Dragon h inquisition love line. Walkthrough of romantic lines in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Throughout the series Dragon Age one of the main components of the game was love relationship. Dragon Age Inquisition also does not deviate from the ideals of his older brothers. Let's start with the fact that gifts have been removed from the DAI and relationships can only be improved with the help of dialogues and some quest choices (kill/keep alive). Each character has his own point of view and only considers it the only correct one. If you do as he wants, the hero will approve of your decision, otherwise he will condemn you.
There are 8 romances available in the game, both regular and same-sex. You can start romances with, and.


A character who immediately catches our eye and enlivens our lives throughout the game. Cassandra can only romance a male character, regardless of race.

During the trip, you will be able to agree with her methods and do the same, this will increase her sympathy for you. Also, flirt at every opportunity. After completing the personal tasks “Unfinished Business”, “Secret Hobby” and “Right of Destruction”, she will ask you about your feelings for her, then it’s up to you to decide how and where this road of love will lead you.


Knight Commander of the Templars, who decided to leave his post for the purposes of the Inquisition. Cullen has his own taste, and therefore only a girl of the human or elven race can get close to him.
To start a romance, you need to constantly show sympathy for him and flirt. Only lyrium can destroy your relationship; if you care about Cullen, do not ask him to work with this thing!


Unique character, because only she doesn’t have “ bed scene"and the whole novel rests on the love of the heroes. Any man and any woman can start an affair with her. To do this, you need to constantly flirt and go through several personal quests: “Evil Rock” and “Duel”. Next, Leliana will challenge you to a serious conversation, in which everything will fall into place.


Here it is, the love of all female elven characters - Solas. The renegade magician who, from the very beginning of the game, helps our hero fight the threat of invasion. In order for our elf to reciprocate your feelings, you must be romantic in every dialogue and try to act as Solas himself would act. An important point is whether you kill the spirit on Solas’ personal mission.


This very cheerful and playful elf greets us with an arrow and a task to find things. She loves to play pranks on everyone and prefers a brutal method of destroying her enemies. Sera also does not believe in Andraste and everything connected with her. In terms of race, Serah is open. All female characters can start a romance with her after completing personal tasks.


Blackwall is a Gray Warden and also a companion to our protagonist. He is lonely in life and tries to stick to his path as a Gray Guardian.
Maintaining a relationship with Blackwall requires being a fair and merciful woman of any race. After completing his personal quests “In Memory of the Guardians” and “Revelation”, he will leave Skyhold and become unavailable to the group, the quest “Revelations” begins. In Val Royeaux, free him from captivity and encourage him to fulfill his duty in the ranks of the Inquisition. After he returns to the Inquisition, you can talk to him about your romantic relationship.

Iron Bull

Iron Bull is a Qunari who created his own mercenary squad and joined the Inquisition. His behavior is unique to Qunari. He respects Kun, but at the same time often violates it.
After completing his personal quest "Kun Requirements", regardless of the character's race and gender, he will tell you about some customs and rules. If everything suits you, then you will begin another personal task, at the end of which you will find a fun video scene and the beginning of a romance with the Bull.


Dorian is a Tevinter mage who joined the Inquisition. He was born into a prestigious family and developed his magical gifts. Dorian is very proud, and disillusioned with Tevinter, he became an outcast.
To start a relationship with Dorian, you need to complete his first personal task. After this, Leliana will give you a second task. Be careful, as killing Ponchard will end the quest and your relationship with Dorian. A man of any race can start an affair.

Everyone knows that role-playing games from Bioware have one interesting feature- you can, through various manipulations, achieve a romance with one or another character and even get to the so-called adult content like love lines in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Below we will briefly describe which character you can start a relationship with and what approximately you need to do for this.


Peculiarities: she is fanatical about religion, so reproaches for this should be avoided. Teasing remarks and jabs are best. You'll have to wait a while before this character agree to a romantic relationship. Naturally, nothing will happen if you do not complete the romantic task with flowers and romance.


Preferences: Exclusively men.

Previously, there were no such precedents, but now we see the first magician in the game with a completely unconventional orientation. Questionable entertainment, but if you really want to have fun, then there is this option to choose from.

Make jokes, emphasize his courage, complete the side quest and get what you wanted.


A stern Gray Warden who can be found in the Hinterlands and accepted into the team. By the way, you can flirt almost immediately, and thus lure him to you, to the Inquisition.

The character is very trusting and easily has nice conversations with ladies who have not paid attention to him for a long time.


Preferences: Women only.

Another character who received exclusively gay. She has a great sense of humor, but inappropriate behavior and an extremely strange style.

You can start by telling her that you like her and then continue chatting with her from time to time in the Vault Tavern. The more you communicate with her, the more the character will reveal herself on the other side.

Love Lines in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Preferences - All genders and races;

This is a skilled warrior and spy who, for the sake of a good cause, is ready for any experiments. By starting a romance with him, you will learn that intimacy for the Qunari is something simply necessary purely for physical needs, rather than for feelings.

For him to show interest in you, you will have to persist for a very long time and try to appeal to something vaguely similar to romance.


Preferences - Exclusively elves.

This character is only interested in representatives of his own family. Moreover, to win the heart of a Shadow specialist you will need to put in a lot of effort.

To achieve success, support him and be interested in his preferences, support free magicians and lay flowers on Dalish shrines.


Preferences - Exclusively elves or human women.

A character with whom it will be quite easy to flirt - you yourself will not understand how at some point a romantic relationship will begin between the characters.


Preferences - All genders and races.

There are quite a few options for flirting with her, so starting a relationship will be quite easy. The character has a playful personality and with the help sharp mind and diplomacy you can achieve pretty good results.

You will not be able to have romantic relationships with other companions and non-companions for one reason or another.

Even in such inhumane conditions there is room for flirting, sex and even high feelings. If you plan not only to decide the fate of the world, but also at the same time to build close relationships with your subordinates, then our guide will be useful to you. With him, you will instantly turn into the main heartthrob of Thedas.

There are a total of eight potential partners in Dragon Age: Inquisition: Cassandra, Blackwall, Josephine, Iron Bull, Sera, Dorian, Cullen and Solas. Each of them has their own tastes: some prefer heterosexual relationships, some are ready to get close only to representatives of certain races, and for others, all this makes no difference - as long as the person/dwarf/elf/qunari is good.

In addition, the heroes of Inquisition have their own beliefs and unique personalities. Therefore, it is important not only to be courteous and flirt tirelessly, but also to ensure that your words and deeds coincide with the views of the target. The religious Cassandra will not tolerate blasphemy, Blackwall will condemn any injustice, and Josephine will be disappointed in you if you decide to neglect diplomacy in favor of a military campaign.

If you like one of the heroes, talk to him more often. This way you will learn more about the character’s biography and views, and at the same time you will be able to give him a compliment. All this will have a positive impact on your relationship and open up new opportunities for romance.



Important facts: religious, fully and completely supports the Church. Believes that the Inquisitor is indeed Andraste's Herald.

Stern, decisive and impenetrable - this is what Cassandra seems to be at first glance. But only at first: later you will discover that the Seeker reacts quite adequately to compliments, loves poetry and is even interested in sentimental novels.

It’s quite easy to develop a relationship with her. First, ask her to talk about her past. In further dialogues, do not miss opportunities for flirting. Every time you return to the base, do not forget to visit it. The main thing is to be careful in matters of religion.



Important facts: appreciates mercy and helping the suffering. Believes that every villain deserves a second chance.

Blackwall is Justice incarnate with a beard. Tries to make the world a better place and values ​​people who share his beliefs. Doesn't like big companies, prefers to stay apart.

The shortest way to his heart is through good deeds. If you are used to playing good heroes, then you will very soon earn the trust of Blackwall. As soon as your relationship begins to develop from friendship to romance, he will pull away. Don't give up - very soon the Gray Guardian will trust you completely and tell you his main secret.



Important facts: believes that diplomacy is The best way to resolve a conflict.

Chief diplomat in the Inquisition. Josephine is responsible for the political influence of the organization and seeks to expand it. He values ​​etiquette and manners and behaves politely with everyone, although he is quite relaxed when alone with the hero.

To win Josephine's sympathy, it is enough to listen to her advice. At some point she will ask you to talk to her best friend, Leliana. It is better not to lie in a conversation with the main spy of the Inquisition - especially when she asks about your relationship to Josephine.

Iron Bull

Partner: inquisitor of any gender and race

Important facts: loves a good fight and drinking. He works on two fronts - with the Inquisition and Qunari intelligence. He doesn’t hide it because he values ​​honesty very much.

The Iron Bull gets equal pleasure from both sitting in a tavern and fighting on the battlefield. This good-natured mercenary takes everything lightly, if not frivolously. Nevertheless, for the sake of his friends, he is ready to risk his life, which he will prove more than once.

At first, the Iron Bull hardly reacts to compliments and flirting, but over time this will change. Be sure to ask him about the Qunari race and their culture. On your way back to base, don't miss the opportunity to have a drink with the Iron Bull and his team of mercenaries. And, yes - be honest.


Partner: female inquisitor of any race

Important facts: cynical and conflicting. An atheist, he can’t stand stories about religion and the lost greatness of the elves. Treats people well with a sense of humor, loves practical jokes.

It's difficult with Sera. He is constantly insolent, mocks his party members, steals and responds to compliments with sarcastic witticisms. But there is an approach to it too.

Do not try to somehow limit or control her, otherwise a quarrel cannot be avoided. Do not be offended by her attacks, but rather turn everything into a joke. If she is in your party, then always take the side of the poor, orphans and other disadvantaged people.

One last thing: although Sera strives to protect the oppressed, she is ruthless when it comes to evildoers. Therefore, he would rather approve of execution than imprisonment or pardon. Remember this when you pass judgment on defeated enemies.


Partner: male inquisitor of any race

Important facts: proud and sarcastic. Can't stand it when his intellect and magical abilities are questioned. Opposes the Tevinter Empire, from which he fled in his youth.

The magician Dorian almost always behaves arrogantly and distrustfully - at least with people he doesn’t know well. He needs a partner with whom he could communicate on equal terms. Therefore, in a conversation with him, do not hesitate to demonstrate your erudition and intelligence. In response, you may receive a sarcastic remark, but you should not be rude in response - Dorian is sensitive to any criticism.

At the same time, the wizard tries to make the world best place. He reacts sharply to any injustice, so there is no need to execute everyone indiscriminately and eat children. Dorian hates the Tevinter Empire and will appreciate it if you support him in this.


Partner: elf woman or human woman

Important facts: trying to get rid of lyrium addiction. A supporter of the templars, not magicians.

Cullen is a former templar who is trying to return to ordinary life. He is at the head of the army of the Inquisition. Cullen is a soldier by nature, so he prefers military action to diplomatic negotiations.

Suffering from withdrawal symptoms after a long addiction to Lyria. His sore point is that because of this, he will someday fail the Inquisitor and fail in his duty. Cullen will appreciate it if you help him overcome his addiction and support the former templar in his decision to give up lyrium. Loyalty is very important to Cullen, so only characters who are not in a relationship with other characters can begin an affair with him.


Partner: elf woman

Important facts: inquisitive and respects the thirst for knowledge. Believes that there is no absolute evil or good, sees the world in gray tones. Sometimes it seems that he loves spirits and other otherworldly entities more than people.

A solitary elf, a great expert in magic, history and mythology. Seeks to further expand his knowledge about ancient world and treats people well who help him with this.

Solas' approval is easy to get if you try to squeeze as much information out of dialogue as possible. Ask him to talk about travel, magic, the Veil, and the history of the elves. Give up categorical judgments about good and evil, because Solas believes that there is a place for sin and virtue everywhere. And most importantly, do not offend the spirits. He won't forgive this.

Dear friends, we bring to your attention translation small review dedicated to love relationships in Dragon Age: Inquisition, which was published by the project's creative director Mike Laidlaw on the official forum.

SPOILER ALERT! This post reveals the secret of all possible romantic relationships that will take place in the game. If you want to keep the intrigue until November, then we warn you in advance. In case you want to know everything right now, then continue reading.

Let's take a moment to talk about romantic relationships in Dragon Age: Inquisition, what do you think?

It's time to ask: " Why even reveal all the characters you can romance? Wouldn't it be better to leave everything a secret and let the players figure it out for themselves as the game progresses?"While some gamers understandably prefer to go into games completely unaware, the truth is that the game Dragon Age: Inquisition huge. The story takes a long time to unfold, as do the relationships players develop with party members. As a result, you can lose enough long time before you discover that the team member is not at all interested in the relationship.

Again, many people prefer this kind of discovery. Also, many players themselves are not interested in starting romances with anyone. We developed everything so that every party member had worthy story for those gamers who show interest in them, romantically or not. We realized, however, that for many players, love relationships are incredibly important detail– one of those for the development of which we allocated a large number of time - and they prefer to be informed ahead of time to set their hearts on a certain character, only to be disappointed in the end.

In the water part, we will say a few words about the goals of developing love relationships: first, we want to give the power of choice to our players. This does not mean that all choices will be available to everyone - it does mean that no matter what type game character you have chosen, more than one option for possible love relationships will be available to him. This doesn't guarantee that the player will find a particular character to like personally - which would be the basis for starting a romance, even if every character in the game could enter into a relationship with anyone - but it does a great job of letting every player know what we think about them not as an afterthought.

Secondly, we want our characters to be internally fulfilled. Everyone has it significant character Dragon Age: Inquisition have a story, personal goals, and ideas about how your journey together should unfold; sometimes romance doesn't matter to them, and sometimes it does. In any case, we're not trying to justify why a character shouldn't be a love interest—we're looking at what the romance would make sense in light of their further history, and how this novel will enhance an interesting story.

Lastly, a character being available for a romantic relationship does not guarantee its successful completion. These characters have their own agendas and opinions, and the choices the player makes throughout the game will have a definite impact on how they feel.

Taking all this into account, we want to give you information about who and with whom in the game will be able to have a love relationship. If you are not interested this information Before you plunge into the world of the Inquisition, consider this as a warning about SPOILER and don't read any further.

Still here? Then, let's go.

Below are the main options for novels. They are available to players of any race, and fulfill our core design intent by providing multiple options for everyone:

    Cassandra– interest in male characters
    Josephine- interest in female and male characters
    Iron Bull- interest in characters of both sexes
    Sera- interest in female characters.
    Dorian- interest in male characters.
Two " additional" Romance options were added to the game as a result of additional development time Dragon Age: Inquisition. They are limited in scope, mainly for reasons related to their history, but otherwise they are equal to the other options:
    Cullen- interest in female characters people and elves.
    Solas– interest only in elven female characters
All of the above means that our central characters are Varric, Vivien, Cole And Leliana will not be available for romantic advances. We know this may disappoint a lot of fans who have expressed interest in them, but we don't think they'll be missing out on anything because each character will be involved in their own meaningful story.

We can't wait until November when you can finally meet these actors, help them tell their stories, and explore this huge game with us.

Mike Laidlaw

Dialogue options will appear that can lead to the development of romantic relationships with these characters.

To develop a relationship, you need to take into account the possibilities of flirting with this character, gradually increase your rating and open the way to more serious things. You will also need to complete personal quests for squad members.

Now for individual characters.

Conditions for a novel: Woman of any race.
Personal quests: “The Lonely Guardian”, “In Memory of the Guardians”, “Revelations and Discoveries”.

Blackwall is a simple and straightforward character to relate to. Be honest and fair, try to help the less fortunate and show mercy to people who have failed. You can express your feelings for him immediately after the destruction of the Vault, but he will say that now is not the time. In order for him to trust you, you need to complete his quests and maintain his approval. He will eventually call you to the Storm Coast as part of a quest for a gift. According to the plot, he will leave Skyhold, but after completing his personal quest, you will either send him to the Gray Guardians, or offer him to choose own way. If he remains in the Inquisition, then you can fully develop a romance with him.

Conditions for a novel: Male of any race.
Personal quests: "One Venatori Down", "The Last Hope", "The Magister's Birthright".

Dorian is the first exclusively gay character in a BioWare game. You will only be able to start a relationship if you complete his personal plot. After that, you can talk to him and start having an affair. If you continue to develop the relationship, Leliana will call you to give you a special task. When completing this task, you need to leave Ponkard alive, otherwise the relationship cannot be developed further. After this, talk to him in Skyhold, where he will offer to go to your chambers. If you break off relations with him, there will be no negative effects.

Conditions for a novel
Personal quests: “Captain Bykov”, “Kun’s requirements”, “Love in Qunari style”.

Iron Bull is the easiest character to relate to. For romance, you just need to flirt with him and in the end you will find yourself in your chambers and can have sex with him. Iron Bull will then tell you the rules and consequences. You need to get a special medallion made from a dragon's tooth. Complete the task and confirm your feelings for him in public.

Conditions for a novel: Only available to female elf.
Personal quests: "Measuring the Veil", "All New, Faded for Her", "What Lies Dormant".

When talking with Solas, you must impress him by asking as much as possible more questions and see the world and especially the Shadow as he sees it. After getting some approval from Solas, kiss him at Skyhold. Shortly after this, Solas will ask you to free the captive spirit without killing it. If you fail this task, then an affair with him is almost impossible. By continuing to communicate, Solas will begin a serious relationship with you.

Conditions for a novel: Male of any race.
Personal quests: “Unfinished Business”, “Secret Passion”, “Right of Destruction”, “Perfect Date”.

To start a relationship, a little flirting and completing her quests are enough. Despite all her toughness and rudeness, she is a romantic at heart. At some point, you will catch her reading Varric's book and she will ask you to influence him to find out the ending. If you continue to develop a romance with Cassandra, she will say that this relationship will not lead anywhere, but you need to continue to insist and she will meet you halfway. It's also worth remembering that if you start a relationship with Cassandra, you won't be able to initiate romance with other characters. First, you have to break up with her to start a new romance.

Conditions for a novel: Woman of any race.
Personal quests: "Friends of Red Jenny", "Fast March: Verchille", "I asked...".

Sera always does everything her own way and doesn’t listen to anyone. Complete her personal quests and make sure you don't have active novels with other characters. Sera will not accept what happened in Mythal. If you believe this, your relationship with Serah will end.

An affair with two advisers is also possible.

Conditions for a novel: Female elf or human.
Personal quests: "Perseverance", "Happier Times", "Before the Dawn".

To start a relationship with Cullen, make sure that all previous relationships are severed, otherwise nothing will work out. Relationships develop relatively easily; it is enough to support this point of view and choose appropriate lines in dialogues. For him the most important topics there will be lyrium for conversation. If you convince Cullen to take lyrium, the relationship will most likely end.

Conditions for a novel: Available for characters of any race and gender.
Personal quests: Evil Rock".

Josephine is one of the most liberal women in romance. To start a relationship, talk to her in Skyhold and start and choose lines with a heart icon. Most of the dialogue will relate to politics. Complete the "Evil Fate" quest, and then discuss your relationship with Josephine with Leliana. Tell her you love Josevine, then go straight to the counselor and start a romance.