always been debauchery. And in ancient times, girls were deprived of their virginity at a very young age, and they did not get by with just one partner at all. If we go back to the roots, then along with virgin virgins, sodomy is the norm and pedophilia is the norm. But then the question arises: are we not ashamed? If sex before marriage is a sin, then let’s turn, apparently, to the Bible. And it says that all people are taken, which means that someone else’s member is not a stranger, but a native one. Why then be ashamed? We continue to have sex. The problem of morality has been removed.

Are you embarrassed to look into a girl’s eyes, knowing that before her you were in other people’s pussies?

The golden rule of morality is not to get into someone else's bed or into other people's panties. I think you understand me.

What do you think?

The decayed and distorted West with all its might is also pulling us down into the abyss of animal life and lower astral habits and interests. If we do not understand the destructiveness of this, we will also turn into simple, intelligent animals...

Every adult free man chooses his own path. A child comes into this world clean, with eyes wide open. He cannot yet choose his own path; he is not yet familiar with our world. We show him this path: mom, dad, society. What a way do we show our children?

Corruption and corruption of minor children, discrimination against the institution of family is the fundamental policy of our state. Silencing this policy, while exposing the existing crazy picture without (with) limits, is dooming the people to blind, desperate extinction. And our people need to know this course of the state, because... this knowledge will provide guidelines and will be able to mobilize people to fight for their property - children. And while propaganda of debauchery flows in a continuous stream, no one will be able to prove otherwise. Because the state pursues either a policy of corruption or a policy of preventing corruption. There cannot be a third.

Virginity, morality, purity of children are core values, which are treasured by every state thinking about the future. And only a crazy state will destroy these values ​​and allow this to happen to its children. Or a state ruled by enemies of its own people.

Why do people allow themselves to be treated this way? A people who have always been invincible to their enemies? And the trail of glory of the victories of our ancestors still saves the lives of sailors. Somali pirates, upon seeing the USSR flag, often refuse to seize the ship, realizing that the ship is guarded by the Russians. And it doesn’t matter how many Russians there are. They know one thing: Russians don't give up, they will fight until their last breath. So what happened to our people? Why do we live under the influence of a sleeping pill, why have we allowed ourselves to be blinded, covering this blindness with a deadly stereotype: “We have no right to prevent others from doing what they want”?

We are deceived by the stereotype of mirage freedom.

And people’s reaction to that never ceases to amaze important information, which those who have already understood where “the legs grow” are trying to convey to them. Basically, initially the information is not perceived and is rejected with the conviction: “This cannot be!” People don't believe, or rather, I would even say, don't want to believe their own eyes. Because any such information received makes you think. And almost everyone understands that this is true. And people who allow themselves not just to listen, but hear, begin to respond to this information with actions. And this is already work, and this hearing can radically change your life. And it won't be easy. That's why units allow themselves exactly hear.

After all, we quite often hear the phrase: “It’s best not to know this, but to just live. It’s easier this way.” I've heard this myself more than once. Yes, I agree it’s easier this way. But then, when warnings about certain events turn into statements of facts, few people think that everything could have been prevented by showing minimal courage and making a decision hear. But even more shocking is the reluctance to see obvious And flagrant.

No one is surprised by the rapidly increasing number of teenagers drinking alcohol on every corner, smoking on an already uncontrollable scale and swearing without hesitation. No one is surprised that the age of these same teenagers, who lead early, often ugly sex life. Society is getting used to this. This becomes the norm of our life. This is taken for granted.

Sometimes someone can become indignant at the blatant depravity of youth, throwing out a few condemning words, and things do not go further than this indignation. And only after seeing how corruption touches them own children, some parents often begin to sound the alarm. But many parents simply don’t notice this. I would even say - don't want to notice. I witnessed a conversation two six year old children in kindergarten. I will describe this case:

A boy sits on a bench and a girl comes up to him, sits down next to him, and, like a real adult coquette, hugs him by the shoulders, saying languidly seductive in a voice:

- I want sex with you.

The boy moves away from her, tries to escape from her embrace and says in a far from childish voice:

- I don't want sex with you.

The girl repeated this phrase three times, approaching from different directions, she simply circled around him. And the boy also repeated his phrase three times. At the same time, he did not look like a wary child who did not understand what they wanted from him. Apparently, he had some of his own associations with this word.

Why has our society come to the point where such talk six year olds began to be accepted calmly? Some parents even find such conversations quite funny. They rejoice at how grown-up their children are. Tell me, how can zombie parents raise free children? Who can they educate? The same zombies as themselves! They instill in their children the information that they themselves are bombarded with every day.

Our children are massively influenced by cartoons that put non-childish images in their heads, and films with sex scenes, which influence and form sexually active children at a young age. I will give the result of one psychological study.

Most girls are six years old already view themselves as sexual objects. An experiment was conducted using paper dolls. This made it possible to find out the attitude of girls 6-9 years old to the issue of sexuality. So, two dolls were dressed in sexy attractive ways, and the rest were in loose clothes. Participants in the experiment had to choose a doll that looked like themselves, a doll that they would like to be like, and a doll associated with popular girl At school. Of the 60 participants, 68% chose a sexy doll when asked how they themselves wanted to look. 72% admitted: this doll is more popular. According to the head of the study, in the child's mind, sexuality was closely linked to popularity.

The subconscious of our children is being zombified by debauchery at an ever younger age.

Walking with my child on the playground, I have repeatedly heard many mothers say that they will adapt their children to new conditions using very original methods. They themselves plan to give alcohol to drink, they themselves plan to treat their children to their first cigarette, and they themselves will tell their children, as early as possible, how to use contraceptives. They are guided by the statement: “Let him be like everyone else, I don’t want my son (my daughter) to stand out in any way. I will help my child to be as everybody to make it easier for him." This is theirs main mistake.

According to the results of many studies, it becomes clear that children whose parents themselves offered to try the “taste” modern life, are many times more vulnerable to the propagated molestation. The state creates only appearance of care about the future of the nation, about the morality of children. There is an open supposed “propaganda” of morality and a hidden, sinister propaganda of depravity. This is the genocide of our people, invisible to the majority of the population.

AND one more fact, confirming the policy of corruption of children by the state, or more precisely, by those who are hiding behind it. in autumn small town in the Kyiv region visited a mobile children's Luna Park, as usual, located in the city park. Passing by I was shocked next picture. Most of the attractions featured aggressive pictures of boys and girls, and half-naked girls. Moreover, these girls had certain intimate parts of their bodies openly visible. Some song was playing English language, while the number of words "sex" In this song, to some extent, even me was zombified. I just couldn't get this song out of my head for a while.

Now think about it. Who looked at these pictures and listened to the music? Little children under 5 years old! No one paid attention to the pictures, no one looked closely at them, except these little children. They looked wide with open eyes at the images and bounced in their strollers. But we know how music and illustrated material influence the formation of children’s horizons and their knowledge of the world, and how dangerous is this for them?. Where did the city authorities look when giving permission to place such an amusement park? After all, children are the most defenseless against information; it easily enters their subconscious, shaping their worldview. And then after 10 years, parents will have difficulty recognizing their children when their children begin to practically apply all the acquired skills in their lives.

We also know how full the Internet is erotic content, and how accessible the Internet is to children now. The period of formation of sexuality is childhood and adolescence. Considering the easy availability of such information and the unformed children's psyche, think how much we can destroy sexuality and cripple children for the rest of their lives.

Is our society is deteriorating at a rapid rate. Each generation is more degraded than the previous one, and this acceleration is increasing at an unimaginable rate. We must think not only about ourselves, about our soul, but also about other people, about our Motherland, about our people. AND our debt– to save the nation from destruction, from extinction, to protect our property, our children. This is the duty to the Motherland, to our ancestors who shed blood for our land, for us, for our lives. Thanks to their feat, we live. And this is also our duty to future generations, who will either hate us, dying out like the last goyim, or will be proud of us.

By allowing our children to be destroyed, we we destroy life itself, we are destroying ourselves, our Motherland. If our children do not exist, there will be neither us nor the memory of us as a people. And the descendants of those whom we allow ourselves to destroy now will despise our distorted descendants, ridiculing and spitting on them as descendants of the “great Rus”.

This is one of the most provocative and difficult chapters of my book to accept. But I am not afraid of accusations of chauvinism and misogyny, because I have long been known as such, I will risk encroaching on the myth of the “moral purity of women” and will express my thoughts directly and unambiguously: “ Morality, as a personality characteristic, generally speaking, is not characteristic of a woman».

I am well aware that this chapter will make most women furious and hysterical.

Here it is necessary to make a very important remark explaining the essence of my statement.

I do not believe that every woman is always immoral in her behavior, but I say that the very concept of morality is most often incomprehensible to her.

There are “moral” men, and there are immoral ones. And the woman does not understand the formulation of this problem AT ALL. She is excluded from this plane, she is OUTSIDE. Well, like a cat.

There are no moral or immoral women. Women exist OUTSIDE of morality, they are not subject to it.

What does the concept of morality primarily mean? The presence of conscience, firm concepts of good and evil, an internal desire for truth and justice, concern for the public good - categories whose super value is unconditionally accepted by a moral person.

We call the formalization of these qualities at the level of social, interpersonal connections and public attitudes morality.

Good and evil. For a woman, these categories are flattened to personal acceptance or rejection. By goodness, she often means restraint, non-aggression, ostentatious disposition, smiling, and helpfulness. In general, good is what is pleasant and beneficial. First of all, to the woman herself. Good “simply” does not exist for a woman.

Evil in her concept is the antipode of the above. So, a woman says: “You are evil” when she did not get what she wanted from a man; “I’m kind,” she thinks while lisping with the cat.

As for good and evil in general, you are unlikely to meet a woman who seriously comprehends these categories abstracted from a specific situation.

Simply put, well, she won’t rack her brains about whether her action is moral or not. But here are the questions she will definitely ask herself:

- is this beneficial for me?
- What will happen to me for this, won’t I lose, won’t I be punished?
- how will this affect the relationships of other people towards me, especially those on whom I depend or need?

The very system of coordinates “moral-immoral” lies OUTSIDE the understanding and worldview of a woman, is perceived by a woman as something abstruse, artificial, superfluous.

But a woman knows how to PRESENT morality. Which, more often than not, she does, but only as long as it benefits her. A woman is a chameleon; she masterfully mimics when she is interested in achieving a goal, when it is beneficial.

What could this benefit be?

Attracting a potential man, formally complying with his intuitively captured concept of what a woman should be;
- a certain social status, ostentatious decency, “decency”;
- direct self-interest;
- the ability to manipulate using categories, deep meaning which the woman does not accept;

A woman KNOWS the formal rules of morality and ethics of relationships with people (they are usually voiced when raising a girl by parents, school, and elders), but does not understand their meaning, essence and significance. Morality for a woman is the necessary “coloring” of the chameleon in CERTAIN CASES, a kind of formal ritual, the implementation of which she takes upon herself as necessary. But as soon as this attire ceases to be beneficial, the woman simply does what she needs.

Modern life, almost completely freed from pressure on women moral laws, confirms the COMPLETE ABSENCE of an internal moral core in women, as a structure underlying personality. Speaking about this, I do not blame women for this at all, they are who they are. But men should always remember this feature of women.

I go even further: and argue that morality INTERFERES with the main natural program of a woman, i.e., receiving and subordinating the resources of a man. It is for this reason that it is not reliably instilled in her: no matter what educational measures were taken in a woman’s childhood, if the game of morality is not beneficial to her, then the woman will not think about this topic. If there is no external moral influence from the level of society, family, laws, church, then we have a female who goes headlong to achieve her goals.

“Men came up with morality and also this... expediency - women would never have come up with this,” she says loudly, knowing that I am rushing after her.”

Zakhar Prilepin, "The Shadow of a Cloud on the Other Shore"

Nowadays it is often repeated that a woman is a social being, actually meaning by this the sociability of women and the ability to establish and build relationships with people. But these relationships usually do not rise above the level of mother, girlfriends, lover, husband, work colleagues, in other words, the “inner circle”, people in the woman’s sphere of direct interest. Morality in the female understanding, or rather its visual picture, the external side, serves precisely these relationships.

Conversely, male morality arose at the dawn of history as a means of universal intra- and intercommunity communication, serving the needs of the emerging diversified social production. To put it simply, people needed universal intangible values ​​and general norms, rules of behavior accepted by the majority of people to facilitate production and trade relations, laws to approve the trustful coordination of joint actions. To kill a fellow tribesman for no reason is evil, to deceive a partner in a primitive business is evil, to take away someone else’s property or wife is evil. It was then that such concepts as reputation and business ethics arose.

It was then that religion arose as an institution for maintaining morality, while the formidable super-hierarch gods were accepted and revered as the main measure of people’s actions, their correctness or incorrectness.

Judeo-Christian civilization erected a pedestal for altruism and established service to the public interest as one of the highest virtues.

The progress of the human race was colossal: men, who came out of the caves and received moral standards that were universal for all, were able to create a prototype of separate (diversified) social production and trade, albeit still in the form of natural exchange of goods!

So-and-so was engaged in the manufacture of arrowheads and exchanged them for bread baked by so-and-so; one community or clan exchanged the fish they caught for skins obtained by their neighbors. Honesty in such transactions and the cooperation of men in “slaughtering the mammoth” formed the basis of the emerging moral norms. Man realized public (clan, clan, community) interest and developed laws to protect it, which became beneficial for everyone to observe together.

Unnatural from the point of view of some modern psychologists male friendship has an ancient and solid foundation in the form of male cooperation and mutual assistance between hunters and warriors.

The first inter-clan and inter-community military alliances appeared. Societies grew larger, adopting universal norms of behavior.

Of course, I am exaggerating greatly for clarity, I am not a historian, I do not indicate exactly when, where and how this happened, it is important for me to convey the essence, the principle itself: institution moral values was obliged to appear for the purposes of the public good, peaceful coexistence, industrial progress and the protection of family and private property.

Then people left the caves... but the women did not come out of the caves. Their sphere of competence remained the home, family life, the birth and upbringing of offspring.

Social communications? Husband, children, neighbors in the "wigwams". The means of these communications are the ability to understand internal state other people, psychological adjustment, cunning, manipulation, intrigue.

They, women, are the main one life task So what remained was the search, attraction and attachment of a strong and preying male, redistribution of resources within the family in favor of themselves and offspring, exchanging “love” and care for the man’s home for them. Men developed and complicated universal moral norms, being their creators, bearers and guardians, overthrowers, but for women, in essence, nothing has changed: the tasks are the same. Moreover, the morality inculcated by men came into conflict with the main biological task of women.

If you look at the history of Mankind and women from this angle, it will become absolutely clear that the formation and strengthening of civilizations was accompanied by the mandatory suppression and curbing of harmful and destructive female instincts. The woman herself inner essence, contradicts the moral norms, in particular, of the Judeo-Christian Civilization. Our ancestors understood this very well and did not allow women to participate in the priesthood and judicial functions. What a pity that this wisdom, developed and carried through centuries and millennia of Human History, is so frivolously trampled upon!

"How so?" - the reader will ask me, “After all, we have been taught to perceive a woman as a standard of moral purity.” This is one of the most dangerous myths that a young man faces in life.

Yes, a woman may well behave in accordance with moral principles, just as a cat does not always steal sour cream. Especially when I'm full.

Men themselves, alas, tend to invent a certain “moral purity” of a woman. And this, among other things, lies our craving for harmony: we try to endow a creature of angelic appearance with those personality traits that, according to our inner conviction, should be inherent in it. We subconsciously strive for perfection and completeness and speculatively “finish” a woman. At the same time, the possibility of objective perception and analysis of a woman’s qualities is blocked by sensuality and romanticization.

Most often, the painful, in our time almost inevitable, resolution of the conflict between reality and the fictional morality of a woman leads a man into a state of shock.

King Shlomo (Solomon) wrote three thousand years ago: " I found one righteous man among a thousand, but among a thousand women I did not find one."

(Ecclesiastes 7:1-29)

One way or another, even the smartest representatives of modern times guessed about the pressing animal essence of a woman, although they did not dare to announce their discovery loudly and decisively.

Andrei Prozorov, the hero of the play “Three Sisters” by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, admits with sadness:

“A wife is a wife. She is honest, decent, well, kind, but at the same time there is something in her that reduces her to a small, blind, sort of rough animal. In any case, she is not human."

Anton Pavlovich himself, in one of his letters to his friend and publisher Alexei Suvorin, writes:

“Women are most unsympathetic because of their injustice and the fact that justice, it seems, is not organically characteristic of them. Humanity instinctively did not let them near social activities; God willing, it will reach this point with its mind. IN peasant family The man is smart, reasonable, fair, and God-fearing, but the woman—God forbid!”

Cesare Lombroso in his book " The woman is a criminal and a prostitute" to explain the immoral and criminal behavior of women prefers to talk about “moral insanity” as a kind of personality defect, illness, thus asserting in it exceptions to the rule. Poor Mr. Lombroso! In his naivety of his still romantic age, he assumed the immorality of women as isolated deviations from the norm, he conducted an outstanding study of the varieties of such deviations for his time, but he did not have the courage to assume simple thought about a woman’s lack of morality as such.

To justify Lombroso, I admit that he did not demand so much from female morality, defining the “normal female type", based on two qualities: maternal feeling and modesty.

I am certainly not a model of morality, although I have aspirations for this. And I will say with all frankness that such concepts as “honesty”, “passionarity”, “altruism”, “truth”, “friendship”, “mutual assistance”, “decency” are not an empty phrase for me, but the subject of my thoughts and constant internal work. So among women, their absolute majority, the very formulation of this task is absent - don’t get me wrong: it DOESN’T CONCERN or INTEREST them.

The story “I went on vacation” from the women's forum.

I returned from vacation three weeks ago. My friend and I were in Turkey in the city of Kemer. How many stories have I heard about fiery and hot nights in this beautiful country, but I was traveling with full confidence that this would not affect me, since I was married. I was happy for my friend that she could have a blast here!! We lay by the sea for two days and on the third day we decided to go shopping in the city. And there I met him!! Modest and speaks Russian very well. At first he gave me his business card like come again, but we chatted and chatted and in the end he said give me your phone number to the disco, let's go to the disco in the evening.) and I gave it!! And in general, away we go!! Dates, night walks, night cafes with Turkish cuisine and a lot of sex!!! Upon arrival home, we correspond every day, either just SMS or Facebook, we don’t see each other on Skype due to the time difference and it works up to 24 hours. I came home myself, but my soul remained there!! I dream about Türkiye almost every night! My husband knows almost everything, but his behavior simply amazed me, he didn’t do anything, didn’t yell... asked if I was divorcing him for now?? She said no and calmed down!! Indifference? And having arrived in my native Murmansk, I decided to go and live in Turkey!! Well, I don’t want to live in Russia and freeze my butt! My Turkish boy doesn’t know that I’m going to move, he only knows that I’m coming in September for three weeks, and I’m just going to resolve the issue of a residence permit, I want to open my own business there, Turkish is not a problem! Very scary!!! But there is only one life!! And no matter how my relationship with the Turkish guy turns out, I want to go to Turkey!! Sea Sun!!!

I read 700+ comments from women. The ladies wrote so much: ridicule, wishes of happiness, calls to come to their senses and reproaches for stupidity.

But I did not find any, I emphasize: NO ONE