Karadag Nature Reserve. What is interesting about the Karadag Museum of Nature in Feodosia How to get to the Karadag Museum of Nature

IN The exposition of the Kara-Dag Nature Museum presents almost all types of animals and plants found on Kara-Dag. The creation of the museum's collection began more than 90 years ago. The museum contains stuffed animals of 203 species of birds and mammals, 167 species of butterflies, 246 specimens of amphibians and reptiles, and various minerals of the Kara-Dag. Of the 305 different Crimean minerals, 100 species are present on Kara-Dag. Among them are agates, carnelians, amethysts, varieties of calcite, quartz, chalcedony, opal...

Karadag Nature Reserve

TO The Aradag Nature Reserve protects the unique landscapes, flora and fauna of eastern Crimea. The relief of its area is formed by a volcanic massif of the Jurassic period with the extinct Karadag volcano. The age of this mountain is 150 million years. There is a strict security regime on the territory of the reserve, so you can only visit it as part of excursions. During a sea excursion, tourists can explore the coast with the bizarre rocks of the Golden Gate, Lion, and Ivan the Robber. The walking route with a total length of 7 km runs overland and also covers these sites.

Karagach ridge with the King, Queen and Svita rocks

TO In addition, during a walking tour, tourists can get acquainted with geological objects located in the interior of the island. This is the Karagach ridge with the King, Queen and Svita rocks, viewpoints with coves hidden between them, the highest point of the reserve, Mount Sacred with the Sphinx and Devil's Finger rocks. The fauna of Karadag includes 5,300 species, including 130 species listed in the Red Book. The Karadag Nature Reserve has a Museum of Nature, an aquarium and a dolphinarium.

Address: Feodosia, town. Resort, st. Sciences, 24.

Job: all departments of the museum are open during the spring-summer period - the aquarium daily 9.00-18.00, the museum - daily, except Mondays, 8.00-16.00. Sea excursions are conducted in May-October, walking excursions - in May-September (groups are accepted daily 8.00-9.00, 14.00-15.00).

Route: sea ​​excursions depart to Feodosia, Koktebel, and the New World. Walking tours start from the biological station of the reserve in the village. Resort, there are regular buses from Feodosia and Sudak to the village.

Visiting conditions: For walking excursions, sports shoes are required, and it is recommended to bring drinking water with you.

Website: http://zapovednik-karadag.com/

On July 19, the “Big Kara-Dag” pedestrian route reopened in the Karadag Nature Reserve. This is the main excursion trail with a length of 8 km.

Entrance to the reserve is free, but walking along the trail is only allowed with a guide, since the area is rocky. There is a fee for visiting excursion sites and the dolphinarium:

- hiking trail "Big Kara-Dag", 220 rubles. for adults, 100 rub. for children and students;

- eco trail of Terenty Vyazemsky (100 rub./50 rub.);

- Museum of Nature (100 rubles / 50 rubles).

Children under five years of age are served free of charge, students upon presentation of a student card. Since some excursion sales points in Feodosia claim that Kara-Dag is closed to visitors, you can buy an excursion on the spot. To do this, you need to arrive at the Biostation by 8.00, the route starts from the Museum of Nature.

The Karadag Nature Museum is located in the building of a biological scientific station on the territory of the Kara-Dag mountain-volcanic massif in the south-eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula. This is one of the oldest museums in Crimea, which recently celebrated its centenary.

Museum expositions

The unusualness and originality of the museum's exposition is due to the unique natural location of the Karadag Reserve and its geological value. The territory of the protected area connects the Mediterranean and temperate continental climates, includes a mountain complex and a sea area. This explains the plant diversity (rock-oak and hornbeam forests), geological richness and an extensive list of terrestrial and marine animals.

The museum exhibition occupies more than 100 square meters. meters and is divided into several thematic sections:

    The introductory part presents a layout map of the Karadag Reserve, a story about the most important stages of the development of the biological station and museum in historical photographs, biographical facts, documents and books.

    The geological and mineralogical section reveals the richness of the subsoil of the mountain range. Samples of mountain sedimentary and volcanic rocks, varieties of minerals, semi-precious stones - quartz, agate, carnelian, jasper are exhibited here.

    The exhibition dedicated to the ground part of the reserve tells about the richness of the flora of the reserve. Among the exhibits are photographs and herbarium specimens of flowers, trees and shrubs, many of which are unique and belong to endangered species.

    The section representing terrestrial fauna contains more than 50 stuffed animals. Reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals living in the reserve are exhibited here.

    The entomological exhibition tells about the wide variety of insects. Bright butterflies and arachnids attract special attention.

    The marine part of the reserve is presented in the last hall of the museum. It contains information about the main characteristics of the Black Sea - depth, currents, chemical composition of water, and you can also see a model of the underwater part of the Kara-Dag.

Another feature of the museum’s exhibitions is the location of representatives of the animal world, many of them are presented in natural situations. For example, a fox with cubs and part of the deep sea with its inhabitants.

Who would be interested in visiting the museum?

A visit to the museum will be interesting to anyone interested in the nature of Crimea. It will be especially useful for children who look at the exhibits with great interest. The building of the biological station, which houses the museum, is located in a picturesque bay, from where you can take a tour along the amazingly beautiful mountain trails of the Kara-Dag with unusual rock and stone sculptures.

In addition to the museum, on the territory of the biological station there is a dolphinarium, open to the public from June to September. The program includes performances with the participation of Black Sea dolphins and fur seals, which will give joy and a great mood to children and adults. In addition, the Kara-Dag Nature Reserve offers clean sea water and well-groomed beaches, amazingly beautiful views, cozy bays and the stunning aroma of subtropical plants.

How to get to the Karadag Nature Museum

The reserve is located 36 km from Feodosia, in the village of Kurortnoye. You can get to it by bus or minibus from Feodosia.

Karadag Nature Museum (Koktebel, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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Every year more than 25 thousand people come to the Karadag Nature Museum, located in the vicinity of Koktebel, in the village of Kurortnoye. Its history began in 1914, almost simultaneously with the opening of the Karadag scientific station. The first exhibits of the museum fit into two cabinets located on the ground floor of the laboratory complex. Two years later, the museum was visited by a group of students from Yekaterinburg, and in the 1920s. The museum's research activities began to develop steadily. Over time, the museum's holdings expanded, replenished with new exhibits, and by the 1970s. The collection already included more than 1 thousand geological and about 200 biological exhibits, as well as several stuffed birds. The museum staff also focused on educational activities: fascinating lectures, thematic seminars and meetings were held here, which were attended by schoolchildren and students.

Every year more than 25 thousand people come to the Karadag Nature Museum, located in the vicinity of Koktebel, in the village of Kurortnoye.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the museum underwent reconstruction, during which it was significantly modernized. The renovated museum opened its doors to visitors in 2004.

Museum exposition

The exhibition space of the museum covers an area of ​​103 square meters. m and is divided into several thematic sections: historical, geological and mineralogical, land and marine biospheres. Close attention is paid to the natural features of the Karadag mountain range. As an introduction, visitors are invited to study the layout map “Karadag and its surroundings”. The exposition of the historical section tells about the most important milestones in the activities of the scientific institution, organized at the foot of the mountain. Historical photographs, books, and biographical materials about station employees are collected here.

The geological and mineralogical section presents in detail samples of rocks characteristic of Karadag, both sedimentary and volcanic. The Karadag mountain range is a real mineralogical storehouse. Museum visitors can study in all their diversity the minerals of the zeolite group, varieties of quartz, chalcedony, and carnelian. The collection contains samples of sedimentary rocks: sandstones, clays, gypsum and others.

The section of the exhibition dedicated to the land part of the reserve tells about the features of the plant and animal life of Karadag, which is diverse, despite the seemingly inhospitable landscapes. Here, in connection with their habitat, stuffed animals of local mammals and birds, amphibians and reptiles are collected, butterflies are widely represented, as well as the unique Crimean flora. Particular importance is attached to rare and protected species.

Much in Crimean nature is inaccessible to the casual observer or is characteristic only of certain times of the year. The museum's exposition reveals such inconspicuous pages of Karadag, helping to get closer to the world of its protected nature.

Every year more than 25 thousand people come to the Karadag Nature Museum, located in the vicinity of Koktebel, in the village of Kurortnoye. Its history began in 1914, almost simultaneously with the opening of the Karadag scientific station. The first exhibits of the museum fit into two cabinets located on the ground floor of the laboratory complex. Two years later, the museum was visited by a group of students from Yekaterinburg, and in the 1920s. The museum's research activities began to develop steadily. Over time, the museum's holdings expanded, replenished with new exhibits, and by the 1970s. The collection already included more than 1 thousand geological and about 200 biological exhibits, as well as several stuffed birds. The museum staff also focused on educational activities: fascinating lectures, thematic seminars and meetings were held here, which were attended by schoolchildren and students.

Every year more than 25 thousand people come to the Karadag Nature Museum, located in the vicinity of Koktebel, in the village of Kurortnoye.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the museum underwent reconstruction, during which it was significantly modernized. The renovated museum opened its doors to visitors in 2004.

Museum exposition
The exhibition space of the museum covers an area of ​​103 square meters. m and is divided into several thematic sections: historical, geological and mineralogical, land and marine biospheres. Close attention is paid to the natural features of the Karadag mountain range. As an introduction, visitors are invited to study the layout map “Karadag and its surroundings”. The exposition of the historical section tells about the most important milestones in the activities of the scientific institution, organized at the foot of the mountain. Historical photographs, books, and biographical materials about station employees are collected here.

The geological and mineralogical section presents in detail samples of rocks characteristic of Karadag, both sedimentary and volcanic. The Karadag mountain range is a real mineralogical storehouse. Museum visitors can study in all their diversity the minerals of the zeolite group, varieties of quartz, chalcedony, and carnelian. The collection contains samples of sedimentary rocks: sandstones, clays, gypsum and others.

The section of the exhibition dedicated to the land part of the reserve tells about the features of the plant and animal life of Karadag, which is diverse, despite the seemingly inhospitable landscapes. Here, in connection with their habitat, stuffed animals of local mammals and birds, amphibians and reptiles are collected, butterflies are widely represented, as well as the unique Crimean flora. Particular importance is attached to rare and protected species.

Much in Crimean nature is inaccessible to the casual observer or is characteristic only of certain times of the year. The museum's exposition reveals such inconspicuous pages of Karadag, helping to get closer to the world of its protected nature.

The excursion will also allow you to prepare for further travel along the ecological trail of the Karadag Nature Reserve - this unique corner of the wild nature of the Crimean Mountains.
Karadag Nature Museum
Helpful information
Address: Kurortnoye village, st. Sciences, 24.

Phone: +38 (06-562) 2-62-87.

Entrance: 50 RUB, for children: 30 RUB.

Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 8:00 - 16:00 (spring-summer), Monday: closed.

How to get there: you can get to the museum by car or by shuttle bus that runs from Feodosia to the biological station.

Prices on the page are for January 2015.

The Soviet conservation business had a good tradition of creating museum complexes at nature reserves, telling about the reasons for the protection of a particular territory, its riches and the history of protection. The Karadag Nature Museum is one of the oldest in Crimea. What is special about this place and why does it deserve tourist attention?

Where is the Museum of Nature located on the map

It is located in the village of Kurortnoye, not far from the mini-hotels “Aravana”, “Rodina”, “Parus”, “Sevilya”, “Iskander” and “Elina”. Nearby you will also find the Karadag Dolphinarium.

Worthy veteran

The fact is that there is reason to assume that this tradition of naming museums this way originated in Karadag. In 1914, shortly after the creation of a scientific station near the ancient volcano, a decision was formulated by the commission of trustees on the speedy formation of museum funds and exhibitions.

The next year the center was already opened. True, it consisted of only two special exhibition cabinets located in the basement of the laboratory. But the institution began to bring benefits almost immediately - in 1916, students from the Mining Institute from Yekaterinoslav (the famous Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute in Soviet times) had already arrived here.

The museum has come a long way since then. The original two closets turned into 100 square meters. m of exhibition space, plus there is a special room for storing funds. In 2004, it underwent a large-scale reconstruction (creating suitable conditions for preserving historical documents and natural materials is not as easy as casual visitors think), and since then the average number of visitors per year has reached 25 thousand people.

Preparing for the walk

A visit to the Karadag Nature Museum is usually included in the program of tours of the site, passing through its administration. Such a visit helps future guests of the protected area better understand where they will end up and what exactly they should look at there.

You can visit the museum just like that - certain categories of vacationers (elderly and people with poor health) may not be able to walk along the ecological trail over rough terrain. Some species of animals and plants can be found in Crimea only in hard-to-reach places or at specific times of the year, and a visit here is the only way for the average tourist to get to know them. Ticket prices here are very modest, and discounts are available.

Also, the staff of the institution are constantly engaged in educational work and popularization of knowledge about. Various kinds of lectures, specialized classes for students and tourists of various categories turn the complex into an important organization promoting environmental ideas to the masses. This is also typical of Soviet “natural museums” in Russia.

For a long time, the premises of this place were used for its original purpose - as a research laboratory. This application does not contradict the concept in any way.

Photos of the museum halls make it clear that the establishment has moved far from the original two cabinets. The biology department presents flora and fauna in the form of artistic compositions showing real objects (herbarium specimens or stuffed animals) and their natural habitat. The picture is complemented by photographic illustrations showing examples of landscapes typical for the habitat of a particular species. The coastal waters are presented in a similar way - with installations and photographs. And the collection of colorful Crimean insects can cause a fit of envy among jewelry lovers.

The richest section of the museum is geological. Tourists,
Those who come on vacation to one of the resort villages located near the protected mountain traditionally take home beautiful multi-colored pebbles - the local shores are very rich in them. After visiting, you can do this consciously and distinguish single-color jaspers from brocade agates. Valuable stones found in nature in the area are also presented - amethysts, moss agates, rock crystal. There are many samples of sedimentary rocks on display, including those with imprints of ancient organisms.

There is also a historical section here. It contains documents telling about the creation and development of the station and, personal belongings and books of its founders, published by the staff of the monograph. A separate stand is dedicated to the first in the USSR and scientific work on its basis. A large part of the department talks about geological discoveries made on local materials, and about the scientists who made these discoveries.