The highest level of English is called. Intermediate level - description of English proficiency level B1

There are several approaches to determining the level of foreign language proficiency. The ability to correctly determine your level allows you to set reasonable goals, select the right teaching aids, and objectively assess your capabilities when looking for a job or entering an educational institution.

When talking about the English language, the following classification is most often used:

0.Basic. This is not yet a level, it is still the absence of even an elementary level. The definition applies to those who have begun to learn a language, but it is too early to talk about the practical use of the language for any purpose.

1.Elementary. If the remnants of school knowledge allow you to understand simple inscriptions and exchange some information with a foreigner with a sin, it means that you speak English at this level. Sometimes they also distinguish the Upper-Elementary level - a minimum for simple communication on a limited set of topics.

2. Pre-Intermediate. Approximately this level of language proficiency is provided by the average Russian school, provided that you at least sometimes learned the rules and did your homework. It means the ability to explain on simple topics, knowledge of the basics of grammar and vocabulary for everyday communication.

3. Intermediate. The level implies the ability to correctly express yourself in a foreign language, read books and watch films with an understanding of the meaning, write texts on various topics with almost no errors. That's about the same vocabulary plus good grammar and conversational practice.

4. Upper Intermediate. Good knowledge of the language: a large vocabulary, a thorough knowledge of grammar (except for nuances), and the ability to communicate fluently, although not perfectly.

5.Advanced. Language proficiency is almost native-like. Achieving this level requires not only persistent study of the language, but also its continuous use.

This scale, although it is the most common in Russia, has a significant drawback - everyone understands it differently. That level of English, which is considered Advanced by one teacher, can be perceived by another only as Upper Intermediate. Even the number of levels in this classification in different sources varies from three to eight (in the most detailed version, Native Speaker, a native speaker, is added to the six levels considered, and the Elementary level, as previously mentioned, is subdivided into two more).

More specific and clear is the modern European classification, which is used to determine the level of proficiency in English (and not only English). It was developed in 1991 at an international symposium in Switzerland with the aim of achieving mutual understanding and facilitating cooperation between language teachers. Now this scale is widely used in Europe when conducting exams and tests, compiling dictionaries and textbooks. It includes three levels, each of which contains two sublevels.

A: Basic Speaker
A1: Breakthrough
A2: Waystage

B: Independent Speaker
B1: Threshold
B2: Vantage

C: Proficient Speaker
C1: Effective Operational Proficiency
C2: Mastery

A1. Can understand and use everyday expressions and general phrases to meet specific needs. Can introduce himself and others, ask and answer simple questions about his place of residence, people he knows, and things that belong to him. Can communicate a little provided the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

A2. Can understand and use common expressions to communicate about commonly encountered topics such as personal information, family, shopping, local geography, work. Communication is simply a direct exchange of information on these topics.

IN 1. Understands the meaning of messages related to regularly occurring situations at work, school, leisure, and so on. Can be explained in most situations that may arise when traveling in the area where the language is spoken. Can compose simple, coherent text on a familiar topic. Can describe events, dreams, hopes, etc., justify his opinions and plans.

AT 2. Understands the meaning of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including in his professional field. Communicates quite fluently and naturally with native speakers without significant effort on either side. Can write clear, detailed text on a wide range of topics, express his point of view, indicating the disadvantages and advantages of other opinions.

C1. Understands a variety of complex texts, recognizing implicit information. He speaks so fluently that the search and selection of words is invisible to the interlocutor. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, scientific and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, and detailed text on complex topics using organizational patterns and cohesive language.

C2. He understands almost everything he hears and reads. Speaks fluently, conveying various shades of meaning even in the most difficult cases.

Learning English is like baking a cake. It doesn't always work out the first time. For some, the cream does not come out; the latter cannot choose the right temperature for baking, so the biscuit often burns in the process; and still others are just finding the right recipe. But no matter how long it takes, and no matter what methods are chosen, all these people are united by one goal - to bake a delicious cake.

The Advanced level is not a crumbly dough or a layer of fresh fruit, but a sweet scarlet cherry with a slight sourness that appears on top of the cake at the last stage of cooking. Therefore, today we will discuss the last cherry touch called Advanced (highest level of English).

English level table
LEVELDescriptionCEFR level
Beginner You don't speak English ;)
Elementary You can say and understand some words and phrases in English A1
Pre-Intermediate You can communicate in “plain” English and understand the other person in a familiar situation, but have difficulty A2
Intermediate You can speak quite well and understand speech by ear. Express yourself using simple sentences, but have difficulty with more complex grammatical structures and vocabulary B1
Upper-Intermediate You speak and understand English well by ear, but you can still make mistakes B2
Advanced You speak English fluently and have full listening comprehension C1
Proficiency You speak English at the level of a native speaker C2

Advanced - what level is this?

Knowledge of the English language at the Advanced level or C1 level means a high level of language proficiency, where the smoothness and problem-free use of it in live speech is already directly evident.

Quite often, beginners in English interchange two concepts: “Advanced” and “Proficiency”. In fact, these are 2 completely different levels of knowledge of the English language. Level “Proficiency” (from the word “professional” - professional, specialist with extensive experience) or C2 is head and shoulders above “Advanced”, as it is equal to the lexical and grammatical amount of information that native speakers themselves possess.

While “Advanced”, although considered a lower level, the student will not have problems expressing a point of view on any topic and understanding spoken native speech by ear.

By the way, you can check your level of English on our website: comprehensive English language test.
Knowledge you need to have at the Advanced level
Skill Your knowledge
Reading You understand most of the information in articles and letters on technical and academic topics.
You are familiar with a wide range of texts and understand the hidden meaning contained therein.
You can read unadapted modern English-language literature.
You can read unadapted classic English literature, only occasionally resorting to the help of a dictionary.
Letter (writing) You can create clear, well-structured, detailed text on controversial and debatable topics, while understanding the subtleties of using templates to distribute key information in the text.
You know how and where to use a variety of introductory words and understand their style.
You can write a letter of any complexity, topic and style: formal, semi-formal, informal.
Listening You understand 90-95% of conversations between British and American speakers.
You understand speech of natives with defects or poor quality.
Speaking You can use English freely and spontaneously in various situations and operate with a wide range of antonyms, synonyms and set phrases.
You can use English flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
Vocabulary Your vocabulary is 4000-6000 English words.

The Advanced level program includes the following topics.

Topics to be studied in the Advanced level program
Grammar Topics Lexical topics
- Temporal forms of the active and passive voice of the present and past tense and the nuances of their use depending on the implicit meaning.
- Indicators of the future tense: “will” / “be going to + infinitive” / “shall” / “Present Tenses” / “Future Continuous” / “Future Perfect” / “Future Perfect Continuous” / “be to + infinitive” / “ Future in the past (future in the past with “would”).”
- Repetition of modal verbs and their equivalent variations: / “can & could” / “may & could & might” / “will & would” / “must” / “don"t need to & needn"t & don"t have to » / «ought to & should» / «dare & need» / «had better» / «be allowed to» / «be supposed to».
- Other English verbs with a modal meaning: "have succeeded in" / "be required to" / "manage to" / "be prepared to" / "have refused to" / "it follows that".
- Modal verbs with present (Participle I) and past (Participle II) participles.
- Attributive forms in English and their types (e.g.: pink color - pink color).
- Countable and uncountable nouns, exceptions to the rules.
- Stylistic techniques for using the definite, indefinite and zero articles.
- Words: “no” / “none” / “not a” / “not any” / “much” / “many” / “a lot of” / “lots of” / “all” / “both” / “whole” " / "every" / "each" / "(a) few" / "(a) little" / "fewer (than)" / "much, many, both, all, each, none, few, little + of" .
- Position of adjectives and adverbs in a sentence: “quite” / “rather” / “already” / “yet” / “still” / “even” / “only” / “really”.
- The word order of the verb with other parts of the sentence.
- Variations of English verb forms.
- Compound and complex sentences.
- Conditional sentences and other conditional expressions: “if ... not and unless” / “even if and even so” / “if only and wish” / “so long as” / “as long as” / “provided (that) " / "providing (that)" / "in the event of" / "on condition that" / "supposing" / "in case of" / "otherwise" / "but for".
- Sentences with phrases: “whether” / “if”.
- Using a substitute in a sentence.
- Place of prepositions in phrasal verbs and expressions.
- Powerful emotions.
- Meaning of life.
- Growing up and the quarter-life crisis.
- Memory and historical events.
- Fashion and art.
- Life in another country.
- Gender differences.
- Types of tourism.
- Voting right.
- Forward to the future.
- Work and discrimination.
- Modern problems of society.
- Bad behavior and crime.
- Urbanization and megacities.
- Globalization and ecology.
- Types of escapism.
- Diseases of the twenty-first century.
- Science and advanced technologies.

What does the English course at the Advanced level include?

Imagine having a diamond in the rough when you first take an Advanced course. And for it to sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, you first need to work on its four main facets. Firstly, a mysterious grammar, replete with exceptions to the rules. Secondly, vocabulary, the potential of which sometimes seems inexhaustible. Thirdly, a test of the pen, namely all kinds and types of written work in the language. And finally, fourthly, it is the most difficult grammatically correct use of English vocabulary in live speech.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

  • express thoughts concisely in any situation in English;
  • understand the implicit meaning of idioms, phraseological units and use them in speech;
  • engage in polemical English-language discussions on pressing topics;
  • cope with a large volume of listening, paying attention to detail;
  • write complex texts using rich vocabulary and grammatical expressions.

Duration of training at the Advanced level

As we mentioned earlier, there are only six levels in the CEFR system (criteria for determining the level of English): A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. We are currently at level five C1. Accordingly, in order to fully master it, starting with Beginner, you will have to spend a little, a lot of about two and a half years (2 lessons with a teacher per week). If the level is higher, it will take less time. Keep in mind that the length of time you study English depends on many factors. An important role, of course, is played by the desire of the student himself. However, the Russian-speaking environment, which does not involve frequent use of English, also has its influence. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to practice English while in an English-speaking country or with a native speaker, then go for it.

Many people think that “Advanced” is some kind of finish that they have reached, and now they can do nothing. This is not entirely true. Language is a capricious thing, so in order for the skill not to disappear, it needs to be constantly fed. So that you know how to do this, now we will talk about the main points (more detailed information is available):

  • pay special attention to popular and modern set phrases that you yourself would 200% want to use in speech;
  • expand your vocabulary by watching films and reading books;
  • don’t be lazy and look in the dictionary to find the desired translation based on the context;
  • communicate more in English with natives, here classes with a native speaker via Skype or conversation clubs will come in handy;
  • devote time to grammar, if you feel that there is a gap or questions somewhere, be sure to study this aspect with the teacher, and then feel free to begin enriching the language with new rules.


Advanced (C1) is exactly the level you should strive for. At this level, it is advisable to set a high bar in order to pass one of the international exams - CAE (test for a high degree of English proficiency) and apply for a highly paid position, both in your home country and abroad. Don’t forget that even after reaching “Advanced”, the most important thing is to maintain this level, because “Proficiency” is just around the corner!

Those prone to self-criticism like to repeat that they don’t know anything (although in fact they can speak the language at a level closer to average and continue to regularly enroll in English courses), and those prone to vanity assure during an interview that they speak English perfectly (when in fact, again, they can be “average”).

For the most impatient, who check their level after each cup of coffee, the buttons are located at the top. This is done for your convenience: no tedious text searches, click on health and get your certificates - we don’t mind.

And for the most assiduous, who are not used to guessing from the coffee grounds, we offer you to plunge into multi-level English. With feeling, sense, and arrangement, we will talk about how Elementary differs from Intermediate and whether Advanced is as scary as it is portrayed to be.

Basically, he will evaluate the fundamental base - i.e. grammar. However, the degree of proficiency in foreign speech depends on it. Because you can chat incessantly in English, but at the same time make so many mistakes that the interlocutor will hardly be able to guess what the conversation is all about. Or you can compose sentences slowly in oral speech, weighing each word, without making gross mistakes - and thus create the impression of a person who speaks English well.

Level 0 - Full beginner(or Full...beginner)

Just don't say now that it's you. If you know the name of the letter “i” or even remember something from school like “teacher”, “book” - feel free to move on. Zero level - only for those who studied another language at school. Or not studied at all.

Level 1 - Elementary(Elementary)

Holmes would be happy with such a name. And the majority of those who graduated from regular high school - too. Because this level, unfortunately, is the most common among those who learned English through the cracks and happily received a “C” on the final exam.
What characterizes Elementary: you can read many words quite well (especially without any gh, th, ough), your vocabulary includes mother, father, I am from Russia and other popular phrases, and you can sometimes catch something from a song - something familiar.

Level 2 - Upper-Elementary(Higher Elementary)

A good student at a regular school who studies English can boast of this level. And quite often, for some reason, those who studied the language on their own decide to stop at Upper-Elementary. Why? Because the illusion of knowing English arises: the vocabulary is already decent enough to support some basic topics of conversation (in any case, in a hotel abroad it will already be possible to express oneself without indecent gestures), reading usually goes quite well, and even American films in the original become more or less clear (25 percent).
However, such conclusions are misleading. Especially if you look at other levels of English.
You can jump from the usual Elementary to Upper in 80 hours if you work hard.

Level 3 - Pre-Intermediate(Lower Intermediate Level)

If you took the English language level test and got this result, congratulations. Because it's a very decent command of English. It occurs among excellent students of a regular school, good students of a specialized school, and the majority of those who combine English language courses with trips abroad.
What characterizes this level: in pronunciation there are no “f” or “t” instead of [θ] and in general the speech of such a student does not have a strong Russian accent, written speech is quite literate and completely understandable, one can communicate even on unfamiliar topics using simple sentences. In general, among the levels of the English language, Pre-Intermediate is most often found among serious learners.

Level 4 - Intermediate(Average level)

A very worthy result. Practically unattainable for schoolchildren in a regular school and quite realistic for those who did not slack in English lessons in a specialized school. Among self-learners of English, not everyone reaches this level. They usually take the previous exam, because you can achieve Intermediate in about six months of residential courses abroad, a year of good courses, or a year of classes with a tutor.
What characterizes this level of English: clear pronunciation, good vocabulary, the ability to communicate on various topics, the ability to compose complex written requests (even official documents), films in English with subtitles go with a bang.
With this level you can already take the international tests TOEFL and IELTS.

Level 5 - Upper-Intermediate(Upper middle level)

If you have passed the English language level test and received this result, then you can almost without cheating write in your resume for a position: “English - fluent.” College graduates in the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​usually reach this level.
What is characterized by: skillful manipulation of different styles in one’s speech (business, conversational, etc.), almost flawless pronunciation, the ability to act as a simultaneous interpreter in an informal setting, fluent reading, understanding of the most complex style - the language of newspapers and magazines in English, deft composition of even particularly complex sentence structures.

Level 6 - Advanced(Advanced)

This is probably the pinnacle that English language learners can achieve in a country where it is not an official language. Those who manage to speak at the Advanced level are usually perceived by their interlocutors as people who have lived in the USA or another English-speaking country for several years.
In fact, you can achieve Advanced even at the foreign language department in college, not to mention at universities. And this proves that 5 years, during which 1-2 hours a day will be spread out to study English, is enough. And if you choose intensive courses, the result will be achieved even earlier.
What characterizes the Advanced level of English: by right, this is fluency in English. Pronunciation with almost no accent, conducting formal and informal conversations, working as a simultaneous interpreter, full understanding of films/books/songs in the original, absence of grammatical errors in written speech and minimal presence of errors in oral speech, understanding of idioms and colloquial expressions. You can confidently plan a career abroad, as well as study at foreign universities.

Level 7 - Super-Advanced(Super advanced)

Are there any here? If so, then the computer most likely malfunctioned on the English language level test.) Because language proficiency at this level is the lot of aborigines living in a country where English is the official language.
What characterizes the Super-Advanced level? Imagine... yourself speaking Russian. You will understand any speech, even if it is a conversation between two emo teenagers discussing topics unknown to you. You will even understand slang. But with all this, you yourself also master the art of words, deftly using terms and putting them into beautiful sentences, without errors (including stylistic ones). And now - the same thing in English. So how?

Dia friend! Do you already feel itchy fingers? Are your seat belts fastened? And are you still here?
Press the button and go! Don't forget to insert the paper into the printer to print out the certificate and proudly display it to everyone interested.

especially for

Make your choice and receive a certificate

If you only know the Terminator phrase in English or decide to test the theory of probability “what if you answer at random” - don’t bother, get a “Full Beginner” certificate and rejoice.

And for all those who suffer, to test their knowledge and obtain documentary evidence of their successes - click the “determine your English level” button and take the test. Be honest with yourself!

And may English be with you. Advanced.

So, what are the levels, what level of language proficiency do you personally need (depending on your goals), and how much time will you have to spend to achieve this level? For convenience, we will focus on English, as the most popular language, and in which there is the most developed system of various tests and international exams. Conventionally, we will evaluate the level of English language proficiency on a twelve-point scale. At many English language courses abroad, and at decent courses in our country, the formation of study groups occurs precisely in accordance with these levels.

0 - "zero level" of English

Full Beginner. Many people immediately begin to say: “yes, yes, this is just about me!” I learned something at school, but I don’t remember anything at all! Complete zero!" No! If you learned something at school, then it no longer has anything to do with you. Those who have never learned English and don’t even know the alphabet have a zero level. Well, if, for example, you studied German or French at school, but never encountered English.

1 Elementary. Elementary English level

I have no experience using English. Some simple words and expressions are understandable, while others can be difficult to guess. I have the vaguest idea about grammar. In general, this is a typical level for a graduate of a post-Soviet school, who twice a week pretended to study some “topics”, but in fact copied mathematics under his desk. In case of urgent need, some words still pop up in your head - “passport, taxi, how-to”, but a coherent conversation does not work out. To reach this level from scratch, it is enough to take a decent English course abroad for 3-4 weeks, approximately 80-100 hours of study. By the way, about all the calculations (weeks, hours, etc.) - these are average figures for the bulk of students with normal abilities (which is approximately 80%), ten percent of linguistically gifted students will learn everything much faster, and ten percent will need more time and efforts to achieve the same result. There are no people who are generally incapable of learning languages ​​- I declare this categorically. If you speak Russian, you can speak any other language, you just need to put in some effort and spend some time. So, I wrote, and I myself felt sad: whatever one may say, a month or a month and a half at language courses abroad successfully replaces five years of language study in our regular high school... well, that’s, of course, if it’s a C grade. If you diligently complete your homework for five years, you can achieve much greater success and rise to a higher level.

2 - Upper-Elementary. Highest elementary level

Have knowledge of simple grammatical structures of the English language. It is possible to maintain a conversation on a familiar topic - but, unfortunately, the number of familiar topics is very limited. There is an understanding of simple sentences and speech structures - especially if they speak slowly and clarify what is said with gestures.

We can call this level a “living wage” for a tourist who is relatively independent of guides and translators. Add 80-100 training hours to the previous level. By the way, in most decent language courses in Russia, one level is approximately 80 hours, that is, if you study twice a week for 4 academic hours, then this is about 10 weeks, two to three months. Abroad, you can complete three weeks of intensive training.

3 - Pre-Intermediate. Lower intermediate level

You can keep up the conversation on a familiar topic. Knowledge of English grammar is quite good, although vocabulary is limited. You can pronounce fairly coherent sentences with virtually no errors if you covered this topic in class. This sometimes leads to a paradoxical situation if you have to communicate with foreigners - it seems to them that you speak English quite well, and they happily begin to explain something to you at a normal pace, excitedly waving their hands. But you, having laid out everything you knew, realize that you no longer understand a damn thing, and you feel out of place.

At this level, you can already try to pass some kind of language test, although there will be no practical benefit from this. This level approximately corresponds to the result of 3-4 when passing the IELTS exam, 39-56 points when passing the TOEFL iBT, you can try to pass the Cambridge PET exam (Preliminary English Test).

If you need advice on how to most effectively and quickly improve your level of foreign language proficiency, please contact us! We help everyone, regardless of region or country of residence.
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The best way to determine whether your English language skills are at B1 level is to take a high-quality standardized test. Below is a list of the main internationally recognized tests and their corresponding B1 indicators:

What can you do if you know English at level B1?

Level B1 of English will be sufficient to communicate with native English speakers on familiar topics. In the workplace, a B1 level of English allows an employee to read simple reports on familiar topics and write simple emails in their professional field. However, level B1 is not enough to communicate in the workplace only in English.

According to official CEFR guidelines, a student proficient in English at level B1:

  1. Understands the main ideas of clear, standard messages on familiar topics encountered regularly at work, school, leisure, etc.
  2. Can communicate in most situations that may arise while in a country where the target language is spoken.
  3. Can compose a simple, coherent text on topics that are familiar to him or that interest him personally.
  4. Can describe impressions, events, dreams, hopes and aspirations, express and justify their opinions and plans.

More information about knowledge of English at level B1

Official statements about a student's skills are broken down into smaller sub-items for teaching purposes. Such a detailed classification will help you assess your own level of English or help your teacher assess the level of your students. For example, a student who knows English at level B1 will be able to do everything that a student at level A2 can do, and also:

  • discuss dreams and hopes for the future personally and professionally. Organize and complete a job interview in your professional field.
  • talk about your television preferences and favorite programs.
  • describe your education and your plans for future studies.
  • talk about favorite pieces of music and musical trends. Know how to plan an evening of listening to live music.
  • talk about leading a healthy lifestyle, give and receive advice on healthy habits.
  • talk about relationships and dating, including communicating with people on social networks.
  • visit a restaurant, order food, engage in small talk at dinner and pay the bill.
  • participate in discussions in your area of ​​expertise, enlisting help in understanding certain issues.
  • discuss safety issues in the workplace.
  • discuss standards of polite behavior and respond appropriately to impolite behavior.

Of course, progress will depend on the type of course and the individual student, but it can be predicted that a student will achieve a B1 level of English proficiency in 400 hours of study (total).