The scariest characters from horror films and their performers in everyday life.

Actors who play monsters in movies are not so scary in real life. Due to the lack of makeup, many are not even recognizable. Let's see what the living nightmares of horror movie lovers look like in everyday life.

Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) - Andrew Bryniarski

This is one of seven actors who played the role of a creepy maniac nicknamed Leatherface, who destroyed all living things with a chainsaw. The actor also stars in TV series and is actively involved in bodybuilding.

Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th (1980) - Ari Lehman

Ari Lehman was the first actor to play Jason Voorhees. Lehman became a version of the villain in his youth. The actor was only 15 when he was cast as Voorhees. He fit perfectly in size: despite his young age, his height was 180 cm.

Jack Torrance from The Shining (1980) - Jack Nicholson

Director Stanley Kubrick was confident that only Jack Nicholson would be suitable for this role, although both Robert De Niro and Robin Williams were allegedly considered for the role. Indeed, it is unlikely that anyone else would have coped with it as brilliantly.

Samara from the movie "The Ring" (2002) - Davey Chase

Fans of movies and TV series have probably seen Davey on screen more than once: she starred in “Donnie Darko” and in such series as “ER” and “Charmed.” But she is the creepy girl who crawled out of the TV in the movie “The Ring” and who continues to appear in many people’s nightmares.

Pinhead from Hellraiser (1987) - Doug Bradley

This is the very case when the actor becomes a kind of hostage to the role: Douglas Bradley played the same character in eight films in a row. He tried to act in films of other genres, but the role of Pinhead remained the most notable in his career. And one can hardly imagine any other actor in this role.

Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - Robert Englund

Having played a serial killer, Englund, like Doug Bradley, became an actor who starred in eight horror films in a row. He is still active in cinema, but is most popular in horror films.

Leprechaun from the movie "Leprechaun" (2003) - Warwick Davis

Davis has acted in many places and is a very sought-after actor. His portfolio includes roles in Harry Potter and Star Wars, and he is one of the most famous dwarf actors in Hollywood.

Valak from The Conjuring 2 (2016) - Bonnie Aarons

Bonnie Aarons is a very versatile actress with a striking appearance: she has starred in both horror and comedy films. In the second part of The Conjuring, she played the demon Valak, and this role brought her great popularity. It should be noted that the makeup artists in this film did their best.

Pennywise the Clown from the movie It (1990) - Tim Curry

British actor Tim Curry played the role of a creepy clown so brilliantly in the film adaptation of Stephen King's novel It that many people have developed a strong aversion to clowns. By the way, Curry is not only an actor, but also a singer and composer. In 2013, unfortunately, the actor suffered a stroke, due to which he now uses a wheelchair, but he did not stop actively working.

John Kramer from the movie "Saw" (2003) - Tobin Bell

This is the most famous role in Tobin Bell's career, but his face is also familiar to viewers from the series “The X-Files,” “Walker, Texas Ranger” and “ER.”


Just thinking about these characters gives me goosebumps: we all remember them from horror films, and many of them are the screen embodiment of urban legends that instilled fear in entire generations. Actors who play monsters in movies are not so scary in real life. Due to the lack of makeup, many are not even recognizable. Let's see what the living nightmares of horror movie lovers look like in everyday life.

Van Redin/New Line/REX/Shutterstock - Jim Smeal/BEI/REX/Shutterstock

Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) - Andrew Bryniarski

This is one of seven actors who played the role of a creepy maniac nicknamed Leatherface, who destroyed all living things with a chainsaw. The actor also stars in TV series and is actively involved in bodybuilding.

Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th (1980) - Ari Lehman

Ari Lehman was the first actor to play Jason Voorhees. Lehman became a version of the villain in his youth. The actor was only 15 when he was cast as Voorhees. He fit perfectly in size: despite his young age, his height was 180 cm.

Moviestore Collection/REX/Shutterstock - Beretta/Sims/REX/Shutterstock

Jack Torrance from The Shining (1980) - Jack Nicholson

Director Stanley Kubrick was confident that only Jack Nicholson would be suitable for this role, although both Robert De Niro and Robin Williams were allegedly considered for the role. Indeed, it is unlikely that anyone else would have coped with it as brilliantly.

Merrick Morton/Dreamworks Llc/Macdonald/Parkes Productions/REX/Shutterstock - Jim Smeal/BEI/REX/Shutterstock

Samara from the movie "The Ring" (2002) - Davey Chase

Fans of movies and TV series have probably seen Davey on screen more than once: she starred in “Donnie Darko” and in such series as “ER” and “Charmed.” But she is the creepy girl who crawled out of the TV in the movie “The Ring” and who continues to appear in many people’s nightmares.

Nostradamus/REX/Shutterstock - REX/Shutterstock

Pinhead from Hellraiser (1987) - Doug Bradley

This is the very case when the actor becomes a kind of hostage to the role: Douglas Bradley played the same character in eight films in a row. He tried to act in films of other genres, but the role of Pinhead remained the most notable in his career. And one can hardly imagine any other actor in this role.

New Line/The Elm Street Venture/REX/Shutterstock - Nacho Lopez/DYDPPA/REX/Shutterstock

Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - Robert Englund

Having played a serial killer, Englund, like Doug Bradley, became an actor who starred in eight horror films in a row. He is still active in cinema, but is most popular in horror films.

Lions Gate Films/REX/Shutterstock - Ken McKay/ITV/REX/Shutterstock

Leprechaun from the movie "Leprechaun" (2003) - Warwick Davis

Davis has acted in many places and is a very sought-after actor. His portfolio includes roles in Harry Potter and Star Wars, and he is one of the most famous dwarf actors in Hollywood.

Eric Charbonneau/REX/Shutterstock

Valak from The Conjuring 2 (2016) - Bonnie Aarons

Bonnie Aarons is a very versatile actress with a striking appearance: she has starred in both horror and comedy films. In the second part of The Conjuring, she played the demon Valak, and this role brought her great popularity. It should be noted that the makeup artists in this film did their best.

Lorimar TV/WB TV/REX/Shutterstock - Michael Buckner/Variety/REX/Shutterstock

Pennywise the Clown from the movie It (1990) - Tim Curry

British actor Tim Curry played the role of a creepy clown so brilliantly in the film adaptation of Stephen King's novel It that many people have developed a strong aversion to clowns. By the way, Curry is not only an actor, but also a singer and composer. In 2013, unfortunately, the actor suffered a stroke, due to which he now uses a wheelchair, but he did not stop actively working.

Twisted Pictures/REX/Shutterstock - MediaPunch/REX/Shutterstock

John Kramer from the movie "Saw" (2003) - Tobin Bell

This is the most famous role in Tobin Bell's career, but his face is also familiar to viewers from the series “The X-Files,” “Walker, Texas Ranger” and “ER.”


Michael Myers from - Nick Castle

Castle is one of the first to play the role of maniac Michael Myers, thanks to which he gained considerable popularity. At the moment, the actor mainly makes his own films and writes scripts.

These characters give us goosebumps: we all remember them from horror films, and many of them inspire fear in entire generations. Actors who play monsters in movies are not so scary in real life. Due to the lack of makeup, many are not even recognizable!

Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) - Andrew Bryniarski
This is one of seven actors who played the role of a terrible maniac nicknamed Leatherface, who destroyed all living things with a chainsaw. The actor also stars in TV series and is actively involved in bodybuilding.

Jason Voorhees from the movie "Friday the Thirteenth" (1980) - Ari Lehman
Ari Lehman was the first actor to play Jason Voorhees. Lehman became a version of the villain in his youth. The actor was only 15 when he was cast in this role. He fit perfectly in size: despite his young age, his height was 180 cm.

Jack Torrance from The Shining (1980) - Jack Nicholson
Director Stanley Kubrick was confident that only Jack Nicholson would be suitable for this role, although both Robert De Niro and Robin Williams were allegedly considered for the role. Indeed, it is unlikely that anyone else would have coped with it as brilliantly.

Samara from the movie "The Ring" (2002) - Davey Chase
Fans of movies and TV series have probably seen Davey on screen more than once: she starred in “Donnie Darko” and in such series as “ER” and “Charmed.” And she is the same creepy girl who crawled out of the TV in the movie "The Ring."

Pinhead from Hellraiser (1987) - Doug Bradley
This is the same case when an actor becomes a kind of hostage to the role. Douglas Bradley played the same character in eight films in a row. He tried to act in films of other genres, but the role of Pinhead remained the most notable in his career. And one can hardly imagine any other actor in this role.

Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - Robert Englund
Having played a serial killer, Vnglund, like Doug Bradley, became an actor who starred in eight horror films in a row. He is still active in cinema, but is most popular in horror films.

Leprechaun from the movie "Leprechaun" (2003) - Warwick Davis
Davis is a much sought after actor. His portfolio includes roles in Harry Potter and Star Wars, and he is one of the most famous dwarf actors in Hollywood.

Balak from The Conjuring 2 (2016) - Bonne Aarons
Bonne Aarons is a very versatile actress with a striking appearance: she has starred in both horror and comedy films. In the second part of The Conjuring, she played the demon Valaka, and this role brought her great popularity. It should be noted that the makeup artists in this film did their best.

Pennywise the Clown from the movie "It" (1990) - Tim Curry
British actor Tim Curry played the role of a creepy clown so brilliantly in the film adaptation of Stephen King's novel "It" that many people have developed a strong aversion to clowns. By the way, Curry is not only an actor, but also a singer and composer. In 2013, unfortunately, the actor suffered a stroke, due to which he now uses a wheelchair, but he did not stop actively working.

John Kramer Film "Saw" (2003) - Tobin Bell
This is the most famous role in Tobin Bell's career, but his face is also familiar to viewers from the series "The X-Files", "Walker, Texas Ranger" and "ER".

One of the most mysterious holidays is Halloween. On the one hand, this is a carnival, during which you can have fun until you drop, on the other hand, in most cases, guests choose the darkest and most terrible images - monsters, revived dead people.

However, the characters of the Halloween holiday are so diverse that it is difficult to even say which costume is not suitable for this holiday.

Fairy tale characters

It is not at all necessary to disfigure yourself with terrible makeup and drench yourself in artificial blood. Romantic images may be quite appropriate. For example, white angel, fairy, elf.

It is especially recommended to choose pleasant images for children. Kids can dress up as fairy tale characters. Girls make cute princesses, Snow Whites, Little Red Riding Hoods. Boys can be offered costumes of gnomes, foresters or heroes from “The Wizard of the Emerald City” - the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman.

You can use animal images, offering kids images of a cat, a tiger cub, a bear cub.

Sexy characters

Women, in principle, do not tend to disfigure themselves, so not every girl wants to appear in the image of an evil old witch with a wart on her nose. But there are also sexy female Halloween characters. Moreover, the choice of characters of this type for girls is practically unlimited.

The same witch may not look ugly, but attractive and seductive. There are many more sexy images. You can, for example, dress up as a devil, a pirate leader, or a little robber.

Departed celebrities

Quite often, for a Halloween party, the image of famous actors or singers who have already passed into another world is chosen. To become recognizable, you will need the work of a professional makeup artist. Often chosen images include Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and John Lennon. Girls prefer images of Marilyn Monroe or Elizabeth Taylor.

Traditional characters

Traditionally on Halloween it is customary to dress up in costumes of skeletons and witches. The first version of the image is associated with the veneration of death. And it is customary for witches to dress up, since it is witches who know how to communicate with spirits and the world of the dead.

Also, a fairly traditional option are the dead who have risen from their graves, werewolves and ghouls.

Movie characters

But the most popular characters for Halloween are, of course, the heroes of various films. Moreover, horror films are not necessarily taken as a basis. For example, a very popular image today are the inhabitants of the planet Pandora, that is, the heroes of the film Avatar.

But, of course, the characters in horror films are beyond competition. Thanks to them, the scariest characters for Halloween are created. Photos of the heroes of some films can really terrify, therefore, these characters are among the most popular.

The most popular Halloween characters associated with films:

  • Count Dracula. This is perhaps the most famous vampire of all time. However, after the release of the Twilight film series, the bloodsucker count was greatly displaced on the pedestal of popularity by a noble vampire named Edward.
  • Freddy Krueger. Despite the fact that films about the adventures of the not particularly handsome Freddy were released more than thirty years ago, this character is still popular. To create this look, you can buy a spectacular latex mask.

  • Leather face. The film about the adventures of a maniac who not only killed people, but also sewed masks for himself from human skin, was released back in 1974, however, it is still included in the list of the most terrible and bloody. Therefore, the character from this film is often chosen to create an image for Halloween.
  • Billy from Saw. The creepy puppet, which is used by a homicidal maniac to negotiate with victims, is quite a popular character for Halloween. Moreover, creating this image is relatively easy: the most recognizable features are a white face, black eyes with red pupils and blush on the cheeks, drawn in the form of spirals.

  • Creepy Chucky doll, which is possessed by the soul of a serial killer. This image evokes horror even by its appearance, since the face of the killer doll is covered with numerous scars.
  • Maleficent. This beautiful witch is often seen at Halloween parties.
  • Annabelle. A creepy doll with an angelic appearance and a devilish essence - a suitable character for Halloween.
  • Samara Morgan from the movie "The Ring". This very scary girl can scare anyone with her appearance.
  • Queen of Hearts. This image from the latest production of "Alice in Wonderland" was very popular with girls.
  • Bellatrix Lestrange. Fans of the story about Harry Potter introduced fashion to this character. To create the image of Voldemort's most faithful comrade-in-arms, you won't have to seriously disfigure yourself, but the traits of madness must be present in this heroine.

The list of movie characters and images that you can try to recreate for Halloween is endless. You can use film classics, for example, why not dress up as Pannochka from Gogol’s Viy. Or get ideas from new films that come out every year.

How to choose the right character?

The list of Halloween characters can be endless, since it is a carnival, and at a carnival anything is possible. But such a variety of images makes it difficult to choose. How to choose the character you want to transform into during the party?

You can, for example, choose an image based on your date of birth, or more precisely, on the signs of the zodiac. The recommendations of astrologers extend to the area of ​​choosing a costume and makeup for a party.

But it’s better to focus not on other people’s recommendations, but on your own feelings. The character that is planned to be embodied should, if not be liked (how, for example, can a homicidal maniac be liked?), then at least touch a nerve. Only in this case will it be possible to create a truly interesting image, and not just a “cast” of the screen hero.

When choosing a suit, you need to take into account your own personality. If a person is modest in life and does not like to be the center of attention, then he should not wear a suit that is too provocative. You definitely need to wear the chosen suit at home for a while to get used to it and understand how to move in it. For example, a girl who normally wears only jeans and trousers may feel awkward wearing a tight minidress.

You also need to think about the financial side of the issue. Some characters will require considerable expense to recreate. You may need to buy or tailor a suit, complex makeup that can only be done by a professional makeup artist, and expensive accessories. Therefore, if the budget allocated for the holiday is small, you should choose a character that does not require large-scale expenses.

In many games of the horror genre you can find characters who can not only scare you for a short time, but remain in your memory for many years. In honor of Halloween, we decided to talk about the ten most memorable monsters from video games.

Nemesis from Resident Evil 3

Nemesis cannot be called a very creepy character, but he is certainly memorable. There were no others like him in his time, and therefore he made a great impression on many gamers in his time. In fact, this monster is a former human who was mutated during terrible experiments conducted by the Umbrella corporation. Its rocket launcher, enormous size and brutal appearance are difficult to forget, even more than ten years after the release of Resident Evil 3.

Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2

Who is certainly the most unusual character from this TOP is Pyramid Head. For the first time this monster appeared in horror. The character has since appeared in the film adaptation of the game. The appearance of Pyramid Head is very difficult to forget. The strange iron thing on his head, the huge knife that the monster barely drags, and his mystery allowed Pyramid Head to become one of the most iconic bosses in video games. At some points, the character is even portrayed as a rapist, which makes him even more horrified and disgusted at the mere sight of him.

Xenomorph from Alien: Isolation

Who would have thought that the Xenomorph, aka Alien, could become the personification of horror. However, those who have played must have experienced a huge level of fear when they saw or even heard this monster approaching. Alien: Isolation, with its terrifying atmosphere, excellent soundtrack and unscripted behavior of the main antagonist, was able to prove once and for all that the Alien is not just an interesting, but also a very creepy character.

Laura from The Evil Within

Despite the fact that Laura from the survival horror game is far from the main boss, she is probably the scariest character in this game. Every meeting with Laura is something unforgettable and causes a strong rush of adrenaline. Laura's appearance resembles a mixture of spirits from Japanese horror films and a huge spider that can move at great speed. It is worth noting that Laura is not only a very scary monster, but also quite strong, which is why you are unlikely to be able to kill her the first time in The Evil Within.

Slenderman from Slender: The Arrival

Slenderman originated as an Internet meme and an imitation of heroes from urban legends. It’s difficult to find anything scary in Slenderman’s appearance if you look at him in some picture, but when you play and every time you see this white face without any outlines, which haunts you throughout your entire playthrough, goosebumps will run on your skin without any - any doubts. Note that Slenderman also appeared in the film of the same name, which, unfortunately, turned out to be absolutely not scary and devoid of any atmosphere.

Richard "Rick" Trager from Outlast

Most of the time in horror you'll meet crazy people who subtly escalate the situation, but the mad Dr. Richard "Rick" Trager will certainly stick in your mind the first time you meet him. This character lives by pain and violence, performs terrible experiments on people and wants to learn all the intricacies of human biology.

Obscura from The Evil Within 2

Like the first part, the horror contains a large number of memorable bosses. However, the most interesting and creepy of them all is Obscura. At first, it’s generally difficult to make out where the head is and where the body is on this monster. The only thing that catches your eye is the camera, which is the eyes of the Obscura. Surprisingly, the developers of The Evil Within 2 managed to surprise once again with their rich and extremely unusual imagination.

Piggsy from Manhunt

At one time it was heard by almost every gamer. The most memorable moment in the game is meeting Piggsy. This character is an ordinary man with a pig's head who runs around with a chainsaw and tries to kill the main character. When Piggsy succeeds in completing his mission, he squeals wildly, something that can't help but linger in the memory of completing Manhunt.

Monsters from Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

It is not for nothing that Howard Phillips Lovecraft is considered one of the most prominent writers in the horror genre. The game based on his works, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, also received recognition among many horror fans, as it was able to accurately depict all the horror and unusual atmosphere that are inherent in the novels. The monsters in Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth are something terrible and inexplicable.

Ghosts from the Project Zero (Fatal Frame) series

The main opponents in the Fatal Frame series of atmospheric Japanese horror games are ghosts. However, if in other products these creatures do not cause any fear, in the Fatal Frame games they will more than once make you want to quit the game and forget about its existence. Even the graphics, which are outdated by modern standards, do not prevent the ghosts from Fatal Frame from causing real horror in the player. It's hard to explain, but the game has a certain zest that allows it to remain one of the scariest even now.

In the comments below, you can tell us who is the scariest video game character for you.