Joker jared leto criticism by fans. Jared Leto on Suicide Squad: "Being around psychopaths was good for me"

0 July 31, 2016, 5:40 pm

Jared Leto and Heath Ledger

Jared Leto - frontman of the cult alternative rock band Thirty Seconds to Mars and the Oscar winner are again in the spotlight: on the agenda is the premiere of the film (Suicide Squad), where he got the role of the Joker. The actor shared his thoughts about her and many other things in an interview on the occasion:

About the Joker's personality:

If the Joker gave you an interview, he would simply castrate you. Just for fun. And then in the best scenario.

From Heath Ledger as the Joker:

Hit created a flawless, organic and absolutely perfect image. His Joker is the best thing I've ever seen on screen. I knew Heath. We didn't communicate closely, but he was a wonderful person.

About veganism:

In fact, I'm a fake vegan: I don't actually eat meat, but if my friend's mom baked cookies and offered them to me, I wouldn't refuse. Or if I was starving in Alaska and there was salmon in the river, I think I would catch it and eat it.

About lying when asked by journalists about his childhood:

I wrote so much about my childhood that I myself became confused about where the truth and where the lies were in my stories. I remember how in one of his interviews River Phoenix admitted that he tries to lie as much as possible, and I still practice the same approach. About your favorite sport during your school years:

I had no time for sports, I was too busy with drugs. You could say this was my favorite sport.

About drugs:

I tried many, many drugs. Both light and heavy - those that over time turn life into hell. But at some point you have to answer the question of what your life will be like. I answered this question for myself and made a choice in favor of other things.

About yours children's performance about the stars:

I was sure that being a famous musician or actor was the same as being a member royal family. Famous people are born, not made. Either it's just luck, or a genius talent.

About plans to get married and start a family:
Never say never". Who knows, maybe one day at my show someone will shout out to me from the audience: “Hi, dad!” Well, that would be impressive.

About women:

The older I get and the richer my experience in communicating with women, the more convinced I become that I know nothing about them. Over the years, I perceive, first of all, a person, a personality.


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The choice of award-winning actor Jared Leto to play the Joker in the upcoming film Suicide Squad came as a surprise to many. However, given his transformation in the film Dallas Buyers Club, it is difficult to criticize him.

From the moment fate decided to make Leto the new Joker, the actor threw himself into the role, but in an even more intense and slightly shocking way than expected.

Like Heath Ledger, Jared allowed himself to become the Joker, going through many bizarre rituals before filming began.
All of this points to the actor and "Thirty Seconds to Mars" frontman delivering the definitive Joker look, regardless of some controversial cosmetic changes.

But there are also some strange, disturbing and intriguing facts about Jared Leto since Suicide Squad began filming.


He doesn't go out of character

According to many of the actors who star with Jared in “Suicide Squad,” he never left his role the entire time. This is normal practice for some actors, but not if it is completely insane and evil character like the Joker.

Jai Courtney (Captain Boomerang) confirmed in a recent interview that once filming began, he never saw Leto outside of his character. This means he gives his all to transform into the iconic Batman villain.

It's not much different from what Heath Ledger did for The Dark Knight, when he locked himself in a hotel room and started journaling about what dastardly things he could come up with for the Joker. Summer, however, spends time between filming with friends and touring with his band, so he hasn't immersed himself in the role as much.

However, the fact that he doesn't step out of character film set still shows quite extreme levels of devotion...


He scared Scott Eastwood

Son, Scott Eastwood seems like a pretty tough guy. He just recently started his film career, and “Suicide Squad” could help him in his endeavors (or his last name).
The actor admitted that he was “scared” to approach Jared Leto on set because he stays in character and worries about what will happen if he talks to him.
If someone like Scott Eastwood gets nervous while filming a movie, being around the prince of crime, you can imagine how intimidating he would look on the big screen.


He's going to kill the child

One of the more twisted and interesting rumors surrounding the Joker is the fact that this version will have a very history with Batman like a story in comics.
Specifically, this is in relation to Jason Todd, who he fought his way towards with a crowbar, and then left him for dead in a warehouse explosion. It was one of the most disgusting and dark moments in the history of Batman.
There are rumors that the scene will be recreated in Batman v Superman in flashbacks, which would be a hell of a way to introduce Leto as a maniacal bad guy.

Killing a child is certainly a more effective shocking way to introduce us to the Joker than a thematic pencil trick, right?


Jared Leto and the rest of the actors needed a doctor on set

There is a theory that Heath Ledger died of an overdose in 2008 due to the fact that he got too into the role of the Joker. Of course, there is no evidence for this, but the theory is indeed based on the fact that getting into character so much is a rather risky way.

Fearing something similar was happening again, Warner Bros. hired a therapist to help the Suicide Squad actors deal with the dark ways of their respective roles. And we have to trust that Summer makes time for at least a few visits.

Adam Beach (Slipknot) revealed this information in a recent interview, adding: “David Ayer wants you to torture yourself. He wants the real thing, and he wants to make sure that at the end of the film, the actors will show up again to work.”

There's a lot of darkness and madness in Suicide Squad, and evidence suggests that Leto/Joker will be at the very center of that darkness.


Harley Quinn is offensive

The Joker's relationship with Harley Quinn is always very unusual, be it comics, cartoons or video games.

The Suicide Squad movie wants to take an even more disturbing direction, if the movie is anything to go by. We see Harley holding a gun to the head of the Joker, who mocked her. The scene took a very dark turn when he roughly threw her to the ground and returned to his car, leaving her lying there.

This dynamic twist will undoubtedly make the Joker even more hated and bring unrest to the DC Cinematic Universe.


He sent Margot Robbie love letter and a rat

A fantastic actress and an absolute beauty, Margot Robbie has been hailed as the ultimate Harley Quinn by comic book fans.
So, how did Jared Leto meet his Suicide Squad costar? Well, he wrote her a love letter (which is nice, if not a little inappropriate) and sent her a gift. However, the letter was written while he was in character as the Joker, and in addition to the letter, the package contained a live rat. It's pretty weird, right?
No one knows how Robbie felt after this, but the rat became an online sensation after the story found its way online, thanks to actor Adam Beach.

At first, the Suicide Squad actors shared custody of the rat, but then gave it to Guillermo del Toro, who was just working on the film Crimson Peak. He spoke about the new pet: “The rat lives with us in Toronto and provides us with a great mood and joy! We renamed him Venustiano.”

Margo should still be grateful that all she got was just a rat...


He gave the rest of the actors a pork carcass.

It turns out that Leto sent each of his fellow actors a letter on behalf of his character, as well as a video explaining why and apologizing that he couldn't be around them during the first rehearsals.

He sent Will Smith (Deadshot) a rather ominous gift in the form of some bullets, and gave it to all the other actors who make up the dead pig carcass. Which sounds funny when you think of the Joker, but what a weird way to greet the other actors working on the film?

All of this, of course, is indicative of how Leto is approaching the role. Not every actor uses such methods, and this suggests that Jared Leto's Joker promises to be very unique and very deranged!


The film ends with a series of murders

So, all of the above indicates that this version of the Joker is perhaps the most deranged villain in the Batman series to date.
While his exact role in the film is still shrouded in secrecy, it is reported that at Bell Rev Prison, Amanda Waller provided him with information about Batman, as he is the only person who should ever know Gotham City's Dark Knight.
He will stay in his cell most movie, and he thought that his tattoos were actually covering the scars Batman had inflicted on him over many encounters over the years.

However, don't expect the Joker to stay in the cage for long, as one rumor claims he will break out and embark on a vicious and violent path of murder upon his escape.

This is a great way to make sure the Joker leaves a real mark on both Suicide Squad and DC. cinematic universe. Why? Well, this scene is obviously the perfect set-up for Leto to reprise the role in the long rumored Batman solo, which will apparently be directed by Ben Affleck.

Today - about Jared Leto as the Joker.

Billion money
Suicide Squad will certainly collect their billion American money. Moreover, he is not as bad as DC haters write about him. Unfortunately, most of the film was reshot to add humor to the film. And this damn desire to please Marvel fans also led to nothing. The film was eventually remade, but all the classic complaints about superhero films and the DC Extended Universe remained. The film is dark, gloomy and a little stupid. The special effects are cool, but you can see from the picture that they are sometimes done clumsily. And all these flashbacks with the backstories of the characters... I was afraid that the film would not have enough time to develop them. But it turned out that, on the contrary, they spent too much time on the tearful backstories, but somehow to no avail. The two hours of the film flew by quickly, but apparently a lot of scenes were cut to fit the film into the required timing. And they obviously cut out something wrong, since the film is oversaturated with interchangeable symbolism. And they tell us the same thing several times.

There is a lot of good music in the film, and although it does not always combine with each other, it perfectly emphasizes what is happening in the frame.
“You Don’t Own Me” for Harley Winn’s exit, “House of the Rising Sun” for the part with the prison in Louisiana, “Spirit in the Sky” for the scene with the helicopter. And somewhere else there was Paranoid. Probably for the Joker.

Nevertheless, I liked the film, and you will already find thousands of bad reviews for it. I want to talk about Jared Leto as the Joker.

Summer is the worst Joker
For a whole year, one of the most talked about appointments in cinema was the news that Jared Leto would play the role of the Joker. This is a very difficult task, especially considering that before him the role of the Joker was played by absolutely brilliant actors: Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson. And so it happened.

Jared Leto didn't just disappear into the role. He is at whole year stopped being Jared Leto. Leto himself became the Joker. He sent his co-stars live rats, bullets, pig heads. Well, also used condoms and anal beads. He has such a hell of a character, guys. In one of the interviews, he even mentioned that after filming he would probably be locked in a box, fearing how much he got used to the role.

"It was fun playing these psychological games. But at the same time it’s very painful, like giving birth to a baby from a penis.” Jared Leto said in an interview with Empire magazine.

“If the Joker were giving an interview, he would definitely castrate the journalist and make him eat his own testicles. Just for fun. Just because he liked you". Jared Leto to Rolling Stone magazine.

So, given his borderline stalkerish attitude towards his co-stars, and all the trouble he caused on set, Jared Leto had to be damn cool, incredibly cool, and make the whole movie, right? Yes, but he didn't play that well. Don't get me wrong - Summer good actor, I am very impressed with him in “Mr. Nobody”, Dallas Buyers Club”, and many other places. But his role in “Suicide Squad” is similar to Eisenberg’s work in “Batman v Superman” - every step he takes is suffered, every grimace and movement is verified and calculated. It's obvious that he's trying to be better than Hit Ledger, but Leto's performance does not evoke such a sense of anxiety, fear and impending threat. He's about as scary as a fifth grader making faces in front of the mirror.

He doesn't transport the viewer to the other side of the screen like his character should. Like Heath Ledger or Nicholson did. But he probably thought he could do it. When you watch On the Waterfront (1954), what you see on the screen is not Marlon Brando, but Terry Maloy, whom he plays. Or in Raging Bull (1980), you completely forget that you are watching Robert De Niro - Jake LaMotta will forever remain in your memory. But you won't be able to forget for even a second that in Suicide Squad you're looking at Jared Leto, dressed up as the Joker and delivering lines from the script. And even these attempts will be painful.

Plus, his role is strangely short and pointless. Considering how much printing ink was spent on it. The Joker only appears in a few scenes, and almost all of those scenes involve Margot Robbie, which led to some nasty trolling from the rest of the cast. And this discrepancy between the amount of screen time and attention to the person of Jared Leto served as a catalyst for inflating his own ego. And it seems that all the hype around him was just marketing. These are all his quotes from interviews about how making the film was so difficult for him.

But ultimately, it's up to the audience to decide. And I’m interested in your opinion regarding Jared Leto’s performance in this film - be sure to write it in the comments.

As for the rest of the actors, Will Smith playing Deadshot is good as always. Only harsher than usual. He makes sure that “Suicide Squad” has at least some semblance of a full-fledged film, a few burns and even a couple of heartfelt moments. Viola Davis, who plays Amanda Waller, is damn good, to say the least. Well, Margot Robbie - Harley Quinn - is a goddess, of course. Crazy, provoking the heroes into jokes. A bright spot in the parade of dudes.

All these actors are good, charismatic and merge with the characters into a whole.
Unlike Jared Leto, who could have found something better to do than be an ass for a year.

Those fans who have already watched Suicide Squad may have been unpleasantly surprised that the Joker appears in the film for just a couple of minutes. But all the film’s trailers promised something completely different.

This was another result of numerous disagreements between studio bosses and the director that arose during the filming process.

Jared Leto, who embodied the next incarnation of the Joker in the film, complained that many scenes with his participation were not included in the final cut, reports The Hollywood Reporter. The actor also expressed hope that someday “these materials will see the light of day.”

Suicide Squad director and screenwriter David Ayer has also previously been forced to make excuses about the film's failure to live up to expectations.

"Just because some things turned out great doesn't mean they'll make it into the final cut," the director said, adding that he left almost 10 minutes of the film on the cutting room floor.

Excess footage is common when making a major blockbuster. But in in this case Rather, it could be that everyone is trying to put a good face on a bad game.

It's no secret that Suicide Squad was generally well received by audiences. But Western critics spoke quite clearly. The film only has a 27% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. But particularly zealous fans have already created a petition online demanding that Rotten Tomatoes be closed for such an unfriendly attitude towards the film.

Insiders say the "uneven" and choppy plot that the film is most often blamed for was the result of the studio and director being unable to agree on what kind of movie they were making. Inconsistency plagued the film at all stages of its creation, the portal writes.

The studio announced the project in 2014. The producers believed that this time was enough to get everything done. As a result, David Ayer wrote the script in just six weeks, and sources say "it was quite a race."

Also, in an attempt to save money, the studio hired a director who had not previously dealt with blockbusters and huge budgets. Apparently, the bosses hoped that Eyre would “figure it out as the play progresses.” We've already seen both successful examples of this approach (Colin Trevorrow's Jurassic World) and catastrophic failures (Josh Trank's Fantastic Four).

"Suicide Squad" was originally conceived as an extremely dark and gritty movie. And the studio - it seemed - also agreed with this vision. But everything changed after the failure of Batman v Superman, which was most often reproached for its brutal seriousness and lack of humor. The producers quickly began re-editing the film with the help of Trailer Park, the company responsible for creating promotional videos for the film. At this time, the director continued to work on the “serious” version of “The Squad,” also changing editors like gloves.

In May, test screenings were held, at which the public was shown a “light” version of the studio and the director’s “heavyweight”. After analyzing the reviews for both options, it turned out that the fun madness is closer to the fans. But reshoots were required huge money and a lot of time, so the director and producers ultimately decided to leave “something in between.” Judging by many reviews, they turned out to be “something average.”

However, the opinions of critics increasingly mean nothing to those who vote with their wallets. So far, the film's collections are far from a failure and are confidently moving towards the top of the box office in many countries.

Jared Leto - famous all over the world American actor, the vocalist of the group 30 STM, the adoration of girls and women of all ages, took part in the film by David Ayer called “Suicide Squad”. The film is based on comic books published by DC. And Jared himself played the role of everyone famous Joker! Others also starred in the film famous actors like: Tom Hardy, Will Smith and world-famous model Cara Delevingne.

When rumors of a new Joker were confirmed, endless debate began on the Internet regarding Jared's participation. Fans of films and comics were divided into two camps - some were glad to see Leto in the film, while others were categorically against it and could not understand why this particular actor was entrusted with such a character.

However, the filmmakers are convinced that everyone will enjoy new Joker. Actor Ryan Gosling was also invited to play the role of the villain, but he refused, arguing that he did not want to sign a long-term contract with the company.

Undoubtedly, the new Joker will be radically different from the one everyone is used to. Jared himself says that he is quite interested in trying himself in such a role. A street rebel, a crazy guy, that’s what the actor himself is. To create his image, most of the details were taken from the comics themselves - green hair, a cheeky grin, silver teeth, rings and an endless number of tattoos on his body. It is possible that such an image will become a new canon and style icon.

It was also easy for Jared to take on the Joker's character. Like the comic book hero, Summer will be crazy, fun, scary, but also attractive at the same time. After all, everyone knows that most often negative heroes With their crazy behavior and appearance, they evoke a storm of emotions and great sympathy among the audience.

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The actor himself tried to get as close as possible to his hero. Throughout filming, Jared did not leave the image of the Joker. Some on the set were even frightened, seeing the angry and cocky Jared even outside the frame. He sent strange and terrifying messages to his co-stars, and even sent actress Margot Robbie a live rat.

“Those were crazy days. I was so deeply immersed in this role that it is impossible to describe, but I cannot imagine how it could be done any other way. This was a great opportunity and an invaluable experience for me and I am very happy to have been chosen for this role. It was quite fun playing such a complex psychological role. But on the other hand, it was terrible and painful, as if something living was destroyed in me,” says the actor.

At one of the concerts, he admitted that he was really looking forward to the premiere of the film and joked that after watching it, he might be isolated from society and locked in a cage. He also thanked all his fans who supported and believed in him during filming.

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Despite the controversy over the casting, the film promises to be enchanting. According to forecasts, the new Joker will be much crazier and more terrible than the usual one. Jared tried to give it his all. And there is no doubt that he will cope with this task perfectly. He has a considerable number of roles in films: “Alexander”, “Girl, Interrupted”, “Mr. Nobody”, “Dallas Buyers Club”, “Requiem for a Dream” and others. Moreover, Leto is an Oscar and Golden Globe award winner.