Acorn helps awaken the energy and strength of youth. The power of an acorn amulet What talismans can be made from acorns

Oak has a powerful magical effect on human energy. Acorns are the fruits of this strong tree, so they accumulate all the properties of the progenitor. The acorn amulet is used in magic to protect a person from damage and the evil eye, helps fight diseases and helps prolong youth.

Talisman against evil spirits

An acorn is a symbol that helps a person protect himself from negative magical influences. Carrying this talisman with you, you will protect yourself from the hatred and damage of envious people. If you place it on the windowsill or hang it above the window, black magic will not enter your home. You can also carry it in your pocket for good luck and protection from ill-wishers.

This talisman will protect against negativity if you choose the right fruit. You only need to select the acorn that you like; to do this, listen to your intuition.

The acorn must have the following features:

  • it should not be wormy;
  • the cap should fit snugly to the main part of the fruit;
  • It is better to choose a protective talisman in sunny weather;
  • protection is enhanced if there is a small frozen area on one side of the object.

The talisman must be taken into a handkerchief and brought home. Before entering, take out an acorn and, holding it on your arm outstretched forward, step over the threshold. After this, the oak symbol will help improve relationships between household members and improve their quality of life.

Talisman for good luck

Oak fruits have a positive effect on humans. Strong protection is provided to you if the symbol itself falls on your head while you are walking through the forest or garden. If such a situation occurs, it means that pleasant changes at work await you ahead. It is possible that you will be offered a new position or your salary will increase.

A simple ritual will help enhance the effectiveness of this amulet. Place the find in a green cloth. During the waxing moon phase, head to the tree from which the fruit has fallen. Take it out of the scarf and, holding it in your hand, ask the oak tree for help in all your endeavors. Carry the charmed talisman with you. This will attract a powerful flow of positive energy. After this, luck will not leave you.

Money talisman

Acorns can improve a person’s financial well-being. To attract money into the house, these fruits are placed in an ordinary flower vase and left in the living room.

A special acorn amulet in the form of a chain or bracelet is often used. The product must contain no more than 3 oak fruits. If you exceed this amount, then unnecessary material expenses will become inevitable, and your financial situation will worsen.

The acorn needs to be coated with a light layer of nail polish. Make a through hole in it using an awl and pull the thread through it. If you wear such an amulet every other day, then wealth will come faster.

To preserve youth

Acorns are considered good amulets for people who want to preserve youth and prolong longevity. This fruit is characterized by a powerful flow of positive energy, so it improves human health. This symbol is best worn as an amulet around the neck to prolong youth.

Going into the forest, find the most beautiful oak fruit. Bring it home and place it near your bed at night to nourish it with its own energy. After that, attach it to your chain or regular thread.

I love acorns! Isn't the giant oak the most fabulous tree? I’ll make a reservation: one of the most fabulous! After all, there are also birch trees, spruce trees, pine trees... It’s as if they all came to us from a fairy tale. But the oak... Still the most important!))) In the oak grove you feel somehow special. What a pleasure it is to collect acorns with children! And then, bringing them home, make different crafts out of them!

It turns out that since ancient times oak was considered a powerful magical tree; its bark, leaves, branches and acorns were used as amulets capable of prolong youth, give strength.

The acorn is worn on one’s person or with oneself to preserve youth and prevent diseases. In the old days, it was practiced to wear an acorn as an amulet that protected against aging and drunkenness. The ancient Romans believed that acorns had healing properties that could restore youth, so older people often added mashed acorns to wheat grains.
It is believed that an acorn amulet ensures longevity, youth, and achievement of goals.
The acorn also appears in ancient magical knowledge.
Acorns and oak leaves form one of the “witchcraft” circle signs, which, according to astrologers, can bestow, for example, protection or natural abundance.
The fruit of the mighty oak is a symbol of potential. In Germanic-Scandinavian and Celtic myths, acorns were associated with life, fertility and immortality. Druids swallowed acorns, recognizing their prophetic properties.
Acorns were the sacred fruits of Thor, since his Tree of Life is an oak tree.
Magicians also advise using oak to increase intellectual abilities. Anyone who has oak bark with him will be able to maintain brain activity for a long time and not lose vigilance.

There is such a sign: hang an acorn in the window and you will protect the house from evil forces.
Carrying oak leaves and bark with you can increase your energy levels, which in turn will give your body strength and vitality.

The acorn also has heraldic significance. Oak is a symbol of power, endurance, longevity and nobility, as well as glory.
Since ancient times, many peoples considered the acorn a symbol of life, fertility, health, and masculinity. It is not for nothing that oak is like a tree, oak leaves, and with them the acorn, applied to the coat of arms, carried a lot of meanings designed to emphasize the dignity: nobleman, class, house, city, warrior, etc.

Yes.... Such a “baby”, but it represents so many things! Marvelous!

I like to paint acorns and make interior pendants from them. Acorn penguins? Why not!)

Using these funny little penguins as an example, I’ll tell you about the features of working with acorns and how to make such pendants.

So, we will need:

* acorns and caps

* awl

* thin knitting needle or needle

* Styrofoam

* acrylic paints

* acrylic lacquer

* glue

* braid for loop

Acorns must be washed and dried before use. It is necessary to place them on a plate in the microwave for a few seconds so that our acorns do not germinate later. Don't overdo it! Otherwise they will crack! After this operation, an oily layer will appear on the acorn. The surface will need to be degreased with any alcohol-containing solution.

Using an awl, carefully punch a hole. We will need it in order to place the acorn on a knitting needle or needle and then paint it.

It is advisable to take a thicker and longer needle. A thin knitting needle would be preferable.

We paint our acorns with acrylic paint, holding them by the base of the needle.

To make drying convenient, I used a piece of foam rubber. You can take polystyrene foam. Once dry, draw the eyes, beak and paws. Secure with varnish.

We also make a hole in the acorn caps with an awl and paint them in the desired color. This is how I dry them, on knitting needles.

After drying, we varnish and thread a nylon thread (ribbon, thin twine). We make a knot inside.

To glue the beanie hats on, I used a glue gun.

The blue cap is a boy, and the red cap is a girl.

Here are a few more ideas. Painted acorns included in the Easter panel

On the background of a greeting card. I painted acrylic contours on glass.

Acorns in Gzhel style, decorated using decoupage technique.

Made as an addition to the kit.

In general, acorns themselves are very beautiful. You don't have to invent something. Here, in the photo, they simply poured it into a basket. The result is an autumn composition.

And this is an autumn bouquet. The hat is nostalgia for summer.

Unforeseen situations often happen in our lives. Therefore, you should take care in advance to protect yourself, your home and loved ones. Handmade amulets will cope with their task in the best possible way.

In the article:

How to make amulets for women

Women's and men's amulets differ in their energy, so before you make the amulet you like, see if it suits you. Of course, there are amulets that are suitable for both men and women, but they will be described below.

Amulet of Lada

As you know, she is the Slavic goddess of love and marriage, the protector of women. Therefore, her amulet, accordingly, is intended only for them. This is a special amulet, because, unlike other amulets, it is much stronger. This is due to the fact that the goddess gives him strength. The amulet depicts two crossed ovals framed by a square. This symbolizes the woman’s connection with Navy, the world of the dead, namely, as the keeper of the family, who mourns the departed and brings new family members. You should start wearing this amulet from childhood, so that envious people do not cast a spell or evil eye on the growing girl. In addition, as the patroness of marriage, Lada also helps to find the right groom at the right time. In addition, it protects marriage and family well-being.

Bouquet of birch branches

This amulet is needed at a time when the leaves of the trees are just beginning to bloom. There is also a male analogue of this amulet - a “necklace of acorns”, but it will be written about below. So, you need to go into the forest alone and pick a small amount of birch branches. After that, when you come home, make bouquets of them, tie them with a ribbon and place them in your or your children’s bedroom. This amulet protects against diseases and helps maintain peace and tranquility in the family. In addition, it cures insomnia and protects against nightmares. If the relationship with your husband has noticeably cooled, then you can add bunches of rowan berries to this bouquet and surround it with a red ribbon. After six months, the amulet will need to be replaced with a new one.

Fan for home protection

First you need to collect the necessary parts of herbs or trees. First of all, you need to decide what exactly you want to protect your home from. It is worth making a talisman against the evil eye and damage - pick elm or verbena branches, against the destruction of a marriage - a twig or bark of willow or alder, if you want to cleanse the house - collect aspen or juniper bark, for worries and anxieties - pine or oak. You can add compositions if you have several goals.

After you have collected the material, you should wash and dry what you collected, and then make a small broom or fan out of it. It should be hung above the front door with the whisk downward so that it “sweeps away evil.” In addition, you can add such particles to it as: bay leaf (good luck in business), small coins (attracting wealth), peas (peace and harmony in the family), corn (protection from diseases), etc.

There is no need to remove it too often. This amulet lasts a long time, about several years.

DIY amulet for a child

This ritual is used when you want to protect your child from something or someone. This is a simple ritual, but very effective. For this you will need a wool thread. The color of this thread may vary depending on what kind of amulet you want to make. So, red will protect you from bad people, from hooligans. Orange and yellow protect against envy. Green protects against thieves and scammers. Purple threads will protect you in a difficult situation and give you strength. In addition to protective forces, sciences can have other functions. For example, blue and light blue threads will help you not be shy when talking and will give you confidence in communication. White - improves memory, maintains interest in learning. After you have chosen the color of the thread, you need to twist it and tie 7 knots on it, while saying:

Fly past, dashingly carry away, protect the child.

Then tie this amulet on the child’s right wrist. You can use not one, but three threads to enhance protection.

Homemade amulets for everyone

These amulets can be made by both men and women. The main thing is with what intention and desire these amulets were made.

Dough amulets

Amulets can be made of different materials: from animal skins to herbs and flowers. This amulet must be made from dough. Of course, it is not very convenient to carry it with you, so it is considered protection for the home. Dough ingredients: salt (protection from evil forces, it is often used in), flour (symbol of wealth and harmony) and water (renewal, improvement). Next, you need to thoroughly knead the dough, while simultaneously thinking about something good. Imagine how the energy flows into the dough and nourishes it.

After that, fashion figures out of it. Their form depends on intentions. Thus, a bat is a symbol of strong energy protection from evil spirits, a bag means wealth, namely, it averts poverty, a crane will protect against troubles in family life, a swallow figurine will help complete any task. After this, dry the products in the oven at 60 degrees for a couple of hours until completely cooked, or leave them on the windowsill for several days. Then you can paint the figurine with paints and varnish it for better storage. Then determine a suitable place for her, preferably where you will see her every day.


This amulet can be used both to protect the home and family members, especially children. For the bells to work, you need to hang them in a certain place, in particular, near the front door or windows. Instead, you can use baby rattles (the ones you played with in childhood will be especially energetically strong). You need to hang objects using a thick thread made of natural material, such as wool or linen. It is desirable that it be red, white or black. To enhance the result, you can combine all three threads. It is very important that the bells do not break, otherwise the entire protection will collapse and, moreover, unpleasant consequences are possible.

Before hanging the amulet, it needs to be charged. This should be done by the eldest woman in the house. For example, if you live with your mother or mother-in-law, ask them to perform this ritual. To do this, you need to pour a little red wine into a deep plate, put a bell there and say:

Red wine, you have the strength and wisdom accumulated over the years, you give people health and longevity. Give your power to the bell, so that by ringing it will scare away evil forces, attract happiness to our home, and give us health and longevity.

After this, hang the charms near a window or on a chandelier to protect the room. It would be good to place the amulet in the nursery so that it protects the baby from illnesses and negative energy. You can hang a few bells to enhance the effect. A suitable number is 3. Periodically, they need to be cleaned of accumulated negativity, namely, placed in a bowl with salt for an hour.

Men's acorn necklace

As you know, oak is a masculine tree and symbolizes perseverance, courage, and fidelity. Therefore, it is often used in various. This ritual is aimed at protecting the house and its inhabitants, but it is important that the man is the head of the family. So, you need to go into the forest and collect acorns. They should be fresh, beautiful, not rotten, without black spots. Their number depends on how many months you want to provide protection. Remember that any amulet loses its power over time, so do not take too much, maximum 9 months. After this, you should take a needle and red thread and string the acorns onto the thread. Next, hang the necklace in the kitchen in an inconspicuous place where it should remain until the expiration date. Then burn it and bury the ashes outside.

It is believed that the most powerful amulets are those made from natural material and with your own hands. It’s pre-winter, and the forest is not yet covered with snow. If you want to attract good luck and all the best into your home, do not be lazy and make amulets with your own hands.

It is better to dry leaves and flowers in advance. If you didn’t have time to do this in the summer, don’t be upset, you’ll have time for next year (the main thing is don’t forget!), but for now you can make do with materials that don’t require lengthy preliminary preparation.

Acorn necklace

For example, several types of amulets can be made from acorns. For example, a talisman for the home (usually placed in the kitchen), which brings peace and tranquility to the family, strengthens relationships between family members. True, this amulet will only work if the structure in your family is more or less patriarchal and the man (husband, father, and maybe the eldest son) is the head of the family.

This is due to the fact that oak is a “masculine” tree and works with masculine energy. If such an amulet is made for a family where the head is a woman, this, in addition to positive ones, will also have negative sides. The “matriarch” will have stronger masculine character traits, and her body may begin to produce an increased number of male hormones. Please take this into account before you start working.

To work, you will need, in addition to the acorns themselves, a strong thread and a thick needle. Take an odd number of acorns, no less than three, no more than nine, and string them on a thread. Try to take an amount that corresponds to the period for which you are making the amulet - one for each month (note that over time, any amulet loses its power - so mentally weigh for what period its effect is most important to you).

Having assembled such an acorn necklace, tie the loose ends of the threads and hang it in the kitchen - preferably in such a way that the amulet is not very noticeable (there is no need for unnecessary questions, including from your family). After the amulet expires, be sure to remove it so that the negativity accumulated on it during this time does not remain in your home, and burn it in a fire outside.

The used amulet should not be thrown into a garbage chute or trash container, left on the street, or even more so, continued to be stored in the house. During his service, he, like a sponge, absorbs a lot of negativity, which, if not gotten rid of, can result in a scandal at home, troubles at work, or health problems for the male part of the family.

Birch amulet

In contrast to oak, amulets and charms made from birch work with feminine energy, and therefore help specifically the fair sex. And these amulets are “focused” on areas and character traits that are traditionally more important for women. So, it’s good to hang a birch amulet in the bedroom (yours or your children’s) so that it helps with health, both physical and mental. If there are no serious health problems (let’s hope this is true!), then a birch amulet will promote restful sleep and easy awakening.

It is done very simply. Take several small birch branches, decorate each of them with several bows or simply tie small loose ribbons to them and collect them in a bouquet. Place the amulet on the nightstand near the bed or on the shelf above your heads. As a last resort, you can place it on a cabinet, even on the floor, just don’t put it on a window.

If you tie this bouquet with a white ribbon, it will contribute, first of all, to the health of children, and red - to the health of spouses and their parents. The brown-yellow color scheme of the dressing tape will direct the main effort of his work to the health of relatives of the older generation - your parents, grandparents. If you add a couple of rowan bunches to the bouquet, it will also contribute to harmony in the marital bed. The ribbon with which it is tied, of course, should only be red.

Leaflets into coins

In order to increase wealth in the family, you just need to collect a bouquet of golden (yellow) autumn leaves. But the bouquet will not be simple, but with a secret. Firstly, the leaves in it should only be pure yellow. Try to avoid red and even red-yellow leaves in your bouquet, and especially never take leaves touched by rot or dryness. Choose fairly juicy, bright yellow leaves that have recently fallen or been plucked from trees.

Let there be both small and large leaves among them, and the bouquet itself will be a thick armful. At the same time, when attaching each new leaf to the bouquet, you should say (out loud or to yourself): “I take a leaf, and I get a flow of money.” With the first, as with the last leaf in the bouquet, it should be said a little differently: “I take forest wealth for good luck, for bread and a stash - into earthly wealth, leaves - into coins, enough for both us and the children.”

Having collected the bouquet in this way, place it at home in an empty vase not filled with water. The leaves will dry out quickly, but will not rot. Save this dry bouquet until the New Year, and on New Year's Eve, grind the leaves from it into powder and scatter it in the wind with the words: “The leaves swirl like gold over the snow, they fall into my pockets like gold, I don’t know poverty, I don’t need, as there are no need for these leaves.” water".

Repeat this ritual year after year, and serious financial difficulties will not affect your life. As you can see, it doesn’t take much effort to make a useful (and beautiful!) gift for yourself and your loved ones.

And finally, a very simple piece of advice. If you have difficulties at work, take two pine cones, connect them with the bases using plasticine, saying: “As this connection holds, so I will hold on at work, and if I want, I can tear myself away as easily as plasticine.” Until you separate these bumps, you will not be fired (unless, of course, you are happy to go and violate all possible articles of the Labor Code). And when you want to change jobs, just separate the cones and move to a new place without any difficulties.

The acorn is the fruit of the mighty oak tree. He is a symbol of prospects and possibilities. It is used to attract wealth and luck into a person's life. Read more about this on Gorskop Guru.

Amulet Acorn - how it was used before

This fruit has long symbolized life, family, health and courage. Among some peoples it was considered a gift from God and was sacred. In Scandinavian and Celtic myths, acorns were considered a sign of endless life and fertility. And the Druids generally used them for food, swallowing them one after another! The ancient Romans, for example, believed that an acorn heals all diseases and returns a person’s youth to life. If we talk about this fruit as an amulet, then it was worn before to protect against old age, as well as alcoholism.

Amulet Acorn - magical properties

Astrologers believe that material energy is collected in the acorn. That is why it attracts money like some kind of magnet! This is due to the fact that oak itself is a very powerful tree. It transfers all its power to small fruits.

If you want the acorn to influence your energy field, you need to wear it around your neck, like a pendant, or as a keychain. And if you change it, the influence will increase even more! For example, paint it gold. The main rule is that there should only be one acorn on the pendant. Do not think that the more of these fruits you have with you, the faster your wealth will increase. Everything will turn out exactly the opposite - on the contrary, you will become poorer, and quite soon.

You can also place the so-called “vase of wealth” on the table. You can put as many acorns there as you like. If you are a spender and your money is constantly floating away somewhere, then also place oak bark and leaves in this vase. The energy of this strong tree will definitely help you stabilize your income.

Amulet Acorn - a ritual to attract money

A ritual for attracting money with an acorn is a common thing for magicians. True, the results of this witchcraft will appear only after half a year. But what kind! To begin, collect exactly twelve large acorns. Then go home and bury the fruits on the south side of your home, also throwing a few coins into the hole.

As you already understand, the acorn was considered a very valuable amulet even in ancient times. But you must understand that nothing in your life will just change. If you have made yourself an amulet from oak fruits, this does not mean that you can now relax and do nothing. Not at all! Continue to do your best to increase your wealth on your own. After all, if you sit with your hands folded, then even an acorn won’t help!