What do you think the colossal paramilitarized US police machine is needed for? What does the nation have to do with it, just a normal level of protection of private property.

"Russian" "nationalist" Egor Prosvirnin with Chabadnik Chkhartishvili

I am a perfect weapon, I am a silver bullet, I am an Italian stiletto, I am an unguided homing missile of the “Heaven - Retribution” class, and I am bored, - this is how he described himself in his blog, who came out into the great light of God a few days ago, thanks to KP columnist Israel Shamir, editor and author of the Sputnik&Pogrom website Egor Prosvirnin.

These days he is reaping the laurels of success - he was written about on the website of the country's largest newspaper. Let us remember that it was this man who congratulated everyone on June 22 on the holiday, on the last attempt to liberate Russia. He pathologically hates everything Soviet, but is ready to come to terms with the existence of Russian peasants and workers, because someone needs to work, produce material goods that the liberal nationalist Yegor Prosvirnin will consume.

A boy from an intelligent Vladivostok family (mother is a production designer, father is a theater director). The parents, apparently, doted on their offspring and were ready to satisfy any whim. Most likely, his mother’s clumsy boy was not liked in the yard.

He himself recalls his childhood like this: “I was always a homely book boy, who was given a thick encyclopedia for children when he was 7 years old.” And, although Prosvirnin boasts that even in high school he was imbued with the ideas of nationalism, there is no reason to believe that his nationalism, if this was really the case, went even a centimeter beyond the limits of a comfortable sitting in an apartment with a book in his hands.

“Home boy” Egor moved to the capital only in the last year of school, and for the sake of a bright future for her son, his mother even quit her job in Vladivostok and went with Egor to court him in Moscow. The young man turned out to be not without talents, he entered and graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Russian State University for the Humanities, but he failed to become an “engineer of human souls” and for a long time wrote for publications about computer games, etc. Yegor avoided military service, and although he pathetically writes that he “sworn allegiance to Russia,” this oath exists only in his mind.

Hating Putin, he greeted the beginning of the protest movement with enthusiasm, and the leaders of the “Bolotnaya” even for some time were completely fascinated by their new associate, who knew how to handle words so intricately. Later, when they realized what kind of cave nationalism, albeit in an intellectual wrapper, they were dealing with, some of them were horrified. And some still continue to consider it theirs. Ksenia Sobchak even “was his driver”, giving him a ride in her car.

As a matter of fact, they really do have common features - for both Yegor and most liberals, the main thing is their own self, their ego. And the rest, even their supporters, in the end, compared to their beloved self, are cattle. It’s not for nothing that Prosvirnin’s peasants and workers, even Russians, are “stupid and vile.” And he, of course, is the elite and the flower of the nation. At the same time, there is no reason to consider Prosvirnin a Russian nationalist, since real nationalists identify themselves with the Russian people, and Prosvirnin is sick of him. He is ready to recognize only the “white guard” of his readers and followers as Russians.

Yegor rarely appears in public; on the one hand, he does not want to breathe the same air as the “scoops”, who must be completely destroyed, on the other hand, he is embarrassed by his physique. And, it seems, he overcomes his own complexes with his texts, in which he is both a hero, and a bullet, and impetuous, and a stiletto, and a conqueror-lord of women. In them he is a knight, superman and all that, and not at all a fat couch potato.

However, perhaps he is not so interested in women. Recently, hackers restored one of Yegor’s deleted texts, in which the author appears not just as a homosexual, but as a pathological sadist. However, it may also be that these are simply revelations of the “lyrical hero”, and not the characteristic personality traits of Prosvirnin himself. Although psychiatrists and linguists are quite capable of drawing up a portrait of the personality and the author himself based on the texts.

The entry has again been deleted, but those who wish can familiarize themselves with it, if, of course, you have a strong stomach and not too rich an imagination.

Our hero":

True, you won’t be satisfied with ideology alone, and therefore, probably, Yegor is still doing a little business, selling through the website a whole range of goods with characteristic symbols. There are T-shirts, magnets and even teddy bears. Knowledgeable people say that this business brings Yegor no more than 10 thousand rubles a month, which is not much of a splurge, even if Prosvirnin himself sews these T-shirts at night, and not only applies logos. Well, there’s no demand, it’s apparently not the right one, or there’s a problem with the brush. Not like Bezenchuk.

But, by the way, who said that being a seamstress is worse than a barber, because another prominent pseudo-nationalist, the leader of the “Bolotnaya” Navalny, began his business journey precisely with a hairdresser? And who knows what heights he could have achieved in the art of shaving and cutting hair if Yale University hadn’t knocked him off his feet. Maybe it’s better for Yegor to focus on sewing.

Farther from prison than with national liberal texts. On the other hand, even in the colony, the skills of a seamstress come in handy. Just ask Khodorkovsky, who celebrated his anniversary while in prison, what determined his existence in those years - the oligarchic skills of buying, selling, sawing, combining, or the skills of a seamstress-machine operator.

Why isn't he in jail yet?

A young man named Yegor Prosvirnin presented the peoples of Russia with a “cool gift” for one of the recent anniversaries of the start of the Great Patriotic War.

He wrote a column on his website, such that Vlasov would doubt whether it was too much? If he had written it in those years, Yegor Prosvirnin could not have avoided a harsh trial in 1945 with an unambiguous sentence.

To whom? Jews and commissars, consisting of “Caucasians, Jews, Balts, Asians, other minorities, the most stupid and vile Russian peasants and workers.”

For what? “The Bolsheviks tortured, burned, raped, cut out their eyes...”

Why did the “liquid commissars” do this? To show: that “a boor and an Asian are the master, and a white European is a nonentity.”

“On June 22, 1941, White Europe returned to Russia. Without pity. Without mercy. Without sentiment. Without a glimmer of sympathy. All party members were slaughtered. Collaborated with party members. Vaguely similar to party members. There was no mercy for anyone."

Yegor Prosvirnin is delighted, he is with those and for those who slaughtered our fathers and grandfathers. He describes with gusto:

“Fascist punitive forces with Ryazan faces slaughtered, burned alive and laughed. They drank the Death of the Reds and could not get drunk, thirst burned and burned them, drove them from mountain of corpses to mountain, from mountain to mountain, from mountain to mountain. From meat to meat. And there was always little meat.”

We thought that millions of Russian people died, but it turns out that all the people who died were “boors and Asians, Jews and Caucasians,” and they were killed by excellent guys, white Europeans, many even with Ryazan faces. So if your grandfather or grandmother died in that war, don’t be sad - there’s just one less Jew or stupid and vile peasant.

Since Yegor Prosvirnin never ended up in prison, then everyone imprisoned under Article 282 must be released.* To the last person.

But there are three oddities in this case.

Firstly, a hitherto unknown young man, Yegor Prosvirnin, had at his disposal not the cheapest website registered abroad.

Secondly, this site was actively promoted by liberals such as Israeli citizen and Russian blogger Anton Nosik, and ex-minister Alfred Koch, known for his contempt for Russians and Russia.

And the third strange thing is that the swamp party, which rose to the skies from the words of Ulyana Skobeida, remains silent at the sight of the incomparably more terrible words of Prosvirnin.

One explanation is that Russia's enemies still influence the Russian liberal press. Only they can raise the kipesh. And if they don’t raise it, the liberal press remains silent.

Secondly, the enemies of Russia have stirred up a serious provocation by creating an openly Nazi website, which has no equal in all of Europe. And the third, given by our colleague, a Ukrainian political scientist: June 22 - like holy water, all the demons come out at once.

Finally, there is an assumption: Albats and Latynina, Chkhartishvili and Venediktov are keeping silent because Prosvirnin is a fighter against the “Putin regime.” For this they are ready to forgive everything, even the apologetics of punitive forces.

But we will not forgive them for this.

“Russian” “nationalist” Yegor Prosvirnin with Chabad members - Ksenia Sobchak and “political scientist”, ex-boyfriend of Boris Berezovsky Stanislav Belkovsky Photo: social networks

* Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity”:

1. Actions aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliating the dignity of a person or group of persons on the basis of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, as well as belonging to any social group, committed publicly or with use of the media, is punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years. , or compulsory labor for a term of up to one hundred and eighty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

To be a Russian nationalist means to love your people, your culture, your country. This is absolutely normal and even necessary. Without this, no country can survive. For example, you can look at the Baltic states or Poland...

I am a Russian nationalist because I belong to the great Russian people with a thousand-year history. I was born and raised by Russian parents, they told me Russian fairy tales and sang Russian lullabies, I learned the basics of culture from Russian classics, I made my first declaration of love in Russian, and a Russian girl gave me my first kiss.

To be part of the Russian people is my destiny, my past, my present and my future, which is impossible to refuse, even if such a crazy thought came into my head. The example of the former Ukraine clearly shows what attempts to leave the Russians lead to - to the transformation of people into cattle.

I am a Russian nationalist because I want a better future for my Russian people. I believe that the Russians are not some kind of marginal nation, doomed to vegetate on the sidelines of world history, not a “comma-separated people-with-others,” but a titanic people, a giant people, a genius people who deserve everything the best, the most perfect, the greatest.

I believe that Russians should have the best, freest and richest country in the world. I believe that the Russians are capable of making a rapid, incredible, dizzying leap forward, as has happened more than once in our history. And I am ready to fight for this breakthrough.

The suffocating “stability” and the slow transformation into snow-covered Venezuela do not suit me. Yes, big stakes, big ambitions, big hopes mean huge risks. But when did Russians ever have a reputation for cowards?

I am a Russian nationalist because I believe in self-reliance. I believe that energy for transformation, for a leap forward, must be sought among Russians. The Tatar-Buryat-Udmurt-Chechens are wonderful people, the “world progressive community” is even better, but a real future, a strong future, a sustainable future can be built if you only draw strength from the Russian land, if you only rely on your own, if you only focus on the national majority, its aspirations, hopes and aspirations.

Leave the “universal human multinational interests of world Eurasian anti-fascism” to the universal human multinational world anti-fascists. We are Russians, and we must rely on Russians, unite with Russians, seek support from Russians. This means that we must be Russian nationalists.

I am a Russian nationalist because I believe in justice. For a hundred years, the great Russian people were muzzled and tortured by a gang of international terrorists who built the terrorist state of the Soviet Union (as befits terrorist states like ISIS, the most terrible terror was deployed against their own population), justifying this in the interests of building world communism and preserving the unique identity of the Bolsheviks invented “ small nations."

Russians suffered more from communism than Jews from Nazism. But who paid the Russians compensation? Who restored the violated rights of Russians? Who even apologized to the Russians? Nobody.

On the contrary, the Soviet administrative-national division was preserved, with all the benefits for privileged peoples and the position of a powerless tax class for the Russian people.

I want justice. I want my people to be restored to their rights with the other peoples of Russia, for the Russians to be given back their freedom, for the Russians to have their rights back, for the Russians to have their property back, for the Russians to have their state back, for the Russians to have their future back.

I think it is fair if, after 100 years of suffering, the Russians finally begin to think not about the problems of the Kalmyks and support for the revolutionaries of Guatemala, but about the problems of the Russians and the support of Russian irredentists.

I am a Russian nationalist because I believe that the Russian people were robbed by a multinational gang of Soviet security officials-oligarchs, who continue to squander the colossal wealth of our Motherland while talking about “multinationality” and “friendship of peoples.”

The Russians were deprived of money. The Russians were deprived of power. Russians were deprived of history. And soon, with the introduction of the “Russian nation,” they will also be deprived of the right to be called by a Russian name.

It is impossible to speak about the humiliated position of the Russian people in the language of socialists, liberals, monarchists or conservatives. The humiliated position of the Russian people can only be discussed in the language of Russian nationalism, and only the language of Russian nationalism today is the one in which it is possible to tell the truth.

I am a Russian nationalist because I am not a fool. I don’t believe in state propaganda about “friendship of peoples” and the “Eurasian idea.” I see a muddy stream of Central Asian migrants sweeping our cities and turning them into cesspools.

I see how Gorno-Russians commit murders and other crimes - and at the same time remain unpunished. I see the shiny faces of oligarchs talking about the “Eurasian idea” from their mansions in London. I see destroyed hospitals - and the defiant luxury of subsidies to the Caucasus.

I see Islamization and radicalization - and the Center for Combating Extremism jailing people for jokes and caricatures. I see our economy slowly dying under the burden of having to feed, water and pay for education in Geneva and Paris for the children of the multinational Soviet bureaucracy.

I see distant wars for other people’s interests, while the Russians of Donbass are bombed and shelled every day. I see the lies, hypocrisy, cynicism of both the multinational regime and the equally multinational opposition. I don’t see anyone other than Russian nationalists who would honestly, openly and candidly talk about the problems facing our people.

I am a Russian nationalist because I am an idealist. I believe in goodness. I believe in justice. I believe in the genius of the Russian people. I have values, and the lying cynics-Pelevent-postmodernists speaking both on state channels and on anti-state Facebook evoke nothing but disgust in me.

“We are grandmasters, multi-move players, cunning planners, realists, everything is bought everywhere, everyone is sold to everyone, no one believes in anything” - this is wonderful. But I believe. I believe that there is good and there is evil, and that people with their eyes squinted from constant lies cannot be good by definition.

Your multinational regime and your multinational opposition propose to adopt the worldview of a currency prostitute. The devil will help you, but I am not a prostitute. I have the honor. I have dignity. I have my hard-won ideas about truth, about beauty, about duty, about history, about the past, present and future. Views that don't sell. Therefore, in a multinational state of cynical Soviet liars, I am a Russian nationalist.

I am a Russian nationalist because I am brave. It is impossible for me to be intimidated by the “universal anger and contempt” of paid workers with lips shiny from foie gras. I have no fear of the future. I do not have the slightest respect for Soviet multinational shrines and idols, and the Soviet multinational guards guarding them.

I am not afraid of the condemnation of public opinion, crooked views and cries about “fascism”. What gives me courage is the realization that behind me is the truth. Historical truth, ideological truth, everyday truth, truth paid for with the blood of peasants who rebelled against Soviet power, truth bought with the tears of old people freezing in dead villages, truth for which thousands of activists of the national movement paid with their freedom, and often with their lives .

After so many Russian people suffered for the sake of freedom, happiness and greatness of the Russian people, I have no right to be a coward and betray their memory, because someone out there will “misunderstand” something.

I am a Russian nationalist because I am the owner of the Russian Land. The liberal multinational Soviet communist-stableist is always a temporary worker, always like a thief who has climbed into a shop, ready to give in as soon as he hears a police siren.

But I am not a shoplifter, I am the owner of a shop that was painstakingly built by dozens of generations of my ancestors. And even if thieves are operating in the shop, and I am locked in the basement with other Russians, this will not make me begin to consider the scoundrels who are stealing my inheritance as the rightful owners.

The owner of the Russian Land is me. The owners of the Russian Land are you. The owners of the Russian Land are all Russians, and the “multinational anti-fascist Eurasian community” are thieves and burglars who have crept into us, no matter what they squeal.

I am a Russian nationalist. And all Russians must become Russian nationalists, because behind Russian nationalism there is truth, and when there is truth behind you, then nothing will stop you.

If there is no truth behind you, but only faded red flags and washed-out T-shirts with Putin, then your destiny is third-rate, your life is an unfunny joke, your emotion is fear. Like now.

Stop this business, become Russian nationalists, convert your household, friends, colleagues and acquaintances to the national faith, raise the national torch as high as possible and carry the fiery light of Russian Truth as far as possible, dispersing the gloom, despondency and cynical pessimism of a dying neo-Soviet society.

52% of the population support the slogan “Russia for Russians,” according to the latest Levada poll. They are already ready. They are already thirsty. They are just waiting for someone to pass on the blessed Russian flame to them, and real, pure, hot Russian nationalism flares up in their chests.

Enough lies. Enough cynicism. Enough hopelessness. We are Russian nationalists, we are on our own land, we are in our own right, and we must fight for our Russian future, first by awakening at least our family and friends, our friends and colleagues, our acquaintances and random passers-by from the post-Soviet nightmare.

Bring the truth. Lead by example. Burn with righteous Russian fire, so that from one glance at you others will ignite, and darkness will recede, and joy, and rage, and love, and hope, and pride will instill in the hearts of people! Russian people.

After reading this text, go up to the first person you meet and say:

I am a Russian nationalist, and I believe that you will also become a Russian nationalist. And that's why…

“Black Raven” - Y. Sumishevsky and E. Turlubekov

Radio Liberty interviewed nationalist Alexander Potkin (Belov). As it is written on his website, “in 2011-2014, Belov was active...

Egorka Prosvinin, who previously wrote that 95% of the Russian population needs to be destroyed and joyfully welcomed the Euromaidan and the coup in Ukraine, suddenly...

A pig, which by definition cannot lift its head, will undermine the roots of the oak tree whose acorns it feeds on. The fact that the oak will dry out and collapse, and there will be no...

Why do I consider Prosvirnin a dangerous internal enemy
This is why: Here... Because under the guise of Russian nationalism and collecting assistance for the Donbass militia, we are being sold ideas that have nothing to do with Russian...

Why isn't he in jail yet?
A young man named Yegor Prosvirnin presented the people of Russia with a “cool gift” for the anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War. He wrote a column on his website,...


We believe that the possible collapse of the Russian Federation from reunification is not a danger, but a BONUS, a chance for the renewed Russian nation to build a state that suits it, no longer shackled by the bonds of an ugly post-Soviet formation. " "

Yesterday at Euromaidan I interviewed a Russian Nazi who came from Moscow... to fight Yanukovych... This is a united Slavic brotherhood. The Russian people see that the fraternal people are fighting the totalitarian semi-Soviet regime and come to help. " "

You know, yesterday I spoke with the Right Sector and concluded that the more radical people are, the closer they are to the barricades, the fewer complaints they have against the Russians... When I began to communicate with young militants who throw Molotov cocktails from the very beginning "... They said that they have absolutely no complaints against the Russians, that among them there are Russians who came from Moscow to help them fight Yanukovych, and if they fight Putin in Moscow, they will go to Moscow to help us ""


Egor Prosvirnin is a blogger at LiveJournal Userinfo.png nomina_obscura (the LiveJournal blog has now been deleted), Russian nationalist, editor-in-chief of the website “Sputnik and Pogrom”.

He often makes shocking statements. For example, he participated in trolling veterans, writing a note on his website Sputnik and Pogrom on June 22, 2012, in which he called June 22 “the day of vengeance” and “June 22, 1941, White Europe returned to Russia.” The post was later deleted , but a post appeared explaining what he actually meant in “the most scandalous text of Sputnik and Pogrom.” He himself and his supporters in this matter may not consider this trolling, but simply consider it an expression of their opinion, although the fact is That such an emotion-provoking statement was published on June 22 leads critics to consider this note a blatant screed.

In June 2013, in the LiveJournal community “Caution, the correct meaning” vvv_ig, an entry appeared accusing Yegor Prosvirnin of non-traditional sexual orientation.
In one of his posts, he said that the disgust due to gay pride parades is caused by savage morality, and proposed to overcome it by distributing strap-ons. He also believes that the emergence of a post-gender and post-religious world is inevitable, in which gender change will become common.
After the scandal, LiveJournal was deleted, and searches on it were also prohibited, so the deleted posts disappeared from the Yandex cache, and copies of the posts were preserved in archive.is.

Opposition politician Alexei Navalny is an active reader of Yegor's blog and periodically refers to it on his Twitter.
In the wikiproject, the Russian expert is included in the list of well-known anti-Russian bloggers, websites and media.
He was registered at the leper colony (known there under the pseudonym Yozhik, after the name of his main account), where he wrote nationalist posts many times, for which he was usually subjected to ridicule and leaks. Once, in 2009, he was able to be elected President of Georgia, but then his reputation dropped so much that the main account was merged forever, and several newly created accounts were also merged, but Hedgehog constantly creates new ones and does not leave leprosy.

What is Russian nationalism? Russian nationalism is the movement of the Russian people towards political subjectivity. What is political subjectivity? The Russian people (ethnocultural community) turns into the Russian nation (political community) if the following conditions are met:

The emergence of Russian political and government structures. That is, the people have political parties and state institutions that express people's interests, transferring them from the category of vague dreams (“But it would be nice…”) into the category of a concrete action plan (“Agenda for today’s meeting of the National Committee: Russification of the North Caucasus”). Thus, you, being part of the people, get the opportunity not to daydream on social networks, but to turn to authorized state and political institutions, turning from an observer into a participant in the political process.

Theoretically, all this should be ensured by parliamentary democracy (parties want to get into parliament, parties are forced to focus on the wishes of voters, with 80% of Russian voters, parties automatically become Russian), but practically we have no democracy, and the opinion of the Presidential Administration and the President personally for all legal parties are much more important than the opinions of 80% of voters. Moreover, as the example of the European Union shows, even in truly democratic countries an electoral system can be designed that allows one to ignore the requests of the national majority, depriving the nation of political subjectivity (the well-known example of the “National Front”, which, having received 40% of the votes in the country, did not receive not a single place).

It goes without saying that the new political system should be based on a new Constitution (the defects of the old one are too great to list), a new administrative structure to replace the current “asymmetrical federation” and the broad development of civil society institutions, the slightest hints of which are being eradicated in every possible way in the current Russian Federation.

Some people, fooled by propaganda, believe that “everything is fine this way, and we like everything that way.” However, political subjectivity does not manifest itself at the moment when you like everything (remember this joke about “Son, why were you silent for 20 years before that, we thought you were dumb! - So before that, everything was fine for 20 years”), and at the moment when you don’t like everything. What can you do if you are against the operation in Syria? What can you do if you are against the law criminalizing anonymizers? What can you do if you are not satisfied with these elections from these parties? What can you do if you are against raising taxes and effectively banning parcels from foreign online stores?

It’s true, you can do nothing, and the entire design of state and political institutions of the Russian Federation (from the “Ministry of Elections” of the Central Election Commission, which is absent in other countries, to the “centers for countering extremism”) is designed to deprive you of political subjectivity and even the possibility of such subjectivity, although would dream.

Nationalism is the return of your political subjectivity. Nationalism is the unification of millions of people on the basis of ethnocultural solidarity in order to win the right to decide their own destiny, and then the institutionalization of this right in the form of formal impersonal state and political institutions (working regardless of whether a genius or a fool is at the head of the state) in order to preserve newfound subjectivity for our children and our children’s children.

Philadelphia Constitutional Convention: Signing of the US Constitution

The emergence of Russian national capital, that is, that group of owners whose acquisition and preservation of property directly depends on the Russian nation. Moreover, this implies not only the primitive distribution of steamship factories, but also the support by the Russian nation of the functioning of the judicial system, property rights, financial and economic stability (for only with financial and economic stability is it possible to preserve and increase capital with an eye to the long term, and not “big grab - and to London, until they take it away"). Having established the rules of the game and supporting their observance, the Russian nation will ensure that the owners who have become rich on these rules will strive to preserve and increase the greatness of the Russian nation as the main guarantor of their property and the transfer of this property by inheritance.

The current owners, as is easy to see, received their property either by directive from Yeltsin (hence the phenomenon of “system liberals” who are still clinging to the “glorious 90s”), or by directive from Putin and, more broadly, the state apparatus, giving certain enterprises or even entire industries to feed the right people. Plus, some of the owners grew up as representatives of ethnic mafias, encouraged by the current state.

When people talk about “national businessmen,” many imagine this, you know, ideological billionaire Vanya in a kosovorotka, who, guided by the “Moral Code of the Builder of Nationalism,” travels around villages and villages, buying seeders and threshers for peasants from his super profits. This is a misconception. As Gaidar apparently said, privatization was primarily carried out not even for enrichment, but to create a layer of owners interested in preserving the Russian Federation against the backdrop of the threat of communist revenge. As we can see, the Russian Federation has existed for 25 years, and the communists have turned into clowns - Gaidar’s idea worked.

National Liberal Revolution, Berlin, 1848. One of the key demands of the rebels was the unification of Germany

So, the Russian national businessman is not “Vanya in a blouse,” but Vanya, who owes his money to the Russians. Moreover, the more such obliged Vans, the better. This leads to a simple idea that the middle class has always and everywhere served as the basis of nationalism (for big business inevitably turns into a transnational entity for which the nation state is a joke, while for the owner of a dry cleaner or bakery the nation state is a natural habitat). It is on small and medium-sized businesses that America stood and stands; it is all these owners of shops, sewing workshops and start-ups for 5 people who form the basis of the American nation, the embodiment of the “American Dream”, and it is they who will stand like a mountain for the state and nation that gave them the opportunity to rise from proletarians to business owners. And that’s why America is not afraid of any Maidans. Political adventurism is possible only in countries where the dominant stratum is “the proletarians who have nothing to lose except their chains.” Therefore, for example, the Bolsheviks focused not on peasants (who had any kind of property), but on workers in large cities who rented apartments and, for the most part, owned nothing.

And that is why the current Russian world order - when the owners in the country have had their fill of tears - is fundamentally unstable, the vast majority of the 140 million do not have any vested interest in its preservation.

Speaking about the creation of national capital as part of nation-building, we must talk, firstly, about the liquidation of the current large owners, who do not owe anything to the Russian people and are direct enemies of any change in the current situation. Secondly, about the creation of a wide layer of owners who earned their wealth in the Russian National State and are directly interested in preserving this state, even if not from high ideological considerations, but at least from the instinct of self-preservation.

Accordingly, instead of “new industrialization” and plans to build giant factories in order to “catch up and overtake” (creating millions of workers who are not owners and who may even be Tajiks), we should talk about reform of the judicial system and a truly independent court (for only an independent court can guarantee property rights), about the deregulation of small and medium-sized businesses, about reducing taxes on small and medium-sized businesses (to let people get rich) and in general a change in mentality from Stalin’s dreams of giant factories producing who knows what (and it doesn’t matter, that the main thing is that it is a factory, that it is a giant, that there is a column of smoke and tens of thousands of workers, “scale”) to a pro-business mentality, a mentality of exalting and helping small and medium-sized owners, a mentality of giving everyone a chance to create their own business.

Symbolic map of the Italian irredenta

Let me note that we are now observing two processes in the Russian Federation: firstly, the massive closure of individual entrepreneurs after the introduction of new fees, secondly, the creators of successful startups and high-tech companies are moving abroad from the Russian Federation, since in the Russian Federation there is no property rights, there is no investment climate, but there are the titanically senseless “Skolkovo” and “Roskomnadzor” - the latter has already begun to dig into American transnational corporations (a striking example is Google, which closed the Russian development office). What is the basis of the economy in the developed world - ambitious students gathered, sat and thought, assembled a prototype, received the first investments, and in three years turned into a huge company - here we take on a final, additional step. “After which the whole team moved outside the Russian Federation, because what the heck.”

Russian nationalist for disposing of all these “Abramovichs” who received property from Tsar Boris and do not owe anything to the Russian nation. Russian nationalist for enriching the Russian people, not by distributing benefits and payments, but by providing the opportunity to open their own business.

The emergence of Russian national media, organizing communication between the national elite (both managerial, military, and intellectual) and the general population. A nation without an internal communication system, without the ability to convey important issues to all layers of society, cannot be a nation. Now, instead of national media, we have a colonial propaganda apparatus, which per week changes from the “bloody fascist junta” to “our respected partners” and back. The important point is that such media should employ people with reputation and ideas of honor, who realize that their task is not to lie, not to deceive, not to provoke, but to serve as a kind of nervous system for the national body. For if you put your hand into the fire, and instead of acute pain, your nervous system transmits to your brain: “Budget revenues have just increased!”, then first your hand will burn, and then you yourself will burn, and your media will be to blame for this (in the entire spectrum, from mass tabloids to publications for a narrow circle of experts), instead of signals of pain and danger, they broadcast essays about the “genius of Putin.”

From this follows the need to both create a national media sphere (the prototype of which is visible in hundreds of political websites and public pages run by enthusiasts of the national idea), and to disparage the current “nightingales of the regime” as dishonest people, ideally suited for flexible service to the dictatorship, but absolutely unsuitable for working in healthy national body.

A group of deputies of the Third State Duma at the Tsarskoye Selo station

A journalist is a person with honor. With principles. Driven by the idea of ​​the public good and public service, and not by the idea of ​​getting a job as a propagandist and pounding state propaganda, receiving 30 pieces of silver. A journalist is a person who cares, who risks his life in trying to get to the truth (it is not for nothing that in developed countries journalism is one of the first professions in terms of the number of people dying), who is driven by a social ideal. Therefore, there is no doubt that everything that is currently in our media will not remain there any longer.

Let me summarize. Nationalism is the people's desire for political subjectivity. Subjectivity is acquired through political and state national institutions, through national capital and national media. It is nationalism that is the main social modernization technology, allowing an atomized backward society to develop national solidarity and move to the next level of development, with the help of depersonalized state, political and public institutions, a wide layer of owners and national media, joining in competition with the leading powers of the planet, gaining a strong foundation and ceasing to be afraid of Maidans and revolutions.

I believe that it would make sense for the January 25 Committee not to try to reinvent the wheel, but to declare itself the core of the national movement, the acorn from which the oak tree of the Russian nation will sprout: powerful, prosperous and free.

Egor Prosvirnin

I didn’t think that almost a year later I would have to write an article again in defense of Sputnik and Pogrom and its editor-in-chief Yegor Prosvirnin.

Yegor is in trouble again. The prosecutor's office is looking into it again. He was searched and the technical equipment he needed for his work was confiscated. He again faces the threat of criminal proceedings, and Sputnik and Pogrom may be recognized as an extremist resource, which means that users, primarily Russian ones, will be denied access to it. It is clear that this actually means a “pogrom” of one of the most popular and influential patriotic resources in Russia.

Last time, Prosvirnin got into trouble because some eccentric liberal Westerner, who introduced himself as a “human rights activist,” brought him up to the law enforcement agencies for the fact that Yegor, in his opinion, was practically supplying weapons to Novorossiya . For the “weapons” that he saw in the photo put out publicly by the editor-in-chief of Sputnik, he accepted two green “dummies”. The “human rights activist” saw them as RPGs.

A trial began, but it ultimately ended, thank God, in nothing.

But this time, law enforcement officers were interested in a nine-month-old text published in Sputnik - “What we stand for, what we want, what will happen and what will not happen.”

A criminal case has been opened against him under Part 1 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity”). For now, Prosvirnin is in the status of a witness.

Egor, in a conversation with me, said that all the complaints of law enforcement officers against him do not end with this text. They want to charge him with the fact that “Sputnik and Pogrom” was going to organize... a rally of 60 thousand people, after which the demonstrators would have to go to the Kremlin to take it by storm.

Well, what can you say to all this? Naturally, the first reaction: all these accusations are, of course, feverish delirium. And so that he no longer exists, we, Russian patriots, must help law enforcement officers understand who Yegor Prosvirnin is. So to speak, make a “photo sketch” of it.

Yes, Prosvirnin is a Russian nationalist. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Apparently, the problem here lies in the word “nationalist,” with which a citizen of Russia, as a rule, associates the adjective “Ukrainian.” Here one immediately imagines some kind of possessed, crazy rightist or Galician Banderaite, or shooting at Buzina, or throwing a Molotov cocktail at the Berkut or at the House of Trade Unions, or raping a defenseless woman somewhere in Avdiivka.

But, gentlemen, “Russian nationalist” and “Ukrainian nationalist” are two big differences.

Firstly, Russian nationalists themselves are divided into two large groups: redneck nationalists and an intellectual, usually liberal and law-abiding public. Redneck nationalists (actually Russian fascists) have long been fighting on the side of their colleagues and fellow Ukrainian Nazis. For example, in the Azov punitive battalion. It is the Tajiks and synagogues that do not allow them to live in peace. Prosvirnin beating the kidneys of an Uzbek or Yakut with a bat is already too much, you will agree.

These redneck nationalists have practically nothing in common with Russian nationalist intellectuals, to whom Yegor Prosvirnin belongs. Neither on the ideological level, nor on the everyday, nor on the intellectual level. The redneck nationalist is not even able to fully read Prosvirnin’s text, let alone assimilate it.

If the redneck nationalists do not recognize Novorossiya, then Russian nationalist intellectuals are fighting, first of all, informationally on the side of the rebel Donbass. Let me remind you that it was “Sputnik and Pogrom” that collected tens of millions of rubles worth of humanitarian aid for Donbass, and now such gratitude from the Motherland.

If redneck nationalists are, as a rule, fascists, then people like Prosvirnin are liberal Russian nationalists. Intellectuals. Almost all of them stand for a secular, democratic, European, liberal Russia, where human rights are respected, where the individual is above the state, where the tone is science. Russian civilizational nationalism (as Pavel Gubarev calls it) rejects all forms of totalitarian violence against the Russian people. The Russian nationalist invites other peoples of Russia to share their fate with the fate of the Russian people. This is what Prosvirnin professes. This is what we all profess. We are liberal Russian nationalists. This is the first.

Second. As a rule, liberal Russian nationalists are “nerds”, office hamsters. Flexing muscles and other belligerence is not their element. The vast majority of them have not even been to the warring Donbass, because they are afraid. They can kill you there.

Therefore, only people with a very strong artistic imagination can see in such people, and in particular in Prosvirnin, leaders leading the “Black Hundreds” with axes to the Kremlin. You have confused Prosvirnin with redneck nationalists. The Sputnik and Pogrom readers' club is no worse than the Skillful Hands club.

The situation with Prosvirnin should finally force us, liberal Russian nationalists, to unite. Let's take an example from our opponents, Western liberals. Just try to offend any of them - they immediately come to each other’s defense, and we are divided.

Further, it is high time to do something so that we, in the State Duma, have our own lobby, which would take up the reform of the Criminal Code so that articles would disappear from there, which, forgive the tautology, would no longer allow criminal prosecution against liberal Russian nationalists.

It is also time to begin carrying out educational work among the three groups of citizens who are so frightened by the phrase “Russian nationalist” - among law enforcement officers, leftists and national minorities, to whom the difference between pogrom redneck nationalism and liberal Russian nationalism should be explained.

I am sure that Prosvirnin’s problems today are not due to the fact that “Sputnik and Pogrom” writes something about power (they haven’t written about domestic politics for a long time), but because, as it seems to me, old enemies Yegor, from left-wing circles or those associated with national minorities who confuse shockingness with extremism, snitched on him.

So, come on, gentlemen, before it’s too late, we tell the law enforcement officers “Hands off Prosvirnin!”, so that later we don’t have to chant “Freedom for Prosvirnin!” in front of prisons.