Body art on a woman's body. A girl with clothes painted on her body walked naked down the street

I would like to continue the topic about unusual bodies of water on the planet. Today I want to tell you about Lake Natron, which is located in northern Tanzania, near the border with Kenya.

I have already told you that on Earth there are waters in which have a pink and even blood-red hue. All these natural wonders are located in different corners peace. The color of water is determined by various factors: in some bodies of water special bacteria or algae live, in others the unusual color is caused by minerals dissolved in the water.

Lake Natron is unique in its own way. Firstly, it is one of the most alkaline bodies of water on Earth, the pH of the water reaches 10.5.

Also, the uniqueness of this lake is that the water in it, in addition to being very salty, its temperature reaches 50-60 degrees Celsius. In such conditions there are very few organisms that could survive here. But they exist! You might think that I'm about to start talking about some algae and incredible bacteria? But no, there are two species of alkaline telapia in Lake Natron! These two species are endemic and can only be found here. Of course, where else can you find such living conditions!

Also on the lake they breed and hatch chicks very rare view small flamingo. This lake is practically the only place for their breeding. They build their nests on islands of salt, which are formed by strong evaporation of water.

The lake has one more property. Due to the fact that the water in the lake is hot, animals or birds that accidentally fall into the water die, and the salt turns them into stone statues. Terrifying view!

By the way, I haven’t yet told you why the water in the lake is red. It contains halophilic cyanobacteria, which are capable of photosynthesis like plants. But as a result of photosynthesis, they produce a red pigment. This is what causes the red color of the water. By the way, Lake Natron is not always red, but only when the salinity reaches very high levels (due to the evaporation of water during the dry season), then these bacteria begin to actively multiply.

The sunniest continent on our planet is Africa. Almost its entire territory is located in the equatorial and subtropical climatic zones. The nature of this continent is very heterogeneous. Over the past hundred years, due to the ruthless attitude, due to the colonization of territories, it has changed a lot, but it is still an amazing animal and vegetable world continue to attract attention with their diversity and originality.

IN Lately people began to treat more humanely environment. Originated in Africa great amount national nature reserves. Especially where there is water and they are full of diversity of life. One of the states endowed with water resources by African standards is Tanzania. There are many such parks here; they are rich in exotic flora and fauna that are found only in these places.

In the northern part of the country, on the border with Kenya, there is an unusual lake. It is called Natron, after the name of the mineral, sodium carbonate, which predominates in it. Its depth, even during the rainy season from May to December, does not exceed three meters. The lake is fed thermal springs and the Ewaso Ngiro River, which originates in the north, in Kenya, in a very mineral-rich area. The maximum length of Natron is 57 km, width 22 km, while the outlines of the coast are constantly changing under the influence of the sun.

Why do birds die

Lake water contains a lot of salt, soda, and other minerals. During the hot season, their concentration is so high that the surface of the water resembles a mirror and becomes invisible to birds and other animals. And since its temperature reaches 50 degrees Celsius, there is practically no chance of survival for living creatures, who apparently fell into the trap by mistake. When animals fall into the water, they die instantly, and their carcasses, covered with minerals, harden and become like stone sculptures, remain on the shore, which looks like a snow-white, numb desert.

The frightening beauty of the lake

Unique photographs were taken by the creator of many popular video clips, Nick Brandt, at Lake Natron. The artist depicted lifeless birds, bats in move. His photographs are mesmerizing with their black and white elegance, reminiscent of scenes from horror films.

This is not the only frightening feature of the lake. Halophilic cyanobacteria live in its waters. Absorbing light, they turn red. Because of this, the water, where it is deeper, becomes bloody in color, and in shallow water it becomes pink and orange. Since the concentration of minerals is high, it becomes covered with a crust, which decorates the surface with a pattern and gives it a cracked appearance.

The lake takes on a very ominous shape. To complete the experience, there is also the smell that comes from evaporating water, saturated with alkali. Especially from a bird's eye view, the landscape is frightening, but at the same time delights with its devilish charm.

Lake inhabitants

It is worth noting that such lifeless pictures do not accompany the lake throughout the entire territory and not all the time. Natron's beauty isn't all that lethal. In its waters, in addition to bacteria, there are fish. Of course, they are unusual fish, since they chose the local waters as their habitat. This is alkaline telapia. Moreover, there are two types of them living here. It must be said that these types of telapia are not found anywhere else. Aquarium fish lovers appreciate them for their unpretentiousness and beauty: golden with blue fins. Gourmets – for the abundance of protein and taste.

The lake area serves as an excellent refuge for two and a half million small flamingos. Every year they fly here. This is practically the only place suitable for their reproduction. The unpleasant smell and high water temperature scare away predators and make the salt islands of the lake suitable for safely incubating eggs and raising chicks.

The huge, constantly moving pink fields look impressive. And the flying birds will not leave anyone indifferent. Of course, we have all seen on TV the picture of flamingos taking off in a huge cloud, but not a single operator will be able to convey the sounds of wings mixed with the cries of birds, and the special air of Lake Natron.


The reservoir is located in the Great Rift Fault area. This is almost the most active volcanic zone on our planet. The Ol Donyo Lengai volcano, next to which the lake is located, does not sleep. From time to time, it covers the surrounding areas with ashes, which are not rich in life anyway. Translated from the language of local tribes, this volcano is called “Mountain of the Gods.”

According to legend, Natron is a blanket created by the spirits living in the volcano for God Lengai, the creator of all living things according to the myths of the indigenous population. The people bringing civilization to these areas were going to build a chemical plant for the extraction of caustic soda on the shore of the lake and a power plant in its northern part. But the local shamans dissuaded them, citing the fact that they could provoke the wrath of the Gods, hence the volcanic eruption. Construction plans have been put on hold, but further fate Lake Natron is unknown.

The indigenous inhabitants of these places are the Salei tribe from the Massai clan. They raise livestock, sell meat and milk. According to legends, this is a tribe of great warriors. They learned this art from a legion of Roman soldiers who were once lost in these areas of Africa. Every man over 15 years of age ancient custom, proves their skill in fights with their fellow tribesmen, they must be good at wielding a spear, a bow, and be able to hunt skillfully.

The area adjacent to the lake has an almost untouched appearance. In addition to the villages of local tribes, constantly wandering in search of better pastures, there are only a few campsites that accept a few tourists who want to climb mountain peaks, to the craters of volcanoes, and hunt buffalo, savannah zebra, lion, hyena, jackal, leopard, and small cats. , some antelopes and gazelles, other animals.

The so-called photo safari is especially popular here. After all, there are no such terrifying landscapes as on Lake Natron anywhere else. And, although there are still many red-colored salty reservoirs on Earth, you cannot find such ones that excite the imagination and chill the soul.

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