Stars who were not afraid to lose their ideal figures for the sake of the desired roles. Kim Cattrall - biography and personal life

American actress Kim Cattrall fell in love with Russian-speaking viewers mainly for her role as Samantha in the series “Sex in big city" However, not all fans of the bright and talented blonde know that in creative biography Kim Cattrall has plenty of no less interesting roles.

Kim Victoria Cattrall was born in Widnes, near Liverpool, on August 21, 1956. The family of the future actress was not stellar: Kim’s mother was busy around the house, and her father worked at a construction site. When the girl was three months old, the Cattralls moved to Canada, choosing Vancouver as their new place of residence. And after 12 years, Kim’s parents decide to return to their native UK, and the family moves to London.

In London, Kim, with early childhood surprising her relatives and teachers with her acting talent, she began studying at the Academy of Dramatic Arts. The girl’s dream of a career in cinema turned out to be so strong that, having barely celebrated her 16th birthday, Cattrall went to New York and entered the American Theater Academy.


After studying at the academy, the aspiring actress immediately signs a five-year contract with Otto Preminger, a talented director. And already in 1975, the young beauty Cattrall received a role in the film “Rosebud”. Kim's performance impressed the film community so much that after some time, Universal Studios repurchased the contract with the aspiring actress. This is how Cattrall gets on television. Over the next four years, Kim could be seen in a variety of television projects, including the TV series Columbo.

Kim Cattrall in the TV series Columbo

In 1979, Kim returned to the big screen, playing the role of Dr. White in the film “The Incredible Hulk.” A year later, in 1980, Cattrall starred in the film “Reward” with Jack Lemmon. This film work even competed for an Oscar, but never received the coveted award. The first film work, after which the actress became truly recognizable and loved by the audience, was her role in “Police Academy.” There, Kim played Cadet Thomson.

Kim Cattrall in the movie "Police Academy"

It is worth noting that the actress never considered supporting roles beneath her dignity, and also tried not to refuse a single offer, sometimes acting in three or four films at the same time. Therefore, Kim Cattrall’s filmography expanded quickly: from 1985 to 1992, Kim played in more than 20 films. The most memorable of them were “City Boundaries”, “Big Trouble in Little China”, “Mannequin”, “Crazy Honeymoon”, as well as the role of Valerice in science fiction action movie « Star Trek- 6". These films with Kim Cattrall are still loved by fans of the star.

In 1995, Kim Cattrall was invited to play a role in the series “The Outer Limits.” This is a fascinating sci-fi film that tells about a team of professionals who are able to unravel even the most mysterious events. The next two years were marked by filming in the films “Invasion”, “Undead”, “Peter Benchley’s Creature” and the horror film “Jaws”.

Kim Cattrall in the episode "Witness for the Prosecution" of the series "Agatha Christie's Poirot"

In 1997, Kim was invited to participate in the filming of the series Sex and the City. The actress agrees, not knowing that the series is destined to become truly cult. This film story tells about the life, feelings and experiences of four such different heroines, conquered women all over the world. Every girl could see herself in Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda or Samantha.

Kim Cattrall in the movie "Sex and the City"

Kim Cattrall got the role of the sexy beauty Samantha. The actress was perfectly suited for such an image thanks to her bright beauty and ideal parameters(Kim Cattrall's height is 170 cm and her weight is about 60 kg). Kim's colleagues film set"Sex and the City" became , and . The film itself was based on the book of the same name by Candace Bushnell. In addition to the series, two full-length films were released under the same name (in 2008 and 2010), telling about the further adventures of four friends.

Personal life

Kim Cattrall's personal life was no less bright than her career. The actress was officially married three times. Kim's first husband was Larry Davis. This marriage, registered in 1977, had already broken up in 1979. The actress's next husband is Andre Leeson. The star divorced him in 1989. The third marriage turned out to be the most durable; Cattrall's chosen one was Mark Levinson, who worked as an audio engineer. Kim lived with him until 2004.

Kim is credited with numerous affairs, including with Pierre Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister. Among the actress's lovers different time Cuttino Mobley, Alan Wise, and actor Alexander Siddig were spotted. The star was also credited with a relationship with the artist Clifford Ross, but Kim denied the information about the affair.

Despite the fact that Kim Cattrall never became a mother, the actress believes that children play important role in life. However, every woman, in her opinion, has the right to independently decide whether to give birth to a child or not. For herself, Kim chose the second option and does not regret it at all.

Kim Cattrall now

After the series Sex and the City ended, Kim Cattrall continued filming. In addition, the actress proved the truth of the saying about talented people who are talented in everything, having discovered themselves as a writer. Kim Cattrall's books “Dossier on Sexuality” and “Find Yourself” were published in 2006 and instantly attracted the attention of fans of the actress.

In 2016, Kim Cattrall celebrated her 60th birthday. Social media

When you're over 60, looking stunning is quite difficult. Among large quantity Few film actresses managed to maintain their beauty without intervention. plastic surgery. These artists include the star of the TV series “Sex and the City” – Kim Cattrall – who looks stunning both in her youth and now. And this despite the fact that this year she is 60 years old.

Aging gracefully is every woman's dream. To be at an advanced age and look perfect - this is all that can be said about actress Kim Cattrall. Fame came to her after she starred in the TV series Sex and the City, where she played one of the main characters, Samantha. Moreover, at that time she was already 42 years old.

An interesting fact is that this actress was previously little known. Popularity came to her only after filming in this series. The actress did not immediately agree to the role of Samantha, as she considered the image boring. The writers promised to correct this, and as a result, she became the sexiest and most seductive heroine.

If you look at photographs of Kim Cattrall in her youth, you will notice that she only gets prettier with age. Like the heroine from the series, she loves to experiment, dress revealingly, but without looking vulgar.

If you look at the figure of Kim Cattrall in her youth and now, the difference is almost impossible to notice. The actress takes care of her body and plays sports. Now she practically doesn’t act in films, she doesn’t often attend events, but as soon as she goes out into the world, she immediately attracts attention. Kim Cattrall today is elegant woman, who prefers exquisite things, accessories, and has a well-groomed appearance. It is impossible to call her a grandmother.

Secrets of Youth Kim Cattrall

What is the secret of the actress’s unfading beauty and enduring youth? Kim Cattrall looks great now thanks to the following simple rules:

  1. He does yoga every day with a personal trainer.
  2. She is on a special balanced diet, according to which sweets, flour products, and coffee are excluded from the actress’s diet.
  3. Takes long walks every day.
  4. Used in body and face care cosmetical tools based on natural ingredients. At the same time, she often performs scrubbing procedures.
  5. Leads an active sex life.
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  • “Sex and the City” 20 years later: the favorite series celebrated its anniversary
  • Kim Cattrall responded harshly to Sarah Jessica Parker's condolences over her brother's death

Oddly enough, Kim Cattrall and Plastic surgery– these are incompatible concepts. She categorically refuses any procedures. She says she wants her smile to be sincere and not forced.

Celebrity biographies


21.08.15 11:23

She's got almost eight tens acting work, but viewers strongly associate the performer with Samantha Jones from the cult series (and films of the same name) “Sex and the City.” The role of the blonde seductress came to the actress after forty years, radically changing the biography of Kim Cattrall.

Biography of Kim Cattrall


Just think, sexy “Samantha” turns 59 today! She was the third daughter in the family of construction engineer Dennis Cattrall and his wife, secretary and later housewife Gladys Shane, and was born in Liverpool on August 21, 1956. At the end of the same year, the family emigrated to Canada. Kim went to school there, but a few years later her grandmother fell ill, and her mother and father were forced to live in the UK again for some time. Youngest daughter She was fond of theater, so they did not object when the girl began to attend the London Academy of Music and Drama.

Beginning of career: American TV

Then there was a return to Canada and the 16-year-old school graduate moved to New York, there, at the American Academy of Arts, and the biography of Kim Cattrall continued. She was noticed by director Otto Preminger - it was he who invited 18-year-old Kim to a small role in his film “Rosebud” (the girl starred with luminaries Peter O’Toole and Richard Attenborough). After this, the career of the aspiring actress was connected with television (the series “Columbo”, “Starsky and Hutch”, “Charlie’s Angels”, “The Incredible Hulk”).

A rich palette of genres: drama, comedy, action

Things were going well on TV, but Hollywood did not ignore the young performer. In the first half of the 1980s, Kim appeared in significant roles: in the drama “Honoring” with Jack Lemmon, the cult comedy “Police Academy”, the French-Canadian crime film “The Heist” with Belmondo and the action film “Big Trouble in Little China” with Kurt Russell. .

Oh, this Samantha!

After starring in the fantasy melodrama “Mannequin,” Cattrall didn’t have the same interesting work. She filled this gap in the theater, playing in Arthur Miller's play "The View from the Bridge" and the Russian classic, "Three Sisters." And in 1997, the actress received a role in a new dramedy series, which became fateful for her.

At first, she didn’t want to play the lustful Samantha in any way - Kim thought that after forty in such a role she would look unconvincing. But she was persuaded. An attractive PR manager literally obsessed with sex, Cattrall turned out to be very convincing!

A whole “bouquet” of awards and nominations

The eldest of her friends experienced not only “roses,” but also “thorns”: in the final season, Sam had to fight cancer. For her work in Sex and the City, Kim was nominated for an Emmy five times, seven times for a Screen Actors Guild Award (and won it twice), and four times for a Golden Globe, which the performer won in 2003. Four central heroines“Sex” also “moved” into two full-length films, each of which was watched by many viewers.

Both cinema and theater

Participation in the melodrama “The Ice Princess”, the TV biopic “My Boy Jack”, the Polanski thriller “Phantom” and active work in the theater (both on Broadway and on the stage of the British West End) did not let “Samantha” get bored, even when main project actress was left behind. In addition, she has written a couple of books on sexuality and received an honorary degree from the University of Liverpool.

Personal life of Kim Cattrall

No difference in consistency

It’s interesting that Kim Cattrall’s personal life (like that of her heroine) has always been very turbulent. She was credited with many boyfriends - from Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to musician Gerald Casal and actors Alexander Siddig and Daniel Benzali. The star has no children.

Kim got married for the first time at the age of 21 - her husband was Larry Davis. Less than two years later, they annulled the marriage. The actress's second husband was Andre Lyson. She moved with him to Frankfurt, but seven years later (in 1989) this union also fell apart.

In 1998, Cattrall had five small years old became the wife of Mark Levinson.

The fourth wedding did not take place

An affair with Alan Wise, a young Canadian chef, almost led to a fourth wedding: they dated in 2004-2005, and announced their engagement in 2007. True, the marriage did not come to fruition: the final point in the relationship was set by Kim herself in 2009.

World famous Kim Cattrall - luxury woman, who at 60 years old can give young girls a head start. Her biography is filled with many interesting events. Until the age of 11, Kim lived with her parents in Canada, although she was born in the UK, and they moved when the girl was 3 months old. However, at the age of 11, the family returned to England, buying a house in London. It was there that Kim Cattrall began training in theater school, because her acting talent was noticed by everyone around her.

The seriousness of her intentions to become an actress was confirmed by Kim Cattrall's move to New York at the age of 16 to study at the American Academy. theatrical arts. Her film debut took place when young Cattrall was only 19 years old. It was the film "Rosebud". After this, Kim's career took off sharply. She starred in many films, TV series, and television shows, while still managing to act in the theater. Main role In Kim's life she played the role of Samantha Jones in the TV series Sex and the City. Then she began to be recognized all over the world.

Kim's personal life

Today, in addition to Kim Cattrall’s biography, fans are interested in her personal life, and even more, whether she has children. Throughout her life, the actress was married three times. The last marriage broke up in 2004. Kim herself says that her character is very similar to her character in the acclaimed series: she quickly switches to new relationships, she fails to build strong family because of this. After her marriage to Mark Levinson, she was surrounded by actor Cuttino Mobley, chef Alan Wise and actor Alexander Siddig.

However, despite numerous novels, Kim Cattrall does not have children. Last year she spoke out in defense of women who do not have children. Here's what she says herself:

Childless - it sounds as if a woman cannot consider herself complete if she has not given birth. I used to think: “I’m fine now, I’m happy, I’ll leave the birth of the child until next year" And so every year. And at 40, when you think it’s time, doctors say that it will be something like a scientific experiment; no one can guarantee that you will be able to bear a child.
Read also
  • “Sex and the City” 20 years later: the favorite series celebrated its anniversary
  • Kim Cattrall responded harshly to Sarah Jessica Parker's condolences over her brother's death

Therefore, the absence of biological children does not bother Kim Cattrall. She sincerely believes that she could feel like a mother with her students or nephews. And this experience is enough for her. Having been married three times, she never decided to have a baby, and in this she and Samantha Jones, her heroine from the TV series Sex and the City, are very similar.

Very often, for the sake of a memorable role, actors are ready to change themselves not only spiritually, but also physically. Some may even disfigure themselves beyond recognition by typing a couple of dozen extra pounds, or, conversely, dropping them. This review presents celebrities who were not afraid to lose their ideal figures for the sake of desired roles.

Christian Bale (-28.5 kg)

For the role in the film “The Machinist”, actor Christian Bale ( Christian Bale) lost 28.5 kg in 4 months. With a height of 1.86 cm, his weight was only 55 kg. The actor did not seek advice from nutritionists and sharply limited himself in food. It got to the point that Christian ate only one apple and a can of tuna per day. After filming ended, the actor returned to his previous weight within a couple of months.

Kim Cattrall (+7 kg)

Sex and the City star Kim Cattrall ( Kim Cattrall) had to gain weight for her role in the film “Miss January,” where the actress had the opportunity to play an aging porn star.

Jared Leto (+30 kg)

Jared Leto ( Jared Leto ) gained as much as 30 kg to play John Lennon's killer in the film "Chapter 27". As the actor himself admits, during the period of weight gain he ate whatever he wanted: rolls, pasta, pizza. I washed it all down with sweet drinks. The result was not long in coming.

Matthew McConaughey(-15 kg)

Amateur to show off his naked torso in front of the camera Matthew McConaughey ( Matthew McConaughey) literally mutilated himself for his role in the film “Dallas Buyers Club”. To portray an AIDS patient, the actor lost 15 kg.

Anne Hathaway (-11kg)

For her role in the film Les Misérables, Anne Hathaway ( Anne Hathaway ) had to lose 11 kg. After a grueling diet, the film's director was very pleased with the result: Anne looked exhausted and exhausted.

Colin Firth (-25 kg)

Colin Firth ( Colin Firth) for the role of a prisoner of war I had to lose 25 kg. A strict diet and grueling workouts helped achieve the desired result.
They also enjoy showing off their bodies in public.