Problems of young people with non-traditional orientation. Social prejudice

Bias as a personality quality is the tendency to have an initially biased, biased, usually negative opinion about someone or something, to which a person draws all his subsequent conclusions.

One Buddhist master read a beautiful text to his students that touched everyone. The students immediately asked: “Who wrote it?” - If I say that this is Buddha, you will revere the text, lay flowers on it every morning and bow to it. If I say that the patriarch wrote this text, you will have great respect, but you will not bow to it as much as you would to the Buddha's text. If I say that the author was a monk, you might be confused. And if you find out that our cook wrote the text, you’ll just laugh,” the teacher replied.

Prejudice is a belief that makes it difficult adequate perception realities. Prejudice is indifference to facts, arguments, arguments. Prejudice is the lack of logic in justifying your assessment of another person. Psychologists have discovered that prejudices are extremely persistent because they support themselves. After a person mentally creates a logical rationale for his idea, he with great difficulty breaks up with her. Prejudice is extremely difficult to change using ordinary rules of logic or rational thinking: a person is not inclined to notice what contradicts his belief system. Conclusions are able to live their own own life, even if the facts on which they were based have already been refuted.

Bias drives the company with bias, prejudice, partiality and bias. Having such an environment, she becomes prone to biased, biased, one-sided, deliberate distortion of reality and defending it in the eyes of others; predisposed to impartial coverage of events and facts; seeks to insist on his vision of the problem, the manifestation of his personal preferences contrary to objective reality.

Once a girl brought her groom home to meet her parents. My father didn't like the groom right out of the gate. When they sat down to dinner, the future father-in-law bombarded the young man with all sorts of questions. It was clear from the answers that my father was being nagging in vain. However, he did not let up and asked one last simple question: “What party are you in?” “I’m not a party member,” the guy answered. - Here! I thought so! - the father perked up. - When I was young I had a dog. Non-party people stole it from the yard and ate it! Since then I have not liked non-party people!

Prejudice often results from disrespect and hostility. If a person initially, before meeting you, does not respect you (he has heard enough gossip, slander), he will be prejudiced towards you, that is, he will take everything you say skeptically or frivolously. Initial skepticism and bias appear.

Prejudice is the rebellion of the ego against the ego of the person opposite. Even if you shoot yourself, you can’t prove anything to a prejudiced person. He understands everything, but does not accept it. Maybe he doesn’t like your face or some habits cause hostility? No matter what reasons and arguments you give, it’s all in vain. Blank wall. An impenetrable shield of skepticism. Talking is pointless in most cases. Prejudice is almost impossible to change.

On a summer night, all the family members were sleeping in the garden on the roof of the house. The mother saw that her daughter-in-law, whom she was forced to endure against her will, and her son were sleeping, clinging closely to each other. It was beyond her strength to watch this. She woke up the sleeping people and shouted: “How is it possible to huddle so closely together in such heat?” It's bad for your health. In another corner of the garden, her daughter was sleeping with her beloved son-in-law. They lay at least one step apart. The mother carefully woke them both up and whispered: “My dears, why do you lie apart in such cold weather instead of warming each other?” The daughter-in-law heard these words. She stood up and said loudly, like a prayer: “How omnipotent is God!” There is one garden on the roof, and what a different climate it has.

Philosopher Vyacheslav Ruzov writes in the context of prejudice: “Prejudice is aggressive black and white thinking. You can't do anything with prejudice. Such a person finds the enemy in advance, goes to fight him in advance, and it is actually impossible to oppose anything, just somehow endure the situation. In the practice of communication, there is one way that allows you to slightly reduce prejudice. To do this, you need to eliminate the polarity of thinking, get away from such words as “ours” - “yours”, “ours” - “alien”, “black” - “white”. Use “we”, “us”. We all. All of us, etc. Those are such generalizing words. However, this does not work on a truly prejudiced person. If we come into contact with such a person, with obvious prejudices, he simply begins to get angry when he hears such generalizations. It just pisses him off. He jumps up and shouts: “Why are you speaking for all of us?” You only speak for yourself, why are you for all of us?! What's happened? You are zombifying us all. It's just you who thinks so, we don't think so. That is, you need to be very friendly with nervous people. Well, the man is nervous. Someone had already instilled some kind of prejudice in him. You need to be very friendly. You can't fall for a person's nervousness. You can't respond in kind. You cannot stand on the same platform. One must behave compassionately and mercifully, understanding that a person is in the heat of his prejudice.”

Two Catholic diggers were working near a brothel when they saw a rabbi sneak into the brothel. - What else can you expect from him! - the workers looked at each other. Some time later, the Protestant pastor sneaked in there. This no longer surprised them. - What else can you expect from him! A little later, with his collar raised high, a Catholic priest slipped into the house. - Horrible! One of the girls must have gotten sick.

Peter Kovalev

Due to social hostility and prejudices against homosexuality, many young people (I am talking about the teenage years) are confused about their sexuality, lack of self-esteem and associated alienation and isolation. According to the periodization of the process of formation of homosexual identity, which was put forward by American sociologist Richard Troyden adolescence and the beginning of adolescence is the most dramatic and psychologically intense stage of development. This is a period of doubt and mixed identity, when a teenager is already thinking about his sexual identity, but cannot yet clearly define it. Experiences of the first homosexual contact, self-awareness of one’s homosexuality according to data various studies, on average, occur precisely at the age of 12-16 years. Research by the British Medical Association has shown that by the age of 16, human sexuality is already fully formed.

However, for many teenagers, even having homosexual experience and awareness of their homosexuality does not mean recognizing themselves as gay or lesbian. Some of them turn to a psychotherapist for help in the hope of getting rid of their homoerotic orientation, others engage in self-education, eradicating such feelings in themselves. How? With the help of mental self-defense, the methods of which are different:

· Activation or, conversely, avoidance of communication, including sexual, with persons of the opposite sex;

· Avoidance of receiving any information that could confirm fears about one’s homosexuality, unwillingness to hear anything on this topic;

· Ridiculing one's homoeroticism and bullying one's own kind in the hope of hiding behind a wall of hatred;

· Avoiding painful problems with the help of alcohol and drugs;

· Defining unacceptable feelings and behaviors as incidental, temporary, or peripheral.

The teenager is not prepared for such a sudden invasion of sexuality into his psyche, and the natural reaction is often something like shock. Psychological disorders, which, as a rule, can follow this, are therefore not pathological (V. Frankl). According to I. Kon, “homosexual teenagers and young men need psychiatric and psychological assistance, but not because they are sick, but because they found themselves in very difficult situation, which only a specialist can understand.” I would associate this categorical “only” with the fact that many people ( social workers, psychologists, employees of lesbian and gay organizations) to whom young homosexuals turn are not aware of the rules and restrictions that exist in psychological practice in order to reduce the risk of harm to the person contacted. Therefore, I would like to introduce you to recommendations for professionals who work with young gays and lesbians, based on the materials of the American organizations P-FLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), WAF (We are Family), the works of I. Cohn, as well as from my own observations.

Advice for professionals who work with young gays and lesbians (homo- and pre-homosexuals)

1. Don't be surprised when young people "come out" to you. Surely, before contacting you, they tested you with several “test balloons”. Based on your previous reactions, they decided that you were the right person to trust. A teenager does not open up to everyone at once; often he simply has no one to open up to, because he doesn’t trust anyone. Usually, the first confidant is his/her same-sex peer, the second is the mother, and, as a rule, he is never revealed to the father. He may come to you having already realized his homo-directionality and accepted himself, or he may come to you in an attempt to find the answer to the question: “Who am I?”

2. Maintain confidentiality. If a young person has shared information with you about his or her sexual orientation, you have gained trust that you must respect. Violation of this confidentiality often leads to suicide.

3. Understand the meaning of sexual orientation. Each type of sexual orientation is what comes naturally to that person. And it's not a matter of sexual preference. People don't choose to be gay or lesbian; they simply are.

4. Be supportive. Explain that many young people have struggled with this issue before. It is necessary to provide objective and accurate information about everything that concerns you young man, the experience of other young men and women with similar problems is especially important. Agree that dealing with one sexuality is difficult. Avoid easy and quick answers regarding this topic. Leave the door open for more conversation and more help.

Do not forget about family conditions, help the teenager understand his relationship with his parents, if possible, talk to them, but only with the consent of the teenager himself. If he wants to open up to his parents, but doesn’t know how to do it, introduce him to the recommendations of American psychologists from the P-FLAG organization, based on many years of research, and dedicated the following questions: “How to open up to your parents”, “What stages do parents go through on the path of understanding and accepting their child” (The school has a “Letter to a mother who found out about her son’s orientation” and “Coming Out” on this topic). It is very important that he knows about those psychological problems, which parents may encounter upon learning of his/her homosexuality. After all, it is difficult to be a philosopher in relation to your own child. Relationships can only work if there is patience, understanding and mutual honesty on both sides.

5. Help, but don't insist. Whatever the consultant’s own sexual orientation, he must proceed primarily from life problems the teenager sitting in front of him. You cannot say and do not have the right to decide whether to be or stop being gay or lesbian. The clues to how you can help will come from the youngest person. Do not squeeze him or her into the narrow framework of your own limited, like any person, ideas - this will make it easier for you to understand the teenager and find exactly him unique solution in his unique situation.

Troubled teenagers need to be accepted for who they are, without moralizing or intimidating. It is not the role of the counselor to change or reinforce the adolescent's sexual orientation. It is necessary to help him understand and clarify his feelings.

The most important thing is to deal with feelings. Most young gays and lesbians feel lonely, scared and guilty. You can listen to them, thus giving them the opportunity to release feelings and thoughts that are often in conflict with each other. Be prepared to encounter confusion and confusion. They must work with their own feelings and try to understand themselves.

Due to their related origin and common semantic core, many people confuse concepts such as beliefs and prejudices. The paradox is that the usual prefix “pre” seriously changes the meaning and emotional connotation of this word. It is not known who is to blame for the fact that the level of education in society is slowly but inexorably declining, but now you can already hear from a prejudiced person that he has every right to his own beliefs, this makes him a complete person. Substitution of concepts and blurring of boundaries lead to an increase in misunderstanding, so it is worth understanding what prejudice is, in what meaning this word should be used, and what emotional load it carries.

The meaning of the word "prejudice"

According to dictionaries, prejudice is a pre-formed negative opinion and attitude towards something or someone. The peculiarity of this phenomenon is that a prejudiced person does not need arguments, does not want to find out the truth and is in own world, where the image of the enemy is most successfully chosen, against whom it is necessary to actively fight in every possible way.

Another nuance that most fully reveals the question of what prejudice is is that in the overwhelming majority of cases there is an imposed opinion of others. That is, a prejudiced person has never encountered a hated phenomenon, but he accepted someone else’s opinion on faith and made it his own. Generalization is no less often observed. For example, if a person is bitten by a dog, he or she develops the prejudice that all dogs are dangerous creatures who only dream of biting people, and dog owners secretly hate others, otherwise they would not keep these dangerous animals at home.

Who can be called prejudiced?

It can be easy to confuse misconception and prejudice. If a person has sincerely absorbed a wrong idea, but is ready to learn something new, to check in practice whether the condemned phenomenon is really so vicious, or at least learns the opinion of experts and recognizes the opponents’ right not to share his thoughts, then, most likely, we are talking about a delusion. These are related concepts, the boundary between which is in the emotional sphere, and not in academic interpretation.

What is prejudice? First of all, it is distinguished by its peremptory nature. No facts will help convince a person, and even if you directly confront him with the positive manifestations of the object of rejection, then the mind, clinging to prejudice, will instantly declare that this is only

How are beliefs different from prejudices?

Having convictions is logical and correct, because a person without convictions is weak. What does this little prefix “pre” do, how does it shift the emphasis to the negative side? Beliefs in most cases are based on a person's experience. They do not necessarily have to concern some high matters; many beliefs relate to everyday life.

For example, we believe in brushing our teeth regularly. Why? Mom taught me that way early childhood, we can see from our own experience that if you don’t brush your teeth, you will have bad breath, your teeth will look bad, and caries will develop faster. Therefore, this is a belief confirmed by experience and recommendations of dental specialists.

What is prejudice in the same field? If your grandmother says that brushing your teeth peels off the enamel, then this is precisely what is referred to as prejudice. Such mythology thrives on unverified rumors and distorted information. Developing the same example: someone told how a friend of his relative was brushing his teeth, and his enamel was erased, all at the same time, from all his teeth. In practice, it often turns out that the problem was one tooth with damaged enamel due to the abuse of abrasive cleaning agents. But prejudice has already spread to the people, acquiring terrible details.

Bias and prejudice

Most dictionaries in the interpretation mention all synonyms that are suitable in meaning. Opening Dictionary and we see: “prejudice - what does bias or susceptibility to prejudice mean.” If a person is familiar with these definitions, it will be easier for him to understand the essence of the concept. If they say about a person that he is prejudiced and biased, then this means that he is subject to prejudice. IN in a broad sense these words are truly synonymous.

Appropriateness of the word

Although this concept has a negative emotional connotation, you can safely use it in official speech, in correspondence, in almost any circle. There is a slang analogue with a slightly more vague meaning - “troubles” or “zabubons”, these words have a similar meaning. “Prejudice” is a more correct way of telling your opponent that he is not entirely right, without humiliating him, without making value judgments, and without entering into confrontation. By calling someone’s private opinion a prejudice, we recognize the person’s right to this opinion, indicating that it is biased, does not correspond to the truth, and therefore cannot be considered exemplary.

WITHOUT PREJUDICE WITHOUT PREJUDICE (without prejudice) Words that are written at the beginning of a document or letter and mean that everything written below cannot in any way be used to prejudice an existing right or claim, cannot be considered as the last word the person signing the document does not oblige the signatory to anything and cannot serve as evidence in court. For example, a lawyer might write these words when he is drafting a written offer to settle a claim on behalf of his client, implying that his client may withdraw his offer. Moreover, these words mean that, although in this particular case an agreement may be reached on the terms stated in the document, the person signing it does not consider himself obliged to settle other similar differences on the same terms.

Finance. Dictionary. 2nd ed. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing House "Ves Mir". Brian Butler, Brian Johnson, Graham Sidwell and others. General edition: Doctor of Economics Osadchaya I.M.. 2000.

What is prejudice: meaning of the word, synonyms

Due to their related origin and common semantic core, many people confuse concepts such as beliefs and prejudices. The paradox is that the usual prefix “pre” seriously changes the meaning and emotional connotation of this word. It is not known who is to blame for the fact that the level of education in society is slowly but inexorably declining, but now you can already hear from a prejudiced person that he has every right to his own beliefs, this makes him a complete person. Substitution of concepts and blurring of boundaries lead to an increase in misunderstanding, so it is worth understanding what prejudice is, in what meaning this word should be used, and what emotional load it carries.

The meaning of the word "prejudice"

According to dictionaries, prejudice is a pre-formed negative opinion and attitude towards something or someone. The peculiarity of this phenomenon is that a prejudiced person does not need arguments, does not want to find out the truth and is in his own world, where the image of the enemy is most successfully chosen, against which it is necessary to actively fight in every possible way.

Another nuance that most fully reveals the question of what prejudice is is that in the overwhelming majority of cases there is an imposed opinion of others. That is, a prejudiced person has never encountered a hated phenomenon, but he accepted someone else’s opinion on faith and made it his own. Generalization is no less often observed. For example, if a person is bitten by a dog, he has a prejudice according to which all dogs are dangerous creatures who only dream of biting people, and dog owners secretly hate others, otherwise they would not keep these dangerous animals at home.

Who can be called prejudiced?

It can be easy to confuse misconception and prejudice. If a person has sincerely absorbed a wrong idea, but is ready to learn something new, to check in practice whether the condemned phenomenon is really so vicious, or at least learns the opinion of experts and recognizes the opponents’ right not to share his thoughts, then, most likely, we are talking about a delusion. These are related concepts, the boundary between which is in the emotional sphere, and not in academic interpretation.

What is prejudice? First of all, it is distinguished by its peremptory nature. No facts will help convince a person, and even if you directly confront him with the positive manifestations of the object of rejection, then the mind, clinging to prejudice, will immediately declare that this is only the exception that confirms the rule.

How are beliefs different from prejudices?

Having convictions is logical and correct, because a person without convictions is weak. What does this little prefix “pre” do, how does it shift the emphasis to the negative side? Beliefs in most cases are based on a person's experience. They do not necessarily have to concern some high matters; many beliefs relate to everyday life.

For example, we believe in brushing our teeth regularly. Why? Mom taught this from early childhood, we can see from our own experience that if you don’t brush your teeth, you will have bad breath, your teeth will look bad, and caries will develop faster. Therefore, this is a belief confirmed by experience and recommendations of dental specialists.

What is prejudice in the same field? If your grandmother says that brushing your teeth peels off the enamel, then this is precisely what is referred to as prejudice. Such mythology thrives on unverified rumors and distorted information. Developing the same example: someone told how a friend of his relative was brushing his teeth, and his enamel was erased, all at the same time, from all his teeth. In practice, it often turns out that the problem was one tooth with damaged enamel due to the abuse of abrasive cleaning agents. But prejudice has already spread to the people, acquiring terrible details.

Bias and prejudice

Most dictionaries in the interpretation mention all synonyms that are suitable in meaning. We open the explanatory dictionary and see: “prejudice - what does bias or susceptibility to prejudice mean.” If a person is familiar with these definitions, it will be easier for him to understand the essence of the concept. If they say about a person that he is prejudiced and biased, then this means that he is subject to prejudice. In a broad sense, these words are indeed synonymous.

Appropriateness of the word

Despite the fact that this concept has a negative emotional connotation, you can safely use it in official speech, in correspondence, in almost any circle. There is a slang analogue with a somewhat more vague meaning - “troubles” or “zabubons”, these words have a similar meaning. “Prejudice” is a more correct way of telling your opponent that he is not entirely right, without humiliating him, without making value judgments, and without entering into confrontation. By calling someone’s private opinion a prejudice, we recognize the person’s right to this opinion, indicating that it is biased, does not correspond to the truth, and therefore cannot be considered exemplary.

Sexual orientation

This term has other meanings, see Orientation.
Sexual orientation
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Asexuality Bisexuality Heterosexuality Homosexuality
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p o r

Sexual orientation- one of the four components of sexuality (the other three components are biological sex, gender identity and social gender role), defined as a more or less constant emotional, romantic, sexual or erotic (sensual) attraction of an individual to other individuals of a certain gender.

In modern sexology, four typical sexual orientations are generally considered:

  • heterosexuality - attraction only and exclusively to individuals of the opposite sex (heterosexual);
  • homosexuality - attraction only and exclusively to individuals of the same sex (gay and lesbianism);
  • bisexuality - attraction to individuals of both the same and the opposite sex, not necessarily equally and not necessarily at the same time (bisexual, see also pansexuality and polysexuality).
  • asexuality is the absence of attraction to individuals of both the same and the opposite sex.

Sexual orientation is different from sexual behavior. A person may or may not express their sexual orientation in their sexual behavior, or engage in or imitate sexual behavior that is inconsistent with their actual sexual orientation.

Sexual orientation as a concept is also different from sexual identity. Sexual identity is a person’s self-identification, who they consider themselves to be. A person may be unaware of or deny their sexual orientation.

Sexual orientation does not depend on a person's sexual preferences - his fantasies, desires and fetishes, which can be realized in appropriate sexual behavior. For example, people who prefer BDSM practices can be of any sexual orientation - homosexual, bi- and heterosexual.

None of the commonly known sexual orientations is a mental disorder. At the same time, previously, before its exclusion from the WHO ICD in the 10th revision in 1990, egodystonic homosexuality was considered as a psychosexual disorder - ICD-9 code 302.0.

Do you have prejudice towards a person based on his sexual orientation?

In other words, will you communicate in the same way with a gay or lesbian if they are of the same sex as you?

The question is not clear-cut. . If a person does not focus on his
orientation, but lives, creates and functions like a Man, especially
showing his sexuality behind the scenes, then I’m interested in him if he
INTERESTING. . But if a star of sexual origin burns in his forehead,
entations and more - nothing, it is very tiring. . I think neither Tea-
Kovsky, neither Richter, nor Greta Garbo - did not stick out their orientation -
tion and then - what do I care about this? ! After all, the reasons for this phenomenon
The concepts are very complex - not fully understood and studied. . *)

Igor Pleskov

You have to be a liar or sick to talk about indifference, much less a normal attitude towards gays or lesbians... The question is, what next, where is the future of the human race if everyone starts living a same-sex life...

Well, if we go into details, is he a fagot or gay... and if he also has one... I’m not looking for contacts... I ask you not to pay attention to the answer... Whether a person is gay or lesbian - he is, first of all, a person... and then, depending on the circumstances... sometimes even without orientation, communicate with someone in a bastard manner)...

Marina Naumova

Who am I to judge anyone? Moreover, excuse me, get into bed with a person. In general, I adhere to the strategy of non-judgment (otherwise I could not be a psychologist)... So no prejudices!

What is prejudice?

Do you treat everyone equally well? Or you may think that you have justified reason dislike certain groups of people?


What is prejudice? One encyclopedia says that this is “an opinion that is formed when one does not bother and does not try to judge fairly.”
How prejudices manifest themselves: 1. Negative statements. A person makes derogatory remarks about a group of people that he does not like.
2. Ignoring. He avoids everyone who belongs to the group he despises.
3. Discrimination. It limits the ability of members of the group it hates to choose where to work, where to live, and to receive social benefits.
4. Physical attacks. He engages in acts of violence to intimidate people he hates.
5. Extermination. He engages in lynchings, beatings, or acts aimed at exterminating a specific group of people.


One encyclopedia says that this is “an opinion that is formed when one does not bother and does not try to judge fairly.” Due to their imperfections, people tend to be biased to one degree or another.

Ignorance regarding certain ethnic or national segments of the population.
Intolerance and narrow-mindedness develop into prejudice or antipathy towards a group of people, race or religion. Stronger than prejudice is fanaticism, which can manifest itself in violent hatred. This leads to suffering and bloodshed.

I love all people. Everyone is equal for God. (Acts 17 chapter 26 art.) . "From one man he made every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth. He established certain times and the limits of human habitation." I share God's point of view.

Are stereotype and prejudice the same thing?


The difference is that a stereotype is usually just a cliché, i.e. information that we gleaned from different sources and took it on faith, put it in their heads and received a certain image that was not factually supported (not based on personal experience) . But this information can be easily refuted for you if you get this experience. For example, the simplest option, “blondes are stupid,” a cliche, a label that appeared somewhere in the time of Marilyn Monroe or earlier and is still protected, quite persistent. And there are enough such stereotypes. There are stereotypes of behavior that are never 100% true; there are always a lot of exceptions. In general, a stereotype is never 100% true.
Prejudice is different. Prejudice, if it is strong, even when faced with practical experience, i.e. personal observations, conclusions, etc., may not exhaust itself. As a rule, a person, having partially encountered this or that event, phenomenon, even indirectly, and having received a negative experience or simply even observing a negative experience, acquires prejudice, and if there is stubbornness in the character and the person has difficulty accepting his own or others’ mistakes, then you just need ironclad arguments. That’s why they say it’s a prejudice inspired by a stereotype. That is, there is already a stereotype, but under the influence of your ideas received after the formation of the stereotype or perhaps together with it (this is less common), prejudice appears. In general, a stereotype is always easier to overcome than prejudice.

Dominik budgie

Partially. After all, prejudice is in advance given program perception of one thing or another. A stereotype, by definition, is a pre-accepted idea that does not stem from one’s own experience. At first glance, this is so, and both this and that are imposed on you from the outside. But at the same time, they differ a little in the shade of the essence. After all, you can say this - “prejudice imposed by a stereotype.” And it will not be like “a definition imposed on the defined.” That is, it will not be a phrase stuffed with one semantic words.

A stereotype is a pattern of beliefs, behavior, worldview, perception, etc., based on previous social experience. THIS is a simplified, schematized, habitual canon of thought, image of perception and behavior.
Prejudice - opinion or attitude. As a rule, negative. May be unfounded or based on stereotypes or assumptions.

What is orientation?

✹ Summer is a small life ✹

Orientation, in the classical case, is the choice of one class of coordinate systems related to each other “positively” in some way in a certain sense. Each system defines an orientation by defining the class to which it belongs.
In elementary mathematics, orientation is often described in terms of "clockwise and counterclockwise directions."
Orientation is defined only for some special classes of spaces (manifolds, vector bundles, Poincaré complexes
Sexual orientation is one of the five components of human sexuality, defined as an individual's more or less constant emotional, romantic, sexual or erotic (sensual) attraction to other individuals of a certain gender.
The other four components of sexuality are biological sex (in its entirety - genetic, gonadal, hormonal, external and internal genital sex), gender identity (psychological belonging to a certain sex, which does not necessarily coincide with biological sex), sexual identity (self-identification with persons one or another sexual orientation, which does not necessarily coincide with the true sexual orientation of the individual) and social gender role (the behavior of the individual in society, corresponding cultural norms and stereotypes that prescribe this or that “typically male” or “typically female” behavior).
Modern sexology knows three types of sexual orientation:
heterosexual orientation - attraction only and exclusively to individuals of the opposite sex (heterosexual);
homosexual orientation - attraction only and exclusively to individuals of the same sex (gay and lesbianism);
bisexual orientation - attraction to individuals of both the same and the opposite sex, not necessarily to the same extent and not necessarily at the same time (bisexual).