Psychological tests using drawings. Spirals, circles, wavy lines

Psychological color and drawing tests for adults and children Shevchenko Margarita Aleksandrovna

Test "Elephant"

Test "Elephant"

The test allows you to evaluate physical, moral, emotional condition person. Mainly used for adults or children over 12 years of age.


Provide the subject with a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and ask him to draw (and, if desired, color) an elephant.

Just as when drawing a tree, a person applies it to his life, so when drawing an elephant, he draws himself, his problems and his vision of life.

Interpretation of an elephant drawing

The elephant has a rounded head; in general, there are many roundnesses in the drawing itself. Roundness indicates the presence of energies of the feminine principle - this is gentleness, kindness.

Large, upturned tusks indicate the ability and willingness to stand up for oneself.

If the tusks, although drawn, are small and not raised up, this indicates that the artist is not aggressive.

If an elephant has well-drawn ears, eyes, a mouth, the tip of its trunk, everything connected with the senses, it means that the person who drew it is quite sensitive to life, knows how to see and hear it.

The ears are drawn in a calm state, which is important for inferring an even or nervous character. If an elephant’s ears are raised up, it is possible that the author of the drawing is constantly anxious, expecting tricks and troubles from life.

If an elephant is drawn with raised ears, raised tusks, an elongated tail and a raised trunk, the person has excessive nervousness and aggressiveness. He needs to be reassured, instilled in him with the idea that the world is not always a jungle and it is hardly worth being overly mobilized.

Although the sense organs are drawn out, they are done somewhat carelessly; the trunk is drawn somehow. This is a sure sign that a person is not neat, not thorough, does not pay special attention to the quality of life, and does not see small things in it.

Where the elephant's head meets the body, we see a notch. If it is written out clearly, it means that the person drawing is vulnerable; he would like to forget about many things in life.

All four legs are the same length. This means that a person is quite stable in life, is used to relying mainly only on himself and feels confident and stable.

The tail and trunk are lowered down. In principle, this indicates a thoughtful, sad, quiet character. But if, along with this, the drawing had a lot of all sorts of roundness and enthusiasm, one could assume that the author is prone to frequent changes of mood.

Analysis of drawings

Love, 40 years old

After one important event was completed successfully, and the woman was given a reward and flowers, I asked her to draw an elephant. Love with a smile on your face, in good mood She began to draw, saying that she really loved elephants. The elephant turned out to be very positive, with his trunk raised up, holding a flower, and his tail raised. How else could it turn out if I experienced the same positive emotions in currently and a woman (see color plate, Fig. 9)?

Tatyana, 23 years old

The girl is not married, but is dating a guy.

He worries that somehow their relationship is not going well, and blames himself, or rather, his character, for this. What did her drawing of the elephant that she drew tell her? The elephant turned out to be somewhat similar to the girl, he clearly has a calm and even character without a shadow of aggression (tusks, tail and trunk are lowered down), with well-drawn sense organs, and this suggests that the girl can feel life quite well. All four legs are the same length, which only complements it good qualities, namely, the elephant moves confidently through life. And why doubt yourself and your character (see color plate, Fig. 10).

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Let us pay special attention to some subtleties of interpretation of the drawings in the first position. The subject can turn the point into the central semantic element of the drawing, but take a passive position in relation to it (for example, draw a person looking at it through a telescope). This type of pattern is often found in people with psychasthenic character traits. They carefully strive for every element of the surrounding world, but are extremely indecisive and anxious, do not believe in their own strength, which leads to a detailed, but purely contemplative and passive orientation.

In another version, the subject can, as it were, “disguise” the point (for example, draw a mass of snowflakes, raindrops, stars, etc. in the form of points). Such drawings are usually found in people who strive to obtain the most complete information about the environment, exaggerating its significance. Doesn't happen for them unnecessary information, “little things,” so they collect any information about others. They carefully analyze, accumulate and use this information in social interaction.

In the second position of the test, the presence of aggressive tendencies in a person is revealed, which is very important for criminological research. In people's minds, the crocodile is usually associated with a trait such as aggression. Therefore, his drawing is a projection of aggressive character traits, attitudes, rancor, and suspicion. When analyzing the drawing, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of direct symbols of aggression: open mouth, teeth, claws, aggressive pose (especially indicative when a crocodile is eating something or someone. The presence of aggression will also be indicated by pointed elements of the drawing and the large size of the drawn crocodile . Careful drawing of the crocodile, in comparison with other drawings, also indicates the presence of actual aggression. The eyes in this drawing have an informative value, their outline indicates increased receptivity, suspicion and the search for manifestations of aggression on the part of others. The tail symbolizes the presence of such a trait as vindictiveness The more it is expressed in the drawing, the more strongly this trait manifests itself. Sometimes there are drawings in which the crocodile seems to be camouflaged (swimming in the water, hiding in thickets, etc.), which indicates the presence of latent aggression. This usually occurs when when for one reason or another it cannot be openly implemented

The following variant of the drawing is also possible: the crocodile is drawn as extremely aggressive (open mouth, many teeth, etc.), and in the verbal description the subject describes it as kind, soft, lazy. This occurs in people who declare their friendly attitude towards others, hiding the presence of aggression. Those convicted of violent crimes give this different impression.

In the third position of the test, the characteristics of a person’s behavior in a social group and the extent to which he adheres to conventional norms are revealed. Undoubtedly, such information is important for predicting the behavior of a convict in a correctional facility. If the drawing of an elephant goes beyond the rectangle, as if breaking it, then this usually indicates a tendency to violate norms. This is explained by the fact that the rectangle itself is a limitation, symbolizing the effect of norms. Naturally, neglect of these restrictions, despite the instructions, which is also a model of the imperative action of norms, indicates a person’s inability or unwillingness to adhere to normative instructions in his behavior. The study of criminals using ART suggested that this position reveals a person’s tendency to violate not any specific types of norms (legal, moral, etc.), but rather the psychological tolerance of any external restrictions on behavior, formal and informal. Most often, as our research has shown, the elephant pattern goes beyond the rectangle for criminals who, while in prison, are malicious and active violators of the regime.

Since most people imagine an elephant as an animal not solitary, but living in a group, that is why the author of the test chose it as a stimulus material for indirectly identifying the characteristics of human behavior in a group. In addition, in our opinion, it is also important that for a European an elephant is a fairly neutral concept that does not evoke personal emotions or associations associated with past experience of interaction, unlike, for example, a horse, a cow and other herd animals.

Thus, the drawing of an elephant is a direct analogue of human behavior in a group. Aggressive behavior in a group manifests itself in cases where the elephant’s tusks are drawn and the elephant is in a threatening pose. The meaning of such a detail as ears is direct: interest in information, the importance of the opinions of others about oneself.

People who have a particularly pronounced trait draw an elephant with its ears raised, as if the elephant is listening. Other details determine whether the subject is taking any actions to gain the recognition of others. A raised trunk is a desire to attract those around you, to be the center of attention. Eyes - interpreted in the same way as in the crocodile drawing. Eyelashes are a sign of the presence of hysterical-demonstrative traits (if they occur in men, then they indicate the presence of “feminine” behavior patterns). The tail symbolizes the attitude towards oneself, one’s own actions, self-esteem. A raised tail is a positive assessment of oneself and one’s actions in the group. Downward - dissatisfaction with oneself, one's social actions, and position in the group.

The location of the elephant in the rectangle is of great informative value. If the drawing occupies the entire rectangle, the elephant seems to be “cramped” in it, this indicates a desire for dominance in the group. Small size of the picture - lack of a tendency to dominate, underestimation of one’s own social status. More often the elephant is depicted from the side, but there are other options: it is drawn from the front or from behind. The side view does not have any special informative load. The image of him from the front is interpreted as egocentrism in interactions. Rear image - disdain to a social group. Sometimes this may be a defensive reaction or reflect a reaction of withdrawing from social contacts.

Of particular interest are drawings when an elephant is depicted within the boundaries of a rectangle, but a painting, photograph, lithograph, etc. is made from the rectangle itself. Such drawings are more often found in people who perceive the social environment (or their group) as something unchangeable, frozen, and familiar. During social interaction, they are passive and do not strive to change their socio-psychological position, and at the same time their behavior is stress-typical, it consists of the same forms. Quite often, such drawings are found in people who are not accepted by the social group or they themselves usually do not quite justifiably believe that the group does not accept them. But in any case, the behavior of such persons will consist of certain social cliches, which are defensive reactions.

This behavior is most typical for schizoid individuals who strive for psychological isolation from the social environment. This behavior is also typical for many convicts who are poorly adapted to correctional institutions. Their behavior in the group is devoid of naturalness, they are closed and try to avoid any obligations and responsibilities. Criminals serving sentences in penal colonies often draw an elephant as if behind bars, thereby reflecting in their drawings the impossibility of what they want social behavior, problems of separation from the usual environment, social isolation.

The fourth position of the test is intended to identify the peculiarities of communication. People who adhere to formalized and regulated communication usually put their signature not in the center of the square. If the signature is located at the top of the square, then this is interpreted as a desire to emphasize one’s social (and sometimes socio-psychological) status. The signature made at the bottom is found among people who strictly adhere to social-role communication. Sociable people who easily establish contacts put their signature in the middle of the square; the presence of the initial letters of the name and patronymic in the signature indicates a pronounced tendency towards self-affirmation. Excessive emphasis on the length of the signature compared to the number of letters making up the surname has a similar meaning and is found in people suffering from a lack of social recognition. For example, in persons who committed a crime motivated by overcoming a distance with a reference group. A signature can also serve as a subject for graphological handwriting.

The fifth position of the test is the features of subjective perception and assessment of reality. Since the fifth position contains a real contradiction (the moon and the sun), the drawing in it is a model of a person’s subjective attitude to the ambiguity of life situations. There are several basic options for this type of relationship. There are people whose perception is completely determined by polar assessments (good - bad; good - evil; light - dark, etc.), and such a division is also present in their drawings. For example, they draw a line dividing the space of the fifth position in half according to the principle: day - night or similar.

The opposite type of assessment and attitude to the situation is found among people who strive to combine or reconcile this contradiction in their drawings. For example, they depict the state of nature that occurs in the evening or early morning, when you can see both the sun and the moon at the same time. Such people have a flexible system of assessments, do not strive to unambiguously define the situation (good - bad), they are not embarrassed by existing contradictions, and they perceive life as it exists in reality, regardless of their subjective attitude.

In this position there are also drawings that are in no way related to the stimulus material, i.e. the original contradiction seems to go unnoticed. Such a pattern, as our research has shown, occurs in people with an unformed approach to reality, who are passive and do not strive to understand and comprehend what is happening around them.

Egocentrism, assessment and analysis of reality only from the standpoint of one’s own needs and desires find manifestation in the drawing in the form of a subjective combination of the original stimulus material. For example: you draw a house in which some events take place from morning to evening, or you draw your own pastime (for example, “in the afternoon I sunbathe under the sun”, “in the evening I go on a date”).

When analyzing drawings in the fifth position, it is also necessary to take into account that the personal problems of the subject, his desires and aspirations can be projected into them. In this case, the interpretation can also be the presence of a specific current situation, its subjective meaning for the subject.

The sixth position of the test is aimed at fulfilling the current personal situation of the subject in the field of relationships with persons of the opposite sex. It is clear that information of this kind is important for understanding sexual crimes or other violent acts with sexual overtones. In this position, the original stimulus material expresses, as it were, two opposing elements: maximum stability (land, shore) and maximum instability (water, sea, river). Therefore, water symbolizes, as a rule, the emotional and sensory aspect of relationships, constantly changing over time and in degree of intensity, and the shore personifies stability, certainty, and limitations, which can be roughly correlated with the stability of family relationships. As a stimulus material, a tree growing on the shore is aimed at identifying the presence of tendencies in everyday relationships. These conditional values ​​are the starting point for interpreting the drawings in the sixth position. But special meaning here is a description of the drawing by the subject. As our experience has shown, the drawings of this position, especially their descriptions, really reflect the problems and characteristics of relationships with people of the opposite sex. Below is an interpretation of the most common elements of the picture.

Sometimes the subject perceives the image of water as solid soil (field, sand, arable land). This is usually due to the lack of emotional and sensory experience of relationships or extreme dissatisfaction with them. The image of birds, especially seagulls flying over the waves, has the meaning of hopes, dreams, etc. A ship, boat, sailboat suggests the presence of an urgent problem, which is solved in one way or another depending on the direction of the ship’s movement. If the ship is moving towards the shore, then this means a desire for maximum stability in relations: if from the shore, then this has the opposite meaning. Obviously, “ship” takes on such meaning because it is the only means of transportation in such an unstable element as water. And therefore, if there is a need to change the emotional and sensory aspect of relationships (toward stability or, conversely, instability and instability, as well as in the case of unfulfilled aspirations in this area), then in the drawing this can be conveyed using a ship or some other vessel , since the initial stimulus material is water. In the absence of problems and difficulties in the emotional and sensory aspect of the relationship, the subject does not need to change his personal situation. The ship or any other floating vessels are not drawn, and the current situation is fully conveyed in the description of the drawing.

Such additional details of the picture as foliage on a tree, bushes on the shore, etc. found among people who attach great importance to the everyday organization of personal relationships. The intensity of drives in the sphere of relationships with the opposite sex in men, for example, is evidenced by drawings with aggressive manifestations (an airplane diving at a target, a pirate or warship, etc.). It is significant that such drawings are most often found in people who have been isolated from society for a long time. A drawing of a person in this position is of great informative value. When describing something, subjects often endow it with their own problems, traits and desires.

The seventh position of the test reveals the characteristics of a person’s behavior in an unstable conflict situation, which, like previous data, is of great criminological and penitentiary significance. The inclined figure, which is the stimulus material here (see figure), already by virtue of its spatial position symbolizes instability. The following behaviors may appear in the drawings. People who choose an aggressive path to resolve unstable situations, going towards conflict, mistake the tilted figure for a Christmas tree and draw a person cutting it down or chopping it. But in this case, a person’s conflict is most often limited to the sphere of everyday relationships. For example, in our study, this type of pattern was found among persons who committed a violent crime on domestic grounds.

If a person is conflicted and aggressive both in everyday life and in social spheres, then in the drawing this manifests itself as follows: several similar inclined figures are drawn, one of which is supported by a similar inclined figure. Such drawings can be interpreted as a desire to resolve the conflict by exacerbating it. The opposite meaning is given to drawings of faces that try in any way to stabilize the instability of the figure. For example, they can draw a support or a person supporting a figure, draw a root system, etc. People who show a desire for a rational solution to an unstable situation usually draw straight figures or trees next to an inclined figure, thereby, as it were, showing an example of what should really be. Sometimes an inclined figure is made, for example, into a rocket or a flock of cranes flying into the sky, which is usually found among people who try to psychologically neutralize any unstable situation by displacing it from their consciousness. An extremely passive attitude towards an unstable situation is evidenced by pictures such as: “mushrooms grow under the tree”, “hedgehog runs away from under the tree”, “mushrooms are picked next to the tree”, etc. Sometimes such drawings are found in infantile individuals who are incapable of perceiving a situation that is unstable or conflicting for themselves.

There are also drawings where the stabilization of a tilted figure is carried out by someone putting it on their shoulders (“Santa Claus is carrying a Christmas tree”) or carrying it in his hands or in another way. Such drawings are typical of people who, without actively trying to resolve a conflict situation, become involved in it as much as possible, hoping to neutralize it in this way (literally “pulling the conflict on their shoulders”). Sometimes the drawings show paradoxical and unusual reactions to an unstable situation. For example, an inclined figure turns into a Christmas tree and is decorated in every possible way, or it is set on fire, or a person is depicted collecting fruits from it.

The first version of the picture can be found in people who receive a kind of emotional satisfaction from being in a conflict-unstable situation. In the second option, a person resolves conflict situations by completely exiting them, psychologically destroying the source of the conflict. And in the latter case, the drawing symbolizes the use of a conflict situation to obtain certain emotional benefits. All these three variants of the pattern are often found among various categories of criminals, especially among selfish and selfishly violent ones, which suggests that the so-called “selfish motive” does not play the main role in the genesis of this type of crime.
The initial test material in the eighth position stimulates the subject to image a person or only his face. The interpretation of this position is based on the fact that the subject creates his own self-portrait in it or projects the most characteristic features of his personality. If a person or a person’s face is drawn, it is necessary to ask the subject to characterize him as fully as possible, talk about this person’s problems, character traits, habits, inclinations, etc. A person's facial expression is a characteristic of the subject's personality type.

As our experience shows, in this position of the test there are often drawings of animals or inanimate objects. Such drawings are also a direct characteristic of the subject’s personality and require careful additional questioning. For example, the following can be drawn: a doll, a snowman, fairy tale hero. In all these cases, a correctly constructed survey of the subject will lead to the fact that he will endow the character he has drawn with his own traits and problems. But the very nature of the depicted object can also be of great informative value. For example, a snowman in the eighth position is most often drawn by people who are soft, passive, and feminine. The dolls depict infantile personalities with an unstable self-image. No matter how paradoxical the drawing in this position may be in terms of characterizing the personality, it must be considered as the subject’s idea of ​​himself, and not necessarily a conscious one. But sometimes there are cases when the subject projects in his drawing only the most pressing personal problem, which becomes clear during the conversation.

Our experience in using the ART technique shows that it is most advisable, due to its extremely applied nature, to be used to study a specific individual, and not social groups, in order to obtain information about him that allows us to reveal some of his characterological characteristics, and most importantly, personal problems and needs that have criminological and correctional labor significance.

By its nature, this test is indicative and cannot be used as the only research method, since its validity is completely determined by the experience of the researcher and his skills in interpreting drawings. Therefore, when conducting scientific research using this test, it is necessary to have additional information about the personality obtained through the use of other psychodiagnostic techniques, study of materials, etc. Test material This technique, as our experience has shown, has a high stimulus potential for activating projection mechanisms. The particular value of the methods, including in the criminological aspect, in our opinion, lies in the fact that it makes it possible to obtain fairly complete information about those aspects of a person’s personality and life that he usually hides from others. The technique is easy to use, belongs to the category of express methods and allows you to get an idea of ​​a person’s character and his current life situation in a relatively short period of time (10-15 minutes). The technique is quite reliable, since the instructions and the initial stimulus material do not cause any fears or “withdrawal” reactions in the subject. Its value in the aspect of studying the personality of a criminal, in our opinion, is primarily in the fact that it provides information that allows us to construct a probable module of human behavior in one way or another, especially in a critical situation, and also allows you to assess the general psychological state, the presence of pathological traits and drives.

Psychology studies human nature and can explain various shapes his behavior. Opportunity like research characteristic features personalities based on drawings has grown into a whole technique. Research tests are suitable for both children and adults. The techniques are extremely simple and do not require special preparation. The results are striking in their accuracy. What are the most common psychological tests for unconscious drawings?

Drawing test “Draw a house”

The test task is easy to understand based on the name of the psychological test. It is also not difficult to interpret the results from the drawings; human psychology is structured in such a way that without meaning to, he will talk about his inner world.

This drawing test can act as independent research, and may become the key to other tasks in which a person depicted a house.

Drawing test “Choose a figure”

The sheet shows square, triangle, rectangle, circle and zigzag. A person is asked to first choose one figure that he associates with himself, and then arrange the remaining elements in order of personal preference. The psychological response consists of two components: the figure chosen first characterizes the dominant personality traits, the remaining details complement the image.

Incorrigible workaholics put first place square. Such people always finish what they start with perseverance and diligence; they have excellent memory and a sense of responsibility. Idealists do not lose sight of any details and like to “put everything on the shelf.” Undoubtedly, such qualities are useful at work, but they are very annoying in their personal life. Family happiness is guaranteed if you manage to find a soul mate with the same character.

Triangle They are chosen by true leaders who are strong, courageous, energetic, self-confident, able to soberly assess the situation and sensibly analyze what is happening. In all spheres of life, these people reserve the right to a decisive vote and do not change decisions made and do not know how to admit their own mistakes. All life is spent in competition and struggle for first place.

Personalities - " rectangles“are in a state of constant change. They are inconsistent and unpredictable, always dissatisfied with something and always looking for something better. Naivety and curiosity generate not only a keen interest in everything unknown, but also incredible courage. Therefore, such people are rarely alone.

Selected circle always strive for harmony. Through the efforts of these philanthropists, a friendly atmosphere in the work team and a favorable atmosphere in the family union are maintained. They know how to listen and support, are very sensitive and insightful. Psychology can become their life's work.

Open zigzag- preference for creative creative people. They are often expressive and eccentric, almost always naive and impractical. Excellent intuition, a subtle sense of humor and the ability to find a common language with everyone compensate for shortcomings.

Drawing test “What do the doodles hide?”

Involuntary tracing of a pen on a piece of paper can tell a lot about a person's character.

This psychological test is considered one of the most truthful. After all, the information that a person gives out unconsciously is considered the most true. All secret thoughts, hidden experiences, unjustified hopes are projected onto paper.

Drawing test “Secrets of the inner world”

Very interesting and easy to do psychological test, which can ultimately provide significant answers to many life questions. To conduct this you will need a pen (or pencil), a blank piece of paper and a few minutes of free time.

First you need to divide the sheet into four equal parts. In the upper left sector you need to draw a dot, in the upper right sector - a rectangle, in the lower left part the “=” sign is drawn, and the lower right part remains empty. Now you need to discard all extraneous thoughts, calm down and start performing the test. To do this, you need to finish drawing in the first three fields everything that first comes to mind. You shouldn’t waste effort on masterpiece paintings, even if it takes no more than 15 seconds to create one image. And in the last square you should draw a boat floating on the waves. That's all, you can start decoding.

Answers to the psychological test “Secrets of the inner world”

  1. Top left picture talks about interaction with the outside world. If more dots or other small scattered details were added, then we are talking about a sociable, open personality. And spirals, circles, ovals indicate a closed, alienated person.
  2. Top right picture reveals the inner self. Selfish people try to reduce the area of ​​contact between the drawing and the rectangle or even draw elements away from the figure. Good-natured, sociable people associate their image with the one proposed. Most often this is a wall, a parallelepiped, or a brick. Altruists tend to draw a picture of the house.
  3. Third drawing responsible for relationships with the opposite sex. The fewer details and the further they are from the lines, the easier and simpler the thread of communication is built. Unconfident individuals draw piled-up pyramids of various symbols and signs.
  4. Last drawing - this is Love. Romantics add a lot of unnecessary details: sails, stars, clouds, oars, people, animals. Practical natures with a strong character and alien to sentimentality depict a simplified scheme without any frills or intricacies. Passionate dreamers rushing headlong into feelings will undoubtedly draw a stormy sea, on the waves of which the boat of love rocks.

Everyone wants to look at themselves from the outside, to evaluate the psychology of the inner world from a different angle. You can determine a psychological portrait using drawings. A person will spontaneously put on paper all his personality traits, even those that are difficult to admit to himself.

Psychological test: House-Tree-Person. How to decipher it correctly?

Psychological test is a tool that helps specialists understand the state of the psyche of an adult or child. The most simple method testing is considered an ordinary drawing. If you know how to decipher it correctly, you can find out about all the fears and problems of the person who drew it.

Psychological test based on drawings - house, tree, person: decoding with interpretation for children

Psychological test on drawings for children
  • If you want to find out how your baby really feels, then ask him to draw a house, a tree, a person, and then carefully examine the drawing, paying attention to everything, even the most small details. The first thing you should pay attention to is how hard your little one presses the pencil when creating her masterpiece. If the lines are weakly expressed and barely noticeable, then this indicates that you are growing up a timid and somewhere passive person who is trying to be invisible.
  • It is also a bad sign if the child uses an elastic band very often. This indicates uncertainty and excessive anxiety. If a son or daughter draws with strong pressure, this indicates that they are quite tense. In addition, you must pay attention to what colors the picture is made of. The ideal option is to use pastel colors.
  • Typically, this indicates that you have been able to develop a personality that lives in harmony with its environment. But still remember, so that the moral state of the children remains the same, it is extremely important for them to feel your love, and it will be better if you show it tactilely. To do this, it will be enough to hug and kiss your child a couple of times a day.

Decoding the colors of the picture

Interpretation of the colors of the picture:

  • Red. This color scheme should not alarm you as it is most often used by open and restless children. Yes, sometimes they may disobey or even act out, but this speaks more about individual characteristics rather than mental disorders.
  • Blue. Most often, this color scheme is preferred by calm, balanced children who sometimes like to be alone with themselves.
  • Green. This color scheme should alert young parents as it indicates that your baby lacks attention. If you do not try to correct this state of affairs, then high probability we can say that your child will grow up withdrawn and will be afraid to trust people.
  • Yellow. The predominance of such a color scheme indicates that a dreamy person is growing in your home, who looks at the world through rose-colored glasses.
  • Dark shades(black, brown, gray). The use of such a color scheme indicates that your child has quite serious psychological problems, which without proper correction can turn into a rather severe depressive state.

Decoding the location of the house
  • Another criterion that you must pay attention to is the placement of the house, tree and person in the drawing. If the child drew the figures you suggested as very large and cumbersome, this indicates that your baby’s anxiety is quite high, and he cannot relax even when he knows for sure that nothing threatens him. True, in this case there is one exception to the rule. If it grows in your house hyperactive child, then such an arrangement of figures on a piece of paper can be considered quite normal.
  • If the house, tree and person are located at the very top of the leaf (as a rule, the lower part remains completely clean), then this indicates that you raised a child with very high self-esteem. In the future, such a child may have problems at home, in kindergarten or at school. Due to the fact that the son will consider himself better than everyone else, he will not be able to find true friends and, worst of all, will not be able to fit into the children's team.
  • A negative signal is very small figures located at the bottom of the sheet. Most often, children who have psychological problems draw this way. It is likely that your child is depressed or has very low self-esteem. Ideally, all the details of the drawing should be drawn as proportionally as possible and in no case overlap each other.

  • Well then last stage conduct a general analysis of what your child has drawn. Be sure to pay attention to how he depicted the person and where he placed him. If a person comes out very sad and very small compared to other objects, then this indicates that your child is very lonely and feels unnecessary to anyone. It is likely that you simply spend little time with your child, and in his subconscious there is an opinion that he is not that important to you.
  • Also a bad signal is the complete absence of facial expressions in a person. This suggests that your baby has a rather poor emotional state, indicating terrible moral well-being. As for the house, it should also be as realistic as possible. Of course, Small child It is unlikely that he will be able to draw an ideal home, but still, because he does this, you can understand how comfortable he feels in the family. So, if the house turns out to be very small and located as if far away, then it is likely that your baby feels rejected or alien.
  • If the house has normal dimensions and is placed proportionally in the picture, then this indicates family harmony and openness of your baby. Also a good signal is the presence of doors and windows at the painted home. A reason to be wary is a tree that seems to be hiding behind the house. Most often, children of very strict and dominant parents who try to control every step of their child arrange their vegetation this way.

Psychological test based on drawings - house, tree, person: decoding with interpretation for adults

Psychological test based on drawings for adults

As you probably already understood, a drawing can tell a lot about a person. True, in the case of adults, more attention should be paid to the small details of the resulting picture. Unlike children, they can already control their emotions and very often try to deceive a specialist by using the right color scheme or drawing with the right pressure. Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to is whether there is a wisp of smoke above the house.

If a very thin stream comes from the chimney, then this shows that the person is emotionally exhausted and does not feel warmth and care from his loved ones. Too thick smoke coming from the chimney indicates that a person is under very strong moral stress. And the thicker and darker the smoke coming out, the worse the internal state of the person undergoing the test.

Deciphering the house

Decoding the drawing of the house
  • If a person draws a beautiful, proportional house that has all the windows and doors, then this indicates that he is in harmony with himself and with those around him. If the building is depicted without windows and doors, this is a sign of a closed person, which is most often provoked by quite strong problems at work. In this way he is trying to show that he is not going to let anyone into his life. Also a bad signal is the presence of steps or stairs that are not located near the door or window, but simply near a blank wall. As a rule, this is how a long-standing conflict manifests itself, which requires an immediate solution.
  • Also pay attention to how the walls of the home are drawn. If they are clear and clearly visible, then the person does not have any special problems. But if the lines denoting the outline of the house are very thin, almost transparent, then the person feels some kind of danger and is afraid that he will not be able to protect himself from it. Open doors at home indicate that a person has no problems either at home or at work, and is always happy to have guests. But if the doors are too large and occupy most of the wall, then this indicates that the man or woman has problems with self-esteem and this moment they are trying to show their importance and indispensability.
  • Another negative sign is the lock on the door, especially if it is very large. As a rule, in this way a person’s subconscious shows his hostility, closedness and aggressiveness. Windows can also tell a lot about a person. If they are of normal size and there are flowers on them, then this indicates that the person does not have any psychological pressures that interfere with his life. If the windows are almost completely covered with curtains, it means that it is difficult for a person to interact with the outside world, and he is trying to isolate himself a little from it.

Decoding a drawing of a person

Decoding a drawing of a person
  • Most often, the presence of problems in men and women is indicated by the size of the person they depict in the picture. The smaller and more noticeable it is, the more insecure the person being tested feels. In this case, proportions are also very important. After all, if, for example, the person depicted has a very large head, then this indicates a desire to dominate others. A head that is too small shows that the person has problems with intellectual development, and he is very worried about this. If a man or woman does not like criticism and tries to distance themselves from unpleasant words, then the picture will depict a man without ears.
  • The dimensions of the neck can also tell about the internal psychological problems Oh. A wide, but at the same time short neck indicates that males and females have character traits that they do not like, but they are trying to get rid of them. A neck that is too long and thin is usually depicted by people who are prone to aggressive behavior and who do not know how to keep their emotions under control. And, of course, don’t forget to pay attention to the person’s arms and legs. If they are drawn as clearly as possible, with bright lines, then this indicates that in front of you there is a man or woman who stands firmly on the ground and is not afraid of any difficulties arising.
  • As for the eyes, they also play a huge role in deciphering the drawing. If a person draws very small eyes, this indicates that he is too immersed in his internal problems. Availability too big eyes indicates the rudeness and assertiveness of the person being tested. But beautiful and fluffy eyelashes reveal a flirtatious person who loves the attention of the opposite sex.

Decoding the tree drawing

Decoding the tree drawing
  • The more symmetrical and beautiful the tree is depicted in the picture, the more harmonious a person feels. If somehow part of the tree is larger or smaller than necessary, then this indicates the presence of psychological problems. For example, if a person draws a small tree and very massive roots, then this is a sure sign that he has some problems that he is trying to hide from strangers.
  • Very often in a picture you can see a tree whose leaves are poorly drawn, but at the same time the trunk is very brightly painted. This state of affairs indicates that the test taker is not afraid to face difficulties. Branches hanging down seem to tell us that a person has given up and is not even trying to deal with the problems that arise on his life’s path.
  • Pay special attention to the lines used to draw the tree. If all the lines are clear, smooth and are not interrupted anywhere, then we can definitely say that in front of you is an individual who is not afraid of life’s difficulties and always goes towards his goals. If the lines are crooked and periodically interrupted, then this is evidence of indecision, cowardice and inhibition.

Description of the drawing according to the method of house, tree, person: how to draw and draw correctly?

Recommendations for taking the test
  • If you decide to conduct a similar psychological test on your child or simply one of the adult family members, remember that in order to get the most accurate result, you need to give the person complete freedom of thought. You have no right to tell him how to draw this or that part of the drawing. It is also strictly forbidden to push the test taker to choose a certain color. The entire time the person is completing the task, you will have to sit silently on the sidelines. And it will be even better if you leave the room altogether for a while. This way you will allow the person to be alone with you.
  • Also be sure to take care of the place where the testing will take place. You must create conditions in which the person will be as comfortable as possible. This means that on the table on which he will draw there should be no objects that distract attention. Ideally, only a piece of paper, pencils and an eraser should be on the table. If a child is being tested, then in addition to the above-mentioned things, you can also place markers and paints on the table.
  • With their help, the baby will be able to reveal his inner world as well as possible. As for drawing, there are no clear rules. You just have to give the person a task, and he must decide for himself where he will start creating the drawing. All that will be required of you in this situation is to silently observe and wait patiently for him to finish.

Drawing of an adult man

Drawing of a child

While the person is being tested, you will need to record:

  1. His reaction to the task
  2. How quickly did he figure out what was required of him?
  3. How quickly does a test taker decide on a color?
  4. How long did it take for the person to complete the task?

After the drawing is ready, you can ask your child or adult questions that will help you get the most accurate result. But remember, you must do this in the most relaxed manner possible. In general, a conversation with a child is best done in a playful way. After all, the more relaxed he is, the more reliable information his subconscious will give out.

Test questions:

  • Who did you depict in the drawing, boy or girl (man or woman)?
  • Is it you or your relative?
  • Do you like what you drew?
  • What kind of tree did you draw?
  • Why do you like it so much?
  • Is this your house?
  • What is your home made of?

In principle, the questions can be different, as long as they are relevant to the picture. For example, during a post-drawing survey, you can ask the test taker why some significant details are missing in his drawing (leaves on a tree, windows and doors on a house, or ears on his head). You should also be interested in the not entirely correct arrangement of the elements of the picture.

For example, obliquely growing trees or very skewed walls of a house. A person must definitely try to explain why he sees his world in a slightly distorted form. After you find out all the details that interest you, you can begin the final analysis of what the person has drawn.

Video: Psychoriunok. An example of analysis of the drawing test “House Tree Man”

Target: determination of the individual characteristics of the child’s personality.

The child is given a simple pencil and a standard sheet of A4 paper and asked to create a drawing. Instructions: “Please draw the kind of person you want.” Questions should be answered evasively (“Anyone”, “Draw whatever you want”). During the drawing process, all questions, remarks, behavior patterns, as well as such manipulations as erasing elements of the drawing and additions are recorded. After the drawing is completed, you should move on to the conversation.

The conversation may include questions: Who is this person? Where does he live? Does he have friends? What does he do? Is he good or evil? Who is he looking at? Who's looking at him?

During a conversation with your child, you can ask him to clarify the unclear details of the drawing. Another conversation option is to ask the child to make up a story about this person.

A short version of graphical information processing.

A man's head is drawn.

He has two legs.

Two arms.

The body is sufficiently separated from the head.

The length and width of the body are proportional.

The shoulders are well drawn.

The arms and legs are connected to the body correctly.

The junctions of the arms and legs with the body are clearly highlighted.

The neck is clearly visible.

The length of the neck is proportional to the size of the body and head.

The man's eyes are drawn.

His nose is drawn.

The mouth is drawn.

The nose and mouth are of normal size

The nostrils are visible.

Hair is drawn.

The hair is drawn well, it evenly covers the head.

The man is drawn in clothes.

At least the main parts of the clothing (trousers and jacket/shirt) are drawn.

All clothing shown other than the one above is well drawn.

Clothing does not contain absurd or inappropriate elements.

Fingers are depicted on the hands.

Each hand has five fingers.

The fingers are fairly proportional and not too spread out.

The thumb is quite well defined.

The wrists are well drawn.

The elbow joint is drawn.

The knee joint is drawn.

The head has normal proportions in relation to the body.

The arms are the same length as the body, or longer, but not more than twice as long.

The length of the feet is approximately 1/3 of the length of the legs.

The length of the legs is approximately equal to the length of the body or longer, but not more than twice.

The length and width of the limbs are proportional.

The heels of the legs can be seen.

The head shape is correct.

The body shape is generally correct.

The outlines of the limbs are conveyed correctly.

There are no gross errors in the transmission of the remaining parts.

The ears are clearly distinguishable.

The ears are in their place and are of normal size.

Eyelashes and eyebrows are drawn on the face.

The pupils are positioned correctly.

The eyes are proportional to the size of the face.

The person looks straight ahead, his eyes are not squinted to the side.

The forehead and chin are clearly visible.

The chin is separated from the lower lip.

The closer the child’s drawing is to this model, the higher the level of his development. Give each positive answer 1 point and add up the points received. A normally mentally developed child should score the points indicated below in accordance with his age.

5 years – 10 points

6 years – 14 points

7 years – 18 points

8 years – 22 points

9 years – 26 points

10 years – 30 points

11 years old – 34 points

12 years old – 38 points

13 years old – 42 points

14 years old – over 42 points

Additional details of the drawing, such as a cane, briefcase, roller skates, etc., speak in favor of the child, but provided that this detail is appropriate in the given drawing or even necessary for the given image (a sword for a warrior).

Analysis of the drawing.

First of all, note whether there are gross errors in the depiction of the figure. The drawing of a human figure symbolizes the image of the body, which is very susceptible to external stimuli that disturb the emotional state of the child, therefore the problems that he experiences will be symbolically reflected in the drawing. The more severe the child's disorder, the more both his body image and graphic representation are affected.

Serious deviations include the depiction of a figure with disparate body parts, completely inappropriate details, the depiction of another object instead of a person, the erasure of a drawn human figure, rigid, motionless, robot-like or very bizarre figures. Another significant one negative factor– a child’s depiction of a figure of the opposite sex. This may be an expression of sexual role confusion, strong attachment or dependence on a parent (some other person) of the opposite sex.

The symbolic meaning of the human figure:

Head. If a child pays little attention to his head, this may indicate problems of adaptation to the social environment, difficulties in communication, or even the presence of neurosis, since the head and, in particular, the forehead are a reflection of self-control and the sphere of social contacts. Absence of a forehead - the child deliberately ignores the mental sphere. A disproportionately large head is a sign that the child suffers from headaches or other negative impacts in this area. Fixation on the head may be associated with weakening of intellectual abilities or control, as a result of which the importance of this part of the body for the child increases. A large head in this case acts as an expression of the desire to compensate for what is missing.

Hair . Highlighting hair on the head - the desire to emphasize masculinity male figure. The emphasis on girls' hair, the careful depiction of voluminous hairstyles, long, cascading hair in combination with other obvious elements of decoration - early sexual maturation.

Face – a symbol of the sphere of communication, the most social part of the picture. Facial features are not clearly depicted, poorly drawn, the face is sketchy, the image of facial features is missed, the face is drawn last - difficulties in communication, timidity, very wary, expects only bad things from others, often hostile to others. Goggled eyes, compressed lips, an open mouth with bared teeth - aggression and hostility. Well-drawn facial features mean attention to yourself, healthy self-esteem. A painted-over face, an image of an animal-like face or a robot-like face, an impersonal, expressionless face is a negative sign, a loss of identity, a loss of a sense of self.

Chin - a reflection of willpower, authority, masculinity. Passion for the image of the chin (often erased, redrawn, outlined, protruding strongly) is compensation for weakness, indecision, fear of responsibility, desire for superiority and gaining significance in the eyes of others. Especially if in the image of the remaining parts the lines are weak and light. The author of the drawing does not have such qualities in reality, but only pictures himself as such in his imagination.

Brows. Neat eyebrows are evidence of caring about one’s own appearance, grooming, restraint, and moderation. Thick, shaggy eyebrows - rudeness of character, obstinacy, intemperance, primitiveness of morals. Raised eyebrows - arrogance, arrogance.

Ears – openness of perception or wariness in relation to the surrounding world. Omitting this part or hiding it with hair is a minor omission. A certain ear discharge – sensitivity to comments and judgement; indirectly – stubbornness and disobedience to authority.

Eyes – a reflection of the child’s inner world. A fixed, piercing gaze – aggressiveness. The eyes are large, with drawn pupils or without pupils with shaded sclera - a symbol of fear or anxiety. Eyes wide open, but not exaggerated - curiosity. The gaze is not straight, but slanted - suspicious. Small eyes – secrecy, self-focus, preoccupation with one’s own feelings. Closed eyes are an attempt to isolate yourself from the outside world, from contacts. Absence of pupils, empty eye sockets - extreme egocentrism, the child does not find anything around worthy of his attention. Beautiful, symmetrical, well-drawn eyes - the desire to be attractive and likable to other people.

Mouth – a multi-valued element. Mouth open – aggressiveness, verbal activity of an aggressive nature; if the teeth are drawn, there is obvious aggression, possibly defensive. Selection of the mouth (erasure, displacement, disproportionate sizes, underlining, etc.) is typical for young children who, not so long ago, were in oral dependence on their mother. In older children it is a sign of lack of independence and dependence. A mouth marked with one straight line indicates internal tension.

Lips - a generally accepted symbol of the sexual sphere. Plump lips on a figure drawn by a girl are a sign of correct gender identification. Drawn lips (in a teenager) – the presence of narcissistic tendencies.

Nose. The absence of a nose is a certain degree of intellectual disability.

Neck – a connecting link between the body (symbol of animal passions, impulsive life) and the head (intellectual center, mind, control). A long neck is a tense, constrained person who has good self-control. A short neck means naturalness, straightness. The absence of a neck is a sign of immaturity.

Hands – a symbol of activity, communication and contact. Hands are spread to the sides, as if for a hug - a sign of sociability, active interaction with the outside world. Hands are hidden behind the back, hanging sluggishly along the body, pressed tightly to the body, palms hidden in pockets - unsociability and isolation. Flexible, mobile, freely positioned hands – good social adaptability, ease of establishing contacts with others. Rigid, inflexible, mechanically extended, bent at right angles - superficial, unemotional contacts with the outside world. Large, large palms are a sign of an active, explosive character. Absence of palms – maladjustment, lack of self-confidence, a feeling of unfitness. Carefully drawn fingers – the ability to control the situation, hold it in your hands, manage it. Long fingers with nails or emphasizing fists - aggression, belligerence. Fists on the hand away from the body - open hostility, rebellion, confrontation. Hands with clenched fists are pressed to the body - a hidden, suppressed tendency to revolt. Aggression – fingers like the claws of a bird of prey; hands raised up, painted hands. The absence of hands is an extreme degree of passivity, inactivity, unsociability, timidity, intellectual immaturity; for older people - a feeling of guilt in connection with their aggressive attitude. The same goes for the heavily shaded hands. Short arms- isolation, turning inward, on oneself. Long arms – focus on the outside world, contact. Large, muscular arms – the priority of strength, the desire to become physically strong, compensation for one’s own weakness.

Torso - a symbol of a child’s idea of ​​a person’s physical appearance. A strong, muscular body drawn by a fragile, weak child is a sign of compensation. A large, strong body with powerful shoulders means inner strength, a strong ego. Broad, massive shoulders are an expression of physical strength and superiority. A strong child draws a weak body - this is associated with an experience from past experience. A fragile body is an expression of one’s own weakness. The navel (small child) is a sign of egocentrism, if an older child - immaturity or a desire to withdraw into oneself. The rounded shape of the body means balance, a calmer character, and some femininity. An angular, rectangular figure – masculinity, energy and expressiveness. Figure decoration (bows, buckles) – increased attention to one's own person. The image of internal organs is an extremely negative sign - serious mental disorders.

Legs – a symbol of support, stability. The feet are drawn in profile - a sign of stability and self-confidence. Feet with fingers towards the observer, or absence of feet - a feeling of insecurity. Separation of the lower half of the body with a bold line (teenagers) – problems in the sexual sphere. Weak, short, poorly drawn or shaded legs are an expression of uncertainty, weakness, worthlessness, and loss of spirit. The feet of a dressed person are depicted with toes - extreme aggressiveness. Small, unsteady feet – a feeling of insecurity.

Genitals . Hiding the genital area is common in teenage girls. U female figure the arms are depicted shyly covering the lower abdomen, while the arms of the male figure are boldly spread to the sides. Various objects (bouquet, etc.) can be depicted above the lower abdomen.

Explicit depiction of genitalia is very rare. A shift of interest from one’s body to the fascinating world around us, which is typical for the behavior of children during the period of hidden sexuality. In most cases, the reason for depicting genitals is behavioral disorder, aggression, or phobia.

Because the drawn figure is closely related to the author of the drawing and, in a certain way, characterizes him; attention should be paid to the size of the figure, its pose, location on the sheet, the quality of the lines (pressure, hardness, duration, intermittency), the sequence of depiction of details, the use of background, as well as extraneous objects. The proportions of the body parts of the figure, the presence of unfinished elements of the drawing, the level of detail drawing, the presence of strong pressure and its localization, erasing, making changes to the drawing, emotions expressed on the person’s face and in his posture are taken into account.

Size and location:

A small figure that modestly occupies only a small area of ​​space - a feeling of insecurity, anxiety, depression, inadequacy. Excessively large, cumbersome body size – weak internal control and expansiveness.

A tilted figure means lack of mental imbalance, instability. The figure is shifted to the right - orientation towards the outside world. Shift to the left - emphasis on yourself. The drawing mainly at the top of the sheet is optimism. The location of the figure at the bottom of the sheet is a feeling of oppression, depression. A large figure drawn on a large scale, placed in the center of the sheet - inflated self-esteem. The child draws a line of the ground, and places the person high from it, as if floating - isolation from reality, a tendency to fantasy and games of imagination, poor contact with reality.

Perspective . Boys (rarely girls) adolescence sometimes they depict a person with his body in front and his head in profile - a sign of social tension, a certain feeling of guilt associated with the sphere of communication. Head in profile, body in front, legs in profile - low mental development and impaired spatial imagination.

Other image features. Transparency effect (the ability to see one detail in a drawing through another). This natural factor, if the drawing was made by a 6-year-old child. At an older age, this has a negative meaning, because contradicts reality. Possibly a sign of mild developmental delay, as well as personality disorganization or mental retardation. In the “soft” version, transparency indicates that the child lacks support and protection. The negative value of transparency is assessed by the number of transparent elements and the size of the transparent part (the second case is more indicative).

Optional Details . Cigarette, pipe, weapon, cane, buttons, pockets, hat. A weapon in the hands of a figure is a sign of hostility and aggressiveness. Buttons, pockets in the drawings of older children - insufficient maturity, immaturity. Emphasizing a tie or hat has a sexual connotation. Other sexual symbols are a pipe, a cigarette, and less commonly a cane. Highlighting pants fly (teenagers) – preoccupation with masturbation.

Scattered body parts. This evidence of deviations - a refusal to create a holistic picture, is noted in children with personal disorganization.

Limited, ascetic, robot-like drawings are drawn by socially immature children. The most typical violation is a discrepancy between abilities and school performance.

Excessive shading. Focusing on the shading of the entire drawn figure or part of it (face, lower body, etc.) is anxiety. Excessive, energetic shading, sometimes directed at the genital area, can be observed in the drawings of depressed, overly controlled junior schoolchildren, at an age close to the period of latent sexuality. For children over 13 years old, shading is an indicator of emotional distress.

Drawings without people. For young children, there are likely difficulties in interpersonal communication. Refusal to draw a person and depict inanimate objects must be considered as an unusual, possibly deviant act, suggesting difficulties in interpersonal relationships, abnormal indifference, emotional detachment, autism.

Dark clouds and shaded sun. The shining sun is a well-adjusted child. Rain clouds, shaded sun - an unhappy, anxious, depressed child.

Erasing . The facts of erasure are an expression of anxiety and dissatisfaction.

2. “Psychological test based on drawings - a non-existent animal.” (R. Gilles).

Target: determining the psychological portrait of the subject and identifying whether the child has problems in relationships with the outside world.

For the study you need: a standard sheet of white and a simple pencil of medium hardness. Felt-tip pens and pens cannot be used; soft pencils are also undesirable.

Instructions for the child: invent and draw a non-existent animal and call it a non-existent name.

Explain to the child that the animal must be invented by him himself, captivate him with this task - to create a creature that no one has invented before. This should not be a previously seen character from cartoons, computer games or fairy tales. After the drawing is ready, ask the artist about the creature he created. It is necessary to find out the gender, age, size, purpose of unusual organs, if any; ask if he has relatives and what his relationship is with them, if he has a family, and who he is in the family, what he loves and what he is afraid of, what his character is.

The test taker unconsciously identifies himself with the drawing, transfers his qualities and his role in society to the depicted creature. Sometimes children talk about their problems from the animal's perspective. But this does not always carry enough information and depends on the child’s ability to analyze his inner world. It is important for us to understand how adapted he is in the team.

So, what should you pay attention to?

Layout on sheet

Normally, the pattern is located on the midline of the sheet or slightly higher and to the right. The location of the picture closer to the top edge indicates high self-esteem and a level of aspirations that, according to the child, are not fully realized. It is important to understand that the higher the picture is located, the stronger the child’s feeling of dissatisfaction with his position in society, the need for recognition and self-affirmation. He believes that he deserves more and may worry that he was underestimated.

The lower the picture is, the lower the child’s self-esteem. Self-doubt, indecision, lack of desire for self-affirmation - this is what is characteristic of such an artist. The child remembers failures for a long time and may refuse to act altogether if he is not sure of a positive result. He focuses on the obstacles to meeting his needs.

A shift of the picture to the right indicates a desire for self-control and extraversion. The further the drawing goes to the right, the stronger the “rebellion” manifests itself in relation to something important to the artist.

If the picture is located in the upper right corner, we can say that the child most likely claims to be a leader and is actively in conflict with one of the other contenders for this role or has stood in opposition to the already existing “rulers.” In this case, parents, teachers, and children who use full recognition and authority among the rest of the team.

A shift of the picture to the left perhaps expresses social inactivity, shyness, and introversion. These patterns may not work if the drawing extends beyond the edge of the sheet.

We consider the location of the drawing in such detail precisely because now it is important for us to understand the child’s position in society and his assessment of his position. A sign of maladjustment is dissatisfaction with one’s role in the team, and special attention must be paid to this. Since the location of the drawing is only one of the criteria, during the analysis our assumptions will be refined or even changed. Therefore, let's continue to look at the drawing.

Head or its replacement elements

This is the central semantic part of the figure. If it is turned to the right, then the artist is characterized by high determination and activity, which adults sometimes mistake for excessive stubbornness. It is important to understand that his plans are realistic and feasible, and not to interfere, but to help the child set goals and achieve results.

Turning the head to the left characterizes the test taker as a person prone to thinking and fantasizing; his dreams often exist only in his imagination and are not realized in reality. Perhaps this is just a personality trait, but such a situation can arise under the fear of failure, which leads to loss of activity, so you need to pay attention to this.

An image with the head in a full-face position indicates the presence of egocentrism or lack of control in behavior.

If the head is significantly larger in size than the body, the child may highly value intellectual qualities in himself and those around him.


Large eyes with clearly defined irises may mean that the child is tormented by constant fear.

Drawing eyelashes is an indicator of interest in admiration from others, universal recognition of one’s attractiveness.


The toothy creature is drawn by children who are characterized by verbal aggression of a defensive nature. Their rudeness should be perceived as a way of self-defense from the attacks of others.

Language denotes the need for speech activity, the authors of such a creature are big talkers.

An open mouth without drawing lips and tongue, especially if painted over or shaded, is a sign of readiness to be scared; such children are often distrustful and wary.


If they exist, this is a sign that the child cares about the opinions and information of others about him. The more ears there are, the more attention the child pays to what they think and say about him.

Additional details:

Horns are protection against aggression. In combination with claws and bristles - spontaneous or defensive-response aggression.

Feathers - the desire for self-affirmation, self-justification, demonstrativeness.

Mane, fur, semblance of hairstyle - sensitivity.

The animal's paws, pedestal, support and the like must be assessed by shape and proportionality with the entire figure.

If the support part is solid, then the child has rationality, a tendency to make thoughtful decisions based on existing information. He has own opinion, which must be taken into account, otherwise a protest will arise, which can be expressed both in direct and hidden form.

The image of a lightweight supporting part - small paws, for example - indicates frivolity, impulsiveness, and superficiality of judgment.

The way the support is connected to the body itself indicates the degree of control over one’s judgments and decisions. An accurate and thorough connection is a high level, a careless and weak connection is a tendency to act rashly or lack confidence in one’s opinion.

It happens that a figure has parts that rise above the general outlines of the picture. These can be wings, additional limbs, tentacles, shell parts, feathers... They can serve as decoration or be utilitarian in nature. Ask your child what they are for. If they are needed for some type of animal activity, most likely the person being tested is energetic and strives for self-affirmation. Decorative parts are painted by children trying to attract the attention of others.

Tail - Reflects the child's self-esteem.

If it is turned to the left, we can judge the self-esteem of thoughts and decisions, to the right - actions and behavior.

A tail raised up means positive self-esteem and cheerfulness.

Lowered down - dissatisfaction with oneself, doubt in one’s abilities, regret about what was said and done.

Branched tails, several tails - dependence or inconsistency of self-esteem.

Two tails are turned to the sides and the animal has large ears - the child’s self-esteem greatly depends on the opinions of others.

When analyzing the contours of the figure, pay attention to protrusions such as ribbed shell, spikes or growths and similar details. They reflect the characteristics of the child’s psychological defense. The degree of aggressive protection is characterized by the presence of sharp protrusions and their direction. Raised upward, they indicate that the child is protecting himself from people who have power over him and the ability to suppress, prohibit, or limit him in anything. These could be parents, older children, educators, teachers.

If the protective elements are directed downward, this may mean that the child is afraid of being unrecognized, becoming an object of ridicule, or is worried that he is already in this position, afraid of losing authority among children.

The protrusions on the sides depict children expecting danger from all sides in any situation and ready to defend themselves.


A child with increased fatigue, extreme sensitivity, sleep disturbances and similar problems associated with decreased vitality draws weak, cobweb-like lines.

But bold, forceful lines and shading are characteristic not of energetic children, but of anxious ones. Pay attention to which details are made with special emphasis to determine what exactly may be bothering the child. But, of course, you need to take into account that if a child learns to draw in the studio or is simply interested in it on his own, shading will be present simply as an element of the drawing.

Other details:

Unusual details - for example, mechanical objects built into the body - may be a sign of psychopathology or simply a manifestation of special originality, as well as an echo of an excessive passion for robots and science fiction.

Animal name:

The name that a child assigns to his creation carries information about the child’s character.

Rational content semantic parts- a flying hare, a running cat and the like - speaks of the rational mind of the child.

Word formations with a book-scientific, Latin ending - reptilius - expresses the desire to emphasize the level of one’s development and erudition.

Superficially sound words, without any comprehension, speak of a frivolous attitude towards the environment.

Ironic and humorous - bubbleoid, dumpling - expresses the same ironic and condescending attitude towards reality.

Repeated elements - tru-tru, cous-cous - perhaps indicate infantility.

Exorbitantly long titles may be given by children prone to fantasizing, which may have a protective nature as a way of escaping reality.

Now that you have analyzed all the details, write them all down, look at the results and bring them together into one whole. A full-fledged psychological portrait, as I have already said, cannot be compiled using one test, but it is the drawing technique, as far as my experience shows, that reveals a child’s maladjustment in society.

Try to test your child, let it be a game for him, involve his friends and relatives, just warn him that the ability to draw in this matter does not matter at all and all those tested can dream up to their heart's content.

3. “Psychological test drawing - kinetic drawing of a family.”( R. Burns and S. Kaufman).

Target: determination of emotional relationships between family members.

Instructions: “Draw your family so that its members are busy with something.”

To complete the drawing, they offer a standard blank sheet of paper, a 2M pencil, and an eraser. Additionally, you can offer colored pencils.

The protocol records the time the task was completed, all the questions and statements of the subject, erasures, corrections, etc.

The conversation after finishing the drawing includes questions like these:

1. Who is drawn in the picture?

2. What does each family member do?

3. Where are they located?

4. Are they having fun or are they bored?

5. Which of them is the happiest and why?

6. Who is the most unhappy, why?

In addition to asking questions, you can offer your child solutions to several situations to identify positive and negative relationships in the family:

1. Imagine that you have two tickets to the circus.

Who would you invite to go with you?

2. Imagine that your whole family is going to visit, but one of you is sick and must stay home. Who is he?

3. You build a house from a construction set (cut out a paper dress for a doll) and it doesn’t work out. Who will you call for help? .

4. You have “N” number of tickets (one less than members in the family) to an interesting film. Who will stay at home?

5. Imagine that you are on a desert island. Who would you like to live there with?

6. You received an interesting lotto as a gift. The whole family sat down to play, but there are one more of you than necessary. Who won't play?


1. Analysis of the structure of the drawing.

1) Comparison of the composition of the drawn family with the real one:

a) If the family is drawn in in full force- a sign of the emotional well-being of the family.

b) If the picture shows an incomplete family, this may indicate the family’s dissatisfaction with the situation, the presence of emotional contacts with the family, and even aggression.

c) The case when there are no people in the picture at all and when people are depicted not associated with seven may indicate:

- some traumatic experiences about the family;

about the feeling of rejection, abandonment (for example, children from a boarding school);

- about autism;

O high level anxiety associated with a feeling of insecurity;

and also, the lack of contact between the psychologist and the child.

d) Cases of a decrease in family composition in the drawing can be explained by the fact that the child did not draw those who are least emotionally attractive to him or those with whom he has conflicts in the family. When asked why he didn’t draw them, the child gives a defensive answer: “there wasn’t enough space,” “I’m afraid it won’t turn out well,” etc. Instead, the child sometimes draws animals or birds, etc.

e) If a child does not draw himself or only draws himself, this means a lack of a sense of community with the family. ;The option when a child draws only himself is explained further depending on how he does it:

- if he decorates the image in the drawing with a large number of details, accessories, colors, etc., and also makes the image very large, then this may indicate the presence of self-centeredness, possibly hysterical character traits;

If the size of the picture is small in combination with a negative emotional background, this is a sign of a feeling of rejection, abandonment, and sometimes autistic tendencies.

f) The option when the child in the picture increases the composition of the family can be explained by the presence of such trends as:

- unsatisfied psychological needs for cooperative equal relationships, that is, the desire to have a child of the same age (brother, sister) for communication;

- the need to be in the company of other people;

- the desire to take a parental protective and leadership position in relation to other children (that is, the picture shows a child or some animal, bird, etc.);

- the need for a person who can satisfy the desire for close emotional contact;

- in addition, sometimes this can be associated with a symbolic destruction of the integrity of the family, revenge on parents due to a feeling of rejection and uselessness.

2. Location of family members, features of their interactions

a) The family is drawn in its entirety, with hands joined together, or the family is busy with one thing - all this is a sign of cohesion, the emotional well-being of the family, and the child’s involvement in this situation.

b) On low level emotional ties in the family can be indicated by such signs as:

- disunity of family members in the picture;

-large distance between them;

- placing various objects or a wall between them, for example, father - a newspaper, mother - a stove or ironing board. Particularly unpleasant characters are placed in a frame or drawn distant from the rest. If a child draws himself apart from others, this indicates a feeling of alienation.

c) If family members are involved in some kind of competitive game, for example, playing ball, this means that the child recognizes the existence of a connection, mutual interest between them, as well as the presence of competition for influence in the family. A ball between two or more characters indicates a balance between love and rivalry. A ball near the head of one of the characters means that the child recognizes his active, decisive role in family life. The ball lies or bounces near the foot of some character - the inadequate role of this character in the process of rivalry.

3. The sequence and features of drawing family members.

a) Most significant character drawn first, larger than all the others, more carefully and detailed, longer than all the others. During the drawing process, the child can go back, correct and add to it.

b) A negative attitude towards any family member can be expressed through an undetailed or incomplete (without any parts of the body, for example, an image. The use of shading to depict a character can indicate the presence of conflicts in relation to him or the absence of affective connections. The same can be explained and pause, doubts before drawing any character.

c) The size of the draftsman’s figure compared to other figures may vary. If it is greater or equal to others, then this is interpreted either as a sign of competition for parental love with another parent or brother-sister. If the author’s figure is smaller than the others, which does not correspond well to reality, then this is a sign of a feeling of insignificance or a requirement for care on the part of parents. By the way or in what style a child draws himself (how much he resembles other characters), one can determine with whom he identifies himself and whether this corresponds to his gender.

4. Symbolism of the drawing:

a) Dirt (dirty plates piled up in a pile, a pile of dirty leaves in the garden, dirty spots on the floor, etc.) - a symbol of the child’s internal anxiety due to unpleasant moments for him: internal disharmony, actions and behaviors that cause him feelings guilt, etc.

b) Water, ice, rain, stars, refrigerator and everything related to cold is a symbol of a depressive mood at the moment or in the potential. This can also be evidenced by beds and sleeping or sick people lying on them, if the child identifies himself with them.

c) Symbols of rivalry: sport games or equipment, cat and dog fighting.

d) Flowers and butterflies are a symbol of real or desired peace and serenity.

d) Balls, paper kites- a symbol of the feeling of pressure that the child is trying to get rid of.

f) Symbols of aggression: a crib or cage, as a symbol of “captivity”, imprisonment, punishment (for example, a little brother in a crib). Here - a drum, a weapon, a hammer, a hoe or a rake, wild animals (for example, when visiting a zoo). g) Road signs are a symbol of restraining emotions, obeying the rules imposed on the child to a large extent by the school.

h) Symbols of power and threat: broom, clothes beater, vacuum cleaners, trucks, industrial equipment (excavators, cranes), trains, huge buildings hanging overhead.

i) The depiction of life-threatening objects between characters (weapons, even toy ones, scissors, table knives, etc.) is a symbol of aggressiveness, the existence of a rivalry factor.

4. "House". (N. Gutkina).

Target: assessment of the child’s level of preparation for schooling: psychomotor development, features of voluntary attention and spatial perception.

Materials: sample drawing, sheet of paper, pencil.

Progress of the study:

Before completing the task, the child is given the following instructions: “In front of you lies a sheet of paper and a pencil. Draw on this sheet exactly the same picture as here (a sheet with a picture of a house is placed in front of the baby). Take your time, be careful, try to ensure that your drawing is exactly the same as on the sample. If you draw something wrong, don’t erase it with an eraser (make sure your child doesn’t have an eraser). You need to draw the correct one on top of the incorrect drawing or next to it. Do you understand the task? Then get to work."

As you complete the task, you must record:

1. Which hand does the child draw with (right or left).

2. How he works with the sample: how often he looks at it, whether he draws lines over the sample drawing that follow the contours of the picture, whether he compares what he drew with the sample or draws from memory.

3. Draws lines quickly or slowly.

4. Are you distracted while working?

5. Statements and questions while drawing.

6. After finishing the work, does he compare his drawing with the sample?

When the child reports the end of the work, he is asked to check if everything is correct. If he sees inaccuracies in his drawing, he can correct them, but this must be recorded by the experimenter.

Processing and analysis of results:

Processing of experimental material is carried out by calculating points that are awarded for errors. Mistakes happen like this.

1. Absence of any detail of the picture (4 points). The drawing may lack a fence (one or two halves), smoke, a chimney, a roof, shading on the roof, a window, or a line depicting the base of the house.

2. Magnification individual parts drawing more than doubled while maintaining the relatively correct size of the entire drawing (3 points for each enlarged detail).

3. An element of the picture is depicted incorrectly (3 points). Smoke rings, a fence, shading on a roof, a window, or a chimney may be depicted incorrectly. Moreover, if the sticks that make up the right (left) part of the fence are drawn incorrectly, then 2 points are awarded not for each incorrect stick, but for the entire right (left) part of the fence as a whole. The same applies to smoke rings coming out of a chimney and shading on the roof of a house: 2 points are awarded not for each incorrect ring, but for all incorrectly copied smoke; not for each incorrect line in the hatching, but for the entire hatching of the roof as a whole.

The right and left parts of the fence are scored separately: so, if the right part is copied incorrectly, but the left part is copied without errors (or vice versa), then the child receives 2 points for the drawn fence; if errors are made on both the right and left sides, then 4 points (2 points for each part). If part of the right (left) side of the fence is copied correctly, and part incorrectly, then 1 point is awarded for this side of the fence; the same applies to smoke rings and shading on the roof: if only one part of the smoke rings is drawn correctly, then the smoke is scored 1 point; If only one part of the shading on the roof is reproduced correctly, then the entire shading is scored 1 point. An incorrectly reproduced number of elements in a detail of a drawing is not considered an error, that is, it does not matter how many sticks there are on the fence, smoke rings or lines in the shading of the roof.

4. Incorrect arrangement of parts in the drawing space (1 point). Errors of this type include: the location of the fence is not on a line common with the base of the house, but above it, the house seems to be hanging in the air or below the line of the base of the house; displacement of the pipe to the left edge of the roof; significant displacement of the window in any direction from the center; smoke location is more than 30° deviation from the horizontal line; the base of the roof matches the base of the house in size, and does not exceed it (in the example, the roof hangs over the house).

5. Deviation of straight lines by more than 30° from a given direction (1 point): vertical and horizontal lines, which make up the house and the roof; fence sticks; changing the angle of inclination of the side lines of the roof (their location at a right or obtuse angle to the base of the roof instead of an acute one); deviation of the fence base line by more than 30° from the horizontal line.

6. Breaks between lines where they should be connected (1 point for each break). In the event that the hatch lines on the roof do not extend to the roof line, 1 point is given for the entire hatch as a whole and not for each incorrect hatch line.

7. The lines overlap each other (1 point for each overlap). If the hatching lines on the roof extend beyond the roof lines, 1 point is given for the entire hatching as a whole, and not for each incorrect hatching line.

Good execution of the drawing is assessed as “0” points. Thus, the worse the task is completed, the higher the total score. However, when interpreting the results of the experiment, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child. Five-year-old children almost never receive a “0” grade due to insufficient maturity of the brain structures responsible for sensorimotor coordination.

When analyzing children's drawing It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the lines: very bold or “shaggy” lines may indicate a state of anxiety in the child. But under no circumstances should a conclusion about anxiety be drawn solely on the basis of this picture. Suspicions must be checked using special techniques to determine anxiety.

The “House” technique can be carried out both individually and in small groups.

The result of the method in points is determined not so much to compare one child with another, but to track changes in the sensorimotor development of the same child at different ages.

5. “Man in the Rain.” (E. Romanova, T. Sytko).

Target: assessment of adaptive capabilities and resistance to stressful situations. One of the few graphic techniques that can be interpreted by people who are not specialists in the field of psychology: parents and teachers.

Research methodology:

On a blank sheet of A4 paper, which is vertically oriented, the subject is asked to draw a person, and then, on another similar sheet, a person in the rain. Comparing two drawings allows you to determine how a person reacts to stressful, unfavorable situations, how he feels when faced with difficulties.


Instruction #1: “Please draw a person.”

Instruction No. 2: “Draw a man in the rain.”


When interpreting the drawings, it is recommended to be guided by the following provisions. When the drawing is ready, it is important to perceive it as a whole. It is necessary to “enter” the drawing and feel what mood the character is in (joyful, jubilant, dejected, etc.), whether he feels helpless or, on the contrary, feels the internal resources to deal with difficulties, and perhaps calmly and adequately perceives difficulties, considering them a common occurrence in life. Thus, it is important to track the global impression of the drawing. This is an intuitive process. Only after this can we move on to analyzing all the specific details from a logical point of view, while relying on the main provisions of the interpretation manual.

During the testing process, it is important to observe the progress of drawing and pay attention to all the statements of the subject. To obtain more reliable information, it is necessary to conduct an additional interview with the test taker.


Exposure, position on the sheet. In the drawing “Man in the Rain” compared to the drawing “Man”, as a rule, significant differences are found. It is important to see how the exposure has changed. So, for example, if a person is depicted leaving, then this may be due to the presence of a tendency to avoid difficult life situations, to avoid troubles (especially if the person’s figure is depicted as if observed from a bird’s eye view). In the case of a displacement of the figure of a person in the rain to the upper part of the sheet, it can be assumed that the subject is inclined to evade reality, to lose support under his feet, as well as the presence of protective mechanisms such as fantasy, excessive optimism, which is often not justified.

The position of the figure in profile or with its back indicates the desire to renounce the world, to self-defense.

An image placed at the bottom of the sheet may indicate the presence of depressive tendencies and a feeling of insecurity.

Otherwise, when interpreting, you should rely on the “Man” method. For example, an image shifted to the left may be associated with the presence of impulsiveness in behavior, orientation to the past, and in some cases, dependence on the mother. An image shifted to the right indicates the presence of an orientation to the environment and, possibly, dependence on the father.

If the drawing is located predominantly at the top of the sheet, this may mean that the person has high self-esteem, is dissatisfied with his position in society, and lacks recognition. If the figure is very small when located at the top of the sheet, then the person considers himself a kind of unrecognized genius. If the drawing is located mostly at the bottom of the sheet, then its author may have low self-esteem, self-doubt, depression, indecisiveness, fears associated with self-presentation, disinterest in one’s position in society. The position of the drawing along the horizontal axis (left-right): - if the drawing is located more on the left side, the person relies more on past experience, is prone to introspection, is indecisive in actions, and passive; - if most of the drawing is located on the right side of the sheet, then we have a person of action who implements his plans, is active and energetic.

Transformation of the figure. An increase in the size of the figure is sometimes found in adolescents, whom troubles mobilize, make them stronger and more confident. A decrease in figure occurs when the subject needs protection and patronage, and seeks to transfer responsibility for his own life to others. Guys who draw small figures are usually embarrassed to show their feelings and tend to be reserved and somewhat inhibited when interacting with people. They are susceptible to depression as a result of stress. The image of a person of the opposite sex may indicate a certain type of response in a difficult situation, the “inclusion” of behavioral programs borrowed from specific people from the immediate environment (mothers, grandmothers). A change in age indicates a person’s sense of self in a situation of life’s troubles.

If in the drawing “Man in the Rain”, when depicting the figure, any parts of the body are missed (legs, arms, ears, eyes), then this indicates the specificity of defense mechanisms and the characteristics of the manifestations of ego reactions.

The function of clothing is to “form protection from the elements.” An abundance of clothing indicates the need for additional protection. Lack of clothing is associated with ignoring certain behavioral stereotypes and impulsive reactions.

Assessment of the nature of lines.

light lines - lack of energy, stiffness;

lines with pressure - aggressiveness, authority, persistence, anxiety;

uneven pressure - impulsiveness, instability, anxiety.

Contours of the figure.

continuous lines - insulation;

a break in the contour is a sphere of conflict;

many sharp edges - aggressiveness, poor adaptation;

double lines - anxiety, fear, suspicion;

shading is a zone of anxiety.

Human figure direction:

In the projective method “Man in the Rain”, it is important how the human figure is depicted: - turned to the left - attention is focused on oneself, one’s thoughts, experiences in the past; - turned to the right - the author of the drawing is focused on the future, active; - the back of the head is visible, the person is depicted with his back - a manifestation of isolation, avoidance of resolving conflicts.

If a person is depicted running, the author of the drawing wants to run away from problems. A walking person means good adaptation. If the person in the picture is standing unsteadily, this may mean tension, a lack of core, or balance.

A stick figure indicates negativism and resistance to the technique. Overly childish gaming drawings talk about the need for approval. Caricature drawings signify a desire to avoid value judgments addressed to oneself, the experience of inferiority, and hostility.

Rain protection.

Umbrella, hat, raincoat, etc. - these are symbols of defense mechanisms, ways of coping with troubles.

The umbrella is a symbolic image of mental protection from unpleasant external influences. From the point of view of interpretation of images, an umbrella can be considered as a reflection of the connection with mother and father, who are symbolically represented in the image of an umbrella: the dome is the maternal principle, and the handle is the paternal one. An umbrella may or may not protect from bad weather, limit the character's field of vision, or may be absent. So, for example, a huge mushroom umbrella may indicate a strong dependence on the mother, who decides everything difficult situations per person. The size and location of the umbrella in relation to the human figure indicate the intensity of the action of mental defense mechanisms.-

A very large umbrella means codependency with parents; the desire in a difficult situation to receive support from authority figures. The absence of a hat, umbrella and other means of protection indicates poor adaptation and the need for protection. A hat on the head means the need for protection from superiors.


Head - the sphere of intelligence and control. A disproportionately large head indicates the subject’s conviction in the importance of thinking. Small head - the experience of intellectual inadequacy, inferiority.

Neck - connection of the mind with feelings. An excessively large neck indicates that the artist is aware of his bodily impulses and is trying to control them. A long, thin neck means inhibition in the awareness of one's bodily impulses. A short thick neck means the person drawing makes concessions to his weaknesses and desires. The neck is tied with a scarf - a break in the connection between the mind and feelings.

Shoulders - a sign of physical strength. The larger the shoulders, the greater the need for power and recognition. Shoulders are small - a feeling of one’s own worthlessness, insignificance. Sloping shoulders - despondency, despair, guilt.

Torso excessively large - the presence of unsatisfied needs and desires. A square body is a sign of masculinity. The body is very small - a feeling of humiliation, low value.

Face shows the attitude towards the world, it is important to pay attention to the expression of certain traits. The face is emphasized - strong concern about relationships with others, one’s appearance. The face is hidden under the brim of a hat or covered by an umbrella or is not drawn - the desire to avoid unpleasant influences.

Eyes . Large, shaded eyes indicate fears and a desire to control the external environment. Small dot eyes (rods) - self-absorption, avoidance of visual stimuli. Eyelashes - flirtatiousness, demonstrativeness. Big ears - sensitivity to criticism, interest in the positive opinions of others. Ears are small, lack of ears - avoidance of criticism, reluctance to hear bad things about yourself.

Limbs, hands - a symbol of interpersonal interaction. Widely open arms, palms forward, speak of openness and a desire for action. If the hands are wider at the wrists than at the shoulders, this indicates impulsiveness in actions. If the hands are depicted separately from the body, the impulses of the body are beyond the control of the painter. Hands behind your back mean unwillingness to give in, but aggression is under control. Arms too long - big ambitions. Arms are tense and pressed to the body - rigidity, clumsiness, tension. Lack of hands - reluctance to communicate, feeling of inadequacy. The fingers in the picture represent feelings, most often aggression. Thumbs drawn separately express repressed aggressiveness.

Attributes of rain . Rain is a hindrance, an undesirable influence that encourages a person to close up and hide. The nature of its image is related to how a person perceives a difficult situation: rare drops - as temporary, surmountable; heavy, painted drops or lines - heavy, constant.

It is necessary to determine where the rain “comes” from (to the right or left of the person) and which part of the figure is affected to a greater extent. The interpretation is carried out in accordance with the assigned meanings of the right and left sides of the sheet or human figure.

Along the lines which depict rain, one can judge the attitude of the author of the drawing towards the environment. Balanced, equal strokes in one direction indicate a balanced environment. Random strokes - the environment is alarming, unstable. Vertical strokes speak of stubbornness and determination. Short, uneven strokes across the entire field and the absence of all protections indicate anxiety and perception environment as hostile.

Clouds are a symbol of anticipation of trouble. It is important to pay attention to the number of clouds, clouds, their density, size, location. A depressive state depicts heavy thunderclouds occupying the entire sky.

Puddles and mud symbolically reflect the consequences of an alarming situation, those experiences that remain after the “rain”. You should pay attention to the manner in which puddles are depicted (shape, depth, splashes). It is important to note how the puddles are located relative to the person’s figure (whether they are in front of or behind the figure, surround the person on all sides, or he himself is standing in the puddle).

Puddles symbolize unresolved problems. You need to pay attention whether there are puddles to the left or right of the character: if on the left, it means the person sees problems in the past, if on the right, he foresees them in the future. If a person is standing in a puddle, this may mean dissatisfaction and loss of direction.

Additional details.

All additional details (houses, trees, benches, cars) or objects that a person holds in his hands (handbag, flowers, books) are considered as a reflection of the need for additional external support, support, a desire to escape from solving problems by switching and replacing activities. A more complete decoding of details is based on symbolic meaning presented images. For example, lightning can symbolize the beginning of a new cycle in development and dramatic changes in a person's life. A rainbow, often appearing after a thunderstorm, foreshadows the appearance of the sun and symbolizes the dream of an unrealistic desire for perfection.

Additional objects depicted in the drawing (lantern, sun, etc.) usually symbolize significant people for the author of the drawing.

Trends .

Signs of emotional coldness - a sketchy figure; the face is partially or completely not drawn

Signs of impulsiveness - a lot of movement in the figure; tousled hair; inconsistency in the direction of the body, arms and legs; insufficient clothing Signs of conflict in the family - limited space for the figure; a clear discrepancy between the quality of the drawing and others; clearly positive emotions are depicted on the face.

Signs of infantility - a person in fairy-tale or festive clothes; there is an expression of delight on the face; the figure lacks a neck; the drawing has moved up compared to others; reduction of a person’s age compared to other drawings; drawing of a man in the form of a child

Signs of self-distrust - a boy is drawn; someone or something is holding an umbrella over a person; clothes have a lot of fasteners; man goes left

Distortion and omission of details. The absence of significant details may indicate an area of ​​conflict and be a consequence of repression as a defense mechanism of the psyche. For example, the absence of an umbrella in the picture may indicate a denial of support from parents in a difficult situation.

Color in drawings. Drawings can be done with a simple pencil. However, many people prefer to use colored pencils. It should be remembered that an accurate interpretation of the color scheme cannot be made unless the subject has a complete set of colored pencils. Colors can symbolize certain feelings, moods and relationships of a person. They may also reflect a range of different reactions or areas of conflict. A well-adapted and emotionally intact child usually uses two to five colors. Seven to eight colors indicate high lability. The use of one color indicates a possible fear of emotional arousal.

The final stage.

This stage in the interpretation of the drawing is associated with the integration of information obtained in the first and second stages. Here, all received material is analyzed and correlated with the results of standard tests and information about the person.

By the way the character changes from the first drawing to the second, one can draw conclusions about

the artist's attitude to life's difficulties,

about the ways in which he usually overcomes these difficulties.

Usually the pictures turn out to be so eloquent and symbolic that even a non-specialist can understand and interpret them.

Some pictures show how undeveloped the test taker’s skills of constructive response to stressful situations are.

When comparing two drawings from a series, pay attention to the following characteristic changes:

How does the color change (background color, the color of the person, what color are the raindrops);

Does a person's gender change from drawing to drawing? Very often in such series the gender of a person changes. This will indicate to us the way of reacting - according to the “female” or “male” gender type, a person encounters difficulties;

Does a person's age change? Is it compliant? approximate age little man to the age of the artist himself? Regression to childhood will be shown by the child depicted in the picture of an adult. If the picture of a child or teenager shows an adult or an old man, this will tell you which of the older relatives the child is inclined to imitate when solving his problems.

Does the size of the figure change? The very miniature figure in the second picture speaks of low resistance to stress, vulnerability, and possibly low self-esteem. Very big figure indicates an active life position, aggressiveness.

After drawing, you can have a discussion. Examples of psychologist questions

Tell us about this person: how does he feel?

How comfortable does the person feel in this situation?

What's his mood?

What does he most want to do?

Did the rain come unexpectedly or as predicted?

Was the person prepared for the rain or was it a surprise for him?

Do you like rain? Why?

At what point in time did we find him?

What are his prospects?

If a person feels uncomfortable (bad) in the rain, then how can you help him? What can a person do to help himself, to cope with the rain?