Summary of a lesson in the senior group on speech development “Spring. ECD "Late Spring" lesson plan on speech development (preparatory group) on the topic Speech development on the topic early spring

Correctional and educational goals. Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic "Spring" . Improving the skill of composing a story from pictures according to a previously drawn up plan. Formation of a holistic perception of what is depicted in the picture.

Corrective and developmental goals. Development of coherent speech, visual attention and perception, thinking, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals. Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Fostering love and respect for nature.

Equipment. Magnetic board; 6 pictures: snowdrop, sun, birdhouse, icicles, rook, stream; cards "Spring" by number of children, picture "Spring" , massage ball, rubber ball.

Preliminary work. Examination of a picture in a lesson on speech development "Spring" , conversation on it, vocabulary work, drawing up a story plan.

Progress of the lesson

Actions of the speech therapist

Children's actions

1. Organizational moment

Speech therapist. Hello guys, I’m very glad to meet you! Let me remind you that my name is Eliza Fedorovna.

Greets children at the office door

They go into the office and say hello

2. Announcement of the topic.

Motivating and creating a positive atmosphere

Speech therapist: Today we will continue to talk about spring and play. The one who names the object in the picture and says what it is will sit down.

1. Snowdrop

2. Sunny

3. Icicle

4. Birdhouse

Speech therapist. You did an excellent job. Well done!

Invites children to the table. There are 4 pictures on the table:

Children's attention span.

The speech therapist removes the pictures.

They come to the table and look at the pictures and think.

3. Self-massage of hands and face using a massage ball

Now guys, I suggest you massage our hands and faces.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we'll play with the ball,

I roll circles on the table, I don’t let go from under my hands,

On top of the left, below the right, between my palms I roll,

I'll turn it around, and you check - it's on the top right now,

(rolling across the face from ear to ear, cheeks and lips)

We roll the ball on the cheeks, on the cheeks and on the lips,

Whether from left to right, or from right to left,

We roll the massage ball boldly,

We roll the ball from ear to ear,

To make the “frog” smile wider,

The ball runs like it’s alive, ball, ball, what’s wrong with you?

He didn’t say anything, he just ran faster,

On the cheeks, on the lips I roll the ball,

I want to speak beautifully!

See you, beloved balls,

Hands out massage balls to children

Shows actions with a ball while reciting a poem.

Performing movements according to the model

Putting balls in the basket

4. Compiling simple sentences based on a visual image. Clarifying and expanding knowledge about spring and its signs.

"The sun is warming,

The snow melts from the sun,

The grass is growing.

The loud rook is flying in."

When does this happen? (Children answer).

Speech therapist: Children, what time of year is it now? (Spring)

Just recently, what was lying on the ground, on the roofs of houses? (Snow)

The teacher shows a picture on the board (a house, there is snow on the roof and on the ground). The sun adds to the picture and says:

The sun came out from behind the clouds and began to warm up brightly.

What happened to the snow? (It started to melt)

What kind of snow did it become in the spring? (Dirty, gray, loose, wet, heavy)

What happened to the snow on the roof? (It began to melt, drops began to drip)

In the evening the sun went to bed and it became cold. What did the drops turn into? (into icicles).

In the morning the sun came out, what happened to the icicles? (They started dripping). And why? (The sun warmed them).

What blooms in thawed patches? (snowdrops)

Black rooks arrive and begin to do what? (make nests).

What picture evokes the mood? (joyful, spring, etc.)

Makes a riddle about spring.

Displays the picture “Spring”.

Children look at the picture and answer the speech therapist’s leading questions.

5. Ball game

“Family of Words”, “Call it Kindly”

Development of grammatical structure of speech (word formation)

Speech therapist. Let's imagine that we are in a clearing in a spring forest and play the game “Family of Words” with a ball. Today we form a family from the word spring. During the game we will roll the ball to each other

What day is it in spring? (spring)

What's the weather like in spring? (spring)

What is the sun like in spring? (spring)

What flowers are there in spring? (spring)

What's your mood like in spring? (spring)

What song do birds sing in the spring? (spring)

Now let’s play the game “Name it kindly.” I name the word, and you “pity” it and call it affectionately.

Sun (sun)

Stream (stream)

Icicle (icicle)

Thawed patch (thawed patch)

Snow (snowball)

Nest (nest)

Invites the children to go onto the carpet and picks up the ball.

They answer and roll the ball to the next child.

6. Exercise “Vesnyanka” Coordination of speech with movement for the development of general motor skills

Drip-drip-drip - drops ring (children play with their fingers)

April is approaching (clap hands)

A stream ran in the garden (running in place)

A hundred rooks have flown in (waving their arms)

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting (they slowly squat)

And the flowers are growing (pulling their hands up).

Invites children to stand up

7. Compiling a story based on the reference pictures “Spring”.

Development of coherent speech

Speech therapist. Take the cards. Let's continue working on the pictures that will help you compose a story. What time of year are these pictures about?

Children. About spring.

I remind you of the outline of the story using pictures:

1. beginning, which begins with the words - Spring has come;

2. middle of the story, using pictures we tell all the signs and signs of spring;

3. the end, where we end the story, with the words - I (not) like spring because ...

The speech therapist gives children cards with pictures and encourages active communication and the ability to answer fully. Stimulates the imagination.

Invites children to choose the best storyteller and rewards him with a sticker

Children make up a story using pictures

8. End of class.

Analysis and evaluation of children's work.

Speech therapist. You guys are real storytellers. I really liked what you did today, did you like it?

What did you and I learn to do today? (learned to write a story using pictures)

What time of year were we talking about?

What did you like about the pictures or painting?

Now guys, we’ll go for a walk and once again see how the snow melts, what thawed patches have appeared on it, what streams have run. We will have fun and interesting walks.

The speech therapist evaluates the activities of each child and asks them to remember what they did during the lesson.

Children list the tasks they completed, talk about what they learned new and interesting

Theme: "SPRING".

Program content:

Educational objectives:

Strengthen the formation of the plural of nouns and coordinate changes in adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case;

To activate and enrich children’s vocabulary with concepts denoting spring phenomena and the behavior of animals in spring;

Strengthen children's ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

Developmental tasks:

To develop children's thinking by clarifying and systematizing children's ideas about spring changes in nature;

Develop coherent and explanatory speech.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the answers of peers;

To promote children’s interest and love for nature, to teach them to notice changes in it.

Preliminary work: observing nature on walks, reading fiction and looking at illustrations about spring.

Organization of children: by subgroups.

Vocabulary work: spring is red, drops, buds are swelling, sap flow, streams, making nests, thawed areas, waking up from hibernation.

Methodological techniques: artistic expression (poems about spring, questions, games, analysis.

Individual work: With Egor and Liana, agree adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case.

Materials for the lesson: mnemonic table “Spring”; illustrations depicting natural phenomena in different periods of spring, birds; ball.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Entering the day.

Hello! - You tell the person

Hello! - He will smile back

And probably

Won't go to the pharmacy

And you will be healthy for many years.

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. Let's say hello in three languages: isenmesez, hello, hello.

Educator: Drops are ringing in the yard,

Streams run through the fields,

There are puddles on the roads.

The ants will come out soon

After the winter cold.

A bear sneaks through

Through the dead wood,

The birds began to sing songs,

And the snowdrop blossomed.

S. Marshak.

What time of year are these poems about?

Children: about spring.

Educator: Yes! Right! Summer is ahead of us, and I want us to once again remember spring, its characteristic signs. Do you like spring?

Educator: Today we have an unusual lesson. We gathered together to enjoy the spring sun, warmth and birds that fly in from the south. Let's all smile and say: “Hello, spring! »What signs of spring do you know?

Children: The sun is shining brightly! Icicles are melting. Puddles appear and you can launch boats into them. Migratory birds are returning. The grass is turning green.

Educator: Do you know how many months spring lasts? Now let’s play the game “Say the Word.” Now I’ll read you a poem, and you have to guess which word is missing.

Winter has passed

And everyone is happy.

Spring is hurrying,

And the month... (March)

Behind him another knocks on the door,

It's called... (April)

And remember the third month,

What is it called... (May)

Well done, children, how well you know the spring months, and now let's play the word game “Spring months”.

Educator: Guys, look at the board. Here you see a table with pictures.

1. What does the sky look like in spring? (Blue, light, cloudless).

And the sun? (Warm, bright, affectionate, spring).

2. What happens to the snow? (With the onset of warm days, thawed patches appear in the snow (a place where the snow has melted and the ground has opened up, the snow begins to melt, streams flow).

3. What do you see in the third picture? (icicles hanging from the roofs)

How many of you guys know what drops are? (Icicles quickly melt under the warm rays of the sun, and droplets of water often drip from the roofs).

4. What do you see in the fourth picture? (buds are swelling on the trees)

Right. At this time, the entire earth is saturated with moisture, sap flow begins in trees and shrubs - sap flows from the roots to each branch, which nourishes each bud. They increase in size and swell.

5. What do you see in the following picture? (Birds arrived from warmer climes). What birds do you know that fly to us from warm countries? (rooks, swallows, starlings, larks).

7. What are birds concerned about? (Birds make nests).

8. What do you see in this picture? (Animals wake up, insects crawl out of their shelters.) Right. Bugs, spiders, insect pupae spent the entire cold winter under the bark of trees, hiding in old stumps, in the ground, under fallen leaves - they were motionless. Having warmed up, they crawl out of their shelters. In winter, the birds ate preserved plant seeds, but this was not enough for them. Remember how we helped them? In the spring, insects appear and birds feed on them. Which animals have woken up from hibernation? (Hedgehogs, bears, badgers).

9. Yes, guys. In spring, all nature seemed to awaken from its winter sleep. Have people changed? (people put on spring clothes).

Well done! Guys, tell me what new words we learned today (thawed patches, sap flow, drops). Let's have a rest.

Physical education minute.

Hamster, hamster, hamster

Striped barrel.

Khomka gets up early

He washes his ears and rubs his neck.

Khomka sweeps the hut

And goes out to charge.

One two three four five-

Khomka wants to become strong.

Educator: Guys, let's play the game “One and Many” (Children stand in a circle, teacher in the middle). I name one object, and the one who caught the ball names many of the same objects. Started:







Thawed patches


drops and drops



Educator: Now complete the sentences:

There is a nest on a high tree. On tall trees? (nests)

There is a chick in a small nest. In small nests? (chicks)

What did you and I just do?

They spoke words in the singular, and then these words were spoken in the plural.

Educator: Guys, what did we talk about today in class? (about spring). Answer the questions in complete sentences:

What time of year is it now?

How does the sun shine in spring?

What swells on trees?

What birds flew from warm countries?

What will the birds do?

Where do birds build their nests?

What beautiful words can be said about spring (We can say: Spring is red, because it is bright, cheerful, beautiful).

Praise the children, tell them who did what during the lesson.

Fatima Khautievna

Target: speech development on the topic« Early spring» .



expand ideas about spring as a season;

learn to compose a sentence on a lexical topic « Spring» based on pictures;

enrich vocabulary on spring topics.


activate vocabulary adjectives: spring, warm, affectionate, kind, red, yellow, bright;

learn to coordinate words in noun phrases. + adj.

develop logical thinking through establishing cause-and-effect relationships in nature;

develop long-term memory, continue to learn to memorize text using mnemonic tables.


1. To develop learning skills in children (the ability to answer questions with complete answers, listen carefully to their comrades)

2. Create a positive emotional mood, instill in children a love of nature.

Integration of areas: Speech, cognitive.

Preliminary work: Observing phenomena of living and inanimate nature while walking, looking at illustrations on the topic, reading poems and riddles about spring.

Progress of educational activities.

1. Org. Moment

Good morning to those who woke up.

Good morning, whoever smiled.

Good morning to people and birds.

Good morning to friendly faces.

Let's greet each other with a smile.

Guys, guess the riddle and you will find out what time of year today will be dedicated to class.

If the snow is melting everywhere,

The day is getting longer

If everything turns green

And it gets warmer.

If the wind gets warmer,

If the birds can't sleep,

If the sun shines brighter,

So she came to us... (spring) .

You are happy spring? (Yes.) We've been waiting a long time spring, which means what spring? (Long awaited). What mood do you get when you talk about spring? (Fun, good, perky, beautiful.) And with such a mood on class We will answer clearly, pronounce all sounds.

Educator: I want to tell you a story about how we quarreled spring and sun. Met spring and the sun came to people together, gave warmth and joy, and then suddenly they argued about which of them was in charge. Sun speaks: “I warm the earth, I drive away winter with warmth”, A spring: “I’ll drive away the winter without you”. The sun got offended and left. A spring no matter how hard it tries, could not defeat winter and went to the sun, but she could not wake up the sun. Will this fairy tale end so badly? What happens if they don't make up and the sun doesn't come out? -children's answers.

How we can help spring? How do we find our way to the sun? Following the tracks.

Educator: Every step-trace is a question from spring. We will go from track to track, we will follow in the spring and collect all the answers and the sun will wake up.

1. Game “One and Many”. I name one object, and the one who caught the ball names many of the same objects. Started:

Stream - streams

Rain - rain

Snowdrop - snowdrops

Starling - starlings

Nest - nests

Icicle – icicles

Leaf – leaves

Insect - insects

Tree - trees, etc.

2. Writing a story about spring according to the mnemonic table.

3. Game "Sweet words" Now let's play a little. We stand around me. I will throw the ball, and you guys will have to think carefully and replace simple words with affectionate ones.

The sun is the sun

Stream - stream

Wind - breeze

Chick - chick

Branch - twig

Drop - drop

Flower - flower

Grass - grass


4. Working with a mnemonic table.

Educator: We need to call the sun, let’s remember the poem.

According to the mnemonic table, children remember the poem « Spring is red» :

You, spring, spring is red,

What did you bring with you?

I brought it for the meadows

Blanket of flowers

Brought for the Christmas tree

New needles,

For aspen and birch trees

A whole cartload of fresh leaves.

5. Physical exercise: "Come out, come out sunshine"

The teacher gives "Sun" To one of the children, who is in the center of the circle of children, the children sing and show together.

“Come out, come out, sunshine!

We will sow the seed.

A sprout will soon grow,

Will stretch to the east

Will stretch to the east.

A bridge will be thrown over.

We'll walk across the bridge

We’ll come and visit the sun.”

6. Writing a story about spring according to the picture.

The teacher picks up Sun:

We need to make peace spring and sunshine.

Let's tell the sun what will happen if they make up.

Sunny, listen to the story about the guys did it in the spring, but without you

There’s no way around it, you’re the main thing. Did the sun like your stories? Why?

7. Game "Sun in the spring» What is it like, sunshine? in the spring? (Warm, round, bright, red, cheerful, radiant, spring) .

8. Productive activity.

Educator: The sun liked your stories, it will make peace with will warm the earth in spring, But trouble happened when the sun we quarreled in the spring, the wind blew and tore the pictures "Spring Holidays" into small pieces. Our task is to collect them into a single picture and name what spring holiday and what date it is celebrated (March 8, Cosmonautics Day, May 9).

9. Summing up:

Educator: Did you guys like ours? class? What do you remember and like most? What's your mood?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson on the theme of early spring “Snowdrops have grown” Integration of areas: cognition, communication, artistic.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group "Early Spring" Purpose: To clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes associated.

Topic: Spring Goals: - activation of the dictionary on the topic; - converting singular nouns and adjectives into plural.

Abstract of the educational activity on speech development “Early Spring” Outline of direct educational activities with preschoolers Topic: “Early Spring” Integration of educational areas: cognitive.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Early Spring” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 20 of a combined type." Abstract of GCD for speech development c.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group (using a finger toy library)

The topic of the lesson is “Spring is coming, spring is on its way”

Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is one of the main conditions for the normal development of a child, and in the future for his successful education at school. Any delay and any disturbance in the development of a child’s speech affects his behavior, as well as his activity in its various forms.
Speech development consists of a number of special tasks: nurturing the sound culture of speech, enriching, consolidating and activating the vocabulary, improving the grammatical correctness of speech, the formation of colloquial (dialogical) speech, the development of coherent speech, cultivating interest in the artistic word, preparing for learning to read and write.
During the implementation of the speech development lesson “Spring is coming, spring is on its way,” we assume that children will learn to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and become familiar with literary and folklore works about spring (poems, chants, riddles). The lesson will contribute to the development of sound culture of speech, logical thinking and attention, spoken language in children, fine motor skills of the hands through various movements and exercises, and encourage the desire to communicate. To cultivate in children responsiveness, love and respect for their native nature.
Children learn many new words - concepts and names. In the process of work, the development of coherent speech in children and cognitive processes will naturally occur.
The lesson is conducted with children of the preparatory group for 30-35 minutes.
Providing classes:
1. Scientific and methodological (selection of literature, books, paintings)
2. Material and technical: Screen, illustrations with scenes of the three months of spring, tape recorder, cassette with “bird voices”, thick and thin dry tree branches, a basin of water, 2 glasses, a hammer, a small board, a ball.
3. Venue (group room or music hall)
Lesson methods:
gaming: surprise moments, game;
verbal: conversations, reading literature, explanations, directions, verbal instructions;
modeling technology;
listening to music.
Target: development of coherent speech in children.
Tasks: reinforce with children the characteristic signs of spring. To train children in the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships. Continue to introduce children to literary and folklore works about spring (poems, chants, riddles). Develop logical thinking and attention, spoken language in children, encourage the desire to communicate; develop fine motor skills of the hands through various movements and exercises. To cultivate in children responsiveness, love and respect for their native nature.
Preliminary work: memorizing poems about spring, asking riddles, reciting simple sayings, getting to know the life of forest animals in spring, playing didactic games “Say a word”, “Baby animals”, “Drops are dripping loudly”.
Vocabulary work: snowdrop, stonefly, freckles, drops, thawed patch.
Materials: Screen, illustrations with scenes of three months of spring, tape recorder, cassette with “bird voices”, thick and thin dry tree branches, basin with water, 2 glasses, hammer, small board, ball.

Educator- Guys, what time of year is it? Guess:
The sun is shining brighter.
A warm wind is blowing.
Birds have arrived from the south.
Drops are dripping loudly.
Winter is over.
She came to us again...
Surprise moment: Knock on the door (letter)
Educator: Guys, we have a letter. I wonder who it's from? Reads: (Dear guys, help me, I just don’t understand whether spring has come or whether winter is still going on. Is it time for me to change my white fur coat to a gray one). Signature: Sincerely: Hare.
Educator: Well, guys, let's help the Hare?
Children: Of course we will help!
Educator:- Guys, do you want to go to the forest? Not for mushrooms, not for flowers, but for forest wonders! (children - “Yes!”) Then let’s go along this path.
- Into the forest along a fairy-tale path
We'll get there straight.
Music is playing. The teacher takes a woolen thread, winding up a ball with his hands along the way, and the children walk along the “path.” Matches the paintings
Educator:- What time of year is shown in the pictures?
Children:- Spring!
Educator:- Why did you decide so? There is snow in this picture. I think it's winter. And here I see flowers. Maybe it's summer?
Educator: Where does spring begin? Children's answers (The sun began to warm up more, it became warmer)
Have there been any changes with the snow compared to winter? (Yes, the snow became dark and loose, the first thawed patches appeared, streams ran
Have the trees changed? (The trees are bare, but there is no snow on them. You can see swollen buds on the branches).
Children prove that the paintings depict spring and name the signs of spring.
Educator: Guys, do you know poems about spring?
Children recite poems:
The wind blows outside the window
Tree without leaves
Sparrow sits on it
Having cleaned the feathers
I'll look at the sparrow
Swings merrily
He and I understand
That winter is ending!
Spring walked in secret for a long time
From winds and cold
And today straight
Splashes through the puddles
Drives melted snow
With hubbub and ringing
To line the meadows
Velvet green
Soon, soon it will be warm! This news is the first
Drumming on the glass
Gray paw willow.
Hello, my dear flower,
The forest is a spring guest!
How beautifully you have blossomed
Here in solitude!
The breeze will smile
And he plays with you
Sunshine for you all day
Cheerfully caresses.
Educator:- Now I see the smile of spring in all the paintings. And what gives spring a smile? Children: (Sun)
The pure saying [l]-[l’] is pronounced (teacher together with children)
La-la-la - she came to us.
Spring (Clap their hands.)
Plo-plo-plo - in the yard
warm. (They clench their fingers into fists and unclench them.)
Pel-pel-pel - dripping
drops (Strike the index finger of one hand on the palm of the other.)
La-la-la - blossom, Earth! (Raise their arms up and rotate their hands - “flashlights.”)
Educator: Do you remember how many months spring will last? Let's play:
Game “Say the Word.”
Winter has passed
And everyone is happy.
Spring is hurrying,
And the month... (March!)

Behind him another knocks on the door,
It's called... (April!)

And remember the third month,
And it’s called...(May)
Educator:- Guys, you know that every word has related words. There was a lot of snow this winter. Words related to the word “snow” (snowball, snowflake, snowy, snowdrop). Now find relatives for the word “spring” (freckle, freckles, spring, etc.). What can we say “spring”? (stream, rain, day, garden). "Spring"? (water, puddle, drops, thawed patch, river). "Spring"? (cloud, mood, sun, sky, morning) Come up with definitions for the word “spring”. What is she like? (warm, beautiful, kind, early).
How can you affectionately call the sun? (Sun). Well done! That's how many good and beautiful words we remembered!
Educator:- Which bird opens spring? (makes a riddle)
All the migratory birds are worse,
Cleans the arable land from worms,
Jump on the arable land all day
And the bird's name is... rook.
Why do people say this: “The rook opens spring”? (children answer)
What other spring singers do you know? Guess the riddle:
There is a palace on the pole,
There is a singer in the yard,
And his name is... Starling
Educator:- What is the name of the starling's house? Children answer (birdhouse)
Educator: How does life change for animals in the spring? (They have kids) Let's play a game. I will name the animals for you, and you will name their babies. (In the spring, the moose cow had...(calf), the she-wolf...(wolf cub), the hare...(bare calf), the bear...(bear cub), the fox...(fox cub), the squirrel...(baby squirrel), the badger....( little badger).
Educator: - Well done guys. Now close your eyes and listen, what is the forest saying?
The teacher hides behind a screen and, using objects hidden there, makes sounds that imitate forest noises - breaks thick and thin branches, drips water into a bowl of water, pours water from one glass to another, plays the melody of “bird voices,” and knocks on wood with a hammer. Then he invites the children to express what it could be.
Children's answers: a hare is running, a stream is babbling, birds are singing, drops are heard, a woodpecker is knocking on a tree.
Educator:- Well done! You guessed everything correctly. Guys, do you know how to behave in the forest?
Children: - Of course we know (they tell)
Educator: Well done guys, you said everything correctly. Let's welcome the arrival of spring with a fun game, guys.
They hold hands and stand in a circle.
The game “Drops are dripping loudly”
They say “Drip, drip, drip” in different registers.
The birds sing merrily.
“Tweet, tweet, tweet!” - in a high register.
Bird trills will greet the sun,
“Tr-rr-r, tr-rr-r, tr-rr-r” - in the highest register.
The birds are calling us warmly.
Each child screams in the voice of any bird (optional).
Snow is melting,
“A-ah, a-ah, a-ah” - (the snowdrift settles), (the children sit down)
Running in the groove
A clear clear stream.
"Bl-l-l, bl-l-l, bl-l-l"
Lesson summary

Educator: Guys, our trip to the forest has come to an end, it’s time to return. What new have you learned? (children's answers). What do you remember? (children's answers). You guys worked really hard today. They showed their knowledge, were friendly and helped the hare understand that spring had come. And the hare left us gifts for this (hands out candy).

Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic: “Spring”

Program content:

1. Clarify and generalize ideas about the characteristic signs of spring.

2.Improve children’s skills in writing a descriptive story about spring

according to plan.

3. Develop the skill of constructing a complex statement.

4. Enrich and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic of early spring.

5.Develop children's speech, imagination, logical thinking.

6. To educate children in the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature based on

active use of folklore (riddles, chants).

Progress of the lesson

The sounds of a spring stream are heard. (slide 1)(Presentation for lesson notes: “Spring”)

Q: Guys, are you listening? What are these sounds?

Children offer different answers.

That's right, these are the sounds of a spring stream.

Now close your eyes and imagine a spring stream running.

Open your eyes, have you imagined?

Guys, what time of year is it now?

D: Spring. (2 slide)

Do you think early or late spring is now?

That's right, early. How did you guess why early? (the snow has not all melted yet)

And how we want more sunshine to make it warmer outside.

Do you want real spring to come faster?

Then let’s all call her together and say a chant.

The children, together with the teacher, pronounce the chant.

Spring-spring, come,
Melt the cold snow,
Dress the trees with greenery,
May the day be warmer!

Spring is freckled, red!
Come, spring, with joy.

3 slide

Guys, we called for spring, and a girl, Freckles the Laughter, a friend of spring, came to visit us.

Freckles did not come to us empty-handed. She has a chest. Shall we look in the chest?

Guys, there are snowflakes in the chest.

Q: It’s strange, it’s spring outside, but Freckles has snowflakes in her chest.

Why do you think? Why doesn't the snow melt?

How sunny is it in early spring? Slide 4.

The sun is sleeping. To wake him up, I suggest you play with him.

Tell me how sunny it is.

Warm, radiant, hot, spring, round, cheerful, silver, golden (rays appear in the sun)

And rays appear in the sun, so what is it like? (radiant)

Let's play with rays?


A ray, a mischievous ray (we alternately squeeze and unclench our fingers with our hands)

Come play with me (we blink our eyes, beak fingers near our face)

Come on, little ray, rise up (flashlights with your hands up)

Show yourself to my eyes. (eyes up and down)

I'll look to the left (we'll look to the left)

I will find a ray of sunshine. (clap on the left)

I'll look to the right,

I will find the ray again.

Well done guys, you cheered up the sun, and it became cheerful. (slide 5)

Look, Freckles has something else in her chest. What is this? That's right, it's a video camera. Freckles invites you to make a video about spring, and for you to become real directors. Do you agree? Repeat, who will we be? (directors). What are we going to do? (make a film) about what? (about spring)

Then I put the video camera here, and it will shoot a movie.

Guys, do you remember how we painted spring? These will be our stills for the film.

Tell us what is depicted on them?

So, Frame 1.

Slide 6 (drawing)

Tell me what is depicted on it?

In early spring the sun shines, but the warmth is weak.

Slide 7 Frame 2.

Who wants to tell?

In early spring, the snow melts and the first thawed patches appear.

Slide 8 Frame 4.

In spring, the first flowers, snowdrops, bloom in thawed patches.

Slide9 Frame 3.

The snow melts and puddles form on the ground. In spring, loud (fast) streams run from the hills.

Slide 10 Frame 5

In spring, buds swell on the trees.

Slide 11 Frame 6

Migratory birds arrive from warm regions and begin to build nests.

Well done boys. And now we will rest a little.

(physical minute, radiant sunshine to music)

Slide 12 Frame 7 (overall picture)

What a beautiful spring landscape. In the picture you can find all the signs of spring.

Tell us about your spring plan. Don't forget that every story has a beginning, middle and end.

First, tell us what time of year it is? (Early spring has come).

Then tell us what the sun is like in the spring.

What happens to the snow?

Tell us about thawed patches and streams.

About migratory birds.

Finish the story.

Who wants to be the first to write a story? Children make up a story (2-3 people).

Well done boys!

Now we need to edit the film. I found an almost real video tape in Freckles chest. Come to me (your drawings are on the table), we have several drawings about spring, we need to think about what frame our film will start with. How do you think? What do you think the next shot will be? Who will choose frame 3, etc. (drawings about spring and glue the frames to the film).

Are you wondering what kind of film we made? I suggest you watch it.

I connect the camera to my laptop.

Children are watching a movie.

Did we make an interesting film? Did you enjoy being a director?

I also really liked the film. I think Freckles also liked our film.

And Freckles gives you a good spring mood.