Diet of Kim Protasov: detailed description. Diet of Kim Protasov - detailed description by week

The origin of Kim Protasov's diet is surrounded by mystery. There are several versions of the appearance of the “shuffle”. According to one of them, this nutrition system was named after the journalist who recorded and published the diet. Another (the most popular) claims that Kim Protasov is an Israeli nutritionist, who is the direct creator of the diet. Measures of investigation and research into the issue invariably lead to a dead end - in Israel they have never heard of either Dr. Protasov or a journalist with that name. Perhaps for the first time in history, the creator of an information product wished to remain in the shadows and not receive a well-deserved reward. Unlike, by the way, Robert Atkins, who made a fortune.

Kim Protasov's diet spread like lightning in Russia and penetrated into the consciousness of all those who are losing weight. The mysterious doctor Protasov promised impressive results without fasting or restrictions. What is hidden behind the fashionable nutrition system and how well the results live up to expectations - these and other questions will be discussed in the most scrupulous manner below.

Protasov’s diet - description of the “phenomenon”

The most pleasant news that anyone who intends to learn more about the “shuffle” encounters is the statement that you can eat at any time, even after 12 at night. Moreover, you can eat it in any quantity. On this optimistic note, the introductory part of the diet ends.

For 5 weeks, you can eat, with few exceptions, only vegetables and dairy products. At the same time, the fat content of the latter should not exceed 5%. Each week of the “shuffle” has its own specific features.

Week 1

You can only eat raw vegetables, dairy products (up to 5% fat) and one (!).

Week 2

The second week is hardly different from the first. Perhaps the desire to eat that same egg will disappear - and great! The body has adjusted to a healthy mode of functioning, it feels good and easy.

Week 3-5

Vegetables and dairy products must be accompanied by an impressive piece of fried meat (up to 300 g) or fish. Thus, from the 3rd to the 5th week, the diet of a person losing weight consists of: raw vegetables, cheeses and dairy products, eggs, meat or fish. The amount of dairy products should be reduced slightly. The most intense weight loss begins in the last two weeks.

Throughout all weeks, you must drink at least 2 liters of water per day; tea and coffee (without sugar, of course) can be consumed in any quantity. The diet includes a fruit bonus - 3 green apples daily.

You need to leave the diet carefully; for this, Kim Protasov gives the following recommendations:

  • In the first week after completing the 5-week marathon, you need to add a little vegetable oil (but no more than 3 teaspoons) to vegetable salads, and reduce the fat content of some of the milk.
  • In the second week, one of the three apples is replaced with any fruit (unsweetened and non-starchy).
  • A little later, any porridge (2 tablespoons of dry cereal, boiled in water) is added to the morning meal.

Leaving the diet can last up to five weeks, you need to focus on your well-being. You should refrain from eating baked goods and other foods with a high glycemic index for at least two more months.

Protasov's diet - obvious and hidden results

What does a person who decides to lose weight this way get as a result? Promised benefits:

  • good metabolism
  • getting rid of cravings for sweets,
  • the desire to eat junk food disappears,
  • getting rid of fat tissue while building muscle,
  • good bowel function,
  • getting rid of allergies,
  • loss of up to 12 kg of weight.

Weight loss will depend on the individual needs of each body. Dr. Protasov says that everyone will get rid of exactly the amount of kilograms that is necessary and useful for them.

It should be understood that in the presence of a number of gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers, duodenitis, etc.), such an abundance will lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

During the first two weeks, the consumption of fats is almost completely eliminated, which will invariably affect the condition of the skin. It would be wisest to start the diet immediately from the third week, when meat is allowed. However, once you remember the most radical nutrition systems, such as a raw food diet, you feel less inclined to criticize the “sheltering”.

It is obvious that the choice of products in this food system is quite thoughtful. Vegetables provide the body with vitamins and fiber. Dairy products - milk protein, lactose, calcium. But this harmony is only an appearance. In fact, it is quite difficult to gain the minimum required 1200 kcal with such a meager diet, not to mention the fact that there will be a clear lack of fat. But in the last two weeks, the amount of these fats may well go off scale.

And the promised redistribution of fat mass into muscle mass borders on fantasy. No diet without physical activity can do this. So maybe it’s not without reason that the author of this diet is hiding from people?

What does Protasov’s diet menu look like?

It is certainly possible to lose weight on this diet. And this is primarily due to its low calorie content and long duration. What might the indicative menu look like?

Protasov's diet: menu 1-2 weeks

Breakfast: vegetable salad dressed with yogurt; .

Lunch: salad with apple and seasoned with yogurt, you can add vanilla.

Dinner: cold vegetable soup (in a blender); vegetable salad with egg, kefir, herbs and.

Afternoon snack: dried peppers stuffed with cottage cheese and chopped vegetables; freshly squeezed juice (vegetables-apple).

Dinner: vegetable salad dressed with grainy cottage cheese; apple.

Protasov's diet: menu 3-5 weeks

Breakfast: casserole of cottage cheese, eggs and apples with cinnamon.

Lunch: vegetable salad with apple, seasoned with lemon juice.

Dinner: cold vegetable soup (for example, okroshka).

Afternoon snack: salad of tomatoes, herbs, cottage cheese; boiled chicken.

Dinner: boiled chicken; cabbage salad with apple, seasoned with kefir.

It is quite obvious that Kim Protasov’s diet, the menu of which at first glance does not differ in variety, is at the first stages a formalized example of a vegetarian diet. Those losing weight made sure that the process of losing weight was as tasty and nutritious as possible, and began to create real culinary masterpieces based on the recommended products.

Protasov's diet: recipes

Here are a couple of examples of recipes that we liked:

  • A mixture of grated cheese, herbs, garlic, lemon juice and yogurt is placed on tomato slices.
  • Cheese cheese, egg, sweet pepper, tomato are cut into small pieces. Add red onion pickled in lemon juice to the salad. The mass is seasoned with freshly squeezed tomato juice.
  • An apple sprinkled with cinnamon is baked in the microwave.
  • Roll any dietary meat generously in spices and bake without oil in the oven.

To make sure that Kim Protasov’s diet is an exciting journey into the world of cooking, you need to go to numerous thematic forums. The abundance of recipes will amaze even the most seasoned culinary master.

Protasov's diet - reviews from those who have lost weight, expert opinions

Kim Protasov (if such a character existed at all), whose diet became a phenomenal success, was well versed in psychology. Nobody likes to be undernourished and stop at “125.5 grams”. Shuffling allows you to “gobble” to your heart’s content, that is, as many bowls of salad as you like. Another thing is that you can’t eat too many of these basins. The problem is this: after completing the diet, the stomach of someone who has lost weight from these basins expands significantly, and out of habit, the person begins to eat a lot. And if this “lot” does not consist of vegetables, then a disastrous result will soon reveal itself.

You can, of course, eat little by little so that the size of your stomach remains the same. But eating a little bit of vegetables means missing out on a significant amount of vitamins and minerals.

Experts do not criticize such a system, because it is quite balanced with a reasonable approach. Fats, proteins, carbohydrates - it contains all the necessary building components. It can really improve your health, remove toxins and even help you lose weight. Protasov’s diet is no worse, and even better, than many diet offerings on the “market”. However, even she will not be able to insure every single person from the rapid return of kilograms back.

“I’ve always been a heavy-set girl, I tried to keep my weight at 65, but after giving birth I gained almost 75. Shuffling helped me lose 11 kg, although I was on it for much more than 5 weeks. She ate not only raw, but also boiled vegetables. However, I always wanted to eat.”

“Last year I sat on it and lost 8 kg. Then, the truth corroded again. I’ll be sitting down for the shuffle again...”

“I was on a diet strictly for 10 weeks and did not allow myself any deviations. The first days, of course, were terrible, then I started looking for delicious recipes on the forums - and off we went! In 10 weeks – minus 10 kg. After a diet, I try to eat only healthy foods.”

Obviously, losing weight on a “shuffle” will not be completely painless. However, almost all reviews indicate that the diet has an effect. Another thing is that the result needs to be maintained in the future. However, keeping oneself in check is the credo of any strong person. And a strong person will always find a hundred and one ways to get rid of excess weight. And it doesn’t matter what this method is called.

Diet Kima Protasova has become popular due to the fact that it allows you to lose extra pounds and develop a sustainable habit of healthy eating.

Sticking to the diet is not difficult, because it does not contain strict restrictions and is quite varied. The main thing is to follow the basic principles of the weight loss system and correctly “exit” from long-term fasting.

“Shuffle”: description of the diet

The secret of the mechanism that allows you to start the process of getting rid of extra pounds lies in the successful combination of healthy fiber with the proteins necessary for the body.

As a result, it is possible not only to cleanse the intestines and improve the functioning of the pancreas, but also to normalize blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for starchy, sweet and fatty foods. Refusal of salt, in turn, will allow you to remove excess fluid from the body and thereby normalize kidney function.

“Shuffling” is also popular because it allows you to lose extra pounds. If there are few of them, then the result will be appropriate. Intensively, the weight “goes away” mostly at 4 and 5 weeks diet, which indicates an improvement in metabolic processes in the body.

Description by week

The rules of the Protasov diet can be reduced to several principles:

Detailed description by week

Menu for every day

You can create a menu yourself, using the list and norms of products that are allowed by this weight loss system. However, if you have problems making your own choice, you can use an approximate diagram, dividing the daily menu into several meals. The easiest way is to prepare one or two salads and eat them throughout the day.


Tomato-cucumber salad with onions.

Pieces of cheese (5%) and chopped bell pepper.

Apple and cottage cheese. You can add cinnamon for flavor.

Vegetable smoothie. It is advisable to choose red varieties.


A large portion of salad is prepared, which includes Chinese cabbage, pieces of bell pepper, dill, and tomato.

As a dessert, it is advisable to prepare a cocktail of kefir, cinnamon and apple.


As an option, dietary okroshka (cucumbers, eggs, radishes, greens, fermented baked milk) is good. It is recommended to supplement the menu with sliced ​​tomatoes and cottage cheese seasoned with garlic.

As a drink - vegetable smoothies.


For breakfast, you can afford sandwiches with a leaf of Chinese cabbage and slices of cheese, tomato, and cucumber.


Sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers.

Baked cottage cheese with apple in the form of a cupcake.


Okroshka (can be with the same ingredients as on Wednesday).

Sliced ​​vegetables (you can choose according to your taste).

Any fermented milk products.

Smoothie (green vegetables).


Cottage cheese and apples (you can sprinkle with cinnamon for taste).

Tomato salad with onions.

Salad of Chinese cabbage, cucumber and onion.

Vegetable smoothies made from green fruits and herbs.

Next week you can use the same list of dishes. And starting from third and until the end fifth weeks, 250-300 grams should be included in the daily diet. baked or boiled meat and fish products.

Kim Protasov's diet: recipes for 1-2 weeks

We have prepared several more detailed recipes for you:

How to get out of a diet correctly?

Quitting the diet takes the same amount of time as losing weight itself – 5 weeks:

The Kim Protasov diet is a specially designed diet that includes certain types of ingredients and products. Their composition allows you to cleanse yourself of toxins, food contaminants and lose weight within five weeks. The name "Protasovka" is popularly used.

The name of the diet is the first and last name of a scientist and doctor from Israel. It was first published in 1999 in a weekly Russian newspaper as a single article. It talked about the basic principles of effective weight loss using this method. Since then it has become widely known.

Those who tried to use Kim Protasov’s diet began to recommend this type of weight loss to each other as one of the most effective nutrition systems for proper weight loss. You will not only be able to lose weight, but also rejuvenate your body by freeing it from toxic substances present in your daily diet.

Peculiarity Kim Protasov's diet consists of consuming dairy products and vegetables. Poultry meat is allowed in small quantities.

The principle of Kim Protasov's diet

Kim Protasov's diet is based on the following principles:

  • The diet should be light and tasty. The main ingredients are dairy products and vegetables;
  • The peculiarity of Kim Protasov’s diet is that there are no strict restrictions on food intake, as required by other diets. The nutrition system allows you not to refuse food intake. You can eat at any time of the day or night;
  • The diet consists of a list of recommended products;
  • Kim Protasov's diet is designed for a five-week period and contains four basic intervals. Everyone has a special set of products to compose their diet;
  • By following the correct daily diet, the calorie content will be no more than 1500 kcal;
  • This type of nutrition is suitable not only for people losing weight, but also for those who choose a healthy diet.

What can and cannot be eaten?

There are two time periods in Kim Protasov’s diet:

  • From the first day to two weeks;
  • From two weeks until the end.

In the first week, you can eat any vegetables only raw. If possible, 30 percent of the total diet should be white cabbage. Consume fermented milk products with a fat content of no more than five percent:

  • Granular cottage cheese;
  • Low sugar yogurt;
  • Kefir;
  • Low-fat cheese.

In addition to fermented milk products, the daily menu for Kim Protasov’s diet allows you to eat a chicken egg and three medium-sized apples. And lastly, lots of water.

Forget about sugar, sausage and other flour products. This is not in Kim Protasov’s diet. If you are unsure about a food, avoid it. Take 5-10 minutes to make a salad from natural vegetables. Do not eat processed foods (they are strictly prohibited). Also exclude gelatin and salt from your diet.

Do not mix salad with vinegar and do not use a steamer for cooking. It is better to replace steamed vegetables with raw ones - they contain more beneficial vitamins.

Fermented milk products containing chemical additives are also prohibited. They contain sugar, which is useless for the body. Consume only freshly squeezed juices and fresh juices. There are enough restrictions in Kim Protasov's diet, but don't get hung up on it. Think about attractiveness and slimness, and then flour products themselves will disappear from your diet.

Description of the menu by week

You can eat raw vegetables separately or mix them to make delicious salads. It is prohibited to season with mayonnaise or vegetable oil.

It should be stated in advance that four meals a day are allowed.

Kim Protasov's diet by week is as follows:

1-2 week:

  1. For breakfast you can eat a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with grated cheese.
  2. For lunch, make a salad of cabbage, beets, carrots and apples. Wash down your meal with low-fat kefir.
  3. For an afternoon snack, 200 grams of grain cottage cheese and an apple.

3 week:

  1. Salad containing beets, apples and carrots.
  2. 150 grams of fried fish. Additionally, use one egg in carrot and cabbage salad. Yogurt and apple will be a nice addition.
  3. Fried chicken breast - 150 grams. Optional coleslaw and tomato salad.

4-5 week:

  1. Tea and coffee, as well as low-fat Israeli cheese, are allowed for consumption.
  2. Roast meat at your discretion. Apple, beet or cabbage salad.
  3. Apple or grain curd.
  4. Five percent kefir and salad from the following ingredients: carrots, cabbage, cucumber and apple.

Kim Protasov created a diet with ready-made meal options. But this does not mean that you are prohibited from adding your own ingredient to it. The main thing is not to go beyond the principles of the famous doctor’s diet.

Dish recipes

Below are recipes for dishes on Kim Protasov’s diet in the first or second week.

Stuffed tomatoes:

To prepare this dish, you will need one boiled egg. Crumble it finely in a plate and add garlic. Greenery will not be superfluous. After adding the ingredients to one container, mix them thoroughly. Then add a few tablespoons of kefir and cottage cheese and mix again. The consistency is ready. Then take the tomatoes and cut them in half. Remove the core and add the pre-prepared dressing. An excellent dish for a hearty breakfast!

Salad and egg pancake:

One egg is taken and used to prepare an omelet. No oil is added during the cooking process; cooking is carried out using Teflon. Can't it work without oil? Add some water.

Cut the finished pancake into small pieces and wait until it cools. At this time, chop two tomatoes, garlic and Bulgarian cottage cheese. Mix these vegetables with cottage cheese or a few spoons of yogurt and add a pancake. Greens and a little cheese are used for decoration.


You can eat some salads, but they quickly get boring, so you want something new. Gazpacho is a light soup. It's easy to prepare. In the summer it is irreplaceable. To prepare you will need:

  • Take three small tomatoes;
  • Several cucumbers;
  • Pepper - yellow and red;
  • Garlic and small onion;
  • Greens and lemon juice are used as a dressing.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, then peel and cut into small slices. The remaining vegetables also need to be cut into small pieces, and then all the prepared ingredients should be placed in a blender. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The soup is not subjected to heat treatment, retaining all its beneficial properties. Served cold, perfect for summertime.

Light sweetness from Kim Protasov:

If you want something sweet, you can grate an apple and pour yogurt over it. Add a little cinnamon and, for beauty, a spoonful of baby puree. Bon appetit!

Recipes for Kim Protasov's diet for 3-5 weeks:

Meat in kefir (kebab):

Take 400 grams of chicken meat. Cut it into cubes, then pour a glass of kefir. Season well with salt and pepper. and then stir and refrigerate for one hour. Cut the onion into rings and grate the garlic. Fry the garlic and onions in a frying pan. After the color appears golden brown, add the meat without marinade. After a few minutes, it will capture the aroma of onions and garlic, then add the marinade and simmer until tender.

Additional salad dressing:

To prepare the correct dressing, take Activia yogurt, add herbs, garlic and mustard, if desired. This is an excellent dressing for vegetable salad.

After the five-week diet of Kim Protasov, the next five weeks should be slowly and gradually withdrawn from it.

Results of those who lost weight on Kim Protasov's diet

During Kim Protasov's five-week diet, it is prohibited to drink alcohol. To improve results, it is recommended to add various gymnastic exercises to your daily plan. Weight loss with strict adherence to nutrition reaches 10 kilograms without damage to the body and hunger. As an example, look at the photos before and after losing weight:

Kim Protasov’s diet is very popular today. The menu allows you to eat permitted foods as much as you want, whenever you want, which is the main advantage of the Israeli nutritionist’s method. We bring to your attention a description of Kim Protasov's diet week by week.

Many people mistakenly believe that the Protasov diet lasts 5 weeks - that’s how long it will take you to lose 10-12 kg. An important point of each weight loss system is the logical conclusion of the diet. Therefore, Kim Protasov suggests another 5 weeks to consolidate the results.

You can eat all permitted products in any quantity and at any time of the day. It was this permissiveness that attracted thousands of fans to the side of Protasov’s diet. You will create the weekly menu yourself from all the components that are on the list. Thus, you will be able to organize both a mono-meal for yourself and prepare delicious dishes from the products.

This weight loss technique is recommended not only for those who are overweight. To improve the health of the body, it will not be harmful for any person to follow the Protasov diet once a year. The week-by-week descriptions that we have prepared will become your guide to losing weight and cleansing your body for the next 10 weeks.

Protasov's diet - menu for the week

Each week has its own set of permitted products. The peculiarity of the technique is to reduce carbohydrates, especially fast ones, with an overall balance of Protasov’s diet. The menu for the entire period includes the following products:

  • all types of vegetables;
  • dairy products with 5% fat content;
  • Tea coffee;
  • apples;
  • boiled chicken eggs;
  • lean meat (poultry or fish);
  • 2 liters of drinking water daily.

Protasov's diet - 1 week

The list of permitted products includes:

  1. Any vegetables. Eat them raw, boil them, stew them, and make salads from them. The only limitation is do not use vegetable oil when cooking. It will be prohibited until week 6 of the Protasov diet. Week 1 recipes are mainly vegetable salads. You can season them with lemon or low-fat yogurt. Many vegetables, when chopped, release juice, which will be enough to dress the salad.
  2. Cottage cheese and cheese with 5% fat content.
  3. Chicken egg - one per day, optional as an additional component.
  4. Green apples - optional, up to 3 pcs. in a day. This is if carbohydrates and fiber are needed.

Protasov's diet - first week menu for 1 day:

  • Breakfast: fresh salad with low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: green vegetable salad, 200 ml kefir.
  • Afternoon snack: green apple, cottage cheese 5%.
  • Dinner: salad of boiled vegetables (pumpkin, carrots).

Protasov's diet - week 2

During the second week, completely follow the regime and diet of the first week. The exclusion of fast carbohydrates, heavy and fatty foods is one of the advantages of the Protasov diet. The first week only accustoms your body to eating light food. In the second stage, you already feel the results. This means several lost kilograms and extraordinary lightness of the body.

Protasov diet - week 3

A little meat and fish is introduced into your diet, no more than 300 g per day. Choose lean poultry and fish. Remember that their weight decreases when cooked, so to get 300 g of fried meat, add 400-500 g of raw product to the frying pan.

Also reduce your intake of dairy products. Don't forget about your drinking regime. In addition to tea, coffee, liquid contained in vegetables, you should consume 2 liters of ordinary water per day.

Protasov's diet - menu of the third week for 1 day:

  • Breakfast: light salad of fresh vegetables with the addition of an apple.
  • Lunch: a portion of fried lean fish, vegetable salad with cheese and eggs, 5% yogurt.
  • Afternoon snack: green apple.
  • Dinner: a portion of fried poultry without skin, fresh white cabbage salad, an apple.

Protasov diet - week 4

Your menu is not updated with new products. You continue your usual diet, your body gets used to the foods you eat and begins to actively burn fat. It is during this period that the most intense weight loss occurs.

Protasov diet - week 5

Your weight loss process is entering its final stage. Continuing to eat already known foods and dishes, you do not feel hungry, but only lightness from the lost kilograms and healthy food. Many people note that at 4 and 5 weeks their body does not even require a chicken egg, limiting itself to only an apple from additional products.

Protasov's diet - menu of the fourth and fifth weeks for 1 day:

  • Breakfast: a couple of slices of 5% cheese, a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee.
  • Lunch: a portion of fried poultry without skin, a salad of fresh vegetables with low-fat yogurt.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese 5%, green apple.
  • Dinner: salad of fresh vegetables with the addition of an apple, a glass of kefir.

Recently, the list of the most popular methods for losing weight has been supplemented by the Protasov diet, which promises quite good results in a short time. The author of the method is Kim Protasov, a famous Israeli nutritionist. Women and girls first learned about it in 1999, when it was published in the Russian Israeli newspaper. Since that time, the diet has gained wide popularity, with its help girls and women all over the world lose weight.

The essence and benefits of the Protasov diet

Kim Protasov's diet promises women to lose up to 20 kg of excess weight in five weeks. According to the author of the technique, it is during this time that you can get your body in shape, make it attractive and fit.

The essence of the Protasov diet is to reduce daily calorie intake. This is achieved by excluding confectionery and flour products, high-calorie foods, fatty and fried foods from the diet. The diet is easy to follow, and the impressive results encourage many girls to continue losing weight with its help.

The technique has clear advantages, including:

  • lack of hunger, because the diet saturates the body well for a long time;
  • You can eat at any time of the day;
  • The amount of food you can eat per day is not limited.

Protasov's five-week diet is based on reducing the daily amount of fat. By eliminating the consumption of fats, the main sources of energy for a person will be proteins and complex carbohydrates. Thus, the nutritionist recommends replacing animal fats and simple carbohydrates - flour and sweets - with dietary fiber and proteins, the sources of which are dairy products and fish. This approach to nutrition helps normalize blood glucose levels and makes it possible to get rid of the desire to consume sweets.

Dietary meat and fish, rich in complete protein, which provides the human body with amino acids and energy, promotes fat burning and the formation of the muscular system. Dietary fiber, which should also be in sufficient quantities in the daily diet, causes a feeling of satiety and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is found in large quantities in raw vegetables.

The entire weight loss period is 5 weeks, there should be no salt in the diet. Its absence allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, as a result of which swelling of the body is eliminated.

Kim Protasov's diet menu is based on the principle of a 2:1 ratio of vegetables and fermented milk products in dietary dishes. It is important to ensure that the daily calorie content of food does not exceed 1200–1500 calories. The diet gives good results when combining a low-calorie diet with physical activity. They should be regular, but moderate, so that the body does not overload; 30-minute walks at a brisk pace are suitable.

Protasov's diet rules

To achieve the results of the Protasov diet, as in the photo below, it is important to follow five simple rules:

When choosing fermented milk products, watch their composition. No sweeteners, dyes, starch, thickeners or other chemicals should be used in their production.

During the entire diet period, try to avoid sugar and sweets; it is advisable to avoid them altogether.

At the first stage of the diet, you do not need to strive to eat exclusively low-fat foods.

Having excluded salt from the diet, it is important to ensure that it does not enter the food in hidden form. The nutritionist recommends avoiding salty hard cheese and soy sauce; salt will retain fluid in the body and can cause cardiovascular diseases.

Decreased appetite is a natural phenomenon with the Protasov diet. If you don’t want to eat the entire portion, you don’t need to force yourself.

Photos of Protasov’s diet, namely the results of weight loss, are presented below:

What is possible and what is not possible with the Protasov diet

Kim Protasov's diet menu should consist of fresh vegetables. Cabbage, greens, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, zucchini, beets, carrots, radishes, and tomatoes have a good effect on the body. Once a day you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. Dietary meat must be present in the diet of a person losing weight according to Protasov’s method. The emphasis should be on beef, chicken, veal. Low-percentage cottage cheese, kefir, fish, low-fat fermented milk products - fermented baked milk, yogurt, sour cream, milk - must be in the diet. Allowed foods also include coffee, cheese, eggs, green apples, and tea. You need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

When losing weight using Protasov’s five-day diet, it is important to avoid eating soft cheeses - feta cheese, feta cheese, as they contain a lot of salt. High-fat dairy products are also prohibited.

The following table of allowed and prohibited foods will help you easily create a diet:


It is forbidden


Sugar and sweeteners


Green apples



Low-calorie dairy and fermented milk products


Vegetable juices


Cucumbers, tomatoes

Soft cheeses – feta, feta cheese

Zucchini, eggplant

Fried potatoes



Butter and vegetable oil

Fatty dairy products

Knowing what is possible with the Kim Protasov diet and what is not, you can lose weight easily and effectively.

Kim Protasov's diet by week: detailed description

A description of Kim Protasov's diet week by week will help you find out how the process of losing weight occurs when you change your diet. Protasov's diet consists of two stages: the first begins on the 1st day and lasts until the end of the 2nd week, the second - from the first day of the 3rd week until the last day. A detailed description of the Protasov diet week by week will allow women and girls who apply this technique to themselves to avoid possible mistakes and achieve the highest possible results.

The first and second weeks of the diet

During 1 week of the Protasov diet, you can only eat raw vegetables, cheeses and yoghurts with no more than 5% fat content. Instead of cheese, of course, it is better to base your diet on pressed cottage cheese. Yogurt should be natural, homemade using starter cultures, without any additives. Yogurt can be replaced with low-fat kefir or yogurt as a source of complete protein. In addition to these products, you can eat 1 boiled egg per day.

Vegetables and low-fat yoghurt can be eaten at any time in unlimited quantities. The essence of the diet is that it is important to eat more vegetables and dairy products. For the first seven days of this food system, you can prepare vegetable salads, adding cheese to them and seasoning them with yoghurt.

Tea and coffee can be drunk in unlimited quantities, but sugar cannot be added to drinks. You can include three green apples in the menu of the first week of the Protasov diet.

The second week of the diet is no different from the first. Those girls and women who managed to endure it to the end claim that starting from the second week, the desire to eat something other than vegetables, fruits and dairy products disappears.

Surprisingly, the weight loss process may stop in the second week. This is important to know, because it happens that women, noticing that the technique does not give the expected effect, give it up halfway. During this period, metabolism changes and muscle mass increases. Thus, fat deposits are burned, but weight is not lost due to muscle growth. Right now it is important to engage in moderate but regular physical activity.

Protasov's diet for the 1st and 2nd weeks: first week menu and recipes

The menu for 1–2 weeks of the Protasov diet has several varieties.

The following option is good:

Apple salad with cottage cheese


Vegetable salad – bell peppers, beets, carrots, cabbage, green peas, seasoned with lemon juice and natural yogurt

Gazpacho soup, vegetable salad with cabbage, cucumber, carrots, sweet pepper and radish, with egg and yogurt

Two grilled sweet peppers stuffed with curd and vegetable mixture, freshly squeezed carrot and apple juice

Vegetable salad with grainy cottage cheese, tomato, sweet pepper, cucumbers, cabbage and herbs, one green apple

You can use the following recipes for the Protasov diet for 1 week and the second.

Recipe No. 1. Salad "Freshness"

You will need the following products:

  • 250 g tomatoes;
  • one fresh medium cucumber;
  • one pepper;
  • onion, dill, parsley;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar.

Prepare the salad in the following way:

Thinly slice all vegetables and mix.

Add dill and finely chopped parsley.

Season with a spoonful of table vinegar.

If desired, you can add a hard-boiled egg to this vegetable salad.

Recipe No. 2. Beetroot, carrot and apple salad


  • raw beets;
  • two carrots;
  • Bell pepper;
  • parsley;
  • apple;
  • yogurt, lemon juice - for dressing

Grate beets, carrots and apples, cut peppers into small cubes.

Mix everything, add chopped parsley.

Season the salad with a tablespoon of lemon juice and unsweetened yogurt.

Recipe No. 3. Zucchini salad with garlic

If you want to enjoy such a tasty and healthy vegetable salad, prepare the following products:

  • one zucchini;
  • small onion;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • dill.


Peel the zucchini and grate on a coarse grater.

Finely chop the onion.

Chop the garlic and dill and season the salad.

Recipe No. 4. Soup "Gazpacho"


  • two cucumbers;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • ½ red and yellow sweet pepper;
  • small onion;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • greens, celery is great.

Cooking sequence:

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, carefully remove the skin and cut into small cubes.

Grind the onions, garlic, half the peppers and cucumbers in a blender, and cut the remaining half into small cubes.

Dilute the vegetables, chopped in a blender, with water to the consistency of a thin soup.

Combine with other vegetables and season with lemon juice.

Menu and recipes for the 3rd, 4th and 5th weeks of the Protasov diet

After two weeks, meat, poultry or fish should be added to the diet in addition to vegetables. The consumption of dairy products now needs to be slightly reduced.

Kim Protasov's diet menu for every day for the third week consists of vegetables, meat, yogurt, eggs and apples. You must adhere to this diet for three weeks in a row until the end of the diet. It is over the last two weeks that weight begins to be rapidly lost.

Meat and fish should be cooked without using fat. It is best to bake these products in the oven or steam them. One egg and three apples, as before, should be on Protasov’s diet menu for every day.

One of the Protasov diet menu options for every day is in the table below:

The Protasov diet recipes for the second stage of this technique, as for the first two weeks, are also quite varied, but simple and accessible. To prepare delicious dietary dishes, you can use the following recipes.

Recipe No. 1. Beef stew

To prepare the dish you will need 300 g of beef.

Prepare the dish like this:

Cut the meat into pieces, approximately 4x4 cm.

Heat a frying pan and, without adding oil, fry the beef pieces to lighten the meat.

Separately, fry the onion without oil.

Place the meat in a thick-bottomed saucepan and cover with water.

Add onion and herbs, simmer for about 1-1.5 hours until tender.

Recipe No. 2. Chicken baked in the oven

To prepare this dish, use a medium-sized whole chicken.

There is no need to cut up the bird, just wash it well under running cold water.

Place a whole, uncut and unpeeled lemon in the belly.

Place the chicken on a baking sheet, breast side up, and bake for 1 hour.

Recipe No. 3. Squid stuffed with vegetables


  • 4 squid carcasses;
  • two medium-sized raw carrots;
  • green onions;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 2 tomatoes.


Wash the squid thoroughly, pour boiling water over it and carefully remove the skin.

Finely chop the carrots, boiled eggs, onions and tomatoes, mix everything.

Stuff the squids with this mixture and sew them up with thread.

Place them in boiling water, add a pinch of salt and cook for no more than 3 minutes.

Cool, cut the stuffed squid lengthwise and serve.

Recipe No. 5. Homemade cheese

Take these products:

  • 1 kg of cottage cheese;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • a raw egg;
  • tablespoon of oil.

Prepare the dish like this:

Place the cottage cheese in a saucepan, pour in the milk and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Place the curd mixture in a sieve and let the liquid drain.

Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, add the egg, oil, water, salt, mix well.

Cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly all the time. The mass should become viscous.

Place the cheese in a greased mold and press down on top with a weight.

For a pleasant aroma, you can add a little grated garlic to the mixture.

Contraindications to following the Protasov diet

The nutrition system, developed by nutritionist Kim Protasov specifically for those who want to lose weight, has its contraindications.

It cannot be observed by the following categories of people:

  • persons who have recently suffered from colds, flu, acute respiratory infections or have been exposed to severe stress;
  • people with lactose intolerance;
  • allergy sufferers, especially when allergic reactions occur to foods included in the diet;
  • those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in acute or chronic form;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

Having looked at the photo of Kim Protasov’s diet, which shows images of girls before the start of the technique and at the end of it, there is no doubt about the high effectiveness of this nutrition system developed by an Israeli nutritionist:

Diet after the Protasov diet

The result of Kim Protasov’s diet will be not only significant weight loss and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the elimination of cravings for sweets and starchy foods. However, so that the lost kilograms do not return soon, after the Protasov diet it is important to follow some rules. You need to adhere to them for at least two weeks after the end of the technique.

The nutritionist calls these rules:

  • Vegetables and dairy products should continue to be the basis of the diet.
  • In the first days, it is advisable to start seasoning salads with a small amount of vegetable oil - approximately two to three tablespoons. The daily intake of fat is no more than 35 g.
  • A few days after leaving the diet, try replacing two out of three apples with other fruits and berries.