Super effective workout with a fitball for pumping up the whole body in the gym and at home. Fitball for weight loss - a quick way to give your body ideal parameters

Currently gymnastic balls (fitballs) due to their excellent health-improving qualities, they are present in almost any fitness center and are very popular among people with musculoskeletal disorders, overweight people, as well as among pregnant women and children, starting from infancy. Training with a gymnastic ball is not considered strength training, and therefore is an excellent help in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular system, varicose veins, etc.

Right choice

In order to start training with a gymnastic ball, you need to choose it correctly. When purchasing, you should take into account that high-quality balls are made from high-strength elastic material - ledraplasty, which can be sold through orthopedic salons or sports stores. It is in these places that it is better to buy a fitball.

As a rule, the product is deflated and packed in a box. In order to inflate a gymnastics ball, you will definitely need a pump: be it a special one, a bicycle pump, or a “foot” pump. It doesn't matter. When inflated, the ball can support up to 300kg of weight, so don't worry about it bursting as soon as you sit on it.

Focus your attention on the color of the ball. If you suffer from low blood pressure and for this reason feel a lack of energy, take an orange or red fitball, and if you are constantly tense and subject to frequent stress, take a blue or green one. Without attributing healing properties to individual colors, it should be noted that this little thing plays an important role in shaping your mood. In any case, you need to choose colors that will not irritate or strain your eyesight.

And most importantly, how to choose the diameter of the ball? The correct thing to do in this matter would be to focus on your own height and arm length.

Dependence of ball diameter (in.m.) on height:

Storage Features

The gymnastic ball should be stored away from flammable substances and any heat sources, and, despite the fact that the fitball is not so easy to puncture and deflate, its contact with cutting or piercing objects and sharp surfaces should be avoided.

The essence of the exercises

In one case or another, exercises with a fitball bring enormous health benefits and are an effective prevention of many diseases. Exercises using it:

  • improve the vestibular system,
  • strengthen the muscle corset,
  • stimulate blood circulation,
  • promote weight loss,
  • normalize metabolism,
  • have an analgesic effect,
  • increase intestinal motility and stomach function.

What other benefits do exercises with a fitball have, we will look into further, as we will present some examples of the use of the ball by people who want to improve their health, lose excess weight, as well as by pregnant women and infants. Of course, this does not mean that the gymnastic ball cannot be used for recreational purposes by other categories of the population. Training with it is very useful for children of any age, people who are busy and have hard work, elderly people, etc.

Exercises for different muscle groups

The first gymnastic ball appeared back in the 50s of the last century in Switzerland for the purpose of rehabilitating patients with cerebral palsy. In the 80s, the ball was used mainly to treat patients with problems with the musculoskeletal system, so first we will get acquainted with some exercises that have a beneficial effect on various muscle groups.

Pectoral muscles

Focus on straight arms, and place the gymnastic ball under your shins. The back should be straight and in one straight line with the legs. Place your palms slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your elbows and lower yourself as low as possible, then return to the starting position. If you find it difficult to balance on the ball, lean on it not with your shins, but with your hips. Over time, move the ball closer to your ankles. You should not bend at the lower back.

Muscles of the buttocks and legs

Stand with your back to the ball. Stretch your arms forward. Raise the foot of your right leg and keep it at a height of 20-30 cm above the floor. Then slowly bend the knee of your left leg and squat until your buttocks lightly touch the surface of the ball. Secure the ball so that it does not jump out from under the body. You must keep your head straight. The exercise is repeated 10-15 times with alternate use of both legs.

Back muscles

Lie on your stomach on an exercise ball with your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart. Using your hands, move your body slightly forward, with the ball under your knees and your body forming a straight line. Legs should remain straight. The feet should be kept together and the hands should be under the shoulder joints. To maintain balance, try to tense your core muscles, but keep your neck and head relaxed. While in this position, tense your abs and lift your hips up (while your legs should not be bent) so that your feet rest against the ball. Very slowly return to the starting pose. Repeat the exercise 8 – 10 times.

Abdominal muscles

Sit on an exercise ball. Place your feet flat on the floor, crossing your arms over your chest. Stepping your feet, carefully lower yourself forward so that your back is on the ball and your knees are under your ankles. You should keep your head suspended and not tilt it back. Then begin to gradually “twist”: first tuck your head, then your shoulders and finally the middle of your back - until you feel a complete contraction of the abdominal muscles. Slowly return to the starting pose. The exercise is repeated 8 – 10 times.

Arm muscles

Lean on the ball with your arms straight. Hands should be shoulder-width apart. After this, step back and spread your legs wide. Tighten your abs and lower yourself down, bending your arms. At the same time, try to keep your elbows as close to your body as possible. Return to the starting pose. The exercise is repeated 10 times. It is necessary to keep your back straight.

Exercises for slimness

Balls that have a textured surface and provide a massage effect during exercise are a great help in shaping a slender figure. You need to exercise regularly (2-4 times a week). You need to take breaks between classes so as not to
There was no feeling of overexertion and fatigue. One workout should last 30-60 minutes depending on the individual level of readiness. There are a lot of exercises with a fitball. You can do a “squeeze” for yourself and practice, periodically replacing some exercises with others.

  • As a warm-up, take 30 side steps in each direction, and then, picking up an exercise ball, repeat them. With each step, extend your arms with the ball in the direction of movement, raising it to shoulder level.
  • To begin the exercise, lie on the floor with your legs extended and your heels resting on an exercise ball. While in this position, lift your hips up, tensing your abdominal and buttock muscles, while simultaneously rolling the ball towards you using your heels. At the top point, the body to the knees should be in the form of a straight line, and the knees should be bent at a right angle. Take the starting pose. Do the exercise 10-15 times. This exercise will help remove all the “extra” from the hips.
  • While in a standing position, squeeze the gymnastic ball between your legs as tightly as possible with your inner thighs. Then, drawing your stomach in, tighten your thigh muscles and hold this tension for about a minute. After this, without releasing the ball, do 20-30 jumps on your toes. This exercise is aimed at improving the condition of the hips and abdomen.
  • Now you can do push-ups on an exercise ball. To do this, lie face down and place your hips or feet on the ball. Hands should rest on the floor, elbows should remain straight. Then tense your abs and use your hands to lower yourself to the maximum depth without your shoulders touching the floor. The back should remain straight at all times while performing the exercise. Repeat 10-12 times.
  • Stand directly in front of an exercise ball. Place your left foot on it. The knee should remain straight. Roll the ball to the side until your body looks like the letter “T”. The right leg should be slightly bent. Stretch your arms forward and from this position do 20 squats. Then switch legs and repeat. This exercise helps tighten your buttocks.

Exercises for pregnant women

Exercises with a gymnastic ball are recommended for pregnant women because they develop flexibility, reduce muscle pain, improve blood circulation, provide a surge of strength, etc. By exercising, pregnant women strengthen not only their own health, being in any trimester, but also the body of the unborn baby. The only contraindications for exercising with a ball are complications during pregnancy. When planning to exercise, be sure to consult your gynecologist.

  • Sit on a gymnastic ball and, maintaining balance, lean your hands on it. It is necessary to rock the pelvis in different directions. This simple exercise can also be done without using your hands.
  • Sit on the ball. Your arms should be extended and resting on the ball. After this, turn to the right, placing your left hand behind your right leg. Lock yourself in this position. Turning in the other direction, repeat the exercise.
  • Sit on an exercise ball and bend forward with your arms extended in front of you. Stand up straight. Raise your arms up, slightly spreading them to the sides (it is not recommended for pregnant women to hold their arms straight above their heads).
  • Sit on the ball. Legs should be bent at the knees and flat on the floor. Extend your right leg, placing it on your heel. After this, stretch your whole body towards it so that you can touch the sock with your hand. Repeat the exercise using your left leg.
  • In a standing position, extend your right leg forward and your left leg back, holding a gymnastic ball with your left hand. Bend your left leg at the knee (with your left hand resting on the ball) and straighten up again. Perform in the other direction.
  • Sit on the ball and move your right leg to the side. With your right hand, reach towards your right leg. Take the starting position, and then perform the exercise in the other direction.
  • While standing, bend your back and rest your hands on the gymnastic ball. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Roll the ball forward, moving your hands, and then return back.
  • Sit on the ball and try to lie on it with your back, while slightly spreading your legs to the sides.
  • Sit on an exercise ball with your hands on your hips. Start moving on the ball with springy movements, first forward and backward, left and right, and then in a circle.
  • In a standing position, hold the ball with your arms extended forward. Squeeze it in your hands and try to bring it as close to you as possible, and then move it away from you again.

Exercises for infants

Fitball exercises are incredibly useful for infants, regardless of whether they have health problems or are healthy in all respects, especially since such pro
Problems such as intestinal colic, as a rule, do not bypass any of them. The point is that with the help of “fitball” exercises, the child’s gastrointestinal motility is stimulated, the nervous system is formed and functions normally, the tone of the flexor muscles decreases, the musculoskeletal system develops correctly, flexibility is trained, the immune system is strengthened, and liver function improves. , adrenal glands and other organs. It is not necessary to perform exercises every day - 2-3 times a week is enough.

  • do not work with the baby if the umbilical wound has not healed,
  • do not work with your child if he is sick and has a high temperature,
  • postpone the lesson if the baby is not in the mood,
  • do not force your child to do activities if he does not like them,
  • conduct classes with your child in the morning,
  • conduct classes with your baby 1-1.5 hours after eating,
  • start with a few minutes, gradually increasing the time,
  • If your child has any illness or disease, consult your pediatrician about it before starting classes.

1 – 6 months

  • Place your child on an exercise ball, tummy down. Then take it by the arms or legs and begin to rock it slightly - back and forth, to the sides. It is important to remember that the baby’s joints are still very weak, so you should not pull on his feet or hands.
  • Turn the baby onto his back. Then, holding his chest and tummy with your palms, rock him from side to side.
  • Lay the baby on his tummy or back, and then, pressing lightly on the body and holding both of his legs with the other hand, begin to make jerking movements, pressing on the ball.
  • Place the child on your lap or any hard surface, and roll a gymnastic ball to his feet, which he will immediately begin to push away.

6 – 12 months

  • This exercise requires 2 adults. The baby should be placed on his tummy. One adult should take him by the arms, another by the legs. Then you need to alternately pull the child towards you so that he touches the ball with his arms and legs.
  • Place the gymnastic ball so that it does not slip out from under your baby’s feet, since you will have to give him the opportunity to jump. To do this, simply grab the child’s body with both hands and hold him there until he gets tired.
  • Place your baby on the ball, tummy down. In this case, its handles should rest against the ball, and its body should be in an elevated state. Take the child by the legs and gently rock him back and forth and to the sides.
  • Place your baby on his tummy and hold his legs. Then lower the child so that he can get the toy from the floor.
  • Place your baby on his tummy with his legs facing you. Then grab them and roll them first towards you, bending the baby’s legs at the knees, and then away from you, pushing and straightening them.
  • Place the child with his back on the gymnastic ball and hold him by the forearms. Then, lightly pulling them, sit the baby down and hold it for a few seconds, then lower him back onto his back. This exercise can be started from 9 months of age.

And finally...

Don't forget to do a short warm-up before starting your workout, which will prepare your muscles and ligaments for the load and also prevent injury.

After finishing your workout, do relaxation exercises for a few minutes, which will help consolidate the positive results.

And one more thing: in order to increase the effectiveness of exercise, adults can even use a gymnastic ball instead of a chair or armchair.

Exercises on a gymnastic ball

Hello, today we’ll talk about exercises on a predominantly female equipment – ​​a fitball. We will also discuss what you need to do to lose weight, as well as keep your body in good shape after that.

One part of the girls wants to have a beautiful, toned figure, and the other part has already found it. Because they were not lazy and worked on themselves. Many successful fitness athletes began their journey to a beautiful figure by performing exercises on a gymnastic ball and other similar equipment.

Exercises with a fitball help you achieve not only excellent results in eliminating excess weight, but also in developing target muscles. Exercises on a gymnastic ball improve your posture, making your curves more regular and smooth.

Which fitball to choose

In terms of their functions, gymnastic balls are no different. The only exceptions are the size of the projectile, for adults and children. By the way, children really love fitball; they can have a fun and active time with it.

Gymnastic balls (fitballs) are distinguished:

  • to size;
  • by structure;
  • by color.


Here we could limit ourselves to saying that a gymnastic ball can be large, medium and small, but you probably already know that. Did you know that the size of the fitball that suits you depends on your height?

So, for people whose height does not exceed 170 cm and at the same time not lower than 155 cm, a ball with a diameter of 55 cm is suitable. If the height of a person choosing a fitball for himself falls in the range from 170 to 185 cm, he needs a projectile 10 cm larger or 65 centimeters in section. The largest fitballs have a diameter of 75 cm and are intended for people whose height is more than 186 centimeters.


Manufacturers produce two types of gymnastic balls with a smooth and pimpled surface. If the ball is smooth, then it carries only basic fitness functions. Balls with pimples, in addition to their main properties, also have a massage effect, which, in turn, helps people calm their nerves.


This is only an aesthetic parameter. Choose a fitball based on your own preferences. I would advise you to choose a gymnastic ball of brighter colors, it helps to lift your mood and not be distracted during exercise.

In addition, there are fitballs with and without handles. A gymnastic ball without holders is suitable for more advanced athletes and athletes who confidently maintain their balance. A fitball with a handle should be used by beginners who still have problems with this.

So, we’ve sorted out the types of gymnastic balls, now let’s move on directly to exercises on a gymnastic ball.

Exercises with fitball

Strengthening the back and buttocks. Approach the wall with your back. Between your back and the surface, place a gymnastic ball at the level of your lower back and press it. Keeping your back straight, begin to squat, making sure that the fitball is in constant contact with your back. For this exercise, I think 8 sets of 15 repetitions will be enough. This exercise will make your butt look like a nut!

Today we looked at six exercises on a gymnastic ball. In reality, there are many more such exercises, but these 6 involve the main muscle groups, they are enough to make your figure unsurpassed by this beach season.

Fitball gymnastics is a relatively new sport in Russia, but it has already earned the love of many women, men and even children. The ball is used in different ways: for strength exercises, in dance classes, during yoga. When developing the fitball, Swiss physiotherapists sought to create a special apparatus for the rapid rehabilitation of patients. However, its scope of application began to expand and inflatable balls began to be used in gyms. Fitball exercises are effective for weight loss. Gymnastics with a ball also corrects posture and improves metabolic processes.

What are the benefits of exercising on a fitball?

Here are some benefits from classes:

  1. Exercises on the ball help straighten your posture and cope with spinal problems. There are specially designed complexes to strengthen the back muscles. Thanks to regular training with a fitball, the muscle corset becomes strong and the spine is naturally aligned.
  2. As you perform exercises on a fitball, physical activity is distributed over the entire body, increasing the strength of different muscle groups.
  3. This type of fitness trains the vestibular apparatus well. Even if you use sports equipment solely to strengthen your abs, you will still have to keep your balance. It is impossible to exercise on a fitball without concentration and tension of many muscles of the body. With experience, during exercise you will no longer notice that your muscles are in constant tone and will be able to easily perform several exercises without losing balance.
  4. A fitness ball will help with stretching and warming up your joints.
  5. Exercises with a fitness ball for weight loss, thanks to the shock absorption of the projectile, relieve the spine, stimulate metabolism and blood flow, and promote the normal functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  6. Playing on an inflatable ball is one of the few sports that is suitable for pregnant women or young mothers immediately after childbirth. At this time, the female body is subject to some changes (the load on the legs and back increases, blood flow is disrupted), and the fitball helps relieve tension from the spinal column, joints, and muscles. Fitness with a ball serves as an effective prevention of diseases of the female genitourinary system.

How to choose a ball by size and shape

Good training results are directly related to a properly selected fitball. In addition, only on suitable equipment will it be convenient to train. For example, a ball that is too large does not allow you to perform the exercises to the fullest, since you will slide off it without reaching the floor with your feet/arms. A ball that is smaller than necessary will put increased stress on your legs and will constantly slip out from under you. To avoid this, it is better to purchase a projectile with spikes (massage) or ears. How to correctly determine the required fitball size:

  1. Method one. Sit on the apparatus with your legs straight in front of you and your back straight. The angle of the knees should be 90 degrees. In addition, the degree of elasticity of a fitball for weight loss should not be excessive, and vice versa, the ball should not bend too much under your weight.
  2. Method two. The size of the ball can be easily determined by a person’s height, and different fitballs differ in diameter. Below is a table on how to choose a fitball for the specific height of an adult or child:

An effective set of exercises with a fitball for weight loss

Below is a set of exercises:

  1. Pelvic lifts. The exercise is aimed at strengthening the lower back, legs, and buttocks. Lie on the floor with your back, with your feet on the fitball (your feet do not touch the ball). Begin to lift your hips up, rolling the ball towards you through your legs, then return to the starting position. Repeat the lifts twice 10 times.
  2. Side bends. This exercise is suitable for eliminating fat from the sides, abdominal area, and upper thighs. Lying on your back, the fitball is between your legs, your hands rest on the floor. Lift the ball with your feet and begin to tilt it left and right, without reaching the floor by 20 cm and without lifting your shoulders. Repeat the weight loss exercise 10 times in each direction.
  3. Twisting. Ideal for strengthening the abdominal muscles. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, with your hands under your head. Begin to twist your body, lifting your legs with the ball and your pelvis up. During the exercise, concentrate on breathing (inhale - the stomach is tense, exhale - relaxed). Repeat as much as you can.
  4. Reverse grip push-ups. This exercise on a fitball is designed to lose weight in your arms. Lean on the ball, placing your hands not on the edge, but a little closer to the center of the projectile to avoid slipping. Do push-ups slowly, repeating 10-15 times.
  5. Classic push-ups. Place your feet on the ball in a lying position. Start slowly doing push-ups, repeating 10-15 times. Step-by-step instructions and video tutorials will help you learn.
  6. Leg lift. This will be an excellent exercise for the buttocks and thighs. Place your feet as close to the edge of the ball as possible, adopting a push-up position. Start alternately swinging upwards with straight legs. Repeat the lifts 15 times on each leg.

Find out other options

Fitball is a popular sports equipment. This elastic ball with a diameter of 45-75 cm can withstand loads of up to 300 kg. Developed by Susan Kleinvogelbach (Swiss psychotherapist) and originally used for rehabilitation exercises.

Very soon, the scope of application began to expand, as doctors began to note the obvious healing effect. Today, this practical equipment is indispensable in fitness and aerobics. It is necessary for weight loss, figure correction, and also the formation of beautiful posture.


A set of exercises on a fitball for weight loss allows you to achieve the desired result faster than regular exercises.

A more pronounced fat burning effect is achieved for the following reasons:

  1. Each physical exercise becomes significantly more difficult due to additional static load. Relying on a fitball, a person has to maintain balance and balance every second. This requires many muscles to be used. Even those that do not work during regular exercises are activated. As a result, the most problematic areas are worked on, and extra pounds disappear.
  2. Exercising for weight loss on a fitball involves a constant combination of static and dynamic exercises. This helps get rid of not only visceral (internal) fat, which is burned most quickly in the process of losing weight, but also from subcutaneous deposits. Getting rid of the latter is much more difficult.
  3. Exercises activate metabolism (metabolic processes). As a result, fat continues to be burned even after the end of the workout.

An additional effect from exercise is increased muscle elasticity, improved coordination, and self-control.

Indications and contraindications

Exercises with a fitball for weight loss are especially recommended for people who are contraindicated for intense physical activity due to health problems or excess weight (in this case, there is excessive stress on the joints and heart).

This equipment minimizes the impact load on the musculoskeletal system. Since all exercises are performed smoothly, the likelihood of injury to ligaments and joints is eliminated.

Training with a fitball for weight loss is suitable for obese people suffering from varicose veins, after joint injuries, as well as pregnant women. Such exercises are great for losing weight after childbirth, as they guarantee quick results.

Despite its high safety, there are a number of contraindications. The following activities are not recommended:

  • in the presence of dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • if there are pathologies of internal organs, since they are very actively affected during classes;
  • in the presence of herniated intervertebral discs.

If there are health problems, weight loss exercises on a fitball are best done under the supervision of a qualified trainer who can select the optimal load and regulate it, constantly monitoring the condition of the trainee. When there are no contraindications to playing sports, you can safely exercise on your own at home.

There is a wide variety of gymnastic balls on the market. Before purchasing, it is important to understand how to choose a fitball for weight loss so that exercising with it is convenient and safe. When considering your options, pay attention to the following details.

  • Material

Durable fitballs are made from ledroplastik, PVC or latex. It is better to give preference to ledraplasty.
The surface of high-quality products is perfectly smooth, there are no seams, and the nipple is pressed inward.

  • Color

The shade of the product should be chosen taking into account individual preferences. It's important that you like him. This will help form a positive emotional attitude towards classes.

  • Elasticity

The ball should be as elastic as possible. When, after pressing, it instantly returns to its normal shape, it means the product is good. If there are folds and dents on the surface, it is not worth buying.

  • Hygiene

Antistatic properties are important. They are needed to prevent dust from accumulating on the surface of the fitball and to prevent the absorption of sweat, which is certainly released during exercise.

  • Size

In order for fitness on a fitball to bring maximum benefits, it is necessary to select equipment taking into account the height of the person planning to exercise on it. The following table will help with this:

Another option for choosing a size is that a suitable fitball should correspond in diameter to the distance from the floor to the knee. This is the easiest way to select equipment in the gym, when there is no way to know the exact diameter.

  • additional characteristics

In addition to the standard (smooth) ones, models with additional characteristics are available. The main ones:

- with handles - they are easier to hold on to, so it is easier to do jumping and other exercises on a fitball; the model is suitable for beginners and those who find it difficult to maintain balance;
- with spikes - guarantees an additional massage effect, provides active stimulation to the body, which accelerates the effect of weight loss.

Please note that the ball is equipped with a reliable anti-bursting safety system. It is necessary so that in case of damage to the integrity, the fitball does not rupture, but begins to gradually descend. This will minimize the risk of injury. The presence of a system against rupture is confirmed by the ABS marking. It is applied directly to the surface.

Effective classes

Today, almost every woman is dissatisfied with her figure and physique, and tries to correct it in any way, as well as get rid of unnecessary fat deposits on the waist, sides, buttocks and other problem areas. Exercises on a gymnastic ball provide a unique opportunity not only to make your back straight, but also to develop body plasticity and flexibility. For those who want to lose weight, this is an ideal option.

The Swiss ball has just now begun to be used as a special simulator for doing fitness exercises in order to lose weight and transform your body. Several decades ago, fitball, as it is also called, was used only to treat patients with paralysis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Now it is an indispensable exercise machine, and many fitness trainers and their students are convinced of this. Exercises on a fitness ball will significantly transform your figure, making your posture great. In addition, you are guaranteed a wasp waist, a straight back and beautiful buttocks.

Effective exercises on a fitness ball

A special training method on a gymnastic fitball allows you to bring a woman’s body closer to the ideal. Effective ball exercises developed by the best fitness trainers will help you get rid of sagging sides and belly forever, and make your buttocks and thighs firm. In addition, by performing a fitness complex of physical activities, you will correct not only your figure, but also significantly improve your health: after all, exercises with fitball are used in medical practice for patients.

To immediately begin exercises on a gymnastic ball, you need to stretch your muscles, prepare them, and perform warm-up elements. Doing arm circles, jumping rope, or jogging in place for a few minutes will prepare you for effective weight loss exercises.

  1. So, lie on your back to do the ball exercise. Hold a gymnastic ball between your feet with your feet and try to raise your pelvis as high as possible, without lifting your shoulder blades off the floor, and trying not to miss the ball. Next, take the starting position. There should be at least 10 such lifts.
  2. Hyperextension on a gymnastic ball. This special exercise on a ball helps to work out all the muscles of the back and abs. Lie on your stomach on a fitball. Touch the floor a little with your feet, but raise your torso, spread your arms to the sides, and try to close your shoulder blades, bring them together. Next, exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat this 15 times.
  3. And one more exercise, without which a fitness complex with a gymnastic ball would not be complete. Lie on your back, while placing the ball under your knee and above. Gradually lifting your pelvis and aligning your body, roll the ball towards your buttocks. Stay in this state for a few seconds, then roll the fitball back. Do such rollouts with one leg 10 times, and with the other too.

Exercises on a gymnastic ball - fitball

The following set of exercises for weight loss is very effective, ignoring the exercises of which would be an unforgivable mistake for correcting your figure.

  1. With the help of a fitball, you can perform another exercise on a weight loss ball - bending to the sides. Lie on the floor, grab and hold the ball between your legs. Hands on the floor along the body. Tilt your legs with the ball to one side, without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor. Return to the starting position. Do the same in the other direction. And repeat this 10-12 times.
  2. Crunches with an exercise ball will also benefit you. Lie on the floor with the ball under your knees. You grab the fitball with your legs and lift it and your pelvis up. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Do 12 crunches - effective exercises on a weight loss ball.
  3. Using the ball, you can do very effective reverse push-ups: as a result, you will pump up the muscles of your arms. Sit on the ball, rest your hands on it behind your back. Next, you squat, bending your elbows and as if sliding off the ball. Return slowly to the starting position. You need 10 such exercises on a weight loss ball.
  4. You can do push-ups with the ball. They will be much more effective than regular ones, since many muscles of the body are involved. So, take a lying position. Place your feet on a fitball. Do push-ups, bending your elbows. Try to keep your back straight. Do 10 to 20 of these push-ups, depending on your level of physical fitness. Such exercises on a fitness ball will definitely have a positive effect on your figure.
  5. Performing crunches on a fitball is not at all difficult, but effective. Without lifting your feet from the floor, lie down on the ball with your back. Cross your arms in front of you. Raise your body from a lying position without unclenching your arms. To avoid falling, you must control your body by moving your butt back slightly on the ball. Perform 20 such twists. This exercise on a gymnastic ball trains the abdominal and lower back muscles, and also helps to correct the figure in problem areas.

By performing all the exercises in strict sequence, and then in a circle, you will certainly come to success.

Fitball at home or in the gym?

Of course, there are many other methods for losing weight, without using this big ball, but only you - those who want to lose weight - can judge their effectiveness. Exercises on a ball can be performed not only in gyms, since purchasing a fitball is not so difficult and expensive. In addition, you will not need to make a schedule when to allocate time to visit the gym: you will be able to manage your time by working out with the ball at home.