How to get mint color cream. Rules and features of mixing two or more colors

Knowledge of color mixing options can be useful not only in professional activity artists. The individual design of living space often raises the question of how to achieve this or that interesting halftone before the designer. The proposed combination options and the color mixing table will help you get desired effect.

Everyday life is filled with the widest range of all kinds of colors. To get the right one, you need to know the intricacies of combining.

Blue, red and yellow paint are three pillars on which a wide palette of halftones rests. It is impossible to form these colors as a result of mixing other colors. At the same time, their combination with each other gives an unusually many combinations.

Important! You can create a variety of shades by mixing only two colors by changing their proportions.

Depending on the volume of one part of the paint added to another, the resulting result approaches one or another original color. One of the most famous examples is a mixture of blue and yellow, resulting in the formation of green color. The result obtained by adding new portions of yellow paint will gradually change, as close as possible from green to yellow. You can return to blue by adding more of the original element to the green mixture.

Mixing chromatic colors that are close together in color wheel, give a paint that does not have a pure tone, but has an expressive chromatic hue. Combining colors on opposite sides of the chromatic circle will result in an achromatic tone. An example is the combination of orange or magenta with green. That is, a mixture of colors closely spaced in the color wheel gives a rich chromatic hue, the maximum removal of colors from each other when mixed leads to a grayish tone.

Separate paints, when interacting, give an undesirable chemical reaction, which may result in cracking of the decorative layer. AT individual cases the resulting background may darken or grey. good example is a mixture of white lead and red cinnabar. Attractive pink color darkens over time.

It is optimal when the impression of multicolor is achieved by mixing the minimum number of colors. At the same time, it is important to consider which paints, as a result of mixing with each other, give a stable result, and which ones cannot be combined. The knowledge gained allows us to exclude from the work the paints that fade or darken in the future.

The table of undesirable mixtures below will help reduce the risk of erroneous combinations:

Having tried the above examples in practice, future painters and designers will gain valuable professional experience.

Methods for obtaining red and its shades

Red is one of the top three primary colors and is always present even in the smallest sets. But for mass printing, magenta tone is used. The answer to the question of how to get red is quite simple: mix the proposed magenta with yellow in a 1: 1 ratio. There are other options to get red when mixing paints:

In the center is the main red. Next are the mixing options. The next circle is the result of combining the first two colors. In conclusion, color options are presented when added to last result red, black or white paint.

Blue and its shades

Blue belongs to the primary colors, so blue paint is required to form all its shades.

Attention! No combination of other colors gives a shade of blue, so the presence of this paint in the kit is mandatory.

Even with a set of 12 colors available, the question periodically arises of how to get Blue colour. The classic tone is called "royal", and in a set of acrylic paints, ultramarine color is often the main one, which has a bright dark tint with a purple undertone. To achieve a lighter effect, mixing blue and white in a ratio of 3: 1 allows. An increase in white leads to a lighter tone up to sky blue. If you want to achieve a moderately saturated result, dark blue paint mixed with turquoise.

What colors need to be mixed to get shades of blue, consider below:

  • The effect of a dark blue-green tone is achieved by mixing blue and yellow paint in equal proportions. The addition of white paint will result in a lighter hue with a simultaneous decrease in brightness due to the combination of 3 elements.
  • Prussian blue is created by mixing 1 part of the main blue and adding 1 part of the composition of bright green and light green. rich and deep shade can be diluted with white, and its purity will not change.
  • The combination of blue and red in a ratio of 2:1 gives blue with a hint of purple. Adding white allows you to lighten a dark and saturated tone.
  • The brightness of royal blue is different, a similar effect is achieved by mixing the main blue with magenta pink in equal parts. The admixture of white traditionally brightens the result.
  • The combination with orange gives a gray mass. Replacing orange with brown at a ratio of 1:2 to the base creates a dark color with a complex gray-blue tint.
  • The formation of dark blue is done with the help of black admixture in the ratio of 3:1.
  • Mixing the base color with white allows you to create a blue tone on your own.

A small table of combination options is presented below:

green color palette

Solving the problem of how to get green in case it is not in the set is quite simple: connect yellow and blue. A rich palette of green halftones is created by changing the proportions of the original components and adding additional elements that perform the function of darkening or lightening. This role is played by black and White paint. The effect of olive and khaki is achieved by mixing the two main elements (yellow and blue) and a slight admixture of brown.

Comment! The saturation of green depends entirely on the quality of the constituent elements: the intense tones of the source guarantee a bright result.

If green is obtained by mixing, then all subsequent midtones will be dimmer. Therefore, it is better to experiment with a gamut of green, having an initially ready-made primary color. There are many combination options:

  • The combination of equal proportions of blue and yellow gives grassy green.
  • Increasing yellow to 2 parts with the addition of 1 part blue results in a yellow-green effect.
  • Experimenting on the contrary in the form of a blue-yellow ratio of 2: 1 will produce a blue-green tone.
  • If you add ½ of black to the previous composition, you will achieve a dark green effect.
  • Light green warm tone is formed from yellow, blue and white paint in a ratio of 1:1:2.
  • For a similar light green hue, but a cold tone, you need to take yellow, blue and white base in a ratio of 1:2:2.
  • Dark olive color is formed by mixing in equal parts yellow, blue and brown paint.
  • A gray-brown tone is obtained from similar elements in a ratio of 1: 2: 0.5.

The expressiveness of the green color is directly dependent on the original elements, respectively, the brightness of the midtones is repelled by the saturation of the green. A visual representation of the blending options is given by the graphic palette:

As in the case of the red circle, the main paint is located in the center, followed by mixing options, then the result of the experiments. The final circle is the shades of the previous level when adding the main, white or black paint.

Other combination options

There are many other tricks to create the desired effect by adding some kind of dye to the base color. The answer to the question of how to get ivory color is multifaceted and depends on the surface where the paint is planned to be applied. The easiest option is to mix snow-white basic foundation with yellowish. For example, yellowish ocher or a minimal amount of strontium is added to whitewash. To tint paper, a small amount of potassium permanganate is diluted in water. A light pink shade indicates a properly diluted solution. A cotton swab, brush or sponge is wetted in the resulting composition, after which the surface of the paper is processed.

Advice! For double-sided tinting, the sheet can be lowered for a couple of minutes into a container with a solution of potassium permanganate. After drying, it will acquire the desired effect of ivory.

There are also several ways to get black:

  • by mixing the three basic colors of red, blue and yellow;
  • when combining cyan, magenta and yellow;
  • by combining green and red, but the result will not be 100% clear, but only close to the desired effect.

We will try to answer the most popular questions about mixing options:

  • How to get a crimson color: the base is blue with the addition of red, white and brown.
  • Get turquoise, whose second name is aquamarine, can be mixed with blue and green. Depending on the proportions, the tones of the new shade range from soft pastels to intense and bright.
  • How to get a yellow? It belongs to the main ones and it is impossible to obtain it by combining other paints. Something similar to yellow can be created watercolor paints when combining green and orange or red. But it is impossible to achieve purity of tone in this way.
  • How to get a brown tint? To do this, you need basic paints: red, yellow and blue. First, a small amount of yellow is added to the red (in an approximate ratio of 10: 1), then the volume is gradually increased until an orange tone is obtained. Then move on to the introduction. blue element, 5-10% of the total will be enough. Minor adjustments to the proportions will produce a wide variety of brown effects.
  • The combination of black and white elements in various proportions gives a diverse range of gray tones.

As you can see, the options to achieve the desired effect in creative process designs are innumerable. A table with options for mixing colors and videos will supplement the information provided:

Decided to take up painting or painting furniture? But don't know how to get different shades? The paint mixing charts and tips will help you do just that.

Basic concepts

Before you start studying paint mixing tables, you should familiarize yourself with some definitions that will make it easy to understand a new material for yourself. The words used in the theory and practice of blending shades are explained below. These are not scientific encyclopedic definitions, but transcripts in a language understandable to an ordinary beginner, without the presence of complex terminology.

Achromatic colors are all intermediate shades between black and white, that is, gray. In these colors there is only a tonal component (dark - light), but there is no "color" as such. Those where it is are called chromatic.

Primary colors are red, blue, yellow. They cannot be obtained by mixing any other colors. Those that can are composite.

Saturation is a characteristic that distinguishes an achromatic hue from an identical lightness. Next, consider what a paint mixing table for drawing is.


Paint mixing tables are usually presented as a matrix of rectangles or squares, or as color combination schemes with digital values or the percentage of each color component.

The underlying table is the spectrum. It can be depicted as a stripe or a circle. The second option is more convenient, visual and understandable. In fact, the spectrum is a schematic representation of a beam of light decomposed into color components, in other words, a rainbow.

This table contains both primary and secondary colors. The more sectors in this circle, the greater the number of intermediate shades. In the figure above, there are also gradations of lightness. Each ring corresponds to a certain tone.

The hue of each sector is obtained by mixing neighboring paints along the ring.

How to mix achromatic colors

There is such a painting technique as grisaille. It involves the creation of a picture using gradations of exclusively achromatic colors. Sometimes brown or another shade is added. Below is a table of mixing colors for paints when working with this method.

Please note that when working with gouache, oil, acrylic, more gray shade created by not only reducing the amount of black, but also adding white. In watercolor, professionals do not use this paint, but dilute

How to mix with white and black

In order to get darker or light shade of the pigment that you have in the kit, you need to mix it with achromatic colors. This is how gouache works, mixing acrylic paints. The table below is suitable for working with any material.

There are a different number of ready-made colors in the kits, so compare what you have with the desired shade. When adding white, you will get the so-called pastel colors.

Below is how the gradation of several complex colors is obtained from the lightest, almost white, to very dark.

Mixing watercolors

The table below can be used for both methods of painting: glazing or single layer. The difference is that in the first version, the final shade is obtained by visually connecting different tones superimposed one on top of the other. The second method involves mechanical creation desired color by combining pigments on the palette.

How this is done is easy to understand from the example of the first line with purple tones from the figure above. Layered execution is done like this:

  1. Complete all squares light tone, which will turn out when using a small amount of paint and sufficient - water.
  2. After drying, apply the same color to the second and third elements.
  3. Repeat the steps as many times as needed. In this variant of cells color transition only three, but there may be more.

When working in the technique of glazing painting, it is worth remembering that different colors it is better to mix no more than five layers. The previous one must be well dried out.

In the event that you prepare the required color immediately on the palette, the sequence of work with the same purple gradation will be as follows:

  1. Set the color by taking a little paint on a wet brush. Apply to the first rectangle.
  2. Add pigment, fill in the second element.
  3. Dip the brush back into the paint and make a third cell.

When working in one layer, you must first mix all the colors on the palette. This means that in the first method, the final shade is obtained by optical mixing, and in the second - mechanical.

gouache and oil

The techniques for working with these materials are similar, since the pigments are always presented in the form of a creamy mass. If the gouache is dry, it is pre-diluted with water to the desired consistency. White is always present in any set. They are usually used up faster than others, so they are sold in individual jars or tubes.

Mixing (table below), like gouaches, is a simple task. The advantage of these techniques is that the next layer completely overlaps the previous one. If you made a mistake and after drying you didn’t like the resulting shade, make up a new one and apply it on top. The previous one will not show through if you work with thick colors without diluting them with liquid (water for gouache, solvent for oil).

Pictures in this painting technique can even be textured, when a thick mass is applied pasty, that is, in a thick layer. Often, a special tool is used for this - a palette knife, which is a metal spatula on the handle.

The proportions of paints to be mixed and the necessary colors to obtain the desired shade are shown in the previous table diagram. It is worth saying that it is enough to have only three primary colors in the set (red, yellow and blue), as well as black and white. From them, in different combinations, all other shades are obtained. The main thing is that the colors in the jar should be exactly the main spectral tones, that is, for example, not pink or raspberry, but red.

Acrylic work

Most often, these paints work on wood, cardboard, glass, stone, making decorative crafts. In this case, it happens the same way as when using gouache or oil. If the surface has been pre-primed and the paints are suitable for it, getting the desired shade is not difficult. Below are examples of mixing shades with acrylic.

For (batik) are also used but they are sold in jars of liquid consistency and are similar to printer ink. In this case, the colors are mixed according to the principle of watercolor on the palette with the addition of water, not white.

If you understand how to use paint mixing charts, you can easily create an unlimited number of shades when working with watercolors, oils, or acrylics.

3 parts pink + 1h red

6 hours sky blue + 1 hour yellow

Silver gray
1 hour black + 1 hour blue

Dark red
1 hour red + a little black

rust color
8 hours orange + 2 hours red + 1 hour brown

9h sky blue + some yellow

dark green
green + some black

5 hours pink + 1 hour lilac

some copper color

5h. blue + 1 hour green

2h. orange + 1h. dark yellow

Dark pink
2h. red + 1 hour brown

Dark blue
1 hour blue+1h Lilac

4h. yellow + 1 hour green + a little black

3 hours pink + 2 hours yellow

10 hours yellow + 3 hours orange + 1 hour red

1 hour purple + a little red

light green
2 hours purple + 3 hours yellow

How to dye sugar paste black

You can paint the sugar paste black different ways. All experienced cake decorators note that it is not always possible to choose the desired color quickly. Need experience and knowledge of the laws and rules of mixing colors.

Someone will ask, why black mastic, well, at least in order to make such a ladybug.

The first way to paint mastic black

Mix dyes of the following colors: red, blue and yellow. The ratio depends on the shade you want to get:
For neutral black: 1 part red: 2 parts blue: 1 part yellow
For black with a green tint: 1 part red: 1 part blue: 2 parts yellow
For black with purple tint: 1 part red: 1 part blue: a little yellow
For black with a red tint: 2 parts red: 1 part blue: 1 part yellow

I did this: I diluted dry dyes separately for each color in a drop of water. Then, taking as a basis the dye, which should be more, added the rest of the colors to it. I received a black liquid dye, which, when mixed into the mastic, gave a saturated grey colour. With an increase in the amount of dye, the color became darker, as a result I got black with a purple tint. I was satisfied with the version of this black with a purple note.

I didn't get a pure neutral black. I think this is because my red was not red, but raspberry, because until I could find a dye that gives a real red color. Dye E122 is raspberry or fuchsia, but not red, although it is called red.

The second way to get black mastic
You can tint the mastic in Brown color burnt sugar or make chocolate mastic, and then add blue dye to it.

The third way to dye sugar mastic black

Take black dye and paint the mastic black Smile

When deciding whether to paint walls, ceilings, furniture or any other surface, the first step is to choose the right type of paint material, and then choose suitable colors colors. AT modern world manufacturers of paint and varnish products are ready to offer such a wide range of shades that everyone will surely be able to choose the required tone. However, in stores the choice of goods is not so large and all the buyer can do is order paint tinting in a specialized company. Of course, such a solution can be quite expensive. Therefore, let's try to figure out how to mix paints at home.

There are only 3 basic shades - red, blue and yellow. Also, the main colors include white and black. The rest of the extensive range of colors can be obtained by mixing the listed tones in various proportions. The easiest way is to paint water-dispersion paint, that is, compositions made on the basis of an aqueous dispersion of polymers, for example, acrylic or vinyl acetate. It is also quite easy to tint to the desired color. acrylic paints, that is, products based on polyacrylates. Most often, such products are supplied to stores in white, and for tinting, manufacturers produce a wide range of pigment concentrates (powder or liquid) specially designed for water-soluble paints.

You can immediately buy such shades of colors as apricot, amethyst, purple, coffee with milk, spring green, ivory and many others. Then add them to the main composition and carefully place. The proportions are usually indicated on the instructions for the pigment. But what if you want to use oil paints, after all, powdered colors are not provided for such products? This option involves mixing paints of ready-made shades.

Important! It is allowed to mix the colors of only the same type of paintwork materials, that is, only the same type of products should be added to oil paints that can be diluted with drying oil or white spirit, the same applies to nitro paints diluted with a special solvent.

For the base, you can use the staining options presented in the table:

base color

Received shade

White Black Red Blue Yellow
Green + +
olive green + +
Grey-green + + +
Mint + + +
Orange + +
Peach + + +
Pink + +
Blue + +
Light plum + + +
Violet + +
Brown + + +

However, it is important to understand that getting the desired shade is not so easy. That is, it is not enough just to know which colors to mix, you also need to have an idea about the proportions. For example, to create a tone of coffee with milk, you need to use white, red, blue and yellow colors. However, first you have to mix the green color by combining yellow and blue, then add red to the resulting paint, so the tone will turn brown and only then add white until the desired result is obtained. That is why there is important rule: before mixing the whole mass, it is recommended to make a trial batch in a small container. This will help to avoid failures and save money in case of a failed experiment.

Independent production of colored paint has certain disadvantages. In particular, it can be noted that it is rather problematic to repeat the exact color variant, and mixing “in reserve” is not beneficial with financial point vision. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately calculate the consumption of material and mix paintwork colors with a margin of 5-10%.

Color mixing process

So, let's analyze in detail the question of how to properly mix paint at home. For this purpose, a wide variety of paintwork options are suitable, whether it be acrylic paints, oil paints or any other options. Almost any product can be given the desired color. The main tool that you need for work is a construction mixer, that is, a special nozzle that can be worn on a drill. It is also worth stocking up with various containers in which the batch will be made and a small panel that allows you to check the resulting shade. For these purposes, it is optimal to take the same material that is planned to be painted.

Attention! Under natural and artificial light, the resulting color will look different. Therefore, before proceeding to paint the entire surface, it is worth examining the sample in various conditions.

Tinting stages

  1. Getting a probe. This step involves mixing various shades in not in large numbers. To do this, select the primary colors, for example, you want to get the color plum. The main colors will be red, blue, white and black. Pour 50 ml of red paint into a small jar and dilute it with 10 ml of white. Then mix equal parts blue with black tone and combine the resulting mixtures. You can also mix red, blue and black to get coffee color and so on, there are quite a few options. However, it is not at all necessary that, by combining the shades, it will be possible to find the desired color the first time. You will have to experiment a lot, adding one dye, then another.
  2. Experimental staining. The next step is to stain the sample. It is worth saying that the first and second steps can constantly alternate, since the color that is not always liked in the jar will also look beautiful when dried. For example, a milky hue can look like off-white or even yellowish, while what looked like olive in a jar will turn gray-green on the wall. As a result, the selection will have to be carried out again. Therefore, it is so important not to rush with the main surface color.
  3. Guidance of the main solution. After the color on the experimental shield is approved, you can apply paint in large quantities. How to get color in large volume? You should take the overall container and increase the selected proportions by 5 or 10 times. Then carefully mix the compositions with a mixer. Important! You should not immediately paint the entire surface, for a start it is recommended to make sure that the water-soluble paint or oil has acquired the required tone.

To make the interior design truly luxurious and unique, it is worth using tinted paint colors. It's so nice to come home, where the color of the kitchen has a delicious shade of coffee with milk, and the ceiling in the bathroom is painted in a relaxing mint color. And in order to create such coziness and comfort in the house, it is enough just to know how to mix paints correctly to get the desired option.