Full name of Duke de Richelieu. Monument to Duke in Odessa - the visiting card of the city

I won't say my name.
From the beginning of 2018 to this day, life has somehow turned upside down. 1) I passed the DPA (OGE in Russia) with terrible grades, I disgraced my parents who believed that I would pass it. But I was preparing, I didn’t go out for walks, I didn’t surf the Internet, I was always reading books...
I embarrassed them...
2) Frequent quarrels with parents, especially with mother, over trifles.
3) Betrayal of friends and non-reciprocal love... Although they told me that they would never leave me.
4) And I hate the beginning of 2018 the most. Right before the New Year, my grandmother died, and with her a part of me. I was lost in myself. After a while, when all the problems started, I wanted to follow her. After all, it was so good with her... She always gave me advice and consoled me. She lived in a village where I always went with great joy went. She was the only one who was waiting for me there.
I realize that my whole story seems like nonsense. But I'm desperate. No one hears me, no one understands.
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Bonsai, age: 15 / 07/05/2018


Darling, your story is not nonsense at all! And it’s very familiar to me... You describe everything that I felt almost 20 years ago. And about my grandmother, and about quarrels with my mother.
Death is inevitable in our life, it is a natural part of it. But it’s not up to us to decide this complex issue, why this way and not otherwise.
You had a difficult and painful period at the beginning of the year, and that is why the DPA did not work out. But no exams are worth your worries!!!
For example, I studied at 4 institutes, entered three times, dropped out three times, failed the application once... Studying is not the most important thing in life, it is not the point. But the relationship with your mother is important. I'm 32 and only Last year our relationship is improving. More precisely, I'm setting them up.
Try to be more sincere with her. Take the first step towards, be wiser! Modern children often wiser than parents...
Understand, resentment towards parents is a huge hindrance in the future. Why do you need it? Try talking to your parents, try in different ways. I believe that everything will be okay for you! Happiness.

Natalya, age: 32 / 07/05/2018

Hello Bonsai!
15 years old is a difficult age. Childhood is over, and the young psyche is not yet ready for serious shocks, so at this age a person is especially vulnerable. The fact that it is so difficult for you is understandable and explainable.
1) Grades are not important at all. I’m telling you this as an excellent student! My health was lost because of these grades! It is much more important at your age to think about what profession to get, what you want to do for the rest of your life! You didn’t disgrace your parents, because... Grades don't matter!
2) Everyone, even adults, have quarrels with their parents. Try to talk to your mom more and talk directly about your feelings. In general, disagreements between people are normal, we are all different. It is important to be able to find a compromise.
3) Friends, such friends! People betray, this happens even in adulthood! I advise you to simply take it for granted. I realized for myself: in life it is important to find like-minded people, like-minded people, people who will love and appreciate you. It's not easy and sometimes it takes whole life! And other people are not friends, but simply acquaintances, strangers.
Non-reciprocal love also happens to everyone. Firstly, this MCH may not understand who he lost...he has no experience yet, he’s young, maybe he doesn’t think about girls at all. Don’t be upset, you’ll definitely meet your man! And these strangers are not needed...
4) Death of grandmother serious challenge! Unfortunately, that time cannot be returned and I really understand you, it’s very difficult! Believe me, bright memories of her will definitely warm you throughout your life and someday you will also become such a grandmother. That is life! People leave when their time comes. And we need to let go in order to move on with our lives! You will definitely have your own family, husband and children, and you will give them your warmth and love!
Honey, hold on, you are already a grown man! Your parents also lost their grandmother, be more lenient towards them, it’s hard for them too! Support them! They love you and perhaps they just don’t know how to help you.

Olga, age: 30 / 07/05/2018

Hello. Sunny, if you read requests for help from girls your age on this site, you will see a lot of the same or similar things, because most teenagers go through this stage with similar problems, and you are no exception. Honey, you haven’t disgraced anyone, because you are studying for yourself and your future. Try not to quarrel, argue, or raise your voice with your mother. Friends will meet again, but you definitely shouldn’t rush into a relationship. I sympathize with you on the passing of your dear and beloved grandmother. But she is now in heaven, she feels good, nothing hurts her, and she protects you from there, keep her memory alive! Take care of yourself. Everything will be OK.

Irina, age: 30 / 07/06/2018

The period of grief is at least one year, and your grandmother was a close friend to you. If you believe, try to pray for her soul more often, it brings great comfort.
You did not disgrace your parents in any way, even if they reproached you with such words. Does it say on your birth certificate that a person with such and such genetic code Should I only study with excellent grades?
The main thing is that you become a good man, lived her life honestly, enjoyed the respect of others. Soon no one will remember about grades. You never know successful people studied at school so-so.
Keep a helpline handy. Don't be alone when "no one hears, no one understands."
Come to the forum if you want.

Nadezhda, age: 36 / 07/06/2018

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The Monument to Duke, or rather the monument to Armand Emmanuel du Plessis, Duke of Richelieu, is another landmark of Odessa and the first monument opened in this city. It was created in 1828 and is a bronze figure in full height.

What did this Frenchman do to deserve such honor, and how did he end up in Odessa? The Duke de Richelieu arrived in Odessa on March 9, 1803. At that time, Odessa had already existed for 8 years, but it was a small village with a couple of hundred wooden houses. The Duke de Richelieu, who became the first mayor of Odessa, turned it into a real pearl by the sea, creating one of the largest trading ports here. During his administration, Odessa began to be actively built up, the first Odessa Opera theatre, printing house, a commercial school and institute were opened noble maidens. The Duke de Richelieu remained the unchanged mayor of Odessa for eleven years. During this time, the city's population reached 35 thousand people.

However, when the Bourbons came to power again in France, he returned to his homeland, where he became prime minister. Alexander I, who visited Odessa three years after the Duke left Russia, was so amazed by the metamorphoses and transformation of the city that he immediately issued a decree awarding the Duke de Richelieu the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. The Duke died at the age of 56 in France. When the news of his death reached Odessa, all the residents of South Palmyra were amazed at the sudden death of the most respected man in the city. And then Alexander-Louis Andre de Langeron, the then mayor of Odessa and big friend The Duke called on residents to collect donations for the construction of the monument. The sketch of the monument was developed by greatest sculptor of that time, Ivan Martos, who depicted the Duke in full growth, as if walking through Odessa. The permission to install the monument was signed by Alexander I himself.

A lot of water has flowed since then, a lot has changed in Odessa, but the monument to Duke still remains favorite place meetings for Odessa residents and a calling card of the city.

Duke Emmanuel Osipovich de Richelieu

The designation “duke” may be memorable to readers of old Russian historical magazines. So in early XIX century, one of the main creators of the Novorossiysk region, Duke de Richelieu, was called in Russia. That's what he was officially called.

This wonderful person did not receive real recognition in his homeland. After the end of the period of emigration, he was twice chairman of the Council of Ministers of France, but did not enjoy great political prestige. Talleyrand spoke sarcastically about him: “Not a single French statesman does not know Crimean affairs as well as the Duke of Richelieu.” He left behind a much more grateful memory in Russia. In Odessa, as you know, a monument was erected to him and named after him. the main street cities. In Russia (in the “Collection Historical Society") both his letters and the memoirs of his wife were published - the main biographical material of this article.

Everyone knows the genealogy of the Richelieu family. The famous cardinal was of an old but humble noble family. He granted himself a dukedom, as well as a dozen other titles: his descendants at the same time are the Dukes de Richelieu, the Dukes de Fronsac, the Princes de Mortagne, the Marquises de Pontcourlet, the Counts de Chinon, the Barons de Albret, etc. The cardinal bequeathed all these titles and his enormous wealth to his sister's grandson.

The son of the second Duke was Marshal de Richelieu, who was also quite sensational in the world. He lived ninety-two years and left behind not much good reputation, - in the style of either Petronius or Tolstoy the American. The same, in a less noisy version, was his son, who had a fast military career: at the age of seven he was a colonel of a dragoon regiment; this was not surprising at that time: the regimental commander of a seven-year-old dragoon was in his twelfth year. “You have to be very careful in choosing your parents,” Heine said. But if the choice is made successfully, then you can usually be calm about the future when it does not fall during a revolutionary time.

The future mayor of Odessa was the only son of the fourth Duke, in other words, the grandson of Marshal Richelieu. The marshal did not love his son, but he adored his grandson. “Armand has all my virtues and none of my vices,” he said enthusiastically. However, the marshal had outbursts of anger, which, from the point of view of modern pedagogy, can hardly be approved. So, one day, after a big card win from the king, he gave his grandson forty louis. Two weeks later, the marshal became alarmed: is it true that Arman is penniless? The honest grandson was amazed: how could he be penniless, and forty louis? The marshal, in a rage, threw the money to the beggar out the window: this is what he has lived to see - my grandson has not spent forty louis in two weeks! One of Richelieu’s relatives tells this in his memoirs.

At the age of fifteen, the thrifty grandson was married to the 13-year-old daughter of the Duke de Rochechouart. Such marriages were accepted at that time. However, Cupid and Psyche do not need to remember about this. Psyche was ugly as a mortal sin: an ugly face, a hump on her back, another hump on her chest. Thirty years later, the Duke of Richelieu introduced his wife to Emperor Alexander I. The Tsar was horrified: “What a freak! God, what a freak!” - he said sympathetically to those close to him: Alexander Pavlovich sincerely loved the Duke. It is impossible to understand the reasons for this marriage. The Rochechouart-Mortemars, descendants of the Limoges viscounts, are one of the most noble families in France, but what other nobility did the heir to ten titles need! Richelieu did not need his wife’s money either: the marshal bequeathed to him a fortune that brought 500 thousand livres of annual income.

True, the marriage was peculiar. On the evening of the wedding, the newlywed went to Honeymoon alone, or, more precisely, accompanied by a tutor. He traveled for a year and a half, then returned, visited his wife and left again. This went on for almost the entire life of the couple. Emigration separated them long years. According to their family, the Duke and Duchess respected each other very much. But apart from respect, there was nothing between them.

Armand Emmanuel de Richelieu received a good education. His teacher was Abbot Labdan, who later became the teacher of the Duke of Enghien - he died after receiving news of the execution of this pupil of his. At the age of 17, Richelieu was introduced to the court and soon received the high court rank of First Chamberlain. No matter how great the power of name and breed was then, the award of this title to a 19-year-old boy caused a murmur in Versailles.

Apparently, court life did not please the young Richelieu (then Comte de Chinon). A person close to him says that he was irritated by the abuses and wanted to change a lot of things. But if all injustices were eradicated, then he himself would not have been a dignitary at the age of 19. Probably, this also occurred to him: unlike his ancestors, he was conscientious, sad man devoid of love for brilliance and etiquette.

I will not say that he was a “repentant duke” like the Russian “repentant nobles”. But, just as others get tired of work, Richelieu got tired of idleness. Andrei Bely talks about his acquaintance, an old Englishman: “Britt walked around salons in a tailcoat for thirty-five years; having made himself a spleen in order to escape such a life, one day he, standing on his knees in front of the ladies and lords, on all fours - into the hallway, onto the steamer and - to Paris. It is not necessary to run on all fours; you can just leave. This is exactly what Richelieu did - probably for the same reasons as the “Britton”. The grandson of Marshal Richelieu undoubtedly had the property that Bely called “non-tearable thickets of self-destruction.”

The young Richelieu was not popular at court. He did not like the world, he did not like Paris and Versailles. He tried to get closer to non-court people, advanced people, but nothing came of it. He was a stranger in their society; his shyness hurt him greatly. Richelieu traveled a lot, read a lot, studied several foreign languages(later he spoke Russian completely fluently). He was listed on military service, served first in the dragoon regiment, then in the hussar regiment. Of course military career it was very successful: one should not think that 25-year-old generals appeared only at the time of the revolution. At the same age and under the old system, a man with the name and connections of the Duke of Richelieu could become a general. But here was hidden a tragedy that in today’s world will not evoke much sympathy: there was no war at that time.

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- “the home Duke of Odessa”, as the poet Yuri Mikhailik once very aptly called him. People came and went, time broke monuments, destroyed graveyards and houses, but this monument stood against all odds. Although, it must be admitted, there was a moment when the fate of “Duke” literally hung in the balance. An ardent fighter against “rootless cosmopolitans”, then director public library and “local historian”, V.A. Zagoruiko worked diligently to dismantle this symbol of the city.

What is the phenomenon of Richelieu's personality?

Why is she mostly irresponsible and not overly grateful? human memory made an exception for him? The answer to this question was directly and unequivocally voiced back in pre-revolutionary Russia:

“Humanity and culture - very rare in the highest administrative posts of the empire - precisely constituted the essence of Richelieu as a leader and a person.”

Nobody has done more for Odessa and Odessa residents than Duke. Even M.S. Vorontsov, who, despite all his scale, followed in line with the undertakings of his outstanding predecessor, developed and supplemented them. It was Richelieu who opened the city to Europe and the world, which says it all completely.

Taking advantage of unlimited powers, the friendly disposition of the monarch, and significant budgetary funds, Duke laid the foundations for the infrastructure of Odessa as the largest point of transit trade between East and West. It was he who established grain exports, invited and helped settle the agrarian colonists from Germany, France, Switzerland and other countries, turned Odessa into European city, freed him from exorbitant taxes, formulated the idea of ​​porto-franco, implemented under his successor, Langeron. Respecting the interests of both state and regional, Richelieu ensured that the grain trade between Russia and Turkey did not stop even when they were in a state of military conflicts! It was he who saved the city and the region from a fierce plague; Risking his life, he personally visited plague-ridden neighborhoods and houses, encouraging the townspeople and truly sharing his last piece of bread with them. It was Duke who gave all the money he earned while serving in Russia to create the most significant in the South in Odessa educational institution- Lyceum, the second in the state after Tsarskoye Selo. It was he who built the city hospital and the theater, in which the best opera troupes in the empire performed. It can be argued that on this southern outskirts of Russia, at his instigation, a truly European port city arose with all the attributes - self-government, a stock exchange, a commercial court, quarantine, transport maritime offices, insurance and banking institutions, charitable, educational, cultural institutions, etc.

Eleven years (1803 - 1814) Richelieu lived in small rooms, at the first stage “furnished” with stools and trestle beds without varnish, in an environment devoid of a hint of luxury. His working day lasted almost 17 hours. He actually carried out all the paperwork himself, and he drafted response documents in the languages ​​in which he was addressed. Duke ate very modestly, and maintained a small office at his own expense. Walking or driving around the city every day, he delved into all the smallest matters, talking with merchants, contractors, military men, doctors, artisans, guests of the city, foreign consuls, common people, and attended all public and private balls. Seriously concerned about the problem of landscaping Odessa and the surrounding waterless territories, Richelieu personally ordered expensive seedlings from abroad and then constantly inspected literally every planted tree, strictly punishing those responsible for negligence.

All the information presented takes on a different meaning if we consider that Duke is a refined representative of an aristocratic family as noble as he is ancient, and that one of his ancestors is the famous cardinal, the all-powerful minister of Louis XIII, somewhat compromised, however, by Dumas’s father in “The Three Musketeers” " Upon the death of Cardinal de Richelieu in 1642, his family castle on the banks of the Loire and the duchy passed to his great-nephew, Armand Richelieu, who was a peer of France, commander of the fleet and troops stationed throughout the Levant. This circumstance gave rise to confusion with two different Armand de Richelieu. In any case, as you understand, our Duke simply did not physically exist in 1642, since he was born 124 years later, in 1766.

What kind of family ties, in turn, connect these two different Armans?

Everything here is quite simple. The cardinal's great-nephew transferred all his regalia and possessions to his son, Louis Francois de Richelieu, a French marshal widely known for his numerous alcove adventures. This loving marshal left the title to his son, Duke Fronsac, and he left the title to his heir, Count Chinon, our Odessa Duke. Thus, Duke Armand-Em Manuel du Plessis de Richelieu simultaneously bore the titles of Count of Chinon and Duke of Fronsac. So it turns out that Duke is the great-great-great-nephew of Cardinal Richelieu.

Such a grandiose and enviable pedigree did not prevent the Kherson military governor and the first Odessa mayor from being, perhaps, the most humane of all the administrators Odessa knew. Apparently, France did not know a better prime minister than Richelieu, and it was this primary post that he occupied after returning to Paris. When Duke died (1822), Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, who sincerely considered Richelieu a close person and confidant, said to the French ambassador:

“I mourn the Duke of Richelieu as the only friend who told me the truth. He was a model of honor and truthfulness."

Then in French Academy The words were said: “He did not call for good, but he knew how to prepare it and bring it closer.”

I would like to emphasize another extremely significant point in the biography of our city. If Duke had not chosen the then nondescript and seedy Odessa as the administrative center of a huge region - and yet it could well have settled on the then much more developed Nikolaev, Kherson or, say, on any of the ports of Crimea, its brilliant future would have been in big question...