What is love: stages, love and passion, facts. What is love: stages, love and passion, facts The dark side of love

For every lover on the planet, there is only one such person, after whose look or smile the soul is filled with joy and happiness.

If you ask if I love you, I will simply remain silent, but in my mind I will say that happiness is impossible without you.

It is true happiness to see the beloved smile of a loved one in a huge faceless crowd. It is at this moment that you realize that all problems and worries fade into the background.

In our high-tech age, you don’t need millions to be happy; you can just put a good avatar on VKontakte and enjoy declarations of love from fans. For a better mood, you can add a bar of milk chocolate.

Your soul is filled with happiness when your loved one wakes up because you accidentally turned away from him and stopped hugging him. Such moments are truly priceless for every person.

I often remember that stupid moment of meeting when he seemed incredibly boring and mediocre to her, and now they are madly in love with each other and are happy together.

You are happiness... A little strange and incomprehensible... leading to nervous breakdowns and terrible fear... but happiness..

Happiness is when you can come to a friend at any time, and he will be happy to see you.

It's wonderful to be happy! And happiness is when your children are healthy!!! (If you agree, put a plus)

What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.

Happiness is falling in love with a person who is already in love with you.

How good it is to be loved, happy, healthy and make plans for the future!

You will definitely find the way to happiness, just choose the right direction =)

All people bring happiness, but some by their presence, and others by their absence...

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved!

Those who have not found happiness in life seek meaning in life...

A woman is happy when she sees her husband's smiling eyes and knows that she is the reason for this joy.

She forgot her deceitful friends.. forgot the guys with whom she used to communicate, perhaps even in a friendly way.. she sits constantly at home.. but she is happy.. after all, this was not all done in vain.. Having lost everyone else, she found.. happiness.. happiness to be with him..

Happiness is falling in love with a person who is already in love with you...

Being loved is more than being rich. Because to be loved means to be happy. money can't buy happiness

Happiness is when he, who will not be woken up even by alarm clocks, wakes up because I stopped hugging him.

Happiness does not depend on the amount of money... But it’s better to be sad in a Bentley than in a minibus...

Happy is the one who is completely sure that he is dearer to someone than anyone else in the world!!!

Happiness is when you put your leg on his lap, sit on the sofa, and he sits on it, drawing hearts with a felt-tip pen.

Happiness is close, you just need to be able to distinguish it from everything else

Seconds without a loved one are hours. Hours with your loved one - seconds...

I'M HAPPY! for this I have EVERYTHING, even you, honey, you just don’t know it yet

Only my heart beats for you.

Do you know what happiness means to me? Happiness is You and Me!

All women are beautiful, and what gives them beauty is the love of men.

I can smell your perfume hundreds of meters away... Not because it’s persistent... but because I breathe you!

Every time I close my eyes, I take away a piece of happiness from myself... Because I don't see you

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, his habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful. He has gentle hands and is a great kisser...

For me to be happy, I need only one condition - your presence in my life.

A happy girl is not the one who has many fans, but the one who has one, besides whom she needs no one!!!

He may not be the best, but he is the most necessary for me.

Love must be appreciated no matter what it is: happy or unhappy, divided or not, because this may be the last such a strong feeling that you will experience...

You can only be small and weak when there is a big and strong one next to you.

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved...

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, his habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful. He has gentle hands and is a great kisser.

It's so good to be someone's forever. And know that these are not empty words. How to divide bread and soul and year. Look into the eyes of immeasurably dear ones. It's so good to be someone's forever. And know that he won’t leave you, won’t deceive you. And it will pull you out from under any ice. And he will never stop loving...

Being loved is more than being rich. Because to be loved means to be happy. Money can't buy happiness...

When you are with your loved one, hours fly by like seconds...

love is the happiness of the loved one

Happiness is when you lie next to her and watch the stars fall, and at the same time you don’t make a single wish because you have her.

Sometimes seeing the person you miss madly is enough to make you happy.

Happiness... this is a dish... for two... it just... doesn’t happen any other way..

Love is a drug. At first there is euphoria, lightness, a feeling of complete dissolution. The next day you want more. You haven’t had time to get involved yet, but although you like the feeling, you’re sure that you can do without them. You think about your favorite creature for 2 minutes and forget about it for 3 hours. But gradually you get used to it and become completely dependent. And then, you think about him for 3 hours and forget for two minutes.

If they ask me what HAPPINESS is, I will answer Happiness is if I am close to You

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home.

– What color is happiness? - Green. - Why? - This is the color of his eyes

Anyone who has found joy, let him share it with someone else; happiness was born in a couple. Lord Byron

Two leading positive psychologists, Ed Diener and Martin Seligman, studied “very happy people” and compared them with those who were less happy. And it turned out that the only external factor that distinguishes one group from another is having “deep and satisfying relationships with other people” " Spending time with friends, family, or romantic partners is necessary (though not in itself sufficient) for happiness.

When we have people whom we care about and who care about us - people who live the same life with us, share our thoughts and feelings - this helps us to more acutely feel the meaning of our existence, consoles us in sorrows and suffering, strengthens us. We have a feeling of admiration for the beauty of this world. As the seventeenth-century philosopher Francis Bacon said, close friendship “doubles the joys and halves the sorrows.” Without friendship, writes Aristotle, no happiness is possible.

Actually, from the point of view of happiness, any human relationship is very important, but love here is still beyond competition. Summarizing the sociological research on the problem of spiritual well-being and happiness, David Myers frankly admits that “ there is no surer guarantee of happiness than close, full of tenderness and care, equal, intimate, companionate relationships with your best friend throughout your life " No other topic is written about (in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction) or talked about (in cafes, in schools, on the Internet, or on a psychoanalyst's couch) as much as about romantic love—the passionate attachment between two human beings. . And no other topic gives rise to so many misunderstandings and disputes.

Question: Think about the people closest to you. Do you spend as much time with them as you want? And if not, is there any way you can change it?

Love me just like that. Unconditional love.

When we talk about love simply as a feeling or emotion, as a state of mind that has no motives, this is a clear simplification. Love cannot last indefinitely without any rational reason: just as positive emotions alone are not enough for lasting happiness (a hedonist will never know what happiness is, because his life is meaningless), in the same way, strong feelings alone, in itself is not enough to experience love. When a man falls in love with a woman, he does so for certain conscious or unconscious reasons. He may feel that he loves her only “because she is she,” without really understanding what he means by this; if you ask him to clearly articulate why he loves her, he will most likely answer: “I don’t know, I just love her.”

We are taught that when we fall in love with someone, we are guided by the heart, not the mind, that love, by definition, is something inexplicable, mystical, without any rational basis. However, if what we feel is truly love, it is probably due to some reasons. These reasons are sometimes unconscious, that is, inaccessible to our consciousness, and yet they exist.

But if we need some real reasons to love someone, if we only fall in love under certain conditions, could there be such a thing as unconditional love? Or is the very idea of ​​unconditional love fundamentally irrational and groundless? It depends on whether the character traits we love in a person are manifestations of the core of his personality.

Core personality

The core of personality includes the most fundamental and enduring features of our self—our character. This also includes the real principles by which we live, which are not necessarily identical to the principles by which we are guided in words. Since we do not have the opportunity to observe the core of personality directly, we can know a person’s character only through his manifestations, through the analysis of human behavior, since it is observable from the outside.

Suppose a woman—sensitive, diligent, patient, and enthusiastic, because the very core of her personality contains these traits—institutes a correctional program for underprivileged children. The success or failure of this program depends entirely on countless external factors that have nothing to do with the personal qualities of the woman; after all, she took up the work motivated by inner character traits that are part of the core of her personality. This woman's behavior (the fact that she took on this program) reflects the core of her personality, while the result of her behavior (the success or failure of the program) reflects nothing. If one loved this woman unconditionally, he would certainly be happy at the success of the program and sad at its failure; but in neither case would his feelings for the woman herself have changed in any way, because the core of her personality remained unchanged.

When we are loved for wealth, fame or power, we are loved conditionally; when we are loved for constancy, strength of feelings or warmth, we are loved unconditionally.

Question : What character traits form the core of your personality?

Circle of happiness

Psychologist Donald W. Winnicott was the first to draw attention to the fact that children who play in close proximity to their mothers demonstrate higher levels of intelligence in their games than children who play at a greater distance from their mother. Children are highly creative as long as they stay within a certain
radius from their mothers, inside, so to speak, the circle of creativity. The circle of creativity is a place where children have the opportunity to take risks and experiment, to fall and get up again, to fail and to succeed because they feel safe and secure in the presence of someone who loves them unconditionally.

Because adults are capable of higher levels of abstraction than children, we do not need to always be physically close to our loved ones in order to remain within our creative circle. When we know that we are loved unconditionally, we are psychologically in a safe and secure place.

Unconditional love creates a parallel circle of happiness for us, where we are supported in our pursuit of activities that provide us with meaning and pleasure. We are free to indulge our passions - whether it be painting, banking, teaching or gardening - regardless of the prestige or success of our enterprises. Unconditional love is the foundation of a happy marriage.

If someone truly loves me, he or she will want more than anything to see me express the core of my personality to the fullest and exhibit the qualities that make me who I am.

Meaning and pleasure in love

While unconditional love is essential for a happy relationship, love alone is not enough. In human relationships - just as in learning and work - happiness cannot last long if marriage is not a source of meaning and pleasure, present and future good.

Couples who get together primarily for some future benefit - for example, because marriage will help them move up the social ladder or improve their social position - are typical "rats", participants in the rat race. The same can be said about couples who work hard and spend very little time with each other on the grounds that they do it for the sake of the family - to ensure a comfortable and happy future together. Indeed, sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice immediate benefits in order to achieve certain goals in the future, but if you live too long only for the sake of the future, this will ultimately lead to the collapse of relationships.

The other extreme is the hedonist who starts a family solely for his own pleasure, and his attitude towards it is based mainly on how much joy he gets from the family. Since the hedonist confuses pleasure with happiness, he also confuses carnal pleasure with love in a love relationship. However, the pleasures of a hedonist very quickly fade and lose all interest for him, because if the relationship does not have any significant basis, containing something more than the immediate satisfaction of desires, it is impossible to experience happiness.

And the nihilist? Perhaps he decided to get married because it was the “right thing” or because all his friends were doing it. He expects nothing from marriage and receives nothing from it, but simply floats with the flow side by side with his partner - without a goal and without happiness.

: Remember your past friendship or love. Which sector would you put her in? Has the very nature of this relationship changed over time?

It is important that you are known and understood, and not just told that you are good

In the United States alone, approximately 40% of marriages end in divorce; This statistic does not bode well for our ability to maintain long-term loving relationships, especially considering that the 60% of couples who stay together are not necessarily happily married. Are these statistics evidence that we are not designed for long-term monogamous relationships? Not at all. At least no more than depression statistics suggest that we are doomed to an unhappy life.

Sometimes it’s really best to get a divorce - after all, not all couples are psychologically compatible, and not everyone can smooth out their contradictions, however very often the cause of divorce is rooted in an initial misunderstanding of what love is and what it entails. Many people confuse simple sexual desire (lust, lust) with true love. But while sexual desire is necessary for romantic love, it is clearly not enough on its own. A marriage based primarily on lust will not last long. No matter how “objectively” attractive a partner is or how strong a “subjective” attraction exists between partners, the initial arousal wears off and the simple physical attraction inevitably fades. Novelty excites our feelings, “the exotic becomes erotic” - and vice versa, if you live with a partner for some time, he becomes too familiar, “one of our own.”

But while intimacy can sometimes weaken physical attraction, getting very close to a partner, truly getting to know them, takes a couple to a higher level of intimacy - which means their love becomes stronger and their sex gets better and better.

In his book The Passionate Marriage, renowned sex therapist David Schnarch challenges the conventional wisdom that sex and passion can be reduced to basic biological impulses. If sex really was all about that, we would have little hope of maintaining passionate love for each other for long. However, over decades of working with couples, Schnarch has convincingly demonstrated that sex can get better and better if we make every effort to get to know our partner better and let him get to know us better.

As Schnarch suggests, if we want to achieve true intimacy in relationships with each other, we need to shift the center of gravity - Instead of craving approval and praise, we want our partner to get to know us better l . In order for love and passion in a marriage to grow stronger over time, both partners must be willing and ready for the other party to know their secrets - and this means gradually revealing the very core of their inner selves - their desires, fears, fantasies, dreams, even when they do not show you in the most favorable light. Over the years, spouses become more and more deeply imbued with each other's moral principles, passions, fears and hopes, and they develop an increasingly detailed map of the inner world of their partners.

The process of recognizing another person, as well as the process of learning ourselves by another person, can continue indefinitely, because there is always something in which one can open up to another and what can be discovered in him. And therefore, it is much easier to maintain the exciting novelty, excitement and freshness of the relationship. Whatever we do when we are together - chatting over coffee, playing with the kids, or making love - our intimacy will be a much richer source of meaning and pleasure if, instead of trying to extract words of approval from our partner, we try better than him. find out and let him get to know us better.

Question : Think about ways you could help your partner get to know you better. Think about ways you could get to know your partner better.

Develop relationships rather than look for new love

Many people truly believe that the secret to a successful marriage is finding your soulmate. In reality, however, the most important and most time-consuming part of happiness in love is not at all in finding the one who is meant to be our husband or wife (I do not believe that each of us is destined for one and only one half), but rather in that constantly maintain, develop and improve relationships with the only person we once chose.

The misconception that causes us to believe that finding love is more important than nurturing it in our hearts can be at least partially attributed to the magic of cinema. There are a lot of movies about the search for love, about the trials and tribulations that two people go through until they find each other. At the end of the film, the lovers share a passionate kiss and live happily ever after, or so we just think. The problem is that movies end exactly where love begins. Meanwhile, the most difficult thing - to live happily ever after - comes after; problems and difficulties often arise when the sunsets fade and the nightingales sing.

We are mistaken when we believe that love itself - if only we can find it - guarantees us eternal happiness; Because of this misconception, partners do not attach due importance to those small and large everyday incidents, actions and events that precisely shape the relationship in marriage. Would anyone in their right mind and good memory argue that since he found a job or got the profession he dreamed of, he can now rest on his laurels? Such an approach would inevitably lead to a monumental failure. The same can be said about relationships in marriage: the real, hard work begins after we fall in love. In the context of marriage, the hardest work is bonding and intimacy.

We achieve greater intimacy in relationships when we get to know our partner better and allow them to get to know us better. Subsequently, relying on your knowledge of each other, this intimacy can be further deepened - To do this, it is enough just to do something together that is a source of meaning and pleasure for both of us. Over time, as we get to know each other better and spend enough time doing things together that we both enjoy, we will build a strong foundation for our relationship that can withstand the inevitable storms of life, and prepare fertile soil on which our love and happiness will blossom. .

based on the book by Tal Ben-Shahar: Learning to be Happy
Also more links from the book:

- one of the best teachers
Harvard University.
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broadcast on TV channels
and his articles are published
in the New York Times newspapers
and the Boston Globe.
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1500 people attend per semester.

Subject: Russian literature

Topic: Preparing for an essay. (22 – 23 lessons)

An essay based on the work of A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

“Why didn’t happiness happen?

Tatiana Larina and Evgeny Onegin?

(The theme of love in A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.”) Lesson type: Lesson that completes an in-depth reading of the novel.

A lesson teaching essay-reasoning.

A lesson teaching how to draw up a regular plan and a quotation plan.

Goals: To be able to correctly select material, analyze a work, write according to the topic of the essay, and use citations correctly.

Objectives: 1. Complete an in-depth reading of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.”

2. Analyze chapter 8 and answer the main question of the lesson.

3. Determine what is unique about the genre of essay-reasoning, name its components.

The main objective of the lesson:

learning to write an essay plan.


group, research, creative.


Illustrations for the novel and drawings by students;

Recordings of Onegin and Tatiana's arias;

Texts of the novel;

Textbook on literature 10th grade. V. G. Marantsman;

Decorated board.

Plan. (Lesson and as an essay plan).

Normal Quoted

I. Love and happiness are very close concepts.

II. Onegin and Tatyana are two banks of one life - a river.

1. Captured by books and light.

2. Meeting of heroes. (Village).

3. Letter from Tatiana.

4. Garden date.

5. Separation. (Duel, departure of Onegin).

7. Last date. Separation forever.

III. 1. The originality and role of composition in revealing the main plot line of the novel - the failed happiness of the author’s favorite characters.

“God grant that in this book you (the reader) can find at least a particle.”

A. S. PushkinIntroduction.

I. "Love is the heart of everything."

V. V. Mayakovsky

Main part.

II. “The shores, the shores. This bank and that bank - between them is the river of our life.”

1. She “fell in love with the novels of both Richardson and Rousseau.”

He's "like Childe Harold sullen."

2. She: “You just walked in, I instantly recognized...”

He: “Tell me, which one is Tatyana?”

3. She: “I recognize that you were sent to me by God.”

He “... was touched by innocent Tanya’s letter.”

4. She “listened with barely a breath.”

He: “Your perfections are in vain. I’m not worthy of them at all.”

5. He: “Another thing separated us, Lensky fell an unfortunate victim.” (Or “From everything that was dear to my heart, then I tore it away.” She (in Onegin’s house): “Isn’t he a parody?”

6. He: “How Tatiana has changed! - Goddess of the royal Neva!”

She “... doesn’t notice him.”

7. He: “What a mistake I was, how I was punished!”

She: “But I was given to someone else, I will be faithful to him forever.”


III. 1. “Forever alive, forever new.”

V. G. Belinsky

(Opinions and judgments about the novel from critics and readers of different eras).

Preparatory work.

1. Draw illustrations for the 8th chapter of the novel (your own, not copy them).

3. Answer the questions in writing (in workbooks):

How does the novel end? (Chapter 8).

Who and what is the whole novel about?

Your understanding (and A.S. Pushkin):

What is love?

what is happiness? Are they related?

Under what circumstances, where, how did Tatyana and Evgeny Onegin meet?

Why didn’t Onegin reciprocate, although he immediately noted her intelligence, modesty, and spiritual beauty?

Tatiana's letter to Onegin. How does it reveal Tatyana’s character and nature?

Onegin's confession to Tatyana (date in the garden) in response to her letter. How does it characterize Onegin, what are his character traits?

Why did the duel between Onegin and Lensky take place, because they were friends?

Have our heroes (Onegin and Tatyana) changed during the 2 years of separation?

Why did Onegin now fall in love with Tatiana, a society lady?

Why did Tatyana refuse Onegin now?

Who do you feel more sorry for: Tatiana or Onegin? And Pushkin?

Why does Pushkin leave his hero (Onegin) at such a fatal moment for him, and the novel remains unfinished?

Is it possible to continue it? If so, how would you complete it? Try writing another chapter (you can do it in prose, of course).

Why, in your opinion, did Onegin and Tatyana not become happy?

Or maybe they found a different kind of happiness? What? What is the ideal of the poet Pushkin?

Individual tasks.

1. Prepare brief information (repetition) about romanticism, sentimentalism, the uniqueness of their development in Russia (2 students). The material is in the textbook.

2. Prepare an expressive memorization of Tatyana’s letter (with my abbreviations) (1 student).

3. Re-enactment of the last date between Onegin and Tatiana (St. Petersburg). (I compiled it myself based on Onegin’s letter, chapter 8. I prepared its performance.)4. 2 individual tasks about Tatiana and Onegin: - a report about Onegin’s journey and how he came to St. Petersburg; - a message about what events happened in Tatiana’s life during Onegin’s absence, how are they explained?

Design of the board for the lesson.

Notes on the board: topic, goals, tasks, plan. (The plan is normal (left side) of the board, and the right is empty).

During the classes.

I. Introduction.

"Love is the heart of everything." (Or love and happiness are very close concepts.)

1. Guys, what and who is this novel about? (About love, about unfulfilled hopes, about young people of the 10s-20s of the 19th century.)

2. What is love? What meaning do you give to this word? What does Pushkin mean by the word love? (The guys name the words: love is passion, suffering, illness, illness, happiness or unhappiness, family; this is life, favorite job, beloved friends...)

I have already prepared these words on pieces of paper in advance and drawn a heart. I attach these words to it (like rays) (or all this on the poster).

It turns out that this is the basic outline (the guys can draw it in their notebooks)

Favorite job life

beloved friends passion


family Children

misfortune illness

happiness illness

3. What is happiness? (We do the same vocabulary work with this word.)

Sun (happiness): a sense of accomplishment, life, love, light, warmth of the family hearth, children, service to the Fatherland. We write down the first conclusion:

Love and happiness are very close concepts, they always coexist, one is revealed through the other. These words are synonyms. The novel “Eugene Onegin” is a novel about love, but one that failed and did not become happiness.

So today in class we will try to find out the reasons why the happiness of Tatyana and Onegin did not happen, what are the reasons. This is the topic of the lesson.

Let's move on to the main part of our reasoning.

II. Main part.

1. Captured by books and light.

1. A brief literary dictionary reference about sentimentalism and romanticism and the peculiarities of their development in Russia. (2 students are prepared in advance.)

2. Conversation with students.

Do you guys find the presence of these trends in literature regarding the novel “Eugene Onegin”? (Yes, especially since Pushkin himself called his work a “novel.”)

What is this novel: a tribute to fashion, that is, romanticism that was fashionable at that time, or an attempt by the author to explain the characters of his heroes and their relationships? (Both.)

What are our main characters Onegin and Tatyana?

What can you tell about them (based on the first chapters of the novel) about their lifestyle, hobbies, habits?

(To save time, 2 previously prepared students can briefly talk about them.)

We write down the conclusion: Onegin and Tatyana live the life of the heroes of the books, like all the youth of 10-20: Tatyana - Richardson, Rousseau; Onegin - Byron (“Childe Harold”), Benjamin Constant (“Adolph”).

Pushkin himself was fascinated by them and studied them! That is, Onegin and Tatyana are typical representatives of youth of the early 19th century, they are no exception, they are the same tribute to fashion; This is captivity, this is deception, these are mistakes, delusions, living under the impression of what you read. (“She fell in love with the deceptions of both Richardson and Rousseau”; he is “like Childe Harold, gloomy.”)

2. Meeting. (Village).

Briefly tell us how, under what circumstances, where did Onegin and Tatyana meet for the first time? (In the village, Lensky invited a friend to the Larins.)

What was this meeting like for Tatyana? (Fatal!)

Why fatal? What is the consequence of this meeting? (Tatyana falls in love with Onegin, but unrequitedly!) She: “You just walked in, I recognized it instantly.” He: “Tell me, which one is Tatyana?”

3. Letter (from Tatyana).

A student (in Tatiana's costume) reads by heart (abbreviated) Tatiana's letter.

Question for the class:

What can you say about Tatyana’s feelings, what are they?

How does the letter reveal Tatyana’s nature and character? (Her feelings are sincere, pure, strong, she fell in love for the rest of her life. She is a whole nature, but too trusting, believes in fate, etc.) She: “I know, you were sent to me by God.”

He: “... touched by innocent Tanya’s letter.”

4. Date. (In the garden.)

Why did Tatyana fall in love with Onegin at first sight?

(I read books, waited for my hero, saw him in Onegin - mysterious, different; I believed in the plans of fate.)

Why didn’t Onegin take advantage of the divine gift that fate sent him?

(He did not want to lose the freedom that he had just gained by leaving the “light” of St. Petersburg; he was not yet able to love himself and could not appreciate the love of another.) But he showed gratitude, warning where “inexperience leads.”

She: “... listened, barely breathing.”

He: “Your perfections are in vain,

I’m not worthy of them at all.”

5. Separation. (Duel, departure of Onegin.)

What caused the separation of Onegin and Tatiana? (Duel, death of Lensky.)

Why did the duel between Onegin and Lensky take place? A duel between friends?

(“The spring of honor is our idol. And that’s what the world revolves on!”) ​​Fear of gossip, rumors. Yes, and they are friends “with nothing to do.”

It turns out that Onegin is incapable of either love or friendship, because he is not free from the “light”, its laws. Only then will it come to him.

He: “Another thing has separated us,

Lensky fell an unfortunate victim.”

(Or “From everything that is dear to my heart, Then I tore my heart away.”) She (in Onegin’s house): “Isn’t he a parody?”

The student and student briefly talk about how and where Onegin and Tatyana lived for two years apart:

about Onegin - the journey and how he returned to St. Petersburg, how he was met;

about Tatyana - a series of events in her life, her feelings, thoughts, the new appearance of the heroine.

6. New meeting. (Petersburg.)

How does St. Petersburg find Onegin’s “light”, and why?

(Strange, he doesn’t look like his former self, doesn’t look like them.)

What does the “light” advise Onegin? (Be like everyone else.)

What do you think is the “strangeness of Onegin”? What has changed in him? (I began to notice people, became capable of feeling, suffering, and fell in love!)

How does he find Tatyana now? (He finds no trace of the former humble girl. She is unapproachable, cold: “Goddess of the royal Neva!”) He: “Goddess of the royal Neva!” She: “... doesn’t notice him.”

Let's see this with our own eyes.

7. Staging. "Last date."

(Scene of the last date between Onegin and Tatyana.) It is based on Onegin’s letter, chapter 8 of the novel.

How is this date different from the first one, in the garden, in the village? (Onegin has become himself, loves, suffers, but does not find the same Tanya. The situation has changed just the other way around. She is now teaching him a lesson in morality.) - How does Tatyana motivate Onegin’s sudden love for herself? Answer with lines from the novel. (Which is noble, that in the world, that her shame would be noticed by everyone.)

What do you think: is she right? (No! He loves sincerely, repents of his previous mistakes, that then “he didn’t give in to the habit”, that “he didn’t want to lose his hateful freedom.”) - What do they both understand? (that they both love each other. That Tanya is the same, that Onegin is different, but that happiness is impossible.) - Why does Tatyana ask to leave her? (She got married, is faithful to duty, values ​​her husband’s honor, respects him, because he is a noble, battle-wounded, respected general.) He: “How wrong I was, how I was punished.” She: “But I was given to someone else, I will be faithful to him forever.”

8. What mistakes did they both make?

(Tatyana got married, yielding to her mother’s pleas, and “all the lots were equal” to her; Onegin once did not believe himself (“the habit was given to us from above”), he could not once become above the “light.”)

Conclusion: Their happiness did not materialize for many reasons (mistakes that both of them made): a tribute to fashion; Tatyana’s ignorance of the laws of social life, her carelessness; the desire to be free from family ties as Onegin; duel; Tatyana's marriage.

What lesson of life, what science of love did Pushkin teach us? (Life is harsh, in contrast to its beauty in books, in dreams; it is filled with human suffering, separations, late awareness of one’s mistakes and the inability to correct them, since it is impossible to turn back time, to live again (you cannot step into the same river twice). So it always was, so it is and so it will be...

What examples of such a fate of heroes in works of classical and modern literature do you know?

(“Romeo and Juliet” - literary heroes; M. Volkonskaya - in life. She, like Tatyana (in the r. “Eugene Onegin”), did not marry for love, but carried a high sense of duty throughout her life, went for her husband to Siberia...) The same destinies, sufferings, and mistakes of life are sung in the song “Shores” performed by A. Malinin. Let's listen to her.

9. (Musical pause.)

III. The final part of the lesson.

"The distance of a free novel."

1. The role of composition, its originality in revealing the ideological concept of the novel.

Questions for the class:

What can you say about the composition of the novel?

What is the role of chapter 8 in it?

What is unique about the composition of the novel “Eugene Onegin”? (answer)

Then Ya. (The composition is traditional, simple, since the novel reveals the typical fate of the heroes in the development of their love relationships. First: She loves him,

He won't notice her.

She writes him a letter and listens to his sermon.

Then: He loves her, she does not notice him; he writes her a letter, listens to her sermon. This often happens in life. This is a simple structure of the novel (mirror composition, reverse reflection.) But it emphasizes the complexity of human relationships and the experiences of our heroes.

Critics, readers about the novel.

2. Now let's turn to the opinions of critics and literary scholars (Pushkin's contemporaries and today). What did they find in the novel, what do they think about its characters?

(The statements of Belinsky, Herzen, Dostevsky, Merezhkovsky, Lotman, Kuchelbecker, Gukovsky end.) We read from the textbook and listen to individual information from the student.

Question to the class: -Are their opinions clear?

Answer: “No, they are different. Yes, many coincide..."

Question: “Why is that so?”

Conclusion (teacher): because our life is filled with diversity, movement of thoughts, destinies. The main thing in it is the ability to overcome difficulties, the ability to think, feel, love, warm others with your love, shine for others like a candle in a dark night, warm others who need it with the warmth of your outstretched hand. This is what the great Pushkin hoped for, and prayed to God for this: “God grant that in this book, reader, you could find even a grain.” I. Moiseev and A. Pugacheva sing about this in the song “Two Candles in a Dark Night.” (Light candles from one to another, join hands and listen to the song.)

2nd musical break.

Our journey through the pages of Pushkin’s favorite novel “Eugene Onegin” has ended, the last page of the life of his favorite heroes has closed. Take his wise advice with you into life, carefully, like a candle, carry your love through life and remember that love (as the poet told us) is a priceless gift, a divine gift! Learn from Pushkin all your life.

Lesson grades. They are ranked according to the number of tokens and their colors that the students earned during the lesson.


Write an essay on one of the suggested topics. (The topics were given in advance in one of the lessons at the beginning of the commented reading of the novel.)

Here is a list of these topics.

1. Why didn’t Onegin and Tatyana’s happiness happen? (Based on the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin.”)

2. The role of the episode (“Tatyana’s Dream”) in revealing the character and fate of the main character of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.”

3. “Where there are no passions,

Where there is no sadness -

There is no life there.

V. Belinsky

(Based on the novel “Eugene Onegin” or the student’s choice.)

4. “I love my dear Tatyana so much.”

A. Pushkin

5. Features of the genre and composition of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”.

6. My opinion about Onegin. (Based on the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin.”)

And they wait impatiently for “love to come unexpectedly.” In the confidence that then the bright, full-fledged joy of life will sound like a powerful, strong chord. Everyone is very fueled by the myth that “man is born for happiness, like a bird is born for flight.” And that each of us is born with the ability to love.

Maybe he does, but why doesn’t it occur to anyone that without development, any abilities can wither away.

What are these abilities? Why are people drawn to one person and shy away from another? What do you need to have to be loved? Money? Position? With your mind? Face? Clothes?

None of the above. You just need to have a full-fledged emotional sphere. And the richer a person’s palette of experiences, the more attractive he is to others. Because there is a living fire burning in him, to which both women and men are drawn. An emotionally complete person is never lonely!

Emotions are an unpopular topic. There are no discussions and polemics about emotions on TV; they are not discussed in the kitchen. They are not interested at all. We can say that this topic is closed in society. Or rather, not touched by anyone. This sacred knowledge is hidden from everyone because it is not in demand.

Meanwhile, all human life is built on emotions, tied and revolves around them. To get sensations, impressions and experiences, people read books and listen to music, start hobbies, go to fun discos and go on challenging hikes.

Do you think people dream of fame and power? No, about the experiences they can give. They even earn money to buy emotions. Because a new yacht or an old bicycle, a cheap bauble or natural diamonds, a picnic in a nearby grove or a cruise around the world are valuable only for the sensations they bring.

Moreover, the origins of any creativity originate in emotions. To create something, a person must be passionate about it. And the secret of charisma, which so many dream of, is hidden there - in a powerful, deep, “multi-colored” emotional sphere.

From the point of view of science, both love and happiness are the highest emotions that are inherent only to humans.

Animals do not have love because they do not have higher emotions. And they get along just fine without it. Look, wolves have stable monogamous couples, when the she-wolf is “on maternity leave”, the wolf does not drink, does not run to the left, but regularly carries food to her. Some people could use a lesson.

True, animals are not happy. They are capable of experiencing pleasure, but not happiness. They don't have this center in their brain.

But a person has. Perhaps that is why both happiness and love belong rather to the category of the divine.

However, in man, animal and divine principles are combined in a surprising and not at all harmonious way.

The human aversion to tension makes him dream of having happiness, but without effort. And then happiness is declared to be well-fed peace, like that of animals in a zoo. And everything is called love, from sexual attraction to the social attitude: “it’s time to have a family.”

If only those who dream of love listened not only to fashionable songs, but also read smart books! They would learn that love does not always bring joy and pleasure. Never peace. Sometimes death.

And about happiness in the encyclopedic dictionary it is written that it is “a feeling of completeness and meaningfulness of life.” I’m afraid we’re not talking about external indicators – family-career-house-full-cup, but about something completely different, not known to many. When life is not feared and not invented. When they perceive it in all its diversity and respond to its signs, like a sensitive tuning fork. And for this it boils inside a person and around him.

By the way, a person experiences the most vivid sensations from happiness that did not fall on his head, but through suffering. When he could, he achieved, he conquered, he achieved. These are rare conditions. They are truly about love. Sometimes to a person. Sometimes to Business. Always towards Life.

It’s surprising that only fiction and speculation circulate about this most important area in a person’s life. Heaps of books have been written on how to develop will, memory, and intelligence. They never say “develop” about emotions, but only “control”. This means avoiding “negative” feelings at all costs. For some reason, most people are sure that a person does not need fear and anger. That nature and the Lord God created them foolishly. And a person’s task is to remove unnecessary things from himself.

So in the middle of the twentieth century, swamps were drained, not taking into account that nature has its own laws. The swamps disappeared, but insects disappeared with them, birds died out behind them - the ecology was disrupted.

As in nature, there is nothing unnecessary in the human soul. Each sense has its own function and purpose. There are no good or bad emotions, there are adequate and inadequate, appropriate and inappropriate.

As in nature, the emotional sphere of man has its own complex and fragile balance. It is easy to break, but so difficult to restore.

A person with well-developed emotionality receives incomparably more pleasure from work and rest, from communicating with art, people and nature, from food and sex... from life! They say about such a person: he has courage, drive.

And these people also feel inner independence. No wonder they irritate society. After all, they feel in their own way, and not “as is customary”! Therefore, there are many who want to drive the divine gift into a Procrustean bed. Here is the state, which needs silent robots. And loving parents who carefully trim their child’s wings so that he doesn’t fly far. Oh no, no one wants harm. But how often crimes are committed not out of malice, but out of ignorance.

Various kinds of trainings have also appeared that deal with the emasculation of emotions. They promise to teach you to be forever happy, or at least always in a good mood. It’s called “seeing the positive in everything.” How is that? Having never experienced suffering? Neither from mistakes, from which, as you know, one learns, nor from one’s own stupidity or meanness? Mental pain is a sign, a beacon, a landmark, it signals, it screams - understand and be smarter! Pain is the touch of God. K. Kedrov.

The current fashionable trick, which is taught in trainings, is to track down and cut off “bad” feelings in yourself, nip them in the bud, right in the morning. But while a person with the enthusiasm of a barbarian suppresses anger and indignation, at the same time their antipodes die in him - delight and admiration. Thus, a person makes himself a mental invalid. “If you can't feel madness, you can't feel love.” Shri Rajeenish

And even if a good fairy appears who sends such a person to the Ball of Life; even if there, at the ball, he will be invited by the most beautiful and intelligent people on the planet... He will not experience anything special. Because with a poor emotional sphere, any event falling into this half-dead swamp will cause only a short surge of sensations. Quiet and dim. And again we will blame everything on “bad luck”.

However, it’s a sin to blame the training. They just fulfill the dream of the average person about Control over the senses.

I think many would be quite happy if emotions were sold bottled. Sort of like a home bar fridge. So that when your soul gets hungry, you can take it out, drink a glass and put it back. For example, once a week on Saturdays. Or once a year on vacation.

Probably, if there was a boutique selling feelings, it would be a great success. I can imagine a dialogue with a salesman in a similar store.

– Give me some Quiet Joy.
- Maybe you can take something else? Delight?
- No, it's too loud. Neighbors may call the police for noise.

– Delight, it will be inside you.
– What’s good about him?
- It overwhelms, captures...
– Captivating? Then I’ll call the police myself!
- Excuse me, but do you have True Love?
- Certainly!
– Isn’t this a dangerous emotion?
“It makes a person vulnerable.”
- Then don't. Give Easy Falling in Love and Low Sexual Attraction.

– Maybe Passion?
- Come on, I’m a decent woman!
- And give me the Feelings of the Celebration of Life. Oh, why do they shimmer so much? Is there any regulated holiday?

- This is not a holiday...
- It’s okay, it’ll do for me. Otherwise, you will get hooked on these Strong Emotions of yours, and God forbid, you will fall in love with Life. But when everything is not good, it’s not a pity to die...

I have been working in the emotional sphere for 20 years. In the first years, I had to literally collect knowledge about it bit by bit, look for literature and specialists. It took a long time before I was able to work with emotions without fear of causing harm. Naturally, it horrifies me when everyone, whoever they please, climbs into this subtle sphere, some with a sledgehammer, some with a hammer, some with a velvet noose.

Maybe that’s why a healthy, full-fledged emotional sphere, not crippled by relatives and society, is extremely rare? Maybe that’s why real, undistilled feelings are so rare: a taste for life, a taste for life, love, and happiness?..

Like everyone else, I have hard days and easy days. But always, when I go to work, instead of blood, champagne plays and boils in me. When I return, it’s different, depending on how the group I’m leading went. Sometimes there is a black hole in the chest. Sometimes fireworks.

But by the end of the week I have a living, fragrant bouquet of different impressions. In a month a greenhouse appears, in a year a huge garden appears. Imagine, I live in this garden! And all the flowers there are real. I evoke a memory and it comes to life, I can immerse myself in it, hear smells, sounds, taste.

I know what fear, melancholy, hatred are. But I also know what tenderness, jubilation, admiration are, and what it’s like to soar in the clouds, and what it’s like to die and be reborn in love...

There are flowers that I am ashamed to look at. Or it hurts. But I don't weed them out. After all, this is a precious emotional experience of my one and only life.

Leo Tolstoy believed that “all the diversity, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of shadow and light.” I am ready to sign these words in blood. And champagne!

Lesson summary

“Why didn’t happiness happen?

Tatiana Larina and Evgeny Onegin?

(The theme of love in R.

"Eugene Onegin".)

Lesson that concludes the in-depth

reading a novel.

A lesson teaching essay-reasoning.

Lesson teaching how to make a plan

ordinary and quotation plan.


Lesson objectives:

1. Complete an in-depth reading of the novel “Eugene Onegin.”

2. Analyze chapter 8 and answer the main question of the lesson.

3. Determine what is unique about the genre of writing - reasoning, and name its components.

The main objective of the lesson:

learning to write an essay plan.


group, research, creative.


Illustrations for the novel and drawings by students;

Recordings of Onegin and Tatiana's arias;

Texts of the novel;

Textbook on literature 10th grade. ;

Decorated board.

Plan. (Lesson and as an essay plan).



I. Love and happiness are very close concepts.

II. Onegin and Tatyana are two banks of one life - a river.

1. Captured by books and light.

2. Meeting of heroes. (Village).

3. Letter from Tatiana.

4. Garden date.

5. Separation. (Duel, departure of Onegin).

6. New meeting. (Petersburg.)

7. Last date. Separation forever.

III. 1. The originality and role of composition in revealing the main plot line of the novel - the failed happiness of the author’s favorite characters.

“God grant that in this book you (the reader) can find at least a particle.”


I. "Love is the heart of everything."

Main part.

II. “The shores, the shores. This bank and that bank - between them is the river of our life.”

1. She“I fell in love with the novels of both Richardson and Rousseau.”

He"like Childe Harold sullen."

2. She: “You just walked in, I instantly recognized...”

He: “Tell me, which one is Tatyana?”

3. She: “I recognize that you were sent to me by God.”


4. She“I listened, barely breathing.”

He: “Your perfections are in vain. I’m not worthy of them at all.”

5. He:“Another thing separated us, Lensky fell an unfortunate victim.” (Or "From everything that heart nice, then I tore it off.”


6. He: “How Tatiana has changed! - Goddess of the royal Neva!”

She"... doesn't notice him."

7. He: “What a mistake I was, how I was punished!”



III. 1. “Forever alive, forever new.”

(Opinions and judgments about the novel from critics and readers of different eras).

Preparatory work.

1. Draw illustrations for the 8th chapter of the novel (your own, not copy them).

3. Answer the questions in writing (in workbooks):

How does the novel end? (Chapter 8).

Who and what is the whole novel about?

Your understanding(s):

What is love?

what is happiness? Are they related?

Under what circumstances, where, how did Tatyana and Evgeny Onegin meet?

Why didn’t Onegin reciprocate, although he immediately noted her intelligence, modesty, and spiritual beauty?

Tatiana's letter to Onegin. How does it reveal Tatyana’s character and nature?

Onegin's confession to Tatyana (date in the garden) in response to her letter. How does it characterize Onegin, what are his character traits?

Why did the duel between Onegin and Lensky take place, because they were friends?

Have our heroes (Onegin and Tatyana) changed during the 2 years of separation?

Why did Onegin now fall in love with Tatiana, a society lady?

Why did Tatyana refuse Onegin now?

Who do you feel more sorry for: Tatiana or Onegin? And Pushkin?

Why does Pushkin leave his hero (Onegin) at such a fatal moment for him, and the novel remains unfinished?

Is it possible to continue it? If so, how would you complete it? Try writing another chapter (you can do it in prose, of course).

Why, in your opinion, did Onegin and Tatyana not become happy?

Or maybe they found a different kind of happiness? What? What is the ideal of the poet Pushkin?

Individual tasks.

1. Prepare brief information (repetition) about romanticism, sentimentalism, the uniqueness of their development in Russia (2 students). The material is in the textbook.

2. Prepare an expressive memorization of Tatyana’s letter (with my abbreviations) (1 student).

3. Re-enactment of the last date between Onegin and Tatiana (St. Petersburg). (I compiled it myself based on Onegin’s letter, chapter 8. I prepared its performance.)

4. 2 individual tasks about Tatiana and Onegin: - a report about Onegin’s journey and how he appeared in St. Petersburg; - a message about what events happened in Tatiana’s life during Onegin’s absence, how are they explained?

Design of the board for the lesson.

Notes on the board: topic, goals, tasks, plan. (The plan is the usual (left side) of the board, and the right is empty).

During the classes.

I. Introduction.

"Love is the heart of everything." (Or love and happiness are very close concepts.)

1. Guys, what and who is this novel about? (About love, about unfulfilled hopes, about young people of the 10s-20s of the 19th century.)

2. What is love? What meaning do you give to this word? What does Pushkin mean by the word love? (The guys name the words: love is passion, suffering, illness, illness, happiness or unhappiness, family; this is life, favorite job, beloved friends...)

I have already prepared these words on pieces of paper in advance and drawn a heart. I attach these words to it (like rays) (or all this on the poster).

It turns out that this is the basic outline (the guys can draw it in their notebooks)

Favorite job life

beloved friends passion


family Children

misfortune illness

happiness illness

3. What is happiness? (We do the same vocabulary work with this word.)

Sun (happiness): a sense of accomplishment, life, love, light, warmth of the family hearth, children, service to the Fatherland.

Let's write down the first output:

Love and happiness are very close concepts, they always coexist, one is revealed through the other. These words are synonyms. The novel “Eugene Onegin” is a novel about love, but one that failed and did not become happiness.

So today in class we will try to find out the reasons why the happiness of Tatyana and Onegin did not happen, what are the reasons. This is the topic of the lesson.

Let's move on to the main part of our reasoning.

II. Main part.

1. Captured by books and light.

1. A brief literary dictionary reference about sentimentalism and romanticism and the peculiarities of their development in Russia. (2 students are prepared in advance.)

2. Conversation with students.

Do you guys find the presence of these trends in literature regarding the novel “Eugene Onegin”? (Yes, especially since Pushkin himself called his work a “novel.”)

What is this novel: a tribute to fashion, that is, romanticism that was fashionable at that time, or an attempt by the author to explain the characters of his heroes and their relationships? (Both.)

What are our main characters Onegin and Tatyana? What can you tell about them (based on the first chapters of the novel) about their lifestyle, hobbies, habits? (To save time, 2 previously prepared students can briefly talk about them.)

We write down the output: Onegin and Tatyana live the life of book heroes, like all the youth of 10-20: Tatyana - Richardson, Rousseau; Onegin - Byron (“Childe Harold”), Benjamin Constant (“Adolph”).

Pushkin himself was fascinated by them and studied them! That is, Onegin and Tatyana are typical representatives of youth of the early 19th century, they are no exception, they are the same tribute to fashion; This is captivity, this is deception, these are mistakes, delusions, living under the impression of what you read. (" She fell in love with the deceptions of both Richardson and Rousseau”; He"like Childe Harold sullen.")

2. Meeting. (Village).

Briefly tell us how, under what circumstances, where did Onegin and Tatyana meet for the first time? (In the village, Lensky invited a friend to the Larins.)

What was this meeting like for Tatyana? (Fatal!)

Why fatal? What is the consequence of this meeting? (Tatyana falls in love with Onegin, but unrequitedly!) She: “You just walked in, I recognized it instantly.” He: “Tell me, which one is Tatyana?”

3. Letter (from Tatyana).

A student (in Tatiana's costume) reads by heart (abbreviated) Tatiana's letter.

Question for the class:

What can you say about Tatyana’s feelings, what are they?

How does the letter reveal Tatyana’s nature and character? (Her feelings are sincere, pure, strong, she fell in love for the rest of her life. She is an integral nature, but too trusting, believes in fate, etc.)

She: “I know you were sent to me by God.”

He:“...I was touched by innocent Tanya’s letter.”

4. Date. (In the garden.)

Why did Tatyana fall in love with Onegin at first sight?

(I read books, waited for my hero, saw him in Onegin - mysterious, different; I believed in the destiny of fate.)

Why didn't Onegin take advantage? divine gift, which fate sent him?

(I didn’t want to lose the freedom that I had just gained by leaving the “light” of St. Petersburg; he still was not able to love himself and couldn't appreciate the love of another.) But he showed gratitude, warning where “inexperience leads.”

She: “... listened, barely breathing.”

He: “Your perfections are in vain,

I’m not worthy of them at all.”

5. Separation. (Duel, departure of Onegin.)

What caused the separation of Onegin and Tatiana? (Duel, death of Lensky.)

Why took place Onegin's duel with Lensky? A duel between friends?

(“The spring of honor is our idol.

And this is what the world revolves on!”)

Fear of gossip, rumors. Yes, and they are friends “with nothing to do.”

It turns out that Onegin is incapable of either love or friendship, because he is not free from the “light”, its laws. Only then will it come to him.

He: “Another thing has separated us,

Lensky fell an unfortunate victim.”

(Or "From everything that sweet to my heart,

Then I tore my heart out.")

She(in Onegin’s house): “Isn’t he a parody?”

The student and student briefly talk about how and where Onegin and Tatyana lived for two years apart:

about Onegin - travel and what returned to St. Petersburg as greeted;

about Tatyana - a series of events in her life, her feelings, thoughts, new external the appearance of the heroine.

6. New meeting. (Petersburg.)

How does St. Petersburg find Onegin’s “light”, and why?

(Strange, he doesn’t look like his former self, doesn’t look like them.)

What does the “light” advise Onegin? (Be like everyone else.)

What do you think is the “strangeness of Onegin”? What has changed in him? (I began to notice people, became capable of feeling, suffering, fell in love!)

How does he find Tatyana now? (He finds no trace of the former humble girl. She is unapproachable, cold: “Goddess of the royal Neva!”) He: “Goddess of the royal Neva!” She: “... doesn’t notice him.”

Let's see this with our own eyes.

7. Staging. "Last date."

(Last date scene

Onegin and Tatiana.)

It is based on Onegin’s letter, chapter 8 of the novel.

How is this date different from the first one, in the garden, in the village? (Onegin has become himself, loves, suffers, but does not find the same Tanya. The situation has changed just the other way around. She is now teaching him a lesson in morality.)

How does Tatyana motivate Onegin’s sudden love for herself? Answer with lines from the novel. (Which is noble, that in the world, that her shame would be noticed by everyone.)

What do you think: is she right? (No! He loves sincerely, repents of his previous mistakes, that then “he didn’t give in to the habit”, that “he didn’t want to lose his hateful freedom.”)

What do they both understand? (that they both love each other. That Tanya is the same, that Onegin is different, but that happiness is impossible.)

Why does Tatyana ask to leave her? (She got married, is faithful to duty, values ​​her husband’s honor, respects him, because he is a noble, battle-wounded general, respected by everyone.) He: “How wrong I was, how I was punished.” She: “But I was given to another, I will be faithful to him forever.”

8. What mistakes did they both make?

(Tatyana got married, yielding to her mother’s pleas, and “all the lots were equal” to her; Onegin once did not believe himself (“the habit was given to us from above”), he could not once become above the “light.”)

Conclusion: Their happiness did not happen for many reasons (mistakes that both of them made): a tribute to fashion; Tatyana’s ignorance of the laws of social life, her carelessness; the desire to be free from family ties as Onegin; duel; Tatyana's marriage.

What lesson of life, what science of love did Pushkin teach us? (Life is harsh, in contrast to its beauty in books, in dreams; it is filled with human suffering, separations, late awareness of one’s mistakes and the inability to correct them, since it is impossible to turn back time, to live again (you cannot step into the same river twice). So it always was, so it is and so it will be...

What examples of such a fate of heroes in works of classical and modern literature do you know?

(“Romeo and Juliet” - literary heroes; M. Volkonskaya - in life. She did not marry, like Tatyana (in the r. “Eugene Onegin”), for love, but she carried a high sense of duty throughout her life, went for her husband to Siberia...) The same destinies, sufferings, and mistakes of life are sung in the song “Shores” performed by A. Malinin. Let's listen to her.

9. (Musical pause.)

III. The final part of the lesson.

"The distance of a free novel."

1. The role of composition, its originality in revealing the ideological concept of the novel.

Questions for the class:

What can you say about the composition of the novel?

What is the role of chapter 8 in it?

What is unique about the composition of the novel “Eugene Onegin”? (answer)

Then I.(The composition is traditional and simple, since the novel reveals the typical fate of the heroes in the development of their love relationships.

First: She loves him

He won't notice her.

She writes him a letter and listens to his sermon.

Then: He loves her, she does not notice him; he writes her a letter, listens to her sermon

This often happens in life. This is a simple structure of the novel (mirror composition, reverse reflection.) But it emphasizes the complexity of human relationships and the experiences of our heroes.

Critics, readers about the novel.

2. Now let's turn to the opinions of critics and literary scholars (Pushkin's contemporaries and today). What did they find in the novel, what do they think about its characters?

(The statements of Belinsky, Herzen, Dostevsky, Merezhkovsky, Lotman, Kuchelbecker, Gukovsky end.) We read from the textbook and listen to individual information from the student.

Question for the class: - Are their opinions clear?

Answer: “No, different. Yes, many coincide..."

Question: "And why?"

Answer: …

Conclusion (teacher): because our life is filled with diversity, movement of thoughts, destinies. The main thing in it is the ability to overcome difficulties, the ability to think, feel, love, warm others with your love, shine for others like a candle in a dark night, warm others who need it with the warmth of your outstretched hand. This is what the great Pushkin hoped for, and prayed to God for this: “God grant that in this book, reader, you could find even a grain.” I. Moiseev and A. Pugacheva sing about this in the song “Two Candles in a Dark Night.” (Light candles from one to another, join hands and listen to the song.)

2nd musical break.

Our journey through the pages of Pushkin’s favorite novel “Eugene Onegin” has ended, the last page of the life of his favorite heroes has closed. Take his wise advice with you into life, carefully, like a candle, carry your love through life and remember that love (as the poet told us) is a priceless gift, a divine gift! Learn from Pushkin all your life.

Lesson grades. They are ranked according to the number of tokens and their colors that the students earned during the lesson.


Write an essay on one of the suggested topics. (The topics were given in advance in one of the lessons at the beginning of the commented reading of the novel.)

Here is a list of these topics.

1. Why didn’t Onegin and Tatyana’s happiness happen? (Based on the novel “Eugene Onegin.”)

2. The role of the episode (“Tatyana’s Dream”) in revealing the character and fate of the main character of the novel “Eugene Onegin.”

3. “Where there are no passions,

Where there is no sadness -

There is no life there.

V. Belinsky

(Based on the novel “Eugene Onegin” or the student’s choice.)

4. “I love my dear Tatyana so much.”

A. Pushkin

5. Features of the genre and composition of the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

6. My opinion about Onegin. (Based on the novel “Eugene Onegin.”)