Effective spells and prayers for hemorrhoids. Strong conspiracies and prayers against hemorrhoids Milk, water and candles will heal an unpleasant ailment

Haemorrhoids- the disease is unpleasant in all respects. Most patients are in no hurry to visit the proctology office, despite the increasing symptoms.

Some particularly shy individuals cannot even decide to buy suppositories for hemorrhoids at the pharmacy. This issue is too sensitive and personal.

Ancient spells and prayers for hemorrhoids

Many patients are forced to seek help from alternative treatment not only because of shyness. Often traditional treatment gives only temporary results. A person who decides to visit a doctor goes through many painful procedures and finally receives the necessary treatment. The disease does not make itself felt for several months, and then suddenly appears again.

This can go on forever. The disease can become chronic or progressive. In this case, the proctologist may recommend surgery. And this is a serious surgical intervention, which not everyone will decide to undergo.

Some patients combine traditional treatment with folk remedies and spells for hemorrhoids. Some people use folk remedies exclusively. Many people trust traditional medicine. The choice is always up to the patient. The main thing is to prevent a critical situation and take a responsible approach to maintaining your health.

In the old days, all diseases were treated by healers. Spells, prayers, and magical rituals were used for treatment. Medicinal plants were often used. There was no talk of any surgical intervention. Nevertheless, people lived to a ripe old age and were much less likely to get sick than the modern generation.

Water conspiracies

In the event that traditional medicines are unable to help the patient, you can use ancient healing methods that have helped people for centuries. Just a few years ago, this technique was ridiculed and it was believed that only stupid and superstitious people could use it. Time has shown that where official medicine is powerless, magic can work real miracles.

Most often, water was used to treat hemorrhoids, which used to be popularly called hemorrhoids. They spoke to her in a special way, then washed themselves with her. All rituals are similar to each other, only the words of the conspiracy and some nuances of the ritual differ. A single condition for all rituals is the need to perform them on the waning moon.

The first option is the simplest. After hygiene procedures, pour warm water on your left hand and speak to hemorrhoids: “Let go of the pain, go away from the disease forever. This place is not for you! Leave immediately! The sore spot is washed several times with charmed water.

Second option a little more complicated. To complete it you will need:

  1. A bowl of warm water.
  2. Church candle.

To fully perform the ritual, it is important that there is a dried tree near the house. Water from the basin will have to be poured under it. If this is not possible, it is better to refuse this option, since this water cannot be drained into the sewer.

Light a candle, heat the water and, while washing yourself over the basin, read the following words: “Nikolai the Pleasant! Your strength is great! You help everyone from above! Help me too. Heal me from my illness! Pochechuy tortured me. Heal and heal my wounds. Heal me from illness forever. Amen!"

After completing the procedure, take the basin outside and pour the water under a dry tree. The process should be accompanied by the words: “I’m not taking water out of the house, I’m driving away my illness. This is not water pouring out, this is my illness pouring out. And my body is healing. My pain and illness, like this tree, will dry up. The saints will help me with this. Let it be so. Amen!" Having poured out all the water, leave the tree without looking back.

Another very strong, but difficult to carry out conspiracy against hemorrhoids in the city. To carry it out, you need to collect some water in 7 different houses (not apartments). If you can do this, continue take the following actions:

  • At home, pour all collected water into a basin.
  • Read your favorite prayer.
  • Read the following words over the water three times: “Demon blood rages, human blood is shed, but mine is healed. The water will save me from illness, it will wash away all the illness and take it with it. Amen!"
  • Drink a little charmed water. Wash the hemorrhoids with the rest of the liquid and pour it down the drain.

Red rag conspiracy

For the ritual you will need red silk fabric. The plot is read on the waning moon. If hemorrhoids bother you very much and there is no way to wait, you can choose any lunar day. But the ritual should be carried out after 3 am before sunrise.

Having completed all hygienic procedures, take a piece of red silk and move it over the hemorrhoid. This must be done counterclockwise. In the process, read the plot 3 times: “Two sisters live in me. One inside, one outside. They are like evil witches; they cannot get along together. They whine and squabble, tearing at people from their chains. I’ll call my first sister and transplant her onto a rotten stump. Let him live there and suffer. And I will harass the second sister with a red rag. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

Repeat actions for 3 days in a row. On the third day, burn the rag and scatter its ashes out the window. The spell is very strong, usually relief comes after the first day.

Prayers for hemorrhoids

Orthodox prayers are also effective in the fight against disease. For some people they help much more effectively than conspiracies. Prayer for internal and external hemorrhoids is said in a pre-prepared room. There must be an icon of the Mother of God in the room and several church candles must be burning. Pets and strangers must leave the premises during the procedure.

Before you read the healing prayer, you need to read "Our Father" and cross yourself. Prepare spring or holy water in a small glass and read the prayer over it three times: “Christ is risen! All living things come to life, and the evil ones die. So my illness comes from me. My soul and body are cleansed and filled with new strength. Amen!"

Another prayer that is read on the water: “ Mother of God, Elijah the Prophet, and Archangel Uriel, glory to you eternal! Give me great strength so that I can overcome my illness and heal my kidneys. Cut off the devilish evil and everything unnecessary from my body. May my words come true for your glory. Amen!"

The poured water should be drunk completely in small sips. Be sure to imagine how water, spreading throughout the body, heals the body. The more clearly a person sees his healing, the sooner it will happen.

You can also say a prayer over the water in the bathtub, and then take water procedures. For this you will need:

  • Seven church candles.
  • Incense, charcoal and homemade censer (can be purchased at the church).
  • A decoction of chamomile, yarrow and burdock. Take herbs in equal proportions as desired, pour a liter of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes in a water bath. The more concentrated the decoction, the better. Strain.

Light candles in the bathroom and turn off the electric lights. Light incense and fill the bath with water. Pour the herbal decoction into it. Say a prayer three times over the water: “In the name of our Lord, I speak to you with water. Wash and heal my illness. Take away the pain and blood with your strength. Get away from my flesh quickly! Amen!"

When the water is full, sit in the bath and bask in it for 10 - 15 minutes. Do not use soap or other means. After water procedures, immediately go to bed.

Conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova compiled more than 7 thousand conspiracies for all occasions. She did not ignore such a problem as hemorrhoids. People from all over the world came to the healer for treatment, and she was able to help almost everyone.

Natalya Stepanova advised performing the ritual for healing hemorrhoids on Sunday morning. Before this, you had to visit the temple and light a candle for your health. Coming home after this, read these words: “Hello, dawn - dawn, I’m flying by myself! You should not live on my body, but in raw dung. Go away, disappear, dry up, don’t bother God’s servant (name) anymore! Amen. Amen. Amen!"

This spell is suitable for both men and women. But it is especially recommended for women who began to suffer from hemorrhoids after childbirth. You can perform the ritual every Sunday until complete healing.

Hourly rituals and spells

There are very strong rituals that must be performed strictly by the hour throughout the day. These rituals can quickly and permanently heal a person from illness. But their implementation requires iron discipline and time. It will be quite difficult for a working person to fulfill all the conditions.

If it is possible to carry out the ritual in full, you should prepare for it. The ritual is carried out for 3 days in a row. The days must be selected so that they all fall during the waning moon phase. You cannot skip actions, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

Morning ritual

You will have to get up early in the morning, at dawn. Pour some holy water into a glass and show it to the sun. Read the words above the glass: “Guardian Angel! Embrace me with your wings, save me from all illnesses and troubles! Take it away. Amen!"

Cross the prayed water 3 times and drink. After this, you can go back to bed or go about your business. On the days of the ritual, it is important to give up alcohol and, if possible, meat.

Day ritual

At noon it is time for the second phase of the ritual. To carry it out, prepare:

  1. 15 grams of soda.
  2. 30 ml vinegar.
  3. Full faceted glass of water.

Combine baking soda with vinegar to form a foaming liquid. Pour it into a glass of water. At this time, read the following conspiracy: “As water boils and hisses, so the kidney dries up and disappears. Amen!" Immediately after reading the plot, pour the resulting liquid completely over the threshold. This action symbolizes complete healing from the disease.

Evening ritual

The evening ritual is performed at sunset, outside. To carry it out, you need to prepare a fir cone in advance. Find a deserted place, stand facing west and say: “Disappear, dry up. You will perish just like a bad lump! I won't hear from you anymore. Amen!"

Throw the cone over your left shoulder and go home. You cannot talk to passers-by on the way home. It is also not recommended to turn around.

Night ritual

The last ritual of the day is performed at midnight. For it you will need:

  • Sea buckthorn oil.
  • Two church candles.

Before the ritual, it is necessary to complete all hygiene procedures. At midnight, light the candles, moisten the index finger of your left hand in sea buckthorn oil and move it clockwise around the anus, repeating the following words 3 times: “Beyond the sea, beyond the ocean, there is Buyan Island. Fly to that island, scratch it, and find a rotten stump there that no one can sit on. Take my boils there, put them where no one can find them. Amen!"

Damage to hemorrhoids

You can take revenge on the offender by sending damage to hemorrhoids. Since damage refers to the action of black magic, it is necessary to think carefully about the possible consequences. Evil will definitely be punished, and the magician will receive a so-called kickback. A person who causes damage may pay with his health or the health of loved ones for his actions.

Damage to hemorrhoids is carried out during the waxing moon, since it is necessary for the disease to intensify. For witchcraft you will need:

  • Two black candles.
  • A recent photograph of the victim.
  • Black tablecloth.
  • Fresh pig blood bought at the market.
  • Gypsy needle.

At midnight, cover the table with a black tablecloth and light a candle. Prepare a photograph, a needle, and pour some blood into a copper bowl. Dip a needle into the blood and pierce a photograph of the victim in the pelvic area. Repeat the following conspiracy 13 times: “Fly an arrow to my enemy. Bring the arrow pain, blood and tears to him. Pierce him, hit him, maim him, and torment him. Let him bleed and remain in torment. Key, lock! Let it be so!"

Burn the photograph completely. Stir the ashes into the remaining pork blood. In the morning, pour blood and ashes under the victim’s threshold. Do not tell anyone about the ritual.

Attention, TODAY only!

For hemorrhoids, pain, cleansing of the uterus, fistulas

A young oak tree grows on a steep mountain, there the leaves grow on that oak tree, but fall in the bark, the Mother of God stands, looks at the oak tree, they fall, servant of God (Name) the disease is cleansed from blood, from pus, from all stagnation. May the Mother of God protect and send her grace to the servant of God (Name).

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Hemorrhoids (treatment of such damage)

Unfortunately, such damage is common in the modern world. It’s not difficult to do, but it’s harmful to health. With such damage, no medications bring relief. If, according to your suspicions, there is damage to the rectum that hurts, you have unbearable pain, try using this option and you will get relief, the pain will gradually subside, and it will no longer manifest itself so strongly.

If you have had hemorrhoids before, then after such treatment the medications will help you and they will not bother you much. What need to do? Take some toilet paper or a napkin and apply it to the sore spot between the buttocks for 3-4 minutes, then place this paper on a metal dish (which you won’t mind throwing away), next to matches and a small new candle and read the following words over this paper:

“My words relieve pain, my words will be heard by the one who sent pain to my sinful body and his soul will suffer from the evil that was done to my sinful body, r.b. (name). Fire relieves my pain, and water will wash away someone else’s spell to a place where it cannot escape. Her place in the underworld, from where she came, returned there. My words are strong, the fire is strong, fast water will ease the pain and my sinful body (name) will be healthy. Amen".

“The words of evil spells burn, the damage burns, burns, but I am healthy.”

Then throw the ashes into the toilet and flush with the words: “I wash away what was sent, I wash away what burned forever, forever, and I am healthy.”

Throw the metal object into the trash, break the candle and bury it deeper in the ground. Prepare water "" and drink in the amount as written in the option.

If you don’t have a toilet in your house, then you can flush the ashes in the washbasin by running a stream, or in the kitchen, if there is a sink, by running a stream and rinsing it off using the same words as when flushing the toilet.

And if someone lives in a rural area and there is neither one nor the other, do the following: take water from half a bucket, dig a small hole in the ground, throw ashes from the dish there and pour water from a bucket onto it with the same words that are written in the explanation . Then cover the hole with earth and you can leave. Health to everyone.

But it is possible to create a happy family and make the lives of many of us better! Now, with the help of this red Kabbalistic thread, you can carry luck and wealth throughout your life. My friends, seeing my experiences, which I carefully hid, decided, of course, as a joke to give me such a gift in the form of a red thread from the Holy Land! But I never found inner peace and the desired result in the form of a soul mate.

The third time you go out, turn your gaze towards the sunrise and read the Lord’s Prayer 3 times without moving. The foods listed in this list have a bad effect on digestion and can cause constipation.

To do this, you need to understand what the concept of “damage” means. It is characterized by the fact that it is caused deliberately by appealing to otherworldly forces. This drug has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and analgesic effects. Damage from photographs has always been considered one of the most powerful, although it can be caused independently .

“How can you believe in the evil eye,” I said to my interlocutor, a great expert on the bureaucratic world, “when these are officials. However, obstetricians and gynecologists quite often prescribe Relief suppositories to their patients: according to them, with regular use of suppositories, the effect is achieved within about a week. The body of a pregnant woman is especially sensitive and against the background of hormonal changes, various individual reactions to the active substances are possible. sunset time, take these stones and choose the closest intersection to your opponent. Any candle bought in a supermarket or church will be suitable for the ritual. I switched to work, a hobby appeared, which had never happened to me.

After the divorce there was such devastation, the meaning of life was a little lost. This amulet gave me just such a boost of energy and good luck! Olesya, it’s wonderful that you are such a confident girl! Take warm (not hot) for 5-7 minutes daily.

Why do they cause damage? 2 How is damage caused? 3 We damage. Why do they cause damage? Here is a set of exercises that need to be done 1-2 times a day, preferably after sleep and before bed.2.

How to remove damage to hemorrhoids - Telegraph.

Anyone who looks at his bare butt will be tormented by hemorrhoids. Useful to know: Wedding with a dead person · Conspiracy of damage to disgust for the house. This woman is considered by adherents of the Kabbalistic movement to be the foremother of humanity. You know, I very often suffered from the envy of ill-wishers. During pregnancy, you just need to use Relief - suppositories or ointment, depending on what your doctor prescribes, or Relief Advance, if hemorrhoids are accompanied by severe pain and itching. In addition to Relief, there are other drugs that are used to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Tablets can be prescribed for any stage of hemorrhoids. There are several types of the drug Relief, which is available in different pharmacological forms: Relief rectal suppositories, Relief Advance rectal suppositories, Relief Ultra rectal suppositories and Relief rectal ointment. The production of red Kabbalistic thread takes place according to the Old Slavic ritual and does not carry negative consequences. Pour two teaspoons of thoroughly washed and crushed dandelion root into a glass of cold boiled water.

Family relationships, even with parents, now bring only joy. So I recommend the red thread, at least for self-confidence :) Very good service: fast processing and delivery of the goods, a nice girl called and clarified the order. Elena Golunova told how to use the power of the red thread to attract good luck and wealth!

But you can eat boiled meat, cutlets and goulash, as well as various cereals, salads, vinaigrettes, vegetables, fruits, pumpkin, zucchini, milk, cottage cheese. In their opinion, Rachel protects everyone from evil. “Madonna is my idol.

Admin August 28, 2017 how to remove damage to hemorrhoids Admin Click here if you don’t want to wait. The treatment regimen is chosen by the proctologist based on the results of the examination. Therefore, if any undesirable discomfort occurs (itching, burning, rash), you should stop using Relief during pregnancy and put notify your doctor. Home is the place where we come to find support and consolation. Everyone is looking for a job where they can get both pleasure and big money at the same time. There are certain ways to attract luck and money in 2016 and establish harmony around yourself, which will work in the year of the fire monkey!

What is bad or shameful about the fact that it was the red thread from the Holy Land that helped me?

From the evil eye from Jerusalem Alexey. Hereditary sorcerer. One of the strongest black sorcerers in the Baltic countries. In addition to the ancestral knowledge received from his grandfather, he studied with the masters of the Old Believer.)))) Elena

The hemorrhoid spell has come to us through the centuries, retaining and increasing its power. But you shouldn’t take your health lightly. But don't expect to solve your problems once and for all with magic alone.

This unpleasant disease, which can lead to surgery, can be easily treated with spells. In ancient Rus' there were no doctors, and all diseases were treated using folk methods, reading conspiracies and prayers to the gods.

Health must be protected! You need to adhere to the diet prescribed by doctors, maintain hygiene of your body and thoughts, and improve your health.

Strong conspiracy for hemorrhoids

On the waning moon at sunset, move your ring finger over the sore spot and read the hemorrhoid spell three times. In this case, you need to spit over your left shoulder:

“On the sea-okiyan, Buyan island, there is an ancient oak tree.
The bird Era is sitting on it.
Fly to the hysterical places of God's servant (your name), peck your children!
Send them beyond steep mountains, fast rivers, and dark forests.
There's a rotten deck lying there.
Take them there and put them there forever.

You can get rid of hemorrhoids using a ritual with alder cones.

To perform this ritual we will need the following components:

  • a handful of alder cones;
  • wax candle;
  • clay or ceramic bowl.

To get rid of hemorrhoids, take a handful of alder cones and place them in a clay container. Light the candle with a match and light the pine cones from its flame.

Then place the candle next to the bowl and read the plot as many times as possible until the pine cones burn out:

“Fir cone into pine cone.
Pine cone into alder cone.
Into a hot fire on a hot stove, a cone into smoke and ashes.
Smoke to the sky, ashes to the wind, purity to purity.
All purity to me, God's servant Mary.

Take the bowl of ashes to a crossroads and scatter the ashes in the wind. Bring the bowl home and hide it.

This ritual must be performed every evening for two weeks in a row from the full moon to the new moon.

You can talk about the disease of hemorrhoids with the help of hazel.

To do this, you need to find a nut with a dried core and split it in half.

Read the spell words over this nut three times and take it to the crossroads.

There you need to throw the pieces to the wind.

“Hazel-hazel, split your son into two halves.
Inside there is dry fruit, the flesh has shriveled and shrunk.
With the evil wind, shell, go away, never come back.
Don’t return to God’s servant (name), die and split!

Conspiracies and prayers for healing and getting rid of diseases are read only when the moon is waning so that the disease goes away.

If there is bleeding

If hemorrhoids begin to bleed, you should speak to spring water, which you then drink in small sips until the end.

“The channel is deep, the veil of the Mother of God is pure.
The swamps are quicksand, the sands are loose.
Archangel Uriel, give me ten strength,
With which you defeated your enemies.
Lord, send Elijah the Prophet,
Drive away the demons' power
Cut off what is unnecessary to the body.
In Your name, so that the body does not hurt,
So that the pain in him subsides,
The flesh did not bleed.
May my words come true.
May Your bright deeds be accomplished.

Food conspiracy for hemorrhoids

When treating hemorrhoids, cast a special spell on your food and drink, placing the sign of the cross on it:

“Christ has risen and the enemy has disappeared.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Unclean spirit, disappear from the body of God’s servant Ivan (or God’s servant Mary)!”

Amulet against illness

To secure conspiracies for healing from an illness and prevent the return of hemorrhoids, read the special amulet twelve times:

“I, servant of God Ivan, will go into an open field under the red sun, under a bright moon, under frequent stars, flying clouds.
I will stand in an open field on a level place that is on the Throne of my Lord.
I will be clouded with clouds, covered with heaven, I will put the clear sun on my head, I will girdle myself with bright dawns, I will be used to frequent stars for any ailment.