Young artist. The youngest artist in the world Aelita Andre: biography, works and interesting facts

Aelita Andre, an artist from Australia, made the whole world talk about herself and became a real event in the art world. The fact is that Aelita is the youngest artist in the world and this fact does not stop her from creating stunning canvases that are snapped up by art connoisseurs like pies on market day.

Aelita Andre was born on January 9, 2007 and already at 9 months old she became addicted to drawing. The girl’s parents (Michael Andre (artist) is Australian, Nika Kalashnikov’s mother (photo artist) is Russian) immediately drew their attention to the unusualness of her drawings. They were very different from the drawings made by her peers and even older children. They were very similar to those abstract paintings that hang in the most famous galleries and museums around the world. Children's abstract thinking works wonders. She doesn’t just draw little sketches, but she does it on a large scale and you can feel the underlying meaning in each painting.

Art critics recognized Aelita Andre the youngest professional artist in the world. In addition, she became one of the five smartest children on the planet. She has two solo exhibitions in the USA and Italy. The most expensive painting was sold for 30 thousand dollars, and total cost All paintings sold have already exceeded a million dollars. The young artist’s style was defined as abstract expressionism. To her works, which she paints with acrylic, the artist often adds three-dimensional objects - feathers, branches, toys, etc.

String City

Space Ocean

Fairy Island

Dance of the Fire Dragon

Peacock in space

Autumn rain


South Cross

Leopard or Dragon Luck

Dinosaur Planet

They are young, promising, incredibly talented and simply delighted with their work. Their parents never dreamed that their children would become real celebrities at such a young age. Who are they, the youngest and interesting artists peace?

Kieron Williamson. England

This boy is called “little Monet”, his paintings are instantly sold out after exhibitions and become more and more expensive every year; He devoted half his life to drawing, and his parents lived in a rented apartment until they bought a house with the proceeds from Kieron's paintings.

Kieron Williamson was born in England in small town Norfolk. His father is a builder, his mother is a general practitioner. The parents could not even imagine that their son would draw. Kieron, like all boys, loved football, active recreation, and games with friends. All he could draw was color sketches, and not very carefully. But, as always, it was all due to chance.

One day the family went on vacation to the city of Cornwall. Kieron was absolutely delighted with the boats and sailboats moored to the shore. He painted this beauty. From this day his career as an artist began.

He did not stop writing after returning home. On the contrary, I took courses in watercolor painting and visited the studio. In the same year he opened his first exhibition. His paintings sold out in 14 minutes.

Owner art gallery in Norfolk says that Kieron has no equal in skill, because he draws equally well different colors, combines colors amazingly. His paintings respect proportions and shadows. Kieron's style of writing is reminiscent of impressionism.

They predict a great future for Kiron, because his paintings are collected by collectors in many countries around the world, believing that in the near future they will cost much more.

Dusan Krtolica. Serbia

At the age of two he picked up a pencil, and by the age of eight he had already had two exhibitions; he is called the “eye-tear boy” because of the amazing accuracy of all the details of his work.

Dusan Krtolica has become the real pride of Serbia, although he considers himself an ordinary boy. Dusan's first work was an accurately drawn whale, although his parents did not attach any importance to the boy's drawing. But every day the child asked for more and more paper for work.

Today, Dusan paints approximately 500 works per week. Depict an animal and vegetable world- his passion. But it’s not only surprising that the boy makes incomparable drawings with a simple pen or marker, all his animals are depicted with amazing anatomical accuracy. But Dusan depicts not only modern animals, but also representatives of the fauna that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.

The parents were concerned about their son's passion and took him to a psychiatrist. But the specialist noted high level the boy’s intelligence, and reassured him: the child’s “genius” does not affect his development in any way, and drawing acts as a kind of emotional release. Dusan gets along well with his classmates and loves everything boy games, and, surprisingly, he dreams of becoming not an artist, but a zoologist.

Aelita Andre. Australia

This girl is eight years old today. At the age of four she already had her own exhibitions, now she is a member of the National Association of Artists of Australia, and sales from her paintings amount to 800 thousand dollars.

Aelita Andre began drawing when she was not even one year old. As always, everything turned out by chance. The girl's father is also an artist. One day he left a canvas with paints on the floor and discovered that his little daughter was happily painting. Of course, he was only happy - anything for a child, as long as he didn’t cry.

But from that day Aelita’s love for drawing began. At two years old she already had her own exhibition.

In the girls’ works, they observe a surreal painting style, and their drawing style is compared to the technique of Salvador Dali.

Of course, many see in the girl’s works only “childish scribbling.” But critics just say that her paintings do not look like children's drawings. They admire the combination of colors, their own style, texture and composition.

Xing Yao Cen. Taiwan, USA

He started drawing at the age of 10. WITH home country moved to the USA to study at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. Its landscapes are simply mesmerizing, and teachers predict a great future for it.

Xing Yao simply fell in love with San Francisco. He draws the same places many times, only from different angles. He especially likes to paint in the early morning or evening - when there are few passers-by.

Its cityscapes are simply amazing.

Xing Yao has an amazing “floating” oil painting technique. One gets the impression that he is painting with watercolors.

Now he is 29 years old, and with each work his technique becomes more and more perfect. Who knows what kind of skill Xing Yao will achieve in, say, ten years?

Shorio Mahano. India

Emu is not yet ten years old, and his works are presented at an exhibition in his native India and in New York. Shorio Mahano's paintings captivated critics.

Shorio Mahano works in the style of abstract expressionism. His passion for drawing began at the age of four, when he imitated the hobby of his older sisters. But the parents immediately realized that these were not just children’s drawings, but something more.

This was confirmed by art exhibition, where the work was taken.

Shorio uses a special technique of applying paint in several layers. It takes him several days to complete one job.

Shorio is delighted with his occupation and answers without hesitation when asked what he wants to be - an artist, of course!

Alicia Zaharko. Ukraine

This girl is not yet three years old, but she is already registered in the Book of Records of Ukraine as the most young artist, which has its own exhibition.

Alicia Zakharko was born and lives in Ternopil. She started drawing when she couldn’t even walk. Her parents are professional artists. They gave the girl a canvas and paints when she was 9 months old. Remembering how the girl painted for the first time, the mother smiles, because her daughter fit entirely on the canvas.

The parents suggested that the child draw only for general development. They had no idea that their daughter’s passion would very soon make them local celebrities.

One day a local saw Alicia's painting. professional artist. He found it interesting and worthy of attention. When he heard that it was painted by a two-year-old girl, he thought that they were joking on him, because the painting was done compositionally correctly, and the colors were combined simply fantastically.

What's so interesting about Alicia's paintings? The style of her work has been described as abstract expressionism, and her technique has been compared to the work of Jackson Pollock.

She combines bright colors, and this combination is not typical for children's drawing.

Alicia says that she really likes to draw the sea, trees, and people. Only the sea in her paintings explodes different colors. So what does it mean that the artist saw him like that?

Parents give complete freedom for the girl’s creativity. They don’t teach her to draw, so as not to “scare off” her talent. Alicia's mom says her daughter will decide for herself whether she will receive art education. For parents, the main thing is that their child is happy. And judging by the mood of the work, she is very happy.

All these children started drawing at will, their parents did not help them and did not force them to develop their skills. Who knows, maybe your child has a dormant talent, you just need to seize the moment to reveal it.

On June 4, 2011, the Agora Gallery, located in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, opened personal exhibition 4-year-old artist from Australia Aelita Andre. Gallery director Angela Di Bello said she was surprised that the paintings that struck her were created by a little girl.

Perhaps Pablo Picasso was right when he once said: “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, and whole life to draw like a child,” which is why Aelita’s talent was revealed so early.

Picasso had no idea that almost 40 years after his death, the paintings of the little mischievous child would be compared to his priceless masterpieces.

Despite such a young age, the girl was recognized by art critics all over the world, who praised the works of the talented surrealist child with great surprise.

Aelita Andre from Melbourne began drawing at 11 months, and the miracle child was not helped at all by artists, or even by her own parents - Australian dad Michael Andre or Russian mother Nikka Kalashnikova, who claim that their four-year-old daughter is even angry when they interfere with her creativity - they don’t even let her help her choose colors.

Thus, the girl became interested in painting even before she could walk, and her first painting was bought when she was only 2 years old.

According to gallery director Angela Di Bello, Aelita's work is distinguished by excellent color, excellent composition, movement and liveliness.

Despite the fact that the young artist is only 4 years old, dozens of her works (more than 30) have already been purchased by private collectors. At the same time, the most expensive of Aelita’s paintings was sold for 30 thousand dollars.

Aelita's parents, Australian artist Michael Andre and Russian photographer Nika Kalashnikova, claim that their daughter showed interest in painting when she was no more than 9 months old.

They reject accusations of child labor, claiming that the girl enjoys working on her

Paintings, independently choosing colors and time for painting. Like any of her peers, she is often distracted, but then she certainly returns to what she started and finishes the picture.

Aelita Andre’s personal website states that she is a member of the National Association of Australian Artists (National Association for the Visual Arts), works in the technique of “automatism” and “accidentalism”, is “obsessed with painting”, loves to sing, play the piano, the cartoon “My little Pony" and chocolate. The girl speaks mainly Russian.

Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia: Aelita Andre, Australian abstract artist, known for her surrealist painting style, is a member of the National Association visual arts Australia (National Association for the Visual Arts). Everything is fine, that's just it we're talking about about a 4 year old girl)))

Yesterday I came across an article about this little girl, and ended up stuck on the Internet for an extra hour, at least the topic seemed so unusual and controversial to me.

Aelita is the daughter of Australian artist Michael Andre and Russian photographer Nika Kalashnikova. The baby started drawing at 9 months, and her parents (well done!) created for her ideal conditions to continue practicing his interesting painting.

There is a video where she paints: her face, her hair, her clothes are absolutely smeared with paints, she is concentrated and serious, in a separate studio room, completely “decorated” with colored blots. On the floor there is a large canvas (with a painted background) and a sea of ​​jars, tubes, brushes, everything professional quality and in a large assortment. The child truly creates, without fear of getting dirty and ruining something. A spectacle that can be watched for a long time)))

Some works have names - this is "Dinosaur Island"

This is the surreal "Eagle" performed by Aelita

What is most unpleasantly surprising are the comments - some say “an ordinary children’s daub”, some recognize the talent, but doubt the authenticity of the authorship and the fact that the artist father does not take part in their creation. Some people write that my child would like such a studio, and I would like so much free time and money to study with him...

There is an interesting statement that is most appropriate here: “The difference between an abstract artist and you is that you only “could”, but he painted.”

In June of this year, Aelita’s personal exhibition took place in New York, entitled “The Miracle of Color.” Her paintings are selling successfully - the amount of 32 paintings sold amounted to more than 800 thousand dollars. Some people spit, not wanting to recognize children’s blots as art, some buy and hang paintings on the wall, admiring and calling it surrealism, close to the work of Dali.

The baby made a splash))) I hope a wonderful future awaits her, and the most inveterate skeptics will be convinced of her talent. And talent, even without the makings of genius, can be developed in exactly the same ways as Aelita’s parents.