Three-dimensional paintings of dried flowers and leaves. DIY crafts from autumn leaves, painting: “Girl – Autumn”

Hello dear friends! Putting my decorations aside, I decided to relax a little and plunge into the world of my favorite floristry. It's golden autumn outside and I have brought out for you a new variety of roses with the same name "Golden Autumn"))).

Of course, this is not a real rose, but a rose made from leaves. I use aspen leaves because they look the most like rose petals. In floristry, flowers collected in this way are called glamelia. For those who are not familiar with this name, let me explain: this is when a large flower is collected from individual flower petals (roses, lilies, gladiolus, etc.), each of which is planted on a wire.

And so let's get started.

We will need:

1.Aspen leaves of different sizes and different colors

2. Thin wire, I use floral broth

3. Floral tape

4 Scissors

First you need to select about 30-35 leaves of different colors, increasing evenly. They must be fresh (it is much more difficult to work with dried leaves), clean (if the leaves are dusty, rinse them under water)

We’ve chosen it, okay, now we need to cut off the petiole from each leaf.

Now let’s prepare the wire by cutting it into 8-10cm pieces in an amount equal to our leaves.

Now prepare the tape, tear 4-5 cm pieces in the same quantity as the wire

Great, now let's get down to work.

I start from the largest petal. We take the largest leaf and thread a wire through it, approximately 0.5-0.7 cm from the bottom edge

We bend the wire, doing everything very carefully so as not to tear the sheet.

Now take the tape and place one end on the wire from the front side and pinch the whole thing between your fingers. Under the warmth of your hands, the tape will slightly stick to the leaf

Now we need to wrap the entire wire with tape. To do this, we begin to slightly stretch and wrap the base of the leaf and the wire stem with tape.

This is what you should get (front side)

Wrong side

To make sure that everything is done correctly, turn the leaf horizontally, it should adhere tightly to our artificial cuttings

Thus, we make cuttings for the remaining leaves, except for the smallest one.

Now take the smallest leaf

Roll the piece of paper into a narrow envelope

Take the wire and pierce all layers of the envelope

bend the wire as on the other sheets

We take the tape and wrap our cutting

Here are all our future rose petals

Well, the first stage is finished, let's start assembling

We take the core and the leaf next to it in size (we slightly bend the leaf at the base of the cutting to the back, the looseness of the rose depends on the angle of the bend, the larger the angle, the more blooming the rose will be)

We apply it to the core, as if wrapping it. We place the cuttings strictly PARALLEL

We take the next leaf and place it on the opposite side of the second petal (we have the core of the first leaf), as if trying to wrap the edges of the second

When all the petals are collected, you need to turn our flower over and secure the stem; to do this, wrap the stem with tape

Here's what we got

When the leaves dry they will curl up and the rose will become more curly, something like this, this is a rose I made last fall

You can make any number of these flowers, in different sizes and colors.

How to use this is a matter of taste.

I made 2 panels from these roses (sorry for the photo quality)

To make roses look more glossy, you can spray them with hairspray

Autumn is a truly magical time. And not only for romantics, but also for those who like to work with their hands. This season provides us with a lot of natural materials that, with a little imagination and patience, can be turned into beautiful crafts, appliqués or home decorations. When walking through a park strewn with fallen leaves, you will have the opportunity to spend time not only pleasantly, but also usefully: having collected an armful of beautiful leaves, you can either simply put them in a vase or try to turn them into something unusual.

In addition, in schools and kindergartens they are often given the task of making crafts from leaves - and this is an excellent reason to take a walk with your child in the fresh air, collecting the gifts of autumn.

We have collected for you 25 ideas for crafts made from fallen leaves, cones, acorns and nuts that will give you many unforgettable moments spent with your children.

1. First, let's try to make a butterfly from autumn leaves. This simple option is suitable even for the little ones. The only thing is that you first need to dry and straighten the leaves, placing them between the pages of books or under any other press for a day.

3. This unusual snail can be made from leaves of different colors and shapes.

5. By using a shaped hole punch for paper or cardboard on fallen leaves, you can get a truly magical result!

7. Candles will help create a special homely atmosphere in autumn. Using a glass jar, leaves and ribbon for decoration, you can fill your home with coziness and warmth.

9. In autumn, chestnuts just fall under your feet. Let your child show his imagination by drawing funny faces of people or animals on them - rest assured, it will be impossible to tear your child away from this activity!

11. Having made such a cute hedgehog, you will ensure a good mood for yourself and your baby for the whole day.

13. The variety of colors and shapes of fallen leaves opens up space for imagination. Take your child to a whole zoo - it will be an absolutely fabulous experience for him!

15. This idea is suitable not only for children, but also for decorating a gift for an adult or as a decorative element.

17. Use fallen leaves to create your own autumn landscapes. To do this, it will be enough to apply paint to one side of the sheet and then press it to the paper. Feel like a master of painting without making any effort!

19. Don't be afraid to experiment with materials. For example, to create such a tree, you will have to take scissors and cut the leaves into small pieces. Paint the tree trunk with watercolors, let it dry, and then glue the cut leaves onto its branches.

21. A little glue, plasticine, imagination and magic - and ordinary acorns turn into a miniature tea party set or fairy-tale characters!

Collecting beautiful leaves on a fine autumn day is a most exciting activity. And when you return home, you want to somehow preserve this splendor or use it to create something beautiful - the material simply begs for it! The most interesting thing is to make various compositions and applications from colorful autumn leaves. This type of creativity develops the child’s fantasy and imagination. In it, images can be created from ready-made shapes by simply placing them on top of each other, rather than cutting them out of paper. And the color palette of leaf fall will put any largest set of colored paper to shame!

Colorful autumn leaves
Multi-colored cardboard or velvet paper
PVA glue (you can use starch glue or rubber glue)


Applications can be made from either freshly picked or dried leaves. If you want to preserve the leaves, two drying methods can be recommended.

The first, well-known, method is to insert leaves between the pages of an old unnecessary book. It is better to lay each leaf on both sides with a paper napkin.

The second method is express drying of the leaves using an iron. Just remember that the leaves are not sterile, so it is better to iron them on a surface that you don’t mind throwing away later, for example, on large sheets of paper. You also need to place a sheet of newsprint or a paper napkin on top of the sheet before ironing.


Before you start work, cover the table with oilcloth so as not to stain it with glue. Prepare the base - a sheet of cardboard, collected leaves, scissors, glue, tweezers.

First you need to come up with a future picture. Then arrange it on a separate sheet of paper. And only then start gluing the individual leaf parts to the base. It is best to apply the glue in droplets along the edges. If you apply glue to the entire surface of the sheet, it will warp when the application dries.

The finished picture should be placed under a press for one or two days.

Don't forget to frame it!



Overlay applique. Try to start by coming up with pictures that do not require cutting out any details from the leaves, but are created by overlaying the leaves. You can come up with a lot of such pictures: butterflies, mushrooms, chickens and other birds... The missing elements can be drawn in with a felt-tip pen or made from other natural materials.

Having mastered simple pictures, children can begin to come up with multi-tiered images. In this technique, leaves are glued on top of each other in layers. The application will turn out bright and cheerful if the leaves are different in color.



Silhouette applique.

In this type of appliqué, excess parts of the leaf are cut off so that the result is exactly what the little artist intended.







Modular application (mosaic).

Using this technique, a picture is created by gluing many leaves of the same or similar shape and size (or, for example, maple seeds). This way you can make the scales of a fish, the tail of a cockerel or a firebird.


Symmetrical applique.

It is used to create individual images or entire paintings with a symmetrical structure, as well as to obtain two completely identical images (for example, reflection in water). To do this, you need to select similar leaves to get an image with its “reflection” or symmetrical in itself (“Butterfly”, “Dragonfly”, “Landscape with a lake”, “Boat on the river”).



Ribbon applique- a type of symmetrical applique.

Its difference is that it allows you to get not one or two, but many identical images - ornaments. You get a whole “round dance” of trees, flowers, mushrooms, butterflies, etc.

In conclusion, here is a small selection of pictures collected from different parts of the Internet - to awaken the first associations in you and your baby. One has only to show the child how this is done, and his imagination will allow him to create more and more pictures from this amazingly beautiful natural material - autumn leaves!
























And these work samples are taken from





























Types of applications

Overlay applique. Try to start by coming up with pictures that do not require cutting out any details from the leaves, but are created by overlaying the leaves. You can come up with a lot of such pictures: butterflies, mushrooms, chickens and other birds... The missing elements can be drawn in with a felt-tip pen or made from other natural materials.

Having mastered simple pictures, children can begin to come up with multi-tiered images. In this technique, leaves are glued on top of each other in layers. The application will turn out bright and cheerful if the leaves are different in color.

Silhouette applique. In this type of appliqué, excess parts of the leaf are cut off so that the result is exactly what the little artist intended.

Modular application (mosaic). Using this technique, a picture is created by gluing many leaves of the same or similar shape and size (or, for example, maple seeds). This way you can make the scales of a fish, the tail of a cockerel or a firebird.

Symmetrical applique. It is used to create individual images or entire paintings with a symmetrical structure, as well as to obtain two completely identical images (for example, reflection in water). To do this, you need to select similar leaves to get an image with its “reflection” or symmetrical in itself (“Butterfly”, “Dragonfly”, “Landscape with a lake”, “Boat on the river”).

Ribbon applique - a type of symmetrical appliqué. Its difference is that it allows you to get not one or two, but many identical images - ornaments. You get a whole “round dance” of trees, flowers, mushrooms, butterflies, etc.

In this article you will find four ideas for making a portrait from autumn leaves with step-by-step descriptions and photographs

— portrait “Girl – Autumn”,

- portrait from leaves “Girlfriend - Autumn”,

— portrait from leaves “Queen Autumn”,

— portraits of a boy and a girl made of leaves.

The first three portraits were made by participants in our children's crafts competition

Portrait of leaves: Girl Autumn

This master class was prepared and this portrait was made by a participant in our competition “Autumn Workshop - 2015”, curator Nadezhda Konstantinovna Popova (Center for Child Development and Creativity “Fidgets” from Podolsk, Moscow Region).

You will need to make a portrait

- A4 sheet,

- watercolor paints,

- felt-tip pens,

- PVA glue.

How to make a portrait of autumn leaves “Autumn Girl”: step-by-step description

Tips for the teacher: In the process of making this portrait, we will be able to give children the concept of “composition”, work on color perception, promote the development of imagination (through “representation” of the image) and fine motor skills (working with a brush).

Making a portrait step by step:

Step 1. First, let's tint a sheet of paper with watercolors in autumn colors.

Step 2. Let's look at the autumn leaves and try to create a composition that resembles a headdress or hairstyle. Let's imagine what image of the girl - Autumn - will correspond to the resulting composition.

You can first draw a face, then stick on the leaves, or, on the contrary, following your artistic flair, stick on the leaves, and then finish drawing the face.

The portrait is ready. Not difficult at all, but quite picturesque! Creative success!

Leaf Portrait: Girlfriend Autumn

A portrait of autumn leaves can be different. This is the portrait made from leaves by Anastasia Miklyaeva, a small participant in our “Autumn Workshop” competition (Center for Child Development and Creativity “Fidgets”, Podolsk, Moscow Region). Anastasia is four years old.

Portrait from leaves: collective work of children 5-6 years old “Queen Autumn”

An autumn portrait made of leaves can be made not individually with a child, but with a whole group of children or in a family with children of different ages.

This portrait is collective work of children of the senior group "Kolobok" MKDOU kindergarten "Fairy Tale"(Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region).

Educator and work leader - Yulia Viktorovna Brazhnikova

In this work, we used not dried autumn leaves, but leaves cut out of colored paper. But you can also make a portrait from dried autumn leaves.

How to make a portrait using the applique technique

Step 1. Choose any drawing - a template of a beautiful woman, print it, glue it onto a cardboard base.

Step 2. Cut out autumn leaves from colored paper.

Step 3. Glue autumn leaves from colored paper onto a leaf, imitating Autumn hair.

Step 4. All that remains is to make a wreath for our Autumn. For this we use flowers dried in summer.

Portrait from leaves: boy and girl

I will also share ideas for making a portrait using the appliqué technique of autumn leaves. These are the ideas of the famous teacher Irina Aleksandrovna Lykova, author of numerous books and manuals on children's creativity, author of the “Colored Palms” program, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. How you can make an applique - a portrait from leaves is shown step by step in the diagram below.

For a portrait of a girl We select a leaf of a delicate color. Next, from parts of the leaves we make up the girl’s hairstyle (we cut the leaves into pieces of the desired shape). Add elements - eyes, lips, collar, bows.

For a portrait of a boyWe select a leaf with a round shape and a leaf with a forelock (forelock). Cut out ears from a piece of paper. Glue on the face, bangs, ears. Glue the cap on top. Glue or draw eyes and mouth.