Bob marley personal life from the series The 100. Marley Bob: biography, career, personal life

Bob Marley is one of the most legendary figures thanks to his extraordinary creativity. His unique performance style constantly attracts new fans and is timeless.

Creative biography of Bob Marley

Bob Marley was born in a Jamaican village in 1945, on February 6th. His mother, a local girl, was only 18 years old, and his father was a British officer navy– 50. Although he supported his family financially, they saw him very rarely, and the family could hardly be called happy.

After his father's death, Bob and his mother move to Kingston. The boy has been interested in music since childhood, and after moving he begins to develop his abilities. After leaving school, he got a job as a mechanic, and after work he played music with his friends Neville Livingston and Joe Higgs.

Bob wrote his first song, “Judge Not,” at the age of 16. In 1963, he organized the group "The Wailers", very popular in Jamaica. The group broke up in 1966, but after some time Marley restored it.

Bob becomes famous in internationally in 1972 after the release of the album "Catch A Fire". Co next year The band's tour of the United States begins.

Bob Marley's music brought him worldwide fame, he became legendary performer in style.

Personal life of Bob Marley

At the age of twenty, Bob Marley meets his love - Alfarita Anderson, whom he marries, becomes his girlfriend. Throughout her life, Rita supported her husband in every possible way, went on tour with him and helped him develop in every possible way. Many years later, Bob Marley's wife, despite his numerous infidelities, will say that she always loved him as much as in the first days after they met.

The musician left 10 children from different women, namely:

  1. Cedella, born in 1974, was Bob and Rita's first daughter. She was a member of the group "The Melody Makers", in currently clothes designer.
  2. David "Ziggy", the eldest son, was also in The Melody Makers and won four Grammy Awards.
  3. Stephen, born in 1972, singer and producer.
  4. Robert, born in 1972 from Pat Williams, is far from public life.
  5. Rohan, born to Janet Hunt in 1972, is a musician and former professional footballer.
  6. Karen, born in 1973 to Janet Bowen.
  7. Stephanie, born in 1974, her mother was Rita. Despite the fact that Bob Marley's paternity was disputed, he recognized her and raised her as his own daughter.
  8. Julian, born to Lucy Pounder in 1975, is a musician who regularly tours with his musician brothers Ziggy, Stephen and Damian.
  9. Koo-Mani, born in 1976 to Anita Balnavis, a table tennis champion, is a reggae musician and actor.
  10. Damian, younger son, born in 1978 to a former Miss World, is a talented reggae musician who has won three Grammy Awards.

Many of Bob Marley's children became talented performers and continued their father's life's work. The daughters and sons of the singer Cedella, David “Ziggy”, Stephen, Rohan, Ku-Mani, Damian, were involved in music.

In addition, Bob Marley has an adopted daughter, Sharon, whom Rita gave birth to from her previous husband.

What did Bob Marley die of?

In 1977, Bob was diagnosed with malignant cancer. Only amputation of his big toe could save him. The singer refused it, explaining that he would not look flexible on stage. Another justification was the inability to play football after the operation. Doctors carried out intensive treatment, however, it did not help, and on May 11, 1981, at the age of 36, Bob Marley died.

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The day of the musician's funeral was declared a day of national mourning. Before he died, he spoke these words to his son: “Money cannot buy life.”

Jamaica has never seen a funeral like this before. People lined up in a long, wide line to accompany their idol to the tomb in the cemetery, located 100 km north of Kingston. Music sounded along the entire route of the procession, his music, rhythmic, smooth, a little sad.

Jamaica bids farewell to its prophet

These were the rhythms of his homeland, his people, whose blood and flesh he was. The entire island saw off the deceased, thousands of daring admirers flocked to the funeral from all over the world. The death of the nation's idol confused government plans. Important men postponed consideration of the state budget for a week, two prime ministers were present at the ceremony, one of them made a farewell speech. Betrayed to the earth national hero Jamaicans whose work shocked the world. The singer Bob Marley was still young. We will tell you later what the cause of death of the 36-year-old musician was, but now a few words about his biography.

Bob Marley - son of a black woman and a white man

Robert Nesta Marley was born in February 1945 in a small village near the ocean. He was not a purebred Jamaican. The future singer and musician is the fruit of love between a 55-year-old Jew from Great Britain and an 18-year-old resident of the island. An officer from Liverpool was brought to those parts by the Second World War. He met the poetess, the beautiful Cedella Booker. They thought that they would live together for years, but fate decreed otherwise. The British officer will not leave his family of his own free will. He will be ordered to return to his homeland, but only alone. Black people should be where they were born. That’s what his superiors thought, and he didn’t dare disobey. Normal Marley will leave the island, his wife and son, but will not forget about his family and will help her financially as much as possible.

Music, football and women

In a few years, the family will move to Kingston, the capital of the island. The Trenchtown area, where the future singer spent his childhood and youth, is a slum. Poverty, unsanitary conditions, theft, and violence reign here. Robert is studying to be a welder, but his thoughts are far from seams on iron structures. He loves three things in the world most of all - music, football and women. Marley left behind 11 children from different girlfriends, although he was married to only one: the charming Cuban Alpharita Anderson. They met in Trenchtown in 1966, she was 20 and he was 21. A year later they got married. Rita turned out to have a wonderful voice; she became a backing vocalist in her husband’s band. Rita and Bob have four common children. However, he did not cheat on anyone. For the island, love for everything beautiful is like love for life. He himself is its musical embodiment: extraordinary flexibility, subtle long fingers, eyes, voice, luxurious hair. All plastic body it sounds like a guitar. Let us be lenient towards women; it is impossible to resist the singer’s charm.

The first joys of creativity and the first failures

Bob realized that there was no life without music when he personally made his first guitar from incredibly poor improvised means. He and friends play in the evenings in crowded barracks. Listeners smoke weed and enjoy. There are more and more of them, but Bob leaves for America in search of himself and new music, but for now we have to be content with working as an assembler at the Chrysler plant. It doesn’t work out: troubles with the law, showdowns among his own on the street... Bob decides to return. At home he also encounters troubles, but suddenly he finds a religion that suits his liking. Its name is Rastafarianism. From that moment on, everything in his life changes.

Bob Marley: cause of death, biography

If you can’t distinguish a Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox in the crowd, then a Rasta can be seen from afar: braids, dreadlocks, a huge hat on his head of flowers (red, yellow, green). Rastafarianism preaches the universal brotherhood of blacks and the unity of all peoples of Africa. The symbol of freedom is Ethiopia, a country that did not submit to European colonialists. Rusty call the West Babylon. Reggae is the music of their religion. From this moment on, Bob's music is no longer just good music. This is a preaching lifestyle and philosophy to grow. Best Song, says the king of reggae Bob Marley, is the one that has the right meaning.

Shortly before his death, the singer was baptized in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, they gave him a new one Orthodox name. He was in a hurry. Bob Marley (the cause of his death, at first glance, the most innocent) knew that the disease could not be stopped. He called for peace, goodness, his quotes and statements about life became a revelation for many. He said that yesterday's mistakes are ultimately beneficial. He said: anyone can hurt you, but it’s better to find those who deserve it. “As long as skin color matters more than eye color, there will be war. I am against war. Every war is followed by another. I am nobody. I only have God. I wanted to make the world a kinder place with music.”

Bob Marley (the cause of the singer's death is shocking to many) once injured his big toe while playing football. A minor injury, no one paid attention to it at first. The leg continued to hurt, doctors discovered a malignant tumor, amputation was required. He categorically refused. “Rusty doesn’t allow himself to be dismantled for parts.” It is believed that melanoma is almost never found in people with black skin. Someone saw this as a twist of fate. A prophet in his land, a singer of the Jamaican people and a fighter for their rights - Bob Marley. The cause of death is white people's disease.

Bob Marley: cause of death, photo

He practically refused treatment. The world of people stopped bothering the singer long before his death. Bob decided that if he was destined to die, then he needed to meet his death with dignity and prepare for it. And he was getting ready. And when the hour came, the world's newspapers literally exploded with headlines that Bob Marley had died. The cause of death and the singer’s personal life were discussed in everyone printed publications. They wrote a lot about him in different ways, but the tragedy of the singer’s fate was felt in every publication.

The singer received his main awards posthumously. In 1994, his name was included in American Hall fame of rock and roll, in 2001 - a star on Hollywood Walk and Grammy. The BBC will name the singer the greatest lyricist on Earth, one of the songs - best song millennium. And if we are still interested in Bob Marley today, the cause of death does not matter, there is his music, and it will remain with us forever.

brief information

  • Date of Birth October 24, 1989 (age 26)
  • Place of Birth Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • Height 1.65 m
  • First film Blue Heelers (TV series, 1994 – 2006)

Eliza Taylor quite quickly burst into the world of the US film industry. The girl was born on October 24, 1989 in Melbourne, Australia. The filmography of the young talent already includes more than 20 films of various genres.

Eliza spent her entire childhood in her native Melbourne and it was there that she realized that she wanted to be an actress. Luck was very favorable to the young artist and Eliza began acting in films at the age of 13. And in 2003, she had two major roles in the Australian family series “Night Party” and “Pirate Islands”. In 2005, Eliza was invited to the large-scale project “Neighbors”, where she played the character Janay Timmins for three seasons.

After Eliza left the series, she moved to the UK, where in 2008 she was offered the role of main role in the theatrical production of Snow White. Eliza’s invitation to the post-apocalyptic series “The 100” can be called a real success. The girl managed to get one of the main roles without auditioning - she simply sent her video resume to the producers of the show and she was immediately approved. Participation in such an anticipated series allowed Eliza to declare herself and the world of the US film industry.

In 2013, Eliza starred in the leading role in the thriller Patrick. And in the fall of 2014, a film with her participation, “The November Man,” was released, where Eliza managed to work with such celebrities as Pierce Brosnan and Olga Kurylenko.

Eliza claims that she now has absolutely no time for her personal life, or she is simply good at hiding all its details.

Bob Morley(Bellamy Blake)


brief information

  • Date of Birth December 20, 1984 (age 31)
  • Place of Birth Kyneton, Victoria, Australia
  • First film Sea Patrol (TV series 2007 – ...)

Australian television actor Robert Morley was born on December 20, 1984. This charming young man has now become famous thanks to one of the leading roles of Bellamy Blake in the acclaimed television series “The 100” about the adventures of teenagers in a post-apocalyptic world.

Bob made his debut in 2006 in the Australian soap opera Home on the Road, where he played the role of Drew Curtis. This brought him his first fame and Bob was involved in the project for two whole seasons. Such a start was positive for the young actor and brought him good experience. But in 2008, he made the important decision to leave the series in order to start working on the prime-time project “The Strip.” However, Bob was not very lucky, because after the first season they announced the closure of the series, as its ratings were too low.

For several years, Bob did not take part in significant filming, but in 2011 he was finally lucky and was able to return to soap operas. His first appearance after the break was his participation in the series “Neighbours”, where Bob starred for two years on a permanent basis. In addition, Bob Morley starred in such films as “Truck”, “Blinding”, and the film “Blinding” is being prepared for release. White City" The biggest achievement for the actor was his invitation to the series “The 100,” which promises to be a new turn in his career.

Bob enjoys spending his free time with friends and relaxing in nature. Nothing is known about his personal life, so it may well turn out that the actor’s heart is still free and he is ready to meet his love.


brief information

  • Date of Birth April 17, 1967 (age 48)
  • Place of Birth Trujillo, Peru
  • Height 1.79 m
  • Personal life wife - Annie Wood, three children
  • First film New Star (TV series, 1974 – ...)

Henry Ian Cusick was born on April 17, 1967 in Trujillo, Peru to a Scottish father and a Peruvian mother. His family lived in Trujillo for two years, then moved to Spain, then to Scotland and finally they spent ten years in Trinidad and Tobago. There Henry entered drama school, deciding that he must become an actor.

In 1982, the Cusicks returned to Scotland and Henry spent six months at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow. To the young actor managed to join the Citizen Theater troupe. It was from the theater that the career of this talented artist began. young talent. Henry immediately managed to get leading roles in the plays The Picture of Dorian Gray, Marowitzky's Hamlet and The Country Wife.

A real achievement for him was winning the Ian Charleson Prize in 1995 at the Edinburgh international festival. In the early 2000s, Henry Ian Cusick began actively acting in films and TV series. A successful start was the role of Jesus Christ in the film “The Gospel of John” in 2003. The key point Henry's career began with the role of Desmond Hume in the cult TV series Lost. He was even nominated for an Emmy Award in the Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series category.

After that, he participated in the first season of the TV series Scandal. His latest project- the series “The 100”, where he plays Advisor Kane. On July 15, 2006, after fourteen years of marriage, Henry married his beloved Annie. The Cusick family lives on the island of Oahu, Hawaii and has three children - Isaiah, Luke and Elijah.

Marie Avgeropoulos (Octavia Blake)


brief information

  • Date of Birth May 17, 1986 (age 29)
  • Place of Birth Thunder Bay, Canada
  • Height 1.65 m
  • First film Supernatural (TV series 2005 – ...)

Canadian actress Greek origin Marie Avgeropoulos was born on May 17, 1986 in the small town of Thunder Bay in Ontario, Canada. Since childhood, Marie wanted to connect her life with working on television, so in order to make her dream come true, immediately after graduating from school, she entered college to major in “Television Broadcasting.”

After completing her studies, Marie began her internship in Canadian theater studios. The girl first appeared on screens at the age of 20, starring in several commercials. Her debut on television took place in 2009, when Marie received cameo role V popular TV series"Supernatural". After that talented girl noticed and Marie regularly receives invitations to filming. Over the past five years, she has managed to appear in such projects as “Eureka”, “Fringe”, “Beverly Hills 90210: The Next Generation”, “Cult”.

Her most significant work, without a doubt, was her participation in the new series “The 100,” which tells the story of the survival of a group of teenagers on planet Earth after a global cataclysm. Her heroine Octavia Black is one of the main acting characters. Marie has quite unusual hobbies for a girl, for example, playing percussion instruments and riding motorcycles. Marie currently lives in Canada, Vancouver.

In 2013, Marie Avgeropoulos, on the set of the film Tracers, met actor Taylor Lautner, known for the film Twilight, with whom they are still dating romantic relationship.

Lindsey Morgan (Raven Reyes)


brief information

  • Date of Birth February 27, 1990 (age 25)
  • Place of Birth Houston, Texas, USA
  • Height 1.65 m
  • First film General Hospital (TV series 1963 – ...)

Young American actress Lindsey Morgan was born on February 27, 1990 in Houston, Texas. The girl’s mother is of Spanish descent, and her father is Irish, so the blood of several nationalities flows in her.

Since childhood, the girl dreamed of an acting career and began her creative activity in college, performing in small theatrical productions. After graduating, Lindsay moved to Los Angeles to pursue her television career and make your dream come true. Already in 2011, she managed to get her first role in the film “Punishment”.

A year later, Lindsay signed a contract to participate in the multi-episode project “General Hospital.” It was this role that brought her real popularity among American television viewers. Many loved her portrayal of the evil Kristina Davis, for which Lindsay was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award in 2013. The next successful show for the actress was the sitcom How I Met Your Mother, where she starred in several episodes.

Now Lindsay is taking part in one of the most high-profile projects year - the post-apocalyptic series "The 100", where she plays the role of the youngest mechanical engineer Raven. In order to participate in this prime-time project, Lindsay had to give up her role in the daytime series General Hospital.

The girl loves to spend free time with my family, dance salsa and travel. Lindsey is confident that many more interesting offers await her ahead and successful projects, which will fully show her talent.

  • Date of Birth May 2, 1986 (age 29)
  • Place of Birth Manhattan, New York, USA
  • Height 1.76 m
  • First film Law and order. Criminal intent (TV series, 2001 – 2011)

Thomas Hunter Campbell MacDonell - American actor, best known for his role as Finn Collins in The 100. Thomas was born on May 2, 1986 in New York. The actor spent his childhood in Manhattan; Thomas attended boarding school in Andover and successfully graduated from New York University.

The guy was brought up in creative family, his father Terry McDonell works as an editor for Sports Illustrated magazine, and his mother Joanie is a writer, his brother Nick also writes literary works. It is not surprising that Thomas chose for himself acting career. In 2010, he made his debut in big cinema, starring in the film “The Forbidden Kingdom.”

A year later, he was invited to the main role of Jesse Ritcher in the youth comedy “Prom,” where actress Aimee Teegarden became his co-star. In the sitcom Suburbia, Thomas was a guest star and played the role of Tesa Altman's boyfriend, Scott Strauss. On this moment Thomas is involved in the growing project “The 100” and spends almost all his time working on this series. In addition to acting, he is involved in music, is a vocalist and guitarist in own group"Moon".

But this is not the whole list of his hobbies: Thomas has also established himself as a visual artist. His work has been exhibited internationally and he has curated several exhibitions in New York. Several years ago, journalists attributed Thomas McDonell to a romantic relationship with actress Phoebe Tonkin; the couple was often seen together. However, the young actors categorically denied such rumors.

Bob Marley - creative pseudonym. His real name is Robert Nesta Marley. The young man was born in a small village in Jamaica. His father was English and served as a general in the British Navy. At the time of Bob’s birth, Bob’s mother was only 16 years old; she was 44 years younger than her chosen one. Perhaps the age difference between the spouses played a role in their short family life.

Bob Marley, after graduating from school, went to work as a welder in order to somehow help his mother maintain her home life. But music attracted him very much, so in parallel with his main work, he, together with his friend Neville Livingston, began to hone his musical abilities. The then famous musician Joe Higgsue made a huge contribution to his career by teaching several free vocal lessons.


18-year-old Bob made his first public appearance with his single “Judge Not,” which Joe Higgsue helped him write. That same year, Marley, along with her friends Bunny Livingston and Peter Tosh, auditioned for the influential Chinese-Jamaican reggae producer Leslie Kong. A year later, the young people organized their own vocal group, which was called “The Teenagers”, a little later it was renamed “The Wailers”. Bass guitarist Aston Barrett was promoted to the position of musical director of the group.

The group's popularity grew very quickly. Her first single, “Simmer Down,” sold 80 thousand copies. In 1966, despite high ratings, The Wailers broke up. A few years later, Bob Marley re-formed the group, including a female vocal trio and renaming it Bob Marley and the Wailers. In the mid-70s, the vocalists were recognized as the leaders of reggae.

Following the band's enormous success, Bob became a popular cult figure. The public perceived his speeches in the field of politics and religion as the speech of the Almighty. But they had young man and enemies, for example, in 1976, an attempt was made on him and his family to disrupt free concert, aimed at reconciling the two political forces in Jamaica that hate each other. Despite being shot in the chest and arm, Bob held the concert.

On the personal front, everything was fine for the musician. He and his wife Rita Marley had four children. After the death of her husband, the wife tried to continue her vocal career, but over time she decided that the children needed her more than the public.

The decline of Bob Marley

At 32 years old young musician found a cancerous tumor on thumb legs. Bob, who loved football very much, refused amputation, arguing that he would not be able to play on the field. In addition, the Rastafarians, who Marley was, believed that the human body should remain intact.

Since Marley was a symbol of African unity, in 1980 he was offered a concert in Zimbabwe. Then he planned a tour of Europe and America, but during a tour performance in New York, the young man lost consciousness and was forced to begin treatment in Munich. After undergoing chemotherapy, he lost his hair and lost a lot of weight. In May 1981, he was baptized into the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Realizing that his days were numbered, he expressed a desire to spend them on native land, but was unable to fly to Jamaica due to health conditions. The cancer had already attacked his lungs and brain. Despite the enormous efforts of doctors, Bob Marley died in hospital on May 11, 1981. Although during his lifetime he was not able to carry out last days on the island, his body was interred in Jamaica. The funeral was held according to Rastafarian traditions. A guitar, a soccer ball, a bunch of marijuana, a ring and a Bible were placed in his crypt.

Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 in the north of Jamaica in the town of Parish. His real name is Robert Nesta Marley. At birth he was named Nesta Robert Marley, but at the passport office, due to an error by an employee, the names were switched.

His fifty-year-old father, Norval Marley, a European by birth, served as an officer in the British navy, then worked as a manager on one of the plantations in Jamaica. There he met Bob's future mother, 17-year-old Jamaican girl Cedella Booker.

The house where Bob Marley spent his time early years

Shortly after Bob's birth, Norval, under pressure from his previous family, left Cedella. Bob did not have a family in the traditional sense - his father rarely appeared, although he provided financial assistance. When Bob Marley turns 10 years old. Norval died.

Bob Marley's parents

In the late sixties, Bob Marley, along with his mother, left Parish in search of a better life and moved to the capital of Jamaica, Kingston. During those years in Jamaica, many moved to Kingston in search of work. After early disappointment in the capital, many moved to the slums. The most famous poor area is Trenchtown.

Like everyone else, Marley and his mother eventually settled in Trenchtown. There Bob makes a friend, Neville Livingston, nicknamed Bunny. There was a catastrophic shortage of money. Bob decides to quit school and gets a job as a welder.

The guys spend all their free time listening to the radio. It was through radio that Bob developed the desire to become a singer. So he begins to practice singing by visiting free lessons famous Jamaican musician Joe Higgs. During his lessons he meets Peter Mackintosh, another ambitious young man.

Bob Marley and Joe Higgs

In 1962, Bob Marley was noticed by Leslie Kong, who had his own recording studio. Kong was impressed by his vocals and invited Bob and his friends to try recording in his studio. So at the age of 19, Bob Marley debuted with a single called “Judge Not,” which he wrote with Joe Higgs.

Bunny and Tosh (left)

Then other songs appeared - “Terror” and “One Cup of Coffee”, which did not attract a lot of attention, but they affirm Bob Marley’s idea of ​​becoming a singer. At this time, he decides to create a group with Bunny and Peter.

A year later in 1963, with the help of Higgs, Bob Marley, Bani, Peter Mackintosh assembled a group, calling it “The Wailing Wailers”. There was no irony in this - after all, the tradition of crying is strong in black culture. The group also included Junior Braithwaite, Cherry Green and Beverly Kelso. Bass guitarist Aston Barrett became the band's musical director.

The group's first single, “Simmer Down” (1964), topped the Jamaican charts and sold more than 80 thousand copies. The album was recorded at Studio One. This was a real breakthrough. Very quickly the group "The Wailers" is gaining popularity and becoming famous in Jamaica. After the dizzying success, The Wailing Wailers began to constantly record with Coxon Dodd in his studio, looking for new themes for their songs, one of which was the theme of street ore fighting.

After some time, the group recorded the single “I"m Still Waiting” in Studio One. Despite the popularity of the group, there was not enough money for all the participants. In 1965, The Wailers reduced the lineup to a trio (Junior Braithwaite, Beverly Kelso and Cherry Smith) And in 1966 the group broke up.

Bob Marley and Rita Anderson (left)

On February 10, 1966, Bob Marley married Rita Anderson. At the same time, Bob Marley's mother remarried and moved to the United States, where she saved money for her son to fly to her. She wanted him to start new life in a new country. In hope of better life At 21, Bob moved to the USA to live with his mother. But Bob's stay in the USA was short-lived. For some time he worked as a loader, a waiter, and then as an auxiliary worker at an automobile plant. And after 8 months he returns to Jamaica. While Bob Marley was in America, Emperor Haile Selasie, the incarnation of Almighty Jah, the Rastafarian god, visited Jamaica. This contributed to the rapid development of the Rasta movement.

Haile Selasie (left)

During this boom, Marley once again settled in Kingston. Bob begins to believe more and more in the Rasta religion, reflecting his beliefs in new songs.

Together with his friends, Bob Marley again forms a group and gives it a new name - “The Wailers”. And it includes a female vocal trio. His wife, Rita, also begins to sing in this group.

In 1970, Bob Marley is trying to sign contracts with some record labels. But these attempts were unsuccessful, since the musician was not known outside of Jamaica.

In 1971, the musicians organized their own recording company, Tuff Gong, but this venture was not successful either.

Johnny Nash (left)

In 1971, at a Rastafarian religious ceremony, Elder Mortimo Planno introduces Bob Marley to American singer Johnny Nash. This dating plays important role in Bob's life. At the end of 1971, under the leadership of Johnny Nash, the group recorded two songs, “Stir It Up” and “Guava Jelly,” which became hits. In Jamaica, Bob's fame is fading. He becomes the voice of the Rastafarian movement, which was gaining popularity at that time.

In the summer of 1971, Bob Marley accepts Johnny Nash's invitation to accompany him to Switzerland, where American singer gave several concerts. In Europe, Bob signs a contract with Nash's company, CBS.

In the spring of 1972, the entire Wailers team comes to London to promote the CBS single "Reggae on Broadway", but they end up in dire straits.

IN desperate step, Bob Marley goes straight to the English branch of Island Records and asks for help from its founder and owner Chris Blackwell.

Chris Blackwell

Blackwell already knew Bob Marley and knew his reputation in Jamaica and offered The Wailers a unique contract at that time for Jamaican artists, they were given $4,000 to record their first album.

In 1972, The Wailers released their debut album, Catch A Fire, which became their first release outside of Jamaica. This album was warmly received by the public. And it was the first step on the path to world fame.

Album - Catch A Fire

Eric Clapton also helped the musicians in developing their popularity, who included The Wailers’ composition “I Shot The Sheriff” in his album, which became an international hit.

In 1973, the group toured the United States. Soon Tosh and Livingston left the group, starting solo career.

Album - Natty Dread

In 1975, The Wailers released their new album Natty Dread. The song “No Woman, No Cry” from this album was extremely popular. The album "Natty Dread" achieves stunning success. Included in the British Top 40 and America's Top 100. The popularity of the group and Bob Marley in particular is growing. Bob Marley successfully performs on the London stage of the Lyceum Ballroom.

In 1976, The Wailers were awarded the title best group according to the results of a survey by the magazine " Rolling Stone" They become recognized leaders of reggae and successfully tour around the world.

The album "Rastaman Vibration", which was released in 1976, cracked all the charts. The album's main songs were Crazy Baldhead, Johnny Was, and War, for which the lyrics were taken from Haile Selassie's performances.

In Jamaica, Bob Marley became a real cult figure; the public perceived his political and religious speeches as revelations of a saint.

In 1976, an assassination attempt was made on Bob Marley, who inevitably found himself drawn into local politics. Despite the serious wound, the concert was not cancelled. When asked why he decided not to cancel the concert, Marley replied:

"The madmen who try to make our world worse never rest, how can I... Light up the darkness!"

Bob Marley loved to play football

This concert was Bob Marley's last appearance in Jamaica for a year. After the concert, Bob Marley went to live in London, where at the beginning of 1977 he recorded a new album, “Exodus”.

In July 1977, Marley was diagnosed with malignant melanoma on her big toe. He refuses amputation due to religious beliefs:

“Rastas do not accept amputation. I don’t allow a person to be dismantled for parts.”

In 1978, Bob Marley was awarded the Peace Medal established by the UN.

On May 4, 1980, Bob Marley was baptized at the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Kingston and took the name Berhane Sellasie (Amharic for Light of the Holy Trinity). He was then awarded the Jamaican Order of Merit.

In the same 1980, the government of liberated Zimbabwe invited The Wailers to the Independence Day ceremony - this was recognition of Marley’s services to third world countries.

After some time, Bob Marley's health began to rapidly deteriorate.

Bob Marley is being treated in Munich by cancer specialist Josef Issels, but treatment attempts have been unsuccessful. As a result of the disease, Marley's dreadlocks begin to fall out, and they have to be cut off.

Feeling imminent death, Bob wanted to return to his homeland, but due to health conditions, the flight from Germany had to be interrupted in Miami. On Monday May 11, 1981, Bob Marley dies in a Miami hospital at the age of 36. Last words what they said were:

"Money can't buy life."

Bob Marley was buried in Jamaica. The day of the funeral was declared a day of national mourning. The body of the great Jamaican musician was laid to rest in a mausoleum. The funeral took place according to all Rastafarian traditions. In the crypt next to him lie a Gibson Les Paul guitar, a soccer ball, a bunch of marijuana, a Bible and a ring that he always wore (a gift from an Ethiopian prince, the eldest son of Haile Selassie I).

The same ring on Bob's hand

Bob Marley was and remains an outstanding musician of our time. During his short life, he achieved a lot: he gained worldwide fame, created a special style of music, and became a symbol of the struggle for racial equality.

In 2012 appeared on the screens documentary"Marley."

Bob Marley Quotes

"I have only one dream, that all people live in peace."
"I believe that racism, evil and hatred can be cured through music."
“I myself am nobody. All I have is God.”
“There is God in each of us, so we are not alone.”
"Free your mind from anger and wake up to life."

All Quotes >>> Bob Marley

  • curious
  • Once upon a time, before joining the reggae movement, a very young Bob Marley was a rud boy. Rude-boys are people who emphasize their contempt for danger.
  • You can't call Bob Marley an exemplary family man. And in family relationships Things weren't going smoothly for Bob Marley with Rita. In the first years of their life together, Bob Marley worked a lot, which is why he rarely saw Rita. When popularity came to him, Marley toured constantly, and Rita and the children stayed at home.

Children of Bob and Rita Marley

On November 23, 1964, the youngest Sharon was born. Bob Marley wasn't hers biological father, he adopted Rita's daughter from a previous relationship and raised her as his own. She was a member of the group Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers.

Sharon (left), Cedella (right)

On August 23, 1967, Cedella was born (named after Baba’s mother, their first biological child together. She began her career as a member of the group Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers, and is also general director Tuff Gong International. She is also an author of children's books, as well as an actress and fashion designer).

On October 17, 1968, David "Ziggy" was born, Bob's eldest son and frontman of Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers. A five-time Grammy winner, Ziggy began his solo career in 2003. He is also a fighter for the legalization of marijuana.

David (left), Stephen (right)

Stephen was born on April 20, 1972. He is the fourth member of Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers. Singer, songwriter and producer.

In 1974, a girl, Stephanie, was born. He is the director of the Bob Marley Foundation, the Bob Marley Museum, Tuff Gong International, Tuff Gong Records, URGE and the Rita Marley Foundation.

Bob is the father of at least 12 children born to different women:

Stephanie (left), Robert (right)

Robert Marley - his mother Pat Williams. Robbie lived with Bob and Rita. Engaged in stunt motorcycle riding).

Rohan Marley - his mother Janet Hunt was Bob's friend. Played professional football in Canada. He is also a co-founder of Marley Coffee Corporation.

Rohan (left), Karen (right)

Karen Marley is the mother of Bob's friend Janet Bowen.

Julian Marley is the mother of Lucy Pounder. Plays music

Julian (left), Kaymani (right)

Kaymani Marley is the mother of world table tennis champion Anita Belneyvis. He is engaged in acting.

Damian (left), Bob and Cindy Breakspear (right)

Damian Marley - mother - Cindy Breakspear, winner of the title "Miss World 76". Reggae singer.

There are still people who claim to be Bob's children.