Detailed instructions for choosing a guitar for a beginner. Which guitar is better? Choosing Tips for Beginners Choosing a Classical Guitar for Beginners

The guitar is one of the most common musical instruments. Many people know how and love to play it. But even the most virtuoso guitarist was once a beginner. Everyone once learned to play from scratch, struck the first chord, played the first melody. And most importantly, every musician had a beginning. And the problem of how to choose a guitar was very acute. So how do you do this?

First you need to decide what kind of tool you want to buy.: classical or electric? Or maybe acoustic? Or electro-acoustic? Or are Spanish better? Expensive or cheap? A well-known company or all the same? Which manufacturers are better? With synthetic or metal strings? With a wide neck or a narrow one? And what kind of guitars are there anyway? And this is just the beginning of an endless string of questions. After all, you can’t take the first guitar you come across – it’s a serious choice. So what should I do?

Let's figure it out. Let's start with the simplest questions.

Classic or electro?

A question that every newbie knows the answer to. Do you prefer a regular guitar or an electric one? If you are learning the game from scratch, the classics will be preferable. And deciding how to choose a classical guitar is much easier than an electric one. It's easier to learn and will help you play the chords correctly. In addition, on a standard guitar there is a wide range of repertoire: from classical guitar works to rock and jazz.

In addition, it is better for a beginner to take an acoustic guitar with a distance between the strings: this way there is less chance of accidentally pressing the wrong way. Therefore, a wide neck is preferable. But more on that below.

Moreover, a teaching tool (cheap, made of plywood) will be just right to start with. At first, the poor often suffer, after a few years the games will have to be replaced. If playing this instrument doesn’t catch on, it will be a pity to waste money. And over time, with experience, you yourself will understand what is more convenient for you to play.. Well, if your choice is an electro-acoustic guitar, then you are no longer a beginner. True, the problem remains: how to choose an acoustic guitar?


The vulture, aka the top, aka the head. The strings are fixed here and their tension is adjusted here. Be sure to check the neck at the time of purchase. The distance between it and the strings should be approximately 2 mm. If it turns out to be more than 3 mm, put this instrument away: it will be very inconvenient to play.

Be sure to check that the neck is in good condition, without cracks or breaks. Even a new electric-acoustic guitar may have a poor-quality neck. As a result, you will suffer with it for a long time.


The sound quality depends on the material from which the electric-acoustic guitar is made.. The cheapest option is plastic. It is difficult to say whether such an instrument was worth this amount, albeit small. This sound is completely inexpressive. The plastic body muffles it.

A much better option is wood.. This guitar sounds good, but is a little more expensive. The problem of how to choose a guitar for a beginner will become much easier when you decide on the style of future tunes.

The most common material is alder. Good sound, both high and low sounds. Both classical and electric guitars are made from alder.

Another option - spruce. Such an electro-acoustic guitar will not be cheap, but the sound will be smooth and harmonious. An ideal choice if you plan to perform jazz.

Maple and ash They give a very ringing sound, bright and slightly sharp, even glassy. You can’t put such an instrument in the background to set the rhythm. But in solo games she will have no equal.

Red tree on the contrary, it will support a low and dull sound. Performers of heavy styles will prefer this material. In terms of the sound of low tones, it is surpassed only by bubinga (a rare tree).

The cheapest choice among wooden ones is poplar. It is usually used to create guitars for beginners, since professionals feel that the sound is slightly different, and beginner guitarists have less picky ears. If you prefer poplar, the problem of choosing an acoustic guitar will become a little less.


This factor greatly influences the convenience of the game.. After all, an electric-acoustic guitar should be the right size for you. Here are the characteristics:

    4/4 – for an adult, perhaps a man. Not every woman will be comfortable playing this.

    3/4 – a little smaller. It will be convenient for young people and people with narrow shoulders or short arms.

  • 2/4 is an instrument for teenagers.
  • 1/4 – for a child.

Be sure to try it on in the store so that it fits correctly.. Hold it, get used to it. To make playing comfortable in the future, make sure that when you sit down, you can rest your forearm freely on the guitar. Try to relax and calmly reach the first string with your fingers. If you lean on your elbow, then this is the wrong size: too big for you, look for a smaller one.

The right strings

Whatever the body, guitarists have the most problems when playing with the strings. But in the question of how to choose the right guitar, this point is simple.

Nylon strings are suitable for beginners. These strings are softer and easier to play. True, they have less strength, which means less endurance. These strings will have to be changed frequently. But for a beginner they are the best choice. In addition, only these are suitable for classical guitars. They play Spanish music and classical music on nylon ones.

There are also metal strings. They have a lot of tension, which can have a negative effect on an acoustic-electric guitar. Slowly the neck will become deformed, the instrument will deteriorate, and the sound will deteriorate. One day the guitar will completely deteriorate. Therefore, if you want to play on metal strings, be prepared for this.

Choose durable wood for metal. And before you buy such strings, make sure you can play them. Here you need to apply more force. And the sound is different, not the same as on synthetic ones.

Well, a couple of final tips on how to choose a guitar:

    If you go to the store, it is better to ask someone experienced to accompany you. Let someone who knows guitars well help you make a choice: there is less chance of making a mistake. But mistakes do happen.

    Find out in advance what manufacturers there are, read reviews on the Internet. You can ask your friends whose guitars they play. Manufacturers are important.

    Be sure to try the instrument in action, play a couple of chords, listen to the sound, make sure that you are comfortable and that you like the appearance. After all, an electro-acoustic guitar will last a long time.

    Check it externally. Make sure there is no damage. Happy shopping.

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We have prepared an article in which you will learn how to choose the right guitar, about the different types of guitars, what you should first pay attention to when buying, and other important points.

What types of guitars are there?

To correctly answer the question of which guitar to choose for a beginner, you should decide on the purpose of purchasing the instrument. If you need a guitar to play within the walls of your home or when going out into the countryside in close company, then a simple acoustic guitar is enough for you. But if you plan to perform professionally on stage or record in a studio, you should pay attention to electric guitars and bass guitars.

Choosing your first guitar is an important step; your future progress and whether you will continue to play in the future depends on it. To make the right choice, let’s first get acquainted with each type of guitar.


This is the most famous type of guitar. It’s lightweight and doesn’t require much space in your trunk; you can always take it with you on any trip; you don’t need to connect it to other external devices.

Choosing an acoustic guitar as your first musical instrument is the right decision.

Quite often, acoustic guitars have a wide neck, which makes it quite easy to pluck strings and select chords.


It is a kind of modification of a regular acoustic guitar, which has a pickup. Its body is hollow, but less thick than an acoustic guitar. The advantage of a semi-acoustic guitar over an acoustic one is that it can be connected to an amplifier or PC to record sound.

Electric guitar

They are just as well known to the general public as acoustic ones. The guitar is a solid body with a pickup inside. The neck of this guitar is narrower and the strings are softer, so learning to play an electric guitar is significantly different from learning to play an acoustic. Playing an electric guitar is impossible without connecting to an external amplifier. The main advantage of this guitar is that there is the possibility of sound processing, so each guitarist can tune the guitar to suit himself - hence the completely different sound of seemingly identical guitars.

Today it is impossible to imagine a musical group without an incendiary bass player. What is it? As a rule, this is the same electric guitar (although there are also acoustic models), but with a completely different sound (lower frequency). A bass guitar usually has four strings, although there are variants with more strings. The strings themselves are much thicker, and the guitar is heavier, and the neck of such instruments is longer.

Guitar structure

We got acquainted with the types of guitars, and in order to answer the question of how to choose a guitar for a beginner, we have to learn a little about the main characteristics of the instrument and figure out what ultimately affects the cost of the instrument.

So, let's study the basic structural elements of a guitar using an acoustic guitar as an example.

The main parts of any guitar are the body (body) and the neck with strings.

The body, also known as the body of the guitar, serves to distribute sound and is most often made of wood, and also has plastic lining on top. The quality of the wood from which the instrument is made greatly influences its price.

The body has a special resonator hole with a rim (socket), which serves to improve sound quality. In addition, there must be a “heel” on the body - to connect the body to the neck, as well as a stand for strings, which can be made of wood, plastic, metal and ivory - in expensive models.

As a rule, the neck is made of wood (the neck itself and its top fingerboard are usually made of different types of wood) and comes in different widths. On the outer side of the neck, frets are located at a certain pitch, each of which is responsible for the sound of a certain key. The neck is crowned with a head with pegs - mechanisms for regulating string tension. Better quality hardware also increases the value of the guitar.

There are several types of strings, differing in thickness, material, winding and other parameters. But the main types are synthetic (usually nylon) and metal. You can learn more about guitar strings from. It is believed that it is easier to learn with nylon strings: they are thicker, do not cut your fingers and are affordable. The sound quality of metal strings is better, but it will be difficult for an unprepared beginner to play them at first.

You have already decided on the types of guitars and their structure, now we will share with you tips on how to choose your first guitar.

  1. Ideally, you need to find a friend with good hearing, who is well versed in guitars and plays himself, so that he can try the guitar in action, listen to its sound, name its pros and cons.
  2. Visually inspect the guitar: there should be no chips or minor defects. Ultimately, they can develop into serious cracks and complete failure of the instrument. The body and neck should be even and smooth, without knots, the frets are located at the same distance, the pegs turn smoothly, without jerking, the strings should not rattle when playing. The height of the strings above the fingerboard should be optimal for comfortable playing.
  3. As described above, there are different types of strings, but for a beginner it is better to use nylon ones. Ask the seller to tune the guitar and play it a little. Please note an important point: just as no two people are the same, no two tools are the same. Listen to the sound of different guitars to see whose performance is better.

A consultant at a music store will be able to help you select a guitar. But before going for a tool, you need to know basic things about it. Guitars differ in:

  • designs;
  • type of sound formation;
  • dimensions and shape of the neck;
  • number of strings;
  • convenience for the musician;
  • sound features;
  • brand and price.

Choosing a guitar by design type

According to this criterion, a guitar can be:

Advice. Based on the characteristics of the two types of instruments, a classical guitar is usually recommended for a beginning musician. You can later put metal strings on it. Only thin ones, because the neck may not withstand the tension of thick ones.

Choosing a guitar by type of sound formation

A regular guitar is an acoustic one. But if a cord extends from it to the amplifier, it is either semi-acoustic or. Of course, beginners are recommended to study on acoustics, even if they are preparing to play in a musical group and sooner or later they will have to buy an electric version.

Sometimes manufacturers build a pickup into an acoustic instrument to output the melody to the speakers through an amplifier (or even through a regular stereo system). You can install the device yourself. In this case, the guitar becomes semi-acoustic - a good compromise to save money.

The electric guitar is not recommended for beginners. In any case, it must be connected to a sound amplifier. Therefore, it is more suitable for rehearsals and performances, rather than for the student's first chords. At the same time, the presence of a pickup allowed the creators of this type of instrument to make strings that were softer for the fingers.

Choosing a guitar by number of strings

There are two types of guitars based on the number of strings: six-string (Spanish) and seven-string (Russian or Gypsy):

  1. It is a generally accepted fact that the seven-string guitar is easier to learn. The instrument has a terza tuning. The main direction is accompaniment, and it makes it possible to produce special beautiful sounds - overtones.
  2. A guitar with six strings can be used for both accompanying and soloing. The tuning of this instrument is quart. It’s more difficult to learn, but playing polyphonic, complex pieces is easier.

Today, the 6-string guitar has almost completely replaced the 7-string “sister” from use. It means that:

  • The vast majority of popular modern compositions were written for it;

  • it is easier to find spare parts and strings for such an instrument;
  • it is easier to sell it if necessary.

Choosing a guitar based on cost and convenience

Structural features also directly affect your learning success:

  • for large hands it is better to buy a guitar with a large neck, for small (children's) hands - vice versa;
  • thin strings are comfortable for the fingers, but they sound worse because they are more likely to be pressed inaccurately;
  • The higher the strings are placed above the fretboard, the more difficult it is to press them, but if they are pressed too close, they will rattle and catch the frets.

Advice. The optimal distance above the fingerboard and between the strings is calculated in the area of ​​the 12th fret. At this point it should be approximately 5 mm.

When you pick up a guitar, you should like its sound. Among guitarists this is called “building well” - clean and without falsehood on all frets. If the instrument does not “build” after adjusting the height of the strings, then you should not buy it. The reason for this may not be the settings, but poor-quality material, damage or deformation during transportation or storage.

You shouldn’t hope that a guitar worth up to 5 thousand rubles. will sound good. Don't make allowances for the fact that you are a beginner. With a flat and inexpressive sound, you may abandon your studies altogether. And finally, the guitar is an individual instrument. It is important for a beginning musician to understand what kind of music he prefers and is going to play. Listen to different types of guitars, different melodies played by them and think about whether you would like to play the same way.

How to choose the first guitar for a beginner: video

There is no friend for taste and color, but quality is important, do you need advice?
I didn’t set out to write poetry. On behalf of MirSovetov, I want to help you with choosing a guitar. After all, even those who already know how to play it can get confused when entering a music store if they are looking for a beautiful guitar rather than a specific one.
Knowing what the sound of an instrument depends on, you can’t get into trouble when buying.

Purchase cost

Decide how much you are willing to spend in the store? Decide whether you will buy a new instrument or buy a used guitar on the market, or, even worse, on the Internet?
I advise you to buy the instrument in music stores. Among the advantages: a large selection of guitars, the absence of fakes (reputable stores do not buy fakes, defective guitars remain in stock).
There is one drawback: you will not be able to play the instrument first and carefully check all the nuances. Pay attention to this and buy guitars only from trusted brands (their official online distributors).
Price may vary. So different that I won’t give an example. Let's roughly divide the guitars: there are cheap (affordable), there are amateur ones (priced at one or two times the minimum wage), there are professional ones (the price is infinite, as they say). I'm not a skeptic, but often even experienced guitarists will have a hard time telling the difference between a quality amateur guitar and a professional one. But the difference in price is amazingly large. We will pay a minimum of attention to brands and a maximum to details.

About guitars

We are currently looking at an acoustic guitar. You don't need any additional equipment to get the sound of an acoustic guitar. Thanks to the housing and specially designed acoustic amplification, the sound produced is equivalent to a human voice.
There are also electric guitars, MIDI guitars, semi-acoustic and resonator guitars. Briefly, the peculiarity of each variety is a different way of producing sound.
The design of a classical (six-string) guitar was proposed by Antonio Torres (19th century).
The range of an ordinary guitar (Spanish) is from “E” of the major octave to “D” of the third octave. A regular guitar has frets and fret bridges. This is the most common type of guitar, but interestingly, there are also fretless guitars. With their help, you can extract smoothly varying sound of arbitrary frequency. Learning to play guitars other than regular ones (for example, classical) is extremely difficult. Start playing with the most standard and common variety - the six-string guitar (Spanish in origin).
As for the “Russian guitar”, this seven-string instrument was very popular before the October Revolution. Afterwards, most of the musicians switched to the Spanish classical guitar, and the seven-string is now the instrument of majestic bards and performers of original songs.

Components of a six-string guitar

When purchasing, check the condition of each part to avoid defects.
I took the liberty of drawing a picture of a guitar to clearly show you which part is called what.
The two main parts of a guitar are the body and the neck.
Vulture consists of a head, handle and heel.
The “head” or “head” is the end of the fingerboard. The strings are attached to the head of the guitar at one end, and at the other end to the body (using a fixed stand).
Pegs are located on the headstock. With the help of pegs (peg mechanism), you can adjust the tension of the strings.
The upper and lower nut determine the length of the working part of the string (the scale length of the guitar). That is, the scale length of a guitar is the distance between the top and bottom saddle.
The neck is inherent in all bowed (violin, viola, cello) or plucked (guitar, balalaika, dombra, harp) musical instruments. The musician presses the strings on the fingerboard so that the length of their vibrating part changes. The pitch of the sound also changes.
The neck of the guitar is marked in such a way that 1 fret is an increase in the sound of the string by 1 semitone. The fretboard is marked with metal fret bridges at the border of the frets. Fret is the distance between two saddles.
guitar body– body. The front part of the body is the upper deck; the reverse side is the lower deck. The side walls of the guitar are the shells. They hold the top and bottom deck together. The top deck has a round hole - a rosette.
The body of the guitar is an acoustic resonator. That is why I will ask you to pay more attention to the case and the material in which it is made. The string itself sounds very quiet. The housing amplifies the sound to a certain level so that the musician and vocalist can sing the same song together.
On the surface of the top deck there is a stand for strings (another name is a bridge), strings are attached to the bridge.
On different guitars, the neck is either bolted to the body or glued. Sometimes it becomes necessary to adjust the height of the strings above the fingerboard. This can be done with a bolt or with an anchor. An truss rod is a rod inside the neck that can be used to correct its bending in guitars with a glued neck. The truss rod is either located in the body of the guitar, near the rosette, or on the headstock.
Not all guitars have fret markers. These are points, usually on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 17th frets. These points are needed only so that the guitarist can navigate and hit the right notes in complex compositions, even if the notes are scattered throughout the fretboard.
Strings are designated by numbers, depending on the thickness. The thinnest is the first; the thickest, on a classical guitar, is the sixth.
The strings are not marked in my drawing (I think you know where they are). However, they are a very important part of the guitar. You should know about the classification of strings. Modern guitars use steel, nylon and carbon strings:
  • nylon strings. Used only for classical (Spanish) guitar. Essentially, nylon strings are fishing line. The first three strings, unlike the last three, are made without winding. Nylon strings are an excellent choice for beginning guitarists. They are soft enough for hands not used to playing the guitar for long periods of time. But compared to steel strings, the sound comes out dull;
  • carbon strings. The density of carbon is 25%-85% higher than that of nylon. This allows the production of strings with increased density and reduced diameter. Carbon strings also have a superior sound to nylon strings. They are more vocal! Of course, this is a positive factor. In addition, carbon is more resistant to wear. In the time it takes 5 pairs of nylon strings to wear out, with the same playing, only 1 pair of carbon strings will wear out. Unfortunately, prices for carbon strings are several times higher than nylon strings;
  • metal strings - pop. They are more sonorous, but require a reinforced guitar. The first three strings are without winding. The fourth, fifth, sixth are made in winding (what kind of alloy you can read below).
    As we have already found out, metal strings have the strongest sound. But over time it loses its sonority. A clear, strong sound is characteristic only of new strings.
Winding. Silver plated copper is a traditional material. But many companies are experimenting with other copper-containing alloys, since silver-plated copper, due to its fragility, is damaged in areas of frequent contact with iron frets. Very often, these experiments lead to the development of completely different, new types of strings. They have their advantages and also have their disadvantages. Playing the guitar is a very individual matter, I advise you to try playing on several different sets.

Guitar selection

When you already know how a guitar works, I can call them by their proper names. When choosing a guitar (both used and new), pay attention to the following points.
Frame. It may be plastic, or it may be wooden. The plastic body is typical for the cheapest guitars. Of course, this has a bad effect on the sound of the instrument. Sound loves wood, remember this. Plastic is worse than wood: it muffles sound and makes it inexpressive. This dullness can cause even a new guitar to not sound as good. Among the advantages of plastic: it can be wetted, accidental blows to the body are not so scary, plus due to the cheapness of plastic, they cost less.
Upper nut, lower nut, stand, pegs. These parts may come off, move or be broken. If these parts do not fit tightly to the body, think twice. Apparently the guitar is not new or defective. This defect will lead to the fact that when playing, in addition to pure sound, you will also hear the rattling of the pegs/stand.
The top and bottom sills must be in place and not moved or damaged.
There should be no distance between the stand and the body! The stand should fit snugly against it and, of course, not be peeled off.
The pegs should spin properly without much effort! This speaks volumes about the quality of the guitar. It's not uncommon for cheap guitars to have terrible tuners. It is extremely inconvenient to tune such a guitar, and sometimes even impossible.
Frets. It is very important to check them. On each string, on each fret (let's stop at the 12th), hold down a note and play it. The seller will understand you, so do not hesitate to check the sound of each note. The sound should be clear, without interference. Rattling on a single fret is not critical, but it already spoils the overall impression of this beautiful chord.
Grif. When purchasing, it is very important to look at the distance between the strings and the neck. 1-2 mm is the norm. The greater the distance, the harder it will be to play (squeezing chords, playing notes, especially on the last frets). I recommend that MirSovetov readers check the distance between the strings and the fingerboard in the area of ​​the 12th fret. If it exceeds the permissible norm (2-3 mm), think about it: either you will have to put something under the fingerboard, or the game will not be comfortable.
With a large distance between the neck and the strings, the natural scale is also disrupted. Notes become higher than they should be (as they approach the 12th fret).
The neck must be free of cracks and, most importantly, free of bends! Raise the guitar to eye level and look at the neck along the strings. It should not be twisted. If in this position you look at the fingerboard across the strings, you can determine by eye whether there are any bends on the fingerboard. Any such violations greatly affect the sound of the guitar.
There should be the same distance from the edge of the fingerboard to the first string and from the edge of the fingerboard to the last string.


No matter how hard I try to avoid this topic, ultimately all theory comes down to practice. Some manufacturers are good at producing guitars, while others simply lack the production power and experience. I am silent about fakes, the production of which means that the less you spend on a guitar, the better (there is no question of quality).
So I think it would be a good idea to draw the attention of MirSovetov readers to the world’s leading brands. This is, at a minimum, an indicator of quality and innovation.
Fender. An American company that produces all kinds of musical equipment, including acoustic guitars. With a lot of experience behind it (founded in 1946), Fender can give everything a guitarist needs.
YAMAHA. This Japanese company approaches business so well that even without much innovation it leads in sales. Guitar manufacturing experience since 1996.
AUGUSTO. Only a few people were making guitars at home (Roberto Paoli and Mauro Augusto) in 1956. But later, for commercial purposes, a small production was opened.
The company has grown to a global level at high speed. The line of classical instruments (Spanish guitar) is still developed by the founder of the company (Mauro Augusto) with love and the right approach to quality.
Aria. Guitars from this company first appeared on the market in 1956, gradually beginning to earn a reputation among musicians. Now Aria is a large company, with production centers in different countries (USA, Korea, China, Japan). Produces all kinds of musical equipment at the highest level.
Not so popular in Russia DEAN company, rather, because systematic supplies of instruments from this company to Russia began only in 2008. However, DEAN acoustic guitars are made from the right type of wood and are very high quality, not to mention great looking.
Crafter is a Korean brand, one of the leading music manufacturers. Manufactures all popular types of acoustic guitars with meticulous workmanship.
Among the world leaders I would also like to mention Gibson company, a global giant that produces all possible audio products, including acoustic guitars...
The review can be continued endlessly. The fact is that every brand striving for popularity must cope with its responsibilities: create the right design and beautiful appearance, use the right materials, assemble tools with high quality. No one can know, perhaps a guitar from a new company that is just gaining popularity will appeal to you, and when checked, it will turn out that this instrument is in no way inferior to others in quality...
Conclusion: check your guitar, regardless of the brand!

Good luck!

You need luck to find exactly your guitar the first time, so that you don’t have to change it for as long as possible. Experience is an integral part when choosing a tool. But only after playing the guitar for a long period of time will you be able to know what exactly you are missing.
I really hope you find these tips useful, and on behalf of MirSovetov I wish you good luck!