Negative characterization of a student. Characteristics of a student with bad behavior


student 7 B class MBOU secondary school No. 2

Nefedov Danil Ruslanovich

Born in 2003.

Danil has been studying at this school since the 5th grade.

Student's health and development status:

The child is physically and mentally developed and completely healthy.

There are no signs of increased nervousness; There are no outbursts of anger, aggressiveness towards peers, towards teachers, and there is also no tendency to destructive actions.

In terms of pathological desires, Danil does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, but in September 2016 he was caught trying to use toxic drugs, specifically gasoline.

The teenager is not registered at the dispensary.

Information about parents and family:

Mom - Nefedova Alina Vladimirovna, has an incomplete higher education, works as a salesman in a store.

Danil has a younger brother , Nefedov Egor Ruslanovich, born on September 1, 2016, who lives in Rzhev with his grandmother (in connection with his studies at the gymnasium).

The family belongs to the category of socially stable and wealthy ones. The child's parents are divorced. Children are raised by their mother. The natural father does not provide financial support, the children do not maintain contact with him.

Family type:

Mom is morally stable, masters the culture of education, the emotional atmosphere of the family is positive;

The family belongs to the category of prosperous, pedagogically competent (the parent has a culture of education); the child is under constant control by the mother, constant awareness of the interests, behavior of the child at school and outside of school).

The family is non-conflict; a prosperous emotional atmosphere reigns in the family.

The nature of the relationship between parents and child:

In the family, there is an attitude of mutual respect, a joint experience of joys and sorrows, care from the mother, interest in the successes and failures of the child, and a willingness to help in solving any situations. There is a trusting relationship between mom and Danil.

Organization of work and rest schedule:

The child helps around the house. Follows daily routine. The child’s mother regularly helps and monitors homework.

During his leisure time, the child spends time with his mother, and during the holidays he goes to visit his grandmother in the city of Rzhev.

Features of educational activities:

The student achieves “3” and “4”, but does not study at full capacity.

Attitude to teaching: neutral.

Motives for learning: cognitive interest in certain subjects (Russian language and literature, physical education), strives to earn the approval of adults, in particular from mothers and grandmothers.

Position in the class team, attitude towards the team:

Student's position in the team: accepted.

In the class he is closest to Semerenko Artur. The nature of mutual influence is observed.

Relationships with other classmates: smooth. Danil is influenced by his environment. By nature: extrovert (constantly focused on communication, easily makes contact, curious, open, full of attention to others).

Attitude towards public opinion: active-positive (strives to correct shortcomings, take into account comments).

5. Attitude to social activities and socially useful work:

He always carries out public assignments willingly and conscientiously.

Always takes an active part in the labor affairs of the class, always makes presentations during class hours.

In the 6th grade I took part in the reading competition “Literary Readings” (school level). But he lacks confidence - he is embarrassed to speak in front of a large audience.

Danil shows interest in the following activities: physical, organizational, sports.

At the beginning of the school year I attended a boxing club.

Actively visits parks and libraries with the class during the holidays.

Handles public assignments responsibly. Interested in sports. Actively participates in the social life of the school and class.

7. Features of the student’s sphere of free communication:

“Street” communication is allocated 8-9 hours during the week. Must be home before 8-9 pm.

Outside of class, he had friendly relations with Alexey (housemate, studying in the 8th grade of MBOU Secondary School No. 2). At the moment, I stopped close communication with him at the request of Daniil’s mother, since Alexey had a negative influence on Daniil.

Preferred place for street communication (yard);

8. Personal self-esteem:

Level of self-esteem: adequate (correctly assesses one’s positive and negative qualities, personal capabilities and achievements).

9. Features of behavior:

Daniil is very responsive, helps elders and everyone around him.

The negative actions (misdemeanors) of the student were of the following nature: at the beginning of the school year he was late for classes, but after talking with his mother he corrected himself.

10. What educational measures were used by whom, when, their results: Conversations with the child’s mother were regularly and continue to be conducted as necessary (for example, lateness to classes, poor performance). Results: the child responds adequately to all comments and strives to correct his shortcomings.

11. Proposed measures necessary to correct a minor:

Constant cooperation with the child’s parents in terms of organizing the child’s education and upbringing. Monitoring school attendance, academic performance, and homework completion.

School director (signature, full name, seal)______________________

Cl. manager (signature, full name)____________________


students of ___ class (name of school)

Student's full name date of birth

Place of residence:__________________________.

The name is brought up in an incomplete large family.

The name has been studying at (school name) since _______. During this time, the name has established itself as a weak student with deviant behavior.

The name always comes to school in an unkempt state: clothes and shoes are dirty, hands are not well-groomed, hair is not styled, and he neglects to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.

She is not interested in getting an education and treats the educational process with disdain. She is passive in class, inattentive, and does not do her homework. In class, he disrupts discipline: he talks, gets distracted, and interferes with teachers and classmates. He does not write down homework in his diary and does not complete it. He does not bring school supplies to class: there are no textbooks, notebooks or stationery. Systematically misses lessons without a good reason, runs away from lessons, is late for lessons, during a lesson he may ask permission to go to the toilet and simply walk around the school until he receives a reprimand from a teacher or a school administration employee.

For the __ quarter/____ half of the _____ academic year, the name has unsatisfactory grades in ____ subjects: name of subjects. At the moment the situation is not changing in a positive direction. Preliminary performance for ___ quarter/ ______ half-year: _______, because (specify the reason).

In communication he shows aggression, provoking conflict not only with classmates, but also with teachers. Capable of insulting your interlocutor. Communicates rudely with peers. He reacts violently to comments on his behavior, blaming others for everything and creating a conflict situation with classmates. The name never admits its guilt, shifts it onto others.

When communicating with adults, he shows tactlessness, rudeness, ignorance, and answers questions from teachers or school staff by shouting.

The name constantly deceives teachers and the class teacher.

The name has been reported for theft. List reported cases.

The name may take other people's things without permission, claiming that these things were given to her by acquaintances or friends.

The name is prone to vagrancy. He may leave class but not come home, or leave home for school but not come to class. Tends to spend the night with friends or acquaintances without warning the parent. She ran away from home several times, was wanted, and the police brought her name home.

The name was caught deliberately damaging school property.

The name has been seen drinking alcoholic beverages and also smoking.

Repeated conversations at prevention councils, with the director and school administration, with a social pedagogue, with employees of the Children's Supervision Center and the ZP do not give positive results. The name every time promises to improve grades, work in class, not miss classes and control his behavior, but he does not fulfill his promises.

The specification is provided where required.


Classroom teacher

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

student 4... class MBOU Sh No. 78 of the urban district of the city of Ufa

Republic of Bashkortostan

Full name, date of birth

During his studies he showed average abilities. He understands the educational material, but does not reinforce it at home, because... does not always or does not fully complete homework. Oral subjects are not prepared at all. …..’s reading technique is good, he reads and retells it with pleasure. He is not restrained in labor and drawing lessons. If he doesn’t like something in his work, he can throw it away and not finish it. Written work is sloppy, careless, and often crosses out everything.

He is inattentive in class. May be engaged in extraneous matters and does not respond to the teacher’s comments, or the remark causes aggression. If …… If he doesn’t like something or doesn’t understand it, he can throw a tantrum: scream, stomp his feet. Remarks from teachers do not have any impact on him until he is reassured by the head teacher or educational psychologist. Often requires special attention . He believes that the teacher is not specifically asking him. During the lesson he can distract other students by talking, shout, get up from his seat to hit a child who said something he didn’t like.

Often …… Conflicts arise with the guys. Can hit, push. He never admits his guilt. Frequent conversations between the teacher and the child about violations of the rules of behavior practically do not produce results; he considers this to be the norm.

He willingly participates in all games and competitions, but at the same time wants to be a leader, winner, team captain, first. If this does not happen,……. behaves aggressively: leaves screaming, sits on the ground, slams doors, etc. The opinions of classmates and the teacher are not taken into account. boy stubborn, capricious, willful. He does not tolerate criticism. Such conflict situations with .....occur from the first grade. During the third year of study, ..... had no breakdowns, but this academic year they resumed with greater force. ...... one day, during another hysteria, he said: “I don’t want to live!”

He is brought up in a complete family where the father is not his own. After hysterics, he often complains that he “gets into trouble” at home, but asks not to tell anyone in the family about this. The mother is not raising the boy at the proper level. Rarely happens at school.

The school administration directs …….. for a consultation with a psychiatrist

Director of MBOU School No. 78 Raschepkina Zh.A.

The class teacher very often has to fill out characteristics for students. This document is a description of the psychological, social and personal qualities of the student. It is compiled both for the needs of the school itself and for external users. It can also be drawn up by the head teacher, director or psychologist of the educational institution.

This document is compiled mainly to facilitate the introduction of a new teacher to a student. Students move from one class to another in accordance with the curriculum. During the learning process, they must at least change two or three class teachers: when moving from primary to secondary school, when moving to grades 10-11.

Some teachers, narrow specialists, can use this document to improve contact with students and properly structure the learning process.

The student's characteristics are provided to another school (if there has been a change in educational institutions), higher and special educational institutions, guardianship and protection of children's rights authorities, district police officers, the police, and the military registration and enlistment office. The main requirement for an external reference is that it must be drawn up on the official letterhead of the school and certified by the signature or seal of the director.

There are three types of characteristics per student depending on its content: psychological, pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical.

How to write a reference for a student

Characteristics for the student are drawn up in free form. However, it is advisable to adhere to its standard structure. This is necessary so that teachers can compare characteristics over time and track changes in the student’s behavior and academic performance.

What this document should contain:

  1. At the beginning of this document, the child’s personal data is indicated: full name, class, age. Here you can also write down information about his parents and nationality.
  2. Next, you need to fill out information about the student’s health and physical development.
  3. In this section, the class teacher needs to describe the atmosphere in the child’s family, his relationship with his parents and the degree of their influence on him.
  4. This characterization paragraph focuses on the child's interests. It is best to tell what he likes to do, what he is interested in, what sections and clubs he attends, information about his hobbies.
  5. In this section, the compiler of the characteristics must describe the development of the student’s intelligence, existing abilities in certain sciences, as well as the subjects that are most difficult for the student. It is necessary to indicate his academic performance.
  6. In this subsection, the teacher characterizes the characteristics of temperament and the presence of volitional qualities in the child.
  7. An important paragraph for the teacher is a paragraph devoted to describing the student’s relationships with classmates, other students, and also with other teachers.
  8. In the last section, you need to describe the student’s moral qualities and talk about his self-esteem.

The characteristics of the student are signed by the class teacher and the date of its preparation must be indicated.

Psycho-pedagogical characteristics, its compilation

Psycho-pedagogical characteristics are the most detailed document with an objective assessment, which is drawn up by a teacher or psychologist for a specific student. It is more standardized, used within the school to build the educational process by the teacher, and also as a source of information for a social educator, psychologist, doctor, and school management.

It is advisable not to use general phrases; here the student is assessed according to predetermined indicators. The main feature of this characteristic is that it contains maximum information for the teacher, its compilation does not require much time, and it is understandable to any teacher.

It is best to use a variation of this characteristic - a graphic psychological-pedagogical map. It represents a scale, at the beginning and at the end of which there are characteristics of the student that are opposite in value. For example, “Study with interest” and “Not interested in studying.” The map is divided into blocks. For example, “Study”, “Behaviour”, “Communication in the family”, “Communication at school”, “Social activity”, “Personal qualities”. This document also allows you to evaluate the degree of development of the child’s qualities using a scale.

Features of compiling some characteristics for students

The teacher can write a profile for a group of students. In this case, it is necessary to first divide schoolchildren into groups based on academic performance, communication, etc. And only after that begin to compile it.

For middle and high schools:


  1. The student's health and development status (to be completed jointly with the school doctor).
  1. General assessment of the student’s health (according to the medical record):


1.2. Signs of increased nervousness: none; increased fatigue, decreased performance, depressed mood, increased excitability, outbursts of anger, aggressiveness towards peers, aggressiveness towards teachers, refusal of contacts, common affairs, tendency to destructive actions, sadism, other signs:

1.3. Pathological attractions:

Smokes (does not smoke, smokes occasionally, systematically);

Drinks alcohol (does not drink, drank once, regularly);

Used toxic drugs (does not use, used once, systematically).

1.4. He is registered at the dispensary, for which reason

  1. Psychological atmosphere of the family:

– favorable,

– unfavorable,

- extremely unfavorable.

2.1. Information about parents (father, mother):

education _____________________________________________________

profession, place of work __________________________________________

2.2. Other family members_________________________________________________


2.3. Family type:

Prosperous (parents are morally stable, master the culture of education, the emotional atmosphere of the family is positive);

Unfavorable, including:

Pedagogically incompetent (parents do not know the culture of education); signs: lack of unity of requirements, the child is neglected, abuse, systematic physical punishment, low awareness of the child’s interests and behavior outside of school),

Morally dysfunctional (asocial; parents lead an immoral lifestyle: they drink, are parasites, run a brothel, have a criminal record, do not raise children),

Conflict (there is a dysfunctional emotional atmosphere in the family. There are constant conflicts between parents, parents are highly irritable, cruel, intolerant)

2.4 The nature of the relationship between parents and child:

Family dictatorship (systematic suppression of the child’s initiative and self-esteem);

Excessive care (satisfying all the child’s needs, protecting him from difficulties, worries, efforts);

Connivance (avoidance from active participation in raising a child, passivity, recognition of the child’s complete autonomy);

Cooperation (attitude of mutual respect, sharing joys, sorrows, etc.)


2.5 Organization of work and rest schedule:

What responsibilities does __________________________________ perform in the family?


does he follow a daily routine _____________________________________________________

who helps and controls homework and to what extent _________________________________________________________________


How is student communication organized in the family during leisure time, summer holidays, parental leave ___________________________________________


  1. Features of educational activities:

3.1. Student performance _____________________________________________

3.2. Attitude to teaching: positive, neutral, indifferent, negative.

3.3. Intellectual capabilities of the student: high, average, low.

3.4. Motives for learning: cognitive interest in subjects, awareness of the need to study at school age, desire for self-affirmation in a peer group.

4. Position in the class team, attitude towards the team:

4.1. The student’s position in the team: leader (star), preferred, accepted, rejected, isolated.

4.2. Who in the class are you closest to? The nature of mutual influence.


4.3. Relationships with other classmates: businesslike, smooth, friendly, warm, conflictual, does not communicate with anyone._________________


4.4. Manner, style of communication with others:

Dominant style (self-confident, strives to impose his opinion, easily interrupts, but does not allow himself to be interrupted, does not easily admit that he is right);

Non-dominant style (shy, easily admits being wrong, needs encouragement when talking);

Extrovert (constantly focused on communication, easily makes contact, curious, open, full of attention to others);

Introvert (not inclined to make contacts, withdrawn, prefers activity to communication, taciturn in conversation).

4.5. Attitude to public opinion:

Active – positive (strives to correct shortcomings, take into account comments, etc.);

Passive – positive (understands criticism, agrees with it, but does not correct shortcomings);

Indifferent (does not respond to criticism, does not change behavior);

Negative (argues, disagrees with comments, does not change behavior).

5. Attitude to social activities and socially useful work:

5.1. Attitude to public assignments: readily, without visible interest, refuses.

5.2. Carrying out public assignments: in good faith, in bad faith, according to mood, under pressure, with initiative.

5.3. Attitude to the labor affairs of the class: takes an active part, is indifferent, demonstratively refuses.

5.4. Attitude to physical labor:

Positive (hard work, often prefers physical activities to mental ones, has golden hands);

Indifferent (does not identify physical labor as an interesting activity, does not refuse it, but performs it without initiative);

Negative (lazy, works dishonestly, under pressure, has a high, disdainful attitude towards the physical).

5.5 Attitude towards public property: treats it thriftily. Businesslike, indifferent, demonstratively dismissive, even to the point of deliberate damage to property.

6.1 Shows interest in activities: physical, mental work, technical, socio-political, organizational, artistic (artistic, literary, musical, choreographic, etc.), sports activities.

6.2. What circles (sections) does he belong to? _________________________


6.3. cultural outlook:

Does and how often does he visit theaters, museums, exhibitions _________________


What are the reader's interests, what kind of literature does he prefer, regularity of reading (doesn't read books, reads occasionally, reads systematically).__________________________________________________________


7. Features of the student’s sphere of free communication:

7.1. How much time is devoted to “street” communication during the week, the hours of arriving home in the evening. _______________________________________


7.2. Who does he have friendships with outside of class, what impact do they have on the student?_________________________________________________


7.3. A permanent or preferred place of “street communication” (club, courtyard, entrance, etc.). ______________________________________________________________


7.4. The content of communication in street games: working with equipment, motor vehicles, going to the movies, playing the guitar, listening to music records, talking on various topics, aimless pastime, drinking, smoking, gambling, etc._______________


8. Personal self-esteem:

8.1. Level of self-esteem:

Adequate (correctly assesses one’s positive and negative qualities, personal capabilities and achievements);

Overstated (uncritical of oneself, exaggerates one’s achievements);

Understated (overly self-critical, underestimates one’s positive qualities and personal achievements).

8.2. What traits would you like to have, and which ones would you like to get rid of?


9. Features of behavior:

9.1. Positive student behavior. How often do they occur? ______


Possible motives for committing them ___________________________________


9.2. Negative actions (misconduct0, their manifestations (episodically, systematically).

Their character: rudeness, absenteeism, being late for lessons, violations of discipline in the classroom, refusal of demands, assignments, does not work in class during lessons.

9.3. Student offenses: theft, extortion from the younger and weaker, beating the younger and weaker, incitement to violence, cruelty to animals, display of sadistic tendencies, gross violations of public order (hooliganism).

9.4. Attitude towards one’s actions: indifferent, worried, justifies. Condemns.

9.5. How he reacts to pedagogical influences: with bitterness, indifference, understands and tries to fulfill the requirements.

9.6. Registered with the IDN ________________________________________


inside the school ______________________________________________________________
