Numerology: the most detailed interpretation of the name and date of birth in relation to all areas of life. Numerologist: “There is a whole staff of Kremlin astrologers, magicians, psychics”

I ureli: Kryon gave us this message through Lee Carroll on a topic that interests so many. And Kryon not only tunes us to the energies of numbers in general, but also prepares us for the future energies of the coming year, and also gives very important advice on how we ourselves can work with these energies for the future New Earth.

This live channeling was given in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA on December 10, 2016
Audio recording of the message “Numerology”

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon from the Magnetism Service. My partner "steps aside."

This is the last of the major channelings of 2016. There will be two more messages, but they will not be devoted to the same topic as the current meeting. And so I'm going to do something that I haven't done yet: give you a teaching... a teaching on a topic that many people ask me about because they want to know some basic aspects of what I'm going to talk about. But there is a good reason for discussing this topic, which I will give you in a minute - and this reason has everything to do with what is happening on the planet right now, and what you are moving towards in the coming year.

And I want to tell you about energies. But “what exactly” I want to tell you about these energies may seem controversial to you, because my story will present you with such systems, and very ancient systems, and such things that some believe in and others do not . And so I want you to just sit and listen and understand much better those things that probably haven't been fully explained to you yet. And as you'll see, there's an important reason for this.

Numerology - the energy of numbers

Today I want to talk about Numerology. And I would like to start with this premise: I want to give you clear definitions. I want to talk to you about numbers. I want to tell you how they relate to the shift that is taking place: "what" it means, and what it may not mean...

Numerology by its very name is defined as “the energy of numbers.” It's simple: Numbers have energy!

However, if you say that to some people, they will look at you with bulging eyes and say: “Well, not in my perception: Numbers, they are numbers. They are needed only for counting and listing various things, that’s all. Thanks to them, you can do calculations, and that’s it.”

Numerology comes from ancient times, and right away I want to apologize to numerologists, because there are different types of numerology, but even the type that I am going to give you is extremely complex - and therefore I will give you only the very basics. And we will start with the oldest of those types of numerology that are studied on the planet to this day: and this is the Tibetan system.

But the subject of discussion itself still remains very controversial for some: “How can a “number” mean anything or carry any meaning? How can it be anything other than ink on paper or a spoken word?” And if you think about it, whenever you see a number, it usually means some component of communication, some part of the message: either as a counted quantity, or as some kind of indication of a serial number in a listing.

If you see something like "page number 30" then this is already some kind of message. Imagine a book without numbers on the pages[Kryon grin]. The pages would follow randomly, and you would be unable to return to a page you had read without some kind of specific pointer to it. That is why there are numbers on the pages of books. Doesn't this tell you that the page number is already some kind of message? The energy of the page number says: “This is the very page on which such and such things happen.” And not only that, it also informs us that there are previous and subsequent pages, on which other numbers are affixed... That is, the page number tells us a whole story, and in this story there is energy!

This is just a tiny example of how a number can carry a message, how a number can tell a story, and not just by simply being a number. This is the very basis of Numerology as such, that is, when numbers generally contain energies that can be identified, and to such an extent that they can be extracted from the number in a generalized form, and they can tell you a whole story. Just as in the example with page numbers in a book, there are meanings to numbers in general. And what I'm going to give you right now, and what I've never channeled like this before, is to define the most basic numbers and tell you what they mean. But before I do that, I will tell you that numerology exists in some systems that you would never even think have anything to do with numbers.

Have you ever communicated with people who can “read tea leaves”? [ Kryon's laughter] something like "fortune telling by coffee grounds" ] What are they “reading”? They read a certain pattern [ from tea leaves in a cup ], but more precisely, these are numbers... because at the same time, their location along the edges of the cup and their number are read, that is, you extract meaning based on numbers ! Or maybe you've heard about those people who tell fortunes by throwing stones? What are they “reading from the pebbles”? Let me tell you a secret: they count the number of sides, just like you do with dice, and they come up with a number that they interpret!

So, Numerology has many different faces. And we are going to describe such Numerology, which is the most ancient and simple. In its simplest form, these would be the numbers from "1" to "9". As I tell you about the meaning of the numbers "1" to "9" as seen by the Tibetans, I will also give additional information to everything that I will talk about, and in these additions there are some complexities , which we won’t talk about for now. And not only that... It seems that we are leaving aside the number “0” [Kryon grin]? There are meanings for the number "0" too, but they will have to come later, in a more complex system, so that you can understand what it is for in the first place.

Well, let's start describing the meanings of the numbers "1" to "9". And then let's look at the years in which you live; Let's take a look at the year you are in; Let's look at some of the names and titles that surround you... Let's see if there is a merger, a coincidence of ideas based on their similarity, based only on their numerical values.

Name energy

You can take and number the letters of the alphabet, regardless of what alphabet it is, because for the manifestation of numerology this is a very good “chance”, a successful “accident”... However, there is no such thing as “accident” when it comes to the souls of this planets, because with your free choice, dear ones, you can create whatever you want... But, if you look carefully at what “what” is already present here: in physics, in numbers, in color combinations, in sensations, in the Grids of the planet, and in Gaia itself, you will see that all this comes together for you. And therefore, numerical systems are present in everything!

So, if you take the alphabet and assign a number to each letter, and then take your name and add up the numerical values ​​of the letters of the name, you will get a certain resulting number. And this number is the energy that surrounds you. And you may say: “This is an accident!” But that's not true. Even what you were named is not an accident. We have already discussed potentials, and even today we have already talked about how, in fact, there is very little "randomness" in this if you are connected to what is the metaphysics of the planet. Let's look at this.

Energies of numbers

Number "1": These are New Beginnings . This is the beginning of something, this is a re-recording, reformatting, and that means: this is new. This is the first number and it's easy. Actually all the numbers are easy and you can remember them all. In fact, in the most important way it is easy... but then it becomes more difficult.

Number "2": This is Duality. It is also responsible for Free Choice. That is, when you find the number “2” around something, it tells you that decisions have to be made. Perhaps there will be duality there, making the puzzle more difficult. The number “2” is always filled with the free choice of a Person.

Number "3": This is the Catalyst . When you find the number “3” around something, then you know that this energy moves other things without changing itself, and therefore it is a catalyst. Around many healers, many Teachers, there are always “threes”. Some confuse this with spiritual Trinity or Triads, which are found in a number of spiritual systems. By the way, you also have this in your spiritual system, corresponding to your cultural tradition: You understand God as consisting of “three parts,” and this is a catalyst number, because these “three parts” then move other things. The healer, with the “troika” around him, will be the kind of person who himself does not change, but at the same time everyone who comes into contact with him in life changes. This is the number “3”.

Number "4": This is the Earth Number. It is community and it is Gaia and it is more than what you can define. But this is a "grounded number": You will find "4" in most of the farmers or people who live on the land! Isn't it interesting that "4" has even taken hold in social movements such as 4-H Clubs [“The 4-H Club” is a youth movement where teenagers learn a trade, produce food, make clothes, work on ranches, gardens, etc.], in which they work with animals on the ranch... You can find there are a lot of “fours” everywhere. This is the energy of "4".

Number "5": This is Change, and still “raw”, maturing. When you see a "5" around something, it means that the energy of the situation, or place, or year is undergoing a change. And now, there are already those - and only among those who are “with the number 5” (!) - who say: “I do not agree with anything that is said here. I could easily live without knowing about these things.” And you are right, because you have a free choice, and you could calmly “roll” through all this, not paying attention to it... and it would not affect you in any way, in fact... because you are a representative of exactly this number - this number of stubbornness! [ Kryon's laughter, laughter in the hall ].

You are something the number “5”, which “doesn’t care” about all other numbers. After all, this is the very freedom of choice that you have! You don't have to believe in these things... and they don't affect you in any way, really... because they "mean nothing" to you!... [ Kryon, on behalf of the “5”, confused:] “Kryon, are you saying that if I receive a change number for something, and it doesn’t affect me in any way, then I won’t change?” It's not so easy to explain, dear: If you don't believe it, and if you don't acknowledge it, then it can be said that it is not "your reality", your truth - and it does not affect you that much. degree, no: because you exist in almost a different paradigm in relation to yourself...

My partner was like that... until I met him. He didn't believe in these things, he didn't feel any of these things... and so numbers were "just numbers" to him. And so he was almost as we describe. BUT... if you understand these things and are part of this system, and, having free choice, you recognize it, - [Kryon, very confidentially, almost in a whisper:] then you can discover so many things: because then you are “on board” ”, and have sensitivity to what the metaphysics of the planet manifests itself in.

Number "6": quite a difficult number. This is a spiritual number, very high... but first of all it means Harmony. That is, the energy of “6” is the energy of harmony. As you can see, some of these numbers could be great pointers to, for example, “where you are now” or “where you are going next”, or even maybe... the numerology of the name of some project, so that it would be would be equal to “6”: and then there would be cooperation in it, and it would be harmonious.

And this brings us to something else: There are many titles and names that were dictated only by numerology! Some people even change their birth name... creating a new name that suits them numerologically better! And you might ask: [Kryon, conveying our incredulous surprise:] “Does it work this way?” Let me tell you something: If people call you by a new Name, that Name will set a new Energy because of the way they say it... and because you changed it because you had that Intention... And, yes, it works!

Number "7": It means - Spirituality . All things that are "sevens" can have a spiritual connotation, or a spiritual basis. These are good numbers for sacred places, for organizations, and for activities that actually talk about things that have spiritual meaning to you.

Number "8": This is Manifestation [of something in life] and Abundance. Everyone wants to have an “8”! And it is not at all necessary that this is necessarily connected with money!.. For you can, for example, manifest health! You can manifest life - long life! You can manifest a powerful immune system. You can have abundance in your body chemistry that will keep you from getting sick! So manifestation and Abundance have many meanings, but it is all about giving you the things you need and allowing you to create those things in abundance.

Number "9": "main number of the day". This is Complete. Completion can have many meanings. It could be “the end of something,” but at the same time complete: That is, “you did it!” At number “9” you are already a graduate, you have completed the entire course. And the day you graduate is a good day for a 9. It speaks of the end of something, and this may mainly be the end of paradigms, systems. This may also be the end of suffering. It may also be the end of a certain way of thinking. In society, this may be the end of some outdated path, the end of a project, the end of the former dominant. This is about those who are "9"s, and we have never defined them that way in our channelings.

(read also)​

About the difficulties...

And from this moment on, everything becomes more complicated... And we will not be able to move on until we tell you about these difficulties.

First. What happens when numbers are next to each other on the same page? One number influences another, depending on the energy of these numbers... Many numbers do not follow each other in the correct sequence: Let's say, for example, you come across the number 481, and in it the “8” (abundance) influences the “1” -tsu (new beginning), and it depends on how long she has been there...[Kryon smile]. You could even say: “This is Quantum Numerology: after all, surrounding numbers influence those next to them...” But we will not talk about that today...

Second. Every number - are you ready? - has its own astrological attribute and all planets are involved in Numerology! And it changes depending on the situation, just like in Astrology: it changes from minute to minute... So if you really want to see the complexity of this, then you will see systems that not only determine the numerical value of the energy of "something" , but then they go further and see the astrological attributes of this “something”, and can then redefine them and use them, doing this in a very, very specific way...

These are just two areas that we won't talk about. I want to keep my explanation simple because I want to show you “where you are” at this moment.

Numerology Supplement

Let's start with precession alignment... There are numbers involved in this too. The way Numerology works is that no matter how long a number is, it is still reduced to a single digit by addition. Moreover, there is only one exception to this simplest numerology - as an axiom. So first of all, no matter how long a number is, you only get one digit, and that is the energy that you interpret... except when you get two identical digits next to each other: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55... and so on until 99.

This number is called the master number. The master number has its own meaning and has its own energy.

Example of master numbers:
Number "11" - Enlightenment.
Number "22" - Strengthened duality.
Number "33" - Highest Compassion.

For those of you who have often seen 11:11 on the clock for many years, this was for you a prediction of the coming Enlightenment. Moreover, this is twice Enlightenment: Enlightenment → 11:11 - that’s what it meant. There is no need to add 1+1 to get 2 because “11” is the master number and by the way, you see it twice for reinforcement. For many years it has been predicting to you, dear ones, the “11:11” Shift to Enlightenment that is now before you: “The Light will win!” Now you can understand why 11:11 was appearing on the clock so long before the Shift, and not necessarily that it will appear after this. Many of you do not see 11:11 today, and if you do see it, it is only to remind you that you are in this Shift. This was predicted...

The strangest thing about master numbers is that they are only defined up to "33". Isn't it a coincidence that this number corresponds to the current activity level of your DNA?!

The number “44” is still unknown. The numbers “55” and beyond... will still be unclear . What did the Tibetans say about this? They talked about what when your DNA (they did not know the word DNA, they used the word Consciousness) reaches a certain point in understanding, then only after that can master numbers above “33” be determined. In other words, these master numbers contain concepts far beyond your current understanding, and it's not about science! This is a compassionate action... This is behavior that you have not yet seen... This is mastery, and such Mastery that you do not yet have... - [ Kryon, whisper :] and therefore they are NOT defined...

The number "33" is defined as the Master's Compassion! The highest Compassion that you know from humanity is “33”!

What did you think when 33 miners in Chile rose from the ground after the accident? Do you know that those who reported this said that “33” was found there “quite often”? This is not only: how many miners there were; how many days did they wait for salvation; this is the number of drilling scenarios to pull them out; and so on, and so on... The number “33” was everywhere and in everything! And those who study numerology understood well what would happen there: That they would all be able to come to the surface, in full force, alive and well, safe and sound... And that then there would be celebrations, and joy, and tears... For there was present - the Master's Compassion! Even before the drilling work to get them out began - you could already see what it was going to be. You might already feel in advance: “They will definitely be found. Everything will be fine!" And so it happened. Do you see how accurately Numerology can indicate the energy of what will happen?

Numerical meanings of precession alignment

Precessional alignment is a 26,000-year cycle of the Earth's wobble. And this is the number "8" because the Earth wobble is not what we had in mind when we talked about what happens after the transition of the center point on December 21st, 2012.

This is a story about manifestation and abundance. The abundance that manifests in this 26,000 year cycle is the Earth moving towards graduate status, towards Mastery, towards DNA beginning to function at a higher level! You have already headed there, you have crossed this point, and it has manifested itself! That's why it is exactly 26,000 years.

Have you ever put all these numbers together and analyzed them? There is nothing accidental here. The alignment of precession itself takes 36 years, and during this time the alignment of the Earth's axis as it passes through the Milky Way occurs. And 36 years is “9”! Expect “nines,” for the precessional alignment screams, “9! 9! 9! 9! This is the end of everything old, and the beginning of something new!” And the first 18 years within this 36-year window are “9”, and the next 18 years are also “9”. "Nine" is the queen when it comes to the Shift! And she says again and again: “The old goes away.”

All the numerical values ​​that you thought you could have as a human - all of it will change, and it will be much more than you thought it could even be. The Love of God will one day flow into your Consciousness. Children will be born and immediately know “who they are.” Consciousness on the planet will rise above “44”, and even above “55”. And with these values, you will, in fact, have the attributes of Mastery. You may even become Masters of Time, and perhaps of Life itself. Physics will become something you can manipulate. Dear ones, this is it - Supreme Consciousness , and you saw it in the Masters. This will take a lot of time.

About your space ancestors

Those who planted your seed went through exactly the same things. They had no precession, their planet did not oscillate. They followed a completely different scenario. But their script also came from the stars, from their Suns that were next to them: Their suns “lined up” together in a certain way... and when they did this (only, they did this for thousands of years), then something happened, and they made a Shift exactly the same as yours. Their Consciousness began to undergo a shift and changed...

Their story was worse than yours, and we have already told about it. You believe that you have had a genocide beyond all limits: with all the wars that you have had, and with the grief that you have experienced. They had - Complete Genocide! And yet they fully recovered from it. Those who planted your seed, dear ones, have been through much more than you. How long did it take them to do this, from "their precession", from their Shift, until they planted your seed? I don’t even have any desire to tell you this time, because... you will be depressed... [laughter in the audience ] just from the very thought: that you will have to walk sooooo long to get there!

Dear ones, I want you to change your attitude towards time. You measure time by how long you live. This is how you measure it! You look at your lifespan, and this has the corresponding energy of the number of years you have lived... What if I told you that this is inaccurate? Because you are eternal! You have always been here: incarnation after incarnation after incarnation... And you begin to awaken to the memories of the lives you spent here...

When you come back next time (and you keep coming back, do you hear?), you will awaken with the knowledge that will not allow you to make the mistakes that you have already made in the past. And this is an old soul that is moving towards a different energy than the past. This will be the first time you have awakened into the “post-Shift” energy...the first time! And it will be very different from what it was the last time you awakened... In other words, this time you were born in one birth energy, and starting next time you will be born in a completely different energy. You will immediately become a knower, old soul! You will have the wisdom not to repeat past mistakes this time. People will see that difference in you.

Children are starting to change now, and they are going to change so much and so quickly that you will say, “The day will come when they will all be child prodigies compared to today.” It's just growing up. Instead of continuing to play on the playground, you are now in a different state: when you already “see” each other and enjoy each other. What happens when you grow up? This is exactly what happens... when you grow up from 8 years old to 18 years old: you start living in society, and you become completely different...

This is exactly what happens to all of humanity: You no longer want to go to war, and you no longer want to kill other human beings - because you already “know them”: they are no longer a mystery to you... they are no longer those who who you want to end things with to solve your problems. And someday you will look back, look at these things, and say: “That was barbarism in the highest degree!..” And you will never again be so far from consciousness as to believe that you can end someone's life. This is what you will become!

“9” - completion of the cycle “from leveling to leveling”

The number "9" represents a complete cycle of 26,000 years of vibration, culminating in the "nines" you are seeing now. This is the end of civilization in its former form. Everything that ever happened to you, Human Being, happened over the last 26,000 years, because the entire existence of humanity took place only in the energy of this cycle. And so, a new cycle began. Understand, the oscillation itself continues, except that the current cycle is different from the previous one - it is marked with a different number, a different numerical value.

A cycle of many years at once will create the fact that both “9” and “1” will appear together, but right now we are talking about “9”. This also represents amazing change, because whenever you complete something, and change the paradigm, and move towards something else, you will find some of the emanation of the “5”, which may not yet be very noticeable, but you will see it in Astrology. Because it's all about numbers!..

You just went through an election. And whoever is chosen will be the 45th president. “Coincidence” again! Another “9”! Do you already see the whole picture? It's a forced change, as you might say, but it's extremely reassuring that things will be very different than before. I want you to take and analyze the First and Last Name of the elected president... And I want you to do this numerologically, based on the English alphabet, in direct order (letter 'a' - "1", and so on...). When you do this, you will discover what his energy is. And what do you think it will be? This is “8” - Abundance! [Kryon laugh]. What a coincidence: the energy of a name given to a person “by chance” suddenly perfectly matches this individuality!

This is the beauty in Numerology! "Who are you", [ count your number ] right now so you can look at it later and get some meaning? And I end with this:

Everything that is happening right now, numerologically, has come to fruition and is creating a picture of a “New Beginning.”

Altar of Joy

Right now you may be at a dead end and see no way out. And I am going to give you one piece of advice: In a few days you will find yourself in the “1” energy that screams “New Beginnings” to you! Even if you are beyond joy, even if you cannot find the joy factor within yourself, I want so that you build an Altar of Joy - physically or mentally - and I want you to come to this Altar and thank the Spirit for what will happen... and for what is already happening in your Heart, in your thoughts, and in your life in general. And if you do this, then you will send a “magical” signal that cooperates with the planet, with the Field, with the numerology of 2017. And they will all “see” your intention, and...

This is the whole beauty of Physics, which knows, “ Who are you" This is the whole beauty of the Creator, who created Physics, which knows who you are. Do you see how these things are interconnected? I hope you understand this? - Everything is interconnected with everything. Watch for synchronicity as you begin to do this. If you are stuck in the past, dear ones, NOTHING will change!.. Do you hear? If you wallow in outdated things, nothing else will happen, and you will only continue to move in the same direction, remaining with the same problems.

This Altar, this is the Altar of Joy, this is your inner child who awakens happy, and this is purity and innocence to what is around him, and can even bring him harm. But this is NOT innocence at all, in your case: This is wisdom that protects and guides him. This inner child can actually change your chemistry... and can create wonderful things for you: a longer life... and an end to fear... and the end of fear...

Can you believe this for yourself, the listener or the reader? Can you believe this for yourself? I want you to build this Altar: Do it right from the first of January. If you cannot do it on the physical plane because there is someone next to you who does not allow you to do it, then it does not matter - do it mentally, mentally:

...Place the candles wherever you want. Light them one at a time, and as you light them, one after another, you will gain something special, but mainly, it is the Joy of compassionate action on this planet: when you see God's work... you see YOUR work!...

And things will change, thanks to numerology and those emerging energies that correspond to numerological ones: And the Field... and all this together... is now beginning to gather into the big “six”! Do you remember what “6” means? Tell me: what does “6” show?... Harmony! The Big Six are already on their way here. And this is YOU in harmony with the planet.

You will see new numbers on your watch that will have some meaning for you, but they will no longer be global in nature, they will be intended only for you. You will begin to see more and more numbers that are meant only for you, and someone else will have completely different numbers... Numerology begins to become even more advanced, more intuitive: It will tell you stories, display pictures of what is happening - because it manifests the energy of the planet.

This is “who you are”... Oh, dear ones, do not belittle the significance of this channeling: Because you are moving towards a “New Beginning” at once from many “nines” completing the “Old Path”... See it as a kind of trash can, maybe or even a trash can that you no longer have anything in common with... See that there is a "Brand New Way". The canvas is blank and it is up to you to build an Altar and celebrate the Joy that comes! Could anything be clearer?

As often happens, when these kinds of channelings are heard or read by those who do not have sufficient understanding, they will laugh at the whole thing. And those who do this are not subject to our condemnation, because they also have God inside... There are different "levels of awakening""... Old souls, you have been here so long and you know how things work and you are the ones we tell it to. A those who do not see this, their time will come; and maybe those on the planet who are not yet interested in these new things - they are simply not ready yet. When children go to school, and you are already in the last grade of school, and there are, perhaps, those who are just starting to study, and they don’t know anything yet... And you already know so much! There is no difference for us: there is no condemnation for those who may go away and laugh and mock you... Because your intuition and your wisdom tell you: “ This is real... All this is real!

And there will be those who say: “I want to be part of this!” And when you say so, then you acknowledge it, and become part of it!

Welcome to the New Planet Earth, where there are these energies that promote harmony in your life... and this is now!

And so it is.


Translation: Iureli,



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    Numerologist: “There is a whole staff of Kremlin astrologers, magicians, psychics”

    • 15:26, March 14, 2014
    • Comments

    Experts in such occult science as the magic of numbers believe that the whole world and its laws can be expressed by numbers, their combinations, as well as various actions with their participation. If you dig deeper, it turns out that numbers can give people strength and power, predict their future, give them good luck, and also influence the events that happen to them.

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All phenomena of the Universe are interconnected by onea general plan or design is one of the fundamental statements of magic. And the confidence that this plan is numerical is the basis of numerology.

Numerology is based on the idea of ​​vibration, expressed in a symbolic form - a number. Any number carries a charge of certain characteristics, which are made up of the properties of certain frequencies. Numbers are like the notes of a musical series. In ancient China, for example, music was considered a mysterious gift received by humanity from the ancestral gods. She carried the full depth of divine knowledge, clothed in numerical relationships. With the help of music it was possible to harmonize, or, on the contrary, to bring the world around us into a state of chaos.

Early Greek philosophers were also preoccupied with the search for some principle that would order the Universe. The discovery of musical intervals led them to believe that this principle might be mathematical. If the relationship of notes in a musical scale can be expressed in numerical terms, then the unusual and seemingly disparate phenomena of the Universe could also be reduced to them. “Everything that is systematically created by nature in the Universe, both in its parts and as a whole, is determined and ordered in accordance with number according to the plan of the creator of all things; for the plan was reflected in a preliminary scheme under the influence of the number conceived by God the creator, a number still speculative and immaterial, but at the same time reflecting the essence and meaning. In accordance with it, with this artistic plan, everything had to be created - things, time, movement, heavens, stars and all types of transformations" (Nicomachus, 1st century. AD).

The founder of the mysticism of numbers is considered to be Pythagoras (550 BC), who considered numbers to be symbols of world principles, and the science of numbers to be the fundamental basis of all occult teachings. It was he who formulated that when adding any number from the series 1, 2...9, you can get a single-digit number. Aristotle, however, took a different point of view, considering number as an independent reality. Cornelius Agrippa subsequently deciphered the meanings of the numbers in Occult Philosophy, assigning them magical meaning.

The theory of vibrations of the Universe became of interest to humanity for the second time in the 19th century, as a result of discoveries in the field of the nature of light, electricity and magnetism. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was proven that electrical and magnetic impulses are also transmitted by waves, and the molecules of all substances are in constant motion. Based on the idea that everything in the world is permeated with vibrations, we can say that different things have different frequencies of vibration, and the essence of each thing is determined by the frequency of vibration, just as the colors visible to our eyes are determined by light waves of different lengths. Some numbers have stronger vibrations, others weaker.

It is believed that odd numbers are stronger and belong to the masculine principle, while feminine numbers - even numbers - are less strong. If an even number is split in half, then except for emptiness, there will be nothing left in the middle (XX XX). It is not so easy to break an odd number, because there is a dot in the middle (XX X XX). If you add an odd number to an even number, you always get an odd number, which shows that masculine, odd numbers are dominant. That is why odd numbers have masculine properties, dynamics, and even numbers have feminine properties, passive and receptive.

Everything in the universe can be thought of as a mathematically expressed structure that has a digital code, and the numbers from 1 to 9 as a kind of matrix from which all other numbers arise. The first four integers add up to 10 (1+2+3+4=10). According to Pythagorean theory, the first ten numbers are the main ones. For further calculations, the same basic numbers are used. (This was obvious to primitive peoples who counted on their fingers.) The fact that 10 is obtained by adding 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 leads to the conclusion that these four numbers are the basis of all others and, therefore, underlie the organization of the Universe .

This is also confirmed by the fact that all material objects are determined by the same four numbers: 1 means a point that theoretically has no parameters; 2 - a straight line (connecting two points), which has length but no width; 3 - a triangle (connecting three points), which has both length and width, but does not have thickness. When a fourth point is added above the triangle and all four points are connected, the simplest three-dimensional figure is obtained - a tetrahedron.

Eliphas Levi, like the Pythagoreans, in his “Doctrine and Ritual” says that the first four digits are “the source of all numerical combinations and the basis of everything that exists.” 1, 2, 3, and 4 underlie the numerical pattern of the Universe, being the "eternal source of Nature" - an epithet applied by the Pythagoreans to the figure they revered and worshiped, calling him Tetractys. She looked like this:


Tetractys is the simplest illustration of the fact that 1+2+3+4=10. This is an example of a primitive way of representing numbers with pebbles or dots, like on dice. This method is used in both ancient and modern numerology.

The modern number system used throughout the world was most likely developed in India, but since Europe learned it from the Arabs, hence its name - Arabic.

Before that time, Egyptian, Greek and other cultures had their own numbers, similar to those used by the Romans.

There are many numerological schools and systems, as well as options for understanding and interpreting the meanings and essence of numbers. There is Kabbalistic numerology, Chaldean, Western (Pythagorean), Vedic, Chinese... These systems view the number series in different ways. Some consider the number series from 1 to 9, others - from 0 to 9 or from 1 to 10 or 11, and the number 22 is also introduced. Each of these versions is one of many points of view on the same idea, and each is correct, since it reflects exactly one of the aspects from a certain angle.

There is a rule in magic: if something does not fit into the system of worldview, do not rush to throw away this “something”. None of us knows the world in its entirety, and the more you understand the world, the more questions there are. There is a plurality of points of view. The way you look at something can be different because the viewing angle is different. And this “something” is one and the same.

In modern numerology, used in the Western world, the Pythagorean school and the heritage of Kabbalah, recorded in the Tarot, are intertwined (each Arcana corresponds to a Hebrew letter, which has a numerical expression and gives the Arcana certain characteristics). By the way, for those who have not studied Kabbalah, there are 10 sephira (spheres) of the world tree, and they correspond to the manifestations of the One descending into our world. Each sephira has its own number and certain characteristics. The will of the One is manifested most strongly and holistically in sephira 1 and least clearly in 10, which is the end of the cycle and the transition to a new round (sephira 10 is sephira 1 of the next world).

Now let’s write down the history of the Universe in numerical order, because it is built on the principle of strict harmony, subject to mathematical laws. However, it is worth mentioning here that the numerical scheme can be used for almost any situation, and it can describe anything. You can only consider the creation of the world, you can consider man, you can consider the origin, implementation and development of any idea.

0. Zero is a vicious circle, the infinite, the beginning and the end, a symbol of the absolute. In the beginning there was Chaos, emptiness. There was nothing outside or outside. Everything was like zero, which exists, but which also does not exist, because in itself it is nothing, emptiness, and its properties appear only upon the transition to a qualitatively new level.

1. But then the will of the incomprehensible Creator appeared, who realized himself, becoming a unit - a point spreading outward... the Big Bang. In non-existence, existence arose. The Creator's thought became a seed. But how can a seed grow if there is nowhere for it to fall? There is nothing that can take it.

2. And following the initial impulse, the awakening of the Creator, there is a division into two polarities that complement each other. The masculine met the feminine. The seed fell on the ground. Indivisible particles arise.

3. And when the seed falls to the ground, it sprouts. Particles connect. And that number is three. When the male and female principles come into contact, they create life. Polarities unite and become whole. This means the birth of a new one. Now there is birth, life and death in the world. Obeying an unknown force, the gas collects in the nebula.

4. And all this becomes obvious, material. The world becomes denser, appearing in the number four. The harmony of the three is destroyed, but the four is a transition to a new dimension. The idea takes shape. Nebulae condense into stars, stars form galaxies. The firmament appears.

5. Five is an attempt to go beyond the material sphere. This gives instability, dynamics, constant search, renewal and experimentation. The Creator creates living beings that inhabit the Firmament. “Unsuccessful” models are destroyed and new ones are constructed. These are legends about different races of people who preceded modern humanity.

6. But any plan ultimately comes true. The principle of completion (sixth day of creation). In the upper and lower worlds, antipodes connect, human flesh is endowed with Spirit, Soul. The divine touches the earthly.

7. The unity of Earth and Sky arises, uniting the heavenly triad and the earthly four. The spiritual, the divine pierces creation and descends into the world. Matter is spiritualized. A person realizes himself in the center of the Universe: above him there is up, down, and four cardinal directions.

8. The world becomes dual and at the same time infinite, forming a lemniscate. The spiritual and physical are already shared by people, although these concepts are indivisible. One stems from the other, but often people develop one side to the detriment of the other. An imbalance gives rise to the law of cause and effect, and the concept of karma arises. This is the test that humanity is being subjected to.

9. The inner world of a person connects with the outer world. The Creator manifests itself as fully as possible in the material world, containing the entire cycle of existence. A symbol of the transition to a new stage of development.

And just as Brahma created, each new turn, when the addition of zero marks the beginning of a new numerical order (1, 10, 100...), moves further and further away from the original plan. The first ten, or rather the numbers from 0 to 9, most clearly convey the semantic meaning of the numbers, their essence. With each new revolution, numbers acquire new meanings, definitions, and move further and further away from the Instant of Creation.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Numerology is the science of numbers. Everything that exists in nature can be represented in the form of numbers. Each number carries a certain energy, vibration. The basic principles of numerology were developed by the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who combined the mathematical systems of the Arabs, Druids, Phoenicians and Egyptians with the sciences of human nature.

“Everything in nature is measured, everything is subject to number, and in number is the essence of all things. To know the world, its structure, its pattern - this means to know the numbers that control it. One can see the nature and power of number in all human activities, in all arts, crafts, music. Not matter, but number is the beginning and basis of things.”

Pythagoras believed that some numbers bring goodness, joy and prosperity, while others bring evil, grief and decline.

Numerology is used as a method of understanding the deep nature of a person - his talents, life goals, character traits, capabilities, weaknesses, etc. With the help of numerology, you can choose a partner, profession, harmonize business, friendship and marriage, calculate fateful years, choose the optimal house number, apartment, telephone. Determine how documents (birth certificate, passport, certificate, diploma, marriage and divorce certificate, contracts and agreements, international passport, driver's license, certificate of ownership of real estate, etc.) affect your life. Choose the best suitable car.

Numerology: question - answer


Good afternoon, Oleg Petrovich and Valentina Vladimirovna!

The other day, one tarot reader told me that if a person’s date of birth contains numbers 0, 6, 8, 13 (and even 27?)– then these negative numbers must be reprimanded and there are special rituals for this.

Please, could you tell me on this issue how much I can trust such information?

My whole family has one of these numbers in their date of birth, and my daughter’s birth year is 1996 - is it considered that the 9 is reversed and that’s three 6s?

I have great respect for your opinion and would not like to take any action until I am convinced of the accuracy of such information.

Best regards, Alena.


We carried out energy information diagnostics of numbers. We hope this information will help you.

0 - devastation, deprivation, emptiness. I don't even have the strength to be depressed. All a person’s energy is concentrated on his periphery. In the center of a person from the 6th to the 1st energy center there is a complete subsidence of all processes.

In its pure form, 0 is extremely rare. Most often, next to zero there is another number from 1 to 9. And in this case, 0 is sharply, radically transformed.

6 – emits a brown color. The legs become heavy, weak, the blood circulation in them slows down, and gradually the same sensations appear in the arms. Then the sensations spread to the whole body. Stiffness appears, both physical and energetic. There is a constant presence of subconscious fear, fear for one’s life. Energy blockage and heaviness appear in the area of ​​the pancreas, tailbone and legs (especially below the knee).

Very strange, unlike living energy. With a longer influence of this number on a person, he becomes dissatisfied with himself, his life, his actions, his thoughts.

The number 6 gives strong conservatism, which comes from fear.

The date of birth must still be considered as a number series. It is important what numbers are in the date of birth and in what sequence they are located.

Therefore, there is no point in looking at the number 6 in your date of birth and getting upset.

8 - this is the number of success, here and now everything is good, great. This is infinity of luck this is joy, this is great energy in achieving your goal.

Under the influence of the energy of this number, energy is concentrated, it accumulates, the mood rises, all the strength of a person is gathered into a single impulse.

But this state cannot last forever, since this state requires enormous energy from a person to realize his desires.

The number 8 helps a person get through some issue; it is needed for war. Because, being under the influence of 8, a person lives at increased speed, he uses all his hidden and obvious capabilities.

If a person uses 8 for the black path, then he will sharply worsen his fate and karma.

13 – spins a person’s energy counterclockwise. Moreover, the energy flows in a spiral from bottom to top. Gives a person ease of mind, ease of action, passion, honesty, and belligerence. This is the energy of a smart, light, fast warrior.

Overall the number is positive, positive. But for short-term use. Because this energy is stable in its instability. A person still needs stability in his life.

On a wedding date, the number 13 can be a very lucky number. Provided that the spouses respect each other and they have a common cause (business). In this case, this married couple has a great future. They will always have fun and interest with each other, they will be easy-going and will live on an optimistic note.

27 – a strange energy, like a heel nailed from above. And the cap sticks out 3-4 cm. Although initially there is optimism, this optimism is nailed down tightly so that it does not move anywhere, does not run away. The head is happy, but the legs are heavy and weak. And you laugh at the fact that you can’t do anything.

1996 – no numbers in this date are reversed. As they are, so they are. Nines do not turn into sixes.

But this number 1996 blocks the 4th energy center. It compresses, which impairs the functioning of the heart and lungs, and reduces immunity. But you still need to look at the entire number series.

We think that in any case it is necessary to consider a specific person, a specific date of birth, in order to provide certain, accurate information on issues of interest.

And so, that there is a certain number in the date of birth and it must be prayed for with special prayers - this is pure fiction, easy bread for enterprising occultists.

You need to work with a person’s specific problems, and not with the numbers in his date of birth.

You can read the full course on numerology in the materials of our esoteric club.

We think that in the example: house 5, building 3, it should be counted as 8. In this case, the numbers 5 and 3 will still vibrate separately and also have an influence. Using the observation method, you can analyze which number has the most influence. This may be different for different people.


Is the car brand code somehow related to the name code or owner's identity code? Should these codes be the same?


The car brand code is not as important as the energy that the car brand emits. It is the energy of the brand. And the brand model. For example, BMW X5 or BMW X1 - the energy is slightly different, although the brand is the same.

We provided the numerology (brand code) of the car in the club materials for general education and observation.

The car brand code itself can have some influence on a person if he comes into contact with the car every day.

If a person rarely comes into contact with a car, then the car brand code has almost no effect.

But in any case, the energy of the brand and car model influences. You can read the energy diagnostics of some car brands in the section "Car diagnostics".

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid


“I really like your diagnosis of numbers, everything is so true, there were moments when I was surrounded by some combinations of numbers, and all the events happened exactly as you described them, it’s simply amazing.

Your numerology is the best I have ever seen., I have studied all types of numerology from Pythagoras to Chinese, but not one of them reveals the true meaning of numbers as much as you do.

Once again I say thank you very much for your help, you are an amazing couple, there are very few such nice people in the world who sincerely want to help people, I wish you only all the best in life.

I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday, I wish you at least a little rest from work. Sincerely, Vyacheslav."

“After a complete collapse in business (at that moment in my life everything collapsed), one friend told me that he one witch said that in order for your business to go uphill, you must surround yourself with numbers (...) and (...).

And I decided to check.

What happened next, I was even amazed myself. I bought myself a phone number that had both a number (...) and a number (...). In the most unexpected way, I received a very lucrative offer on this number, I started a new business from scratch - and exactly 2 months later I was already doing even better than before the collapse.

...This was my first attempt to analyze the number (...) in my life, which was not successful and brought several deaths of people I really needed. At that time, I really didn’t like these stories, and I decided to change my phone and car numbers.

After some time, in order to boost the business and increase income, I again took these numbers. But again the situation is repeated, the death of a much-needed companion.

As a result, I decided to put an end to checking these witchcraft numbers, they lifted it up very easily, but they also brought it down just as easily. I had to start everything from a new leaf.

With very great respect to you. Alexei".

In our esoteric Club you can read:

Our new book "The Energy of the Name"

At the time of writing and publishing each of our articles, there is nothing like this freely available on the Internet. Any of our information products is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and publication of them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials from the site, a link to the authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid – required.

Numerology. Secrets of magic numbers


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Man has always wanted to lift the veil of secrecy over the past and future, learn to control his destiny and choose the right options for solving certain problems. Someone is trying to do this through various fortune telling. Someone is looking for answers to their questions in the revelations of psychics. And someone turns to representatives of the numerologist profession for help.

Man has always wanted to lift the veil of secrecy over the past and future, learn to control his destiny and choose the right options for solving certain problems. Someone is trying to do this through various fortune telling. Someone is looking for answers to their questions in the revelations of psychics. And someone turns to representatives for help numerologist profession.

Let’s say right away that if sober-minded people raise a certain amount of doubt about fortune telling and extrasensory perception, then numerology seems to be a completely serious science that allows one to “calculate” the future quite accurately. In many ways, this attitude towards numerology was formed due to the fact that mathematics, which underlies the “science of numbers,” is an exact science, and its founder is considered to be the famous Pythagoras. In other words, numerologists do not guess on coffee grounds, but help people build their lives based on mathematical calculations.

Who is a numerologist?

- a specialist who studies the influence of numerical vibrations on human life and uses a system, tradition and belief about esoteric connections between numbers and events occurring around us, living beings or physical objects in order to predict the fate of a particular person.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin numerus (number) and the ancient Greek logos (teaching). That is, representatives of this profession study numbers and their influence on a person’s life and destiny. It is not known for certain when exactly numerology originated, since for a long time the study of numbers was not perceived as an independent science. Pythagoras was the first to combine the mathematical systems of different nations with the sciences of human nature in the 6th century BC, who developed the basic principles of the modern version of Western numerology.

Several numerological systems have reached our times, which have some differences, but in general have a common concept: Pythagorean, Kabbalistic, Chaldean and Chinese. Responsibilities of a numerologist include conducting a numerological analysis of available information (this could be the date of birth, the person’s name, the date of an event, address, etc.) and, based on the data obtained, providing information regarding a particular event. In particular, numerologists can determine:

  • compatibility of man/woman or business partners;
  • the best date for holding a particular event;
  • the most appropriate name of the company and the time of its registration;
  • possible results of decisions made;
  • individual life cycles (for example, the best time to get married, make a deal, travel, etc.);
  • the most suitable name for the child;
  • the most favorable place to live (immigrate);
  • abilities, talents, qualities and opportunities for career growth;
  • health status for early disease prevention;
  • favorable, unfavorable and neutral periods of life.

What personal qualities should a numerologist have?

Numerologist's work represents not only mathematical and logical analysis, but also constant communication with a huge number of people. Therefore, it is not surprising that this specialist should be distinguished not only by his love of mathematics and logical thinking, but also by his communication skills. In addition, the following personal qualities will help a specialist become a good numerologist:

Since a numerologist has a direct impact on people’s lives with his predictions, a true professional must be able to correctly “present” his predictions, for which he will definitely need knowledge of the basics of psychology. In addition, a true professional not only has a thorough command of “his” numerological system, but also has at least a general understanding of others.

Advantages of being a numerologist

It just so happens that in Russia it is mainly the “powers of this world” who turn to the services of numerologists. And this can be called the main advantage of being a numerologist, since communication with famous and influential people:

firstly, it allows you to acquire “useful” contacts that can be used both in your professional career (as advertising) and in your personal life;

secondly, it guarantees a quite decent level of income (on average, one consultation with a numerologist, lasting 2-3 hours, in Russia costs about 6-10 thousand rubles).

An undoubted advantage of this profession can also be considered the fact that a specialist can conduct his consultations either during a direct meeting with a client or through the use of modern means of communication. For example, today the use of Skype and feedback forms on numerologists’ websites is quite popular.

Disadvantages of being a numerologist

Of course, by advising people to build their lives in one way or another, numerologists take not only payment for their services, but also responsibility for the correctness of their predictions. And this is the biggest disadvantage of being a numerologist. After all, if a specialist makes even one mistake in his calculations, not only his reputation may suffer (which is unpleasant, but not fatal), but also a person’s life. And although numerologists do not bear criminal responsibility for an incorrectly drawn up forecast, at least they are provided with moral discomfort.

Another disadvantage of this profession can be considered the difficulty in developing a client base. Due to the fact that numerology today is becoming not just popular, but fashionable, a huge number of people have appeared who position themselves as experienced numerologists. Unfortunately, there are not so many truly experienced ones among them, and offers of their services are very difficult to find among the huge number of similar offers from pseudo-specialists. In other words, the competition among numerologists (or those who consider themselves such) is so great that it is almost impossible for a young specialist to quickly achieve professional success.

Where can you become a numerologist?

In order to become a numerologist no need to study at a university, technical school or college. Objectively speaking, specialists in this field can do without any education (even secondary education). Moreover, to master this profession you do not need to complete special courses. If desired, any person can study this or that numerological system independently at home. And all because those who believe in the magic of numbers, for the most part, care not so much about a diploma as about the reputation of a specialist.

But still, if you consider numerology as your main profession, and plan to achieve serious professional success, it is recommended not to limit yourself to self-study. It is advisable to undergo training at one of the schools of numerology, where experienced specialists will not only share professional secrets, but also give practical advice on finding your first clients and building your own business. For example, it could be one of the following schools of numerology:

  • Ruzov School of Astrology, Numerology and Palmistry (Krasnoyarsk);
  • School of Palmistry and Numerology by Anatoly Shmulsky (Moscow);
  • School of Numerology of the Development Center "Tree of Life" (Novgorod);
  • Tarot School "Golden Charm" (Moscow);
  • Center for Cosmoenergy Alpha and Omega (Rostov-on-Don).