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The pale grebe and the fly agaric are known to everyone since early childhood. Eating them is dangerous to life. But besides the well-known inedible mushrooms, there are double mushrooms, which are often difficult to distinguish from good ones, which is why they are called false. For example, false boletus, it would seem, is no different from its edible “brother.” It is difficult for a novice mushroom picker without certain knowledge to find the differences between them. Therefore, you can go on a “quiet hunt”, but with experience.

The name of the mushroom fully justifies itself: the cap is oily and slippery, has a hemispherical shape with a small tubercle in the middle.

hat light brown, the flesh of the mushroom is yellow, the sticky skin peels off easily. Under the cap you can see the remains of a ring-shaped cover.

The leg has yellow tint and smooth shape, resembling a cylinder. Height up to 12 cm, diameter - no more than 4 cm. Top part the legs are most often lighter than the lower ones.

Where and when do they grow?

You can prepare boletus for the winter - marinate it. For this you will need:

  • 1 liter of water.
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt.
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • Allspice peas (8-10 peas are enough).
  • 1 clove.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • Dry dill and bay leaf.
  • 2 kg of butter.

Rinse in several waters and clean the mushrooms. Boil in lightly salted water for 10 minutes. Add 3 drops of vinegar to the water. Pour out the first water. Cook again for 15 minutes adding salt, sugar and spices. Then place the butter tightly in a jar and pour marinade over it. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%. Pickle mushrooms only in sterilized containers and store in a cool place.

Butterflies are tasty and healthy mushrooms. Their main qualities are their unique composition and excellent taste. Dishes made from them are a worthy snack that even true gourmets will appreciate.

Mushrooms are a special kingdom that combines the properties of both animals and flora. Among these representatives there are some that can, and even should, be eaten, because they have a beneficial effect on human health. But there are mushrooms that are poisonous to living beings. There are specific types that are described in manuals for mushroom pickers in order to warn about the danger. But there are other, so-called twin mushrooms. Such representatives are a very similar variation of an edible mushroom, but at the same time they are not. This is where the danger lies.

In order not to confuse a real mushroom with its double, you need to have a good understanding of mushrooms. Many representatives of this kingdom have their own counterparts, including boletus.

Butterflies and their types

In order to distinguish a double from the original mushroom, you need to know exactly what real boletus mushrooms look like. Butterflies are called this for a reason, but due to the fact that their cap is covered with mucus, which distinguishes this mushroom from others. Immediately under the cap there is a growth that looks like a ring. Butterflies are very common representatives of their genus and their species diversity reaches up to fifty variations.

The most common is the ordinary oiler. Less commonly you can see mushrooms such as porcini, cedar, and Siberian boletus. It is extremely rare to find swamp representatives of the species.

Externally, the oiler is represented by a cap and a stem. The shape of the upper part of the mushroom is semicircular. From above it is almost flat, but there is a small hill in the very center. As for color, the most common option is brown, but there are also representatives with an olive-brown cap. The flesh of the mushroom is close to yellow in color. Its consistency is meaty and juicy. The skin of the cap can be easily removed, separating it from the pulp. The tubular layer also has a yellow tint, and it fuses with the stalk. And the stem of the mushroom grows to a height of just over ten centimeters and is shaped like a cylinder. It is darker below than above.

In order to understand what kind of mushroom is in front of us, we need to know where exactly boletus grows, what places are typical for them. Common representatives most often settle in deciduous forests or pine forests. This mushroom can also be seen in plantings where heather and cereals grow. The most suitable soil for these mushrooms is sand and lime. Butterflies grow in families, which makes collecting them very pleasant and convenient. They do not like strong shade, so you don’t have to look for them in deep thickets. Soils with good drainage are most favorable for the growth of fungi. What is characteristic of representatives of this class that they get along with other mushrooms without any problems. You can easily find them growing next to chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and russula.

Butterflies are very productive mushrooms; as soon as June comes to an end, you can start collecting them. The period of active growth and development of mushrooms continues until the first frost. For an inexperienced mushroom picker, it is worth mentioning that mushrooms whose caps have grown more than four centimeters are no longer considered suitable, since they are already beginning to dry out. In order for the oiler to have best quality, it must be fresh and still young, and for such mushrooms the cap does not have time to exceed a size of four centimeters. However, it is precisely these mushrooms that can be found only a couple of times during the summer.

Experienced mushroom pickers know that boletus mushrooms grow in two waves. The first refers to the time when rye begins to ear. Mushrooms of this period are called spike mushrooms, these are porcini mushrooms and oil cans. It is very important to note the time of their appearance, since they finish their lives very quickly. life cycle and disappear again.

False boletus

After we have extensively examined representatives of the boletus species, we can talk about how to distinguish them from their doubles. False mushrooms, which is what the doubles are called, are very reminiscent of the boletus mushrooms themselves in terms of external characteristics. False boletus photos, which once again confirms this to us, indicate the similarity of these mushrooms. A very pleasant fact is that it is not so difficult to distinguish real from pseudo mushrooms, you just have to look at them more carefully.

Looking at the false mushroom, you will notice that its cap has a different shade; the presence of a purple pigment is clearly visible on it. Interior The caps are also different in color. If in a real mushroom it has a gentle yellow tint, then in a false one it is bright. Another feature of the double is the lower part of the cap, which is represented by plates in structure.

Do not think that a false oiler does not have a ring under the cap, due to which it can be accurately identified. This form has a ring, but its shade is different from the original. The edible mushroom has a ring with a purple tint, but the double’s ring may be white or light purple. It is positioned a little differently, hanging on the leg, due to which it dries much faster. A genuine mushroom does not have such transformations with a ring on the stalk.

The pulp of the mushroom also gives away the blende, because its color is in this case red, its structure is spongy, in addition, at the cut site, the color changes over time. All these transformations do not occur in a real oiler.

False boletus can be simply inedible, or it can also be poisonous, so it is important to understand well so that your health does not suffer. Real mushrooms are eaten, and what’s more, they taste very pleasant, which captivates many. Only one type has a specific taste, namely the yellow-brown butterdish, whose flesh becomes of blue color. In some countries it was even classified as inedible, but not poisonous.

False butterflies, in turn, can be simply inedible, which include: Siberian, remarkable and pepper butterdish. It is these representatives that change the color of the flesh at the break, their cap is darker than that of the original representatives, and the spongy layer is colored red.

As for poisonous butterflies, you won’t encounter them too often, but it’s possible. Such a representative is the pepper butterdish, which is very similar to an ordinary representative of the species. As such, it cannot be called poisonous, because it contains bitterness. Even in spite of this negative quality, this mushroom is still collected, but when cooking it must be pre-cooked. If you boil it for fifteen minutes, the bitterness will be practically inaudible. This representative species are added to normal mushrooms and fried together.

Almost all false boletus grows right next to their real counterparts. In order not to make a mistake and not collect a whole basket of pseudo butter, you need to carefully approach the choice of each mushroom that you come across. Of course, if you devote so much time to each fungus, the collection process will drag on, but you can find its own charms in this. After all, not all mushroom pickers go to the forest purely for the sake of getting food in the form of mushrooms. Most often it is an impulse of the soul, a desire to retire and be in nature. And, based on this, it will not be so difficult to devote time to all the mushrooms that you come across. It is better to slowly bring home very few mushrooms, including butter mushrooms, than to bring several containers of mushrooms that may be unsuitable for consumption. Even though boletus is not a type of mushroom, the false representatives of which can seriously threaten life, but there are other mushrooms, and the consequences of their consumption can be very diverse, even disastrous.

I would like to note that it is better to leave mushroom picking to professionals, so that the result is maximum and the risk is minimal. If you are going to pick mushrooms for the first time, prepare well for the procedure, because it is very important.

Maslyata mushrooms are welcome guests in the basket of every mushroom picker. Butter is suitable for any culinary processing and has good taste. Boletus mushrooms, which we will describe below, must be distinguished from false boletus mushrooms in order to avoid poisoning.

Boletus mushrooms - photos and descriptions of species

Early flocks of boletus are the most welcome gift for the mushroom picker, who has been eagerly awaiting their appearance since mid-June.

Description Light yellow oiler

It is the light yellow granular oiler (Suillus granulatus Kuntze) that is the first to appear in a conspicuous place after warm thunderstorms and regularly bears fruit 3-5 times per season.

Light yellow or light brown caps stick out from the moss litter in young pine forests, on humus in deciduous forests, along forest roads and in clearings with short grass. After rain, the mushroom is slimy, your hands turn black and cannot be washed off. Under the cap there is a tubular layer of light yellow color, the leg without a ring, dense, light yellow, short. The flesh of the mushroom is light, does not darken when cut, and the top film comes off easily.

Photo: General characteristics and description of the type - Light yellow oiler

True or yellow-brown oiler - description of the species

Later, from the second half of summer until serious frosts in October, the so-called late boletus (Suillus lu-teus Gray.), or real ones, appear. The color of the upper film of the cap of this species varies from dark yellow to medium brown, sometimes with a brown color in the center.

The skin is easily peeled off the convex cap and mercilessly sticks to your hands, making it immediately obvious who brought the butter today. The down tubes are very light, small, and look like a sponge. The dense, thick stem has a ring, which covers the down in young specimens, but remains in the form of a white thin film in older specimens.

This variety loves light colors pine forests and is found in huge colonies in suitable summers. At one edge you can pick up 2-3 buckets of wonderful mushrooms at a time, even if you cut off the wormy stems and throw away lightly eaten specimens. You can pick it up, but then you have to suffer until the night with cleaning the terribly sticky films that must be removed.

Photo: General characteristics and description of the species - Real oiler

Larch oiler - description of the species

In the larch forests of Siberia there is a larch butterfly (Suillus grevillei Sing.) with a very bright yellowish-orange, almost red cap from a distance. The down of the mushroom is lemon-yellow, with pinpoint pores and covered with a white blanket, which gradually comes off from the edges of the cap and remains on the leg in the form of a ring.

The leg, yellow-brown with burgundy coloring, when cut, has light yellow flesh that does not darken in air. On European territory In Russia the mushroom is also found under deciduous trees. Under one old larch tree in the Tver region, which was planted 40 years ago, these unusual mushrooms appeared, causing the surprise of all-time experienced mushroom pickers. And what wind blew them away?

Photo: General characteristics and description of the species - Larch oildish

There are other types of buttermilk, but they are not so common in our latitudes, or are not eaten, although they are not poisonous, they do not have a good taste.

Marsh butterwort - grows in swamps and wetlands. The swamp butterdish is edible, but its taste is less pronounced than that of other species. The mushroom cap is dirty yellow, sticky, the flesh is dense, lemon-colored, and when cut it takes on a wine color.

Pepper butterfly lives in deciduous and coniferous forests, and is an inedible mushroom due to its hot peppery taste. The cap is convex, funnel-shaped in adulthood, brown in color. When pressed, the pulp acquires a bluish tint.

How to distinguish false butterflies

Before you go into the forest and collect boletus, you need to figure out what their poisonous counterparts look like, so as not to throw the false brother of the mushroom into the basket.

Less experienced mushroom pickers may confuse boletus mushrooms with young panther fly agarics. Panther fly agaric is very poisonous and causes intoxication in the body.

The panther fly agaric looks a little like an oil can only in its youth; later the cap acquires expressive drawing, and you can’t confuse him anymore. To distinguish the false oiler, panther fly agaric, carefully examine the leg; in the fly agaric it is thicker and has a ring that disappears in an older mushroom. In addition, there will be no insects near the mushroom; even the smell of the mushroom is poisonous to them.

The false oiler is not as dangerous as the fly agaric, but it will not bring anything useful. It can be distinguished from its edible counterpart by the plates under the cap - in the false butterdish they are clearly pronounced. In addition, the hat may have purple shade.

To distinguish an edible butterdish from an inedible one, turn the mushroom over. There is always a film under the cap of the oiler. If you remove it, and under the film there is a porous surface of the mushroom, you have an edible mushroom. If inner surface caps in plates - it’s better to throw out such a mushroom. The false oiler turns yellow when cut, and the color of the inside of the cap is slightly grayish.

The boletus, the descriptions of which we have given above, will be a welcome guest on your table; if you understand how to distinguish false boletus, you will be able to cook delicious dishes with pleasure!

Video: Description of varieties of butter

During warm autumn days and rainy weather, mushroom pickers collect mushrooms in forests and copses. different types mushrooms to your table.

Ordinary boletus

Butter– this is the name of a whole and quite large genus of tubular mushrooms. The name of the genus is given because all its representatives have a slippery and oily cap. This feature allows you to distinguish the butterdish from other types of mushrooms. There are a great many varieties of buttermilk, but most often in domestic forests and copses the autumn buttermilk is found, and in oak forests a rarer species grows - the pepper buttermilk. This mushroom is not poisonous, but it has a bitter taste and therefore must be boiled in boiling water before using it for preparing dishes and snacks. In the photos below you can see these types of butterfish.

Butterfly is a tasty mushroom when fried, pickled and salted. It is good in soups, pies and salads. Due to their taste, boletus is a valuable catch for any fan of “silent hunting”, but you need to know that in the forests, in addition to the common boletus, there are also false boletus, which is strictly prohibited from being eaten. We will tell you below how to distinguish a false butterfly from an edible mushroom.

Description and photo of common autumn oiler

In order to learn to distinguish edible from poisonous mushrooms, you need to carefully study the descriptions of specific species. The description of an ordinary oiler is as follows:

  • The mushroom cap has a pronounced hemispherical shape and a small but distinct tubercle in the very core
  • The skin color is brown, in a variety of shade variations. Less common are boletus with grayish or olive caps. The pulp has a yellow tint and is easy to separate from the outer skin.
  • A regular cylindrical oiler leg can reach a size of 10-11 centimeters

You can find boletus in deciduous forests and pine forests, less often in plantings where cereal crops grow. Butterflies “love” sandy and limestone soils and grow in groups, thanks to which the mushroom picker can quickly fill his basket with a tasty trophy. Butterflies often grow next to other edible mushrooms - russula, boletus and chanterelles. You can “hunt” for boletus in summer and late autumn.

How not to confuse a poisonous species with an edible mushroom?

False boletus mushrooms are poisonous mushrooms, very similar to ordinary boletus mushrooms. However, it is possible to distinguish false mushrooms from edible species: you just need to remember what a false butterdish looks like and be careful when harvesting mushrooms.

First of all, you should pay attention to the cap: in the poisonous oiler it has a slight but noticeable purple tint, and the flesh inside– bright yellow. The structure of the cap of a false butterdish is spongy, but that of an edible butterdish will be porous.

Take a closer look at the leg - the false oiler will have a noticeable ring on it white, descending almost to the very base. And if you cut into a decoy mushroom, you will notice that its flesh is reddish and spongy. In a real butterdish, the flesh does not change color when cut or broken, remaining a pleasant color.

And finally: don't pick mushrooms that you're not sure are edible. Poisoning by poisons that are present in certain types mushrooms, can lead to the most tragic consequences, including death.

How to distinguish false boletus from edible ones?

Any mushroom picker will give you the answer to this question. Remember the 2 colors that define a false oiler - purple and bright yellow. Its cap has a purple tint, and the flesh of the fungus is bright yellow, not pale. We gave other tips in the previous chapter. It is very easy to distinguish these mushrooms. The main thing is not to panic and take the collection responsibly. Well, you can add this page to your bookmarks and you will never make a mistake when harvesting forest crops.