What you need to know about actress Dakota Johnson from 50 Shades of Gray right now.

Great prospects to conquer Hollywood. If only because the blood of real cinema stars flows in her. Her parents, Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson, are winners of several Golden Globe awards, and her stepfather is Antonio Banderas. The actress’s grandparents were also involved in films: Tippi Hendern was Hitchcock’s muse and played in his “The Birds” and “Marnie.”

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- My acting career Dakota started at the age of 9 in the film “Woman Without Rules.” This was followed by an 11-year break. In 2010, Dakota returned to cinema again and appeared in the film “The Social Network”, performing minor role Amelia Ritter.

"Woman Without Rules"

Columbia Pictures


— In addition to cinema, Dakota appeared in the modeling business. At the age of 12, she took part in a Teen Vogue photo shoot, at 17 she signed a contract with IMG Models, and at 20 she became the face of the Mng Jeans spring-summer collection.

— Dakota Johnson fundamentally deleted her account from social network Facebook: “I did this as soon as I realized that I was paying close attention to other people's lives.”

— When Dakota was only 17 years old, she managed to spend 30 days at the Visions Treatment Center in Malibu. The exact reason for her treatment is still unknown. Some believe that she was trying to get rid of alcohol or drug addiction, others that she was struggling with depression.

— Johnson studied at prestigious schools. First at California's Catalina School, then at New Roads in Los Angeles, whose graduates included Kate Hudson, John Heal, Sean Austin and Gwyneth Paltrow.

— While preparing for her role in the film “50 Shades of Grey,” Dakota took up sports, although she had never thought about it before. She also followed a juice diet. And all for the sake of looking good in explicit scenes.

— In 2010, when Dakota auditioned for a role in the series “Girls,” producer Judd Apatow turned her down. And instead of participating in the show, she was offered a minor role in the film “A Little Married.”

— At the casting for the role of Anastasia, Johnson was able to beat Cara Delevingne herself.

— Of course, “50 Shades of Gray” will contain many explicit scenes. But this doesn’t bother Dakota Johnson at all: “All these sex scenes in movies are far from romantic, but technical moments. It’s easy for me to undress in front of the camera, I have no shame.”

— Despite her statements about her lack of embarrassment, Johnson asked her parents not to watch “50 Shades of Gray.” “Me and Don, her father, will not go to see this movie in the cinema, even if it turns out to be a hit. Dakota forbade us,” said Melanie Griffith.

— By the age of 25, Dakota had managed to star in films with some of the most sexy actors Stars: Channing Tatum, Jamie Dornan, Justin Timberlake, Aaron Paul, Chris Pratt and Jason Segel. Soon we will see the release of the crime drama Black Mass, where Dakota starred with Johnny Depp and Benedict Cumberbatch.

15 October 2018, 18:24

To my great regret, Matt Bomer and Alexis Bledel did not play Christian Gray and Anastasia Steele in the film adaptation scandalous romance E. L. James "Fifty Shades of Grey." I must admit that Dakota Johnson is a terrible actress, and she looks older than her age. For example, at the time of filming she was 25 years old, but I would give her 35 years old. How old is Anastacia? That's right, she's 21. Alexis Bledel looks exactly that age. There are many complaints about Jamie Dornan. Well, what kind of Christian is he?! Does he feel dominant? Nothing like this. How annoying is that puppy dog ​​look of his. This is a complete failure. It was necessary to listen to the opinions of fans of the trilogy. All I can do is look at the fan art and videos that I share with you.

Erotic, funny and deeply moving, Fifty Shades of Gray is a story you'll be obsessed with!

One woman.

One man.

One contract.

The main characters and actors at their best

Anastasia "Ana" Steele (Alexis Bledel)

The main character of the book, portrayed as a shy and modest girl. When Christian first meets Ana, she is a student studying English literature at the University of Washington in Vancouver, living with her neighbor and friend Kate. She is a virgin and does not have a date yet, despite Christian initially thinking she is dating his photographer friend José. She often talks about her love of books and writing. This prompts Christian to give her an expensive gift in the form of the first edition of one of her favorite books, Tess of the Urbervilles. Although Christian thinks Ana is beautiful, she cannot accept this fact, she does not believe that she can be good enough for him. She compares herself to her best friend Kate, who has an attractive appearance and is liked by most of the men she meets. Ana is also a very stubborn character, such as when she insists Christian not buy her expensive gifts. He should know that his money doesn't mean anything to her. Ana gradually learns about " dark side» Gray. Having fallen in love, she, overcoming all fears and doubts, agrees to take part in the fulfillment of Christian’s fantasies.

Christian Gray (Matt Bomer)

An attractive and extremely wealthy entrepreneur who lives in Seattle. Yes, women often flirt with him, but he doesn't have a girlfriend and didn't have one at the beginning of the book. romantic relationships. He meets Ana when she comes to interview him. And he immediately falls in love with her. As we read, we learn about Christian's past: he was orphaned when his drug-dealing mother committed suicide. He was only four years old. When he turned 15, he was introduced to the BDSM lifestyle. Since then, he had fifteen relationships with “submissive” girls before meeting Ana.

A video that shows how perfect Matt Bomer is as Christian Gray

"Mr. Gray, are you gay?"

Official trailer

“When I finally pluck up the courage to look up at him, one hand rests relaxed on his knee, and with the other he cups his chin, placing a long forefinger to the lips"

Stills from the film

Clip with Matt and Alexis, song Black black heart David Asher

Known as E. L. James, she also has another literary pseudonym, “Snowqueen's Icedragon,” which translates as “the ice dragon of the Snow Queen.”

During the peak of Fifty Shades of Gray's popularity, hardware stores across America were forced to order twice as much rope because they were selling like hot cakes.

One women's organization in Britain was so disgusted by E. L. James's books that it asked people to donate their copies of Shades to be burned in protest. However, only 24 copies were provided for the bonfire, so it was decided to abandon the ritual burning and use the pages of the books as toilet paper. Resourceful!

Actresses auditioning for the role of Anastasia Steele had to recite a monologue from Ingmar Bergman's film Persona (1966).

Scientists from Michigan State University conducted a study on the influence of “50 Shades of Gray” on the behavior of women. The conclusion was quite primitive (well, for most, it’s basically obvious, why hide it): “Shades” provoke women to frequently change partners and bad behavior. Bad, bad girls!

Oprah Winfrey once admitted that she is a big fan of “50 Shades of Gray”: “I downloaded all the parts and read them with great pleasure, that’s what real guilty pleasure means. It’s true that in my head I kept saying, “Stop chatting, let’s get down to business!”

Editor JK Rowling made her promise that she would never not only read, but even touch the novels of E. L. James. Probably so that the writer does not suddenly encounter her inner goddess.

During the filming of the film, the actors were injured several times, most often due to various manipulations with ropes. If you know what we mean...

Fifty Shades of Gray has sold more than 100 million copies worldwide, more than the sales of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and the Twilight series combined.

Before filming began, there were rumors in Hollywood that Angelina Jolie herself wanted to film the novel. Later, however, all these speculations were refuted. I wonder what the movie would have been like if this had turned out to be true?

For his role in Shades, Jamie Dornan had to work hard on his gait. According to the script, Christian Gray should walk confidently and heavily, and not like Jamie - cheerfully and skipping.

The book inspired various manufacturers not only to increase the production of whips and ropes, but also to do such strange things as Teddy bear- Christian Grey, baby clothes, burger, board game, cookbook and a special brand of wine.

During filming, Dornan had his own sex expert who helped him get into character and explained all sorts of “stuff.”

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Some sociologists say that "50 Shades of Gray" triggered a baby boom in America. But so far there is no solid data confirming this fact.

The owners of the British Damson Dene Hotel have replaced the Bible in the bedside tables with the novel “50 Shades of Grey” in their rooms. They thought it would be more relevant now.

E. L. James says that writing sex scenes she was inspired by music. So for each book in the trilogy there is its own playlist, where you can find songs such as “Toxic” by Britney Spears and “Sex on Fire” by Kings of Leon.

Dornan once sang in the folk group Sons of Jim. Today it no longer exists.

In 1999, Dakota Johnson made her debut with her sister Stella Banderas with a small role in the film “A Woman Without Rules.” They played daughters main character, played by their mother in real life Melanie Griffith. The film was directed by her stepfather Antonio Banderas.

To look perfect on camera, Jamie Dornan drank five drinks every day. protein shakes and worked out in the gym three hours a day, seven days a week, including doing a hundred squats.

Photo Archive of press services

Consulting psychologist Daria Musikhina explained what methods Ana used to conquer the mysterious Christian Gray. It turns out that the quiet one from cult film, a skilled manipulator. Who would have thought...

In the second part, I am interested in the transformation that occurs with Christian Gray. Remember, in the first film he is a dictator, a dominant, accustomed to control everything and dominate people, and in the second we see him kneeling in front of Anastasia Steele. Why did this happen? The fact is that Anastacia is a skilled manipulator, controlling a man’s behavior like a puppeteer with puppets in a theater. The girl, as if playing, uses six types of manipulations that help her first gain attention to her person, and then tie Christian to her and force him to fulfill her demands. But first things first.

Let's start with the scene of the acquaintance of young billionaire Christian Gray and literature student Anastasia Still.

Manipulation No. 1: “I am defenseless, helpless, have pity on me”

Agree, Anastasia looks modest: a simple dress, a button-down blouse, inexpensive low-heeled boots - she seems to be humiliating herself, trying to be invisible. Crossing the threshold of Mr. Gray's office, she trips and falls. He turns around and sees her kneeling... And then she didn’t have a pen to write down the answers, and he gives her his pencil... She mumbles questions, and he listens to them patiently, even helps her finish them...

Effect: any normal man, seeing a girl caught in difficult situation, will try to help her, and then the subconscious chain will work: she is weak - I am strong, she depends on me and will be lost without me, so I must protect her. And what inner satisfaction men receive, how their masculinity is strengthened when they can somehow help a woman, solve her problems!

When else is it used: notice that Anastasia constantly looks at Christian somewhat with frightened eyes, shudders from his touch - I’m afraid of you, have pity on me and don’t offend me. She constantly has some kind of everyday difficulties: a broken computer, uncomfortable shoes, soiled clothes, a vintage car... In addition, she uses his feelings of guilt. She asks herself: “I want to experience the worst thing - then I can understand...” And after that she sobs: “Is this how you want to see me? Don't you dare come closer."

Manipulation No. 2: “psychological stroking” (praise, compliments)

Anastacia allows Christian to brag about his successes. Remember, they are talking about business. “Business is about people,” he says, “and I’m good at people... The harder I work, the luckier I get... I have a gift for recognizing talent and managing them...” “So, are you a dictator?” – as if admiring, she asks him. “I’m used to being in control,” he replies modestly. Further we're talking about that he supplies food to African countries. Gray says this profitable business, and she told him: “It seems to me that you are hiding your kind heart...”

Effect: Every person, especially a man, needs confirmation of his importance and exclusivity. If you praise a man, give compliments, emphasize his merits, he will bend over backwards to prove that he really is the best.

When else is it used: Anastacia often praises Christian (sometimes indirectly through yachts, planes, and entertainment that he arranges for her), admires his wealth, and emphasizes his exclusivity. Especially in those moments when Christian does not expect such delight, Anastacia exclaims: “That was excellent!” Being able to give the right complement in time is the key to a strong relationship. The main thing is not to overact and not resort to flattery.

Manipulation No. 3: devaluation

Christian and Anastacia are already saying goodbye. “I hope you learned everything you wanted?” - he asks her. “You only answered four questions,” she replies, thereby erasing his concern (gave a pencil, offered excellent conditions for an internship), and his revelations, and his sacrifice (he postponed an important business meeting for her sake).

Effect: when a man realizes that all his efforts are in vain, he experiences aggression (I was not appreciated), mixed with a feeling of guilt (I tried poorly) and strives to do even more so that he has something to appreciate.

When else is it used: Anastasia returns the gifts (“Take your expensive books, I don’t need them,” “Take your car and give me back mine”), tears up a check for $24,000, devalues ​​his feelings and lifestyle (He: “I love it when they obey me.” She : “Sounds pretty boring.”)

Manipulation No. 4: ignoring

The heroine often uses this technique: she does not answer his calls, turns around and leaves, leaving the last word behind you. The first time Anastacia used ignoring was in a bar, where she was celebrating passing her exams. He: “Where are you?” She: “I’m in line and I really want to go to the toilet.” He: “Have you been drinking?” (His habit of controlling everything.) She: “That's right, Mr. Bore. What a tyrant! (Admiration.) Him: “Tell me what bar you’re in.” She: “That’s it. I have to go!" – and turns off the phone. “How did I get it!?!” – he asks his neighbors in line for the toilet with satisfaction.

Effect: If you want to punish a person, refuse to communicate with him, make him feel guilty. “What did I do wrong, how did I offend you?” he will think, and then he will not be able to stand it and will either come to ask for forgiveness or do something to make amends.

Manipulation No. 5: adjustment

Remember when Christina brought a very drunk Anastasia to his hotel room? She woke up, played shyness (“Did you put me to bed?”, “Did you change me?”, “Were we just sleeping?”) and helplessness (“Why am I here?” she asks. “Because I couldn’t leave you.” one,” he replies, “So don’t quit!”). And then she was getting ready to leave, he came up to her and, seeing that she was biting her lower lip, said: “I want to bite your lip...” “It seems that I want this too,” the girl said.

Effect: manipulation from the series “you and I are of the same blood, you and I.” Anastasia made it clear that she felt the same as him, wanted the same as him, that she was his continuation. What else does? He's all hers. We saw confirmation of the successful use of this and other manipulations at the end of the second film, when Christian Gray proposed to Anastasia.

Where else is it used: knows that he likes to dominate, so he allows himself to be “punished”, for this he performs prohibited actions (for example, rolls his eyes, tries to touch him) or goes to the “play” room and chooses “toys” and many other cases.

Manipulation No. 6: playing for independence

Anastacia openly demonstrates her independence. She is going to go to her mother in Georgia without saying anything to Christian, as if telling him: “I don’t belong to you. You can't control me." To which he receives his real reaction: “You are mine. You are only mine."

Effect: she creates situations in which Christian experiences a feeling of loss, bereavement (leaving a business meeting or suggesting “If you want, I can leave...”). As a rule, what does not belong to us is what we most desire.

In general, Anastasia is a smart girl. She persistently strives to find out as much as possible about Christian (“Trust me,” “Explain why you need this?” “We need to get closer,” she says), and constantly asks him about what he doesn’t want to tell. Lines up a good relationship with his loved ones, shares his interests. But at the same time, she does not obey Christian: “You will never receive obedience from me!” Moreover, she never signed the contract, forcing the guy to abandon all conditions, rules and restrictions. Anastacia emphasizes Christian’s exclusivity: “I was waiting only for you,” “I love you, and you...”. She clearly understands that Christian needs her, that he really allows a lot only to her, which means she has him firmly caught. And, by the way, she doesn’t forget for a minute about her own benefit: “What will I get in return...” The girl’s benefit is obvious - she hit the jackpot and got a handsome young billionaire as her husband.

(Material for +16)

Anastasia Steele- a character in the books by E. L. James “50 Shades of Grey”, “50 Shades Darker”, “50 Shades Freed”, as well as the film “50 Shades of Grey”. The character was played by Dakota Johnson in the movie.

Anastacia is a student and graduate of Vancouver, Washington State University. At her core, she is an unremarkable girl, the same as many of her peers, but her story is much more interesting and confusing.

Ana's full name is Anastasia Rose Steele. Her mother, Carla Mae Wilkes, gave birth to a girl in Montesano from Franklin Lambert, but he died on the second day after the birth of her daughter. This happened due to an accident that occurred as a result of a fight between several infantrymen. Of course, Ana did not remember her father and knew little about him.

All her life she considered her stepfather, her mother’s new husband Ray Steele, to be her real parent. Ray treated the girl very warmly and became a real father to her.

The girl’s relationship with Stephen Morton, already Carla Vilks’s third boyfriend, almost immediately did not work out. Because of him, she moved to her first stepfather back to Montesano from huge Las Vegas.

Ray Steele actually taught Ana a lot. It was he who taught her simplified lessons in self-defense, showed her how to shoot correctly, and taught her basic housework so that in the future Anastasia would not depend on anyone and could take care of herself and her home.

Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson in the movie "50 Shades of Gray"

After college, where Ana had an average score of four (equivalent to a Russian five), she entered Vancouver, Washington State University ( English name Washington State University "Vancouver"), faculty English literature. However, this choice was not surprising, given Anastasia’s love for books in general and British classics in particular. In parallel with her studies, Anastacia worked in a regular hardware store, selling miscellaneous goods starting from nails and ending with ropes.

During her studies, the girl lived with her best friend Kate Cavanna, who was more cheerful and energetic, often charging the girl with her positivity and desire to explore everything new, to find interesting places and unexpected acquaintances.

It was because of Kate that Anastasia went to a corporation called Gray Enterprises Holdings to interview him using a list of questions that her friend had prepared in advance. Ana was not too happy about this task, but Kate’s illness and the dependence of her career on this interview forced the girl to make this trip.

Some time later, the millionaire appeared in the store where Anastacia worked, and after this meeting their strange but dizzying romance began.

In general, meeting with her changed a lot in Anastasia’s life. The girl graduated from university, continuing her relationship with Christian, communicating with his family and introducing young man with your family. After studying, Anastacia, without telling her chosen one, began to look for work in publishing houses, not wanting him to somehow influence her career, but he still contributed to her employment. In addition, it was Christian who changed her views on sex life, introduced him to his hobby of BDSM, despite the fact that Anastasia was a virgin before meeting him.

However, the relationship with its difficulties and problems turns out to be very serious; in the end, these two connect their lives, not wanting to part with each other.

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