Names of buildings in English. How to talk about your home in English

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To figure out How, you need to focus on two things: design there is\are and vocabulary on the topic “my house\flat”. We will touch on both. Also, consider an example of a short story about housing.

How to talk about your home in English simply and without errors?

In order to understand How Right tell about your house in English, it is important to remember and learn to apply the design “there is\are”. Literally translated this is "there is". Sometimes “there is\are” voiced as “available” and this is also true. This construction makes the description of a house or individual rooms very simple, since it simultaneously contains a formal subject (there) and verb (is\are). The first thing you must do to correctly formulate a sentence is to understand what comes after the construction - one object or several. The use depends on this is\are .

For example: There is a big window in this room - This room (has) a large window.

There are three windows in this room – This room (has) 3 windows.

Useful words for talking about your home in English

How Can tell about your house in English without knowing the names of the rooms? Pay attention to the picture and check if you know all the words.

1) bathroom - bathroom

2) bedroom - bedroom

3) entrance – entrance, front door

4) living room - living room

5) dining room - dining room

6) kitchen - kitchen

It would be ideal to start the description of the home with general statements about its size, number of rooms, and then move on to listing the furniture in the bedroom, living room and kitchen.

An example of how you can tell about your house in English

Now I propose to pay attention to a mini-story demonstrating How Can tell about your house or apartment in English.


I live in the flat. It is not big and not small. My flat is comfortable. It is on the third floor. I like it very much and my family is happy here. There are two rooms in my flat – a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. My bedroom is my favorite. It is rather big ad light. There are two windows in this room. There is a bed with a beautiful bedside table near the wall. There is a desk and a chair in front of the windows. There is a green carpet on the floor. We can also see two brown arm-chairs in my bedroom. Above the desk there are several book-shelves. There is not a lot of furniture there because I like having a lot of space. What about your flat and favorite room?


I live in a flat. She is neither big nor small. My apartment is comfortable. It is located on the third floor. I really like her and my family is happy here. My apartment has two rooms - a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. My bedroom is my favorite room. It is quite large and bright. This room has two windows. There is a bed with a nightstand near the wall. Opposite the windows there is a desk and a chair. There is a green carpet on the floor. We can also see two brown armchairs in my bedroom. There are several bookshelves above the table. There is not much furniture here as I like it to be spacious. What about your apartment and favorite room?

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Since we are talking about houses, the first thing I would like to note is a couple of words: house and home. Both children and adults make serious mistakes when they use this word with the same meaning. Almost everyone has had this problem since school. Many, remembering that house- this is home, word home perceived as a synonym. At school, kids simply aren't corrected when they say things like: "I go to the house after school".

In fact, both words are translated the same way, but let me clarify that.

House- house: building, building.

Home- home: the place where you live.

We are confused by the same translation. How do you know which word to use?

House is what you see on the street. It could be a residential building, an office building, an abandoned house. Not every house has people living in it. In other words, house- not always someone else's home.

This is a new house. It was built last year. - This is a new house. It was built last year.

I saw a lot of beautiful houses in Prague. - I saw many beautiful houses in Prague.

Home is the place where you live. It can be anything. If you live in an apartment, then this is yours home. If this happens and you live in a tent or in a penthouse - you call it all a word home.

I will stay at home at the weekend. - I'll stay at home on the weekend.

He had his Birthday party at home. - He celebrated his birthday at home.

In addition, the word home can mean:

Homeland, the place where you were born

I live in Russia but Ukraine is my home. - I live in Russia, but was born in Ukraine.

Family, home

Many young girls dream of united and loving home. - Many girls dream of a friendly and loving family.

Skyscraper ["skaɪˌskreɪpə]- skyscraper. The purpose of a skyscraper can be different: a high-rise residential building, an administrative building, an office building, a business or a shopping center.

A penthouse ["penthaus]- a very expensive apartment on the top floor of a high-rise building or skyscraper. Usually occupies the entire floor. May have its own elevator and separate entrance.

Tower block ["tauə blɔk]- a modern high-rise building divided into apartments or individual offices. This term is used mainly in British English.

Block of flats- apartment house. In American English the name is used apartment building.

High-rise building- multi-storey building.

Multi-storey building [,mʌltıˈstɔːrı "bɪldɪŋ]- multi-storey building.

Low-rise building- a building with a small number of floors.

Detached house- detached residential building. Such houses can be found in the suburbs and rural areas. There is usually a garden around it.

Semi-detached house [ˌsemɪdɪ"tæʧt]- a house with two apartments with separate entrances. Apartments have an adjacent wall and most often have a mirrored layout. Sometimes such houses are called “houses for two owners.”

Terraced house ["terəst]- a series of identical or very similar houses adjacent to each other, with separate entrances to each apartment. This type of development (linear development) is typical for European cities.

Bungalow ["bʌŋgələu]- residential one-story house, dacha. A distinctive feature of this type of housing is that all living quarters are located on the ground floor.

Castle ["kɑːsl]- lock.

Palace ["pælɪs]- castle.

Mansion ["mæn(t)ʃ(ə)n]-mansion, a luxurious detached house owned by a wealthy family.

Manor house ["mænə]- mansion, manor house. In Britain, this was the name given to the main house of the estate, in which the owner’s family lived.

Maisonette [ˌmeɪz(ə)"net]- a small house or a two-level apartment.

Villa ["vɪlə]- villa, detached large country house with a garden. Villas are often rented out to vacationers.

Country house ["kʌntrɪ]- Vacation home. Almost the same as mansion. The English aristocracy preferred to live in the city and periodically go to a country house. This is a large building containing many rooms.

Cottage ["kɔtɪʤ]- a small country house. It usually has one floor and an attic. Cottage can be found in the countryside, in the village.

Caravan ["kærəvæn]- trailer on wheels, van on wheels. In American English the word is used trailer ["treɪlə].

Mobile home ["məubaɪl]- unlike the previous type of housing, mobile home- this is a trailer that is removed from wheels, always stands in one place and serves its owners only as a home.

Log cabin- log house, house made of logs. These houses are usually built without the use of nails.

Houseboat ["hausbəut]- a house on the water, a vessel adapted to serve as a home. Equipped with necessary furniture. Some of these boats do not have motors because they stay in one place all the time.

Igloo ["ɪgluː]- a domed house built from ice blocks. Traditional home of the Canadian Eskimos.

We all live somewhere: in an apartment, in a house, etc. As the English say, “My home – my castle!” Our house is a place where we spend most of our life, in addition to work, study and travel. We strive to set up our home and make it as comfortable as possible. Whether it’s a room, apartment or house, this is a reflection of our preferences and desires. We demonstrate our home to others and try to know how other people live.

I would like to describe my apartment, my “castle”. Our family lives in the apartment with two bedrooms and a living room. Our apartment is bright and cozy, though small. Each room is good in its own way.

Living-room is the largest room in the apartment. There is a large sofa and a coffee table there. There are the bookshelves on the walls. In front of the sofa there is a TV set. This is where our family spends the evening time and welcomes visitors.

My parent’s bedroom is furnished by my mother’s taste. There is a simple wardrobe and a big soft bed in it. The window is decorated with beautiful burgundy curtains. Everything is very simple and rustic.

Finally, let me describe my room. It is very light. I sleep on the couch of a light color. In my room, there are two cases, one for clothing and one for the books. Between them there is the computer table. I decorated the room with posters and photographs. In the bookcase there are souvenirs and gifts from my friends. It seems to be a usual room, but for me my room is the dearest.

Translation: description of the house

We all live somewhere: in an apartment, in a house, etc. As the English proverb says: “My home is my castle!” Our home is the place where we spend most of our lives, in addition to work, study and travel. We

We strive to equip our home and make it as comfortable as possible. Whether it’s a room, an apartment or a house, this is a reflection of our preferences and wishes. We show others our shelter and strive to appreciate how others live.

I would like to describe to you my apartment, my “fortress”. Our family lives in an apartment with 2 bedrooms and a living room. Our apartment is bright and cozy, although small. Each room is good in its own way.

The living room is the largest room in the apartment. It has a large sofa and a coffee table. There are shelves with books on the walls. There is a TV opposite the sofa. This is where our family spends evenings and welcomes guests.

The parents' bedroom is furnished to my mother's taste. A simple wardrobe and a large soft bed. The window is decorated with beautiful burgundy curtains. Everything is very simple and cozy.

And finally, my room. She is very bright. I sleep on a soft light-colored sofa. There are two wardrobes in my room, one for clothes, the other for books. Between them there is a computer desk. I decorated my room with posters and photographs. In the closet there are souvenirs and gifts from my friends. It seems to be an ordinary room, but for me it is the most dear.

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The description of the house in English can include a description of the structure of the house, the number of floors, location and number of rooms. Let's see what can be said about the structure itself and what the different parts of the house are called. When describing appearance, we can also mention its color and other external features.

House structure and appearance

First, familiarize yourself with the following vocabulary; with its help, we will create a brief description of the house.

  • Wall – wall.
  • Thick – thick (about a thing, material).
  • Sturdy – stable.
  • Window – window.
  • Door - door.
  • Fence - fence.
  • Gate – gate.
  • Garage - garage.
  • Storey – floor.
  • Balcony - balcony.
  • Roof - roof.
  • Attic - attic.
  • Basement - basement.
  • Chimney - chimney.
  • Skylight – window on the roof.
  • Backyard - backyard.
  • Garden - garden.
  • To store - store.

Once we have the most necessary vocabulary in our arsenal, we can compose a short text describing the house.


My house is a two-storey building. Last year the iron fence was put around the house, there are also a gate which leads to the front door of the house and the back door which leads to the backyard. The walls are quite thick so the house is sturdy. The walls are painted in yellow color and the roof is green. There is a chimney on the top of the roof and a skylight, through which the light penetrates to the attic. There is a basement, where I store all my old stuff. There are also two balconies. And I forgot to mention a small garden where my mom grows different plants. Oh yes, and there is a garage, my dad keeps in it his car and I keep my bicycle.

My house is a two-story building. Last year it was surrounded by an iron fence, there is also a gate that leads to the main entrance to the house and a second door that leads to the backyard. The walls are quite thick, so the house is stable. The walls are painted yellow and the roof is green. There is also a chimney on the roof and a window through which light leaks into the attic. There is also a basement where I keep all my old things. There are two balconies. I forgot to mention the small garden where mom grows various plants. Oh yes, there is also a garage, my father keeps his car there, and I keep my bike there.

Tip: to make your text more varied, add various little things to the description, tell what is in a particular room instead of just mentioning its existence.

Description of the house – description of the house

Rooms and home improvement

Let's see what words are simply necessary when describing the rooms of the house and their location.

  • On the first/second floor – on the first/second floor.
  • Stairs - stairs.
  • Upstairs – on the top floor.
  • Downstairs – on the lower floor.
  • Living-room (sitting-room) – living room.
  • Bedroom - bedroom.
  • Kitchen - kitchen.
  • Bathroom - bathroom.
  • Toilet - toilet.
  • Study – study.

Please note: the words floor and storey indicate floor (the first meaning of floor is floor), however, when indicating the total number of floors, it is better to use storey, and when indicating a specific floor, floor.

So that the story is not dry, we can also describe what is in the rooms.

  • Bed – bed.
  • Chair – armchair.
  • Sofa - sofa.
  • Table - table.
  • TV – television.
  • Mirror - mirror.
  • Desk – desktop.
  • Computer - computer.
  • Lamp – lamp.
  • Clock - clock.
  • Wardrobe – wardrobe.
  • Carpet - carpet.
  • Curtains - curtains.
  • Shutters - blinds.
  • Bookcase - bookcase.
  • Bedside-table - bedside table.
  • Picture – picture.
  • Telephone - telephone.

Here are a few more words that we will need to compose the next text.

  • To watch - watch.
  • Movie - film.
  • News - news.
  • To decorate - to decorate.
  • To remind – remind.
  • To go to sleep/bed – to go to bed.
  • A lot of - a lot.
  • Necessary - necessary.
  • To relax - relax, rest.
  • To switch on – turn on.
  • Items – items.
  • To let - allow.

Disposition of rooms – arrangement of rooms


Let's see how you can write a description of your home in English. In the next example we will focus more on the rooms in the house.

The living-room and kitchen are on the first floor. The stairs lead from the living-room to the second floor. There are bedroom, bathroom and study upstairs. I like to sit on the sofa and watch news or movies on TV in the living room after work. The big clock on the wall reminds me when it is already late and when I have to go to bed. I have decorated walls of the living-room with a mirror and some pictures. Before going to sleep I like to read some books lying in the bed. I have a lot of book in my bookcase, I keep on the bedside table those which I read. In the morning I take shower and check my e-mail. My computer is on the desk in my study. The study is not very big but it has all necessary items for my work. The window faces the garden and when my eyes are tired from the computer I look at the trees and let my eyes relax. I switch on the lamp on the desk when it is still dark in the morning. Then I usually go to the kitchen and open the refrigerator where I always keep apple or orange juice.

The living room and kitchen are on the ground floor. A staircase from the living room leads to the second floor. On the top floor there is a bedroom, bathroom and study. I like to sit on the couch and watch TV in the living room after work. The big clock on the wall reminds me when it's late and when it's time for me to sleep. I decorated the living room walls with a mirror and some paintings. Before going to bed, I like to read books while lying in bed. I have a lot of books in my bookcase, the ones I read I keep on my bedside table. In the morning I take a shower and check my email. My computer is on the desktop in my office. The office is not very big, but it has all the necessary items for my work. The window overlooks the garden and when my eyes get tired from the computer, I look at the trees and give my eyes a rest. When it is still dark, I turn on the lamp on the table. Then I usually go to the kitchen and open the refrigerator, where I always keep apple or orange juice.

With this video you can practice your pronunciation by naming rooms and parts of the house: