Vlad Ramm divorced his wife. The lead singer fired from MBAND replaced his wife with Misha

Greetings to all! This is the second part of a series of articles about ideas for personal diaries. This release contains the following content:

We also remind you what is in other issues on this topic:

  • — design options for the first page, 50 ideas for thematic pages and how to make a diary password yourself!
  • — ready-made versions of notepads with a combination lock
  • Pictures for LD - large selection drawings for your diary

Ideas for a personal diary and HOW to design a personal diary

Pictures for a personal diary

No diary is complete without pictures and drawings! Here are a few interesting options design of LD pages with pictures:

A well-drawn girl on a page about winter:

Several drawings - a girl, Eiffel Tower, cake

Still unpainted drawings for a personal diary:

Here is another video about drawing in LD:

Ideas: drawings by cells for a personal diary

Drawings by cells - great way use the clear geometry of checkered notebooks and notebooks! Drawing by cells is very convenient and easy, here are a couple of examples of such drawings:


Ideas for a personal diary - pictures: Green man on the page

If you are interested in such drawings, here is a whole selection of drawings by cells for example, there you will definitely find something what can you draw in your personal diary?:

How to apply Personal diary ? Here are some good ideas:

Stickers and decals

Video about what stickers and stickers there are:

Magazine clippings

Another super option how to keep a personal diary beautifully are clippings from glossy magazines. They look very beautiful on the pages of LD! Take a look at these examples:

Ideas for a personal diary: photo scrapbooks (Halloween pumpkins)

How to decorate a personal diary: inscriptions

It is very important to make beautiful headings and inscriptions on pages:

Personal diary - interior design: text decoration

Options for a pleasant and beautiful design There is quite a lot of text, here are some examples:

The background is painted over with a pencil

Highlighting text with colored markers:

Personal diary - design text :

The text is written in separate columns with different colored pens:

Personal diary - how to design a LD using patterns, edgings, ornaments

The following patterns look very nice on the pages:

Wide pattern option:

Video on how to draw patterns:

What you can do in your personal diary - envelopes, secret pockets and tricks:

Each diary should have a small envelope for the “secret”, gifts and other things.

Pocket example:

Here is a diagram of how to make a pocket:

And here is a video on how to make a pocket envelope for a personal diary:

Ideas for a personal diary: DAILY and how to keep a personal diary

Sometimes the question arises - what what can you write in your personal diary?? In addition to various thematic pages, do not forget about the practically main purpose of the diary - a diary!

How to conduct it? Very simple!

For your diary, be sure to allocate a small part of the notebook - but not less than 30 pages (one for each day). It’s best to plan the diary for several months, then you will need to leave about 100 pages. Then write the date and day of the week on each page.

What to write in your diary? Usually the daily schedule is written there - these could be, for example, lessons at school, important events of this day, various reminders, and of course thoughts. At the end of the day, just sit down and take stock of everything that happened, write down what and who you liked most and what you didn’t like. This is very important - you don’t need to keep your emotions to yourself!

  • Personal diary - ideas: write in your diary To do list - a list of things that need to be done in a day.

Here are examples of a diary with a to do list of other authors:

And diary, video:

Ideas for a personal diary: How to make a personal diary and what you need for it

How to make a personal diary?

Option 1: Buy a special diary. But this path has a big drawback - usually such diaries are either very childish, or vice versa - very serious and businesslike

Varian: 2 Using a thick notebook for LD is a very good and inexpensive option!

Ideas for a personal diary - what is needed to keep it?

Here's the full list:

  • Notepad (this can be a thick notebook, a special notepad or a diary)
  • Pens - regular blue and colored - gel, oil
  • Pencils - regular for drawing and colored
  • Felt pens are good colored ones
  • Markers - thick felt-tip pens for highlighting text
  • Scissors - for cutting out scraps, forming homemade envelopes
  • Clippings - for this you also need to have magazines, but I think everyone has them
  • Stickers - for highlighting important information, notes
  • Stickers are a very beautiful decoration
  • Glue (for gluing cut-outs and other elements)
  • Ruler (for drawing straight lines where is it needed)
  • Sheets of white and colored paper(for making envelopes, pockets and other cool things
  • Bookmarks (very useful thing)

Classic notebook entries have never completely lost their relevance; they are still popular among schoolgirls and adults of different genders and status. At the same time, many people are not going to start writing down their thoughts, no matter in a notebook or in an electronic document, although the benefits of this process are tangible.

It’s not for nothing that this process is called a personal diary. This is something deeply personal - emotions, dreams, plans. Often, notes in a notebook witness the stormy tears of schoolgirls in love and the first business combinations of young entrepreneurs. From this follows the first reason for keeping a personal diary - it helps to throw out emotions and structure thoughts.

Interesting! For emotional people psychologists advise keeping notes so that you can later evaluate yourself from the outside and learn to manage your feelings.

Another reason is the possibility preserve memories of the situation with the emotions that the writer experienced then. A few years later, many people enjoy reading their entries, remembering funny and sad moments from life, plans and dreams.

The third reason for keeping a personal diary is the opportunity to express all the secret feelings, indecent thoughts and pent-up anger. Sometimes it is impossible to shout at an unfair boss, take revenge on an offender, or have an affair with someone. Writing in a notebook or electronic document allows you to do whatever you want on its pages with your boss, your offender, and other people. Thus, it relieves tension, while at the same time allowing you to assess the situation from the outside.

How to start keeping a diary

Some teenagers and adults do not have the question of how to start keeping a personal diary. This happens spontaneously during a period of falling in love or life troubles. Sometimes mothers or schoolchildren themselves try to start keeping personal notes about their children at the request of doctors and teachers.

Another group of people are girls of primary and secondary classes. For them, it is a hobby or a mass phenomenon when distributed at school. There are also people who understand the need to keep a diary or who experience loneliness. All this divides the persons keeping records into two groups:

  1. Spontaneous.
  2. Conscious.

People in the first category are not interested in rules and fictitious conventions for keeping personal records. They simply write where they want and the way they need. The result is the most sincere and emotional diaries, but difficult for subsequent reading by the owners themselves.

The second group is interested in how to keep a diary according to the rules, what requirements should be placed on it and what it should contain. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to give such exact recommendations; they are too individual, although you can roughly learn how to keep personal notes.

How to keep records correctly

Filling out the paper version with your thoughts or the electronic version is an individual choice. The same can be said about the rules for filling out a diary. It is important to understand one thing - it should be convenient.

Some people are more suited to quickly writing down their thoughts in transport, others need silence and a lot of colored pens, markers and all kinds of stickers, photographs, newspaper clippings. You just need to understand that there are no specific rules for keeping records. A personal diary is the untouchable space of each individual person; he can do whatever he wants in it and as he pleases.

What will be inside the diary depends greatly on who will keep it. The personal notes of a student programmer will be filled with tags and ideas, a housewife can complain there about low-quality household chemicals or rudeness in a store, and a businessman will write down plans for modernization or thoughts on restructuring loans.

The frequency and volume of filling will also be individual. For different people, although it is worth highlighting schoolgirls separately. For them, a personal diary is something special, colorful and tender, and sometimes dark and incredibly rude. At the same time, all people need to know only a few identical principles by which a diary is kept.

Main requirements for a personal diary

To keep a diary, you don’t need to try to make it like others, although no one forbids using other people’s ideas for designing personal notes. By observing just a few requirements, anyone who wants to learn how to keep a personal diary:

Appearance, electronic or paper format, pen color, writing density and other criteria do not need rules. For each person it will be correct to write in the way that is convenient for him, sharing his innermost thoughts.

Carefully! It is worth separating your personal diary from work, school, medical, sports and other things. They can be combined into one, but then the teacher, doctor or coach will want to familiarize themselves with it. This will prevent the author from writing his innermost thoughts there sincerely, without looking back.

If a girl keeps a collection of newspaper clippings, photographs and facts about the biography of an actor or singer, this does not stop her from giving the notes to her friends to read. At the same time, if thoughts about feelings towards a star are written there, then the girl is unlikely to want anyone to read them.

Starting and keeping a diary

It was said above that records of ongoing events begin to be kept in 2 ways. Spontaneous keeping of personal notes does not require comments, there is already a diary and it is being filled out, such people do not need to be taught how to start keeping it.

A conscious desire to keep records makes it possible to initially foresee the nuances of the future diary by choosing the format, style and method of filling it out.

You should start recording with the following steps:

These are the main points of starting a diary, with the exception of 2 nuances. These are not requirements, but rather recommendations for convenience. One of them concerns paper records, the other electronic ones. In the first case, when purchasing, it is advisable to purchase hardcover notebook or notebook, this will allow the diary to maintain its good appearance longer and not wrinkle. When choosing electronic version you need to determine in advance where and when entries will be made, and based on this, you need to select a format - an online program or an inconspicuous document on a desktop computer.

For those who do not know how to spontaneously share their thoughts You can try this recording algorithm:

This structure is suitable for the diary of a junior schoolgirl, and for the notes of the head of a department of a large enterprise. The only difference is that events and objects will be different, as well as conclusions, descriptions of emotions, etc. Also, do not forget that this structure is optional - items in it can be changed, rearranged, removed or added. Understanding more convenient entries will come with time, and for this you just need to keep a diary.

Important! The main rule of keeping a diary-it needs to be filled out! How to start it, what to write or draw in it does not matter.

Keeping a diary correctly means only making entries in a convenient format and with a comfortable frequency. You can think in advance about the number of entries per day, week, month, or simply carry it with you and share your thoughts with the diary at the first desire.

Several entries per day are optional the perfect way keep a diary. This allows you to both reset excessive emotions and immediately write down necessary thoughts or good ideas. Not everyone can afford to keep notes in this mode; some understand the need for a diary, but are not able to devote so much time to it.

For organized people, the method of filling out a diary in the evening is suitable, and the volume of the entry does not matter. You can divide the entries into morning, afternoon and evening, telling in detail the events of the day, or put everything in one text. You can also highlight what is happening at work or school, separately describing love or life experiences. There is only one rule for keeping a diary, everything else is very individual. Over time, everyone chooses a way to fill it out in a form that is more convenient for them; all that remains is to start maintaining it.

Personal diary: where to start?

So, you have decided to start an LD! First you need to decide on the tools and materials needed for this activity. First of all, you should decide what size your diary will be, and after that, look for the answer to the question “how to make a diary?” If you plan to keep most of your records at home or elsewhere convenient location, then a regular notebook is perfect for this purpose. Good choice It could also be a ring notebook or a thick sketchbook. It will be convenient to make entries in a diary of this format, since it is always easier to do this on a large page.

However, if you plan to travel a lot and “keep secret” at this time with a “paper friend,” then you need to make sure that it does not take up much space in your bag and is always at hand. An excellent choice in this situation would be a small notebook on rings or a booklet. A good option It is also possible to keep a diary on separate sheets of paper - A4, A5 format or so-called posts, which will need to be stitched together from time to time.

In addition to, in fact, “paper” for taking notes, you will also need all kinds of writing and drawing instruments. These can be multi-colored markers, pencils, pen, oil and simple pencils and Of course, you can write the entire diary with one pen, but you will probably look for options on how to make the LD beautiful, and this is one of the ways.

Why do you need a personal diary?

Different people need a personal diary for different purposes. So, some people make a “paper friend” in order to record their thoughts and express their emotions. Such records are exclusively personal character and entered into the diary from pure heart. In most cases, such LD is simple and concise, although there are exceptions if, for example, it is led by a teenager who strives to put his whole soul into it.

There are people who need a diary to creative realization. They enter into it various thoughts and plans that arise in their heads throughout the day. This is done especially often and it is important not to forget new idea. Before making a notebook with their own hands, such people spend a lot of time thinking about its design and method of maintaining it, because this notebook will accompany them constantly and help them retain all sorts of interesting thoughts. Such diaries often contain not only text entries, but also thematic illustrations, magazine clippings, stickers, photographs, lines from songs, drawings, and poems.

Another function that can be assigned to the LD is self-control. The question “how to make LD?” People are often asked who need a “paper friend” to encourage them to achieve specific purpose. This could be a desire to lose weight, overcome some complex, learn foreign language etc. Entries in such diaries are often accompanied by evidence of the work done. These could be photographs of bathroom scales with readings written test work, check from a beauty salon, etc.

LD from a notebook or notepad

A notebook with 48, 60 or 96 sheets or an A5 notebook is the most suitable basis for LD. In such a diary it is not only convenient to write, but you can also put all kinds of additional elements, such as stickers, diagrams, photographs, etc. In addition, there is great amount options for decorating it both externally and internally. The main thing, when asking the question “how to make a diary from a notebook?”, is not to be afraid to show your imagination and use all kinds of materials, even those that at first glance are absolutely not suitable for decorating a diary.

LD from a sketchbook

Holders of creative and creative thinking can choose a sketchbook as the basis for a diary. Such a LD will allow you to make not only notes on its pages, but also drawings. Of course, no one can forbid you to draw in a regular notebook, but remember how quickly paints or markers move to the opposite side of such pages, and therefore the text on them is practically invisible. An album is a completely different matter. Its thick pages allow you to use any felt-tip pens or paints while keeping the page clean. reverse side. In addition, it is easier to glue various design elements to such sheets - cardboard inserts, pieces of fabric, buttons, etc.

An old book is an unusual basis for LD

If the option with neither a notebook nor an album suits you and you are still thinking about how to make an LD with your own hands, then look old book and use it as a basis for your journal. Spending time with such a “paper friend” will certainly make you feel like an extraordinary and unique person. If the book is very thick, then it is worth removing some pages from it, but not all together, but, for example, every third or fourth. An exception is the case if you plan to draw in such a diary, then some pages will first have to be glued two together.

External design of the diary

So, the basis for the LD has been chosen, the tools have been prepared, it’s time to take care of the appearance of your “paper friend”, namely, to decorate its cover. For this you can use the most various materials. You can make a removable cover from bright gift paper or sew it from fabric of interesting colors and texture that is pleasant to the touch. You can also sew guipure, braid, beads, bows on top, stick rhinestones, or fasten two pieces of fabric from different edges of the notebook and imitate lacing. In short, there are a huge number of ways to make LD original; the main thing is to allow your imagination to manifest itself.

If needlework is not your path, you can limit yourself to more simple option and decorate the cover of your notebook, album or book with funny stickers of your favorite movie characters or magazine clippings.

Interior design of the diary

Having designed a beautiful cover, you simply cannot allow that there is no “zest” inside the diary. Agree, if you don’t know how to make a page in an LD original, then communicating with a “paper friend” can become quite boring and get boring very quickly. That is why notes should be made with multi-colored pens. Moreover, the author can use colors depending on his mood. For example, black is in a state of sadness, blue is in a state of calm, pink is in a romantic mood. You can also add hand-drawn or pasted illustrations to your recordings, which will give a more complete picture of the event or emotion.

Interesting notes, drawings, diagrams - this is only a small part of what can be done in LD. Each person is unique, which means that all diaries are different. When drawing up your LD and making entries in it, it is important not to limit yourself, because this is one of the few ways to express your emotions.

Envelope for a personal diary

For even greater individuality and to create the effect of secrecy, you should make an envelope for the LD. To do this, use double-sided standard or colored glossy paper, fabric, newspaper, gift paper, foil and other materials. Making this accessory shouldn’t cause any difficulties, just ask the question “for LD?” and prepare the necessary materials.

In addition to the materials listed above, you will also need a needle and thread or No matter whether you decide to make or fabric, you will first need to cut out a rectangle two and a half times larger in size than the diary pages. It needs to be folded in three, with two halves being identical and a third smaller one for closing. Then the two large parts need to be sewn or glued. If desired, you can decorate the product with various elements. The LD, placed in a ready-made envelope, you can carry with you everywhere and make notes at any convenient moment.

How to create a personal diary? Perhaps this question came to the mind of each of us, if not in adolescence, then certainly in adulthood.

And this, strictly speaking, is not surprising. Why? The thing is that, according to experts, the desire to organize their thoughts in written (or printed) form sooner or later arises in many people, although, of course, not everyone is ready to organize themselves to keep such notes every day.

However, this article will not only tell you how to design a personal diary in practice. The reader will learn in more detail about why it is worth making a rule of writing down the most important events, how this affects decision-making and what makes such notes look so pleasant that you want to return to them, reliving what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, a year or a decade ago.

Section 1. What is a personal diary? We define the concept

According to data obtained thanks to modern encyclopedias, a definition can be formulated. In accordance with it, a diary should be understood as a series of fragmentary entries that are kept for oneself. Typically, notes of this kind are made regularly, indicating the date and reflect events in the author’s life, his feelings and thoughts.

Before talking about how to design a personal diary, I would like to note that in general it is a written genre that shapes your “I”, experience and personality. Simultaneously with this direction, forms of autobiography and memoirs are developing.

Section 2. Bad luck begins

They say that, say, pictures for a personal diary are not difficult to choose. If you wish, you don’t have to do this at all, but with some nuances, in fact, many people have some difficulties.

So where to start? How to design the pages of a personal diary so that you want to fill it with events own life didn’t disappear, say, after a couple of weeks, or even days?

Of course, we are not talking about electronic notes or a blog, but about a paper diary. In the first case, how to design a personal diary inside is more or less clear, because in the virtual space there are a lot of all kinds of templates.

Have you ever thought about why, in principle, there is a desire to keep your personal records? Psychologists say that teenagers, for example, most often begin to do this spontaneously and unconsciously. As you get older, you look at it completely differently.

Someone sees in the diary an understanding and trusting interlocutor. For such people, the question of how to design a personal diary on the outside is very important. It should be beautiful, neat and evoke positive emotions.

For some, this is an opportunity to understand their life, understand mistakes and become better. And for others, it is a memorable book about some stage of life. Everyone has their own goal.

Most likely, there is no specific criterion for how to properly design a personal diary. True, this is for the best, otherwise all records of such a plan would be completely devoid of creativity and originality.

In general, any paper base can become a diary:

  • simple sheets of paper on which thoughts are written down, and then they are stapled in a separate folder;
  • a store-bought diary, or Notebook, made with your own hands;
  • a shared notebook designed to your liking.

In general, the choice of the appearance and form of the diary remains with its author.

When should you keep a diary? Everyday activities do take a lot of time, but you can always set aside moments to write down. This activity requires no commitment. You need to work with your diary when you want. Otherwise, it may cause irritation later.

Some people like to record their events daily, while others remember the diary once a month. This is a personal matter for its owner. In any case, recording your thoughts or quotes from your favorite book is not so difficult, but it is also an important part of life.

Section 3. Are there specific rules?

There is no such thing as “right” or “wrong” when working with a diary. This creative process when it's best to be alone and relax. You don't need to think about your appearance and other people's opinions. Doesn't even require spelling special attention. And let there be mistakes in the text.

However there is one important point, which needs to be decided. A personal diary is an item that can become accessible and accidentally fall into the hands of other people. For example, children, relatives, etc.

Decide if you would like this. If not, you should find a hidden corner for your diary, or you don’t have to hide it, just writing down your thoughts and events. But in the latter case, it, of course, will not be secret.

Section 4. How to create a personal diary (photos, pictures and press clippings) and is it worth doing?

The design of the inside of the diary depends on desire and free time. If you feel a creative spirit, you can, of course, implement it on the pages.

What to record in your diary? Ideas for filling:

  • outline today's incident and describe the emotions at this moment, you can even display all this in a drawing;
  • praise and write yourself a compliment;
  • paste a favorite photograph, paste a recipe from a magazine or a ticket to a movie where you went with your significant other;
  • write down the lyrics from your favorite song, an anecdote or the names of books you’ve read;
  • draw your worries and fears;
  • paste an envelope and put letters or important notes there;
  • If you liked the dress, sketch it in your diary;
  • create a fun collage of magazine clippings or draw your dream;
  • Simply coloring the sheet with a black marker will help get rid of the negativity.

A personal diary can contain everything that is important to its author at that time. Appearance- also in the hands of its creator. For this you will need magazines, photographs, colored pencils and paper, packaging, ribbons, etc. Decorative covers made by yourself will give your diary a new look.

Section 5. What to remember?

Although there are no specific rules on how to design a personal diary, general recommendations are still present.

  • You should decide on the form of the diary (notebook, notebook or electronic view). In any case it should be good quality to be stored for a long time.
  • Guarantee yourself the availability of high-quality and convenient stationery(pen-pencil).
  • Set aside time to take notes. This will help make working with your diary a habit. To immediately write down your thoughts, it is better to choose a pocket notebook, and at the end of the day transfer it to general notes.
  • The setting is of great importance. To begin with, you can write to different time and in different places. This way you can find a convenient option. The main thing is that nothing interferes and that you are comfortable.
  • Record the date and time. This will help in the future to clearly recreate the picture of the recorded events. The diary is a source of information that helps you analyze the situation and mistakes.
  • It is worth writing down thoughts at the moment they arise. If difficult, describe the important events of the day. It is not at all important that the thought is correctly formulated or that there are no errors in the text. Feel free to write down all your thoughts and feelings. Feel free to express whatever you think. This is the purpose of the diary.
  • Creativity is required. Use different writing styles, make sketches or collages.
  • Decide how much you will write so you can leave something for tomorrow. It is important to stop in time.
  • Re-read your notes. This will help you analyze the situation and make adjustments to your notes.
  • Keep journaling. Try to write regularly. The more information it contains, the more valuable it becomes.

Section 6. Student’s personal diary. Rules and tips

  • From the very beginning, the student needs to determine the purpose of the diary. It may contain a training schedule or timing of events, impressions of books read, etc. The diary can be kept on the instructions of the teacher.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to compliance with the maintenance schedule. Don't leave assignments until the last day. You can set an alarm or ask an adult to remind you.
  • Date each new entry.
  • Start your recording with the preamble. When filling out a diary on the instructions of the teacher, the topic learned and the application of the acquired knowledge are first described. The most important passages from the books are quoted and accompanied by personal opinions.
  • Finally, impressions of the task are described. For example, if you need to write about a book you read, then share your opinion about its characters or events.
  • The diary is kept in the first person (“I”, “mine” or “mine”).
  • Stick to the length of your entries. Typically the entry contains 200-300 words.
  • Draw a conclusion. The entry must be summarized. For example, “Today I learned that...”, “I would like to know more about...”.

Section 7. Electronic diaries

An electronic diary helps you talk about something and make new friends. You can keep it only for yourself or open it to a certain circle of users.

Overall this is a great tool for solving internal conflicts. Tags created for records make it easy to find the information and date you need. Such a diary will not get lost or fall into the wrong hands. There are no restrictions on the volume of records and storage time. You can attach pictures and photos to posts.

Section 8. The role of the diary from a psychological point of view

A diary helps you analyze your actions and look at yourself from the outside. This allows you to find your shortcomings and advantages. On paper you can reflect fears and negative emotions, without splashing them out on others, which will avoid real conflict.

A diary, according to experts, is simply necessary to increase your self-esteem and understanding of life.

  • Start writing and don't rush. After a break in your notes, don't try to fill the gap. Continue writing the events of the present time, and the necessary memories will come to your mind and end up on the pages.
  • If you are overwhelmed by negativity, you should not dwell on it, because there were also good moments at that time.
  • Use direct speech.
  • Stop on time.
  • Summarize your day.
  • A successful diary can become the basis for a memoir.
  • Record dates and times.
  • Include your friends' contact information in your posts. This will be interesting to read in the future.

The design of the diary, like its contents, has great importance for the owner. The information stored in a personal notebook is related to the age of the “writer” and the ways of decorating the pages are similar. The article describes different ideas, which are suitable for young and adult girls.

A personal diary is more than a life chronology of events. People, regardless of age, write down their experiences, plans, dreams, thoughts. Of course, the contents of the memorial notebook differ depending on the age of the owner. The appearance of the diary and pages is important, so many people try to decorate it in something special. The article will tell you original ideas For a personal diary, the main thing is to bring a good mood.

You can give a second life to any notebook or notebook; for this you will need imagination and free time.

Even if you initially buy a beautiful notebook, you can add a little bit of yourself:

  • paste photographs of different ages;
  • print out your favorite aphorisms, laminate the sheet, cut out quotes and stick them on the cover in a chaotic manner;
  • sew on multi-colored scraps of fabric and embroider the owner’s initials on one of them;
  • cover with openwork fabric;
  • apply to hand gouache paint, put an imprint, carefully cut it out, glue it, and write your life credo in the middle of your palm.

If a regular notebook serves the role of a diary, it can be remade along with the title page. Make a blank cover from cardboard, stitch it with fabric, sew on a pocket for special notes and reminders. Using a hole punch, punch holes in the title and sheets, then tie with thick thread or burlap. Ready!

Page Decoration

It’s more interesting to reread memories when they are against some kind of background. Decoration makes the diary more beautiful and conveys the mood of the past.

Help to decorate the pages:

  • stickers;
  • magazine clippings/postcards;
  • patterned stamps;
  • the imprint of a kiss with painted lips;
  • own drawings.

What can you draw in your personal diary? Whatever artistic talent is enough for! Draw patterns, favorite things, silhouettes of people, flowers, animals, abstraction. Illustrate the described trip to a cafe with a cup of coffee, a trip to the sea with a shell or a dolphin, or a date with hearts. Personal fantasy has no horizons.

The painted leaf looks bright watercolor paint or shaded with a pencil of your favorite color. Good mood convey with multi-colored blots of paint. Guashevs rich colors outline the page. The main thing is to wait until the paint is completely dry. Felt-tip pens are appropriate on thick paper, otherwise they will print on the other side. If this happens, circle the drawing, you will get a double mirror image.

Diary ideas for ladies of different ages

You can keep a diary at any age, as soon as you learn to write. For little girls under 10 years old, mothers, classmates, and the Internet can give ideas for entries.

Possible information in a personal diary for girls:

  • daily mood indicated using emoticons;
  • a questionnaire for yourself with questions about the present and future;
  • wish list;
  • every year describe the birthday celebration, names of congratulators, gifts;
  • maintain a page of achievements related to your hobby;
  • drawing your favorite cartoon characters;
  • description important dates, events;
  • write down your favorite poems, songs, jokes.

Teenage girls can partially use the ideas described above for a personal diary. They can be asked to make annual notes, dividing the page into two columns - good, negative events. In the header you should write the current year, which animal according to eastern calendar applies. It’s interesting on New Year’s Eve to write a list of to-dos/goals for the coming year, then mark off the item accomplished and set a date for achievement.

It’s a good idea to organize a fashion page and paste magazine clippings of your favorite outfits. After 5–10 years, you will analyze the changes in your own sense of style. Write questions for your friends on separate sheets of paper, have them fill out the questionnaire, then tape them into a personal notebook and write your own comments about each friend.

It will be very interesting to tell a story about how you see yourself at 20, 30, 40 years old. Describe each life in detail age category, be sure to leave two clean slates For future entries, compare the number of matches.

Make thematic sections, for example, “Life Lessons,” where you write down personal conclusions and situations that taught you something new. Topic options:

  • advice from mother, grandmother, relatives;
  • personal idea of ​​love, quotes from wise people;
  • the best messages from friends, loved ones, relatives;
  • personal achievements;
  • descriptions of dates, first boyfriends, gifts;
  • important numbers page;
  • character advantages/disadvantages.

A personal diary is private property girls, where she can express thoughts of any nature and varying degrees of secrecy.

Visualization of desires

Finally, I would like to talk about the visualization of desires, the power of which has been proven over the years. The meaning of visualization is that a person cuts out pictures from magazines/newspapers depicting what he dreams of. This could be anything, from a Dalmatian dog to dishes that you would like to have in the future. The secret of the technique is simple - look at the pictures more often, your dreams will come true faster.

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Visualization requires a serious approach; it is not enough to glue a house, a car, a man, children. Cut out not the luxurious house of the president, but the one in which you would like to live, where exactly you will feel cozy and comfortable. If you dream of having a son and a daughter, cut out the two most beautiful children, in your opinion - a boy and a girl. If you want to work as a flight attendant, find pictures of an airplane, a flight attendant, but instead of her head, cut out your face from the photo and paste it on so that you can imagine yourself in this role.

If you dream of getting coffee in bed in the morning, it’s easy. Fireplace in the house? Please! Do you like to travel? Cut out flags or landmarks of the countries you want to visit. If you want to be slim, paste a picture perfect figure. Don't be afraid to dream!

Now, you know how to design a personal diary for beautiful ladies of any age. The information you trust to paper now will gain great strength after a while, and you will never regret the time spent on your diary.
