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In nature, there are so-called “double mushrooms” that are similar to their healthy and tasty counterparts, but are not actually such. How to distinguish false boletus from edible ones from a photo? There are a few simple tips, which will help both beginners and experienced lovers of quiet hunting not to bring in a basket a product that can cause serious disorders of the digestive and other body systems.

Everyone knows the most dangerous mushrooms in the world, which, if they fall into a basket, can ruin the entire harvest collected in the forest. These are fly agaric and pale toadstool. They are deadly and often cause death. But there are also less famous representatives species growing in the forest.

For example, mushrooms that resemble chanterelles in appearance, butter mushrooms and other popular varieties. They are generally not as dangerous as the above-mentioned species with high levels of toxicity. But their use can lead to dysfunction of the liver, digestive system, and metabolic processes in the body. In general, after eating them, a significant eating disorder is guaranteed.

These also include false boletus; how to distinguish them from edible ones from photos will be discussed below. They are very similar to edible mushrooms. Representatives of false boletus have a pleasant shade of cap, a thick, durable stem, and even a mucous film, almost the same as that of ordinary boletus. But, nevertheless, these mushrooms belong to a completely different species.

The main difference is the structure of the cap. In a regular oiler it has a tubular structure. That is, under the cap there are small pores running throughout its entire thickness to the very top. False boletus belongs to the agaric mushrooms; if you look under the cap, it will resemble an umbrella.

It is important for a novice mushroom picker to know that tubular mushrooms are extremely rarely poisonous; the bulk of toxic representatives are precisely the lamellar varieties. Therefore, if you have doubts about whether you should put the mushroom you like in the basket, first of all you need to look under its cap.

Varieties of butter

In nature, there are about 50 varieties of butter. They differ in appearance, taste and place of growth. The most famous varieties in Russia are the following:

  • white;
  • cedar;
  • Siberian;
  • swamp;
  • yellow-brown.

The most famous of them are autumn boletus, which grows almost throughout the country. Their name is due to their active growth in early and mid-autumn. Top part their hats are Brown color different shades, the stem and lower part of the cap are light yellow or beige, depending on the age of the oiler.

A characteristic feature of this species is the presence of a skirt that forms a white blanket under the cap. Over time, it cracks and comes off. The leg has a cylindrical shape and a rough surface. False butterflies do not have this feature.

Where do boletus grow?

Boletus are mushrooms that are quite common in Russia. They can be found in both deciduous and pine forests. The oiler is often found in plantings and fields located near wooded areas.

The most optimal soil is sandstone and loose, clay soil. Butterflies do not like too dark places, so it is difficult to find them in old, densely overgrown forests. Often along with them grow similar edible ones - false boletus. They look almost the same, but have a cap with a small funnel and a plate-like structure.

Boletus mushrooms are collected easily and quickly; they grow in small families, in which you can see both large and very small mushrooms. If you get to a “mushroom” place, you can pick up a large number of aromatic, tasty mushrooms in a short period of time.

Growth periods

This variety loves moisture, which means it grows after rains, especially during the period when sunny weather sets in after a cold snap. Mushrooms ripen from June until frost. But if the summer turns out to be hot with little rain, boletus will be rare in the forest. This variety loves a temperate, mild climate and sufficient moisture.

When choosing boletus, it is worth remembering that small specimens, the diameter of which does not exceed four centimeters, are much tastier than overgrown boletus. They have a delicate texture and a sweetish taste with a pronounced mushroom aroma. It is better to leave older specimens in place, this will give them time to expel their pores, after which the number of mushrooms in the places where they grow will increase significantly.

How to recognize false boletus

False mushrooms can be easily identified by their photos and descriptions, although they have a certain resemblance to edible ones. There are several obvious signs that indicate “doubles” of classic oil:

  • the inner surface of the cap has a lamellar structure;
  • upper surface gray with slight purple tint, in real boletus it is brown in color;
  • the ring on the stem, or skirt, of false butterworts is white or light purple in color, usually dries quickly and hangs down the stem.

This plate in classic boletus has a purple tint and stays on the stem for a long time, forming a film under the cap. One of the main features due to which the false butterfly is often confused with the edible one is the oily surface of the mushroom. But this factor definitely should not be used as a guide during a quiet hunt.

Important! After cooking, the false butter dish will also differ from the edible one: its taste will not be as pleasant, and there may be a distinct bitterness and mustiness. The structure will be more rigid and spongy.

If at least one such mushroom gets into the total portion, the entire dish should be thrown away. But you shouldn’t do this hastily: if someone has already eaten a poisonous specimen, the mushrooms may still be needed to analyze the source of the poisoning.

Why are false boletus dangerous?

Mushrooms, similar to ordinary edible boletus, although they can be poisonous, are quite rare. They usually have a low level of toxicity. Eating false boletus, as a rule, leads to the following consequences:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • general malaise;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • in some cases - increased body temperature.

Important! It should also be remembered that any poisoning, even minor, has a detrimental effect on liver function.

What to do in cases of poisoning with false boletus

If, after eating cooked mushrooms, you feel at least one of the symptoms listed above, you should take the following steps:

  • immediately call an ambulance or take the patient to the hospital yourself;
  • before the doctors arrive, you need to rinse your stomach;
  • If the victim shows signs of dehydration, you should give him strong, sweet tea.

But don't wait negative consequences eating toxic mushrooms. It is better to leave specimens that arouse even the slightest suspicion in the forest or throw them away instead of chasing their quantity.

Mushrooms are a special kingdom that combines the properties of both animals and flora. Among these representatives there are some that can, and even should, be eaten, because they have a beneficial effect on human health. But there are mushrooms that are poisonous to living beings. There are specific types that are described in manuals for mushroom pickers in order to warn about the danger. But there are other, so-called twin mushrooms. Such representatives are a very similar variation of an edible mushroom, but at the same time they are not. This is where the danger lies.

In order not to confuse a real mushroom with its double, you need to have a good understanding of mushrooms. Many representatives of this kingdom have their own counterparts, including boletus.

Butterflies and their types

In order to distinguish a double from the original mushroom, you need to know exactly what real boletus mushrooms look like. Butterflies are called this for a reason, but due to the fact that their cap is covered with mucus, which distinguishes this mushroom from others. Immediately under the cap there is a growth that looks like a ring. Butterflies are very common representatives of their genus and their species diversity reaches up to fifty variations.

The most common is the ordinary oiler. Less commonly you can see mushrooms such as porcini, cedar, and Siberian boletus. It is extremely rare to find swamp representatives of the species.

Externally, the oiler is represented by a cap and a stem. The shape of the upper part of the mushroom is semicircular. From above it is almost flat, but there is a small hill in the very center. As for color, the most common option is brown, but there are also representatives with an olive-brown cap. The flesh of the mushroom is close to yellow in color. Its consistency is meaty and juicy. The skin of the cap can be easily removed, separating it from the pulp. The tubular layer also has a yellow tint, and it fuses with the stalk. And the stem of the mushroom grows to a height of just over ten centimeters and is shaped like a cylinder. It is darker below than above.

In order to understand what kind of mushroom is in front of us, we need to know where exactly boletus grows, what places are typical for them. Common representatives most often settle in deciduous forests or pine forests. This mushroom can also be seen in plantings where heather and cereals grow. The most suitable soil for these mushrooms is sand and lime. Butterflies grow in families, which makes collecting them very pleasant and convenient. They do not like strong shade, so you don’t have to look for them in deep thickets. Soils with good drainage are most favorable for the growth of fungi. What is typical for representatives of this class is that they get along with other mushrooms without any problems. You can easily find them growing next to chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and russula.

Butterflies are very productive mushrooms; as soon as June comes to an end, you can start collecting them. The period of active growth and development of mushrooms continues until the first frost. For an inexperienced mushroom picker, it is worth mentioning that mushrooms whose caps have grown more than four centimeters are no longer considered suitable, since they are already beginning to dry out. In order for the oiler to have best quality, it must be fresh and still young, and for such mushrooms the cap does not have time to exceed a size of four centimeters. However, it is precisely these mushrooms that can be found only a couple of times during the summer.

Experienced mushroom pickers know that boletus mushrooms grow in two waves. The first refers to the time when rye begins to ear. Mushrooms of this period are called spike mushrooms, these are porcini mushrooms and oil cans. It is very important to note the time of their appearance, since they very quickly finish their life cycle and disappear again.

False boletus

After we have extensively examined representatives of the boletus species, we can talk about how to distinguish them from their doubles. False mushrooms, which is what the doubles are called, are very reminiscent of the boletus mushrooms themselves in terms of external characteristics. False boletus photos, which once again confirms this to us, indicate the similarity of these mushrooms. A very pleasant fact is that it is not so difficult to distinguish real from pseudo mushrooms, you just have to look at them more carefully.

Looking at the false mushroom, you will notice that its cap has a different shade; the presence of a purple pigment is clearly visible on it. Interior The caps are also different in color. If in a real mushroom it has a gentle yellow tint, then in a false one it is bright. Another feature of the double is the lower part of the cap, which is represented by plates in structure.

Do not think that a false oiler does not have a ring under the cap, due to which it can be accurately identified. This form has a ring, but its shade is different from the original. The edible mushroom has a ring with a purple tint, but the double’s ring may be white or light purple. It is positioned a little differently, hanging on the leg, due to which it dries much faster. A genuine mushroom does not have such transformations with a ring on the stalk.

The pulp of the mushroom also gives away the blende, because in this case its color is red, its structure is spongy, and in addition, at the cut site, the color changes over time. All these transformations do not occur in a real oiler.

False boletus can be simply inedible, or it can also be poisonous, so it is important to understand well so that your health does not suffer. Real mushrooms are eaten, and what’s more, they taste very pleasant, which captivates many. Only one type has a specific taste, namely the yellow-brown butterdish, in which the flesh turns blue when cut. In some countries it was even classified as inedible, but not poisonous.

False butterflies, in turn, can be simply inedible, which include: Siberian, remarkable and pepper butterdish. It is these representatives that change the color of the flesh at the break, their cap is darker than that of the original representatives, and the spongy layer is colored red.

As for poisonous butterflies, you won’t encounter them too often, but it’s possible. Such a representative is the pepper butterdish, which is very similar to an ordinary representative of the species. As such, it cannot be called poisonous, because it contains bitterness. Even in spite of this negative quality, this mushroom is still collected, but when cooking it must be pre-cooked. If you boil it for fifteen minutes, the bitterness will be practically inaudible. This representative species are added to normal mushrooms and fried together.

Almost all false boletus grows right next to their real counterparts. In order not to make a mistake and not collect a whole basket of pseudo butter, you need to carefully approach the choice of each mushroom that you come across. Of course, if you devote so much time to each fungus, the collection process will drag on, but you can find its own charms in this. After all, not all mushroom pickers go to the forest purely for the sake of getting food in the form of mushrooms. Most often it is an impulse of the soul, a desire to retire and be in nature. And, based on this, it will not be so difficult to devote time to all the mushrooms that you come across. It is better to slowly bring home very few mushrooms, including butter mushrooms, than to bring several containers of mushrooms that may be unsuitable for consumption. Even though boletus is not a type of mushroom, the false representatives of which can seriously threaten life, but there are other mushrooms, and the consequences of their consumption can be very diverse, even disastrous.

I would like to note that it is better to leave mushroom picking to professionals, so that the result is maximum and the risk is minimal. If you are going to pick mushrooms for the first time, prepare well for the procedure, because it is very important.

Butterflies are included in the list of the most common types of edible mushrooms on European territory, in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. There is a popular belief that the appearance of boletus coincides with the flowering of pine trees.

The name of the mushroom comes from the oily surface of the cap. Even the appearance of its light yellow flesh is similar to butter.

Since boletus is a tubular type of mushroom, its cap is like a sponge, consisting of thin tubes with spores located inside. The mucous cap is usually brown in color, but can also be yellow-brown. The cylindrical leg is short, reaching 2.5 cm in diameter, and surrounded by a fringed ring. With age, the ring becomes invisible, and the hemispherical cap straightens. The light flesh at the break turns blue when in contact with air.

Where do boletus grow (video)

Description of edible varieties of butter

Experts classified the butterdish, which has a slippery cap, into category 2 of nutritional value. It unites about fifty edible species with characteristic differences: the color of the cap and legs, as well as other features.

Gallery: boletus mushrooms (25 photos)

Since the mushroom can provoke an allergic reaction, it must be used very carefully.

The hat has a convex shape and a diameter of 10-15 cm. The top layer is glossy, sticky and easily separated. The color is brown or mixed with purple. The pulp has a dense structure. Its whitish or yellow color does not change when pressed.

The cylindrical stem under the cap is yellow and the lower part is white. Over time, its shade changes, becoming darker, similar to the color of the cap.

Grainy (early, summer)

It differs from other representatives in that it does not have a ring on the stem. Has excellent taste. The slightly flattened cap grows up to 10 cm. In the absence of moisture, the surface is smooth and shiny. During precipitation it becomes slimy to the touch. The skin has a brown or yellow-orange tint, less often rusty-red.

The fleshy, pale yellow flesh has a nutty or fruity odor. In young specimens, a whitish milky juice is secreted from the pores of the tubular layer. The leg with a dense structure and light yellow color is covered with yellow speckles. As it ages, it becomes darker at the base. Granular growths resembling semolina grains may form on the stem.


Likes to settle at the base of larch trees. There is no pronounced taste. The convex cap straightens as it grows, reaching 10 cm. It is characterized by a very bright color: from orange to deep yellow. The sticky skin peels off easily during cooking. The dense flesh is yellow, slightly brown under the skin. Doesn't have a specific taste.

The shape of the leg is slightly curved in the form of a club with a white and yellow ring. In the lower part the color of the stem matches the color of the cap, above the ring it is lemon yellow.

Where do boletus mushrooms grow?

Experienced mushroom pickers know natural areas where it is best to collect mushrooms. Butterflies prefer to settle in coniferous forests, therefore, you need to look for them next to cedar, pine or larch on sandy soils with a lot of needles. The symbiosis of mycelium with tree roots results in mutually beneficial cooperation. The host tree gives carbohydrates to the fungi, and they, in turn, help absorb minerals from the soil.

They love to grow in spacious clearings illuminated by the sun. Since sticky mushrooms do not tolerate high moisture, they do not settle in swampy areas. You can look for forest gifts in forest plantations, but among 5-meter seedlings in the absence of bushes and grass, they do not grow.

Butterflies settle in colonies, so when you see one cap, you need to look for a whole family nearby.

Boletus prefer to settle in coniferous forests

Season and rules for collecting butter

Mushrooms appear in forests from June to October, but mass collection occurs in September. Night and daytime temperature fluctuations do not affect boletus in any way, but heavy dew or warm rain has a beneficial effect on their growth, stimulating it well.

At the beginning of the mushroom growth period and at its end, the fruiting bodies are usually damaged by insect pests and their larvae. Sometimes spoiled boletus accounts for 70% of the entire harvest.

Following the rules for collecting and processing mushrooms allows you to get the maximum benefit from them.

  1. Mushrooms must be harvested at long distance from settlement and industrial enterprises. In a polluted environment, fruiting bodies, like sponges, absorb all toxins in the air.
  2. Oilseeds require immediate processing because they have a short shelf life.
  3. Experts advise cutting the mushrooms into small pieces and processing them at high temperatures.

Since the oily skin of ripe mushrooms contains many harmful substances and heavy metal salts, it is recommended to remove it during processing. Young fruiting bodies can be processed without removing the film.

How to collect boletus (video)

The benefits and harms are oily

Oily gifts of the forest have found universal use in cooking. They can be fried, stewed, salted, pickled, and also used as an additional product to main dishes. They include:

  • a large amount of protein, which is especially important for vegetarians;
  • vitamins;
  • macro and microelements;
  • aphrodisiacs that improve tone and relieve fatigue;
  • lecithin, which prevents the formation of cholesterol;
  • organic acids.

Since all types of mushrooms are heavy foods, they should not be overused. In addition, they contain chitin, which negatively affects the digestion of food.

Given the ability of butter to absorb carcinogens, they must be boiled before cooking. It is not advisable to consume mushroom dishes for the following categories of people:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • patients suffering from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order not to harm the body, it is important to follow all the recommendations of specialists.

Oily gifts of the forest have found universal use in cooking

How to distinguish a false oiler from a real one

False butterflies are very similar to real representatives, but in order to learn to distinguish them, You need to remember the main differences:

  • the cap of a poisonous individual has a slight purple tint, and with inside has a bright yellow color;
  • unlike the porous structure of a real oiler, the false representative has a spongy cap;
  • there is a white ring on the stem of the decoy mushroom, and when the stem is cut, the flesh has a reddish color.

Recipes for cooking butter

The slippery mucous cap retains moisture in the fruit body, preventing drying out. But it is the slippery surface that makes processing difficult.

Butter contains a large amount of protein, which is especially important for vegetarians

Features of oil processing

The initial processing of mushrooms includes cleaning, sorting and cutting.. To facilitate cleaning of debris, the crop must be filled with water and pressed down on top with pressure. After a couple of minutes, you can start cleaning. You should use a knife to remove the remains of the mycelium, scrape off the contaminated areas, remove the film from the cap and cut out any existing rot.

After washing the mushrooms, they need to be filled with water again. In order to remove remaining pests, the water should be salted. After 3 hours, rinse. Then sort by size. Small specimens can be left whole. For larger ones, separate the stems and caps, and cut the larger ones.

How to close boletus for the winter

Mushrooms are often boiled, stewed or fried, but many people like marinated butter. In addition, they can be rolled into jars and used in winter time for adding to salads or as an independent snack.

Classic recipe:

  1. Cut the prepared raw materials into pieces.
  2. Throw the mushrooms into cold water. Place the peeled whole onion there and keep on the fire after boiling for 7 minutes.
  3. Drain the water and rinse the mushrooms with running water using a sieve.
  4. Stir sugar (120 g) and salt (190 g) in 3 liters of boiled water.
  5. Add mushrooms to the solution and keep on fire for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  6. Place in each prepared container Bay leaf.
  7. Distribute the mushrooms among the jars, mix the brine with vinegar essence and pour into the jars with mushrooms.
  8. Place the jars in a large container, fill it with water up to the hangers of the jars and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  9. Take out the containers and roll up the lids.

Keep ready-made jars with mushrooms should be in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 12 degrees. Shelf life is no more than 1 year.

How to cook boletus mushrooms (video)

Fried boletus

To give a richer taste, the butter is fried with various additives. The most popular method is cooking in sour cream, as it gives the mushrooms more flavor.

It is necessary to cut the onion into half rings and fry it in vegetable oil. Then add diced mushrooms (500 g) to the pan. After 5 minutes, reduce the heat, add butter and simmer for another 10 minutes. After adding salt and pepper, stir and add 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream. After 5 minutes, remove from heat.

An equally popular recipe for frying with potatoes. Add washed and dried mushrooms to the heated oil. After 5 minutes, add finely chopped onion. In another frying pan, fry the potatoes, cut into cubes. Then add the prepared mushrooms with onions and spices. Fry everything together for another 5 minutes. The pan may not be covered. Butternuts turn out very juicy when fried with buckwheat and other side dishes.

Heat treatment of mushrooms is necessary to get rid of harmful bacteria. It takes 5-6 minutes for botulism to die. Containers and lids must be sterilized. The acidic environment of the marinade also negatively affects bacteria.

Gallery: boletus mushrooms (35 photos)

Kira Stoletova

Many beneficial mushrooms have a poisonous or inedible counterpart. False oiler is one such type. Any person needs to be able to distinguish a double from a real mushroom, especially since false mushrooms are common in local forests.

Description of species

The oiler got its name from its always moist, oily cap. The butterdish has its own double, so you need to know what false butterdishes are and how to distinguish them from the real one.

Spruce weed

The false (empty) buttercup mushroom is not poisonous. Mushrooms such as false boletus are also called spruce moths.

The cap is covered with a mucous film, as in the real species. Spruce weed is a type of butterfly that differs from a real mushroom in that it belongs to the lamellar species, while boletus belongs to the tubular species. This species is not dangerous; it is often taken for salting. Mild weed poisoning occurs in people suffering from chronic diseases of the digestive organs.

The hat will not help distinguish these species, so they look at the fruiting body. A real oiler has a tubular layer of light yellow color, while in mokrukhs it is plate-like, whitish, and darkens with age. The inedible twin has a cylindrical stem that tapers downwards. At the base it is always yellow. The color of the stem of this specimen matches the cap and the entire fruiting body.

Pepper moss

It is not poisonous; it got its name for its pungent, spicy taste. Found in dry coniferous and birch forests. Outwardly it looks like real boletus. If you look closely, the differences become noticeable:

  • the surface of the cap is dry, velvety, without mucous membrane;
  • the leg is not whitish-grayish as in the real species, but is painted in bright reddish tones;
  • on back side caps are missing light film.

The fruit body has a pleasant taste. With appropriate cooking, the pulp is quite edible.

It is difficult to distinguish false boletus from a photo; it is better to know exactly what they look like.


Poisoning with false boletus does not threaten human life. Usually there is an upset of the digestive processes, but sometimes more complex problems arise. False fruiting bodies are heavy food and not everyone can add them to their diet. Even real boletus causes an unexpected reaction in the body in some people. If a person has digestive problems, it is better for him to refuse mushroom dishes or resort to them in rare cases.

Mushroom pulp is extremely allergenic. IN natural conditions substances that are foreign to our body accumulate in it. The hypersensitive body of allergy sufferers reacts to them instantly. Such people can buy mushroom delicacies in supermarkets. They are grown in artificial conditions and their composition is not so dangerous.


Fruiting bodies have long been used by people for a variety of needs. Now there is renewed interest in them. A science arose - fungotherapy. Scientists have become seriously interested in the opportunities that can be extracted from the mushroom kingdom for breakthroughs in medical and pharmaceutical science.

In cooking

False boletus is a lower grade mushroom species. But they are also valued for their taste and nutritional properties. After undergoing appropriate processing, false boletus mushrooms become safe and acquire a pleasant rich taste. Only after this, mushrooms are used to prepare culinary dishes: they are fried, boiled in soups, and made into fillings for baked goods.

Spruce weed is used as food after heat treatment. It is necessary to remove the mucous film from her cap and rinse thoroughly. Many gourmets fry the mushroom without boiling it first. In our country, spruce moth is considered a third-rate species. IN European countries it is well known and a popular delicacy.

Moss mushrooms are also edible if boiled before cooking. They are salted, pickled, and various dishes are prepared from them. Before salting, moss mushrooms are doused with boiling water and then dipped into boiling liquid. This way, the mushroom pulp will not turn black during cooking and will retain its appetizing appearance.

In medicine

Many false species are used in folk medicine. They are used in the pharmaceutical industry to obtain drugs. The spectrum of their action is wide - from antiviral, antibacterial to antitumor. Mushroom pulp contains a powerful anti-cancer substance that is stronger than all known natural compounds.

If you remove the mucous film from the cap of the mucus and apply it to the wound, the healing process will significantly speed up. Mushroom pulp tincture strengthens the immune system, memory, improves blood composition, eliminates headaches and nervous disorders.

Moss fly contains rare enzymes and essential oils that facilitate and speed up the digestion of food. This species significantly improves the functioning of the digestive tract. It also has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, and contains large amounts of vitamin D. Such characteristics make moss mushroom beneficial for the kidneys. Regular consumption of mushroom pulp regulates the functions of the paired organ and prevents the development of pathologies.

In cosmetology

These fish are used in the manufacture of cosmetics. The substances contained in them amazingly affect the skin and the body as a whole. Mushroom cosmetics not only provide daily appearance care, but also solve more complex problems.

How not to collect false claims

Granular oiler (Suillus granulatus), also known as summer

Growing methods

Moss mushroom can also be grown in garden plots. Two methods are used for this. The first is to sow mushroom spores into the soil. To do this, break several fruiting bodies into small pieces and place them in prepared soil.

The second method is more labor-intensive. It is necessary to move a piece of soil along with the mycelium from the forest. A stump or log is also carried. Holes are drilled in them and mycelium is placed there. To obtain a harvest, mushroom areas need frequent watering.


Conditionally edible species require a lot of attention and caution. Their name and detailed description found in mushroom reference books and encyclopedias. Despite the contraindications, these mushrooms also have beneficial properties.

Oiler (Suillus) is an edible mushroom that is popular among people for its excellent taste and yield. During the period of massive growth, many tiny butterflies appear. They are sometimes collected while kneeling. Otherwise, it is difficult to see slippery coin-sized balls in the grass.

Late oiler, photo from Wikipedia

The oiler has a characteristic shiny surface with a sticky cap skin. The light film on the back of the cap of young boletus is also noteworthy. During rainy weather, the skin becomes snotty. The species of the butterdish and its growth conditions affect the color of the cap, stem and other characteristics of the mushroom.

Butterflies grow in waves. The beginning of the first wave occurs at the time when the rye begins to ear. Spike mushrooms appear: not only mushrooms, but also boletus mushrooms. The mushrooms pour out and disappear instantly, as if the Master of the forest gave them a command. I found confirmation of my observations from V.A. Soloukhina. On a warm June day, he and his wife managed in a short time to collect twelve buckets of strong butternuts growing in a pine forest not far from the village. We could have taken more, but we still had to drive the car to take the mushrooms home.

Not for the sake of mushrooms, but for the sake of curiosity, two days later we visited our pine trees and were amazed. It’s as if everything we saw two days ago we dreamed or happened in fairy tale. Even if we had wanted to, we would not have taken a single mushroom from the pine trees now. The forest was clear of mushrooms. Fresh man I would never have believed that just two days ago... Yes, we ourselves somehow couldn’t believe it, but at home we had clear evidence of this little mushroom miracle (V.A. Soloukhin “The Third Hunt”).

Types of butter

Mushroom pickers usually know only a few types of mushrooms. In the genus Suillus, which belongs to the family Boletovye (Boletaceae), there are about 50 species. The most famous of them are three types.

Late oiler (real, ordinary, yellow)

(Suillus luteus) is also called real, ordinary, yellow. In Central Russian forests this is the most common species. The name of the mushroom can be misleading, since the late oiler does not appear in late autumn, but from to. True, the time of mass collection actually occurs in autumn (in some years even in). Late oiler - mushroom pine forests. It can also be found in places where, in addition to pines, there are other coniferous trees.

Late oiler is very productive, it grows in large groups. This mushroom is prepared fresh (fried, boiled, stewed), dried, salted and pickled.

Hat. The shape of the mucous cap (up to 12 cm in diameter) in young fungi is cushion-convex and hemispherical. In adults it is wide-conical. Its edges are down. The surface color of the cap is chestnut brown, red-brown or dark brown. The tubular layer is golden yellow or lemon yellow in color. Old mushrooms develop an olive tint.

Cap flesh. The color of the thick pulp is white or yellowish. It has a pleasant smell and a slightly sour taste.

Leg. The height of the solid cylindrical stem of the late butterdish is up to 10 cm, thickness - up to 2 (3) cm. In adult mushrooms it has a white or grayish-violet ring. Above it the color of the leg is white, below it is brownish.

Summer oiler, grainy

Summer oiler, grainy (Suillus granulatus) is also productive. It is suitable for use in fresh(it is fried, boiled and stewed), dried, salted and pickled. The mushroom is collected in the summer (June) in coniferous forests, where there are many pine trees. Some summer boletus appear from the end.

Hat. The shape of the mucous cap (up to 10 cm in diameter) is convex in young mushrooms, and flat in adults. The skin color ranges from yellowish-brown to ocher-brown. The tubular layer is yellow or light yellow.

Cap flesh. The color of the thick pulp is yellowish-white. It has a pleasant taste and smell.

Leg. The height of the solid cylindrical leg is up to 8 cm, thickness is up to 2 cm. The color is yellowish. The leg has a granular surface (hence the name of the species). There is no ring on the leg, which is hallmark kind. Small watery drops protrude from the upper part of the stem.

(Suillus grevillei) is more common in places where larches and cedar pines grow. This type of butter dish is fried, boiled, dried and pickled. This species is considered very beneficial to health, almost a medicine for people suffering from arthritis.

Hat. In the larch butterfly, the cap (up to 10, less often up to 14 cm in diameter) changes its shape depending on the stage of growth of the fungus (from convex to flat). The mucous skin is yellow-orange or yellowish-brown. The tubular layer of young and strong mushrooms is yellow; as the butterdish ages, it becomes olive-brown.

Cap flesh. The color of the pulp is white or yellowish. When cut, the tissue may acquire a brownish tint.

Leg. The height of the leg is up to 10 (12) cm, thickness is up to 1.5 cm. It has a cylindrical shape, solid. The color of the leg is from golden yellow to light brownish above the ring. Below the ring a reddish and reddish-brown tint appears. On the stem of young mushrooms there is a white or yellowish hanging ring. As the mushroom matures, it becomes less noticeable and almost completely disappears in older mushrooms.

Larch oiler, photo from Wikipedia

Less well known among us are oiler white (Suillus placidus), cedar oiler (Suillus plorans) And Siberian oiler (Suillus sibiricus). Eat swamp oiler, or yellowish (Suillus flavidus), mushroom of category IV. Another view oiler yellow-brown, aka motley (Suillus variegatus), very similar to the mushroom, it is considered a mushroom with a mediocre taste. American oiler (Suillus americanus) is an edible mushroom that grows in Chukotka and in the thickets of dwarf cedar.

Oiler yellow-brown, photo from Wikipedia

In our area under the larch tree it grows every two years larch gray oiler (Suillus aeruginascens). It is also called oil can turns blue. It has a hemispherical cap (up to 12 cm in diameter), which becomes almost flat as the mushroom grows. The surface of the cap is mucous, light gray-brown in color. Old mushrooms have a pale cap that is dirty gray in color. There are few mushrooms, they are very different from those standard butter mushrooms that we find in the forest. Gray larch butterfly is an edible mushroom of category III. It is this species that I would classify as twin mushrooms, since there is a lot of incorrect information about the toxicity of larch gray oiler.

Delicious boletus and their inedible counterparts

Does the oiler have inedible or poisonous counterparts? The usual types of boletus are delicious mushrooms. They have a characteristic cap. Only the yellow-brown buttercup, whose flesh turns slightly blue when cut, can disappoint gourmets due to its mediocre taste. Some Western reference books define it as inedible (but not poisonous!). Siberian oiler is also considered a non-toxic, inedible mushroom.

There are no poisonous butterflies in our forests. But to confuse a delicious butter dish with pepper mushroom (Suillus piperatus) quite possible. This mushroom is called: pepper oiler. It contains bitterness, but is not poisonous. Mushroom pickers who put pepper butter in the basket say in their defense that the bitter taste is greatly reduced when cooked for 15 minutes. After this, the mushroom is fried along with other mushrooms. Pepper oil grows not only next to pine trees, but also in spruce and deciduous forests.

In which forests do boletus grow?

Autumn and summer butterwort grow where there are pine trees. Especially the young ones. Mycologists have noticed that those pine trees that have two needles in each bunch are more suitable for it. Indeed, boletus often appears under the pine trees growing on our site.

Butterflies do not like strong shading, so they are less common in overgrown forests. There is a better chance of collecting a basket of strong boletus in thinned out pine plantings, on the edges of pine forests, on the sides of forest roads, and even on old fire pits. If the oil can grew under another tree, then there is probably a pine tree somewhere nearby.

People noticed that butterflies almost never occur in those pine forests where the ground is covered with white moss. They are not looked for in pine forests with blueberries.

Wormy boletus are common. Not only big and old, but also very tiny.

How to prepare boletus for future use?

Butterflies have a sticky skin that can be easily removed. When cleaning mushrooms, it must be removed. After this, your fingers become black and can be difficult to wash. A slice of fresh lemon, which is used to wipe the skin of your hands, helps a lot. I saw how they fried butter in one village. There they rinsed the mushrooms, cut them into several parts and threw away the wormy ones. After that, they began to fry the mushrooms along with the skin. Since then, I also don’t always remove the skin from butter caps.

Connoisseurs believe that the butter dish is suitable for frying, drying and pickling. But you shouldn’t salt this mushroom. However, in cookbooks You can find recipes for pickling butter. The best for preparations are strong boletus; their caps are no larger than a ring, which is formed if you connect a large and index fingers one hand.

Marinated boletus

Marinated boletus is very tasty. Small mushrooms are specially selected, for example, the size of a three-kopeck coin. They are marinated whole. Marinated boletus is difficult to pick with a fork. This is “aerobatics”, the result of the skill of a mushroom picker and cook. More often you have to cook not tiny, but different sized boletus, which you managed to collect in the forest.

First of all, the boletus is cleaned, the film and skin are removed from the caps. It is believed that it gives bitterness. Butter caps are cut in half or into several parts. For medium-sized mushrooms, it is better to separate the stem. After this, the mushrooms are washed and boiled in water, which has previously been slightly salted and acidified with 9% table vinegar. The foam must be removed. After about fifteen minutes, the boletus will begin to sink to the bottom. The cooking is stopped. The mushrooms are drained in a colander, cooled, placed in glass jars, garlic cloves are added and the marinade is poured over.

The marinade is very easy to prepare. To do this, dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar in one liter of boiling water, add spices (bay leaf, cloves, allspice, cinnamon or ready-made seasoning for pickling mushrooms), increase the gas and boil the liquid for several minutes. After this, remove the pan from the stove and pour 3 - 4 tablespoons of 9% vinegar into the marinade. The butter is poured with the cooled marinade. It should cover all the mushrooms. Vegetable oil is poured on top to prevent mold. It is safer to use nylon (plastic) lids and keep the jars in the refrigerator. Jars with metal lids are stored in a cool place, such as a refrigerator. They must be opened before the New Year. The shorter the shelf life, the less chance of contracting botulism.

Canned fried butternut squash

V.A. Soloukhin, an excellent writer, nature connoisseur and mushroom picker, described interesting way preserved fried butter. He learned this recipe from M.I. Tvardovskaya.

The method turned out to be extremely simple. Well-fried mushrooms without onions and without any spices are placed tightly in glass jar and pour in ghee. The oil will harden, and this is what preservation is all about. Well, of course, it’s better to keep it in a cool place. This method, it turns out, is ancient, came from manorial estates, such as the Larinsky one, where they lived exclusively on their own supplies (V.A. Soloukhin “The Third Hunt”).

Mushroom cutlets

This is a very tasty and filling meal. The pulp of butter is suitable for preparing cutlets using mushrooms instead of meat. First, the butter is boiled for ten minutes. Then the water is poured into another container and soaked in it. White bread. From mushrooms, soaked bread and onions make minced meat, passing everything through a meat grinder. Add eggs, flour (if necessary) and salt (to taste) to the minced meat. It is advisable to add finely chopped parsley or other herbs. The minced meat is formed into cutlets, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in vegetable oil under a lid. The ratio of products may vary.

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