Italian pop music 80s online. Italian opera singer Barbara Frittoli

IN recent years Italian performers of the 80s are becoming more and more welcome guests at any celebration. This is not at all surprising, because they are the ones who have wonderful sound and performance. We all know great amount foreign groups who for a long time fell into various charts, as a result of which they became very popular in the world of music. And not only in the territory of their homeland, but also in the vastness of Russia, where Italian performers of the 80s were able to acquire many zealous fans.

Italian pop performers of the 80s

Among them are such well-known Italian performers of the 80s as:

  • Matia Bazar;
  • Richie and Believe;
  • Toto Cutugno;
  • Umberto Tozzi;
  • Al Bano and Romina Power.

and a huge number of others no less talented singers In general, Italy has long been famous for its musical talents.

Richie and Believe - probably the most cult group that time. The name of the group means “Rich and Poor”. Emotional and bright, they literally glowed from within, enveloping all their listeners with their extraordinary energy. They could make you sing along to their songs, even if you didn’t know what they were actually singing about. Richie and Believe are known for such songs as Sera, Mama Maria, Felicita and a sea of ​​other cheerful hits of that time.

Also no less famous Italian composer Toto Cutugno, crooner. Which the winner managed to do at the 1990 Eurovision Song Contest in Yugoslavia. His songs are very melodic and appeal to a very wide audience, which is confirmed by his merits in the world music arena. He won Eurovision in Zagreb with his legendary song Insieme: 1992.

Italy as a country of talented performers

Italy has long amazed us with its abundance of talented cultural and artistic figures; in addition, this wonderful country has more than once become an inspiration for many creative people from all over globe. Everyone who visited its unique spaces at least once created new works of music here, full of hope and love. Passionate temperament Italian singers distinguishes their manner of performing on stage and performing magnificent musical works, thereby making a huge contribution to the art of the whole world.
The songs of Italian performers will provide you with a pleasant pastime, an amazing world of discoveries and inspiration, because each performer is ready to give you a piece of his unique world, which you could not even suspect.

The music of Italian performers in Russia has always been and remains popular. The voices of singers from this sunny country attract listeners from all over the world with their unique timbres. Their songs are filled with special melody.

Popular Italians of the 20th century

The most beloved 80s are representatives of the pop genre in music. They were so popular that they have not lost their fans even today, although few of them have changed their repertoire since then. Most continue to perform songs that were loved by the public during the peak of their popularity. Many representatives younger generation I inherited from my parents a love for these artists.

The most popular Italian artists of the 80s:

  • "Ricky and Believe";
  • Sabrina Salerno;
  • Adriano Celentano;
  • Rafaella Cara;
  • Sydney Rome;
  • Umberto Tozzi;
  • Gianna Nannini;
  • Marina Feordaliso;
  • Zucchero;
  • Toto Cutugno;
  • Paolo Conte;
  • Pupo;
  • Antonella Ruggiero;
  • Al Bano and Romina Power;
  • Angela Cavagna;
  • Ricardo Fogli.

In the last decade of the twentieth century, the stars of the 80s were still the favorites of the public. But besides them, new interesting artists also appeared.

The most popular Italian artists of the 90s:

  • Biagio Antonacci;
  • Claude Barzotti;
  • Gianni Bella;
  • Orietta Bertie;
  • Angelo Branduardi;
  • Miguel Bose;
  • Ornella Vanoni;
  • Annerley Gordon;
  • Giovanotti;
  • Roberto Zanetti.

Popular Italians of the 11th century

Today and the 90s are no longer at the peak of their popularity. They continue to be a favorite large quantity listeners, but modern generation your idols.

The most popular contemporary Italian artists (list):

  • Ingrid;
  • Andrea Bocelli;
  • Eros Ramazzotti;
  • Michelangelo Loconte;
  • Violante Placido;
  • Christina Scabbia;
  • Alex Britty;
  • Emma Marone;
  • Georgia Geglio;
  • Anna Tatangelo;
  • Tiziano Ferro;
  • Simone Molinari;
  • Nina Zilli;
  • Alessandro Safina;
  • Noemi;
  • Giusy Ferreri.

Toto Cutugno

Many Italian performers sang songs that Toto Cutugno wrote for them. For example, Adriano Celentano, Dalida, Ricky and Believe, Joe Dassin. Toto himself performed very often and continues to perform as a singer. His real name is Salvatore. T. Cutugno began studying music in early childhood. He mastered the drums musical instruments, as well as playing the trumpet and accordion. Toto became famous thanks to his victory at the competition in San Remo. The winning song was the famous Solo noi. From then on, my career took off. Business card singer is the song L'italiano. She brought Toto another victory in San Remo.

Al Bano and Romina Power

Italian performers Al Bano were a family duo. The peak of their popularity occurred in the 80s of the twentieth century. The real name of the duo's lead singer is Albano Corrisi. His father was a military man. During World War II he fought in Albania. The name Albano was given to the boy by his father. This word means "Albanian". But such a name actually does not exist. Later, the artist came up with a pseudonym for himself. He split his name into two words and began performing as Al Bano. A. Corrisi performs songs that he writes himself. His creative path was long and difficult. At the age of 16 he left hometown to do singing career. To earn a living, Al Bano worked as a waiter and even as a worker. Everything changed after he won the New Voices singing competition, which was organized by Adriano Celentano. He began working in a duet with Romina Power in 1970, after he married her. The peak of the duo's popularity came in the 80s. In the early 90s, the couple experienced a tragedy - their eldest daughter disappeared without a trace, and there is still nothing about her. After this sad event, Al Bano and Romina broke up. The artist began performing solo. Romina left her singing career. It was only in 2013 that she returned to the stage, and again with Al Bano. The former spouses began performing as a duet.

"Ricky and Believe"

Italian performers Ricky and Poveri were at the peak of their popularity in the 80s of the twentieth century. The name of the group translates as “Rich and Poor”. The ensemble initially consisted of four performers: Angelo Sotju, Marina Occhiena, Angela Brambati and Franco Gati. In the 70s of the twentieth century, “Ricky and Believe” repeatedly became participants in “San Remo” and took second place several times. In 1981, “Rikki and Believe” again performed at this song competition. But a scandal broke out between the ensemble members; Marina refused to perform and left the group. The group had to go on stage as a threesome. They performed the song Sarà Perché Ti Amo. Which translates to “Probably because I love you.” The song took only fifth place in the competition. But despite this, she became very popular and took first place in the Italian charts for ten weeks. It became popular in other countries, including Russia, and is still loved to this day. These days, these Italian performers actively tour around the world.

Michelangelo Loconte

The real name of the artist is Michele. He is one of the most popular Italian singers of our time. This multifaceted personality. He is a singer, a composer, a musician, an actor, and artistic director. Fame came to the young Italian when he played the role of W. A. ​​Mozart in the French musical Mozart, l’Opéra rock. For this work he was awarded two prestigious music awards. The artist was born in 1973 in the city of Cerignola. The artist's parents were teachers. Michele played in the theater and took part in television programs from early childhood. The artist plays guitar, piano and percussion instruments. Works as a composer and arranger. Michelangelo is currently busy working on a new solo album. The artist accepts Active participation V charity projects. At Eurovision 2013, Michele acted as one of the judges from France.

Giusy Ferreri

This young Italian singer has an unusual, unique voice. She works in several genres: pop, rock and blues. The first album, which Juzi recorded in 2008, became incredibly popular and brought her world fame. Based on sales results, this album was declared multi-platinum. The artist is also distinguished by her incredible flexibility and artistry.

Italy amazes with the abundance of talented artists and cultural figures; moreover, the country itself has more than once inspired creators from all over the world, who, having visited its amazing spaces, gave birth to new works full of love and hope. The passionate temperament of Italians is distinguished by the manner in which they behave on stage and perform works. famous composers, making a special contribution to the arts.

Today we will plunge into the enchanting world of music and singing: we bring to your attention the stories of the best Italian singers of the twentieth century, their photographs and videos from performances. We hope this article will open you up to something new in music and you will have some favorite Italian artists.

Let's start our story with the legendary Cecilia Bartoli - she performs musical works with a coloratura mezzo-soprano. Born June 4, 1966 in Italy, Rome.

Her parents were professional singers, and the girl followed in their footsteps: at the age of 9, Cecilia appeared on stage in the opera Tosca. The girl was taught vocals by her mother, although Cecilia studied at the Roman Conservatory, but not in singing, but in playing the trombone. As you can see, future singer for a long time I was in no hurry to declare myself as opera performer, and came to La Scala Theater completely by accident and unusually: while taking part in a television show, the girl performed an excerpt from “The Barber of Seville.”

After this, Cecilia Bartoli received many rave reviews from experts, and Riccardo Muti, having seen her performance in the program, invited the young girl to work in the best Opera theatre peace. The singer has published more than 16 music albums with works by Mozart, Rossini, Vivaldi, Gluck, Handel, Caldaru and many rarely performed composers.

At the moment, the Italian opera singer is creating own projects that look like television films with beautiful interiors, images and costumes.

One of the singer’s magnificent and complex creations was a project called “Sacrificium” - “Sacrifice”. The album is dedicated to castrati, their tragedy and sacrifice for the sake of art. Cecilia Bartoli performed works created especially for the high voices of castrati in memory of their contribution to art and admiration for their lives.

Cecilia received worldwide recognition for performing works of the Baroque era, as well as Rossini and Mozart. The most famous roles: Cinderella from Rossini’s opera performed by the singer, Rosina in “ Barber of Seville", Despina in "This is what everyone does", Cleopatra in "Julius Caesar". The famous Italian singer Cecilia Bartoli was awarded a Grammy award in 2002, and several times the ECHO-Classic award, and is a holder of the Order of Merit. Italian Republic" and "Order of Arts and Letters" (France).

Italian opera singer Anna Caterina Antonacci

Anna Caterina Antonacci was born on April 5, 1961 in Ferrara. Voice – mezzo-soprano. The timbre of her voice is in great demand when performing Rossini's operas. The singer studied vocals in Bologna, and her first debut took place in 1986 in the city of Arezzo - the part of Rosina.

She takes part not only in opera projects as a singer, but also appears in films: The King for an Hour or Imaginary Stanislav (TV, 2010), Medea (TV, 2008), Carmen (TV, 2007), The Trojans (TV, 2003), Don Giovanni (TV 1999), Rodelinda (TV 1998), Don Juan (TV 1997), Macbeth (1987), Proms (TV series 2010) plays herself.

In 2009 awarded highest award for an artist in France, becoming a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor.

Italian opera singer Barbara Frittoli

Barbara Frittoli – the soft timbre of the Italian silk soprano enchants and lifts to heaven. The singer was born on April 19, 1967 in Milan, where she graduated from the conservatory. She performs leading roles in theaters in Europe and the USA, making her debut in the role of Micaela (Carmen) in 1995.

Critics say that the singer would have achieved great results in Italy if not for her manner of performance: only her voice conveys passions and emotions, and outwardly the performer is not emotional enough. Films with participation: Don Juan (2011) Don Turandot in the Forbidden City of Beijing (TV, 2000), Journey to Reims (TV, 1992), Great Performances (TV series, 1970 – 2011) and others.

Italian singers of the 80s

Our mothers and fathers met each other on dance floors to these songs, got married, and relaxed. Italian singers of the 80s were imitated by performers from other countries, their songs were heard in films, girls wanted to be like them, men admired them. That’s how those times were and the songs were sung more and more about love and hope; there was no doom, sarcasm or resentment in them, except maybe light sadness. Listening to modern songs, you miss those times when there was no negativity pouring out of the speakers and it seemed that life was easier. They say that the song helps us build and live, so let's remember those women who were at the origins modern stage and gave the world so many wonderful hits.

Mina Anna Mazzini

Stage name Mina. Italian singer 70s, 80s, born in Busto Arsizio on March 25, 1940. She made her television debut in 1959. She started performing at a very young age, when she was barely 15 years old. She became famous after a concert at the famous Compass club, where Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra performed at that time.

Since 1960, the singer has starred in 11 films and her songs have been featured in another 20 films. In 1978 she stopped performing at concerts, but still produces music albums almost every year. The first album was called “Tintarella di luna” (1960). In 2012, the CD “12 American Song Book” was released. In total, during this time the singer released about 100 albums.

Marina Fiordaliso

Italian singer with a unique slightly hoarse voice. Born February 19, 1956. She sang in pop and rock styles, but has now switched to performing works in the soul style: critics believe that this direction suits her deep vocals. She studied vocals and piano at the conservatory. She began her career in 1981 and was immediately invited to the competition in San Remo, but she managed to become its laureate only in 1983 (6th place). Her song brought her worldwide fame, winning the next year at the same festival and taking 5th place – Non voglio mica la luna.

Italian actress and singer Giorgia Moll

Georgia Mule was born in Italy, the city of Prata di Pordenone on January 14, 1938. She began her career with modeling and acted in television commercials. Then she became an actress. Films with her participation: the comedy “Unscrewed,” directed by Carlo Lizani (1955); " Quiet American", directed by Joseph Mankiewicz (1958), as well as work in films by French directors: Jean-Luc Godard, Steno, Alberto Sordi and others. She became famous as a singer in the 60s, releasing several records. In the 70s, she left cinema and began taking up photography. In 1984, she again appeared in a film directed by Alberto Sordi called “All Behind Bars.”

Raffaella Carr? (Raffaella Cara)

Italian singer, actress, TV presenter. Born in Bologna on June 18, 1943. Since childhood, she participated in television productions and at the age of 8 she was sent to Rome to study theater skills. The beginning of his career on television occurred in the 60s with participation in television shows, filming in TV series and musicals. Partners on the set were Frank Sinatra and Marcello Mastroianni. In the early 70s, Kara recorded the song: “What music is a maestro” for the opening screensaver of the program “Canzonissima-70”. The audience loved the melody so much that Rafaella’s career as a singer began on its own.

In those days, the song “What Music is a Maestro” took the top steps of the charts. A combination of professionalism acting and vocals attracted the attention of viewers, critics and show business organizers to Rafaella. Kara was known all over the world, took part in many programs, was a TV presenter of reality shows, competitions, concerts, and hosted Eurovision several times. Her songs were performed by many singers from all countries. During her stage career, Rafaella Cara has released about 70 albums and currently continues to work on television as a TV presenter of the best music shows peace.

Contemporary Italian singers

Young people famously picked up the musical baton and show business was filled with new songs Italian. Here is a list of contemporary Italian singers:

  • Giorgia – Georgia Todrani. Author and performer of songs, known throughout the world thanks to her vocal abilities. As a child, she listened to jazz, which later influenced the creation of her unique performance style. Georgia gained popularity in 1993 at the Sanremo festival, where her song Nasceremo took first place. In 1994 he released his first album entitled Giorgia, which became certified double platinum. A duet with Luciano Povarotti helps her become famous in Italy, after which Georgia will be invited several times to sing in front of the Pope. The singer's albums contain many star duets, which makes her work even more diverse. Georgia is loved for her courage to do the difficult and unknown and the result of this is several more victories at the Sanremo festival, work as a radio show host and the Wind Music Awards for the song Salvami.

  • Giusy Ferreri is a beautiful woman, a unique voice, characteristic of Italians. She writes the lyrics and music for her songs herself. Gained popularity after participating in Italian version show "X Factor". The singer’s grandiose achievement is the 2008 album “Gaetana,” which was certified platinum 4 times in a row and sold 300,000 copies. This is a must see, so watch Giusy Ferreri's Non Ti Scordar Mai Di Me video at the end of our article.
  • Arisa - first appeared on stage at the festival in Sanremo and won special prize critics and first place in the Best New Artist category. We recommend watching her video “Meraviglioso amore mio” and you will forever remain a fan of this incredible performer.
  • Laura Pausini is a popular singer far beyond Italy in the Middle East and Latin America. Her awards include a Grammy in 2006 for the album “Escucha”, and her other disc “Primavera In Anticipo” in 2008 sold 1,800,000 copies. Laura Pausini performs songs in 5 languages ​​in the style of ballads, pop and soul. The singer sang a duet with many famous performers modernity and has gained popular love.

We wish you a pleasant listening experience, amazing discoveries and inspiration, because each performer is able to show you his unique world of enchanting melodies, which you did not know about before.

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001. Al Bano Romina Power - Felicita
002. Toto Cotugno - Litaliano
003. Ricchi Poveri - Mamma Maria
004. Riccardo Fogli - Storie Di Tutti I Giorni
005. Adriano Celentano - Soli
006. Pupo - Celato Al Cioccolato
007. Umberto Tozzi - Ciao Siciliano
008. Raffaella Carra - A Far Lamore
009. Mauro - Bone Sero Ciao
010. Matia Bazar - Brivido Caldo
011. Davide De Marinis - Tropo Bella
012. Al Bano Romina Power - Sharazan
013. Riccardo Fogli - Uccideremo Il Chiar Di Luna
014. Pupo - Chissa Se Domani
015. Adriano Celentano - Deus
016. Francesco Napoli - Marina
017. Gianni Morandi - La Mia Nemica Amatissima
018. Toto Cotugno - Il Cielo E Sempre Un Po Piu
019. Nino Rosso - La Ballata Della Tromba
020. Ricchi Poveri - Voulez Vous Dancer
021. Lido Brothers - Mambo Italiano
022. Giani Morandi - Cera Un Ragazzo Che Come Me
023. Marcella - Montagne Verdi
024. Pupo - Lo Devo Solo A Te
025. Riccardo Fogli - Quando Nascero Di Nuovo
026. Adriano Celentano - Pay, Pay, Pay
027. Collage - Donna Musica
028. Lollipop - Batte Forte
029. Homo Sapiens - Un Estate Fa
030. Nek - A Contramano
031. Toto Cutugno - Serenata
032. Al Bano Romina Power - Liberta
033. Viola Valentino - Ance Noi Facciamo Pace
034. Gino Paoli - Un Altro Amore
035. Pupo - Burattino Telecomandato
036. Drupi - Piccola E Fragile
037. Adriano Celentano - Per Averty
038. Riccardo Fogli - Le Infinite Vie Del Cuore
039. Nino Dangelo - Chiara
040. Eros Ramazotti Antonella Bucci - Amarte Es Total
041. Paola Chiara - Festival
042. Alexia - Dimmi Come
043. Al Bano Romina Power - Oggi Sposi
044. Toto Cotugno - Innamorati
045. Pupo - La Storia Di Noi Due
046. Ricchi Poveri - Acapulco
047. Riccardo Fogli - Torna A Sorridere
048. Adriano Celentano - Amore No
049. Costanzo - Litaliano
050. Nek - A Vita E
051. Fausto Leali - Il Camino Del Cuore
052. Umberto Tozzi Raf - Gente Di Mare
053. Al Bano Romina Power - Il Covo Delle Aquile
054. Tiziano Ferro - Perdono
055. Syria - Lamore E
056. Pupo - Sempre Tu
057. Pavarotti - Mamma
058. Paolo Meneguzzi - In Nome Dell Amore
059. Adriano Celentano - Ja Tebia Lublu
060. Riccardo Fogli - Diapositive
061. Righeria - Vamos A La Playa
062. Al Bano Romina Power - Ma Il Cuore No
063. Adriano Celentano - Non E
064. Ricchi Poveri - Amarsiun Po
065. Pupo - Forse
066. Viola Valentino - Il Posto Della Luna
067. Toto Cotugno - La Mia Musica
068. Eros Ramazotti - Cose Della Vita
069. Beila Caliente - Hey Amor
070. Nek - Cielo Y Tierra
071. Adriano Celentano - Confessa
072. Riccardo Fogli - Come Passa Il Tempo Stasera
073. Nino Rotta Carmile Copolla - Godfather
074. Al Bano Romina Power - Parche
075. Los Cinco - Volare
076. Enrico Ruggeri - Primavera A Saraievo
077. Adriano Celentano - Il Tempo Se Ne Va
078. Pupo - Su Di Noi
079. El Pasador - Amada Mia, Amore Mio
080. Drupi - Provinca
081. Raffaella Carra - Abbraciami
082. Adriano Celentano - Uh... Uh
083. Riccardo Fogli - Se Ti Perdessi Ancora
084. DJ Cavarra The Pizza Express - Bring Mio Amore Mio
085. Al Bano Romina Power - Io Ti Cerco
086. Pupo - La Vita E Molto Di Piu
087. Ricchi Poveri - Piccolo Amore
088. Toto Cotugno - Maledetto Sogno
089. Matia Bazar - Vacanze Romane
090. Nek - Las Cosas Que Defendere
091. Eros Ramazotti - Fuoco Nel Fuoco
092. Adriano Celentano - Cosi Come Sei
093. Riccardo Fogli - Una Donna Cosi
094. Zucchero - Baila (Sexy Thing)
095. Pino Dangio - Evelonpappa evelonmamma
096. Al Bano Romina Power - Tu Soltano Tu
097. Milky - Non So Perche
098. Pupo - Cieli Azzurri
099. Viola Valentino - Romantici
100. Alan Sorrenti - Tu Sei Lunica Donna Per Me
101. Botero - Siamo Treni
102. Gianni Nazzaro - Mi Sono Innamorto
103. Umberto Tozzi - Barbara
104. Al Bano Romina Power - Ci Sara
105. Adriano Celentano - Atmosfera
106. Riccardo Fogli - Compagnia
107. Ricchi Poveri - Cosa Sei
108. Pupo - Firenze Santa Maria Novella
109. Andrea Febo - Allinfinito
110. Nek - Laura No Esta
111. Toto Cotugno - Ninannao
112. Nazzaro - Mi Sono Innamorato Di Mia Moglie
113. Tiziano Ferro - Rosso Relativo
114. Eros Ramazotti - Lombra Del Gigante
115. Adriano Celentano - Persempre
116. Al Bano Romina Power - Che Angelo Sei
117. Riccardo Fogli - Malinconia
118. Pupo - Bravo
119. Double M - Tornerai
120. Nino Buonocore - Scrivimi
121. Daniele Silevestri - Saliro
122. Preziozo Marvin - Le Louvre
123. Nada - Amore Disperado
124. Mietta Amedeo Minghi - Vattena Amore
125. Raf - Via
126. Andrea Bocelli Sarah Brightman - Time To Say Goodbye
127. Al Bano Romina Power - Angeli
128. Pupo - Vola
129. Riccardo Fogli - Amori Nascosti
130. Adriano Celentano - Manifesto
131. Nek - Para Ti Series
132. Ricchi Poveri - Sara Perche Ti Amo
133. La Sintesi - Ho Mangiato La Mi Chiam
134. Viola Valentino - Sei Una Bomba
135. Toto Cotugno - Sinfonia
136. Bino - Mama Leone
137. I Pooh - Uomini Soli
138. Al Bano Romina Power - Anche Tu
139. Pupo - Cosa Farai
140. Eros Ramazotti - Un Emozione Per Sempre
141. Adriano Celentano - Storia Damore
142. Riccardo Fogli - Comunque Ci Saro
143. Drupi - Rimani
144. Toto Cutugno - Soli
145. Nino Dangelo - Vai
146. Umberto Tozzi - Ti Amo
147. Pooh Eros Ramazzotti - Tu Vivrai It
148. Al Bano Romina Power - Quando Un Amore Se Ne
149. Pupo - Perche Cosi
150. Nek - Se Una Regola Ce
151. DJ Francesco - La Canzone Del Capitano
152. Riccardo Fogli - Dio Come Vorrei
153. Adriano Celentano - Conto Su Di Te
154. Ennio Morricone - Frantic
155. Ricchi Poveri - Sei La Sola Che Amo
156. Toto Cotugno - Solo Noi
157. Paola Chiara - Vamos A Bailar
158. Shaft - Mambo Italiano
159. Al Bano Romina Power - Dialogo
160. Pupo - Lidia A Moska
161. Amanda Lear - Ragazzino
162. Zucchero - Senza Una Donna
163. Matia Bazar - Solo Tu
164. Riccardo Fogli - Le Donne Degli Amici
165. Eros Ramazotti - Unaltra Te
166. Fausto Leali And Luisa Corina - Ora Che Ho Bisocno Di Te
167. Raffaella Carra - Cham-Cham
168. Edoardo Bennato Gianna Nannini - Un Estate Italiana
169. Al Bano Romina Power - Arriversci A Bahia
170. Nek - Todo De Ti
171. Pupo - Ciao
172. Tiziano Ferro - Ti Voglio Bene
173. Caterina Caselli - Bisognerebbe Non Pensare A Te
174. Gazebo - Masterpiece
175. Toto Cotugno - Unestate Con Te
176. Riccardo Fogli - La Felicita Possibile
177. Pino Daniele - Quanno Chiove
178. Ricchi Poveri - Come Vorrei
179. Al Bano Romina Power - Viaggiando
180. Drupi - Vodo Via
181. Rapublic - Ill Be Back
182. Pupo - Un Amore Grande
183. El Pasador - Bamba-Dabam
184. Viola Valentino - Sola
185. Loredana Berte - Ninna Nanna
186. Mario Venuti - Veramente
187. Umberto Tozzi - Tu
188. Adriano Celentano - Azzurro
189. Al Bano Romina Power - E Se Tornera
190. Nek Laura Pausini - Tan Solo Tu
191. Riccardo Fogli - Emeglio Se Amore Non Diventer
192. Alberto Colucci - Ho Difesta Il Mia Amore
193. Pupo - La Notte
194. Gianna Cavina - Un Polizotto, Una Citta
195. Toto Cotugno - Voglio Lanima
196. Andrea Bocelli Judi Weiss - Vivo Per Lei
197. Tres Thenors - O Sole Mio
198. Al Bano Romina Power - Prima Notte Damore
199. Ricchi Poveri - Made In Italy
200. Adriano Celentano - Suzanna

001. Al Bano & Romina Power - Felicita
002. Toto Cotugno - Litaliano
003. Ricchi & Poveri - Mamma Maria
004. Riccardo Fogli - Storie Di Tutti I Giorni
005. Adriano Celentano - Soli
006. Pupo - Celato Al Cioccolato
007. Umberto Tozzi - Ciao Siciliano
008. Raffaella Carra - A Far Lamore
009. Mauro - Bone Sero Ciao
010. Matia Bazar - Brivido Caldo
011. Davide De Marinis - Tropo Bella
012. Al Bano & Romina Power - Sharazan
013. Riccardo Fogli - Uccideremo Il Chiar Di Luna
014. Pupo - Chissa Se Domani
015. Adriano Celentano - Deus
016. Francesco Napoli - Marina
017. Gianni Morandi - La Mia Nemica Amatissima
018. Toto Cotugno - Il Cielo E Sempre Un Po Piu
019. Nino Rosso - La Ballata Della Tromba
020. Ricchi & Poveri - Voulez Vous Dancer
021. Lido Brothers - Mambo Italiano
022. Giani Morandi - Cera Un Ragazzo Che Come Me
023. Marcella - Montagne Verdi
024. Pupo - Lo Devo Solo A Te
025. Riccardo Fogli - Quando Nascero Di Nuovo
026. Adriano Celentano - Pay, Pay, Pay
027. Collage - Donna Musica
028. Lollipop - Batte Forte
029. Homo Sapiens - Un Estate Fa
030. Nek - A Contramano
031. Toto Cutugno - Serenata
032. Al Bano & Romina Power - Liberta
033. Viola Valentino - Ance Noi Facciamo Pace
034. Gino Paoli - Un Altro Amore
035. Pupo - Burattino Telecomandato
036. Drupi - Piccola E Fragile
037. Adriano Celentano - Per Averty
038. Riccardo Fogli - Le Infinite Vie Del Cuore
039. Nino Dangelo - Chiara
040. Eros Ramazotti & Antonella Bucci - Amarte Es Total
041. Paola & Chiara - Festival
042. Alexia - Dimmi Come
043. Al Bano & Romina Power - Oggi Sposi
044. Toto Cotugno - Innamorati
045. Pupo - La Storia Di Noi Due
046. Ricchi & Poveri - Acapulco
047. Riccardo Fogli - Torna A Sorridere
048. Adriano Celentano - Amore No
049. Costanzo - Litaliano
050. Nek - A Vita E
051. Fausto Leali - Il Camino Del Cuore
052. Umberto Tozzi & Raf - Gente Di Mare
053. Al Bano & Romina Power - Il Covo Delle Aquile
054. Tiziano Ferro - Perdono
055. Syria - Lamore E
056. Pupo - Sempre Tu
057. Pavarotti - Mamma
058. Paolo Meneguzzi - In Nome Dell Amore
059. Adriano Celentano - Ja Tebia Lublu
060. Riccardo Fogli - Diapositive
061. Righeria - Vamos A La Playa
062. Al Bano & Romina Power - Ma Il Cuore No
063. Adriano Celentano - Non E
064. Ricchi & Poveri - Amarsiun Po
065. Pupo - Forse
066. Viola Valentino - Il Posto Della Luna
067. Toto Cotugno - La Mia Musica
068. Eros Ramazotti - Cose Della Vita
069. Beila Caliente - Hey Amor
070. Nek - Cielo Y Tierra
071. Adriano Celentano - Confessa
072. Riccardo Fogli - Come Passa Il Tempo Stasera
073. Nino Rotta & Carmile Copolla - Godfather
074. Al Bano & Romina Power - Parche
075. Los Cinco - Volare
076. Enrico Ruggeri - Primavera A Saraievo
077. Adriano Celentano - Il Tempo Se Ne Va
078. Pupo - Su Di Noi
079. El Pasador - Amada Mia, Amore Mio
080. Drupi - Provinca
081. Raffaella Carra - Abbraciami
082. Adriano Celentano - Uh... Uh
083. Riccardo Fogli - Se Ti Perdessi Ancora
084. DJ Cavarra & The Pizza Express - Bring Mio Amore Mio
085. Al Bano & Romina Power - Io Ti Cerco
086. Pupo - La Vita E Molto Di Piu
087. Ricchi & Poveri - Piccolo Amore
088. Toto Cotugno - Maledetto Sogno
089. Matia Bazar - Vacanze Romane
090. Nek - Las Cosas Que Defendere
091. Eros Ramazotti - Fuoco Nel Fuoco
092. Adriano Celentano - Cosi Come Sei
093. Riccardo Fogli - Una Donna Cosi
094. Zucchero - Baila (Sexy Thing)
095. Pino Dangio - Evelonpappa evelonmamma
096. Al Bano & Romina Power - Tu Soltano Tu
097. Milky - Non So Perche
098. Pupo - Cieli Azzurri
099. Viola Valentino - Romantici
100. Alan Sorrenti - Tu Sei Lunica Donna Per Me
101. Botero - Siamo Treni
102. Gianni Nazzaro - Mi Sono Innamorto
103. Umberto Tozzi - Barbara
104. Al Bano & Romina Power - Ci Sara
105. Adriano Celentano - Atmosfera
106. Riccardo Fogli - Compagnia
107. Ricchi & Poveri - Cosa Sei
108. Pupo - Firenze Santa Maria Novella
109. Andrea Febo - Allinfinito
110. Nek - Laura No Esta
111. Toto Cotugno - Ninannao
112. Nazzaro - Mi Sono Innamorato Di Mia Moglie
113. Tiziano Ferro - Rosso Relativo
114. Eros Ramazotti - Lombra Del Gigante
115. Adriano Celentano - Persempre
116. Al Bano & Romina Power - Che Angelo Sei
117. Riccardo Fogli - Malinconia
118. Pupo - Bravo
119. Double M - Tornerai
120. Nino Buonocore - Scrivimi
121. Daniele Silevestri - Saliro
122. Preziozo & Marvin - Le Louvre
123. Nada - Amore Disperado
124. Mietta & Amedeo Minghi - Vattena Amore
125. Raf - Via
126. Andrea Bocelli & Sarah Brightman - Time To Say Goodbye
127. Al Bano & Romina Power - Angeli
128. Pupo - Vola
129. Riccardo Fogli - Amori Nascosti
130. Adriano Celentano - Manifesto
131. Nek - Para Ti Series
132. Ricchi & Poveri - Sara Perche Ti Amo
133. La Sintesi - Ho Mangiato La Mi Chiam
134. Viola Valentino - Sei Una Bomba
135. Toto Cotugno - Sinfonia
136. Bino - Mama Leone
137. I Pooh - Uomini Soli
138. Al Bano & Romina Power - Anche Tu
139. Pupo - Cosa Farai
140. Eros Ramazotti - Un Emozione Per Sempre
141. Adriano Celentano - Storia Damore
142. Riccardo Fogli - Comunque Ci Saro
143. Drupi - Rimani
144. Toto Cutugno - Soli
145. Nino Dangelo - Vai
146. Umberto Tozzi - Ti Amo
147. Pooh & Eros Ramazzotti - Tu Vivrai It
148. Al Bano & Romina Power - Quando Un Amore Se Ne
149. Pupo - Perche Cosi
150. Nek - Se Una Regola Ce
151. DJ Francesco - La Canzone Del Capitano
152. Riccardo Fogli - Dio Come Vorrei
153. Adriano Celentano - Conto Su Di Te
154. Ennio Morricone - Frantic
155. Ricchi & Poveri - Sei La Sola Che Amo
156. Toto Cotugno - Solo Noi
157. Paola & Chiara - Vamos A Bailar
158. Shaft - Mambo Italiano
159. Al Bano & Romina Power - Dialogo
160. Pupo - Lidia A Moska
161. Amanda Lear - Ragazzino
162. Zucchero - Senza Una Donna
163. Matia Bazar - Solo Tu
164. Riccardo Fogli - Le Donne Degli Amici
165. Eros Ramazotti - Unaltra Te
166. Fausto Leali And Luisa Corina - Ora Che Ho Bisocno Di Te
167. Raffaella Carra - Cham-Cham
168. Edoardo Bennato & Gianna Nannini - Un Estate Italiana
169. Al Bano & Romina Power - Arriverserci A Bahia
170. Nek - Todo De Ti
171. Pupo - Ciao
172. Tiziano Ferro - Ti Voglio Bene
173. Caterina Caselli - Bisognerebbe Non Pensare A Te
174. Gazebo - Masterpiece
175. Toto Cotugno - Unestate Con Te
176. Riccardo Fogli - La Felicita Possibile
177. Pino Daniele - Quanno Chiove
178. Ricchi & Poveri - Come Vorrei
179. Al Bano & Romina Power - Viaggiando
180. Drupi - Vodo Via
181. Rapublic - Ill Be Back
182. Pupo - Un Amore Grande
183. El Pasador - Bamba-Dabam
184. Viola Valentino - Sola
185. Loredana Berte - Ninna Nanna
186. Mario Venuti - Veramente
187. Umberto Tozzi - Tu
188. Adriano Celentano - Azzurro
189. Al Bano & Romina Power - E Se Tornera
190. Nek & Laura Pausini - Tan Solo Tu
191. Riccardo Fogli - Emeglio Se Amore Non Diventer
192. Alberto Colucci - Ho Difesta Il Mia Amore
193. Pupo - La Notte
194. Gianna Cavina - Un Polizotto, Una Citta
195. Toto Cotugno - Voglio Lanima
196. Andrea Bocelli & Judi Weiss - Vivo Per Lei
197. Tres Thenors - O Sole Mio
198. Al Bano & Romina Power - Prima Notte Damore
199. Ricchi & Poveri - Made In Italy
200. Adriano Celentano - Suzanna