New scandal between Buzovoy and Kostenko. Olga Buzova: “I need a strong man! Olga Buzova latest news: the presenter attended the Lokomotiv match

It’s no secret that a few months ago the couple Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov broke up, but their relationship lasted six years. Now the 31-year-old TV presenter gives interviews about divorce and even plans for children, but in the end the reason for the breakup is kept silent. Nevertheless, it is known that the footballer went to “Vice Miss Russia 2014” Anastasia Kostenko, with whom he already lives together and is even rumored to be preparing to become a father again.

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko. Photo: "Morning"

The love relationship of Dmitry Tarasov and his new lover Anastasia Kostenko fell into the field of reasoning of the famous blogger, who does not choose expressions, Lena Miro. According to Miro, “the couple’s happiness is under threat because of... the football player’s mother.”

“It’s in vain that Buzova is eating herself because the lanky football player Tarasov exchanged her for a fresh, beautiful girl,” writes Miro on his page in Livejournal (LJ).

“Yes, Nastya is only 23, and she is the runner-up for something. Yes, this doll has an order of magnitude more sex than the sad, hysterical Buzova, but Tarasov will also kill Nastya. Neither her youth nor her stunning appearance will help her "Nastya's fatal mistake is that in her relationship with Tarasov, she began to play the role of an exemplary girl. Instead of being the super sucker that everyone is looking for, Nastya fit into the insipid, absolutely unsexual image of a good girl," says Miro.

And he continues: “A good girl you can marry, a good girl from whom it is safe to reproduce, a good girl who will please your mother.”

“Footballer Dima loves his mom. Mom is a god for him,” the blogger continues and clarifies: “A girl who doesn’t like Dima’s mom will have a hard time, but she is the one who has a chance to stay in the soccer player’s bed for a long time.”

"Buzova licked her dominant mother-in-law to the point of exhaustion, diligently pretending to the perfect wife and loving daughter-in-law. Stupid Olenka carried something other than her “mom” with her like a suitcase without a handle: to restaurants, to events, on trips. This is so hypocritical that, however, it is typical for Buzova,” writes Miro about Buzova.

“Well, what sincere, self-sufficient girl would want to walk around Paris with her mother-in-law?” - she exclaims. "Even if the husband cannot fly anywhere, normal woman, and not a mongrel wagging her tail in front of her husband, will fly to rest alone or with her friends,” Miro is sure.

“Buzova wanted to please Dima’s mother so much that Dima himself stopped liking her. Nastya Kostenko repeats the same mistake, because the footballer’s first wife, with whom he has a child, also got burned in the image of a good girl,” says Lena Miro.

After this, Miro switches to the personality of the football player himself: " Good girls They excite Dima’s mother, but not Dima himself. However, Dima hands each of his new women a rope on which is written: “My mother must like you.” And on this rope the stupid woman hangs herself."

The other day, the first solo concert Olga Buzova, for which she, according to her, prepared for just over two months. Of course, her mother Irina Buzova could not ignore such a grandiose event in the life of the heiress. The woman admitted that she was still impressed by the show. “Only I almost died of fear when Olga was on the trapeze without a safety net at a height of five meters and sang the song “Atoms”. Of course, then I scolded her. After the concert, I hugged her, but there was no child - she had lost so much weight !" – noted Buzova.


The mother also made public the extreme nervousness that Olga experienced during the show. “My daughter told me how during the concert there was a moment when her legs gave out. She gives so much effort and gives so much of her energy,” the mother of the singing presenter said.

Unlike Olga, her younger sister Anna and ex-husband Igor, Irina lives in St. Petersburg and does not intend to move to the capital. The woman works as a dental therapist and is the deputy head physician at a district clinic. Irina is happy with everything and has no intention of changing her job. Irina explained: “My daughter and I happy people, because we love our work very much."

As it appears, Olga Buzova still hasn't recovered from her painful divorce from Dmitry Tarasov.

Football player and his new lover Anastasia Kostenko quite often they post their joint photos on social networks. So, recently photos from a vacation in Dubai appeared on the couple’s Instagram, in which Dmitry and Anastasia look completely happy.

Olga did not fail to respond to these publications. On her blog, the girl posted a photo where she is “in full dress” posing against the backdrop of an expensive car and a helicopter. In the caption under the photo, the TV presenter says: “Many men are afraid of women to whom they need to grow up; it’s easier to use those to whom they can stoop.” Of course, Buzova did not name specific names, but her subscribers immediately decided that this was an attack on her ex-husband.

Apparently, Kostenko thought the same thing. On the same day, a photo appeared on her social network page where she and Tarasov were sitting on the beach, with the football player tenderly hugging his girlfriend. In the caption to the photo, the model reminded subscribers famous parable about a woman who reproached her neighbor for poorly washed clothes, until it turned out that the window in the woman’s own house was dirty. “It’s the same in our life, everything depends on our window... Only an unhappy person will look into other people’s windows, because a happy person is engaged in cleaning his own every day!” - Anastasia wrote.

After this, Buzova went live in front of her followers.

Last weekend, football player Dmitry Tarasov, better known as the ex-husband of Olga Buzova, celebrated his 30th birthday on the luxury ship Lastochka. The latest news has been heatedly discussed online for several days now. The fact is that Anastasia Kostenko officially appeared for the first time in the restaurant next to Tarasov.

The name of the model from the provincial town of Salsk gained popularity on the Internet after it became known about the Tarabuziks’ separation. An unknown “miss” easily won Dmitry Tarasov away from the famous TV presenter.

Nevertheless, the couple hid their relationship until last Saturday, when Anastasia appeared at the football player’s birthday as his new companion.

Olga Buzova accused singer Hannah of being corrupt

Dmitry Tarasov invited many celebrities to his birthday. So, I came to congratulate the athlete on his anniversary popular rapper Mot.

The appearance of singer Hannah at the celebration was unexpected. The fact is that the artist was in friendly relations With ex-wife Tarasova Olga Buzova.

During her speech, Hannah took new girlfriend Tarasov by the hand.

Such a friendly attitude of the singer towards Anastasia Kostenko hurt the feelings of Olga Buzova, who considered these actions to be a betrayal on the part of Hannah. The emotional host of “Dom-2” could not restrain herself and left a sharp comment on the singer’s page:

Ugh! What a sellout you turned out to be! God forbid you be in my place. Holding the hand of the Rostov slut who stole her husband from the family. This could be you too. Youth is not eternal. Boomerang, Anya, hits twice. Shame on you. I thought you were different!

Internet users are vigorously discussing the scandal between Hannah and Olga Buzova

The scandal between former girlfriends has divided the online community into two camps. Some users are opposed to Olga Buzova, believing that she should not publicly express her emotions and start scandals.

At the same time, many commentators sided with Buzova, believing that Hannah should not have accepted Tarasov’s invitation to perform at his birthday. And even more so, she shouldn’t have expressed her sympathy for Anastasia Kostenko. On Hannah's Instagram for three days now, users have been leaving negative comments, which the singer deletes from time to time: Buzova wrote everything correctly, her friend is a traitor, worse than any enemy. Disgraceful.

ushko21 Hannah, you really don’t understand what Buzova’s claims are against you? But when you realize how much money you received from Tarasov, maybe you will remember how Buzova treated you?

kopii_liuks He who pays not only orders the music, but also friendship, in our time! This is very sad(

Last weekend, the ex-husband of Olga Buzova celebrated her 30th anniversary in a big way in the company of her new girl Anastasia Kostenko. The TV presenter, of course, was not invited to the celebration.

But Buzova actively monitored all social networks to see how Dmitry Tarasov’s celebration went. And there Olga accidentally came across a video in which her ex-friend Hannah performed at the celebration. Buzova attacked the singer with reproaches.

Ugh! What a sellout you turned out to be! God forbid you be in my place. Holding the hand of the Rostov slut who stole her husband from the family. This could be you too. Youth is not eternal. Boomerang Anya. It hits twice. Shame on you. I thought you were different! — Buzova wrote in comments to Hannah. (note the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved)

Hannah did not answer Olga in response. The singer simply closed the possibility of commenting, thereby deleting Buzova’s words. StarHit magazine asked Hannah to comment on Olga’s words addressed to her. According to the singer, she does not understand the behavior of the TV presenter.

I don’t understand why all this window dressing on Olya’s part. If she really wanted to discuss something with me, she would have written to me personally,” the magazine quotes Hannah.

Earlier, the Express News portal wrote that Internet users noticed that Buzova’s song seemed surprisingly similar to the singer Hannah’s composition “Lost Her Head.” The TV presenter was immediately accused of plagiarism: “Yes, this is plagiarism, listen to Hannah “Lost My Head.” Olya... not good”, “I would confuse her with Hannah if I didn’t know who sings. “Lost my head” exactly the same, only the rhythm is slower” (Spelling and punctuation are the author’s. - Editor’s note). Hannah herself did not deny that Buzova’s song is really similar to her hit. “Today I was simply inundated with questions and comments on this topic. Yes, of course, you can find similarities in the manner of performance and in the motive of the song “I’m getting used to it” and my single “Lost my head.” As a performer, I find this a little strange and incomprehensible, but I don’t think that Olya deliberately did this and will continue to do this,” Hannah commented on the situation in an interview with

Olga Buzova latest news: Olya changed her hairstyle

After breaking up with Dmitry Tarasov, Olga Buzova radically changed her life. The presenter of “House-2” dyed her hair in dark color, and also took up seriously musical career. Buzova recorded two songs that still top iTunes. However, the changes did not end there. Today, the TV presenter shared her joy with fans on Instagram: she has grown her hair a little, and is now making a ponytail using false strands. “Total Black,” the star captioned a photo of herself in business suit. Fans liked it a new style Buzovoy. "As always ideal figure and in stylish look", "Gorgeous. How good it is with long hair“,” “It’s better and younger with long ones,” Internet users commented. Some even noticed that Olga now looks like Dmitry Tarasov’s girlfriend Anastasia Kostenko. By the way, Tarasov has already stopped hiding his affair with Kostenko. Anastasia came to the football player for his anniversary. The lovers did not hesitate to pose for photographs and dance to the fiery hits of the guest stars. We came to the party to entertain the audience good friend Dmitry rapper Mot and singer Hannah. For the first time, the relationship between Dmitry and Anastasia became known after the famous blogger Amiran published a video filmed in the football player’s apartment. Amiran. YouTube Star came to visit Tarasov and filmed how in the kitchen short shorts a mysterious brunette was walking around. Fans immediately guessed that the stranger was Anastasia Kostenko. Later the girl went out to online broadcast, and Tarasov wrote her a very ambiguous message: “How long will I wait for you?” It became clear who Dmitry misses in the evenings. Olga Buzova Let us remind you that Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov got married on June 26, 2012. In November 2016, the seemingly ideal union began to crack. The first rumors appeared on the Internet that the TV presenter and the football player had broken up. Olga stopped posting on social media joint photos with her husband, and then it became known that, in turn, Olga and Dmitry ended up in the hospital, where they did not visit each other, moreover, they both took wedding rings. On December 30, 2016, the TV presenter and the athlete officially divorced. In numerous interviews, Buzova said that the reason was the football player’s betrayal: one day he came home and said that he no longer loved Olga and did not want to live with her.
Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko

Olga Buzova latest news: the presenter attended the Lokomotiv match

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov, last news: the presenter of “House 2” wrote on her Instagram that she allegedly went to the Lokomotiv match. Olga Buzova, Instagram: the presenter of “House 2” stole someone else’s PHOTO so that she could write about going to the match Tarasova Popular domestic TV presenter Olga Buzova informed her followers on Instagram the day before that she had allegedly visited football match her ex-husband Dmitry Tarasov. However, according to Internet users, most likely, the TV star lied and published someone else’s photo on the social network in order to attract the attention of her ex-husband. Last Sunday in Moscow, Lokomotiv played at home with Spartak (1:1). After the fight, Olga Buzova published in her Instagram A photograph allegedly taken at the stadium during the game. At the same time, she supported the team in which Tarasov plays.

"The past is the foundation of our present and future, the guarantee of our victories. No one and nothing will stop you from supporting your favorite team, rooting for it, enjoying its victories and desire to be the best! Loko, go ahead! Guys, I believe in you!" — Buzova left such a comment on the photo, accompanying it with the geotag “Lokomotiv (stadium, Moscow).”

However, it turned out that the celebrity used a photograph of journalist Leonid Goldman in her publication.

“As they say, find 2 differences... @buzova86, you could have reposted it from me, ah-ah-ah,” he wrote himself, publishing screenshots of two posts on the social network..

Users instantly burst out with a stream of criticism against Buzova.

“Why post someone else’s photo???????”, “It’s just window dressing! The photo is not hers, she just wants to attract Tarasov’s attention”, “Olya, why are you posting other people’s photos? You weren’t at the football game”, “Buzova , you were declassified, stole a photo from a friend @saeross27 Ay-yay-yay", “She’s completely gone crazy!!! Someone give it to her already,” the star’s followers wrote.

The TV presenter herself did not react in any way to Leonid Goldman’s statements and criticism from Internet users.