Simple methods of diagnosis and treatment with a pendulum. Maxim GoryachevPendulum: dowsing diagnostics and treatment

A pendulum is a small weight attached to a chain, thread or cord. Many people use a wedding ring tied to a string as a pendulum. This is exactly the type of pendulum my mother used. A pendulum made from thread and a paper clip also works well. When I talk about these topics with different groups of people, I often resort to using a homemade pendulum like this to give everyone present the opportunity to experiment with it. But you can buy a ready-made pendulum in the store. Their range is currently striking in the variety of shapes and sizes. I already have quite a few pendulums in my house, as my loved ones love to give me these intricately decorated little things for birthdays and Christmas.

And they all work great. The best pendulum for you will be the one that is easy to use and you like in appearance. Ideally, the pendulum should weigh about 100 g and have a round shape. When you start choosing a pendulum for yourself, you will be surprised at how many different items you can use for this purpose. A lead weight purchased from a hardware store works well. An equally successful solution would be to tie a simple button to a thread. A crystal attached to a chain will be a very good pendulum. Most people prefer to use quartz crystals because they retain natural energy. For the same purpose, you can use a pendant that you usually wear as jewelry. Crystal pendulums are very good for healing and wellness.

Some of the pendulums sold in stores have a hollow space inside. This is done so that you, before starting work, put a small sample of what you intend to find inside the pendulum. If you are looking for water, drop a few drops of water inside this hollow part. Or place a drop of oil there if you are looking for oil, or a grain of gold if the object of your search is gold. Such a hollow space also exists in the Merme pendulum. This is far from being a necessary part of the pendulum in general, but sometimes it can be very useful to you.

Many objects can play the role of a pendulum, but it would be nice to have a special tool for dowsing or magical experiments. In some cases, I had to use car keys, jewelry and other things that could be hung on a thread or chain as a pendulum. Still, I usually try to work with special pendulums, since they are very convenient to use and are designed specifically for this job. When choosing a pendulum for myself, I take it in my hand and ask: “Is this pendulum in harmony with me?” - and I only buy it if I receive a positive response.

How to make your own pendulum

Many people prefer to work with a pendulum that they have made themselves. By creating such a pendulum, you invest part of your own energy into it. In this case, the choice of material requires special attention. Some people prefer natural materials such as wood or crystal. One woman who attends the same dowsing society as me made herself a very beautiful pendulum from a seashell. You can cut your pendulum from some soft material or adapt for this purpose any object that suits you in shape and weight. Perhaps it will be a float or a spool of thread.

Some prefer something unusual and exotic, while others pay attention primarily to the purpose of the item. As a rule, the chosen object either attracts you in some way externally, or has some special meaning for you.
Great care should be taken when choosing a metal pendulum. Metal usually acts as a conductor, and this can negatively affect the results of your research. Copper and aluminum rarely make good pendulums. If possible
try to choose materials that are not conductors, such as wood, glass, plastic.
Ideally, the load should be symmetrical. This creates a good balance and makes the pendulum more responsive and easy to handle. It is best to choose round, spherical or cylindrical pendulums.

Once you have chosen the weight, you need to find something to hang it on. Typically, cotton or silk thread, various cords, ropes and chains are used for this purpose. I have also seen pendulums attached to leather straps, macramé and woven plastic.
Thread, cord and rope are good because they can be easily replaced if necessary. The load must hang freely on the thread, and the thread or cord must in no way interfere with the movements of the pendulum. Tie your weight to the cord and you can start working with the pendulum.
You may want to buy or make a small bag in which to store your pendulum. This way it is easier to carry with you, and there is less chance that the thread or cord will get tangled. A pendulum protected in this way is less susceptible to negative energies. If you made your own pendulum, you can also make a bag for it. Otherwise, you can easily buy it in the same store that sells pendulums.

How to work with a pendulum

It is best to start experimenting with the pendulum alone. Even if your friends share your interest in this issue, the presence of strangers in the very first classes can negatively affect your results. By starting to experiment alone, you will achieve success faster. You will have plenty of time later to demonstrate your abilities to others after you have practiced with the pendulum for a number of weeks and acquired some skill in handling it.

Most people prefer to hold the pendulum in the same hand they write with. Experiment with both hands, but start with your right hand if you are right-handed, and your left if you are left-handed. If you are sitting, place your elbow on the table, and hold the chain or thread of the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger, trying to squeeze it very lightly. Make sure that your stomach or other hand does not inadvertently touch the table. The palm of the hand holding the pendulum should be facing down, and the pendulum itself should hang 30 cm from you.

If you are standing, it is best to bend your elbow at an angle of 90 degrees - in this case, your forearm will be parallel to the ground.
Also make sure that your arms and legs do not cross. If you unconsciously protect yourself in this way, you will unwittingly exert a certain influence on the pendulum, thereby reducing its effectiveness. You can check this fact yourself. Hold the pendulum straight in front of you, allowing it to swing freely. Then cross your legs or press your feet together tightly. And you will see that the pendulum will stop its movement.

Gently swing the pendulum back and forth to get comfortable with this tool. Let it swing in different directions. Intentionally move his movements into a circular motion. You can also experiment with the thread, releasing it at different lengths and watching at what moment the pendulum moves the most freely. For most people, the optimal thread length is 10-12 cm. But you better determine for yourself what length will be ideal for you. So, one of my friends works with a pendulum only while standing, since the length of the cord to which the weight is attached is about 120 cm (it would be nice if you tied a knot at the place where the length of the thread is most suitable for you).

Once you get used to the movements of the pendulum, stop it with your free hand. After the pendulum freezes in place, ask it to indicate what movement the answer “yes” represents. It makes no difference whether you say your question out loud or mentally. For most people, the pendulum will immediately begin to answer the question asked. But if you've never used a pendulum before, it may take you a while to get the answer you want. Be patient. It may move almost imperceptibly at first, but if you continue to focus on the positive response, the range of motion of your pendulum will gradually increase.

In the end, it doesn't matter whether your first experiment takes 5 seconds, half an hour, or even a week. Once you become accustomed to working with a pendulum, it will begin to move immediately after you hang it over the table. Over the years I have taught many people how to use a pendulum. If they have some difficulty at first, I encourage them to concentrate on the weight and imagine it moving back and forth. And as a rule, the pendulum really begins to swing.

There is another way to help people who have difficulty in the first stages of working with a pendulum. Ask a specialist in this field to place his hand on the beginner's shoulder (on the right shoulder if the person is holding the pendulum in his right hand). This simple action will immediately begin to move the pendulum. If there is no one nearby who can help you with this, put the pendulum down aside for a few minutes and then try again.
From my own experience I know that anyone can work with a pendulum. So you don't have to worry about how long it will take you to get it moving. To do this, you don’t need to be particularly gifted or a genius. The pendulum will begin to work faster in the hands of someone who has a good imagination and is receptive to new ideas. A person of a logical mind, a methodical person or a pedant will experience much more difficulties in this case. And yet, hard work and a sincere desire to overcome his own mistrust will eventually make him a true professional in working with a pendulum.

Experiment for 5 minutes each time until your pendulum starts to move. And once this happens, know that you will no longer have problems with this. Your pendulum will move in one of four ways; forward and backward, side to side, or in circles - clockwise and counterclockwise. Remember what movement indicates the answer “yes”. Then ask the pendulum what will correspond to such values ​​as “no”, “I don’t know” and “I don’t want to answer”.

Most likely, these answers will remain unchanged. Still, it makes sense to recheck them regularly. I know people who have experienced changes in their pendulum responses. It is best to recheck such conditioned movements after you have not touched your pendulum for some time. If you use it every day, then its answers are unlikely to change. But if you haven't worked with him for a month or two, you will need to find out if his movements have changed to correspond to a particular answer.

Now you are ready to ask your pendulum questions that can be answered in one of the four ways above.

Start with questions to which you already know the answers. You may ask, "Am I a man?" And if so, your pendulum should answer yes. Of course, if you are a woman, the answer is no. You can ask similar questions about your name, age, marital status, number of children, etc.
The purpose of such a survey is to thoroughly study the movements of the pendulum and ensure the validity of its answers. You'll likely find that it makes no difference whether you ask your questions out loud or just think about them. Personally, I only say my questions out loud when I want my client to get the gist of what is happening. One day my friend felt awkward in a bookstore. He brought his pendulum to the book and asked loudly whether he should buy it. And suddenly he felt that all the people around were looking at his pendulum, hoping to find out the answer.

After the pendulum answers questions like these, you can start asking it about what really interests you. The pendulum is able to answer more complex questions, since it can “read” the necessary information from your subconscious, then transmitting it to your consciousness. Consciousness can only accommodate a certain, limited amount of information, while the resources of your subconscious are much greater. The mind can be compared to an iceberg. Consciousness is limited to that small part that is visible above the water, and the much larger part of it, the unconscious, is hidden from view.

Be especially careful with your choice of questions in the beginning. Do not forget that you are able to influence the movements of the pendulum with your own will. Let's say you want to find out the gender of your unborn child. If you secretly hope it will be a girl, the pendulum may reflect your inner desire and tell you that it will be a girl, even if this is not actually the case.


Chakras appear in a person at the time of birth and throughout life they influence us and the events around us in a certain way. If they are not open enough, it can lead to failure in any area. Using a pendulum, you can correct the position and help the chakras work correctly.

The topic of chakras has not been fully studied, although we know quite a lot about them and understand that they have a huge impact on our success. People whose chakras are open and working correctly are usually successful in everything. They manage to get money even out of thin air, they are attractive, confident and loved. A distinctive feature of such people is that they do not hold a grudge against anyone and are ready to help others achieve their goals. Such a person is always open to the whole world and radiates happiness.

What you need to know about chakras

Chakras are divided into male and female, and if there is a malfunction within us, then this will in a certain way be reflected in the events taking place. For example, a woman plunges headlong into work and does not even think about starting a family - this means that on an energetic level, her female chakras have weakened, and male energy predominates. And if a woman radiates masculine energy, then in this way she only scares away the opposite sex.

Chakras are energy centers and therefore they rotate in a certain direction. It often happens that even practicing people who work hard on themselves have problems.

Using a pendulum, you can find out whether everything is working correctly for you, and, if necessary, adjust the situation. However, diagnosing chakras in this way is difficult to do on your own, so you should find a like-minded person who knows how to use a pendulum. Anyone can use such an item; you just need to tune in to the desired wave and relax your hand.

Diagnostics of chakras using a pendulum

The one whose chakras will be checked lies on his back on a flat surface and relaxes. The assistant stands over him and brings his pendulum to the first chakra. The distance between the load being diagnosed and the suspended load should be no more than twenty centimeters. Having placed the pendulum over the chakra, wait until it begins to unwind. By its vibrations you can understand in which direction the chakra rotates and how strongly it is developed.

If the load rotates in a circle at a fairly high speed, this means that this energy center is working well and is opened to the maximum. This procedure must be done with each chakra in turn and remember the results or write them down.

The correct trajectories of the chakras are clockwise for both women and men

It happens that the load does not rotate at all or its trajectory is the opposite of the correct one. In this case, you need to complete the diagnosis in order to then work with individual chakras.

So, you have determined which energy centers are not open enough or are rotating in a different direction. To set them the right trajectory and change the dynamics, you can also use a pendulum.

First, your assistant begins to swing the pendulum over the chakra in the required direction. At this time, you lie with your eyes closed and imagine an energy ball in the place where the chakra is located. Feel how it increases in size and begins to move along the trajectory specified by the pendulum, that is, clockwise or counterclockwise.

By doing this, you get in touch with your chakra and show it that it is possible to move differently. Working on one chakra should take no more than three minutes, otherwise you may feel unwell or tired. The remaining chakras need to be worked in the same way.

However, a pendulum cannot completely correct the situation; it only sets the desired direction. In order to bring your chakras to work harmoniously, you should engage in meditation. By using practices that are right for you, you can harmonize your body and mind, and begin to attract abundance and love.

The meaning of human chakras

The word "chakra" is familiar to many of us. But despite the fact that it is well-known, we often have a vague idea of ​​what it means. From Sanskrit, “chakra” is translated as “circle”; In the internal, non-physical body of a person, chakras look like something spherical. Knowledgeable people call chakras certain centers of power in which energy channels with vitality intersect. By opening the chakras and developing them, you can change your life.

The first chakra, located in the back of the head or in the parietal region. Its color is cool purple. She is responsible for communication with the Cosmos and Higher powers. Thanks to her, insight and enlightenment descends on a person, with her help prayers are read. Associated with meditation and nirvana.

The chakra is blue, located between the eyebrows. The “third eye” of a person, responsible for intuitive sense and foresight. Intellectual activity and the functioning of the nervous system are also associated with Ajna. It helps a person fight self-deception and not succumb to illusions, as well as feel the truth.

This chakra is located in the human throat. It has a blue color. Responsible for self-realization and creativity. This is a kind of “voice” of a person, which allows him to convey his ideas to the whole world through creativity. For Vishuddha to work properly, it needs spiritual purity. Therefore, you cannot tell lies.

Heart chakra. Located in the chest, between the shoulder blades, close to the heart. Its color is the color of life, green. Thanks to Anahata, a person loves and wants to be loved. She is responsible for the development of empathy, the ability to empathize and compassion, for the ability to feel the state of another person.

The location of this chakra is the stomach, the solar plexus area. It is bright yellow in color. The area of ​​its influence on human life is quite wide. On the one hand, it affects self-confidence, the ability to earn money and the strength of vital energy. On the other hand, the will also comes under its influence. The development of Manipura makes a person able to cope with any difficulties, make decisions and speak the truth.

The orange or pinkish chakra is located below the navel. Under its influence, a person begins to desire bodily pleasures. It responds to the enjoyment of delicious food and sexual satisfaction, the desire to please and receive pleasant impressions from life. For Svadhisthana to function correctly, it is considered important to limit oneself to a certain extent - then it imparts cheerfulness.

The basic chakra, a kind of foundation of a person and his astral body. It is located at the base of the spine and, in contrast to Sahasrara, is responsible not for the connection with the Cosmos, but for the connection with the Earth. The harmonious development of these chakras helps to find peace of mind. Muladhara manifests itself when a person experiences fear. The instinct of self-preservation and the ability to survive are born in it.

To decipher diagnostic indicators, it is necessary to understand the energy structure of a person, which in itself is knowledge about the existence of chakras and their functions.

Diagnostic technique

The most comfortable position for the subject is horizontal. It is advisable to remove clothing made from synthetic materials, metal jewelry and accessories. The subject lies motionless, with his eyes closed, and the “operator” holds the pendulum at a distance of about 10-15 cm above individual areas of the body corresponding to the seven chakras, starting from the bottom:
· I chakra. Root (Muladhara) - perineal area.
· II chakra. The sacral center (Svadhisthana) is the lower abdomen, between the navel and the pubic bone.
· III chakra. Solar plexus (Manipura) is the center of the diaphragm.
· IV chakra. The heart chakra (Anahata) is the center of the chest.
· V chakra. Throat chakra (Vishuddha) is the throat cavity, the central part of the throat between the collarbones.
· VI chakra. “Third Eye” (Ajna) - the lower part of the forehead, the area between the eyebrows.
· VII chakra. “Crown” (Sahasrara) - crown, crown of the head.

Usually, it takes very little time for a load suspended on a thread to begin to make soft oscillatory movements, first of small amplitude, then more and more strongly and distinctly. The normal diameter of rotation of a pendulum is from 15 cm. If the pendulum goes around a large circle, going beyond the body, then this is an indicator of a very strong biofield. In this case, vibrations can be both positive (clockwise rotation of the pendulum) and negative (counterclockwise rotation of the pendulum).

A stationary pendulum indicates a lack of energy. But in living organisms this cannot happen in principle. Is it possible that weak movements of the pendulum in a separate area of ​​the body indicate pockets of a “cold field” - a uniquely negative phenomenon, indicating “energy starvation”, and as a result - serious pathologies or the formation of malignant tumors.

Qualitative characteristics of the biofield

Rotation of the pendulum clockwise - the greater the amplitude and speed of rotation of the pendulum, the more favorable energy in this area on the day of the session;

The rotation of the pendulum counterclockwise is a sign of a negative contaminated field. It often results in mental imbalance and a tendency toward aggression and destruction. And yet this is not an exclusively negative indicator if other energy centers also cause the pendulum to rotate to the left - counterclockwise. After all, all chakras are interconnected, so the direction of the energy “spiral” should be similar in other areas. This type of energy occurs quite often, especially in left-handed people;

Longitudinal oscillations of the pendulum relative to the subject are interpreted positively. This indicator in the head area means irrational thinking, detachment from reality and daydreaming. They happen to very impressionable and creative people. The greater the deviation of the amplitude of the pendulum “up” - to the area “above the head”, the stronger the connection between a person and his higher “I” and the more likely the presence of an open channel that allows one to draw information and energy from subtle plans;

Transverse oscillations of the pendulum are an alarming indicator of energy blockage in this area. Symbolizes a breakdown of the aura and other defects of the subtle bodies of a person;

The elliptical trajectory of the pendulum's oscillations with a slope to the left (feminine) or to the right (masculine), as well as a combination of circular, linear or diagonal movements, indicates a distortion of the biofield in this area. The balance is broken: “Yin-Yang”. At first glance, the pendulum should show the predominance of the feminine energy principle (Yin) in women, and the predominance of the masculine energy principle in men (Yang). In fact, an imbalance of male and female energy is unfavorable, regardless of a person’s gender. For example, a similar indicator in the area of ​​the first two (sexual) chakras indicates sexual perversions, possible problems in the intimate sphere and in communication with the opposite sex in general.

There is nothing more important than health, and the pendulum can become an indispensable tool in the arsenal of the attending physician. However, I believe that the pendulum should only be used in conjunction with traditional medicine, and not at all on its own.

Western medicine makes full use of the pendulum to make the correct diagnosis. In France alone, more than two and a half thousand doctors use the pendulum in their practice. Four French priests at the beginning of the 20th century first began to use the pendulum for medicinal purposes. Abbe Mermet made a medical diagnosis with its help back in 1906. His example was soon followed by Abbot John Kuptzle, Abbot Bouly and Father Jurien. Father Jurien's methods became so popular that it worried the medical community. He was summoned to court six times on charges of illegally treating people. Abbot Merme turned out to be more fortunate; he had virtually no problems with the medical community. This may have been because he once used a pendulum to heal the doctor's young son. It seemed that the child was about to die, since traditional treatment did not give any results. Using his pendulum, Abbé Mermet discovered that the main problem area was the child's liver. Further questions allowed him to determine that the child could drink milk only if it was diluted many times with water. Soon the boy fully recovered, and the doctor believed in the effective force of the pendulum.

Father Jurien preferred to work with a crystal pendulum. At the same time, he usually asked him a whole series of questions like: “Does the patient have problems with the gallbladder? Should he see a specialist?”

Most practicing doctors act differently: the patient lies down and his body is examined by moving a pendulum directly over the patient or pointing with his free hand to one or another part of the body. In any case, the movements of the pendulum will give the practitioner the necessary answer. This happens because the pendulum moves in a certain way over healthy organs and changes the nature of movements over sick ones.

You can easily see this for yourself. Hang the pendulum over your hip. The pendulum will begin to move, indicating that this tissue is healthy (usually this is indicated by movement, which means a positive answer for you). Slap your thigh firmly and the pendulum will immediately begin to swing differently, indicating that the tissue has been damaged. If you continue to hold the pendulum over your hip, it will gradually return to its original motion, indicating that the damaged tissue has completely healed.

I first saw the pendulum used for medicinal purposes when I was 13 or 14 years old. One of my friends had several warts on his hand. He tried to get rid of them in every known way, but to no avail. An elderly man tending their garden noticed these warts and suggested removing them. He used a button tied to a piece of thread as a pendulum and moved the pendulum around each wart.

“In seven days they will be gone,” the gardener said confidently and returned to his work. We thought he was an eccentric, but the warts actually disappeared in one week and never appeared again.

In this chapter you will learn how to use a pendulum for medicinal purposes.

Our health is largely determined by our emotional and mental state. Any prolonged stress, for example, can fundamentally undermine your health. Tension takes a toll on our muscles - especially those in the shoulders and neck. If we feel good emotionally and mentally, we are just as likely to feel good physically. But even in this case, we may encounter individual minor ailments, such as a cold.

Let's start with such a simple example as a headache. In most cases, you know the cause of your headache. Perhaps you had a stressful day and ended up coming home with a headache. In this case, there is no need to use a pendulum to establish the cause of your ailment. But if you suddenly have a headache for no apparent reason, it would be a good idea to ask your pendulum a few questions.

For starters, you might be wondering if this headache is just a physical ailment. Ask if a long rest or a good night's sleep would help. Should you take aspirin? Ask the pendulum if you need to see a doctor.

You can then investigate the cause of your discomfort. Ask if the headache is caused by a stressful situation. It is also possible that it was caused by something you ate. The pendulum will tell you this. Or perhaps you suffer from severe eye strain. Ask the pendulum about this. If you experience headaches like this regularly, it means you need to change your lifestyle in some way. And in this case, the pendulum can give you practical advice.

A friend of ours, while asking a pendulum to find out the cause of her headaches, found out that she was allergic to chocolate. As long as she avoided eating this product, her health did not cause any concern. She could go months without chocolate, but then began to feel a strong desire to eat at least a piece. After some time, she gave in to this temptation, knowing full well that in the end it would all end in a terrible headache. Having recovered from this pain, she was freed for a while from her passion for chocolate, but then everything started all over again. However, now she already knows what causes her terrible headache.

We check the products

Using a pendulum, you can test foods and find out how bad or good they are for you. You can also determine if you are allergic to a particular food. I have already mentioned one of my friends who always checks her food for the presence of monosodium glutamate. To do this, she hangs a pendulum over a dish and asks it the appropriate question. In order not to feel awkward when dining at a restaurant, she holds the pendulum in her right hand just below the table - where others cannot see it - and points to the food with her other hand.

There is another common way: you hold the food in one hand and the pendulum in the other and ask it any questions about this food.

Surely you will be interested in the process of testing various products. Place a variety of them on the table.

Don't forget to include fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as chocolate and some processed foods. Hang a pendulum over each sample in turn and ask if the food is good for you. It is possible that you will receive some unexpected answers. Perhaps you assume that the pendulum will not recommend chocolate to you. But if you do this test at a time when your blood sugar is low, you may well get a positive pendulum response.

Sometimes you have to choose between similar products from different manufacturers, for example, in a supermarket when buying butter. Now you can easily determine which product is best for you.

Hold your free palm approximately 5 cm from the object you intend to test. Bring a pendulum to this hand and see exactly how it reacts - positively or negatively. Of course, a positive reaction indicates that this product is completely suitable for you. If, as a result of the test, you receive two or more positive answers, ask the pendulum which of these products will bring you the most benefit.

Today, many people are concerned about genetically modified foods. If you prefer not to eat such foods, ask the pendulum whether the food you intend to eat has such changes.

Balanced personality

I offer you an experiment with which you can determine whether all four components of your being are in good condition: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Divide the circle (Fig. 3) into four parts, each of which corresponds to one of the above components.

Rice. 3.Four aspects of personality: a - physical; b - mental; c - emotional; g - spiritual

To begin, bring the pendulum to the very center of the circle and ask it if you are well balanced physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If the pendulum answers “yes”, the experiment is completed. However, based on my own experience, I can note that almost no one can boast of the equally good condition of all four components. Therefore, the answer to your question will most likely be “no”,

When you receive a negative answer, bring your pendulum to each quarter of the circle in turn, asking if you are well balanced in that area. In some cases, you may already know the answers. So, if you, for example, weigh 20 kg more than normal, the pendulum is unlikely to give a positive response over that part of the circle that corresponds to your physical condition. It is possible, however, that some answers will come as a complete surprise to you. Nicola (the young woman who came to me for consultation) was preparing to defend her dissertation in anthropology and therefore devoted all her time to her studies, and yet the pendulum indicated that she was poorly balanced mentally. Then we continued asking questions to find out what was going on. It turns out that Nicola loved fiction, but she was so busy studying anthropology that she simply had no time for what she considered “frivolous reading.” The pendulum suggested that Nikola would feel happier and achieve greater success in her studies if she sometimes allowed herself to read a book solely for her own pleasure.

Of course, you need to work on what the pendulum drew your attention to. If he claims that your physical condition is far from ideal, you should take up some kind of sport, or go to the gym, or devote part of your time to some other form of physical activity. If the pendulum reacts negatively to the mental state portion of the circle, you may need to read more or engage in other intellectual activities. You will need to pay more attention to the spiritual side if the pendulum indicates that this is the part of your life that is suffering.

Usually the most difficult thing to determine is the emotional sphere. You will need to ask a number of additional questions if the pendulum reacts negatively over this part of the circle. Try to find out whether the pendulum's negative reaction is caused by stress or overwork. Ask about your relationships with loved ones and people you just know.

If you do this exercise regularly, you will be able to note and evaluate your development in a particular area. Try, for example, testing the physics of a circle before and after exercising and see if your pendulum's response changes.

Disease Prevention

One of the most valuable qualities of a pendulum is that it is able to identify a predisposition to a particular disease or detect an ailment long before the person himself feels that he is sick. Prevention is always preferable to treatment, and this is the undoubted advantage of the pendulum over other forms of diagnosis.

The pendulum can also determine the cause of your illness. After all, often the study of symptoms does not provide an answer to where exactly the disease began.


It is not so easy to heal yourself with a pendulum because you are too emotionally involved in this process.

All your subconscious fears, coupled with irrational thinking, can prevent you from making an accurate diagnosis.

In fact, I never try to independently assess my physical health using a pendulum, but if necessary, I ask other people to do this. In this case, the results are more accurate, since outsiders are able to impartially evaluate the pendulum's responses.


If Dr. Samuel Haneman (1755–1843), the father of homeopathy, could travel back to modern times, he would no doubt be amazed at how popular this field of medicine has become. His method was to heal the entire body by stimulating the human immune system. To do this, he gave patients medications that, in large doses, could cause symptoms of the disease, but in small doses, they healed. The doctor himself called this phenomenon the “law of similars.” This law states that a drug can cure a patient if it can cause symptoms of the same disease in a healthy person.

Dr. Haneman conducted experiments on himself, his family members and everyone. By the time of his death in 1843, he had tested and approved 91 homeopathic medicines. Research continued after his death, so that in less than 60 years, 600 more drugs were tested.

Homeopathy works on the physical, mental and emotional levels of our being. Homeopathic specialists argue that in order for a person to be completely healthy, all these aspects of his being must be in balance and harmony with each other. And if you have health problems, it makes sense to visit a homeopath, instead of choosing your own medicine from the huge number of homeopathic remedies now available.

You can only use a pendulum to determine the best homeopathic medicine for you if your ailment is not too serious.

There are two ways to do this. You can go to a pharmacy and, one by one, hold the pendulum to all the drugs there. You can also get a good homeopathy reference book, read what medicines are recommended for your particular illness, and then ask the pendulum if they will help you. Once you determine the medicine you need, ask the pendulum about the optimal dose.

I would like to note that many homeopathic doctors use a pendulum to diagnose a disease and then prescribe the right medicine.

Bach Flower Medicines

Edward Bach (1886–1936), an English physician, became interested in homeopathy after discovering that certain types of people were prone to the same diseases. As a doctor, he treated the physical body of the patient, but he felt that the true cause of the disease was in the minds of his patients. Studying this issue, he came to the conclusion that illness is the result of contradictions between the physical and mental bodies of a person. And in the end, the doctor invented special flower remedies designed to restore emotional balance.

During his holiday in Wales in 1928, Bach collected balsam and lipweed flowers. That same year, he began experimenting with clematis and prescribed it to his patients with consistent success.

As a result of his research, Dr. Bach selected 38 priority drugs. He wanted both the medical community and the population as a whole to benefit from his discoveries. To this end, the doctor released a whole series of cheap booklets designed to educate and inform as many people as possible.

Due to their undoubted effectiveness in restoring emotional and mental balance (especially during times of great stress), Bach flower remedies have increased immeasurably in popularity over time. They are also great for working with a pendulum. Whenever you are suffering from stress, overwork, nervous tension and other negative conditions, use a pendulum to determine which of these 38 medicines will be most beneficial for you.

1. Fear

Alta(Prunus cerasifera). Against bad mood, sudden mood swings and fear of losing control.

Lipstick(Mimulus guttatus). Acts against irrational fear, phobias and excessive timidity.

Red chestnut(Aesculus carnea). Against excessive anxiety and excessive concern for others.

Cistus(Helianthemum nummularium). Helps cope with panic, hysteria, fear and difficult dreams.

Aspen(Populus tremula). Helps cope with empty fears and forebodings.

2. Uncertainty

Gentian(Gentianella amarella). For people who easily lose courage.

Hornbeam(Carpinus betulus). For people who tend to put everything off from day to day. It also helps to overcome the feeling that the hardships of life may be beyond our strength.

Diwala annual(Scleranthus annuus). From indecision.

Wild oats(Bromus ramosus). For people who have problems with work and are dissatisfied with their current situation.

Gorse(Carpinus betulus). Against feelings of despair and hopelessness. Ceratostigma (Ceratostigma willmottianum). For people who doubt their ability to make decisions.

3. Lack of interest in what is happening

Mustard(Sinapis arvensis). Banishes suddenly overwhelming feelings of melancholy and sadness.

Honeysuckle(Lonicera caprifolium). For people who spend too much time on memories.

Horse chestnut(Aesculus hippo-castanum). Helps cope with excessive anxiety caused by unwanted thoughts.

Clematis(Clematis vitalba). Helps against excessive daydreaming and lack of interest in real life.

Olive(Olea europaea). For people who have exhausted themselves both mentally and physically.

Chestnut buds(Aesculus hippocastanum). For people who tend to make the same mistakes.

Rose hip(Rosa canina). For people who are apathetic, weak-willed and resignedly submitting to their fate.

4. Loneliness

Balsam(Impaliens glandulifera). For people who are intolerant of others.

Heather(Calluna vulgaris). For people who constantly talk, although they have practically nothing to say. It is difficult for them to be alone with themselves.

Water lily(Hottonia palustris). For people who prefer to keep to themselves.

5. Hypersensitivity to other people's opinions

Walnut(Juglans regia). For people who are out of emotional balance during periods of change.

Centaury umbellata(Centaumm umbellatum). For people who find it difficult to refuse others' requests.

Holly(Hex aquifolium). Drives out feelings of envy, jealousy, suspicion and hatred.

Burdock(Agrimonia eupatoria). For people who hide their feelings and don't trust others.

6. Despair and despondency

Elm(Ulmus procera). For people who have experienced shock.

wild apple tree(Malus pumila). For people with low self-esteem.

Oak(Quercus robur). Helps you overcome internal limitations and achieve success.

Willow(Salix vitellina). Helps overcome feelings of bitterness and resentment.

Laurel(Larix decidua). Helps with lack of self-confidence.

Umbrella poultry plant(Ornithogalum umbella-tum). From severe mental and emotional stress.

Sweet chestnut(Caslanea sativa). Helps overcome feelings of despair.

Pine(Pinus sylvestris). For people who always blame themselves for all their troubles,

7. Excessive concern for the well-being of others

Beech(Fagus sylvatica). For people who constantly point out the mistakes of others.

Verbena(Verbena officinalis). For people who consider only their feelings.

Vine(Vitis Vinifera). For people who are despotic, ruthless and too persistent.

Chicory(Cichorium intybus). For people who are overly power-hungry and demanding.

You can use a pendulum to determine which of these remedies you need at the moment. The pendulum will also tell you how much you should take. These flower medicines can be made yourself, but can also be purchased at very reasonable prices from doctors who treat their patients with medicinal herbs. When I need Bach flower medicines, I usually buy them instead of making them myself.


Each of us is more than just a physical body. Anyone who heals a person must pay attention to the state of mind, body and spirit.

To achieve complete health, it is necessary to put in order not only the physical, but also the mental and spiritual bodies. Our physical body is surrounded by an invisible energy field called the aura. I am sure that each of us is able to learn to see the aura.

The aura has seven energy centers, or chakras (Fig. 4). They are located along the entire length of the spine and look like rotating funnel-shaped circles of subtle energy. The chakras receive higher energies and transform them so that they can be used by our physical body. The word "chakra" comes to us from Sanskrit, and it means "wheel". This is a very accurate name because the chakras are constantly rotating. This rotation allows the chakras to attract and release energy.

Rice. 4.Chakra location: A - root; B - sacral; B - solar; G - cardiac; D - throat; E - superciliary; F - parietal

The chakras are associated with the physical systems of elimination, reproduction, digestion, circulation, respiration, and the central nervous system.

But they are also connected to our emotional and spiritual systems. A person who sees the chakras can easily determine the emotional state of any person. Our approach to life and habits affect the state of the chakras. If our personal philosophy and worldview changes, this is also reflected in our chakras.

For example, in many people the root chakra and the solar plexus chakra are much more developed than all the others. Such people are by nature materialists, paying very little attention to spiritual and philosophical issues. In a more spiritual person, all chakras are in relative harmony, and he uses the top three to the same extent as the four bottom.


The four lower chakras are commonly called the four. They differ from the top three in lower vibrations and correspond to the elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Root chakra

The root chakra is located at the base of the spinal column and is associated with feelings of security and comfort. It brings universal energies to the physical level, allowing them to penetrate our system of subtle energies. The root chakra firmly connects us with the earth, and it correlates specifically with the element of Earth. She is red in color and is often depicted as a four-petalled lotus. On the physical plane, this chakra is associated with the anus, rectum, colon and prostate gland. It is also associated with the spinal column.

Sacral chakra

This chakra is located in the lower back, at the level of the sacrum, 5 cm from the navel. It correlates with the element of Water and is associated with the fluids in our body. The sacral chakra purifies the subtle body and governs creative, emotional balance and sexual expression. She is orange in color and is depicted as a lotus with six petals. On the physical plane, the sacral chakra is associated with the reproductive system.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The name itself indicates where this chakra is located. It corresponds to the element of Fire and has the positive qualities of fire such as warmth, light, energy and the ability to purify. The solar plexus chakra is responsible for warmth, happiness and self-esteem. Emotional energy comes from this chakra. She is yellow in color and is depicted as a lotus with ten petals. On the physical plane it is associated with the digestive system and the lower back.

Heart chakra

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, in line with the heart. It corresponds to the element of Air and is responsible for understanding, devotion, love and a sense of belonging. Compassion and sympathy come from this chakra. She is green in color and is depicted as a lotus with twelve petals. On the physical plane it corresponds to the heart, lungs and lower back.


The three upper chakras are usually called the three, or triad. They correspond to three astrological groups: cardinal, permanent and mutable or changeable. Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are friendly and outgoing. The fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) are stubborn and persistent. Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) easily adapt to changing situations and themselves change in accordance with circumstances.

Throat chakra

This chakra is located at the level of the throat. It plays a vital role in carrying information from the brow chakra to the lower chakra. Therefore, it is she who is responsible for our thoughts and feelings. She is also responsible for communication, self-expression, sound and voice. This chakra is blue in color and is depicted as a lotus with sixteen petals. On the physical plane, it corresponds to the respiratory organs, neck, ears and hands.

Brow Chakra

This chakra is located on the forehead between the eyebrows. She rules the mind, thoughts and intuition. Sometimes it is called the "third eye". She is blue in color and is depicted as a lotus with 96 petals. On the physical plane, it corresponds to the paranasal sinuses. This chakra is also associated with the thought process.

Parietal chakra

This chakra is located at the very top of the head. It brings balance and harmonizes all aspects of our nature. It is she who collects and unites the energies of the six other chakras. It allows us to touch the eternal. The crown chakra is purple in color and is depicted as a lotus with 1000 petals.

Possible disturbances in the functioning of the chakras are manifested by dysfunction on the physical plane.

Root Chakra: hemorrhoids, constipation and prostate problems.

Sacral chakra: impotence, frigidity, menstrual problems, problems with the kidneys or gall bladder.

Solar Plexus Chakra: digestive problems, ulcers.

Heart chakra: sore throat, hypertension.

Throat Chakra: sore throat, voice problems.

Brow Chakra: headaches, confused or illogical thinking.

Parietal chakra: loneliness, isolation, inability to accept someone else's point of view.

You can use your pendulum to determine the state of each chakra.

Aura harmonization

Aura harmonization is a very simple process, which nevertheless can completely change your life. You will feel (and sometimes look) ten years younger, getting rid of energy “clogs” inside your chakras.

To heal the patient, ask him to lie on his side. Hang a pendulum over the base of his spine and ask, “Is this person’s root chakra in good health?” The pendulum will give you a positive or negative answer. If the answer is yes, you will no longer have to dwell on the root chakra and can move on to the state of the next chakra - the sacral chakra.

But if the answer to the first question is no, you need to ask the pendulum in detail about your patient's root chakra. I usually carefully check all of my patient's chakras before working on those that are suffering from energetic imbalances.

Once you have checked all the chakras, try to find out which one is in particularly bad condition. You can determine this by asking questions about each chakra in turn: “Is the root chakra in particularly bad condition?”, “Is the sacral chakra in particularly bad condition?” Now you must ask the pendulum the following two questions: “Which movement represents negative energy?”, “Which movement represents positive energy?”.

Fill a glass with water and dip the fingers of your free hand into it. Hang the pendulum over the chakra that is in the worst condition and ask the pendulum to remove all negative energy from it. It will begin to swing in the direction corresponding to the negative energy. This suggests that the pendulum extracts all the negative energy from the chakra, which goes through it, and then through you, into a glass of water.

When the pendulum stops moving in this direction, remove your fingers from the glass and rinse your hands thoroughly under running water. Repeat the above procedure with the next chakra - and so on until all the chakras that need it are cleansed.

Then check all the chakras again with the pendulum and make sure that it reacts in the most positive way over each of them. You may also find that you have not been able to remove all the negative energy, in which case you will need to repeat the cleansing process. Harmonization of the aura cannot be considered complete until you receive a positive response over each of the chakras.

When working with a patient, I prefer to discuss the entire procedure with him. Some people like to talk about their problems, while others prefer not to. But even in this case, I still explain what the essence of my actions is, but I try to limit myself to only a general description of the process.

Here are some emotional factors that can disrupt the energy balance of the chakras.

Root Chakra: feeling of danger, self-doubt, unwillingness to part with the past.

Sacral chakra: selfishness, egocentrism, inability and unwillingness to communicate correctly with others.

Solar Plexus Chakra: low self-esteem, a feeling of powerlessness in the face of various life situations.

Heart chakra: inability to correctly express one’s emotions, excessive restraint, lack of empathy.

Throat Chakra: the inability to freely express one’s thoughts in words, which often gives rise to a feeling of disappointment. Inability to express your inner feelings.

Brow Chakra: life in dreams, fantasies.

Parietal chakra: feeling isolated and alienated from others. An overly rigid approach to life.

Of course, it is not possible to use a pendulum in the manner described above to test your own chakras. But you can do this by asking your pendulum questions about the state of the chakras (one at a time). In the same way, if necessary, you can restore the energy balance of your chakras, but it is still better to ask someone else about it.

Crystals and chakras

Now we can talk about crystals that are associated with one or another chakra. Many people find it very beneficial to wear a crystal associated with a specific chakra. But this should be done with great caution, since crystals easily collect energy - both positive and negative. If you spend a lot of time with negative people, your crystal will absorb this energy and transfer it to you. On the other hand, if you communicate mainly with optimistic people, your crystal will absorb the positive energy they emit, turning it for your benefit.

Crystals should be kept as close to the body as possible. If you wear them under your clothes, they are likely to absorb significantly less negative energy from those around you.

Crystals should be cleaned regularly by immersing them in cold running water for 60 seconds. By doing this, you increase the shelf life of the crystal.

Crystals are selected for each chakra by color. For example, a red crystal will stimulate the root chakra. Transparent quartz crystals are very good. They are associated with the light that creates all colors, and therefore can stimulate and heal each of the seven chakras. Here are the crystals recommended for each chakra.

Root Chakra: red garnet (should be worn below the waist, as it can cause dizziness and headaches), black obsidian (will help a person take a sober look at life), smoky quartz (restores disturbed energy flows).

Sacral chakra: tiger's eye (gives a person strength, courage and perseverance), serdolik (relieves tension and promotes maturity).

Solar Plexus Chakra: citrine (promotes concentration), malachite (heals emotional trauma and creates a sense of well-being).

Heart chakra: green jade (love and wisdom), rose quartz (helps self-education), green aventurine (known as the stone of dreamers, as it guides a person to high ideas and independence).

Throat Chakra: sodalite (promotes self-expression), azurite (for spiritual growth).

Brow Chakra: lapis lazuli (helps the development of spirituality), fluorite (good to wear after emotional turmoil).

Parietal chakra: amethyst (for protection), violet fluorite (heals the physical body and soul), sugilite (develops determination), clear quartz (contains all shades of the rainbow and therefore stimulates all chakras).

Using a pendulum, you can choose the right stone for yourself. A good place to start is by asking questions about the different types of crystals and gemstones. Let's say the pendulum suggests you wear green aventurine. Having established this, you can hold the pendulum over various samples of aventurine to select the one that is most suitable for you.

Diagnosis of diseases

There are many ways to use a pendulum for medical purposes. Of course, you should start with diagnostics. Here you can resort to the method of Father Jurien, who gradually, step by step, examined the entire body, asking questions about each organ separately. Or you can examine the patient's body, watching the swing of the pendulum and noting any disturbance in its movements. But first of all, ask the pendulum to show you which movements will indicate a healthy organ and which ones will indicate a diseased one.

Using this method, you can detect old injuries. Several years ago I was checking the health of one of my friends, and the pendulum showed that her right knee was damaged. She claimed that she didn’t feel anything. And only when she returned home did she understand what the pendulum was pointing to. Twelve months ago, while playing tennis, she accidentally injured this knee. It seemed to her that it had completely healed, but the pendulum showed the opposite. There is no doubt that the pendulum is capable of revealing aspects of the patient’s health that the patient is sometimes not even aware of. Of course, if the pendulum detects a more serious condition, you should refer the patient to a doctor for further examination and treatment.

Once you have identified an ailment, use the pendulum to determine the most effective treatment method. This could be homeopathy, Bach flower medicines, herbs, acupuncture, traditional medicine, exercise, diet or anything else. Ask the pendulum to determine the method that works best for you.

The pendulum can tell you how effective the medications you are using are. Bring the pendulum to any medicine and ask it whether the use of this medicine will help your patient. If you need to choose between samples of the same medicine manufactured by different companies. leave it to the pendulum to determine which brand will suit the patient best.

Remote examination

You can use your pendulum to diagnose diseases of a person located in any country in the world. Start by asking whether the person you are examining is in good health. Then ask about each chakra individually. If you find any problem areas in this person, you can send him your healing thoughts using a pendulum.

Treatment at a distance

You can also use your pendulum to treat those patients who are not near you. And it doesn’t matter what part of the world they are in. Personally, I prefer to get permission from the person I am going to send healing thoughts to. Strange as it may sound, many people don’t want to be healthy at all. Being sick, they receive increased attention from others and therefore are unlikely to be grateful to you for the healing thoughts you send. Of course, there are cases when it is simply impossible to obtain such permission. For example, your patient may be unconscious or you may not know how to contact him. I prefer to perform the healing ritual in the evening, when all the worries of the day are behind me. You will need two large candles to represent you and your patient. Light the candles and place them directly in front of you at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Take a few deep breaths and then allow the pendulum to swing from one candle to the next. Visualize the healing energy moving from the left candle (representing you) to the right candle (representing your patient).

Do this until you feel tired or uncomfortable. Stop as soon as you feel your consciousness shifting to other things.

Stop the pendulum from swinging with your free hand, blow out the left candle first, and then the right.

Before you stand, think about the person you just sent healing to. Imagine him healthy, full of new strength and energy. Paint this image in your mind and then let it disappear. Now you will return to your business in full confidence that you have done something very valuable for this person.

Animal health

A pendulum can also be of great benefit if one of your pets gets sick. Of course, animals are not able to tell you what the problem is, but you can find out for yourself by asking leading questions to the pendulum.

It is best to develop a standard procedure for this. Several years ago I met a man who made his living by testing the health of horses with a pendulum. He took a pendulum in his hand and stood near the head of the animal being examined. He held his other hand palm up to thereby capture cosmic energy. During a direct assessment of the situation, he closed his eyes. The rest of the time he usually looked carefully into the horse's eyes. And he rarely monitored the reaction of his pendulum.

He began with questions regarding the horse's diet. These were specific questions - about various minerals that should be present in horse feed.

He then asked questions about the condition of the horse's internal organs. His speech was fast and smooth, during this procedure he seemed to go into a trance, and his wife wrote down the results of his examination. He then asked if the horse was experiencing any discomfort or pain. He paid special attention to the horse's shoulders and legs. He asked the pendulum how comfortable the saddle and reins were, and finally asked the horse if he wanted to add anything else.

The whole process took about 30 minutes. This man himself did not at all proclaim himself a healer. He argued that in most cases the horse owner already knows what the problem is, his task is to combine the disparate elements into a single picture. All this was supposed to help the horse owner develop the right tactics to ensure good care for his charges.

This man took up this type of activity completely by accident. At first, he used a pendulum to check the health of his pets. Then his friends asked him about it. He eventually discovered that he had a special affinity for horses and began to specialize in this area. When conducting an examination, he preferred to be close to the horse, but could do it from a distance if he knew the horse’s name and where it was located.

It is possible that you will discover that you have a special talent for healing animals using a pendulum. This is a very useful skill that can also bring you a lot of joy and satisfaction.

If you don't want to treat your animal yourself, you can use a pendulum to find someone who can do it better than others. Make a list of all the veterinarians in your area, then hold your pendulum to each name in turn and ask which one would be most helpful to your pet. Or you can hold a pendulum in your hand while saying each name loudly. He will respond positively to the person you best approach.

The pendulum can also be used to determine the best food for your pet. Once upon a time we had two cats living at home. When one of them died, the other almost stopped eating altogether. This is the first time we have encountered such behavior in an animal, although the veterinarian told us that this is not at all uncommon. He prescribed a number of nutritional supplements, but unfortunately Mittens didn't like them. Then I used a pendulum to find similar supplements that my cat would eat. And the pendulum successfully coped with this task. Of course, when using your pendulum for medical purposes, you must be aware of what you are doing. Amateurism is unacceptable in this area. Learn, observe and practice constantly. Test everything you do until you become a true professional. Use your skill in addition to traditional medicine, and not in opposition to it, and then you can help many people with your art.

Pendulum is a very convenient tool for diagnostics and dowsing. As a rule, it is made from natural materials: rock crystal, amber... You can also use various metals: brass, copper, gold, silver. Variants of pendulums are presented in the pictures.

Dowsing is not one of the newfangled esoteric concepts; it is a person’s perception of the surrounding world with the help of energy channels. This phenomenon has been known for more than four thousand years. Among representatives of different nations, these channels differ in both quantity and quality. In ancient times, people, using a fork-shaped tree branch clutched in their hand, could determine by the deviation of the rotation of their “pendulum” where geopathogenic zones or sources of natural resources were located.

Using a pendulum you can determine:

. underground positionstreams,

. buried treasures,

. point out energy clots in the human aura,

. check the health of your chakras,

. measure the size of your biofield,

. identify negativity in the biofield or identify karmic blocks,

. determine the “leakage” of energy,

. find a lost item at home,

. communicate with your Guardian Leg,

. get an answer to this or that question and much more.

Before the invention of ultrasound, a pendulum was used to determine the sex of an unborn child in the womb. In this case, the pendulum was a wedding ring, which was held next to the pregnant woman's belly.

Absolutely anyone can become a dowsing operator. People have RACES hexadecimal perception system. Let's look at them briefly.

1, 2, 3, 4 – channels are responsible for the perception of the four-dimensional world, i.e. – length, width, depth, and also – time.

5 - channel of SOUL perception. Now for many people it is blocked or occupied by politics.

6 - channel of SPIRITUAL perception. It is blocked by atheism or clogged with religious teachings alien to the SLAV.

7 – channel of MULTIDIMENSIONALITY OF FAMILY MEMORY. It is polluted by the so-called “universal human values”, the sources of which are the media (television, radio, press, etc.).

8 - channel HARMONY with NATURE. This is a channel for self-regulation and self-healing of the human body. The functioning of all channels of perception allows a person of the WHITE RACE to fully see and feel all the beauty of the world around them.

When the first eight channels work correctly, the rest automatically begin to function.

Our highly developed Ancestors could communicate with LEGS at the level of direct perception of information.

A modern person uses only 4 to 8 channels, so direct communication is difficult.

Fragmentary communication sessions are observed - what we call intuition, insight, epiphany, prophetic dreams.

However, there is a technique for controlled acquisition of information using such a simple tool as a pendulum. The simplest pendulum can be any weight (pebble, earring, ring, nail, etc.) suspended from a thread 15-30 cm long . The pendulum is a personal instrument tuned to you, it cannot be transferred to another person .

Technique for working with a pendulum

Method of communication with Leg the Guardian

Diagnostics of chakras

Pinch the free end of the rope between the index and middle fingers of your right or left hand (depending on whether you are right- or left-handed) and hang it over your horizontal forearm.

In addition to the LIGHT forces that surround us, there are also representatives of dark forces from NAVI, and if you want the “readings” of the pendulum to have the CORRECT character, it is advisable to “clean” the space around you with GLORY, for example, like this: FOR THE GLORY OF THE HEAVENLY RACE! TO THE GLORY OF OUR GODS AND ANCESTORS! And after that, say: “LEG GUARDIAN, CAN I ASK YOU A QUESTION”?

If the answer is positive, the pendulum begins to swing along the forearm (vertically), the answer is “YES”; if the answer is negative, it begins to swing across (horizontally), the answer is “NO”. Sometimes the pendulum begins to describe circles both clockwise (posolon), the answer is “YES,” and counterclockwise (kolovrat), the answer is “NO.” Here it is important to decide which of the proposed options is more acceptable to you, and then agree with your GUARDIAN LEG about the combination you have chosen. You need to ask specific questions that can be answered in the affirmative - “YES” or “NO”.

As a rule, LEG does not refuse communication. Receiving an answer should be indicated with words, for example: “Thank you, the image is clear.” In addition to maintaining ethics, this will help stop the pendulum and differentiate (distinguish) the question-answer connection.

By placing the pendulum over the area corresponding to a particular CHAKRA, you can check its balance of opening (i.e. work). For those “baptized” in the area of ​​the SOURCE, SPRING CHAKRAs and at the exit from the palms, the pendulum practically does not describe circles. (Note: personally verified many, many times by many people with “witnesses” - participants in seminars at ours). This suggests that these people cannot receive DIVINE ENERGY and use it for their GOOD purposes, and their birth canal is blocked, which deprives them of the support of the Rod. This is also why there are now many rootless people who do not feel love for their parents, there is no understanding with them.

Communication with LEG is a purely personal matter, but there are some general RULES protecting the pendulum operator from negative consequences . You need to realize that the LEG-GUARDIAN is called upon to protect his ward, his immortal soul. Therefore, obtaining information to use it for unseemly, selfish purposes will not work. In addition, you need to understand that when consulting with LEG, for example, in making some important decision, you can receive a recommendation, the implementation of which will lead to OBVIOUS problems, grief and disappointment. This happens because the GUARDIAN LIGHT has a DIVINE (16-dimensional) rather than earthly consciousness and directs actions that will protect against serious problems in the future, sometimes to the detriment of current WELL-BEING.

Over time, as a result of the practice of communication, as well as spiritual improvement, after the initial euphoria from the opportunity to learn EVERYTHING, an understanding appears of what information can be requested, and what information cannot yet be CORRECTLY realized and applied for GOOD.

If you have questions about working with the pendulum or something remains unclear, you can ask your question in the “Your questions” section.

Good luck in your practice!

WyrmApril 14, 2012

Your questions about the pendulum

Good day! Is certain preparation needed when working with a pendulum, are there days on which you cannot use it, does the “devil” descend from the left shoulder, and will praise and the Altar help avoid this?

Wyrm: Hello. Preparation is advisable, because you must have experience, skill, an “agreement” with the pendulum (exactly how it will show you the answers - “yes” - “no”). “The devil may come down” if he is sitting on the shoulder you are talking about. To prevent other dark entities (those not sitting on your shoulders) from influencing the results/answers, you must first “clean” the space with praise. So, it will help.

Hello, I’m trying to figure it out and I don’t quite understand what a “horizontally positioned forearm” is, where the pendulum should be hung. Further, if the forearm is located horizontally, then the phrase is incomprehensible - “If the answer is positive, the pendulum begins to swing along the forearm (vertically), the answer is “YES”; if it is negative, across (horizontally), the answer is “NO.” Since if the forearm is located horizontally then along the forearm, in theory, it should be horizontal. Please explain. Hope

Vedana: Let's first understand what the forearm is. The forearm is a part of the upper limb of a person, bounded above by the elbow joint and below by the wrist. That is, this is the space that goes from the wrist to the elbow joint. Further. There is no need to hang the pendulum anywhere. Hold it between your index and middle fingers, with a string or chain with a pendant/pendulum hanging down over your forearm. Then you need to agree with the pendulum how the answer will be “yes”. The standard is just vertically, forward - backward, up and down. “No” is horizontal, left and right. But you can somehow agree in your own way how he will say “yes” and how “no”. I repeat, these are classic schemes.

And one more thing... Remember - the pendulum is not magical and never has been. A pendulum is just a piece of iron on a string. Or on a chain - it doesn't matter. The magical creature is you.