When subjects were asked to cross their index, middle, and ring fingers together, the pain virtually subsided. Features of nonverbal communication

Self improvement

What do crossed fingers mean?

June 19, 2016

Each of us wants luck to be his constant companion. There is an opinion that crossed fingers is one of the techniques to attract her into your life.

Good luck symbol

The question about the nature of this gesture and its origin is quite interesting. Most people cannot logically explain why two fingers crossed is a guarantee of achieving their goals. However, this does not prevent them from actively using this technique and even feeling some moral satisfaction and peace of mind from the ritual.

An apt remark is that in this way luck will certainly not slip through your fingers. Still, a small obstacle has been created for her. Fingers crossed will keep her at bay. But it’s still interesting where such a unique tradition came from and what caused it.

Many rituals have long become habits and are used unconsciously. It is curious that from childhood many people begin to cross their fingers.


When you catch yourself using this gesture, you involuntarily ask the question “Why and why am I doing this?” There is enough information in this topic to give a comprehensive answer.

The history of this tradition is very ancient. Of course, a direct connection can be traced here with the symbol of the cross. Moreover, the same one on whom Jesus was crucified. Since the sign of the cross has been used since ancient times as a protective symbol, it was also believed that crossed fingers can be equated to a wooden or metal crucifix, with the help of which demons, devils, all kinds of ailments and bad thoughts were warded off. First of all, it is a security symbol.

Video on the topic


This was especially true when Christianity was still developing, and wearing special signs on the neck was not so common. Also, since adherents of this belief had to hide from the Romans who were pursuing them, the crossed middle and ring fingers were a kind of password and a sign that a like-minded person was nearby.

They did not forget about this technique during the Middle Ages, when they also believed that with its help one could drive away demons and unholy spirits. In our time, when, in principle, many areas of human life are becoming less and less connected with religious aspects, and this phenomenon, among other things, no longer carries with it the background of faith. If any supernatural powers are implied, they are not directly identified with the biblical god. Today, crossed fingers are believed to be a magnet for good luck and an enemy of the evil eye.


It is known that customs in different countries can vary greatly. The same applies to this gesture. For example, even living in Russia, not many people know that until very recently, crossed fingers meant the truthfulness of a person’s words.

Having visited Vietnam, you can find out that in this way the residents of this country can get into serious problems, because the symbol is considered indecent and offensive. It is associated with elements of the female reproductive system. Once in Turkey or Greece, you can find out that this is a sign of the end of a friendly conversation. For Icelanders, this is a way to remember something forgotten. Residents of Denmark use this combination when they swear to something. There is a metaphor here that a promise is tied with a knot.

Of course, when understanding what crossed fingers mean in the realities of the Western world, most often you will come across meanings associated with attracting good luck. It is believed that in this case all plans should go smoothly. Who knows, perhaps this is just a placebo effect, allowing people to believe not so much in the magical power of a gesture, but in their own strength, backed by some guarantees of a higher order.

The right combination

What should you do to ensure that luck does not run away from you, and that your dreams certainly turn into reality? You also need to be able to cross your fingers for luck correctly. Attracting positive energies is not such an easy task. Many, imbued with this issue, begin to be interested in which of the fingers should lie on top, and other similar details, which are given truly sacred meaning.

Again, if we go back to the original source, that is, Christianity, it is worth looking at the work of an artist named Francisco Ribalt, who comes from Spain. Of all his works, the most famous is The Last Supper, which he created in 1606. It depicts the Savior himself and his immediate circle.

His palm forms exactly the combination in question. Christ's index finger lies above the middle. It is believed that this arrangement is correct.

A purely Western version of this gesture is its interpretation behind the back of the one who uses such a maneuver. Here we are talking about those situations when a person lies. In this way, he tries to protect himself from evil spirits, who supposedly should bring punishment for lying.

Healing properties

You can also find interesting information about what crossed fingers mean in medicine. Insidious entities are images that are quite far from human concepts. Much closer to people are their own physical bodies, the pain in which they feel as realistically as possible.

Scientists in England have found that this combination is extremely useful in the fight against painful sensations. P. Haggard says that a person can control his own nerve endings. It is important to learn this skill. For this purpose, the movement of pulses must be initiated.

T. Thunberg, who devoted quite a lot of time to studying phantom pains, somewhat different from those that we feel during a blow or similar situations, also studied this issue in detail. Fundamental work has been carried out, during which it has been proven that if you have negative physical sensations, you can cross your fingers and significantly improve your well-being. Thus, it becomes clear that this gesture is given a much more serious meaning than just a magnet for good luck.

It is used as a symbol of the national lottery in the UK, as well as in Ireland, Oregon, and Virginia (this sign is very common in other US states).

As they say, our life is in our hands, so all goals are realistic and achievable.

Through the eyes of a child

Parents or those who frequently come into contact with children may have noticed that children often unconsciously use this symbol. It immediately becomes interesting why and why the child crosses his fingers.

Mothers and fathers, of course, wonder if this is a pathology, if it means something bad. Child psychologists most often answer that such a phenomenon is not considered a cause for concern. You should rather be happy for your child, because from a young age he has been practicing mudra number 20, practically doing yoga on his fingers. One can even conclude that children, due to their purity and sensitivity to the world around them, subconsciously feel what position their fingers should take in order to establish peace of mind.

In the process of growing up, such connections are broken, and a person’s ability to feel the world so subtly is erased.

Children's wisdom

So in the situation described above, adults should rather learn from their children than wean them from a habit that many mistakenly begin to consider harmful, looking for a negative connotation in it. Sometimes children have more natural wisdom than us adults.

A child is a concentration of spiritual warmth and bright energy. It is worth following him on the path of contact with nature, while he follows you, learning all the features of this cruel world.

Thanks to mudra number 20, you can get rid of a lot of harmful diseases. It is also useful for preventive purposes against colds. It is used at a time when complications in the functioning of the nasopharynx, lungs, and respiratory tract (in the upper part) are felt. Children cross their fingers quite often when they get a cold.

Worldwide distribution

This one sign simultaneously combines protection from demons and evil spirits, a symbol of health and mental well-being, and, of course, the success so desired by every person, good luck throwing the right cards into the deck. After all, it is known that although much depends on us, various factors unknown to us also have a significant influence on the course of things.

It is important to arrive at the right place at the right time, but first you need such a point to exist at all. So you can use this gesture to turn the situation to your advantage. In any case, even if it does not have real power to influence circumstances, the confidence that a person feels is worth a lot; I understand that I have already made some contribution to my own business, in a certain way I have secured myself, putting an end to all empty doubts and uncertainty in to yourself. Moreover, it cannot be a coincidence that the sign has been given great importance both in Christian circles and in the East since ancient times.

Such similarities, as a rule, concern only those things and facts that have a real and material background.

Superstitious people often cross their fingers in hopes of luck - before a difficult exam, an important interview or a fateful meeting. They use this gesture when they make a promise, even knowing that they will not keep it. Or when they lie, but want to somehow justify themselves.

The tradition of crossing fingers dates back to early Christianity and was used to help fugitive believers recognize each other during times of persecution. Later, a superstition arose that crossing one's fingers (an allusion to the Christian cross) would certainly save one from hell. In the 16th century, Londoners began using this gesture to ward off evil spirits. The British also crossed their fingers when someone coughed or sneezed.

A new study by scientists from University College London proves that not all superstitions are unscientific. It turns out that the Christian tradition helps confuse the brain and reduce pain. British researchers advise:

The next time you hit your fingers with a hammer, simply cross them.

The researchers believe their discovery will help patients suffering from chronic pain. According to Patrick Haggard, the leader of the work, “pain sensations can be manipulated by moving some parts of the body in relation to others.”

The experiment was based on the famous trick of the Swedish doctor Thunberg. More than a hundred years ago, Thorsten Thunberg invented an illusion that causes a phantom sensation of pain. The trick was subsequently called the “grill illusion” and became extremely popular among young people.

The illusion is as follows: you need to take two containers - with warm and cold water, ask the participant to blindfold the eyes and dip his index and ring fingers into the warm liquid, and his middle finger into the cold one.

After some time, the person will begin to feel a burning pain with his middle finger.

The same experiment can be repeated with sausages: you need to take cold and hot meat products and, alternating them with each other, carefully place them on the table. Then ask the participant to put his hand on the sausages and wait until he screams from sharp and unpleasant pain.

We feel the same pain when we put our hand in a snowdrift or expose our limbs, numb in the cold, to cool water. Painful sensations arise because the brain is deceived by the difference in temperature signals.

Scientists attached special equipment to the fingers of the experiment participants, creating a feeling of heat and cold. The principle of operation completely repeated the “illusion of the grill.” According to most participants, they experienced painful sensations. “This pain has nothing to do with tissue damage,” says Angela Marotta, one of the organizers of the experiment. “Pain is a perception that is only loosely related to actual sensations,” says Professor Giandomenico Ianneti.

Researchers found that when participants crossed their middle finger with their ring or index finger, the sensation of pain disappeared.

Painful sensations returned only if the study authors cooled the subjects' ring and index fingers.

According to the study's authors, the human brain does more than just receive temperature data. He, processing signals from each finger, uses their position in space, and not their location on the hand. Scientists believe that crossing your fingers will relieve not only phantom pain, but also real pain.

According to Patrick Haggard, earlier research has found that the way the human brain represents the body plays an important role in the experience of pain. An example is illusory pain that occurs in amputated limbs after surgery and goes away over time as the brain changes its image of the body.

Many gestures are not recorded by consciousness, but fully convey a person’s mood and thoughts. If you want to become an attentive and interesting interlocutor, then it makes sense to understand gestures and facial expressions, and study the signals given through non-verbal communication.

So if:

- fingers clasped. Three options are possible: crossed fingers raised at face level, lying on the table, lying on the knees. This gesture indicates disappointment and the desire of the interlocutor to hide his negative attitude;

- mouth protection with hand(this can only be a few fingers or a fist). This gesture means that the listener feels that you are lying;

- scratching and rubbing the ear. This gesture indicates that the person has heard enough and wants to speak out;

- scratching the neck. Such a gesture indicates a person’s doubt and uncertainty;

- collar pull. This gesture is used when a person is angry or upset. It can also be used in the case when a person lied and suspected that his deception was discovered;

- fingers in mouth. This gesture speaks of an internal need for approval and support;

- palm resting cheek. The gesture indicates that the interlocutor has become bored;

- the index finger is directed vertically to the temple, and the thumb supports the chin. The gesture indicates that the interlocutor has a negative or critical attitude towards what he hears;

Companion rubs his forehead, temples, chin, covers his face with his hands- this indicates that he is not in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment;

Human looks away- this is the clearest indicator that he is hiding something;

- arms crossed on chest the interlocutor signals that it is better to end the conversation or move on to another topic. If the interlocutor crosses his arms and clenches his palms into fists, this means that he is extremely hostile. It is necessary to end the conversation as soon as possible. If the interlocutor clasps his shoulders when crossing his arms, this means that he is ready to go hand-to-hand;

- "pinching the bridge of the nose" gesture the “thinker” pose, when they rest their cheek with their hand - these are gestures of reflection and evaluation;

- scratching with the index finger of the right hand the area under the earlobe or the side of the neck, rubbing the nose with the index finger are gestures of doubt that indicate that something is unclear to the interlocutor in the conversation;

An offended person most often takes the following pose. He raises his shoulders and lowers his head. If the interlocutor has taken exactly this position, then the topic of conversation should be changed;

A person trying to end a conversation lowers eyelids. If your interlocutor wears glasses, he will take off his glasses and put them aside;

If your interlocutor bites the temples of his glasses or constantly takes off and puts on glasses, this means that he is delaying the time to make a decision. In this case, you need to help your interlocutor and give him the time he needs to think;

If your interlocutor walks around the room, this means that the conversation interests him, but he needs to think before making a decision;

Gestures and character

A smug and arrogant man puts his hands together.

A confident person who wants to show his superiority over others can be recognized by the gestures of “putting hands behind the back with a wrist grip” and “placing hands behind the head.” Communication with such a person is difficult. Therefore, if they want to win him over, they lean forward a little with outstretched palms and ask him to explain something. Another way is to copy the gesture.

If the interlocutor suddenly begins to pick up lint from his clothes, and at the same time turns away from the speaker or looks at the floor, this means that he does not agree with what was said or does not want to express his opinion.

A person who, during a conversation, holds his hands on the side edges of the chair or his hands lie on his knees, wants to end the conversation. In this case, the conversation is immediately stopped.

By the way the listener exhales cigarette smoke, one can determine his attitude towards the interlocutor and the conversation. If he blows smoke constantly upward, it means he is positive and enjoying the conversation. If the smoke is directed downward, then the person, on the contrary, is in a negative mood, and the faster he releases the smoke, the more unpleasant the conversation is to him.

Gait is also an important determining factor in a person’s momentary state. If a person has his hands in his pockets or is waving them, if he is looking at his feet, he is in a depressed state. A person whose hands are clasped behind his back and his head is lowered is preoccupied with something.

Dropped shoulders and a raised head mean that a person is determined to succeed and is in control of the situation. Head tilted to one side - the interlocutor is interested. Rubbing the eyelid - the interlocutor is telling a lie. Raised shoulders mean that the interlocutor is tense and feels danger emanating from you. Raised shoulders and a lowered head are a sign of isolation. The interlocutor is either unsure of himself, or afraid of something, or dissatisfied with the conversation, or feels humiliated.

In order to achieve the desired goal in a conversation, it is not enough to be an attentive person; you yourself need to use gestures of openness during the conversation that will help win over your interlocutor, invite him to a frank conversation and leave the most favorable impression about yourself. Gestures of openness include the “open hands” gesture, when they extend their hands to the interlocutor with their palms up, and the “unbuttoning the jacket” gesture.

Watch your facial expressions: your lips should not be tightly compressed, and there should be a half-smile on your face (downturned corners of your mouth are unacceptable - this means that you are upset about something, and no one needs such an interlocutor). When you look at your interlocutor, visually try to draw a triangle on his face, into which you need to look. This helps you concentrate as much as possible

If possible, keep your fingers together. When eating, dancing, or smoking, do not put your little finger out to the side; it will look cutesy and mannered. It is also rude to point fingers.

When talking with someone, look into the eyes of the interlocutor. Well-mannered people know how to control their gaze and facial expressions, giving their faces a natural expression.

There are situations when during a conversation there is an irresistible desire to sneeze. You can stop yourself from doing this: just rub the bridge of your nose.

Handshake and character traits

A commanding handshake promotes submission. It can actually make it impossible to establish equal relationships. This handshake is typical for people who want to lead and subordinate. At the same time, the palm is directed downward, and therefore the partner is simply forced to turn the palm upward. It is recommended to respond to an authoritative handshake like this:

    Grab your wrist from above and then shake it. This will allow for some time to unsettle the person who intends to command.

    shake a person's hand with both hands. This handshake is possible between politicians because it symbolizes trust. This gesture, however, should not be used when meeting someone, because it can cause rejection in a stranger.

An indifferent handshake is a weak touch between the hands. Such a lifeless touch leaves the feeling that the person who makes such a gesture has a weak will.

A strong handshake is one that can cause pain. It is usually preferred by serious people whose main character trait is the desire to conquer.

A restrictive handshake, i.e. shaking with an arm that is not bent at the elbow, helps maintain a certain distance between people and leaves the personal area inviolable. This type of handshake is typical for people who are aggressive or who want to protect themselves from the pressure of others. If during a restrictive handshake only the fingers are put into the palm, then this indicates that the person does not feel confident.

A pulling handshake, in which one of the partners pulls the hand of the other, may mean that this person is so unsure of himself that he simply needs to be in a personal area.

I.N. Kuznetsov

Each of us wants luck to be his constant companion. There is an opinion that crossed fingers is one of the techniques to attract her into your life.

Good luck symbol

The question about the nature of this gesture and its origin is quite interesting. Most people cannot logically explain why two fingers crossed is a guarantee of achieving their goals. However, this does not prevent them from actively using this technique and even feeling some moral satisfaction and peace of mind from the ritual.

An apt remark is that in this way luck will certainly not slip through your fingers. Still, a small obstacle has been created for her. Fingers crossed will keep her at bay. But it’s still interesting where such a unique tradition came from and what caused it.

Many rituals have long become habits and are used unconsciously. It is curious that from childhood many people begin to cross their fingers.


When you catch yourself using this gesture, you involuntarily ask the question “Why and why am I doing this?” There is enough information in this topic to give a comprehensive answer.

The history of this tradition is very ancient. Of course, a direct connection can be traced here with the symbol of the cross. Moreover, the same one on whom Jesus was crucified. Since ancient times it was used as a protective symbol, it was also believed that crossed fingers can be equated to a wooden or metal crucifix, with the help of which demons, devils, all kinds of ailments and bad thoughts were warded off. First of all, it is a security symbol.


This was especially true when Christianity was still developing, and wearing special signs on the neck was not so common. Also, since adherents of this belief had to hide from the Romans who were pursuing them, the crossed middle and ring fingers were a kind of password and a sign that a like-minded person was nearby.

They did not forget about this technique during the Middle Ages, when they also believed that with its help one could drive away demons and unholy spirits. In our time, when, in principle, many areas of human life are becoming less and less connected with religious aspects, and this phenomenon, among other things, no longer carries with it the background of faith. If any supernatural powers are implied, they are not directly identified with the biblical god. Today, crossed fingers are believed to be a magnet for good luck and an enemy of the evil eye.


It is known that customs in different countries can vary greatly. The same applies to this gesture. For example, even living in Russia, not many people know that until very recently, crossed fingers meant the truthfulness of a person’s words.

Having visited Vietnam, you can find out that in this way the residents of this country can get into serious problems, because the symbol is considered indecent and offensive. It is associated with elements of the female reproductive system. Once in Turkey or Greece, you can find out that this is a sign of the end of a friendly conversation. For Icelanders, this is a way to remember something forgotten. Residents of Denmark use this combination when they swear to something. There is a metaphor here that a promise is tied with a knot.

Of course, when understanding what crossed fingers mean in the realities of the Western world, most often you will come across meanings associated with attracting good luck. It is believed that in this case all plans should go smoothly. Who knows, perhaps this is just a placebo effect, allowing people to believe not so much in the magical power of a gesture, but in their own strength, backed by some guarantees of a higher order.

The right combination

What should you do to ensure that luck does not run away from you, and that your dreams certainly turn into reality? You also need to be able to cross your fingers for luck correctly. Attracting positive energies is not such an easy task. Many, imbued with this issue, begin to be interested in which of the fingers should lie on top, and other similar details, which are given truly sacred meaning.

Again, if we go back to the original source, that is, Christianity, it is worth looking at the work of an artist named Francisco Ribalt, who comes from Spain. Of all his works, the most famous is The Last Supper, which he created in 1606. It depicts the Savior himself and his immediate circle.

His palm forms exactly the combination in question. Christ's lies above average. It is believed that this arrangement is correct.

A purely Western version of this gesture is its interpretation behind the back of the one who uses such a maneuver. Here we are talking about those situations when a person lies. In this way, he tries to protect himself from evil spirits, who supposedly should bring punishment for lying.

Healing properties

You can also find interesting information about what crossed fingers mean in medicine. Insidious entities are images that are quite far from human concepts. Much closer to people are their own physical bodies, the pain in which they feel as realistically as possible.

Scientists in England have found that this combination is extremely useful in the fight against painful sensations. P. Haggard says that a person can control his own nerve endings. It is important to learn this skill. For this purpose, the movement of pulses must be initiated.

T. Thunberg, who devoted quite a lot of time to studying situations that are somewhat different from those that we feel during an impact or similar situations, also studied this issue in detail. Fundamental work has been carried out, during which it has been proven that if you have negative physical sensations, you can cross your fingers and significantly improve your well-being. Thus, it becomes clear that this gesture is given a much more serious meaning than just a magnet for good luck.

It is used as a symbol of the national lottery in the UK, as well as in Ireland, Oregon, and Virginia (this sign is very common in other US states).

As they say, our life is in our hands, so all goals are realistic and achievable.

Through the eyes of a child

Parents or those who frequently come into contact with children may have noticed that children often unconsciously use this symbol. It immediately becomes interesting why and why the child crosses his fingers.

Mothers and fathers, of course, wonder if this is a pathology, if it means something bad. Child psychologists most often answer that such a phenomenon is not considered a cause for concern. You should rather be happy for your child, because from a young age he has been practicing mudra number 20, practically doing yoga on his fingers. One can even conclude that children, due to their purity and sensitivity to the world around them, subconsciously feel what position their fingers should take in order to establish peace of mind.

In the process of growing up, such connections are broken, and a person’s ability to feel the world so subtly is erased.

Children's wisdom

So in the situation described above, adults should rather learn from their children than wean them from a habit that many mistakenly begin to consider harmful, looking for a negative connotation in it. Sometimes children have more natural wisdom than us adults.

A child is a concentration of spiritual warmth and bright energy. It is worth following him on the path of contact with nature, while he follows you, learning all the features of this cruel world.

Thanks to mudra number 20, you can get rid of a lot of harmful diseases. It is also useful for preventive purposes against colds. It is used at a time when complications in the functioning of the nasopharynx, lungs, and respiratory tract (in the upper part) are felt. Children cross their fingers quite often when they get a cold.

Worldwide distribution

This one sign simultaneously combines protection from demons and evil spirits, a symbol of health and mental well-being, and, of course, the success so desired by every person, good luck throwing the right cards into the deck. After all, it is known that although much depends on us, various factors unknown to us also have a significant influence on the course of things.

It is important to arrive at the right place at the right time, but first you need such a point to exist at all. So you can use this gesture to turn the situation to your advantage. In any case, even if it does not have real power to influence circumstances, the confidence that a person feels is worth a lot; I understand that I have already made some contribution to my own business, in a certain way I have secured myself, putting an end to all empty doubts and uncertainty in to yourself. Moreover, it cannot be a coincidence that the sign has been given great importance both in Christian circles and in the East since ancient times.

Such similarities, as a rule, concern only those things and facts that have a real and material background.

We all have called luck to our side at least once in our lives. And they each did it using their own proven method. But since childhood we know that for good results we need to keep luck close to us for some time. And how to do it? And again, from somewhere in my childhood memories comes the knowledge that I have to cross my fingers. Just cross two fingers: middle and index. It seemed that with this gesture we were holding luck by the tail.

So where did this gesture come from? And why does it symbolize the message of good luck and fortune? It turns out that this was precisely the gesture - with two crossed fingers - that believers greeted each other during persecution. It was these crossed fingers that showed that they belonged here, there was nothing to be afraid of. This gesture symbolizes the cross, faith in God and his protection. Now we come to the most important thing... protection.

Remember how, when seeing you off on your journey, your mother always tried to cross you. Those. she placed you mentally, but sincerely, with maternal care, under HIS protection. She herself would happily protect you, but what if she’s not around?

With this simple gesture, with crossed fingers, we mentally protect ourselves. Protection from adversity and trouble. But this is already luck. And even in pagan times, people believed that where the cross appears, the spirit awakens. Whether he was good or evil is not so important; this spirit was called to help the one who put up the cross.

Now let's remember how children cross two fingers behind their backs when they lie. This is already the influence of watching American films, but this also happens in our lives. Why is the gesture of protection moved behind the back? It is believed that in this way the human image is turned over, i.e. at the same time, you can do things that you wouldn’t usually do. The spirit won't recognize you anyway. That's why he won't punish you for lying. Those. This is permission for yourself to behave incorrectly.

Remember how sometimes people try to cross the place where the black cat passed? Backward forward. So the crossed fingers behind the back have the same meaning.

One day, a friend of mine told me that her little son was crossing his fingers. She was then very surprised at this skill of his. And the doctor, a woman about 50 years old, said that children are very wise creatures. They heal themselves, protect themselves, protect themselves. They just do it the way their subconscious tells them - they make mudras with their fingers. Remember, this is yoga for the fingers. But in mudras, every gesture speaks, every gesture carries a certain protection. Some even heal.

So, no matter what happens in this world, everything makes sense. And very often this meaning is a little different from what we are used to thinking. And if crossed fingers help you keep your luck, don’t get lost, everything is in your hands.